Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
Luna puts her hand on Vance's wrist and shakes her head. "Leave it alone." She makes her way over to the window and prepares to jump out. "Come on...let's look for those triangles." Luna hops out the window and begins to walk towards the black shinning light in the distance. There was also a yellow light to the far right in the distance. "Vance...I'll take the black light. You take the yellow one." The yellow light seemed to be on some part of a mountian.
Isabel was panting heavily, it seemed like she was beginning to break a sweat due to energy deficiency. "Colin...I'm getting hot...it feels like I'm burning." For the first time the secondary circulatory system became visible to the regular eye. It was overheating badly and was in a critical state. The veins that flow through her body that stem from it were glowing a red-orange.

Gluttony looks up from the book that he was trying to decide with no success. "My names Gluttony. One of the Seven Deadly sins. Who are you and what's your power? I'll just be straight forward Ma'am...I need to find someone who can fix this book if anyone has a power to do that. If you lack that power you can help me look...it'll help us all."
"M'kay, I believe a man named Raz Mentioned it. I am not sure where he is right now." she said, her eyes flicking up. "My Names Daphne, I can become spoon." She turned and yelled trough the house. "RAZ! COME UP HERE!"


August looked out the window seeing different colored triangles flying through the forest. The main one that he noticed was the twilight triangle. He left the cabin with a long sword following it.


Inaro grabbed the books leaving the room. He turns his head when he heard someone calling Raz. He followed the sound and to his surprise he saw Gluttony of the seven deadly sins. He frowned looking at Gluttony. So you're here too? What special power do you have?


Aye shoo shoo get away!
He yelled grabbing a gun and shooting the raccoons. Someone come down here and move these weapons!!! He yelled hopefully someone heard him. He shot the raccoons that were inside the cabin and waited for more to come. Damnit I'll have to hunt them down.

@Light @Tazmodo @GingerBread @CelticSol @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @metalcity @Inheritance @LokiofSP

Gluttony turns to Inaro, feeling nothing but a boiling rage for him since he was the one who killed Envy. He'd have to save that anger for later since they had to get out of here first. "I can uncover mysteries. She can turn into a spoon." He points towards Daphne.

The Twilight triangle didn't seem too far since it was possibly just a nine minute walk away. Once August gets there the twilight triangle could be seen on a tree.

Sofia walks down the stairs, having luckily survived last night's Wendigo encounter. "What's going on here?!"
Athena and Jackson ran down to help Cole. Athena used he power to pull back the swords and chase the raccoons away. Jackson grabbed the supplies and took it all upstairs. "I hate this so much. First Theo now Reed. What the fuck is going on?"

Derek drew out a map and kept track of where everyone went. Jasmine sat next to him because he refused for her to be bait for danger.

Illyana looked at the entire exchange silently. Although she wanted to speak up, she also didn't know what to say, in fact, what could she say in fact? She simply stood in front of the door and only stepped aside when Daphne left. After a few more moments of silence, she stepped forward once more, her lips turning into the smallest of frowns before talking Colin, "Why couldn't you have just let her kiss her? It might have helped, would've avoided argument at the very least..."

Illyana looked at Isabel and flew into a slight panic, coming down next to her and holding her hand, "Oh dear, are you okay? Let me help you in some way please...what do we do Colin? She looks so terrible!"

@GingerBread @Light


Jayn raised her hand at Gluttony, "Oh! What can I do then? Am I useful at all? I mean, I know I'm not, but I want to know anyways, just so I can know how crap I am! Kidding! Mostly....kinda...sorta...not really..."

@Light @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame


Oden looked down at the floor of the forest in front of him, still in shock. He'd never felt afraid, never felt sick at looking at death, yet still felt so terrible. He held his sides and held inside the portal, shaking slightly. He headed upstairs slowly and rubbed a hand through his hair; what the hell was that?! Why did people die?! Why did he live?! Why did he hate that he lived?!

Why did he feel so fucking bad?!

It made no logical sense, why did he feel everything now. When the wish had been made against him, he'd assumed he'd be fine. What was a few emotions after all? But now it was clear, he was stronger before, more able to make decisions based on logic as opposed to every feeling he felt at the moment. He grasped at his hair and counted to three while taking deep breaths. One. Two. Three. He let go slowly, unsure of what to do. How could he be useful now? What was he meant to do with the rest of his life? He had no idea...

"Of course, anything you say Luna. Be careful though, I'm sure you're still rusty" Vance smirked over at Luna. He then started trudging through the snow towards the mountain. When he got close to the shard he noticed it was up on a small cliff edge. "Well fuck. How am I meant to get up there?" Vance looked around and saw a tree with a thin branch nearby. "Well, I guess That's the only way" He went over to the tree and started climbing it. He slowly started to edge to the edge of the branch before jumping towards the triangle, only just grabbing it, scratching up his arm a bit before falling onto the soft snow.

As Vance stood up he saw a pale green triangle in the distance.
"Guess I should go get that one as well. It couldn't hurt" Vance shrugged and started walking over towards the pale green triangle. The Pale green triangle was inside of a carnivorous plant, Vance reached in for the triangle before sharply pulling his arm back when the plant snapped it's 'Jaws'. He then shrugged before pulling out a dagger before slicing the plant by it's stalk before grabbing the triangle.



