Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

"Weeeeee!" Maya put her hands up into the air as Hakeem grabbed hold of her and jumped through the air. Maya frowned when they landed and Hakeem put her down. She then ran after him as he walked off. "That was cool Hakeem! Why can't you be cool like that more often? Why are you a loser all the time if you can do that?!" Maya didn't wait for a response from Hakeem before she ran off again, towards an old looking stall.

"This looks so Cool!" Maya stood up on her tiptoes to look at the items that the man was selling, A old looking lamp in particular caught her attention. "This looks like a lamp that has a genie in it!" Maya picked up the lamp and held it out in front of her. "It would be so cool to be a genie!" Maya imagined herself becoming a genie. She ended up getting pulled into the lamp in a puff of smoke. The man running the small stall didn't seem to care, He just walked around the stall and picked up the lamp that Maya got pulled into before placing it back where it was. He then changed the price that was listed in front of the lamp to $599.99

@Embaga Elder


"N-No I w-want to know if I'm being lead t-to my death or something. I-I've had that done to me by e-enough people already" Colin was about to walk away but his attention was caught when Gary pointed out the burning restaurant. "W-Well what can I do about i-it? Y-You're the one with the water s-stuff. H-Hurry up and put the F-Fire out!"

GingerBread said:
"N-No I w-want to know if I'm being lead t-to my death or something. I-I've had that done to me by e-enough people already" Colin was about to walk away but his attention was caught when Gary pointed out the burning restaurant. "W-Well what can I do about i-it? Y-You're the one with the water s-stuff. H-Hurry up and put the F-Fire out!"

"Well I don't know how! It seems like eternal fire! Do you have any idea on what to do bro?" Gary seemed to be suppressing a state of panic. He was turning to Colin for leadership. "Come on man! What should I do? I really don't know!"

"Y-You control w-water, don't you? H-How are you n-not able to stop this?!" Colin shook his head and had his staff appear in his hand. "I-I really d-don't understand how y-you couldn't put this o-out" Colin was mostly annoyed that he was showing his powers to Gary, which could put him at a disadvantage if he tried to kill him at any point. "J-Just stand back" Colin lifted his staff up and sent out a wave of disruption to put out the fire. Once he had put the fire out, Colin had his staff disappear again before turning towards Gary. "N-Now come and help me see i-if anyone was in there who n-needs help" Colin then turned and jogged towards the building, keeping his eyes open for anyone who was hurt and needed his help.

GingerBread said:
"Y-You control w-water, don't you? H-How are you n-not able to stop this?!" Colin shook his head and had his staff appear in his hand. "I-I really d-don't understand how y-you couldn't put this o-out" Colin was mostly annoyed that he was showing his powers to Gary, which could put him at a disadvantage if he tried to kill him at any point. "J-Just stand back" Colin lifted his staff up and sent out a wave of disruption to put out the fire. Once he had put the fire out, Colin had his staff disappear again before turning towards Gary. "N-Now come and help me see i-if anyone was in there who n-needs help" Colin then turned and jogged towards the building, keeping his eyes open for anyone.

"I don't really focus on other powers and tactics dude. I just live for the water. Sorry." Colin had honestly made Gary feel bad and or stupid for not being able to put the eternal fire out. Maybe Colin is right though, what good of a water manipulator is he if he can't put out a fire. "Alright." Gary's voice sounded a bit insecure in itself as he follows Colin. Little did he know that Jackie and Alpha would be inside.
GingerBread said:
"Weeeeee!" Maya put her hands up into the air as Hakeem grabbed hold of her and jumped through the air. Maya frowned when they landed and Hakeem put her down. She then ran after him as he walked off. "That was cool Hakeem! Why can't you be cool like that more often? Why are you a loser all the time if you can do that?!" Maya didn't wait for a response from Hakeem before she ran off again, towards an old looking stall.

