Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"Meep!" Is all the little being says. It looks up at Hakeem and tilts its head. "Meep?"
The Jäqren flies over and looks in the bag. "A hatchling? Where did you receive the child from?'

Ryder shakes his head and begins to eat Cole's clothes again. The horse joins him as well. It seemed like Ryder ate clothes.

The horse charges forward and actually burns through the wall. A blue cone of energy forms around them as they begin to move at killing speeds. The horse stops making contact with the ground and begins moving on air.

Hakeem looks up at the Jäqren. I got from mama. He looks back down at the being and pats his head. Since all he says is meep for now. I think that's what I'll call him. Meep. Oh and I'm ready to continue. He puts his bag back on his back with Meep still inside. He summons an toy car and reaches over his bag trying to hand it to Meep. Here Meep play with this.


Cole sighs as Ryder comes back eating his clothes denying the fruit bowl. Great so you're on a clothes only diet. He pushes Ryder off of him again and takes off his clothes and tosses them at Ryder. There bon appetit. Cole closes the portals in the sky before anything unwelcomed exited out of it. Another portal appears spitting out a lawn chair. Cole falls back on to the chair smoking in his underwear.


Inaro was drinking his beer as he rode his new horse moving at killing speed. He looked forward seeing that everything in front of him was going down. It was either that or he was rising into the air. He looked down seeing that the horse was running on air. Inaro smiled brightly and pets the horse. Now you're fun. I like you, Ima name you Tempest. If you like that name give me some kind of sign. @Light
Light said:
( I'm sorry. I rated that funny because of how you explained seeing the hole then suddenly he goes. Nuh uh. )
Reed had healed Kelsey's body and took her away along with Adrianna. Ren was left alone and another pair of footsteps came down the hall. "Well it looks like a lot has hapoened." Helena turns the corner with a ball of cosmic fire in her palm. What she was intending to do was currently unknown.

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Grimm shakes his head and frowns. "No. That is a violation of the laws, what's dead is dead."

The razor winds seemed to have an effect on the person. The teenage boy exits his wind form and takes an actual human form as his body drops to the ground, dead and shredded.
Reed shook his. "No there has to be another way. It wasn't thew fault that they died it was mine. There has to be a way. Please. She's the only friend I have." He stared at Adrianna.

B.A.T.M.A.N sighed as Akki twisted his arm. "You know, we could've done this peacefully. You might've even lived in that situation. But now you've got absolutely no chance" B.A.T.M.A.N sent a kick into Akki's shins to get him to loosen his grip his had on his arm. B.A.T.M.A.N then pulled his arm away while throwing a punch at Akki's face with his other arm, the heavy metal armor helping to increase the strength of his punch, which ended hitting Akki right on the nose.

( ! ) B.A.T.M.A.N took a step backwards before having a dagger of darkness appear in each of his hands
"So right now you have two choices. Either run away or fight me. You'll die anyway, but you can choose to die a coward if you'd like. You were being a public nuisance and I think that's punishable by death" Vance shrugged and then took off, running towards Akki; Swinging a dagger at Akki's throat and the other at his stomach

@Lotusy @Ethan Vail @Light


Colin looked down at the infant creature he now held in his hand and frowned before looking up at Gary. "W-Would you like H-Him? H-He does seem like h-he'd like water" Colin smiled at Gary, hoping he would take the small creature from him; Colin didn't think he would be able to look after if, considering he seemed to get most people hurt and they were fully grown adults.



Maya had a smiled on her face all she thought about all the cool adventures she and Fola could go on. But at Fola's words, she started to frown. "Okay.." Maya walked away from Fola, her feet dragging along the ground; All her previous excitement and energy had seemed to just disappear. Maya rounded a corner and sat down on a step. She brought her knees up to her chest and then buried her head in her knees. Maya felt water drops rolling down her face and imagined it was raining, so of course it started raining lightly.



"I-I don't know I-If they do. I-I've N-Never gone to o-one! B-But I-I thought th-that's wh-what y-you w-were one about s-since I-I couldn't think o-of another j-job th-that involved m-mini skirts" Aedus explained, getting more flustered as he did. "I-I don't know where wh-what we should d-do next E-Ent. I-I'll do anything you want t-to do." Aedus smiled up at Ent. "A-Apart from k-killing someone" He quickly added as an afterthought.

