Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
Jackie feels the room heat up, then shrugs, "Okay, novelty of this is done for me. What about you? You ready to blow this joint?" She holds her hand out to Alpha with a raised eyebrow.
Alpha, who literally feels nothing as the room heats up, takes Jackie's offered hand. "Uh...sure," he replied, a tad bit confused.
Light said:
"Fuck you Crimson." The being has its horse gallop through space around Cole. He seemed really fond of Cole and so did the horse. "Fuck you Crimson! What should I call you?? Fuck you Crimson!" He seemed to learn words from Cole. He also exhales smoke with the horse.
Cole smiled as the begin rode his horse around him. He rubs his chin thinking about a name. He snaps his finger, catching a good idea about what the name should be. Ryder. Ryder will be your name. He takes another draft from his cigarette, blowing it upwards.

Light said:
( @Embaga Elder )
Crimson's egg hatches and a being stands before him.

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"When will this damn thing hatch?" He says what he's learned from Crimson. "Shut up Cole."
When the egg hatched Crimson was talking to a girl in Central Park. The hatching of the egg scared her off living Crimson alone with the egg in the middle of Central Park. He sighed and turned to the shadowy being on a house. He raised an eyebrow as he mimic his saying. He popped open a bottle of whiskey and took a sip. You know Shadow, you have perfect timing. You couldn't wait until I was done talking to her?? Don't answer that. He steps back some getting a better view. Hmm I wonder if the other's eggs have hatched. @Light

GingerBread said:
"Yeah!" Maya smiled at Hakeem but felt slightly silly because she didn't realise that she was holding it upside down. "That was a..um... Test! Yes it was a test and you passed! Well done Hakeem!" Maya smiled brightly at him before sticking her tongue out at him. "You're still a loser." Maya giggled slightly and began walking off in the direction she assumed she had to go. "Come on Loser! Hurry up!"
Hakeem scoffs, then grins. Yeah, a test, and last time I checked, I won the race. Sooo that makes me a winner. Our score is 1-1, so we're tied. I'll definitely win the next challenge though. He follows beside her and summons some gummy bears, eating it as they walk.
Daimao said:
Alpha, who literally feels nothing as the room heats up, takes Jackie's offered hand. "Uh...sure," he replied, a tad bit confused.
She takes his hand, a portal opening behind her, and she pulls them both through it. They're dropped at a family diner somewhere, and Jackie holds open the door for Alpha. She smiles at him, "I promised food."

"Nuh uh! You lost the race. You stopped and I kept going, so that means I won!" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem before summoning some cookies to munch on as they walked. "I bet I can beat you in anything; You're such a loser Hakeem!" Maya had her mouth filled with cookies as she spoke and ended up spitting crumbs in Hakeem's direction.

@Embaga Elder


Colin smiled at the egg gift that he had been given. He had just finished putting on the inflatable that Gary had given him when he saw the water dragon. "D-Do I have to get in that with y-you? I-Is it safe?" Colin asked as he wanted to make sure that it wasn't going to end up killing himself accidently or something. "S-So why do you have t-to find me a-and the other people? A-And how do you know about u-us?"

Light said:
"No! It's a baby, I'm raising it. How could you say that about Riley?!" Alina had a look of disbelief on her face. "You are no longer allowed to touch Riley. You possibly scared him! Don't worry Riley, everything is okay." She begins to pet and hug the egg.
"It was just a joke, don't worry. But what is it?" He asks her as he looks closer at the egg in her arms. "You must really love it, if you gave it a name. Sorry if I scared you Riley.."
(!) Fola didn't even bother to take the bottle he had been drinking from his lips, upon hearing Vance's offer he picked up the Bioblade once more and put it up to the former assassin's neck, resting it on his shoulder. He downed the bottle and slammed it down, taking a few moments to gather himself and get past the bitter and horrid taste that the beer had left in his mouth. He finally spoke after a few minutes of this, "If you talk about HER ever again while in my presence, I won't fucking hesitate to kill you..."

