Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Tazmodo said:
Reed followed her. "I'll be back Adrianna." He looked at Isabel. "I've delta with these things before they run off energy."
Jackson followed close behind relieved that Reed was back. "Ok last time then and only because we might be next."

Athena and Derek went as well. Derek was pissed at the creatures and wanted vengeance.

Theodore followed closely behind. He was pissed about the way he was killed and was going to let off some steam.
MTchaos1134 said:
Râz appeared next to Isabel."I'll join you, and before anything else do we have a plan? Or dome just kill?" He asks. Shape shifting into a paladin, and grabbing a hammer from his dimension.
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Isabel smiles at the support and turns to them. "Alright!" She seemed much happier with them fighting alongside her. "Which realm should we save first?"
Light said:
Isabel smiles at the support and turns to them. "Alright!" She seemed much happier with them fighting alongside her. "Which realm should we save first?"
Reed didn't care. "Umm let's hit them where it hurts. Do you know where they're leader is? If not the let's go in order of resourcefulness." He had a flashback to when he was with Adrianna and she rejected him. "I just need something to beat up."
Xeron looked at the scene. "Of course I will-" something new inside him took over. "No. They have done nothing for me. I hate them all. Now they all burn!" He turned and vanished into shadows, back to the castle to learn the ancient knowledge that would aid him.
Light said:
Isabel smiles at the support and turns to them. "Alright!" She seemed much happier with them fighting alongside her. "Which realm should we save first?"
Tazmodo said:
Reed didn't care. "Umm let's hit them where it hurts. Do you know where they're leader is? If not the let's go in order of resourcefulness." He had a flashback to when he was with Adrianna and she rejected him. "I just need something to beat up."
"I suppose what Reed said, that will be the best route." He said,putting the hammer over thier shoulders.

Vance looked over at everyone rallying to help Isabel and shrugged. "I can say without a doubt that I will.. Not be joining you guys in your 'quest'. I have no reason to give a crap about any of those realms.." Vance turned around and looked over at Luna. "So are you helping them? Or do you want to go do something?"

@Light @The Imperial Flame @Tazmodo @MTchaos1134 @Inheritance.


Colin looked over at Isabel and everyone going out to save the different realms and frowned slightly. "I-I don't think I'm going to help; I-I would love to h-help you guys but I can't. I have a child who I have to look-" Colin stopped talking suddenly as a horrible realization hit him, What if Wade had been brought in there with them but had gotten killed or hurt or something else! Colin started frantically looking around for Wade, hoping that if he wasn't there he'd be at home.

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Tazmodo @MTchaos1134 @Inheritance. @metalcity @GingerBread


Maya was really intrigued by the story that Temperance was telling her. But that didn't stop her from starting to fall asleep, she tried to fight going to sleep but eventually couldn't and fell asleep.

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Before they two left Crimson gave Adrianna a message to give to his family. Yeah can you tell Inaro, Crimson, and August to not morn my death but to celebrate it. For you see in death I can finally escape all the rage within the world and I will finally be at peace. Oh and tell them to take care of Shadow for me. @Light


August felt good having his wolf features back and his powers. But the only bad part was that the curse is also back. Luckily the seal on his entire body reactivated suppressing his urge to kill. He looked at his sons with a cheeky grin and puts out his fist. Once his sons bump fist with him, he walks forward summoning his giant sword into his right hand and places it on his right shoulder. Isabel my sons have helped you through out their time here without asking for anything in returned. So therefore so shall I.


The brothers were surprised at the arrival of Reed and Adrianna, the looked around for Crimson but he wasn't there. They came to the conclusion that he wasn't coming back but they need to know how they survived but he didn't.