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Light said:
Kelsey gives Ren an odd look but immediately dismisses whatever thoughts she's having. "Alright....I'll be back. Take a seat." She moves into the kitchen to prepare Ren a meal.
"U-Um yea we do. Follow me." Adrianna begins to walk towards the weapons hall, it held all of the sacred weapons that her kingdom cherishes. She felt like if she used these then the severity of the message she was trying to get across would reach her siblings.

"Uh...nah bro. It's fine! Take care of that e-." At this moment, the egg within Colin's hands shakes and glows. After a few seconds it hatches to reveal a baby being.

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"Woah Brolin! Do you even know what kind of baby that is?! That's some serious potential dude!"

It began to snow and ice began to develop on the ground. It seemed like a blizzard was beginning to form.

"Meep!" Is all the little being says. It looks up at Hakeem and tilts its head. "Meep?"

The Jäqren flies over and looks in the bag. "A hatchling? Where did you receive the child from?'

Ryder shakes his head and begins to eat Cole's clothes again. The horse joins him as well. It seemed like Ryder ate clothes.

The horse charges forward and actually burns through the wall. A blue cone of energy forms around them as they begin to move at killing speeds. The horse stops making contact with the ground and begins moving on air.
Cleopatra freaks out, her arms flailing wildly. "HELP, IT IS COLD. AHHH, WHAT IS THIS!?!?" She ran into a nearby alley.
LonelyAssassin said:
"Well if I went with you peacefully I wouldn't have learned anything from this would I? I really don't want to kill you so please, stand down." Ren cracked his knuckles. He wasn't going to go, not after what just happend, there was clearly some bigger picture to all that was happening and he wasn't going to be so easily killed.
The cosmic fire in her hands turns into holy fire. She throws the fire at him and while it travels it begins to spread in a wide arc. She throws hell fire from her free hand afterwards. The Holy Fire ends up summoning an angel and the hell fire ends up summoning a demon.

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#0059b3][B]Hakeem [/B][/COLOR] Hakeem looks up at the Jäqren. [COLOR=#0059b3]I got from mama. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He looks back down at the being and pats his head. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]Since all he says is meep for now. I think that's what I'll call him. Meep. Oh and I'm ready to continue. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He puts his bag back on his back with Meep still inside. He summons an toy car and reaches over his bag trying to hand it to Meep. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]Here Meep play with this. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0059b3] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#5900b3]Cole[/COLOR][/B] Cole sighs as Ryder comes back eating his clothes denying the fruit bowl. [COLOR=#5900b3]Great so you're on a clothes only diet. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He pushes Ryder off of him again and takes off his clothes and tosses them at Ryder. [/COLOR][COLOR=#5900b3]There bon appetit. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Cole closes the portals in the sky before anything unwelcomed exited out of it. Another portal appears spitting out a lawn chair. Cole falls back on to the chair smoking in his underwear. [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#808080][B]Inaro [/B][/COLOR] Inaro was drinking his beer as he rode his new horse moving at killing speed. He looked forward seeing that everything in front of him was going down. It was either that or he was rising into the air. He looked down seeing that the horse was running on air. Inaro smiled brightly and pets the horse. [COLOR=#808080]Now you're fun. I like you said:
"We don't run off of money here so there wouldn't be a struggle for cash. We give everyone equal opportunity with our type of currency it just depends on how you use it. Your power source such as either mana, energy, or witch mana is our type of currency. Each place in this zone is different. This is a city, other places are more forested, and others are more temple like. Though none of them are to be looked down upon or to be looked up to. Each place has their own phenomenal value it really depends on what you're looking for. All places have a gravity screen for travel though unless you're going offroad. Now there is a language in this zone that I must teach you about, I have been sprinkling words here and there for it. I must also tell you of Cipher related things and of different species here and our laws. Come...we're going to your home." The Jäqren begins to fly back from where they came from to the castle in the distance.

Ryder continues to eat Cole's clothes and begins to restore more energy. It seemed like he wanted to leave the realm as well.

Tempest releases a dominant bellow and a storm forms around them. Wherever Tempest went he left a storm behind. He seemed to be rapidly covering the distance of the country. That was until Tempest was blasted by an orb of Nether. Tempest along with Inaro fell out of the sky and hit the ground. A boy seemed to be standing before them with an orb of Nether in his palm. "This time I'll end your horses life. Come with me and I'll get rid of the Nether spreading through its body."

Tazmodo said:
Reed shook his. "No there has to be another way. It wasn't thew fault that they died it was mine. There has to be a way. Please. She's the only friend I have." He stared at Adrianna.
"This is how the laws work. It doesn't matter how, if they're dead then they're dead. There is nothing I can or will do about it. Though you can visit them in the afterlife at any time. Once I figure out where to put them." Grimm puts their souls in Amazon shipping boxes.