He knocked on the wood of the bar for another beer, as the bartender handed him another to add to the growing pile of empty bottles next to him. The stench of alcohol was beginning to rise up from him, and his cheeks had began to show hints of red. He drank from the bottle and didn't bother to move the sword from Vance's neck, "You can stay and be an asshole if you want, but if you talk about her, or why I'm here, or any of that shit, you'll end up headless..."

GingerBread said:
"Nuh uh! You lost the race. You stopped and I kept going, so that means I won!" Maya stuck her tongue out at Hakeem before summoning some cookies to munch on as they walked. "I bet I can beat you in anything; You're such a loser Hakeem!" Maya had her mouth filled with cookies as she spoke and ended up spitting crumbs in Hakeem's direction.
What!?! No!! That a lie. He crossed his arms, and stopped walking. I won, that race Maya fair and square, and you know that. You just can't bring yourself to admit your defeat. He starts walking again wiping crumbs off his shirt. Plus I bet the only reason you kept going was because you couldn't stop. I saw the worried look on your little hamster face. He throws a gummy bear in his mouth. @GingerBread
MTchaos1134 said:
A portal opens up next to Raz."then let's get out of here." He waits patiently for them to enter his dimension. He is unsure of letting Reed in but will do it, and the information on Tyra will help him greatly.
Tazmodo said:
Reed scratched his chin. "Well a friend of mine is the embodiment of fire. And the the other can use a handful of elements. What does Veronica or whatever her name is do? Also I can help you train."
Adrianna stands up. "Thank you both. Though I'd like to end this I don't have the power to. It would be nice if you two could help me. I simply want my siblings to stop their fighting and stop the collecting. Becoming ruler isn't worth it. With your help this may be possible."

Shadow has his horse trot around while releasing dark rage energy. He seemed to be weak now but in time he would grow stronger. He looks towards Crimson, waiting.

CelticSol said:
She takes his hand, a portal opening behind her, and she pulls them both through it. They're dropped at a family diner somewhere, and Jackie holds open the door for Alpha. She smiles at him, "I promised food."
Daimao said:
Alpha, who literally feels nothing as the room heats up, takes Jackie's offered hand. "Uh...sure," he replied, a tad bit confused.
Suddenly eternal fire erupts on several tables of the family diner. The eternal fire begins to spread rapidly, burning everything. The black flames leave nothing behind in its path, sticking to its name.

GingerBread said:

Colin smiled at the egg gift that he had been given. He had just finished putting on the inflatable that Gary had given him when he saw the water dragon. "D-Do I have to get in that with y-you? I-Is it safe?" Colin asked as he wanted to make sure that it wasn't going to end up killing himself accidently or something. "S-So why do you have t-to find me a-and the other people? A-And how do you know about u-us?"

"Yeah it's safe!" Gary laughs at what Colin said, thinking it was a joke. "Nice one bro. I basically need to find a certian group of people to prove myself worthy over my other siblings and become king of my homeland! My grandmother is the one whom made this rule up. Look!" Gary shows him the list of names and people he has to find, Colin being one of them.

[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"It was just a joke, don't worry. But what is it?" He asks her as he looks closer at the egg in her arms. "You must really love it, if you gave it a name. Sorry if I scared you Riley.."

Alina purses her lips towards Akki. "I don't know what Riley is yet. We'll have to find out when he hatches. Have you ever heard of the way eggs work?"

( Sorry, I've been meaning to reply many hours ago but I was dragged into a National Park and there was no connection. )
Light said:
Adrianna stands up. "Thank you both. Though I'd like to end this I don't have the power to. It would be nice if you two could help me. I simply want my siblings to stop their fighting and stop the collecting. Becoming ruler isn't worth it. With your help this may be possible."
"Ryder." Ryder seemed to like this name and glows in a purple light. He waits for Cole to do something while the horse nudges Cole's shoulder. Ryder didn't seem very strong right now but training and battle could boost his abilities and unlock potential.

