Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

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  • Athena

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  • Tie

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GingerBread said:
Maya frowned as Hakeem just summoned the stuff that they needed. "This is why you're so uncool! You're booooooooooooooring! Do you not know how to have any fun?! You never do anything fun! You always take the boring way!" Maya nodded to herself, confident that she had figured out the reason why Hakeem was so uncool compared to her.

@Embaga Elder
Ryder tenses up and feels a sharp pain in his body as he and the horse turn into void energy. The energy expands and engulf the clones.

Shadow's horses stomps its hoof on the ground and has a bubble filled with liquid dark rage energy hold bother itself and Shadow inside of it. The rage energy from Crimson stops on contact, getting stuck in it as if it were thick honey. Something seemed to be forming inside the bubble.

CelticSol said:
Jackie steps back from the diner burning, closing her eyes and taking ten deep, long breaths from her nose. She can almost feel memories curling around the edges of her consciousness, held back only by sheer willpower and a desperate desire for a flashback to not fucking happen right now. After another ten breaths, she shifts her gaze and the angle of her body towards Gary and Colin. She does not mirror Gary's smile, eyes empty and cold, "Are you going to make me come with you as well? I'm not going to go unless you bring the girl who did this-" She jerks a thumb to the burning diner behind her, "- to me. Simple. Easy. Then I'll go with you. Until then, I'm staying right here," To emphasize her point, she sits down on the curb of the road.
( @GingerBread )

"No I was going to ask if you wanted to come with us dude." Gary scratches the back of her head. "That would be my big sis Helena. I don't know why she would go this far though..." Gary frowns at the destruction. "I don't know how to get her here but I'll try! You won't do anything violent though would you? Brolin and I are on an anti violence quest."

Ethan Vail]"What exactly is he?.." He asks said:


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Light said:
In the distance, someone in a strange cloak had been following him for the longest time. Though in the light this stalker seemed to disappear, only to become visible once more in the shade. The person stood at least 20 feet away from Ren currently, acting like they're looking down at their phone.
Ren stopped taking bites from his pie when he saw this strange figure in a strange cloak, he looked to be on his phone like most people nowadays were. He just didn't fit in with the rest. Ren walked his normal route, though he didn't take his eyes off of him until they were close. He didn't want to interact, he never did with peculiar people before so why start now? Though... today was a different day. He took a bite out of his pie as the distance was very close, seemed he was just going to walk passed.

Maya looked up at the owl looking thing and pondered for a moment, putting her finger to her chin as she replicated what she had seen other people do when they're thinking. "Hmmmm. Nah! You guys are all boring! I'm going to go and see my best friend!" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem and the bird before turning on her heel and walking the other way.

Maya looked at the lamp in her hand and then got an Idea on how she could cheer up her best friend. She teleported behind Fola and then threw her lamp at the back of his head before going back inside of it with a small puff of smoke. Attached to the lamp was a small note saying "Rub the lamp and have three wishes granted!!!!" Maya was smiling to herself inside her lamp, impressed by her amazing idea. Though she overlooked a detail; She couldn't get out of the lamp unless someone rubbed it and summoned her.

@LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder
Raz leaves their dimension and decides to look around for the once was leader of dragons roar, there was rumor that there were eggs behind handed out but he heard it a quite a while ago."excuse me Grimm, if you can hear me can you help me out? I'm trying to find out how to get a egg. It would be great if you can give assistance please." He said floating.
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz leaves their dimension and decides to look around for the once was leader of dragons roar, there was rumor that there were eggs behind handed out but he heard it a quite a while ago."excuse me Grimm, if you can hear me can you help me out? I'm trying to find out how to get a egg. It would be great if you can give assistance please." He said floating.
LonelyAssassin said:
Ren stopped taking bites from his pie when he saw this strange figure in a strange cloak, he looked to be on his phone like most people nowadays were. He just didn't fit in with the rest. Ren walked his normal route, though he didn't take his eyes off of him until they were close. He didn't want to interact, he never did with peculiar people before so why start now? Though... today was a different day. He took a bite out of his pie as the distance was very close, seemed he was just going to walk passed.
The person stood still, staring at their phone and seemingly taking no notice to Ren at all.