GingerBread said:
Colin looked down at the infant creature he now held in his hand and frowned before looking up at Gary. "W-Would you like H-Him? H-He does seem like h-he'd like water" Colin smiled at Gary, hoping he would take the small creature from him; Colin didn't think he would be able to look after if, considering he seemed to get most people hurt and they were fully grown adults.



Maya had a smiled on her face all she thought about all the cool adventures she and Fola could go on. But at Fola's words, she started to frown. "Okay.." Maya walked away from Fola, her feet dragging along the ground; All her previous excitement and energy had seemed to just disappear. Maya rounded a corner and sat down on a step. She brought her knees up to her chest and then buried her head in her knees. Maya felt water drops rolling down her face and imagined it was raining, so of course it started raining lightly.

The fish baby looks up at Colin and speaks with a soft but high pitched voice. "Mama." The fish baby refers to Colin as Mama. The fish baby flips over on its belly and expects tummy rubs.

Maya could suddenly feel an arm wrapped around her with the addition of a side hug.
"Hey there." Temperance was sitting beside her with a concerned smile. "What's got you down?"

[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Cleopatra freaks out, her arms flailing wildly. "HELP, IT IS COLD. AHHH, WHAT IS THIS!?!?" She ran into a nearby alley.

A girl seemed to be in that alley, ready to attack Cleopatra along with the girl from before. "She nearly killed you? Pft...she's easy." She fires a wide blast of sharp icey spears at Cleopatra.
Light said:
The cosmic fire in her hands turns into holy fire. She throws the fire at him and while it travels it begins to spread in a wide arc. She throws hell fire from her free hand afterwards. The Holy Fire ends up summoning an angel and the hell fire ends up summoning a demon.
Ren prepared to absorb the Fire into his Dark Absorption Mark, however before it hit him the fire changed into something that looked angelic whilst the other things summoned was different. It was demonic. He cursed. This was going to be difficult, obviously. The Blue haired Demon fire a Blue Fireball from each hand, one for each summon - if they were to hit they would explode on impact setting them alight in a maelstrom of blue flames.

"Take that!"

Colin looked down at the Fish baby with shock and fear before looking back up at Gary with a panicked expression. "Wh-What am I meant to do? I-I can't take care of th-this baby F-Fish thing. B-But now it thinks I-I'm it's M-Mother. Wh-What do I do G-Gary?" In a moment of panic, Colin passed the baby fish over to Gary before turning around and walking away as fast as he could.



Maya shoved Temperance away slightly when she wrapped an arm around her, avoiding looking at her when she did. "Go away. Leave me alone." Maya turned slightly so that she was facing away from Temperance. "I'm just waiting for the rain to stop anyway" She muttered, still thinking that the drops of water rolling down her face were rain, even though there was a solid roof above her, stopping the rain from hitting her at all.

LonelyAssassin said:
Ren prepared to absorb the Fire into his Dark Absorption Mark, however before it hit him the fire changed into something that looked angelic whilst the other things summoned was different. It was demonic. He cursed. This was going to be difficult, obviously. The Blue haired Demon fire a Blue Fireball from each hand, one for each summon - if they were to hit they would explode on impact setting them alight in a maelstrom of blue flames.
"Take that!"
( ! ) The blue flames hit both the angel and the demon but seem to have little to no affect. The angel raises it's hand and casts Absolute light on one half of the dining hall while the demon casts Absolute darkness on the other. "Make your choice now. You are going to die." After Helena says this the absolute darkness and light rob him of his sense of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing.

GingerBread said:
Colin looked down at the Fish baby with shock and fear before looking back up at Gary with a panicked expression. "Wh-What am I meant to do? I-I can't take care of th-this baby F-Fish thing. B-But now it thinks I-I'm it's M-Mother. Wh-What do I do G-Gary?" In a moment of panic, Colin passed the baby fish over to Gary before turning around and walking away as fast as he could.



Maya shoved Temperance away slightly when she wrapped an arm around her, avoiding looking at her when she did. "Go away. Leave me alone." Maya turned slightly so that she was facing away from Temperance. "I'm just waiting for the rain to stop anyway" She muttered, still thinking that the drops of water rolling down her face were rain, even though there was a solid roof above her, stopping the rain from hitting her at all.

Gary runs after Colin. "Dude! You can't run off on your baby like that. That's totally going against our kindness policy bro! This is your child you can't just walk out on em." He puts the baby back in Colin's arms.