Shadow has his horse trot around while releasing dark rage energy. He seemed to be weak now but in time he would grow stronger. He looks towards Crimson, waiting.

Suddenly eternal fire erupts on several tables of the family diner. The eternal fire begins to spread rapidly, burning everything. The black flames leave nothing behind in its path, sticking to its name.

"Yeah it's safe!" Gary laughs at what Colin said, thinking it was a joke. "Nice one bro. I basically need to find a certian group of people to prove myself worthy over my other siblings and become king of my homeland! My grandmother is the one whom made this rule up. Look!" Gary shows him the list of names and people he has to find, Colin being one of them.

Alina purses her lips towards Akki. "I don't know what Riley is yet. We'll have to find out when he hatches. Have you ever heard of the way eggs work?"

( Sorry, I've been meaning to reply many hours ago but I was dragged into a National Park and there was no connection. )
Reed laughed. "Well then let's get out of here so we aren't in their element. I have the perfect place we can go." He held out his hand. "Shall we be on our way?"
Tazmodo said:
Reed laughed. "Well then let's get out of here so we aren't in their element. I have the perfect place we can go." He held out his hand. "Shall we be on our way?"
"You better fucking ask if you can teleport me first. I'm not dealing with that kind of shit anymore."he was watching Reed now, making sure he would not try too.

Light said:
Adrianna stands up. "Thank you both. Though I'd like to end this I don't have the power to. It would be nice if you two could help me. I simply want my siblings to stop their fighting and stop the collecting. Becoming ruler isn't worth it. With your help this may be possible."
"Ryder." Ryder seemed to like this name and glows in a purple light. He waits for Cole to do something while the horse nudges Cole's shoulder. Ryder didn't seem very strong right now but training and battle could boost his abilities and unlock potential.

Shadow has his horse trot around while releasing dark rage energy. He seemed to be weak now but in time he would grow stronger. He looks towards Crimson, waiting.

Suddenly eternal fire erupts on several tables of the family diner. The eternal fire begins to spread rapidly, burning everything. The black flames leave nothing behind in its path, sticking to its name.

"Yeah it's safe!" Gary laughs at what Colin said, thinking it was a joke. "Nice one bro. I basically need to find a certian group of people to prove myself worthy over my other siblings and become king of my homeland! My grandmother is the one whom made this rule up. Look!" Gary shows him the list of names and people he has to find, Colin being one of them.

Alina purses her lips towards Akki. "I don't know what Riley is yet. We'll have to find out when he hatches. Have you ever heard of the way eggs work?"

( Sorry, I've been meaning to reply many hours ago but I was dragged into a National Park and there was no connection. )
"Quick question, would you be ok with them dying?especially that woman who broke your rib."he didn't care if she didn't want him too, he was going to kill the woman regardless of her wishes.
Ent cautiously looked around, the wind started to die down and the tornado turned into thin air; Ent lowered his hand. "Guess so. Any ways, lets look for a place to get you food." Ent continued to carefully look around while he made his statement.


Vance looked at the blade and then up at Fola. "Seriously? You're threatening me? Are you trying to scare me? Ooh, are you going to say it wasn't a threat and it was a warning. I love when people say that. It's always fun" Vance chuckled and moved the bioblade away from his neck before taking a seat next to Fola, facing him and not the bar that held Fola's growing collection of empty bottles. "So I'm assuming you just got out of a difficult relationship. I didn't know that and I always thought I'd be the one to cause it.." Vance trailed off slightly, ending up talking to himself.