"This looks so Cool!" Maya stood up on her tiptoes to look at the items that the man was selling, A old looking lamp in particular caught her attention. "This looks like a lamp that has a genie in it!" Maya picked up the lamp and held it out in front of her. "It would be so cool to be a genie!" Maya imagined herself becoming a genie. She ended up getting pulled into the lamp in a puff of smoke. The man running the small stall didn't seem to care, He just walked around the stall and picked up the lamp that Maya got pulled into before placing it back where it was. He then changed the price that was listed in front of the lamp to $599.99
Hakeem sighed and shrugged his shoulders and started to walk the other way. He got a good view of the map so he knew where he was going. His genies came out both crossing their arms. Amon had impressed expression, and Ai had a disappointed expression. Kid if you walk away your freaking savage. If you walk away I'll be disappointed in you. Hakeem stops walking and sighs. Well I'm not a savage and you won't be disappointed. He snaps his fingers and a portal opens up under the lamp causing it to drop in. Another portal opens up above him and the lamp falls in his hands. See Hakuna Matata. He rubs the lamp and starts rubbing the lamp. @GingerBread


Cole and Ryder appeared in his void world. They both was standing on water that looked purple because the sky. Cole summoned his bow sword instantly putting it in bow mode. A void platform lifted him into the air and he creates 9 void clones of himself. The real Cole readied his bow and the clones switched back into sword mode. Time for training. Cole fires the arrow and the clones charge forward.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/kh_end_of_the_world_by_passeronero-d91g4uv.jpg.11d55eb7109718bdb128436ebf2ff600.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122276" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/kh_end_of_the_world_by_passeronero-d91g4uv.jpg.11d55eb7109718bdb128436ebf2ff600.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Crimson and Shadow appeared on top of the flying shark. He summoned his scythe and charged towards Shadow. Show my your inner rage. He said with a grin @Light



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Hellllo!" Maya boomed as she came out of the lamp in a puff of smoke. "Since you rubbed the lamp you get three wish-" Maya looked at Hakeem and frowned. "You're not cool enough to get three wishes! You only get one" Maya stuck her tongue out playfully and crossed her arms, doing her best to act serious about the whole thing. "What's your wish little boy?!"

@Embaga Elder


"N-No I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have yelled at you. Y-You didn't really do anything wrong. I-It's just.. you need to l-learn how to use your p-powers for th-things other than f-fun. B-Besides, aren't you collecting e-everyone to b-become king or something? I-I'm sure being a k-king isn't about having f-fun" Colin shook his head and then smiled over at Gary. "But m-maybe y-you can be o-one to change that" Colin saw Jackie and Alpha sitting around in the restaurant, he recognised Jackie from the whole situation before with the orbs but didn't know who Alpha was. "H-Hey gary. A-Aren't you looking for J-Jackie? Because she's over there" Colin pointed over to them. "I-I don't think she'll be as easy to c-convince to come along as I-I was though"

@Light @CelticSol @Daimao
Embaga Elder] [B][COLOR=#5900b3]Cole[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#5900b3] [/COLOR][/B] Cole and Ryder appeared in his void world. They both was standing on water that looked purple because the sky. Cole summoned his bow sword instantly putting it in bow mode. A void platform lifted him into the air and he creates 9 void clones of himself. The real Cole readied his bow and the clones switched back into sword mode. [COLOR=#5900b3]Time for training. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Cole fires the arrow and the clones charge forward.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [SPOILER] [COLOR=#000000][ATTACH=full]273440[/ATTACH] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:


Crimson and Shadow appeared on top of the flying shark. He summoned his scythe and charged towards Shadow. Show my your inner rage. He said with a grin @Light

Ryder panics and evades only two of the nine arrows. The other arrows lodge themselves into Ryder's armour. Ryder falls off of his horse but wasn't hit by the arrow due to his thick armour. Ryder begins to wail in confusion and fear. It seemed like he didn't understand battle all too well.

Unintentionally dark rage energy flows out of Shadow and begins to make movement harder due to its power acting like a thick gravity. It also begins to repel Crimson like a magnet.