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz leaves their dimension and decides to look around for the once was leader of dragons roar, there was rumor that there were eggs behind handed out but he heard it a quite a while ago."excuse me Grimm, if you can hear me can you help me out? I'm trying to find out how to get a egg. It would be great if you can give assistance please." He said floating.
Grimm appears before Raz in the form of a tennis ball with a mouth. "So you would like to get an egg? I can get you one but you would like one frrroooommm Isabel. I totally did not read your mind. Unfortunately I can't access her at the moment, she's in her zone that I oddly cannot enter."
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Light said:
The person stood still, staring at their phone and seemingly taking no notice to Ren at all.
Grimm appears before Raz in the form of a tennis ball with a mouth. "So you would like to get an egg? I can get you one but you would like one frrroooommm Isabel. I totally did not read your mind. Unfortunately I can't access her at the moment, she's in her zone that I oddly cannot enter."
"Are you able to take me there?" Raz asks, now a soccer ball with a smile drawn on it.
Fola shook his head, "You're over simplifying it to much, I just...I don't fucking know, I put all my faith into this one path and now that it's gone I have no idea what to do. I closed my eyes and I saw a future, now that shits gone and I have no future; no plans, nothing to look forward to...Just nothing." He rubbed both his hands through his hair, they went down until they were behind him neck. He looked up to the sky and closed his eyes, "Just not sure what to do. Maybe I'll get up and try again, maybe I won't, I just have no idea what I want anymo- FUCK!"

He winced as a lamp hit the back of his head and fell to the floor. He quirked his brown and knelled down to pick it up, inspecting the lamp with an odd look, "Was somebody behind me? Did some asshole really throw a fucking lamp at me and ditch? The hell is this supposed to do, make me look like I'm jerking somebody off or something? Really fucking mature prank..." He pocketed it and shook his head.

MTchaos1134 said:
"Are you able to take me there?" Raz asks, now a soccer ball with a smile drawn on it.
"No. I just said I can't access it." Grimm takes his regular form. "How would I send you there if I can't access it myself?"
Light said:
"I don't know!" Alina was hanging upside-down in Riley's grip. Riley seemed too lazy to move at the moment. "This is all my fault." Alina groans and feels the blood rushing to her head. "I always sat around with him so he's lazy."
"Um, try scolding him or something." He looks up at the two in confusion and sighs. "Riley, you should come down. Alina probably doesn't enjoy hanging up there." He claps his hands together, trying to get Riley's attention. "Get down from there, or I will come up there too."
Ent walked over to Aedus, not really showing any care. He looked down at the header and saw in big bold letters what Aedus wanted him to see. 'Dragon's Roar Disbands'. Ent sighed and placed his palm over his face, removing it he started to open his mouth "Well, how did you enjoy your time there? I feel like we made a lot of new friends that we will stay in contact with. I had fun saving the world as promised. Oh wait, we did fuck all. What a waste of time. Guess they could not handle me being there. Guess we have to look for a real job. I'm thinking one with mini skirts." Ent smirked as he started to walk away.

[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"Um, try scolding him or something." He looks up at the two in confusion and sighs. "Riley, you should come down. Alina probably doesn't enjoy hanging up there." He claps his hands together, trying to get Riley's attention. "Get down from there, or I will come up there too."

"He was just born and he doesn't mean any harm. I don't think he deserves to be yelled at." Alina groans and puts her hand on her forehead.

Riley looks towards Akki and safely drops off of the ceiling with Alina. He was beginning to grow closer in a curious fashion.
Light said:
In the Anti-God Zone things were much...different then the other realms. People actually used their brains in this zone. Beings going to work simply moved out of the way on the sidewalk for Hakeem and Maya, they were children after all and moving in a clustered and unorganized crowd would make it hard for them to navigate. As beings went by they either said hello or stayed silent. There was a tall inky black being with a minotaurs head, a dragons torso, phoenix wings for arms, and a centaurs lower body. It's body seemed to be literally made out of thick, inky darkness that oozed darkness off of it as well. It's body was completely mishap and the only thing that wasn't inky black was it's red glowing eyes deep within its head. As freakish and scary this new being was, it didn't show any sign of malice. In fact it politely nodded towards others, Maya, and Hakeem to go on its way down the street. A bird flies in from above a building and lands before Hakeem and Maya. It closes it's eyes and bows it's head. "Members of the Cipher, I thank you for my creation. I am nothing more than then a humble being of the house. Forthraeas is creating more as we speak for this zone and she's working on things for you as well. From this day forward I am to assist you as your companion until you are perfectly acquainted with this realm and it's secrets as its rightful heirs. I would like to guide you around the town and explain the condition of the zone at this moment if you will allow it."
Hakeem didn't even attempt to stop Maya from leaving. If that's what she wanted to do then so be it, he could care less. He looks up at the owl. I'll go, but under one condition. You let ride along on your back. He crosses his arms. So do we have a deal?? @Light