"I-It might've made things worse. And I don't think I-Isabel would appreciate being sexually assaulted by someone" When Isabel started saying that she felt like she was burning, he turned around and pulled the covers off of her. "I-Illyana. C-Can you go and get me something c-cold? S-So I can bring down her temperature" Colin said as he placed his hand on Isabel's forehead and began trying to heal her, while also making sure to keep tabs on her temperture.

@Light @LokiofSP
Tazmodo said:
Athena and Jackson ran down to help Cole. Athena used he power to pull back the swords and chase the raccoons away. Jackson grabbed the supplies and took it all upstairs. "I hate this so much. First Theo now Reed. What the fuck is going on?"
Derek drew out a map and kept track of where everyone went. Jasmine sat next to him because he refused for her to be bait for danger.
LokiofSP said:
Illyana looked at the entire exchange silently. Although she wanted to speak up, she also didn't know what to say, in fact, what could she say in fact? She simply stood in front of the door and only stepped aside when Daphne left. After a few more moments of silence, she stepped forward once more, her lips turning into the smallest of frowns before talking Colin, "Why couldn't you have just let her kiss her? It might have helped, would've avoided argument at the very least..."

Illyana looked at Isabel and flew into a slight panic, coming down next to her and holding her hand, "Oh dear, are you okay? Let me help you in some way please...what do we do Colin? She looks so terrible!"

@GingerBread @Light


Jayn raised her hand at Gluttony, "Oh! What can I do then? Am I useful at all? I mean, I know I'm not, but I want to know anyways, just so I can know how crap I am! Kidding! Mostly....kinda...sorta...not really..."

@Light @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame


Oden looked down at the floor of the forest in front of him, still in shock. He'd never felt afraid, never felt sick at looking at death, yet still felt so terrible. He held his sides and held inside the portal, shaking slightly. He headed upstairs slowly and rubbed a hand through his hair; what the hell was that?! Why did people die?! Why did he live?! Why did he hate that he lived?!

Why did he feel so fucking bad?!

It made no logical sense, why did he feel everything now. When the wish had been made against him, he'd assumed he'd be fine. What was a few emotions after all? But now it was clear, he was stronger before, more able to make decisions based on logic as opposed to every feeling he felt at the moment. He grasped at his hair and counted to three while taking deep breaths. One. Two. Three. He let go slowly, unsure of what to do. How could he be useful now? What was he meant to do with the rest of his life? He had no idea...
GingerBread said:
"Of course, anything you say Luna. Be careful though, I'm sure you're still rusty" Vance smirked over at Luna. He then started trudging through the snow towards the mountain. When he got close to the shard he noticed it was up on a small cliff edge. "Well fuck. How am I meant to get up there?" Vance looked around and saw a tree with a thin branch nearby. "Well, I guess That's the only way" He went over to the tree and started climbing it. He slowly started to edge to the edge of the branch before jumping towards the triangle, only just grabbing it, scratching up his arm a bit before falling onto the soft snow.

As Vance stood up he saw a pale green triangle in the distance.
"Guess I should go get that one as well. It couldn't hurt" Vance shrugged and started walking over towards the pale green triangle. The Pale green triangle was inside of a carnivorous plant, Vance reached in for the triangle before sharply pulling his arm back when the plant snapped it's 'Jaws'. He then shrugged before pulling out a dagger before slicing the plant by it's stalk before grabbing the triangle.



"I-It might've made things worse. And I don't think I-Isabel would appreciate being sexually assaulted by someone" When Isabel started saying that she felt like she was burning, he turned around and pulled the covers off of her. "I-Illyana. C-Can you go and get me something c-cold? S-So I can bring down her temperature" Colin said as he placed his hand on Isabel's forehead and began trying to heal her, while also making sure to keep tabs on her temperture.

@Light @LokiofSP
( @Embaga Elder )

Crimson, Reed, Theodore, and Adrianna were inside of a black room with a red X above all of them. "I must thank you all for going through with this test. How about I make a deal with all of you to ensure...that you come back."

Isabel's body seemed to be rejecting at least half of the healing. Isabel begins to cough now and blood begins to come out of her mouth. "Help me..." She looks directly into Colin's eyes, grabbing on to his arm tightly. Her nails began to dig into his wrist. She begins to yell loudly, loud enough for everyone in the cabin to hear as her skin itself began to glow red-orange instead of just her veins. Her body was already beyond dangerous temperatures. She was suffering from the symptoms of energy deficiency.

Gluttony nods his head towards Jayn. "Actually yeah you are. You're loud and hard to miss, so try and attract people here. We need people to gather around."

Luna had found the black triangle hanging from a tree. The task seemed simple enough. "What's next?" Luna notices the orange light in the far distance. She extends her hand and has a chain shoot out from her sleeve. It wraps around a tree branch and launches her towards the glowing orange light. She notices that the orange light is coming from underneath a frozen lake. "Just great...."