He then looked up at Fola once more and shrugged, though he did his best to keep one eye on the blade.
"So, I know your solution to all your problems is getting drunk. Which is fine, I guess it just proves you need a friend like me. Because let's face it, I'm the closest thing to a friend you have right now. I guess it works the other way around as well" Vance thought about it for a second and then shrugged. "But my point is, you don't have any friends, not even that crazy girl is here. And well I came here for one thing, but now I'm not leaving until you decide to talk to me about what happened. I'm not going to ask again, I'll simply just sit here and follow you if you try to leave. Though I do have to go and fight an olympic god soon. So if we could hurry this up, that would be appreciated"



"Nuh uh! I didn't lose at all. I wanted to keep going, I wanted to go as far and as fast as possible! I wasn't worried about it! You're a liar Hakeem! A big mean liar! I hate you!"
Maya stomped her foot and pouted before she pushed Hakeem as hard as she could, which wasn't that hard at all. Maya then took off running forwards and was about to run across a busy road without looking if there were cars.

@Embaga Elder


"S-So do you just have to find a-all these people? Or do you h-have to d-do something else with them?" Colin asked as he walked into the water dragon, floating up to the top with Gary. "B-But who is y-you grandmother? and h-how would she k-know me or these other p-people? A-And why would she w-want you to b-bring all of us to her? D-Do you think she might have some sort of plan th-that she's not telling you a-about?"



Aedus smiled at Ent as he gently grabbed his hand as he started to walk into town.
"D-Do you want to chose the place E-Ent? Or would you like me to?" Aedus smiled up at Ent again before he started to look around the town, when a headline on a newspaper caught his eye. He let go of Ent's hand and walked over to the Newspaper stand and picked up a newspaper; The headline on the front of the newspaper was 'Dragon's Roar Disbands'. "E-Ent come look at this" Aedus held the newspaper up so that Ent could see it.

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Cleopatra stares into the eyes of the girl. The bade obviously hurting her, she touched her face and her nose fell off, like the sphinx. Cleopatra mutters two words "Arise Horus." and with that her arms wrapped around the girls blade, she ripped it off her arm and a golden light encased Cleopatra. She was inside a golden bubble, it could be moved but inside Cleopatra was asleep. She held the blade tightly, and it dissipated. Suddenly the bubble became a Coffin. On the outside sprawls of hieroglyphics could be seen.

Tazmodo said:
Reed laughed. "Well then let's get out of here so we aren't in their element. I have the perfect place we can go." He held out his hand. "Shall we be on our way?"
MTchaos1134 said:
"You better fucking ask if you can teleport me first. I'm not dealing with that kind of shit anymore."he was watching Reed now, making sure he would not try too.
"Quick question, would you be ok with them dying?especially that woman who broke your rib."he didn't care if she didn't want him too, he was going to kill the woman regardless of her wishes.
( Then what's the point of asking her? It's just going to lead to fucking her over. )

Adrianna takes Reeds hand and nods her head. She turns to Raz immediately once he asks his question, something that could be anger was on her face. "No! Not a single one of them. That isn't what I want to do or want to happen."

GingerBread said:
"S-So do you just have to find a-all these people? Or do you h-have to d-do something else with them?" Colin asked as he walked into the water dragon, floating up to the top with Gary. "B-But who is y-you grandmother? and h-how would she k-know me or these other p-people? A-And why would she w-want you to b-bring all of us to her? D-Do you think she might have some sort of plan th-that she's not telling you a-about?"

"No. I was told that I just have to find you all." The dragon begins to fly, coasting gently in the sky. "My grandmother? She's the current queen of my country in the Supernatural realm of course. I don't know dude, my grandmother knows a lot of stuff I don't. Were you famous or something? If you're concerned about planning then squash that. She would never....I think." Even Gary sounded uncertain himself. "So....want to play 21 questions while we find uuuhhh Jackie and Alpha?"

Elena freaks out, having not all too much combat experience, facing something as odd as this definitely would throw her off. She turns her body into electricity and begins to flee the scene, shooting up into a light bulb. Her body was slowly transferring into it but could be stopped.
Light said:
( Then what's the point of asking her? It's just going to lead to fucking her over. )
Adrianna takes Reeds hand and nods her head. She turns to Raz immediately once he asks his question, something that could be anger was on her face. "No! Not a single one of them. That isn't what I want to do or want to happen."