Light said:
Ryder tenses up and feels a sharp pain in his body as he and the horse turn into void energy. The energy expands and engulf the clones.
Shadow's horses stomps its hoof on the ground and has a bubble filled with liquid dark rage energy hold bother itself and Shadow inside of it. The rage energy from Crimson stops on contact, getting stuck in it as if it were thick honey. Something seemed to be forming inside the bubble.

Cole and Crimson both watched their hatchling's as they do some form of transformation or special move. Cole switched his bow sword into sword mode, and Crimson spun his scythe as he waits. @Light

Cole and Crimson both watched their hatchling's as they do some form of transformation or special move. Cole switched his bow sword into sword mode, and Crimson spun his scythe as he waits. @Light
"No. I am to guide you upon your own two feet, instructions from your mother. We must start to save time. You have much to learn and we are already upon the second sun!" The Jäqren blinks it's third eye.

Both Ryder and Shadow burst in power, only to become visible in the form of a centaur.
Light said:
"No. I just said I can't access it." Grimm takes his regular form. "How would I send you there if I can't access it myself?"
"I suppose your right. Is there any for me way to get to her?"he asks, now slightly worried.

"Maybe someone threw that Lamp at you to stop you from being a little bitch. So you have nothing to look forwards to, whoop de fucking do. Before I joined the Guild, I had no plans for a future, mostly because I couldn't remember my past."
Vance shrugged and leaned back on the bench. "But my point is, I probably had plans for the future and then they got fucked up. Though granted, I wouldn't remember them anyway." Vance waved his hand on his good arm dismissively. "But I still carried on, I didn't look back and try to figure out how to get my memories back. I just carried on. So why the hell can't you?" He looked over at Fola, mainly so he could make sure he was listening. "If I could when I had pretty much no clue what was going on, then I'm sure you can find something to do" Vance looked down both sides of the road and frowned. "I think I'll have died before the ambulance gets here. But what am I going to tell them? Because I don't think I should tell them you stabbed me, Unless you'd like a trip to prison"



"D-Don't get angry E-Ent. I-I'm sure they didn't close it j-just as we joined on purpose. I-I'm sure it was just a coincidence that it closed soon after we joined" Aedus placed the newspaper back before he started to walk after Ent, gaining a slight crimson tinge to his cheeks as Ent mentioned a job involving Miniskirts. "Wh-What? Why would we work somewhere with m-miniskirts E-Ent? A-And d-do you mean.." Aedus looked around to make sure no one was close by before moving closer to Ent so that he could whisper in his ear. ".A St-Strip club E-Ent?"

MTchaos1134 said:
"I suppose your right. Is there any for me way to get to her?"he asks, now slightly worried.
"No. For the last time. No. If I knew how I would have done it before like I've been saying."
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Light said:
"No. For the last time. No. If I knew how I would have done it before like I've been saying."
"Ok, sorry for asking repeatedly."he turns back to normal."so what you said earlier sounded like you could give eggs too. Can you?" A random shadow being rose up from the ground and chucked a ball of shadows at Raz face. Raz,stood there for a moment, looking at the shadow being, it seemed like they were talking telepathically. Then after a moment the shadow figure went back underground.raz rubbed his head as he waited for a response.
Light said:
"No. I am to guide you upon your own two feet, instructions from your mother. We must start to save time. You have much to learn and we are already upon the second sun!" The Jäqren blinks it's third eye.
Both Ryder and Shadow burst in power, only to become visible in the form of a centaur.
Hakeem sighs and places his hand behind his head. I guess we cam go now since we're in such a hurry. He summons an orb that will float around him recording everything he and The Jäqren will experience. Lead the way my friend.

Crimson and Cole both smile being surprised by the new form their hatchlings have taken. Cole opens up five void portals in the sky leading to space. He flies down and a purple spell circle appears on his left fist. He holds out his left hand still holding his sword in his right. He starts firing void energy orbs at Ryder.