The return of their powers also meant the return of their father's curse. They watched him very carefully waiting to see what he'll do. When he turned with a cheeky grin they summoned their weapons, but relaxed when he stuck out his fist. They each fist bumped with him relaying their experiences in dragon roar. The followed their father attending beside him. Cole turned towards Reed. Reed, when this is over. I will like for you to tell me how you are here and Crimson is not. @Tazmodo


August felt good having his wolf features back and his powers. But the only bad part was that the curse is also back. Luckily the seal on his entire body reactivated suppressing his urge to kill. He looked at his sons with a cheeky grin and puts out his fist. Once his sons bump fist with him, he walks forward summoning his giant sword into his right hand and places it on his right shoulder. Isabel my sons have helped you through out their time here without asking for anything in returned. So therefore so shall I.


The brothers were surprised at the arrival of Reed and Adrianna, the looked around for Crimson but he wasn't there. They came to the conclusion that he wasn't coming back but they need to know how they survived but he didn't.

The return of their powers also meant the return of their father's curse. They watched him very carefully waiting to see what he'll do. When he turned with a cheeky grin they summoned their weapons, but relaxed when he stuck out his fist. They each fist bumped with him relaying their experiences in dragon roar. The followed their father attending beside him. Cole turned towards Reed. Reed, when this is over. I will like for you to tell me how you are here and Crimson is not. @Tazmodo
Reed looked at him and he felt bad for him. "Ok and if there's a way I'll try to bring him back but I'll explain after we take care of the bad guys."

Jackson couldn't help but laugh to himself about the government begging for help. "Serves them right. Almost makes me want to say no."
Tazmodo said:
Reed didn't care. "Umm let's hit them where it hurts. Do you know where they're leader is? If not the let's go in order of resourcefulness." He had a flashback to when he was with Adrianna and she rejected him. "I just need something to beat up."
Inheritance said:
Xeron looked at the scene. "Of course I will-" something new inside him took over. "No. They have done nothing for me. I hate them all. Now they all burn!" He turned and vanished into shadows, back to the castle to learn the ancient knowledge that would aid him.
MTchaos1134 said:
"I suppose what Reed said, that will be the best route." He said,putting the hammer over thier shoulders.
GingerBread said:
Vance looked over at everyone rallying to help Isabel and shrugged. "I can say without a doubt that I will.. Not be joining you guys in your 'quest'. I have no reason to give a crap about any of those realms.." Vance turned around and looked over at Luna. "So are you helping them? Or do you want to go do something?"

@Light @The Imperial Flame @Tazmodo @MTchaos1134 @Inheritance.


Colin looked over at Isabel and everyone going out to save the different realms and frowned slightly. "I-I don't think I'm going to help; I-I would love to h-help you guys but I can't. I have a child who I have to look-" Colin stopped talking suddenly as a horrible realization hit him, What if Wade had been brought in there with them but had gotten killed or hurt or something else! Colin started frantically looking around for Wade, hoping that if he wasn't there he'd be at home.

@LokiofSP @Light @The Imperial Flame @Tazmodo @MTchaos1134 @Inheritance. @metalcity @GingerBread


Maya was really intrigued by the story that Temperance was telling her. But that didn't stop her from starting to fall asleep, she tried to fight going to sleep but eventually couldn't and fell asleep.



August felt good having his wolf features back and his powers. But the only bad part was that the curse is also back. Luckily the seal on his entire body reactivated suppressing his urge to kill. He looked at his sons with a cheeky grin and puts out his fist. Once his sons bump fist with him, he walks forward summoning his giant sword into his right hand and places it on his right shoulder. Isabel my sons have helped you through out their time here without asking for anything in returned. So therefore so shall I.


The brothers were surprised at the arrival of Reed and Adrianna, the looked around for Crimson but he wasn't there. They came to the conclusion that he wasn't coming back but they need to know how they survived but he didn't.