Temperance frowns at this and begins to manipulate cookie dough in her hands. "Maya. Honey that's not rain...those are tears. I'm not going to push you away or leave you alone. Even if you don't notice it or want it, I will always be there for you. Weren't you supposed to be throwing a suprise party for Fola? I need you to talk to me, pushing your mom away isn't cool."

"I-I don't k-know how to look a-after a child. B-Besides anything I-I care about e-ends up getting hurt s-somehow. S-So he'd be better off w-with you." Colin put the baby back into Gary's arms and took a couple of steps backwards.."B-Besides he seems l-like he'd like water. A-And you like w-water. I-I'm sure y-you'll be fine with h-him. O-Or at least better than I-I would be"



"You're not my mommy. And it is raining! Look!"
Maya stood up and walked away from the steps she was sitting on and out into the rain, where she promptly got soaked, her tears now indistinguishable from the rain drops. Though Maya was still crying underneath all the rain. But she kept assuming that it was just the rain.

Maya walked back and sat back down on the steps, as far away from Temperance as she could.
"And I still am throwing a party for my best friend. I was here because.... I was tired?" Maya nodded to herself. "Yeah. I'm still gonna make My best Friend the best party ever! Then He'll think I'm cool enough and he'll want me to hang out with him again!" Maya then let her head droop towards the ground, her wet hair clinging to the front of her face as she began crying once again.

Cleopatra's eyes widened at the icy spears. "AHH MORE COLD!" She waved her arm and area around her seemed to sizzle, the spears melting and turning to water. " Ah, It seems I have regained my aura. Now, let's get Sizzling. To The Nile!" She said and the three appeared at the Nile, the surface is rippling with crocodile backs. Cleopatra is standing in the middle of the Nile on a Boat. She is wearing what seems to be a leather outfit, and she was holding a electric guitar. The blizzard still raging but no snow is falling near Cleo's boat.


(I have no idea what i have started)
Light said:
"I'm thinking of changing some of the color in my hair and other things." Isabel sits down in the chair while Azriel and Temperance begin to work on her. "Sit down!" She gestures to the seat beside her and begins to tell Jackie about the other changes she might make.
Jackie nods to the ideas, "Sounds good to me. When are getting all this done?"

Light said:
( @CelticSol )

Grimmavus appears in front of Siobhan with a frown on his face. "Siobhan! Do you have an explanation as to why you've done what you did?"
Looking up from her phone, where she has a rather competitive game of trivia crack going on with a Reaper based in Australia, Siobhan scowls at the random appearance of her father. She returns her attention to her phone, spinning the wheel for her next question. "Oh, hi, dad, long time no see! How was your vacation that you and mom left for without even telling me before you vanished off the face of the planet?"
GingerBread said:

"I-I don't k-know how to look a-after a child. B-Besides anything I-I care about e-ends up getting hurt s-somehow. S-So he'd be better off w-with you." Colin put the baby back into Gary's arms and took a couple of steps backwards.."B-Besides he seems l-like he'd like water. A-And you like w-water. I-I'm sure y-you'll be fine with h-him. O-Or at least better than I-I would be"



"You're not my mommy. And it is raining! Look!"
Maya stood up and walked away from the steps she was sitting on and out into the rain, where she promptly got soaked, her tears now indistinguishable from the rain drops. Though Maya was still crying underneath all the rain. But she kept assuming that it was just the rain.

Maya walked back and sat back down on the steps, as far away from Temperance as she could.
"And I still am throwing a party for my best friend. I was here because.... I was tired?" Maya nodded to herself. "Yeah. I'm still gonna make My best Friend the best party ever! Then He'll think I'm cool enough and he'll want me to hang out with him again!" Maya then let her head droop towards the ground, her wet hair clinging to the front of her face as she began crying once again.

"Dude you've got this. Your baby wants you! All you have to do is take it to a pond or into a sink. It's not that hard. You'll be a great mom!'

"Momma, you're a big girl but sometimes you need to rely on others. Like your mother or your aunties. If Fola doesn't think you're cool enough now it's because you're cooler than him. You'd have to stoop to his level of cool. You're cool enough Maya. Come on. Shed not tears! Just give me a chance and I can make you feel better." Temperance has the cookie dough form into a large and warm cookie, offering it to Maya.


(I have no idea what i have started)
( Kill them off if you'd like. (} :) ) )

Elena and Jasmine fall into the river of crocodiles, completely taken by suprise.