Vance looked around and noticed a rainbow coloured Triangle in the distance and walked over to it.
"Guess I'm just collecting all of these triangles. They're probably important, Better to have them rather than not, if they are" Vance mused as he reached into a rabbit hole and grabbed the triangle before walking off to find yet another one. He looked up briefly at the sun just to check that he wasn't going to be caught out at night.



Colin started panicking slightly as Isabel clawed into his arm. He wrenched her off of his before grabbing a pillow case and reaching out the window before starting to fill it with snow. He also grabbed a handful of snow before going back over to Isabel. He lifted up her head as gently as he could before sliding the pillowcase filled with snow underneath her and setting her head down on it. He then placed the small handful of snow of Isabel's forehead.

"J-Just stay calm I-Isabel. I-It's all going to be okay. J-Just trust me" Colin smiled at her trying not to show that he was panicking and had almost no idea what to do. 'Maybe her power also kept her healthy? If I recharge her power that could help right? It's not like I have a lot of different options right now anyway. Anything is worth a try at this point' Colin nodded to himself as he placed his hand on Isabel's forehead, wiping away the almost completely melted snow. He then gave Isabel a small heal before using the rest of his charge to recharge her powers to the best of his abilities.

@Light @LokiofSP
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Light said:
Gluttony turns to Inaro, feeling nothing but a boiling rage for him since he was the one who killed Envy. He'd have to save that anger for later since they had to get out of here first. "I can uncover mysteries. She can turn into a spoon." He points towards Daphne.
The Twilight triangle didn't seem too far since it was possibly just a nine minute walk away. Once August gets there the twilight triangle could be seen on a tree.

Sofia walks down the stairs, having luckily survived last night's Wendigo encounter. "What's going on here?!"
Tazmodo said:
Athena and Jackson ran down to help Cole. Athena used he power to pull back the swords and chase the raccoons away. Jackson grabbed the supplies and took it all upstairs. "I hate this so much. First Theo now Reed. What the fuck is going on?"
Derek drew out a map and kept track of where everyone went. Jasmine sat next to him because he refused for her to be bait for danger.
LokiofSP said:
Illyana looked at the entire exchange silently. Although she wanted to speak up, she also didn't know what to say, in fact, what could she say in fact? She simply stood in front of the door and only stepped aside when Daphne left. After a few more moments of silence, she stepped forward once more, her lips turning into the smallest of frowns before talking Colin, "Why couldn't you have just let her kiss her? It might have helped, would've avoided argument at the very least..."

Illyana looked at Isabel and flew into a slight panic, coming down next to her and holding her hand, "Oh dear, are you okay? Let me help you in some way please...what do we do Colin? She looks so terrible!"

@GingerBread @Light


Jayn raised her hand at Gluttony, "Oh! What can I do then? Am I useful at all? I mean, I know I'm not, but I want to know anyways, just so I can know how crap I am! Kidding! Mostly....kinda...sorta...not really..."

@Light @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame


Oden looked down at the floor of the forest in front of him, still in shock. He'd never felt afraid, never felt sick at looking at death, yet still felt so terrible. He held his sides and held inside the portal, shaking slightly. He headed upstairs slowly and rubbed a hand through his hair; what the hell was that?! Why did people die?! Why did he live?! Why did he hate that he lived?!

Why did he feel so fucking bad?!

It made no logical sense, why did he feel everything now. When the wish had been made against him, he'd assumed he'd be fine. What was a few emotions after all? But now it was clear, he was stronger before, more able to make decisions based on logic as opposed to every feeling he felt at the moment. He grasped at his hair and counted to three while taking deep breaths. One. Two. Three. He let go slowly, unsure of what to do. How could he be useful now? What was he meant to do with the rest of his life? He had no idea...
Light said:
( @Embaga Elder )
Crimson, Reed, Theodore, and Adrianna were inside of a black room with a red X above all of them. "I must thank you all for going through with this test. How about I make a deal with all of you to ensure...that you come back."

Isabel's body seemed to be rejecting at least half of the healing. Isabel begins to cough now and blood begins to come out of her mouth. "Help me..." She looks directly into Colin's eyes, grabbing on to his arm tightly. Her nails began to dig into his wrist. She begins to yell loudly, loud enough for everyone in the cabin to hear as her skin itself began to glow red-orange instead of just her veins. Her body was already beyond dangerous temperatures. She was suffering from the symptoms of energy deficiency.

Gluttony nods his head towards Jayn. "Actually yeah you are. You're loud and hard to miss, so try and attract people here. We need people to gather around."

Luna had found the black triangle hanging from a tree. The task seemed simple enough. "What's next?" Luna notices the orange light in the far distance. She extends her hand and has a chain shoot out from her sleeve. It wraps around a tree branch and launches her towards the glowing orange light. She notices that the orange light is coming from underneath a frozen lake. "Just great...."

I can move around without being sensed.
He readjust the books in his grasp. He looks towards Jayn. If you're able to round up everyone. The living room would be a nice place.


August ran towards the triangle shorting the time it'll take for him to get there. He looked around and noticed the triangle in a tree. He smiled and started climbing taking his time. When he reached it he grabbed it and climbed his way back down. One down, more to come.