"No. I was told that I just have to find you all." The dragon begins to fly, coasting gently in the sky. "My grandmother? She's the current queen of my country in the Supernatural realm of course. I don't know dude, my grandmother knows a lot of stuff I don't. Were you famous or something? If you're concerned about planning then squash that. She would never....I think." Even Gary sounded uncertain himself. "So....want to play 21 questions while we find uuuhhh Jackie and Alpha?"

Elena freaks out, having not all too much combat experience, facing something as odd as this definitely would throw her off. She turns her body into electricity and begins to flee the scene, shooting up into a light bulb. Her body was slowly transferring into it but could be stopped.
Reed smiled. "Perfect we will stop them but not kill them." He teleport him Grimm Theodore and Jackson (with all their hatchlings) to a safe house in a different realm. He didn't bring Raz because he didn't like to be teleported. All Raz had to do to be teleported to them was spin like a ballerina sense there was no way of detecting them now. "Anyways if we are going to stop them then we need info about them." Reed let go of her hand and sat in his chair. The other two sat in on of their own. "This is Jackson and Theodore." Jackson waved but Theodore was playing with his little fuzzball.
Light said:
( Then what's the point of asking her? It's just going to lead to fucking her over. )
Adrianna takes Reeds hand and nods her head. She turns to Raz immediately once he asks his question, something that could be anger was on her face. "No! Not a single one of them. That isn't what I want to do or want to happen."

"No. I was told that I just have to find you all." The dragon begins to fly, coasting gently in the sky. "My grandmother? She's the current queen of my country in the Supernatural realm of course. I don't know dude, my grandmother knows a lot of stuff I don't. Were you famous or something? If you're concerned about planning then squash that. She would never....I think." Even Gary sounded uncertain himself. "So....want to play 21 questions while we find uuuhhh Jackie and Alpha?"

Elena freaks out, having not all too much combat experience, facing something as odd as this definitely would throw her off. She turns her body into electricity and begins to flee the scene, shooting up into a light bulb. Her body was slowly transferring into it but could be stopped.
Tazmodo said:
Reed smiled. "Perfect we will stop them but not kill them." He teleport him Grimm Theodore and Jackson (with all their hatchlings) to a safe house in a different realm. He didn't bring Raz because he didn't like to be teleported. All Raz had to do to be teleported to them was spin like a ballerina sense there was no way of detecting them now. "Anyways if we are going to stop them then we need info about them." Reed let go of her hand and sat in his chair. The other two sat in on of their own. "This is Jackson and Theodore." Jackson waved but Theodore was playing with his little fuzzball.
Raz enters thier dimension,wanting to be alone for a small bit.they float quietly next to the corpse.
Fola picked up an empty bottle and brought it down across Vance's head and stuck his sword through the man's arm. He began to twist slightly, his face visibly becoming more pissed off as he still attempted to keep his anger bottled up. He brought the bottle of liquor to his lips and spoke once more, "I'm not going to tell you again, if you talk about it again your arm comes off alright? So shut the fuck up about the subject and kill Usain Bolt or whatever the fuck you plan to do..."


Vance grunted in pain as Fola shoved a sword through his arm and started twisting. He tried to keep an expressionless face but found it became increasingly difficult when he had a sword in his arm. "You know. You really shouldn't threaten me like that. I could've killed you by now Fola. You're lucky I respect you. So would you just take the sword out of my arm, because it's not the most pleasant

experience. I'm sure you've been stabbed at least once, right?"

Vance the turned to the bartender and ordered a drink before turning back to Fola.
"So, once you take the sword out of my arm, you can tell your best friend Vance about all your troubles. Because I don't honestly think something could or rather should make you like this. Did another child die in front of you?" Vance chuckled slightly, though it was mostly to ignore the pain that was still present in his arm "Because you weren't even this violent to me after I mocked you for that. So what the fuck happened that when I vaguely say something about it, you get violent. So I'm assuming it has something to do with 'she who shall not be named'. But seriously, you being a bit of an idiot right now. At least, with the information I have. So please, enlighten me"



"N-No I don't think I was famous" Colin furrowed his brow at Garys uncertain tone. "D-Did you not think to a-ask? y-you could be collect m-me and the other people t-to sent us to o-our deaths! O-Or maybe something e-even worse. D-Do you honestly not care a-about what happens t-to the people y-you're collecting?"