Crimson places a hand on top of the other and begins firing fire and lightning missiles towards shadow. @Light
Light said:
"He was just born and he doesn't mean any harm. I don't think he deserves to be yelled at." Alina groans and puts her hand on her forehead.
Riley looks towards Akki and safely drops off of the ceiling with Alina. He was beginning to grow closer in a curious fashion.
"Well...that's true." He notices Riley getting closer so he takes a few steps towards him as well. "At least you aren't on the ceiling anymore, Alina. You looked like you were gonna pass out at any moment with all that blood rushing to your head." He stops directly in front of the two, looking at Riley closely. "Alina, what do I do? I am not good with children...or babies. Or whatever Riley is."
Light said:
The person stood still, staring at their phone and seemingly taking no notice to Ren at all.
Ren stopped and turned, facing the person. He was pretty close to finishing his pie by now, though he still had a bit left he bit into it and chewed as he looked at the person. Took him a bit to finish this awkward mouthful before speaking with a kindly tone;

Light said:
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just wondering why Gary looks like....this." Alina thinks about her lazily lounging with the egg and her always coughing around it. "Oh...."
"I don't really know their weaknesses, I don't pay attention to powers much. I just know we get empowered from being around our certian element." Adrianna doesn't even back up when a dime is spit at her head by Sherman's fish, she felt like she deserved it for letting them down. "I'm sorry."
Reed shook his head. "Don't feel sorry your information was was worth more then every dime in the world. Are you however as strong as the embodies of these elements because if not then we can stop them with their help?"

Bob couldn't stand the elves.

It was another one of his days off, and somehow, by some horrid means (or possibly alcohol), Bob found himself slaving away at Santa's workshop, again. It was hot, cramped, stuffy, and the elves were working like bees, mouths running like motors as they toiled in making gifts in an extremely inefficient manner. Instead of machinery, they used elves. Gears were replaced with elves, conveyor belts were elves, and levers? Well, part of an elf. Bob hated it. "Naughty... nice... naughty... naughty," he muttered, using his sight to verify the virtue of every child on the list Santa gave him while scrawling the results on two different sheets. A small stack of elves almost collapsed, swerving past him and unloading tons of sweaty droplets on him. "I hate my job," he growled. It was the North Pole, but somehow, the sweatshop managed to be hotter than the Sahara - and the bunny suit didn't help either. "F*ck this," he grumbled, standing up and shoving the papers aside. "I'm out for today, boys!" He shouted, pulling his hood up and storming off. "And your hat looks like shit, Steve!" Before he left, Bob punched a tower of Elves acting as a support beam, listening to them fall with satisfying thuds. "Much better." As he stepped into some magical workroom (powered by sweat), he hit the button saying "Anywhere but here," and was whisked away.

Three seconds later, Bob appeared on the ceiling of a random diner in the middle of nowhere, quickly grabbing a hanging lamp for dear life. With a sharp snap, the metal separated by his weight, leading to Bob cursing about eating too much chocolate before falling to the ground. As he did, of course, he found himself splayed on a table, looking at an upside-down Riley, Alina, and Akki. There wasn't really much to say, being a middle-aged man in a bunny suit falling from the ceiling of a diner, so he just waved to the beast. "Uh, hi." He dug around his pockets before drawing out a painted egg. "Want this?"

@Light @Ethan Vail
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Fola pinched the bridge of his nose and spoke to Vance, "Honestly Vance, your 'advice' doesn't help...Whatever, when the ambulance gets here just tell them you were in a car crash recently, you pushed your strained body a bit to far and burst open some stitches..." The ambulance rounded the corner as medics got out, taking Vance and beginning to escort him away, "As log as you don't die somehow, I guess I'll see you at your wedding..."

MTchaos1134 said:
"Ok, sorry for asking repeatedly."he turns back to normal."so what you said earlier sounded like you could give eggs too. Can you?" A random shadow being rose up from the ground and chucked a ball of shadows at Raz face. Raz,stood there for a moment, looking at the shadow being, it seemed like they were talking telepathically. Then after a moment the shadow figure went back underground.raz rubbed his head as he waited for a response.
"Yes I can give eggs. I assume that you'd like one." Grimm pulls out a black and blue egg from his pocket that conveniently grew to a regular size.