CelticSol said:
Jackie nods to the ideas, "Sounds good to me. When are getting all this done?"
Looking up from her phone, where she has a rather competitive game of trivia crack going on with a Reaper based in Australia, Siobhan scowls at the random appearance of her father. She returns her attention to her phone, spinning the wheel for her next question. "Oh, hi, dad, long time no see! How was your vacation that you and mom left for without even telling me before you vanished off the face of the planet?"
"Now....I've already started. What would you like?" Azriel had already finished at least some of the stuff Isabel wanted done. "Would you like to do my hair if you can't decide just yet?"

"It was good but now I'm here to talk to you so I'd like for you to answer the question." Grimmavus removes the phone from Siobhan's hands.
Light said:
( ! ) The blue flames hit both the angel and the demon but seem to have little to no affect. The angel raises it's hand and casts Absolute light on one half of the dining hall while the demon casts Absolute darkness on the other. "Make your choice now. You are going to die." After Helena says this the absolute darkness and light rob him of his sense of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing.
Ren growled when the angel and demon simply shrugged off his fireball, he needed to absorb more energy to perform something a little more powerful. Though it seemed he was going to be bested really quickly, he had to make a choice - he threat was real and suddenly he couldn't see his enemies. He couldn't smell the fresh food Kelsey had brought earlier anymore, he couldn't taste the musty castle air and he couldn't feel the ground nor any breeze that may have been made. It was like he was free falling, it was scary, it was painful.

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT I'LL GO!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, but he couldn't even hear himself. He had given up so easily again, these people were powerful - and he wasn't used to fighting for his life.

"B-But what I-If I get him h-hurt o-or killed?" Colin asked as he took the baby from Gary, not taking his eyes off of it. "What a-am I meant to do w-with him? I-I don't e-even own a p-pond." Colin began gently rubbing the Fish baby's tummy, remembering that it seemed to want him to do that earlier. He looked up at Gary with a unsure expression on his face. "Y-You seem t-to know how t-to take care of i-it more than I-I do. W-why do you want me to? I-I know it thinks I-I'm it's mom, B-But that doesn't m-mean I should be the one to L-Look after it, r-right?"

Colin looked back down at the fish baby, smiling at how cute it was. He wanted to look after it and raise it, but he didn't think he could after all his past experiences with people, who were fully grown, getting hurt because of him in some way.
"I-It's not that I-I don't want to l-look after him. I-I just don't think I-I can't. I-I don't know the first thing about l-looking after a H-Human baby, let a-alone one like this" Colin thought for a while, not making a sound as he did.

"O-Once you've c-collect everyone y-you need to c-collect. C-Could you c-come and help me l-look after him? O-Or c-could you h-help get me s-started l-looking after him now? C-Could you help me make a p-pond a-at least?" Colin looked back up at Gary with an almost pleading expression in his eyes. "I-I know you're busy. S-So I understand if y-you say no. B-But I would r-really appreciate it"



Maya didn't look up at Temperance and just kept looking towards the ground. "No. My best friend Is the coolest person ever. That's why he's my best friend. So If he's not cool... That means I'm even less cool!" Maya looked up at Temperance briefly and saw that she was offering her a cookie. She took if from temperance before throwing it away, into the rain. "I'm not cool enough to have cookies anymore"

Light said:
"Now....I've already started. What would you like?" Azriel had already finished at least some of the stuff Isabel wanted done. "Would you like to do my hair if you can't decide just yet?"
"Sure, I can do that. Do you have any dye with you?"

Light said:
"It was good but now I'm here to talk to you so I'd like for you to answer the question." Grimmavus removes the phone from Siobhan's hands.
"Hmmm," Siobhan hums, and rather than replying immediately or reacting to the phone being plucked out of her hand, she conjures a bag of chips into her hand, and starts to eat from it. After eating a few chips and considering her father's words, she speaks, not sounding the least bit interested in the topic at hand, "I gather that it has something to do with the laws, right? Well," She shrugs, "I mean, I'd like to be all sad and remorseful and dejected, but you haven't even told me any of the laws; you were too busy frolicking around in the world doing God knows what. So, I'm not really all that sorry about whatever I've done - which, by the way, you have yet to specify what it is I've actually done."
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LonelyAssassin said:
Ren growled when the angel and demon simply shrugged off his fireball, he needed to absorb more energy to perform something a little more powerful. Though it seemed he was going to be bested really quickly, he had to make a choice - he threat was real and suddenly he couldn't see his enemies. He couldn't smell the fresh food Kelsey had brought earlier anymore, he couldn't taste the musty castle air and he couldn't feel the ground nor any breeze that may have been made. It was like he was free falling, it was scary, it was painful.
"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT I'LL GO!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, but he couldn't even hear himself. He had given up so easily again, these people were powerful - and he wasn't used to fighting for his life.
The angel and the demon both disappear and Helena shows nothing but a smirk. "Good. Now you're going to help me hunt down the others."