The return of their powers also meant the return of their father's curse. They watched him very carefully waiting to see what he'll do. When he turned with a cheeky grin they summoned their weapons, but relaxed when he stuck out his fist. They each fist bumped with him relaying their experiences in dragon roar. The followed their father attending beside him. Cole turned towards Reed. Reed, when this is over. I will like for you to tell me how you are here and Crimson is not. @Tazmodo
Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at him and he felt bad for him. "Ok and if there's a way I'll try to bring him back but I'll explain after we take care of the bad guys."
Jackson couldn't help but laugh to himself about the government begging for help. "Serves them right. Almost makes me want to say no."
( @The Imperial Flame )

Adrianna wondered about why people in life had to die. She wondered why there had to be suffering and evil. Though no matter how hard she tries to understand why, she couldn't. Adrianna knew little about the world and she had much more to learn about it. Though with the experiences she's had so far, it only got worse by the minute. For now she couldn't tell if things could get better and how. During her entire thought process she failed to notice herself standing before August, Cole, and Inaro. "Before you go. Your family member wanted me to leave you a message. He said celebrate his death rather than mourn. Now he can actually be peaceful and not angry. Please respect his wishes...I must ask this of you personally. I would do a lot just to hear one last thing from any of my dead siblings or grandmother...even if it were a selfish request." Little did Adrianna know, she was amongst the large group of people who killed her family members. Not just the trio.

"I think going to the Deity realm would be best. If we can help them maybe they'll help us with the others." Isabel also remembers that her seals were rearranged. She no longer had the ability to teleport mass groups or open a portal. "Can anyone of you make a portal or transport us there?" Isabel didn't even notice Wade the fish baby napping on her head.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/8e46eb7264f36e0b2f244a3365831439.jpg.ff2d2117eb7f229ceeeef48677dbf7b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/8e46eb7264f36e0b2f244a3365831439.jpg.ff2d2117eb7f229ceeeef48677dbf7b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna looks towards the group, and then to Vance. "Once again I'm going with the group. The Deity realm is one of my homes. My mother could be fighting there. Also the Astral Plane could be next. It's in my best interest that I assist them all in stopping this."

( @GingerBread )

Temperance tucks Maya in once she falls asleep and leaves her room. "Javqnesh, Maya."



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"Yeah just ignore the fact that this happens after we've been trapped with no powers, meaning it was probably done by the same person. Oh and whatever trapped us with no powers earlier, also did it to Isabel. I'm sure you'll be fine"
Vance rolled his eyes and shook his head as he created a chair of darkness and sat down. "Even if it isn't the same person or thing causing it, it is doing so much at once. How do you actually plan on stopping it? Just beat it up until it stops?" Vance sighed. "But if you are intent on going on a suicide mission, would you like me to come along?"



Colin slightly calmed down as he saw Wade napping on top of Isabel's head. He walked over to them and gently took Wade off of Isabel's head and started to cradle him in arms, trying not to wake him up. "I'm so glad you're okay" Colin whispered down to Wade, smiling down at him.

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Cole nodded towards Reed. Thank you Reed. I'm glad you're back by the way. He forced a smile then turned his head towards Adrianna. He listened as she spoke about Crimson's final words. You don't have to worry. We will respect his wishes and we are sorry about your family. When this is over I can call upon your families soul, so you can speak to them if you wish.


August looked at Isabel as she asked if anyone can transport a large group. I can. He crouches down touching the ground with his hands. He concentrate his energy and a seal appeared beneath the groups feet. If you're not staying to help. Now is the time to leave. He said aloud so everyone can hear him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/spell_circle_one_blue_by_azranoxx-d347z5e.jpg.1494eb262b8f6038664af9debf5ef0a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/spell_circle_one_blue_by_azranoxx-d347z5e.jpg.1494eb262b8f6038664af9debf5ef0a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Light said:
( @The Imperial Flame )
Adrianna wondered about why people in life had to die. She wondered why there had to be suffering and evil. Though no matter how hard she tries to understand why, she couldn't. Adrianna knew little about the world and she had much more to learn about it. Though with the experiences she's had so far, it only got worse by the minute. For now she couldn't tell if things could get better and how. During her entire thought process she failed to notice herself standing before August, Cole, and Inaro. "Before you go. Your family member wanted me to leave you a message. He said celebrate his death rather than mourn. Now he can actually be peaceful and not angry. Please respect his wishes...I must ask this of you personally. I would do a lot just to hear one last thing from any of my dead siblings or grandmother...even if it were a selfish request." Little did Adrianna know, she was amongst the large group of people who killed her family members. Not just the trio.

