Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

B.A.T.M.A.N once again teleported into the shadows to avoid the fire that came towards him. "I give him a chance and what does he do? He shoots fire at me then runs off. The nerve of some people" B.A.T.M.A.N started running before jumping off of the building and teleporting to the shadows on the ground so that he was sent up with the same momentum he had going down.

Once B.A.T.M.A.N had got enough momentum he sent himself flying up towards Ren, where he promptly grabbed a hold of him and suplexed him to the ground.Though He made sure that they both had a soft landing. B.A.T.M.A.N got on top of Ren and had his sword appear from his darkness realm.

( ! ) He then had spikes of darkness rise up from the floor before looping back around and going through Ren's arms, effectively pinning his arms to the ground, leaving little room for movement. B.A.T.M.A.N then pushed the side of the blade of his sword up against Ren's throat. "So Because you didn't play along. You're just going to die. I would've taken any reason, but no, you had to be difficult. So, any last words? Not that it matters"

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GingerBread said:

B.A.T.M.A.N once again teleported into the shadows to avoid the fire that came towards him. "I give him a chance and what does he do? He shoots fire at me then runs off. The nerve of some people" B.A.T.M.A.N started running before jumping off of the building and teleporting to the shadows on the ground so that he was sent up with the same momentum he had going down.

Once B.A.T.M.A.N had got enough momentum he sent himself flying up towards Ren, where he promptly grabbed a hold of him and suplexed him to the ground.Though He made sure that they both had a soft landing. B.A.T.M.A.N got on top of Ren and had his sword appear from his darkness realm.

( ! ) He then had spikes of darkness rise up from the floor before looping back around and going through Ren's arms, effectively pinning his arms to the ground, leaving little room for movement. B.A.T.M.A.N then pushed the side of the blade of his sword up against Ren's throat. "So Because you didn't play along. You're just going to die. I would've taken any reason, but no, you had to be difficult. So, any last words? Not that it matters"

Ren's hands went straight to B.A.T.M.A.N's arms when they wrapped around him, his scalding hot palms burning into his skin whilst his Dark Marks drained him of his energy. Ren at the same time bent his knees and thrust his feet backwards, kicking his adversary away and also sending him forwards. He did a front flip in mid air and landed on the floor below him.

"So, what's ya name babe?" He turned to face his opponent and tilted his head. Blue Fire leaked from his palm and took the form of a Cat made completely out of the blue flames which stood between Ren's legs.
Tazmodo said:
Reed smiled and teleported the two from the cell to him with Aether around their necks lIke dollars. "There these two should work."
( @GingerBread )

"Okay just...figure out how to do it. Find some necromancer or some voodoo guy. I recommend my hair stylist. He knows what to do." Grimm gives Reed Revvars business card.

GingerBread said:
Colin looked down at the area below them until his eyes scanned across his home in the middle of the forest clearing. "I-It's just down there." He pointed towards the small building before looking back up at Gary, who he considered to be his only friend. "A-Are you still going to g-go after all those p-people on the list? I-It seems dangerous"

"Well...yeah Brolin. I have to become king! So if I have to find these people then I will." The dragon dives down, allowing them to feel their stomach drop.

GingerBread said:
Maya perked up Slightly when Temperance when she said Fola was going to spend time with her, but went back to how she was before was Temperance said he was going to do it soon; For Maya, soon felt like it was forever away. "I don't wanna go back home, it's booooooooooooring. I wanna go on adventures with my best friend."

"Your best friend can't do that right now so we're going to have to wait at home. Besides you're missing out on a lot of stuff going on. You can't sit out in the rain like this Maya, you'll catch a cold." Temperance folds her arms over her chest, expecting Maya to walk over.

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz papers behind the woman and grasp thier claw like fingers around her neck tightening slowly."did you think somthing like that could kill, or even hurt me?"he chucked before squeezing slightly harder. And maples both of her feet with hot shadow spikes. So they cauterize her wound as soon as they pierce.raz keeps squeezing until she passes out,he chuckles."stupid bitch.."
Anubis watches and approaches silently, this woman could have information as to why she did it. And to see if anyone else is involved.
( Oh my gosh...the violence. )

The girl begins to scream at the top of her lungs but abruptly makes an awful choking sound as Raz grabs her throat. After a few moments she falls unconscious, still rapidly bleeding out.
The warmth of the early noon sun awoke Kal'iya, she was lying in a chamber; a collection of artifacts lying around her. "Dak Mol Rani." She said the line to raise the ancient civilization. The walls of the chamber came alive, and they shifted downwards. The sunlight engulfed Kal'iya, as her eyes adjusted she saw the effect of her words. Low rising homes, spanning as far as the eye can see. Kal'iya was on the main temples peak, the temple of Serqet. This was her patron, and as Kal'iya stood, she spotted the reason of her awakening. Her Queen.