GingerBread said:
"B-But what I-If I get him h-hurt o-or killed?" Colin asked as he took the baby from Gary, not taking his eyes off of it. "What a-am I meant to do w-with him? I-I don't e-even own a p-pond." Colin began gently rubbing the Fish baby's tummy, remembering that it seemed to want him to do that earlier. He looked up at Gary with a unsure expression on his face. "Y-You seem t-to know how t-to take care of i-it more than I-I do. W-why do you want me to? I-I know it thinks I-I'm it's mom, B-But that doesn't m-mean I should be the one to L-Look after it, r-right?"

Colin looked back down at the fish baby, smiling at how cute it was. He wanted to look after it and raise it, but he didn't think he could after all his past experiences with people, who were fully grown, getting hurt because of him in some way.
"I-It's not that I-I don't want to l-look after him. I-I just don't think I-I can't. I-I don't know the first thing about l-looking after a H-Human baby, let a-alone one like this" Colin thought for a while, not making a sound as he did.

"O-Once you've c-collect everyone y-you need to c-collect. C-Could you c-come and help me l-look after him? O-Or c-could you h-help get me s-started l-looking after him now? C-Could you help me make a p-pond a-at least?" Colin looked back up at Gary with an almost pleading expression in his eyes. "I-I know you're busy. S-So I understand if y-you say no. B-But I would r-really appreciate it"



Maya didn't look up at Temperance and just kept looking towards the ground. "No. My best friend Is the coolest person ever. That's why he's my best friend. So If he's not cool... That means I'm even less cool!" Maya looked up at Temperance briefly and saw that she was offering her a cookie. She took if from temperance before throwing it away, into the rain. "I'm not cool enough to have cookies anymore"

"Definitely dude. Where would you like me to make the pond?" Gary grins at Colin accepting the fish baby. "How big too. I need the details Brolin."

Temperance taps her chin and thinks about the situation at hand. It looks like she would have to talk to Fola to fix this problem. "Where did you last see Fola?"

CelticSol said:
"Sure, I can do that. Do you have any dye with you?"
"Hmmm," Siobhan hums, and rather than replying immediately or reacting to the phone being plucked out of her hand, she conjures a bag of chips into her hand, and starts to eat from it. After eating a few chips and considering her father's words, she speaks, not sounding the least bit interested in the topic at hand, "I gather that it has something to do with the laws, right? Well," She shrugs, "I mean, I'd like to be all sad and remorseful and dejected, but you haven't even told me any of the laws; you were too busy frolicking around in the world doing God knows what. So, I'm not really all that sorry about whatever I've done - which, by the way, you have yet to specify what it is I've actually done."

"Yeah it's over there." Isabel points at the bottle on the counter with her left hand since that arm was already finished. The clone of Temperance holds Isabel's lip. "I'm going to need you to sit still." That's when the needle went through. Temperance pats Isabella's shoulder as she cringes in pain, working on the second one right beside it.

"You've antagonized someone outside of the plan and caused them to take many lives, lives I had to bring back to life which is against the laws. Something you should be help accountable for was taken upon my shoulders, thus weakening me as death. I know both your mother and I haven't been around much and I apologize for that. I've been trying to make room to spend a lot more time with you but when you do things like that and act like this it makes it difficult. Don't complain about me not being there if you continue to make interaction between us harder. You're barely looking up at me."
Light said:
The angel and the demon both disappear and Helena shows nothing but a smirk. "Good. Now you're going to help me hunt down the others."
"I guess you'll kill me if you don't." Ren stated the obvious on purpose, though his attitude was confident he was worried, "You know I've never killed someone before? But I guess if I don't you'll kill me... Can't you guys do this without murdering each other? Please say yes, this is all crazy."
"I feel the power coursing through my body, the time has come to.. to.. to.. Walk Like an Egyptian!" She said as the two girls are thrown onto the boat, Cleopatra pulled a mic from thin air. She snapped her fingers and music began blasting all around. "If you fail to dance correctly, You die." Cleopatra said as she pulled the mic up to her mouth, and began singing.