Raccoons are stealing the weapons and guns. You help Jackson move the weapons and guns upstairs.
He said speaking to Sofia. He turns towards Athena. You come with me. We're going hunting. He gotta get the other weapons back. Cole grabbed him a pistol and a sword entering the portal chasing after the raccoons that escaped.


When he heard the voice Crimson jumped looking around. Who are you!?!? Reveal yourself!?!? He demanded. What is this deal your speak of!?!
*This post don't need to be replied*


The quiet street at the night, this is just how I like it......

Strolling around the street of Paris aimlessly, for Earl, the beauty of the city of Paris will only be more majestic under the grace of the gentle moonlight, more mesmerizing under the scattering starlight that rained from the night sky above.

Earl looked up to the Eiffel tower.

"Never I knew, human creation can be stunningly beautiful sometimes."

"What they could envision with their mind was sure...wonderful." He said with a smirk on his face, deep inside his heart was again the sincere and deep appreciation to the one who gave him back the soul and the mind of a human.

Noticing the black cat sitting on his shoulder was cuddling with him for attention, he stroked the little innocent creature's fluffy head with his finger, the cat purr in delight while it leaned its body towards Earl's, craving for his affection.

Soon a faint weeping caught his attention, looking around the deserted street to seek for the source, a crying little girl soon came into his sight. Earl didn't even hesitate and decided to walk straight towards the girl.


Earl tried to get the girl's attention when he came near enough, but was instead caught by surprise when the little girl appeared traumatized by his appearance and moved away from him with a louder whining.

It must be the mask...... It took Earl awhile before he realized what might have frightened the girl.

"Kid, listen. It's okay, I mean no harm."

"It's just a mask."

He grabbed his mask, intending to take it off, but changed his mind and retracted his hand away swiftly after.

"I can't......" he mumbled.

The kid was starting to move away step by step, Earl could do nothing but to stand in his place and looked at the kid blankly, trying not to startle the kid.

The black cat jumped down from Earl's shoulder, his crimson eyes and the girl's deep blue eyes met.

"Fine...you stay there and wait for somebody to help you. I'll make my leave now. Wish you luck, kid." Upon noticing word and consolation from his mouth wouldn't do much on the situation, Earl signed before he turned his back on the kid and decided to leave.

"Crimson, let's go." Earl started to step away with heavy footsteps, head never even turned back once to look at the girl.

"Oi, kiddo."

Staring at the back of the departing stranger, the girl attention was soon pulled away by a sudden whisper beside her ears, sitting on her shoulder was Crimson, the black cat.

"Just look at that insensitive fool..purrr...." The cat whispered to itself again while it looked at Earl with a disgusted face.

"A-a t-talking cat?" The girl wiped away its tears and widened its eyes while staring at the talking cat sitting on the shoulder, she wasn't even seemed to be surprised by how and when it managed to get onto her shoulder.

"Well! Of course, you wanna compare me to those...retarded stray cats that don't even know how to groom their fur properly!? Hello?! I am a proper cat! It's me that we are talking here buddy! Meeow! " Upon finishing its sentence, it raised its head up high while it licked its paw once with style and grace proudly.

"Also, I am much cuter. In case you are too dumb to notice that." It switched its paw and continued grooming.

"Wow, cool...You really can talk!"

"Yes, yes, you don't need to repeat that." It gave the kid a poker face.

"Wanna see something cool? " A menacing smile stretched across the cat's face.

"Heads up, little one. See that paper hanging on that guy's back."

On the back of Earl was a piece of paper stuck on his cape, with words that were poorly written on them, stating 'I am a freak. Beware, don't come near, the 'emo' is contagious'. There was also a poorly drawn face of Earl on the paper, resembling the work of a 5-year-old.

"That's a work of mine. Well, a little bit old school, but that'll do, enough to make him look like a pathetic dumb ass." The cat chuckled wickedly right after it finished its words.

"Well-well-well don't get me wrong, not like he wasn't already looking like one in the first place."

"And...wanna see his face on the ground? I bet you wanna."


A force field caused Earl to lost balance and fell onto the ground.

The girl covered up her mouth, starting to chuckle.

"Wasn't it just amusing, how silly and dumb this guy can be. Hehehe..."

"Ouch." Earl said in a monotonous and plain tone while he slowly stood up and dusted off, turning his head back to look at the girl when he noticed that the girl was chuckling.

The black cat jumped into the little girls hands, curling up in her hands, letting out a meow.

"Oh...you like that little guy? Aren't him just the cutest?" Earl walked back to the girl slowly, his hand reached out to tickle the black cat tummy, the black cat stretched out its paws and rolled around in the girl's hands cheerfully.

The girl nodded shyly.

"His name is Crimson. He seems to like you too." Earl smiled at the girl.

The girl greeted back Earl's smile with an equally heart-warming smiled, her reddish cheeks looks puffier from the broad smile.

"Want to spend some time with him? I can tell you two will get along well."

The girl nodded.

"Kid, are you lost?"

The girl once again nodded her head.

"Come, join me on a walk, I'll help you to get home okay?" Earl started to walk along the street, the girl followed, with Crimson in her hands.