"I think going to the Deity realm would be best. If we can help them maybe they'll help us with the others." Isabel also remembers that her seals were rearranged. She no longer had the ability to teleport mass groups or open a portal. "Can anyone of you make a portal or transport us there?" Isabel didn't even notice Wade the fish baby napping on her head.

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Luna looks towards the group, and then to Vance. "Once again I'm going with the group. The Deity realm is one of my homes. My mother could be fighting there. Also the Astral Plane could be next. It's in my best interest that I assist them all in stopping this."

( @GingerBread )

Temperance tucks Maya in once she falls asleep and leaves her room. "Javqnesh, Maya."
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
Cole nodded towards Reed. Thank you Reed. I'm glad you're back by the way. He forced a smile then turned his head towards Adrianna. He listened as she spoke about Crimson's final words. You don't have to worry. We will respect his wishes and we are sorry about your family. When this is over I can call upon your families soul, so you can speak to them if you wish.


August looked at Isabel as she asked if anyone can transport a large group. I can. He crouches down touching the ground with his hands. He concentrate his energy and a seal appeared beneath the groups feet. If you're not staying to help. Now is the time to leave. He said aloud so everyone can hear him.

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Reed looked at the circle. "Yeah that seems tedious but thank you anyway." He teleport all th ones who wanted to go. "I've been here before because if Ashlyn. The deities almost killed me for being there. Assholes all of them. Well most of them. There are few nice ones."

Jackson looked around. "So there are probably an infinite amount of these bastards. How do we kill all of them?"

Athena looked at the creature. "I probably should have stayed. My power isn't very useful here."

Derek waited for a plan before he attacked.

Theodore smiled at all the destruction he was about to cause.

GingerBread said:
"Yeah just ignore the fact that this happens after we've been trapped with no powers, meaning it was probably done by the same person. Oh and whatever trapped us with no powers earlier, also did it to Isabel. I'm sure you'll be fine"
Vance rolled his eyes and shook his head as he created a chair of darkness and sat down. "Even if it isn't the same person or thing causing it, it is doing so much at once. How do you actually plan on stopping it? Just beat it up until it stops?" Vance sighed. "But if you are intent on going on a suicide mission, would you like me to come along?"



Colin slightly calmed down as he saw Wade napping on top of Isabel's head. He walked over to them and gently took Wade off of Isabel's head and started to cradle him in arms, trying not to wake him up. "I'm so glad you're okay" Colin whispered down to Wade, smiling down at him.

Embaga Elder] [B][COLOR=#5900b3]Cole[/COLOR][/B][B]/[/B][B][COLOR=#808080]Inaro[/COLOR][/B] Cole nodded towards Reed. [COLOR=#5900b3]Thank you Reed. I'm glad you're back by the way. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He forced a smile then turned his head towards Adrianna. He listened as she spoke about Crimson's final words. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]You don't have to worry. We will respect his wishes and we are sorry about your family. [/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]When this is over I can call upon your families soul said:



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Light said:
Luna looks around at the chaos within the diety realm and then turns to Vance. "You being here is the answer to your question." Luna looks around and then turns to Vance. "We should get married right now...right here."
Adrianna nods her head as they all disappear, of course she didn't go since she couldn't do a thing to help.

Isabel looks around at the chaos before her, she didn't know how to respond to it or what to do. "Well there's the triangle in the sky...that's now a really large pyramid." Isabel notices how both the pyramid and the realm itself was being drawn toward a large rift in the sky. The rift was drawing energy from the pyramid at a slow rate, as if it couldn't handle an overload of energy at a fast rate. Isabel was beginning to think up ideas when the beings arrived in a hostile manner, surrounding the group.