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Fola removed the sword from Vance's arm and put it back through his thigh and went through the chair. he twisted ever harder this time as he practically seethed with anger. There was a sudden silence in the bar as Fola got closer to Vance's face and spoke quietly to him, "Vance, if you talk about it again I will stab you in your spine. Sounds fun right? Want to feel what it's like to use a wheelchair for the rest of your life? I don't want to fucking fight you, you'd lose even if you killed me, I just want to be left alone. So try me, look into my eyes and ask yourself, 'Do I really want to take that fucking chance this time?"

His hand gripped the handle of the blade tighter as his nostrils flared. A few people around grew visibly concerned at the scene, pulling out their cellphones discreetly and getting ready to attempt to contact police. Fola on the other hand, despite the sadness and anger in his eyes, looked about ready to murder Vance without hesitation...


Vance grunted and gritted his teeth as the sword went through his thigh and through the chair. "Good, good. Let the hate flow through you." Vance chuckled, wanting to ignore the pain by focusing on something else. "I think you went through the chair, I hope I don't get splinters and I hope you can pay for the damages to the chair" Vance reached over with his good arm to grab his drink he had ordered. "We always have fun times when we meet up, don't we Fola?" He chuckled as he took a sip from his drink.

"So, I'd rather you didn't stab me in the spine. Wouldn't be fun go to my wedding in a wheelchair, would it? Anyway, now that you've calmed down a bit. Do you want to at least give me some sort of explanation of what happened? Because I'll find out either way, you might as well give me your version. Don't you think?"
Vance shrugged and drank the rest of his drink before placing it on the bar and ordering another one. "You're paying right? Or do you reckon we skip out on the bill? Now you probably should've realised that killing me won't help you, It will just make things worse for you." Vance looked at Fola and decided that he should probably do something.

"Hell, I haven't attacked you yet, have I? But I could, quite easily. Watch"
Vance summoned a small ball of light in front of Fola's eyes to temporarily Blind him. Though it was also in front of his own eyes, so Vance closed his eyes and threw a punch with his good arm forwards towards Fola, just enough so that he'd loosen his grip on his sword. Vance then moved to grab the sword, where he promptly sent it to his darkness realm. Vance then created a dagger made of darkness and held it up to Fola's throat. "See? Look how easy that was. Now are you going to talk about your problems like a big boy? Or do I have to employ other methods to get it out of you?"

(!) Fola held his jaw from where Vance's fist had connected and put a finger under the other man's chin, "Fucking dine, if you want to do shit that way we'll do it this way! I fucking dare you to try to do something to me before I fucking fry your brain. Fire, electricity, fuck it, maybe I'll just steal your fucking brain from your skull. Do yourself a favor and fucking leave me alone Vance, last chance. I'd hate to have somebody left without a husband on their wedding day just because you wouldn't fuck off..."

"I just want to get wasted, so let me drink while you shop for flowers or whatever the fuck you do for a wedding. Leave, me, ALONE!"


"You know I can literally move faster than the speed of light, right? You do know that? Because quite honestly, If I wanted you dead, I wouldn't have given you a chance"
Vance had his dagger disappear and smiled at Fola. "I don't think you do want to be alone, because people like you Fola don't tend to want to be alone, I mean why else would you go to a bar instead of just buying alcohol and crying alone in a hotel room? You like the idea that there are other people here. So why don't you stop lying to yourself and just stop making stupid threats to me. Can't you see they're not working. Because I know you don't want to really kill me, this is the what, forth threat you've given me. After the second one, you won't be taken seriously."