"Kid...I am sorry, if I frightened you just now, and tried to leave you alone just like that......" Earl started to speak, with the girl walking alongside of him while playing with the cuddly cat in her hand.

"I am just...to bother by a thought that I couldn't get my mind straight, but now......"

"About the mask..." Earl paused suddenly.

"If you want it off..." Slowly he took down his mask.

"See? I am just a human behind this mask after all." He looked at the little girl, for the first time with his uncovered face.

The girl looked at his face with curious eyes, and then it was the cheerful smile on her face again.

Earl too, smiled, from the relieve that rushed down his body. He stopped suddely and glanced at the masked in his hand, the girl stopped as well and gaze at Earl with those innocent eyes.

"Sir......" Suddenly the girl spoke and caught Earl's attention, breaking the silence.

"It's okay, the mask. You can wear it."

"It's okay...really. I like you... with or without the mask, it's about you, not about the mask." The girl uttered out her thought.

Tears filled Earl's eyes the moment the girl finished her words, tripling down his cheeks soon after.

"S-sir. D-did I said something...wrong?"

"No...no...you said nothing wrong, I think you are right. " Earl started to wipe away his tears, trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

"You are right." Earl mumbled again.

"Let's go." Earl patted the girl's head and started to walked away.

"I told you, he is just silly and dumb." The cat whispered to the girl.

The girl chuckled again.

"Who are you talking to back there?" Earl turned back.

The girl shook her head shyly and ran forward to catch up with Earl.

"No, I think mostly, he is just confused." The girl whispered back to the cat in her hands.


"Sir...I think there is something at your back."

"W-where? Here? Wait...hm..."

"Isn't that odd to you?"

"Nah, not at all. Things like this happen too often, I am pretty much used to them now...tho I am quite curious about what could have possibly causes all of this......"



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@Embaga Elder[/URL] )
Crimson, Reed, Theodore, and Adrianna were inside of a black room with a red X above all of them. "I must thank you all for going through with this test. How about I make a deal with all of you to ensure...that you come back."

Isabel's body seemed to be rejecting at least half of the healing. Isabel begins to cough now and blood begins to come out of her mouth. "Help me..." She looks directly into Colin's eyes, grabbing on to his arm tightly. Her nails began to dig into his wrist. She begins to yell loudly, loud enough for everyone in the cabin to hear as her skin itself began to glow red-orange instead of just her veins. Her body was already beyond dangerous temperatures. She was suffering from the symptoms of energy deficiency.

Gluttony nods his head towards Jayn. "Actually yeah you are. You're loud and hard to miss, so try and attract people here. We need people to gather around."

Luna had found the black triangle hanging from a tree. The task seemed simple enough. "What's next?" Luna notices the orange light in the far distance. She extends her hand and has a chain shoot out from her sleeve. It wraps around a tree branch and launches her towards the glowing orange light. She notices that the orange light is coming from underneath a frozen lake. "Just great...."
Reed looked at Adrianna and then around as he heard the voice. "Sure what is it?"
GingerBread said:

Vance looked around and noticed a rainbow coloured Triangle in the distance and walked over to it.
"Guess I'm just collecting all of these triangles. They're probably important, Better to have them rather than not, if they are" Vance mused as he reached into a rabbit hole and grabbed the triangle before walking off to find yet another one. He looked up briefly at the sun just to check that he wasn't going to be caught out at night.



Colin started panicking slightly as Isabel clawed into his arm. He wrenched her off of his before grabbing a pillow case and reaching out the window before starting to fill it with snow. He also grabbed a handful of snow before going back over to Isabel. He lifted up her head as gently as he could before sliding the pillowcase filled with snow underneath her and setting her head down on it. He then placed the small handful of snow of Isabel's forehead.

"J-Just stay calm I-Isabel. I-It's all going to be okay. J-Just trust me" Colin smiled at her trying not to show that he was panicking and had almost no idea what to do. 'Maybe her power also kept her healthy? If I recharge her power that could help right? It's not like I have a lot of different options right now anyway. Anything is worth a try at this point' Colin nodded to himself as he placed his hand on Isabel's forehead, wiping away the almost completely melted snow. He then gave Isabel a small heal before using the rest of his charge to recharge her powers to the best of his abilities.

@Light @LokiofSP
MTchaos1134 said:
"Gluttony? As in the seven deadly sins? Sure why not."
He takes the books and starts restoring them, one at a time."so why is a sin here, and they have physical form? Or is it just a name?"he asks.
Tazmodo said:
Athena shrugged her shoulders. "Ok I guess." She grabbed a sword and changed it into a shield and then grabbed another sword. She ran after him. "Where are they?"
Reed looked at Adrianna and then around as he heard the voice. "Sure what is it?"
Isabel began to get better, her skin began to return back to the way it was. She began to breathe normally now that energy was being put into her body.

"No..I'm actually the sin of Gluttony." Gluttony begins to read through and investigate the books. His eyes grow wide as he does, finding the information within it nothing but shocking. "So we have to sacrifice five triangles and a person upstairs in the room with the symbols. Then once the ritual is over the portal will change to the pathway that leads to the...rift core."

Sofia begins to grab weapons and bring them upstairs as requested.