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Reed looked at the creatures.

( ! )Jackson used chains of fire and light to wrap around them all so they couldn't escape. When they touched the creature they exploded in light and vaporizing them.

Theodore had fun watching.
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"Why? Is this place better than the one I picked out? I went to all that effort for nothing then" Vance shook his head and sighed. "Even though I'm fine with wasting my time, how are we going to get married here? We don't have a priest or anything like that. Nor do we have the wedding rings. Besides, Don't you want to see me all dressed up." Vance smirked at Luna as he looked over at the being before looking back at Luna.

Light said:
Luna looks around at the chaos within the diety realm and then turns to Vance. "You being here is the answer to your question." Luna looks around and then turns to Vance. "We should get married right now...right here."
Adrianna nods her head as they all disappear, of course she didn't go since she couldn't do a thing to help.

Isabel looks around at the chaos before her, she didn't know how to respond to it or what to do. "Well there's the triangle in the sky...that's now a really large pyramid." Isabel notices how both the pyramid and the realm itself was being drawn toward a large rift in the sky. The rift was drawing energy from the pyramid at a slow rate, as if it couldn't handle an overload of energy at a fast rate. Isabel was beginning to think up ideas when the beings arrived in a hostile manner, surrounding the group.

View attachment 293865
Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at the creatures.
( ! )Jackson used chains of fire and light to wrap around them all so they couldn't escape. When they touched the creature they exploded in light and vaporizing them.

Theodore had fun watching.
(!) for reassurance Râz summons ten shadow spears for each one, aiming to pierce them multiple times." Guess they already know we are here, so we attack the triangle right Isabel?" He asks.
Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at the creatures.
( ! )Jackson used chains of fire and light to wrap around them all so they couldn't escape. When they touched the creature they exploded in light and vaporizing them.

Theodore had fun watching.
GingerBread said:
"Why? Is this place better than the one I picked out? I went to all that effort for nothing then" Vance shook his head and sighed. "Even though I'm fine with wasting my time, how are we going to get married here? We don't have a priest or anything like that. Nor do we have the wedding rings. Besides, Don't you want to see me all dressed up." Vance smirked at Luna as he looked over at the being before looking back at Luna.

MTchaos1134 said:
(!) for reassurance Râz summons ten shadow spears for each one, aiming to pierce them multiple times." Guess they already know we are here, so we attack the triangle right Isabel?" He asks.
( @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame )

All the people who went to the Deity realm ended up trapped. The beings that were destroyed ended up being replaced by new ones. They raise their hands and begin to have fire shoot up into the sky and combine into a large makeshift star. After this they raise their swords and have electricity flow into it, giving the sun the ability to strike things from afar. The beings float into the makeshift star as if sacrificing themselves to it. The makeshift sun begins to fire blasts of fire and lightning bolts in random directions. Some hit buildings but the majority of them shoot down towards the group.

Raz's input finished the formula to Isabel's idea. "Yes! Send everything you have at the pyramid!" Isabel notices the attacks coming their way. "While we defend from that..."

Luna shakes her head with a small smile. "It doesn't matter to me. We can have a more formal marriage later but for now this feels right. We can find a god of marriage around here somewhere."
Father & Sons

Inaro put up a shield, and Cole create a void leading from inside the shield to the pyramid. They nod in sync and perform their task. Inaro places his palms on the ground creating a force field around the group protecting them from the attack. Cole claps his hands together and a void portal appears within the force field and another appears aimed at the Pyramid. Alright, fire your attacks aim for the portal in here. Cole stated loud and clear.