Embaga Elder]Hakeem sighs and places his hand behind his head. [COLOR=#0059b3]I guess we cam go now since we're in such a hurry. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He summons an orb that will float around him recording everything he and The Jäqren will experience. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]Lead the way my friend. [/COLOR] Crimson and Cole both smile being surprised by the new form their hatchlings have taken. Cole opens up five void portals in the sky leading to space. He flies down and a purple spell circle appears on his left fist. He holds out his left hand still holding his sword in his right. He starts firing void energy orbs at Ryder. Crimson places a hand on top of the other and begins firing fire and lightning missiles towards shadow. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
The Jäqren flies upwards and glides down the street at a slow pace for Hakeem to follow. "This is the Anti-God Zone, there are many new species here and new laws. The female over there is of a new species called the Meta Demon." The Jäqren gestures to the inky black being previously seen before. "The town you're currently living in is going through the process of creation along with the rest of this zone."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/77923ad3d44b2143f98d2efd31251e4f.jpg.4f298590c1bf320524919f317bdf051d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/77923ad3d44b2143f98d2efd31251e4f.jpg.4f298590c1bf320524919f317bdf051d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( Look to the far bottom left with the side walk and people. That's where they are. )

The Jäqren keeps to the left, where people moving away from the gravity screen are supposed to walk. "The blue screen is called a gravity screen. Each driver and fraereck are equipped with items to get the fraereck started. Forthraeas has instructed me to inform you heavily on how transportation and travel works." The words of some odd language he was using were coming out as whispers or airy breaths. "To first summon a fraereck." The Jäqren gestures to the floating vehicles moving along the gravity screen. "You need the corresponding summoning disk that will bring it forth from your keepers pocket. Once it has materialized you will appear above the gravity screen in the speed adjustment tube which allows you to merge into traffic safely. Though to appear there you need to keep your energy brace on your wrist at all times. It's what powers your fraereck. If you fail to have it on then you will be immediately sent back to your registered safe spot before you could touch a pedal. When registering for a license you must include a certian place you would like to be instantly transported to in case of emergency. When facing a potential crash your fraereck will disappear and your energy brace will absorb all the energy of the forces propelling you forward that would normally kill you in other realms. You will also be instantly sent towards your safe place. So with that crashes are impossible. Your energy used up while driving will be returned to you afterwards."

The Jäqren approaches a place where the sidewalk was about to hit the street. "The gravity screen will make sure all things registered to be on it will levitate upon it. All things that are not registered for it won't be able to cross, get on, or get within a certian range above or below it. Like so." The Jäqren flies towards the busy gravity screen and suddenly appears beside Hakeem as if there was an invisible wall teleporting him back. "Also...if you'd like to move across the gravity screen through the side walk." The Jäqren flies towards the edge of the side walk and appears on the other side through teleportation he didn't even have to do. Successfully crossing the gravity screen without disturbing traffic. "Try it yourself...there is much more to learn about."

Ryder sat there and took the hits, being ejected from his form. It seemed like he used up all of his energy to do so and didn't know exactly what to do next. His powers were currently locked away. Shadow had the same probelm.

Alina screams and jumps back from a man in a bunny suit suddenly dropping down from the cieling. Riley begins to freak out and storms out of the restaurant in fear, letting Alina go and taking the painted egg. "Riley!" Alina calls out to her freshly born biosect and storms out of the restaurant after him. She was internally hoping the bunny man wouldn't follow her, he actually terrified her. Though she would like to know why he suddenly appeared. "Was he watching us?" Alina mumbles to herself as she looks around for Riley. "Riley?!"

LonelyAssassin said:
Ren stopped and turned, facing the person. He was pretty close to finishing his pie by now, though he still had a bit left he bit into it and chewed as he looked at the person. Took him a bit to finish this awkward mouthful before speaking with a kindly tone;
"No." The voice sounded feminine and Ren could see an outstretched palm from under the cloak, directly in his face. He possibly couldn't even see the smirk on her face due to the hand in the way. In a flash, a bright light not only comes out of her hand to blind him but it also knocks him back.

Tazmodo said:
Reed shook his head. "Don't feel sorry your information was was worth more then every dime in the world. Are you however as strong as the embodies of these elements because if not then we can stop them with their help?"
Adrianna shakes her head. "No...most of us aren't very good with our powers actually. We grew up in a castle so we've had no reason to focus on fighting and self defense."



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