When Ren started Burning his hands into his arms, B.A.T.M.A.N Kicked him off of him before he could drain his energy. Even though Ren landed safely on the floor, B.A.T.M.A.N was still above Ren with his sword out. He had a baton stick made of darkness appear and threw it towards Ren's head before landing safely at a distance in front of him.

( ! ) B.A.T.M.A.N then ran over towards Ren, creating a sword made of darkness as he advanced towards him. When he got close enough B.A.T.M.A.N when to stab the sword through Ren's chest. If he managed to do this then he would then follow it up by trying to stick a dagger through Ren's throat.



Colin frowned when Gary confirmed that he would be going after the people he had on his list, He knew how dangerous most of the people Gary had on his list were. When the Water Dragon landed Colin handed Gary, Wade before walking over to a large empty spot and having his staff appear.

Colin tapped his staff into the ground and began eroding away the ground beneath him, making the hole for the pond that he wanted to make. All he needed now was for Gary to fill it up. Colin walked out of the hole since it had a incline that wasn't steep and allowed him to do so.
"C-Could you fill it up with some w-water G-Gary?" He smiled at Gary as he took Wade back off of him. "I-If you get h-hurt when y-you're finding th-these people, c-can you promise me y-you'll get away before y-you get seriously h-hurt. O-Or k-killed. Y-You can c-come to me i-if you're e-ever hurt; I-I can heal you"



"I won't get a cold! Cool people don't get..."
Maya looked back towards the ground, letting her head hang limply as she brought her knees up to her chest. She started to shiver as she finally began feeling the cold; She was no longer imagining that she was too cool to feel cold.

Light said:
( @GingerBread )
"Okay just...figure out how to do it. Find some necromancer or some voodoo guy. I recommend my hair stylist. He knows what to do." Grimm gives Reed Revvars business card.

"Well...yeah Brolin. I have to become king! So if I have to find these people then I will." The dragon dives down, allowing them to feel their stomach drop.

"Your best friend can't do that right now so we're going to have to wait at home. Besides you're missing out on a lot of stuff going on. You can't sit out in the rain like this Maya, you'll catch a cold." Temperance folds her arms over her chest, expecting Maya to walk over.

( Oh my gosh...the violence. )

The girl begins to scream at the top of her lungs but abruptly makes an awful choking sound as Raz grabs her throat. After a few moments she falls unconscious, still rapidly bleeding out.
Raz uses shadows to stop the bleeding, and takes her into his dimension, they were now in a nice cottage. With a bed in the corner. Raz approaches the bed and places the woman there.cshortly after the shadows the were stopping the bleeding disappeared and shadow humanoids in the shape of doctors rise and start tending to her wounds, cleaning them and whatnot.

And Raz waits, invisible in the cottage.

Anubis watches as Raz takes away the woman, when he is sure they are gone, he stands up

And sighs. He starts to wander, looking for someone to answer his questions.

@any one.
GingerBread said:

When Ren started Burning his hands into his arms, B.A.T.M.A.N Kicked him off of him before he could drain his energy. Even though Ren landed safely on the floor, B.A.T.M.A.N was still above Ren with his sword out. He had a baton stick made of darkness appear and threw it towards Ren's head before landing safely at a distance in front of him.

( ! ) B.A.T.M.A.N then ran over towards Ren, creating a sword made of darkness as he advanced towards him. When he got close enough B.A.T.M.A.N when to stab the sword through Ren's chest. If he managed to do this then he would then follow it up by trying to stick a dagger through Ren's throat.


Ren landed and turned with his Grin, though he wasn't grinning for long, the baton hitting him in the head the Demon stumbled backwards rubbing his face.


Well that hurt. He glanced to see his opponent running towards him which was never a good sign. He formed a Fireball between him and the Blade before it could stab him as it exploded sending them both tumbling away from each other. Ren's black hair started to fade from black back to blue and was becoming shorter ever so slowly as well. He groaned and slowly got up, a few burns on the side of his arm

"Damn it."
"Vitae est ridiculam, My Queen." Kal'iya said as she stepped onto the platform Cleopatra was levitating.