This is it they must dance for their lives.


(I need to get serious, but this was too good to pass up...(music))
Light said:
The angel and the demon both disappear and Helena shows nothing but a smirk. "Good. Now you're going to help me hunt down the others."
"Definitely dude. Where would you like me to make the pond?" Gary grins at Colin accepting the fish baby. "How big too. I need the details Brolin."

Temperance taps her chin and thinks about the situation at hand. It looks like she would have to talk to Fola to fix this problem. "Where did you last see Fola?"

"Yeah it's over there." Isabel points at the bottle on the counter with her left hand since that arm was already finished. The clone of Temperance holds Isabel's lip. "I'm going to need you to sit still." That's when the needle went through. Temperance pats Isabella's shoulder as she cringes in pain, working on the second one right beside it.

"You've antagonized someone outside of the plan and caused them to take many lives, lives I had to bring back to life which is against the laws. Something you should be help accountable for was taken upon my shoulders, thus weakening me as death. I know both your mother and I haven't been around much and I apologize for that. I've been trying to make room to spend a lot more time with you but when you do things like that and act like this it makes it difficult. Don't complain about me not being there if you continue to make interaction between us harder. You're barely looking up at me."
Jackie grabs the hair dye and gloves, then starts applying the blue to the tips of Isabel's hair, "So, why the sudden and very drastic change?"


She fully laughs, the chips disappearing from her hands as she cackles, "'Trying to make room for me, but my attitude makes it too hard', he says," She stands, shaking her head, and goes to the other side of the room to grab a coke. Opening it, she looks back at Grimm as she sips it, then continues with crossed arms, "That's where you're wrong, daddy-o. You wouldn't even be able to know if I had a bad attitude or not - you weren't here. Don't pretend as if this is a simple matter of you being busy, father. This is the first conversation that we've had one on one, face to face, in, what? Six years? Don't act like I'm the one being difficult when you were the one that left me," she looks at him bitterly, putting her cup down. "I needed you when Mamaí. I was so young, my mother was likely dead, I needed someone who cared, and what did you do? You gave me to a bunch reapers who won't let anyone look in my direction and wouldn't let me play with toys they thought were dangerous, and then you left. So stop acting like I owe you anything, because I don't. I don't owe kindness, I don't owe you pleasantness, I don't owe you love, and I don't owe you an apology. I don't owe you anything," She stalks up to him, snatching her phone out of her hand and gesturing to the door, "So, if you're done pretending to be a good father who cares about his daughter, you can go."
LonelyAssassin said:
"I guess you'll kill me if you don't." Ren stated the obvious on purpose, though his attitude was confident he was worried, "You know I've never killed someone before? But I guess if I don't you'll kill me... Can't you guys do this without murdering each other? Please say yes, this is all crazy."
"If it comes down to it then...I'll have to. So I guess today is your lucky day." She pulls out a realm orb and it glows, suddenly taking them both to Akki, Bob, Riley, and B.A.T.M.A.N.

( @GingerBread @Lotusy @Ethan Vail )


(I need to get serious, but this was too good to pass up...(music))
Elena and Jasmine couldn't dance very well, especially on a boat with crocodile all around them.

CelticSol said:
Jackie grabs the hair dye and gloves, then starts applying the blue to the tips of Isabel's hair, "So, why the sudden and very drastic change?"
"I just want to move on from all the things in my past and I feel like this will help, as stupid as that sounds." Temperance begins to heal the wound on Isabel's ears and lips. "I can't be a princess forever apparently."