GingerBread said:
"N-No I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have yelled at you. Y-You didn't really do anything wrong. I-It's just.. you need to l-learn how to use your p-powers for th-things other than f-fun. B-Besides, aren't you collecting e-everyone to b-become king or something? I-I'm sure being a k-king isn't about having f-fun" Colin shook his head and then smiled over at Gary. "But m-maybe y-you can be o-one to change that" Colin saw Jackie and Alpha sitting around in the restaurant, he recognised Jackie from the whole situation before with the orbs but didn't know who Alpha was. "H-Hey gary. A-Aren't you looking for J-Jackie? Because she's over there" Colin pointed over to them. "I-I don't think she'll be as easy to c-convince to come along as I-I was though"

@Light @CelticSol @Daimao
"Why can't powers be just for fun though? I wish they weren't for violence. Maybe I should do that once I become king!" Gary was sounding confident in himself once more and happiness due to Colin's encouragement. Gary approaches Jackie and Alpha, a fresh smile on his face and a new inspiration to continue as well. "Hey! My names Gary, can I talk with you two? It'd be really cool if I could!"

GingerBread said:

Hellllo!" Maya boomed as she came out of the lamp in a puff of smoke. "Since you rubbed the lamp you get three wish-" Maya looked at Hakeem and frowned. "You're not cool enough to get three wishes! You only get one" Maya stuck her tongue out playfully and crossed her arms, doing her best to act serious about the whole thing. "What's your wish little boy?!"
Hakeem sighed and kept walking. He placed his hand behind his head, dropping the empty bag of gummy bears. I wish you'll know right from wrong. He said so nonchalant like. His genies went back inside their gems as he continued walking. Hakeem started to grow tired of Maya. Yeah she was fun, but she gets really annoying really fast. God, if this is what's it like to have a sister, then I wish I can take it back.

Light said:
Ryder panics and evades only two of the nine arrows. The other arrows lodge themselves into Ryder's armour. Ryder falls off of his horse but wasn't hit by the arrow due to his thick armour. Ryder begins to wail in confusion and fear. It seemed like he didn't understand battle all too well.
Unintentionally dark rage energy flows out of Shadow and begins to make movement harder due to its power acting like a thick gravity. It also begins to repel Crimson like a magnet.


Cole shook his head towards Ryder and stopped the clones from attacking. He floated down towards him and stuck out his fist towards Ryder. Ryder...bump fist with me. He said calmly. If Ryder follows these directions then Cole would relay everything he knows about fighting towards Ryder.

Crimson smiles being somewhat impressed about Shadows abilities. Hmm well aren't you full of surprises. His rage energy started flowing off of him in a calm and relaxed manor, allowing him to withstand the amplified gravity. He breathes in sharply then exhales releasing a blast of rage fire and lightning towards shadow.
Fola took his arm away from Vance, scowling at the man while keeping him in the corner of his eye. He drank from his bottle once more and looked ahead of him, "I can call you an ambulance or some shit if you want, but unless you give me my sword back along with some cash for a damn hotel, you're gonna be there alone..." He brought a hand to his mouth and looked forward, looking into a mirror behind the bar counter. He rubbed a hand through his own hair, "I don't want to talk though, especially not with you of all people. All you've fucking done so far is make me realize exactly how shit my life is..."

Light said:
"Well the guild leader simply created the egg and gave him to me. She told me that Riley is a he if he comes out as a being. The guild leader was handing out eggs earlier. Based on how you raise an egg and what you say and do around it determines what hatches from it. So if you wanted an archdemon. You simply do demonic things in maybe...a more powerful setting or in a castle. Riley and I usually just talk."
"That is interesting. I wonder what Riley is going to become. Kinda wish I had an egg too, but I should of arrived before the disbanding of the guild. Tough luck." He looks down at the egg and pokes it. "Riley, hurry up and hatch. Curiosity is killing me and I am pretty sure your mom wants to see you too."
Embaga Elder] [B][COLOR=#b30000]Crimson[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#000000]/[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#5900b3]Cole[/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=#5900b3] [/COLOR][/B] Cole shook his head towards Ryder and stopped the clones from attacking. He floated down towards him and stuck out his fist towards Ryder. [COLOR=#5900b3]Ryder...bump fist with me. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He said calmly. If Ryder follows these directions then Cole would relay everything he knows about fighting towards Ryder.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] Crimson smiles being somewhat impressed about Shadows abilities. [COLOR=#b30000]Hmm well aren't you full of surprises.[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] His rage energy started flowing off of him in a calm and relaxed manor said:


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Light said:
Once Akki pokes Riley, the egg begins to glow in the middle of the restaurant. Once the white light fades away there was no egg and Alina was gone as well. Though on the ceiling, an odd creature could be seen holding Alina tightly as if hugging her on the ceiling.
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"Hey!" He looks up to the ceiling and stares at the odd creature. "Come down from there, Riley." He places right hand on his sword's hilt, ready to draw it if the creature turns hostile. "Alina, are you okay? Was that supposed to happen?"
Light said:
"Hello. My name is Adrianna." Adrianna bows to the both of them and turns to Reed. "What type of information do you need on them? I can provide limited things but I will try my best."
"No! No! I just didn't think about it, stop taking it that way dude. My bad. I'm sure it's fine, it's just to present you to the Queen as a sign of strength." The dragon arrives at the burning restaurant. "Woah...we have to put out that fire." It was burning due to eternal flame.

"Well the guild leader simply created the egg and gave him to me. She told me that Riley is a he if he comes out as a being. The guild leader was handing out eggs earlier. Based on how you raise an egg and what you say and do around it determines what hatches from it. So if you wanted an archdemon. You simply do demonic things in maybe...a more powerful setting or in a castle. Riley and I usually just talk."

Ryder didn't know what was going on yet, he needed to be told that they were training.

Shadow seemed a bit alarmed by the sudden shift in place but adjusts afterwards. He seemed to be ready for battle.
Reed nodded. "OK well then I need just basic knowledge I guess. Like weaknesses and stuff. If we can't kill them them maybe we can lock them up and select or take away their powers." He crossed his arms and thought about it.

"So what? Your life is shit. You're the one who has to make it better, no one else is going to do that for you. Drinking till you pass out isn't going to help your life get back on track. A solution to all your problems isn't going to be found at the bottom of a bottle. You've got to get off your ass and do it yourself" Vance shrugged before snapping his fingers and having Fola's sword appear in his hand. "Here's your sword" Vance placed it on the bar counter before pulling out his wallet and taking all the money that was left in it out, which was $400. "And there's your money. Now are you going to call an ambulance? Because I'm not starting to feel any better. I think I'm turning pale actually"



"That's a boring wish! I guess you're not cool enough to have any" Maya stuck he tongue out at Hakeem as she picked up her Lamp from the floor. "I'm bored Hakeem, you're not fun! Why didn't you just make a wish to get the stuff we need? It would've just been so much quicker. I'm a genie! I can grant wishes!" Maya summoned a box of cookies and started eating them before skipping closer towards Hakeem and holding the half empty box towards him. "Want one?"

@Embaga Elder


Colin followed behind Gary, not trusting Jackie to come to a peaceful solution for the whole situation if she didn't want to go with Gary. He made sure to keep his eye on Jackie and the other man beside her, wanting to make sure he was ready to defend himself and Gary if either of them tried something.

@Light @CelticSol @Daimao
[QUOTE="Ethan Vail]"Hey!" He looks up to the ceiling and stares at the odd creature. "Come down from there, Riley." He places right hand on his sword's hilt, ready to draw it if the creature turns hostile. "Alina, are you okay? Was that supposed to happen?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just wondering why Gary looks like....this." Alina thinks about her lazily lounging with the egg and her always coughing around it. "Oh...."

Tazmodo said:
Reed nodded. "OK well then I need just basic knowledge I guess. Like weaknesses and stuff. If we can't kill them them maybe we can lock them up and select or take away their powers." He crossed his arms and thought about it.
"I don't really know their weaknesses, I don't pay attention to powers much. I just know we get empowered from being around our certian element." Adrianna doesn't even back up when a dime is spit at her head by Sherman's fish, she felt like she deserved it for letting them down. "I'm sorry."