Vance shrugged and reached for his drink before taking a sip.
"So, what is it you actually want? Because you say you want me to leave you alone and if I don't, you'll kill me. But yet you haven't. So what is your whole thing? Because I doubt that you really want me to go. How many friends do you have? Just that crazy girl, right? You ever think this is why? I'm under no obligation to help you with anything, especially after the guild closed down. But here I still am, even after you've stabbed me twice, which I should probably get some medical attention for soon." Vance waved his hand dismissively, assuming he'd be fine for a while. "But my point is, the only thing you'll accomplish here is getting alcohol poisoning and well, out of everyone in the guild. You're the only one I respect." Vance lifted the glass up to his lips and finished off the rest of his drink.

"Did you know almost everyone in the guild got their powers taken away, well pretty much all of them. Only me, you, the crybaby and like two other people got to keep their powers. You got to keep yours because I vouched for you. They wanted to take the powers away because they thought we were dangerous. So congratulations on proving them right."
Vance placed his glass back on the counter and then looked back at Fola. "So do you really want me to go and leave you to your drinking? Because I could use some help getting the hospital, or someone else because I don't have insurance."

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Light said:
Alina purses her lips towards Akki. "I don't know what Riley is yet. We'll have to find out when he hatches. Have you ever heard of the way eggs work?"
"How can you not know what it is? I mean, something had to lay it. Where did you get it?" He looks at her then back to the egg. "How do you even know it's a he?"
GingerBread said:

"Nuh uh! I didn't lose at all. I wanted to keep going, I wanted to go as far and as fast as possible! I wasn't worried about it! You're a liar Hakeem! A big mean liar! I hate you!"
Maya stomped her foot and pouted before she pushed Hakeem as hard as she could, which wasn't that hard at all. Maya then took off running forwards and was about to run across a busy road without looking if there were cars.
Sure Maya. He said sarcastically. Hakeem leaned back as he was pushed by Maya not really going that far. She always said she hated him, and each time it hurted him. He always hoped she didn't mean it. He looked up and saw that Maya was about to run into a busy street. You know you have to save her right? Yeeaahh I know. Hakeem takes off running wearing Hermes shoes, instantly catching up with Maya. He grabs her and leaps over the busy street landing on the other side, sliding to a stop. He puts Maya down, and continues walking with a sad face expression, eating gummy bears.


Crimson and Cole both eyed there new partners. They knew from past experience that they must train them in order for them to get powerful. They touched their partners and took them away. Cole exited in a purple void, and Crimson disappear in a flash of red light. @Light
Tazmodo said:
Reed smiled. "Perfect we will stop them but not kill them." He teleport him Grimm Theodore and Jackson (with all their hatchlings) to a safe house in a different realm. He didn't bring Raz because he didn't like to be teleported. All Raz had to do to be teleported to them was spin like a ballerina sense there was no way of detecting them now. "Anyways if we are going to stop them then we need info about them." Reed let go of her hand and sat in his chair. The other two sat in on of their own. "This is Jackson and Theodore." Jackson waved but Theodore was playing with his little fuzzball.
"Hello. My name is Adrianna." Adrianna bows to the both of them and turns to Reed. "What type of information do you need on them? I can provide limited things but I will try my best."

GingerBread said:
"N-No I don't think I was famous" Colin furrowed his brow at Garys uncertain tone. "D-Did you not think to a-ask? y-you could be collect m-me and the other people t-to sent us to o-our deaths! O-Or maybe something e-even worse. D-Do you honestly not care a-about what happens t-to the people y-you're collecting?"

"No! No! I just didn't think about it, stop taking it that way dude. My bad. I'm sure it's fine, it's just to present you to the Queen as a sign of strength." The dragon arrives at the burning restaurant. "Woah...we have to put out that fire." It was burning due to eternal flame.

Ryder didn't know what was going on yet, he needed to be told that they were training.

Shadow seemed a bit alarmed by the sudden shift in place but adjusts afterwards. He seemed to be ready for battle.

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