CelticSol said:
She fully laughs, the chips disappearing from her hands as she cackles, "'Trying to make room for me, but my attitude makes it too hard', he says," She stands, shaking her head, and goes to the other side of the room to grab a coke. Opening it, she looks back at Grimm as she sips it, then continues with crossed arms, "That's where you're wrong, daddy-o. You wouldn't even be able to know if I had a bad attitude or not - you weren't here. Don't pretend as if this is a simple matter of you being busy, father. This is the first conversation that we've had one on one, face to face, in, what? Six years? Don't act like I'm the one being difficult when you were the one that left me," she looks at him bitterly, putting her cup down. "I needed you when Mamaí. I was so young, my mother was likely dead, I needed someone who cared, and what did you do? You gave me to a bunch reapers who won't let anyone look in my direction and wouldn't let me play with toys they thought were dangerous, and then you left. So stop acting like I owe you anything, because I don't. I don't owe kindness, I don't owe you pleasantness, I don't owe you love, and I don't owe you an apology. I don't owe you anything," She stalks up to him, snatching her phone out of her hand and gesturing to the door, "So, if you're done pretending to be a good father who cares about his daughter, you can go."
Grimmavus seems to tense up, obvious pain developing in his eyes as he does so. Then after a few seconds he just...let's it go. Grimmavus walks out of the door, and fades away. The reapers leave, Siobhan's power is reduced, her connection to him was cut off, all benefits from him were also taken away. She wanted him out of her life, so be it.
Light said:
"I just want to move on from all the things in my past and I feel like this will help, as stupid as that sounds." Temperance begins to heal the wound on Isabel's ears and lips. "I can't be a princess forever apparently."
Jackie nods knowingly, her expression distant. "I get that. I mean, after..." Jackie hesitates, then, thinking better of it, shakes her head and changes the topic, "I don't know about you," She brushes more dye through Isabel's hair as she continues, her voice gentle, "But I think being a princess is more state of mind - you can look like this and still be a princess. You'd just be... A punk rock princess, I guess."
CelticSol said:
Jackie nods knowingly, her expression distant. "I get that. I mean, after..." Jackie hesitates, then, thinking better of it, shakes her head and changes the topic, "I don't know about you," She brushes more dye through Isabel's hair as she continues, her voice gentle, "But I think being a princess is more state of mind - you can look like this and still be a princess. You'd just be... A punk rock princess, I guess."
"Jackie....what do you do when you lose the one you love?" Isabel waits for Jackie to finish with her hair and that would be the end of it. Isabel stares at her reflection in the mirror, meeting her pink eyes and the freshly healed piercing holes. "I don't know what to do about the situation with Fola..." Isabel looks down and inspects the artwork on her arms, smiling at the face of Fola amongst various others on her left arm. "What would you do without Alpha?"
Light said:
Grimmavus seems to tense up, obvious pain developing in his eyes as he does so. Then after a few seconds he just...let's it go. Grimmavus walks out of the door, and fades away. The reapers leave, Siobhan's power is reduced, her connection to him was cut off, all benefits from him were also taken away. She wanted him out of her life, so be it.
Siobhan stares at the door for a few minutes, coke hanging loosely in her fingers at the top. Her fingernail taps a rhythmic beat against the aluminum can, her thoughts racing a mile a minute as she processes her father walking out. She can feel his connection to her severed, that her powers are reduced, and though she feels weaker without her unlimited omnipotence, she feels... Lighter. Lighter than she's ever felt. The reapers are banished, and for the first time since her mother vanished, the eyes at her back and the suffocating paranoia that accompanied them is gone. Sure, her eyes prick with unshed tears, her heart feels like a heavy weight in her chest, and she feels like she's gone cold to the bone, but somehow, she's never felt more alive. Never felt more free.

Her father may have abandonned her, but now there is no one watching, no one who can track her, and more importantly, no one to stop her.

Placing her pop gently down on her side table, she pulls out a suitcase she packed months ago, which collected dust under her bed as she waited for this exact moment. She grabs the suitcase by its handle, pulling it up beside her. She almost forgets her phone, and grabs it before she opens the portal. She pauses when she spots that the Trivia Crack app is still open - and that it is now her turn - and she spins the wheel for her question as she vanishes.
Light said:
"Jackie....what do you do when you lose the one you love?" Isabel waits for Jackie to finish with her hair and that would be the end of it. Isabel stares at her reflection in the mirror, meeting her pink eyes and the freshly healed piercing holes. "I don't know what to do about the situation with Fola..." Isabel looks down and inspects the artwork on her arms, smiling at the face of Fola amongst various others on her left arm. "What would you do without Alpha?"
Jackie tries to keep her tone neutral, but there is a pain in her voice that's undeniable and wrought with grief. When Jackie's eyes briefly meet with Isabel's in the reflection of the mirror, they are haunted. She returns to her work, but says after a few moments, "Don't ask a question you don't want the answer to, sweetie."
CelticSol said:
Jackie tries to keep her tone neutral, but there is a pain in her voice that's undeniable and wrought with grief. When Jackie's eyes briefly meet with Isabel's in the reflection of the mirror, they are haunted. She returns to her work, but says after a few moments, "Don't ask a question you don't want the answer to, sweetie."
"I want the answer though! Anything will help right now..." Isabel winces as Temperance puts in the piercings even with the healing. "I won't know how to deal with this if I don't know. You have more experience than I do. So please...." Light tears begin to form in her eyes, only to be frantically rubbed away. "....Just tell me."

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