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134

Vance shrugged and glanced over at the beings again before looking back over at Luna. "If you can find the God of Marriage, then sure. But why do you want to do it now? I know we're probably close to dying, but it's a bit strange. Also It means that I'd have to invite a lot of the people who are here"

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134
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(!)Victoria's eyes were all white as she stared into the portal. On the other side a Giant Crystal magnifier spared from nothing. "Use your magic attacks on the Crystal, it will empower them and direct them at the Pyramid." She then raised her hands, and in her hands appeared a crystal javelin. It was around 12 ft long, and prismatic; its colors shifting and changing. Victoria chucked it at the Pyramid, and it would act as a homing missile that never detonated; it would just jab into it.

@Light @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134 @Tazmodo
GingerBread said:
Vance shrugged and glanced over at the beings again before looking back over at Luna. "If you can find the God of Marriage, then sure. But why do you want to do it now? I know we're probably close to dying, but it's a bit strange. Also It means that I'd have to invite a lot of the people who are"

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134
( I'm just going to assume that the crystal amplifier is at the other end of the portal which doubles it's power when it travels through. Cool? Cool. )

Isabel extends her hands and focuses, firing ectoplasm and ghost lights in the form of electricity into the portal which was amplified once it hit the pyramid. Her power alone didn't seem to do much but the pyramid was at least pouring more energy into the rift than the rift asked for. They could all see the stream of energy flowing faster and getting bigger.

Luna rolls her eyes at Vance's question and merely kisses him, racing off afterwards. In a few minutes time she came back with an obviously annoyed deity of marriage. "Alright...get up Vance."
Light said:
( I'm just going to assume that the crystal amplifier is at the other end of the portal which doubles it's power when it travels through. Cool? Cool. )
Isabel extends her hands and focuses, firing ectoplasm and ghost lights in the form of electricity into the portal which was amplified once it hit the pyramid. Her power alone didn't seem to do much but the pyramid was at least pouring more energy into the rift than the rift asked for. They could all see the stream of energy flowing faster and getting bigger.

Luna rolls her eyes at Vance's question and merely kisses him, racing off afterwards. In a few minutes time she came back with an obviously annoyed deity of marriage. "Alright...get up Vance."
Reed could do literally nothing. He had no weapon. And teleporting them only made the fight draw out longer. "Hey guys does anyone wanna give me a sword or a hatchet or something for a weapon. I lost my scythe a while ago."

(!)Jackson's eyes went black as tornadoes formed infused with with subzero temperature that froze anything that got caught in them.

@The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134

Theodore watched the battle but turned around when he head wedding. "Awesome you guys are getting married. But what about the Bachelor party or the friend and family. You can't brake tradition."

@Light @GingerBread
Light said:
( I'm just going to assume that the crystal amplifier is at the other end of the portal which doubles it's power when it travels through. Cool? Cool. )
Isabel extends her hands and focuses, firing ectoplasm and ghost lights in the form of electricity into the portal which was amplified once it hit the pyramid. Her power alone didn't seem to do much but the pyramid was at least pouring more energy into the rift than the rift asked for. They could all see the stream of energy flowing faster and getting bigger.

Luna rolls her eyes at Vance's question and merely kisses him, racing off afterwards. In a few minutes time she came back with an obviously annoyed deity of marriage. "Alright...get up Vance."
Tazmodo said:
Reed could do literally nothing. He had no weapon. And teleporting them only made the fight draw out longer. "Hey guys does anyone wanna give me a sword or a hatchet or something for a weapon. I lost my scythe a while ago."
(!)Jackson's eyes went black as tornadoes formed infused with with subzero temperature that froze anything that got caught in them.

@The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134

Theodore watched the battle but turned around when he head wedding. "Awesome you guys are getting married. But what about the Bachelor party or the friend and family. You can't brake tradition."

@Light @GingerBread
Râz opens up thier dimension and pulls out a sword, offering it to Reed."here, it's durable."Two shadow figures rise up next to Râz.

(!)the shadow figures fire large beams of shadows into the portal. Fighting for Râz as he gives somone a blade.

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