The voice begins to laugh at Crimson. "I'll take somethings from you. That is all. Make your choice."
Light said:
Isabel began to get better, her skin began to return back to the way it was. She began to breathe normally now that energy was being put into her body.
"No..I'm actually the sin of Gluttony." Gluttony begins to read through and investigate the books. His eyes grow wide as he does, finding the information within it nothing but shocking. "So we have to sacrifice five triangles and a person upstairs in the room with the symbols. Then once the ritual is over the portal will change to the pathway that leads to the...rift core."

Sofia begins to grab weapons and bring them upstairs as requested.

The voice begins to laugh at Crimson. "I'll take somethings from you. That is all. Make your choice."
Reed sighed. "So you put us in some game only to have us killed off and then only to say we can come back if you take something from us. Why? What's your goal here?"
Light said:
Isabel began to get better, her skin began to return back to the way it was. She began to breathe normally now that energy was being put into her body.
"No..I'm actually the sin of Gluttony." Gluttony begins to read through and investigate the books. His eyes grow wide as he does, finding the information within it nothing but shocking. "So we have to sacrifice five triangles and a person upstairs in the room with the symbols. Then once the ritual is over the portal will change to the pathway that leads to the...rift core."

Sofia begins to grab weapons and bring them upstairs as requested.

The voice begins to laugh at Crimson. "I'll take somethings from you. That is all. Make your choice."
"So just some demonic shit or somthing? Cool beans, I'll find sacrifices, hopefully wendigos, beacuse it didn't say what kind of sacrifices. Unless it does, does it gluttony?" He hopes the others won't be surprised at his cursing, he may look young, but he has lived for quite a long time. But is still considered young by most, which he is usally fine with.

Illyana breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Isabel's hand. She stood up and brushed herself off, looking at Colin. She slapped her head as she came to realization, "I haven't gotten you something to eat! I feel so bad right now, I should have done to help more and...I wasn't very helpful was I? So sorry..." She steadily walked to the door, her footsteps being soft and quick, "I'll go see if I can't get something for both of you, you need it..."

@GingerBread @Light


At the sound of sacrifice Jayn raised her hand, "OH! OH! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! I'LL TAKE HER PLACE!" She looked around and stuck out her tongue at the others in the room, "I'm gonna survive now! I'll have some pretty boy to sweep me off my feet, and I'll kill the president with a bow! And by bow, I mean high-powered-customized sniper rifle...and whip sword I guess, but that's less cool!"

@Light @MTchaos1134 @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame

Vance sat down on the snow for a moment as he relaxed.
"I wonder how many more triangles there are. They seem important. so I might as well get as many as I can. If they're important, I'll have the most say in what we do" Vance nodded to himself as he walked around the forest, coming upon and collecting the Royal blue, White, Grey, Green and purple triangles. He then trudged through the snow looking for any more.



When Colin saw Isabel's skin turning back to a normal colour, he breathed a sigh of relief before falling backwards onto the floor, feeling exhausted from what had just happened When Illyana offered to get them food, he held a hand up and was about to tell her that it was fine, but she had already left.

He tilted his head upwards slightly and looked over at Isabel, wanting to keep an eye on her to make sure nothing bad happened to her too soon, since he'd have no way of fixing it since he had no charge.
"Hey I-Isabel. Are you feeling better now? I-If you aren't, then just tell me and I'll do whatever I-I can to fix the problem. Th-Though I can't promise much right n-now"

@Light @LokiofSP
LokiofSP said:
Illyana breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Isabel's hand. She stood up and brushed herself off, looking at Colin. She slapped her head as she came to realization, "I haven't gotten you something to eat! I feel so bad right now, I should have done to help more and...I wasn't very helpful was I? So sorry..." She steadily walked to the door, her footsteps being soft and quick, "I'll go see if I can't get something for both of you, you need it..."

@GingerBread @Light


At the sound of sacrifice Jayn raised her hand, "OH! OH! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! I'LL TAKE HER PLACE!" She looked around and stuck out her tongue at the others in the room, "I'm gonna survive now! I'll have some pretty boy to sweep me off my feet, and I'll kill the president with a bow! And by bow, I mean high-powered-customized sniper rifle...and whip sword I guess, but that's less cool!"

@Light @MTchaos1134 @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame
"Are you volunteering to be a sacrifice or helping me find wendigos to sacrifice? Beacuse if that's in then I bet it will be fun to hunt them down with you." He hoped Jayne does not remember him,beacuse he thinks he pissed her off at one point, but was unsure if he ever did.
Tazmodo said:
Reed sighed. "So you put us in some game only to have us killed off and then only to say we can come back if you take something from us. Why? What's your goal here?"
MTchaos1134 said:
"So just some demonic shit or somthing? Cool beans, I'll find sacrifices, hopefully wendigos, beacuse it didn't say what kind of sacrifices. Unless it does, does it gluttony?" He hopes the others won't be surprised at his cursing, he may look young, but he has lived for quite a long time. But is still considered young by most, which he is usally fine with.
LokiofSP said:
Illyana breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Isabel's hand. She stood up and brushed herself off, looking at Colin. She slapped her head as she came to realization, "I haven't gotten you something to eat! I feel so bad right now, I should have done to help more and...I wasn't very helpful was I? So sorry..." She steadily walked to the door, her footsteps being soft and quick, "I'll go see if I can't get something for both of you, you need it..."