"Yes Life is Funny, it seems to not want to leave us." Cleo said, her hands waving the platform to go faster.

Sometime later.

They approached the now somewhat empty guild hall. "This is where we will try to set up a new guild, seeing as the old one was shutdown sadly. I really like their way of... Dealing with things." She said, the sandstone platform setting down. Kal'iya stepped off and help Cleopatra down, the walked to the doors.


(I cant remember whom is near, and or inside.)

B.A.T.M.A.N Groaned as he got up after he was sent flying backwards into a wall by a explosion.
"Why can't you people ever make it easy to kill you. I mean really, come on. You brought this on yourself by trying to take away my kill. So you've made your bed, now lie in it. For fucks sake" B.A.T.M.A.N had a dagger appear in his right hand. "So you just stay there and let me kill you, okay?" Without waiting for an answer, B.A.T.M.A.N started running towards Ren with his dagger aimed for Ren's stomach. Though B.A.T.M.A.N was merely acting as a distraction; There were tendrils of darkness rising up behind Ren, getting ready to restrict his whole body.

GingerBread said:

B.A.T.M.A.N Groaned as he got up after he was sent flying backwards into a wall by a explosion.
"Why can't you people ever make it easy to kill you. I mean really, come on. You brought this on yourself by trying to take away my kill. So you've made your bed, now lie in it. For fucks sake" B.A.T.M.A.N had a dagger appear in his right hand. "So you just stay there and let me kill you, okay?" Without waiting for an answer, B.A.T.M.A.N started running towards Ren with his dagger aimed for Ren's stomach. Though B.A.T.M.A.N was merely acting as a distraction; There were tendrils of darkness rising up behind Ren, getting ready to restrict his whole body.

Ren cupped his arm and let out a cough, he cursed to himself as he felt the personalities start revert back. He saw that the opponent he was fighting was running towards him again, with a Dagger,

"W-wait! I didn't try to take your kill. H-he did! We're d-different!"

Ren shook his arms, his hair now blue again.

B.A.T.M.A.N stopped advancing and just stared at Ren. "Really? That's your plea? 'Oh don't hurt me it was my split personality that did it' That's really your excuse? Well same shit, different Toilet. I'm still going to kill you unless you can give me a good enough reason not to" B.A.T.M.A.N crossed his arms and looked directly at Ren as he waited for a reason why he shouldn't kill him

GingerBread said:

B.A.T.M.A.N stopped advancing and just stared at Ren. "Really? That's your plea? 'Oh don't hurt me it was my split personality that did it' That's really your excuse? Well same shit, different Toilet. I'm still going to kill you unless you can give me a good enough reason not to" B.A.T.M.A.N crossed his arms and looked directly at Ren as he waited for a reason why he shouldn't kill him

"Yeah... he's a bastard... Gets me in trouble all the time" Ren shrugged, "I don't know, I was just eating a pie and I get dragged into some feud between - I don't even know. But The one who kidnapped me before this one said I was important to her mission. Please, I just want to know what's going on..."

"Seriously that's your reason? You want to know what's going on. I'm still not seeing a reason why I shouldn't kill you and get rid of your split personality that attacked me as well. Two birds with one stone and all that, then again..." B.A.T.M.A.N thought for a moment about what to do, playing around with ideas in his head. "You know what? It's your lucky day today. You get to live. But if I ever see you again, I'll probably kill you. So try not to die until then"

B.A.T.M.A.N Snapped his fingers and went into his darkness realm. He then walked over to his suit of armor that he had sent into his realm earlier and decided to suit back up. Once He had gotten back into the suit, He sat down on a bench made of darkness, not particularly wanting to go out again for a while.

Ren lets out a sigh and mutters something to himself before walking away, he had no idea where he was. And was now alone. His tail then jabbed him in the side of the ribs and he cursed at it.

"You're an asshole Ki..."

The Tail then jabbed him in his burned arm which causes him to gasp in pain. HE grabbed the tail and looked at it, the tip wiggled trying to get free.

"Stop it!"
GingerBread said:
Colin frowned when Gary confirmed that he would be going after the people he had on his list, He knew how dangerous most of the people Gary had on his list were. When the Water Dragon landed Colin handed Gary, Wade before walking over to a large empty spot and having his staff appear.

Colin tapped his staff into the ground and began eroding away the ground beneath him, making the hole for the pond that he wanted to make. All he needed now was for Gary to fill it up. Colin walked out of the hole since it had a incline that wasn't steep and allowed him to do so.
"C-Could you fill it up with some w-water G-Gary?" He smiled at Gary as he took Wade back off of him. "I-If you get h-hurt when y-you're finding th-these people, c-can you promise me y-you'll get away before y-you get seriously h-hurt. O-Or k-killed. Y-You can c-come to me i-if you're e-ever hurt; I-I can heal you"



"I won't get a cold! Cool people don't get..."
Maya looked back towards the ground, letting her head hang limply as she brought her knees up to her chest. She started to shiver as she finally began feeling the cold; She was no longer imagining that she was too cool to feel cold.

Gary extends his palm and has water burst out of it, filling the hole to create a pond. He rolls his eyes slightly and gives Colin a, it's fine look. "Brolin I'm on a path of peace, everything will be fine dude."

Temperance spawns an umbrella and holds it over Maya's head, also getting under the umbrella and taking her child form. "Why don't we play for the day? I know some fun things to do!"

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz uses shadows to stop the bleeding, and takes her into his dimension, they were now in a nice cottage. With a bed in the corner. Raz approaches the bed and places the woman there.cshortly after the shadows the were stopping the bleeding disappeared and shadow humanoids in the shape of doctors rise and start tending to her wounds, cleaning them and whatnot.
And Raz waits, invisible in the cottage.

Anubis watches as Raz takes away the woman, when he is sure they are gone, he stands up

And sighs. He starts to wander, looking for someone to answer his questions.

@any one.

The girl seemed to be having a hard time breathing. It seemed like Raz crushed something in her throat without meaning to. At this rate she was going to die.


(I cant remember whom is near, and or inside.)

( The guild building and the bridge is destroyed....in the ocean. It's gone. )

Kal'Iya glanced around seeing a empty mountain. "My queen nothing is here."

Cleopatra's eyes lost the wide pupils they once had. "I see, we should see if we can summon that strange man... What was his name.. Grinn? Ginn? Grann? Grimm?" She said, sitting on the ground beside Kal'Iya. She awaited the arrival of the slightly insane man. She quite liked him, he seemed very... Her.


(Whoops, lol Cleopatra is not having hallucinations.. xD )

Colin frowned at the look that Gary gave him. "I-I know I-I'm probably being overly c-cautious" Colin placed down Wade next to the edge of the pond, allowing him to go into it if he wanted to. "B-But S-Since you went after m-me and J-Jackie, I-I'd guess you're going after the D-Dragon r-roar members. A-And most of th-them w-would take any excuse t-to start a fight, o-or at least seemed like they would"



Maya shook her head at Temperance's suggestion. "It's so boring though. There's nothing to do. Nothing is as cool as my Best Friend's adventures, he always took me on really cool ones" Maya looked over at temperance. "There's pretty much nothing cooler than my Best Friends adventures" Maya looked away from temperance and leaned her head on the wall next to her, still looking towards the ground. Maya closed her eyes and started to fall asleep; She hadn't slept since she'd met Fola.

Light said:
Gary extends his palm and has water burst out of it, filling the hole to create a pond. He rolls his eyes slightly and gives Colin a, it's fine look. "Brolin I'm on a path of peace, everything will be fine dude."
Temperance spawns an umbrella and holds it over Maya's head, also getting under the umbrella and taking her child form. "Why don't we play for the day? I know some fun things to do!"

The girl seemed to be having a hard time breathing. It seemed like Raz crushed something in her throat without meaning to. At this rate she was going to die.

( The guild building and the bridge is destroyed....in the ocean. It's gone. )
Raz sighs, and appears. He motions for the shadow doctors to move so he can approach the woman, the doctors reply and Raz walks up to the woman. A Amina capsule appears in Raz hand and he opens it under her nose. After a minute and deciding she is probably awake now. The woman floats up into the air and is trapped in a glass coffin. A hose makes its way like a snake into Raz hands hand he plugs it into the coffin, after a moment the hose started to spray water into the coffin, slowly filling it with water. Raz wonders what will get her first. Drowning or her throat injury. If the girl was to look at Raz, he was in his child form again, with a dark smile on his face, watching the woman.of course the water would not kill the woman, but the pain could.
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(Whoops, lol Cleopatra is not having hallucinations.. xD )
Grimm appears in a burst of pancake mix. "I HAVE BEEN CALLED! What is it?" Grimm was dressed up as Dora the Explorer. "Don't tell me you're here to steal from me."