@GingerBread @Light


At the sound of sacrifice Jayn raised her hand, "OH! OH! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! I'LL TAKE HER PLACE!" She looked around and stuck out her tongue at the others in the room, "I'm gonna survive now! I'll have some pretty boy to sweep me off my feet, and I'll kill the president with a bow! And by bow, I mean high-powered-customized sniper rifle...and whip sword I guess, but that's less cool!"

@Light @MTchaos1134 @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame
GingerBread said:

Vance sat down on the snow for a moment as he relaxed.
"I wonder how many more triangles there are. They seem important. so I might as well get as many as I can. If they're important, I'll have the most say in what we do" Vance nodded to himself as he walked around the forest, coming upon and collecting the Royal blue, White, Grey, Green and purple triangles. He then trudged through the snow looking for any more.



When Colin saw Isabel's skin turning back to a normal colour, he breathed a sigh of relief before falling backwards onto the floor, feeling exhausted from what had just happened When Illyana offered to get them food, he held a hand up and was about to tell her that it was fine, but she had already left.

He tilted his head upwards slightly and looked over at Isabel, wanting to keep an eye on her to make sure nothing bad happened to her too soon, since he'd have no way of fixing it since he had no charge.
"Hey I-Isabel. Are you feeling better now? I-If you aren't, then just tell me and I'll do whatever I-I can to fix the problem. Th-Though I can't promise much right n-now"

@Light @LokiofSP
MTchaos1134 said:
"Are you volunteering to be a sacrifice or helping me find wendigos to sacrifice? Beacuse if that's in then I bet it will be fun to hunt them down with you." He hoped Jayne does not remember him,beacuse he thinks he pissed her off at one point, but was unsure if he ever did.

"My goal is none of your concern. Will you take the deal or not? I can only wait for so long...my prize is coming soon."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/24ee12b5533d6322110ebbe0f6215f06.jpg.e61de504d0687427c9e9511fc4c19b58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130796" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/24ee12b5533d6322110ebbe0f6215f06.jpg.e61de504d0687427c9e9511fc4c19b58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As if on cue with both Vance and Luna being outside and Raz suggesting to sacrifice a Wendigo, night arrives.

Gluttony began to furiously flip through the pages. "I don't know...let me find out. We need those triangles though! Where are they?!"

Luna ended up bumping into Vance with a couple triangles in her possession. "Vance! We have to go!" That's when a certian pair of Wendigo came out of the Bush 18 feet away from them.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/565d278246397f82cc302cd7f7edd0ea.jpg.e809bfb7190d71243feb8981ab859531.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130799" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/565d278246397f82cc302cd7f7edd0ea.jpg.e809bfb7190d71243feb8981ab859531.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Isabel nods her head and begins to roll to her side. "Thank you. I am thanks to you now..I don't know what would've happened to me if you weren't here." She looks into Colin's eyes and smiles, meaning what she said.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/6ee98bb369ad9b38996235576112e2ab.jpg.c7ce44f588417846b81ce0390e9eb859.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/6ee98bb369ad9b38996235576112e2ab.jpg.c7ce44f588417846b81ce0390e9eb859.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Vance looked around at all the wendigos and frowned slightly. "So remember when I asked where I'd go if I died? Yeah, I might be paying Lucy a visit in a minute" Vance had pretty much given up getting out of the situation alive. "But, uh. You can go. You don't have to run faster than the bear, just the other person. I mean, Unless you have a better Idea. Oh, and you should probably take these things." Vance passed all the triangles he had collected with one hand as he snapped his fingers on his other hand to charge Luna up. "But if you could help me not die, I'd appreciate it. I won't hold it against you if you don't though. Partly because I can't"



Colin smiled back up at Isabel, her words making him feel good about helping her whereas before he felt indifferent and slightly stressed because of everything that happened because he was helping her. "I-It's fine. Honestly. I-I'll always try to heal p-people who need it and you're no ex-exception. Besides, I am your royal physician, aren't I?" He chuckled lightly before letting himself fall back onto the floor, lazily staring up at the ceiling.

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August started making his way back to the cabin when night started to come. He had to hurry and get the triangles back. He believed they were a key part in this. @Light


Night fell and Cole knew it was time to go. He grabbed Athena and pulled her back towards the portal. When we get inside we have to barricade the door leading to the basement. This portal is only trouble for us.



Crimson scoffs then crosses his arms. What exactly are you taking from us? Can you tell us that part? @Light @Tazmodo


Inaro looks out the window and his eyes widened. Raz your chance for sacrificing a wendigo has now come. Find the girl who has the fire power. While you do that Ima go see if the stove is gas or electric. I really hope it's a gas stove. He said as he jogged downstairs. @Light @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP
GingerBread said:
Vance looked around at all the wendigos and frowned slightly. "So remember when I asked where I'd go if I died? Yeah, I might be paying Lucy a visit in a minute" Vance had pretty much given up getting out of the situation alive. "But, uh. You can go. You don't have to run faster than the bear, just the other person. I mean, Unless you have a better Idea. Oh, and you should probably take these things." Vance passed all the triangles he had collected with one hand as he snapped his fingers on his other hand to charge Luna up.