GingerBread said:
Colin frowned at the look that Gary gave him. "I-I know I-I'm probably being overly c-cautious" Colin placed down Wade next to the edge of the pond, allowing him to go into it if he wanted to. "B-But S-Since you went after m-me and J-Jackie, I-I'd guess you're going after the D-Dragon r-roar members. A-And most of th-them w-would take any excuse t-to start a fight, o-or at least seemed like they would"



Maya shook her head at Temperance's suggestion. "It's so boring though. There's nothing to do. Nothing is as cool as my Best Friend's adventures, he always took me on really cool ones" Maya looked over at temperance. "There's pretty much nothing cooler than my Best Friends adventures" Maya looked away from temperance and leaned her head on the wall next to her, still looking towards the ground. Maya closed her eyes and started to fall asleep; She hadn't slept since she'd met Fola.

Gary frowns and looks and the pond, not wanting to meet Colin's eyes or talk about the situation anymore. "Look. Wade is having fun." He gestures to the fish baby waddling into the pond.

Temperance frowns at this, she honestly didn't know what to do. She didn't want to force Maya into doing anything but she needed to come home. "How does exploring uncharted land sound?"
Fola began to walk away, his shoes making loud clack noises on the pavement below. It took a moment of standing there, letting the heavy rain fall onto his hood that he bit his lip and crossed his arms, 'I'm a fucking drunk, no need to add that into the poor girl's life...' He forced himself to continue on forward, eyes scanning various neon signs in hopes of finding a cheap motel sign. Unfortunately for him, this was difficult as he moved at a snail's pace.

He thought about Maya and her being Isabel's 'child' and he became afraid. Where would she sleep? Would she act up? Was it really worth it for him to care at all? As much as he hated these thoughts and wished to stay away from Maya in fear she may begin to idolize him as he is now, he also couldn't deny that he felt responsible in a way. He had dragged her into this all, and it would be very unfair for him to just leave her with Isabel. He hated what the woman had done to him, yes, but did that mean that Maya had to suffer for it? He may have been intoxicated, but he could provide something, if not at least for one night.

He sighed and turned on his heel, walking back. He turned the corner and sucked his teeth seeing Temperance and Maya. Sighing, he walked past Temperance, kneeling down to Maya and looking at the umbrella above them with a frown,
"That's not good enough..." He took off his hoodie and placed it on the sleeping child's arms and putting up the hood, he then picked her up and put her on his back. He looked at Temperance and spoke before she got a chance to, "I'm not having 'my time' with her, I'm just making sure she's taken care of. I don't want you to think this is going to become some kind of common thing, or that I'm okay with you now. I'm not her dad, and I owe her nothing...But I would feel bad if I left a little girl alone in the rain..."

@GingerBread @Light
Light said:
( @GingerBread )
"Okay just...figure out how to do it. Find some necromancer or some voodoo guy. I recommend my hair stylist. He knows what to do." Grimm gives Reed Revvars business card.

"Well...yeah Brolin. I have to become king! So if I have to find these people then I will." The dragon dives down, allowing them to feel their stomach drop.

"Your best friend can't do that right now so we're going to have to wait at home. Besides you're missing out on a lot of stuff going on. You can't sit out in the rain like this Maya, you'll catch a cold." Temperance folds her arms over her chest, expecting Maya to walk over.

( Oh my gosh...the violence. )

The girl begins to scream at the top of her lungs but abruptly makes an awful choking sound as Raz grabs her throat. After a few moments she falls unconscious, still rapidly bleeding out.
Reed looked at him and took the card. "Wait all I need is necromancy? I can do that with the aether."
Light said:
Isabel pats Hakeem's head and gives him a soft smile. If this is what parenting was like on regular terms then maybe it wouldn't be so bad. "It's alright. I'm sure that we'll find them. What have you learned so far?"
Temperance raises a finger to step into the conversation. "Actually the real me is with Maya right now." Temperance looks towards Jackie and frowns, approaching her slowly as she backs away. "Is there something wrong?"
Hakeem felt a little better hearing that his mom was okay with him leaving Maya behind. But it okay because she's with Temperance now. He looked up at his mother and smiles. I learned a lot. This realm is a lot safer and better than our realm. The Jäqren was just about to tell me about Cipher related things and the beings of this place. So I'm still in the learning process.