Colin smiled back up at Isabel, her words making him feel good about helping her whereas before he felt indifferent and slightly stressed because of everything that happened because he was helping her. "I-It's fine. Honestly. I-I'll always try to heal p-people who need it and you're no ex-exception. Besides, I am your royal physician, aren't I?" He chuckled lightly before letting himself fall back onto the floor, lazily staring up at the ceiling.

Embaga Elder] [B][COLOR=#663300]August[/COLOR][/B] August started making his way back to the cabin when night started to come. He had to hurry and get the triangles back. He believed they were a key part in this. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:


Night fell and Cole knew it was time to go. He grabbed Athena and pulled her back towards the portal. When we get inside we have to barricade the door leading to the basement. This portal is only trouble for us.



Crimson scoffs then crosses his arms. What exactly are you taking from us? Can you tell us that part? @Light @Tazmodo


Inaro looks out the window and his eyes widened. Raz your chance for sacrificing a wendigo has now come. Find the girl who has the fire power. While you do that Ima go see if the stove is gas or electric. I really hope it's a gas stove. He said as he jogged downstairs. @Light @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP
"No." Luna turns to Vance and sets the triangles in his hands. "I won't leave you behind." Luna steps forward and extends her hand. A chain bursts out of her sleeve and wraps around the tree branch to her left. The chain pulls her to the left into the air. The Wendigo without glowing features pounces towards her. A chain wraps around its neck from another thick tree and it stops abruptly in mid air. It's legs were thrown forward due to its momentum and chains wrap around its ankles and another tree to keep it firmly suspended in the air by its neck and ankles. Luna jumps off of the tree branches she's on and grabs hold of the chains connected with its ankles, sliding down towards it. Once she's close enough, she throws her legs upwards like you would on a set of swings.

Her feet connect with its back and she let's go of the chains, pushing off afterwards to dive head first towards the ground. Chains come out of her feet, connecting with the Wendigo's spinal cord. Once she came close to the other Wendigo she extends her palm, landing on its head with it. She pushes off of its head through this and has chains connect from her palm to its skull. The chain from the other wendigos spine connects with this new chain and separates from her body. Luna lands the flip and slides backwards. "I haven't done this in a while."

Luna runs forward and has a chain pull her forward in between the Wendigos legs. She touches it's right ankle as she slides by, creating a chain. The Wendigo's leg was pulled from underneath it and was forced to take a knee. Luna stops sliding and moves around a tree, fastening the chain to it. She pokes it to make sure that there was no slack and smiles at the outcome. She wraps a chain around that one and has another set pull her up onto a tree branch. She has the chain in her other hand that's tied to the other extend and wrap around the arms of the suspended Wendigo, keeping it's arms uncomfortably behind its back.

She swings from tree to tree with chains until she reaches the grounded Wendigo and wraps chains around its limbs and torso, connecting it with a tree in front of it instead of the one from behind holding the other chains. Luna strolls back to that tree and has these chains wrap around her entire arm. With one harsh tug on the chain holding the grounded Wendigos ankle, it pulls it back and begins a chain reaction. The ankle chains pulled the Wendigo back and caused the chains holding its limbs and torso to pull against it. The chain holding the suspended wendigos arms was pulled as well. It caused that wendigos arms to be ripped off and the grounded wendigos torso and limbs to be separated from its ankle since they were moving in opposite directions. The grounded wendigos head that connected with the suspended wendigos spinal cord was moved and ripped it out. Due to the spinal cord being ripped out and the arms being tugged off with the addition of zero slack in the chains holding its neck and ankles. The suspended Wendigo was torn apart as well.

Body parts began to rain down and immediately heal as Luna ran up to Vance. "That won't hold them, they'll just heal. Let's go!"

Isabel begins to laugh but that seems like it's too much, causing her to cough. "I'm okay. You're right though...you were given that job." Isabel gives him a strange look after he fell. "Are you okay?"

"You get life and I get what I want. That's all you should know. I am growing impatient now, I will not ask again." The red X seemed to glow brighter.

August, Cole, and Athena could all hear screeches in the far distance behind them.

There seemed to be a gas stove downstairs to meet Inaro, whether it worked or not was currently unknown.

Vance was awestruck at what Luna had just done.
"Okay, so that's another thing I have to fear from you now" He muttered to himself as he shook his head, refocusing on surviving and getting back to the cabin. He grabbed Luna's hand and started running towards the Cabin. "We should get back to the crybab- The name I gave him doesn't really seem to fit anymore. Anyway, we should get back to Colin, He can keep the Wendigos out, I think he's the only one who can. So, yeah"



"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a bit tired out after everything th-that's happened today, you know?" Colin chuckled slightly and smiled up at Isabel as he thought about taking a small nap. "I-I'm not much use right now anyway. I-I need to be charged to do anything useful, so y-yeah"

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