Cole nods once the message finishes. A soft grin grew in his face. So that's what your powers consist of. Hmm pretty nice. We should test it out on something. Bit what exactly?? He starts rubbing his chin thinking.

Inaro looks at the dead body of the boy m, then spits on the ground.
Nobody fucks with my companions. He turns towards tempest and rubs on his body. Hey buddy, I'm about to question this boy over here. If you feel any pain just let me know. He pats Tempest's body then turns back towards the boy. He walks forward some and touches the ground. Seal Release: Soul Summoning. A silver glowing seal appears on the ground in front as Inaro thinks about the boy's soul.

If the process was complete a projection of the boy's soul will rise from the ground floating on the seal. Inaro crosses his arms and scowls at the boy. He pops open a bottle of beer and take a sip.
So why were you after me?? @Light
Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at him and took the card. "Wait all I need is necromancy? I can do that with the aether."
"Don't ask me! I don't know." Grimm shrugs and disappears in a burst of flames. He wasn't going to tell Reed if he was wrong or right, he had said enough already.

Embaga Elder]Hakeem felt a little better hearing that his mom was okay with him leaving Maya behind. But it okay because she's with Temperance now. He looked up at his mother and smiles. [COLOR=#0059b3]I learned a lot. This realm is a lot safer and better than our realm. The Jäqren was just about to tell me about Cipher related things and the beings of this place. So I'm still in the learning process.[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] ( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10975-celticsol/ said:
@CelticSol[/URL] )

"That's great! You're learning things now. Soon you'll get the hang of everything here! Hakeem, if you're going to continue your tour with the Jäqren then you should grab your siblings Emily, Red, and Blue. You can all learn together that way." Isabel makes a quick glance at Jackie but turns her attention back to Hakeem. "I'm going to talk with Jackie about something important. Hurry though, the Jäqren might be busy..." She leans into Hakeem's ear. "Or impatient." She laughs and leans back, running her hands roughly through his hair one last time. "Go on."

Ryder looks at the hamper filled with Cole's clothes, turning back to Cole immediately. He gave Cole a devious look. Ryder extends his hand to use his powers on all Of Cole's clothes.

The projection of the boy's soul arrives and stares off into the distance, as if looking through Inaro. "I was after you because you were one of the many people I was instructed to hunt down to become king of my homeland."
Light said:
"Don't ask me! I don't know." Grimm shrugs and disappears in a burst of flames. He wasn't going to tell Reed if he was wrong or right, he had said enough already.
( @CelticSol )

"That's great! You're learning things now. Soon you'll get the hang of everything here! Hakeem, if you're going to continue your tour with the Jäqren then you should grab your siblings Emily, Red, and Blue. You can all learn together that way." Isabel makes a quick glance at Jackie but turns her attention back to Hakeem. "I'm going to talk with Jackie about something important. Hurry though, the Jäqren might be busy..." She leans into Hakeem's ear. "Or impatient." She laughs and leans back, running her hands roughly through his hair one last time. "Go on."

Ryder looks at the hamper filled with Cole's clothes, turning back to Cole immediately. He gave Cole a devious look. Ryder extends his hand to use his powers on all Of Cole's clothes.

The projection of the boy's soul arrives and stares off into the distance, as if looking through Inaro. "I was after you because you were one of the many people I was instructed to hunt down to become king of my homeland."
Jackie raises an eyebrow at Isabel, "What's up?"

Colin looked down at Wade, smiling as he saw him waddling into the pond. "A-Are you trying to avoid wh-what I'm saying G-Gary? I-I just want t-to make sure y-you're safe." Colin looked up at Gary. "I-I consider you m-my friend, S-So I'd rather y-you didn't g-get hurt or d-die. I-I've already lost s-someone I care about and th-that almost broke m-me. I-I got to b-bring her back, though she e-ended up haiting me later. But I-I don't think I'll get a chance to bring y-you back to l-life, l-like I did with her" Colin looked away from Gary and off into the distance. "S-So if you g-get into a fight o-or you get hurt or anything l-like that, Promise me y-you'll come see m-me or s-something"


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