Hakeem held up his hand passing the box of cookies. But this time Maya actually said something useful. Why didn't Hakeem just summon the things they need for the party. He sighed and shook his head. He clapped his hands together and bags full of party items appears in front of them. He then snaps his fingers and a portal opens up under them sucking the bags in. He turns his head towards Maya. Hey let's go back home. So we can get these party items up. The portal rises from the ground and switches from a horizontal position to a vertical position and moves towards Hakeem and Maya taking them into the portal that leads back home. @GingerBread
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Cole's platform lifted him back into the air and the clones charge forward again swords drawn. While the real Cole fires arrows ever now and then.


Crimson popped open a bottle of whiskey and took a sip. Did you really just let that got you?? You could've dodged or at least put up a shield. Then again, you did just hatch not even give minutes ago, so you probably don't have no idea about fighting or your powers. He walks over towards Shadow sticking out his fist. Fist bump with me. @Light
Ryder has the crescents around his head shoot towards the arrows and collide with them, triggering an explosion. Ryder raises his spear and has a bright purple light shine from it to disorient Cole. The crescents shoot out of the explosion at this time, racing towards the clones.

Shadow looks up and fist bumps with Crimson. Suddenly dark rage energy coils around Crimson and throws him off to the side. Shadow's horse fires a blast of the dark rage energy out of its mouth at Crimson while he's still in the air.
Fola scoffed, "I tried that Vance, shit didn't turn out very well. Now I'm worse off than before, an the only thing making it even remotely alright is the fact that if I drink enough I can forget how miserable I am..." He sheathed his sword and pocketed the money, sighing as he took out his phone. He dialed 999 and after a few moments spoke, "Hey, I need an ambulance at uh... One moment..."

He stood up briefly and went outside to check the address, he stepped back in and continued, "202 Bishopsgate, pub called Dirty Dick's...That gonna be all? Alright, thank you..." He hung up and shook his head as he put Vance's arm over his shoulder and began to help him outside to meet the ambulance, "Look, I'm doing my part, after this just leave the subject alone, I still need to sort it out...Talk about whatever else you want, just not why I'm here..."


"So you tried it a couple of times and it didn't work out? So that means you should just give up completely on it? God that's fucking pathetic. Is that really a conscious choice on your part? Or are you just naturally that pathetic?"
Vance created a bench of darkness to sit down upon, so that he wouldn't have to put any weight on his injured leg. "But just grow a pair Fola. But if you need a job or some help with something. Feel free to come find me. Hell even if you want a fight or something. I've got nothing to do these days, I'm even thinking about starting up a wedding business, since I got a realm that's devoted to them"



Maya frowned as Hakeem just summoned the stuff that they needed. "This is why you're so uncool! You're booooooooooooooring! Do you not know how to have any fun?! You never do anything fun! You always take the boring way!" Maya nodded to herself, confident that she had figured out the reason why Hakeem was so uncool compared to her.

@Embaga Elder
GingerBread said:
Maya frowned as Hakeem just summoned the stuff that they needed. "This is why you're so uncool! You're booooooooooooooring! Do you not know how to have any fun?! You never do anything fun! You always take the boring way!" Maya nodded to herself, confident that she had figured out the reason why Hakeem was so uncool compared to her.
Hakeem palms his forehead and shakes his head sighing. Maya you're the very definition of annoyance. He waves his hand over the party items banishing them then looks at Maya. Go get the items your damn self then. He takes the cash out his pocket and slams it onto the counter. He summons his grown from before and places it on his head. I'm about to go make me castle. Don't come after me. He walks out the house and walks aimlessly through the anti-God zone.

Light said:
Ryder has the crescents around his head shoot towards the arrows and collide with them, triggering an explosion. Ryder raises his spear and has a bright purple light shine from it to disorient Cole. The crescents shoot out of the explosion at this time, racing towards the clones.
Shadow looks up and fist bumps with Crimson. Suddenly dark rage energy coils around Crimson and throws him off to the side. Shadow's horse fires a blast of the dark rage energy out of its mouth at Crimson while he's still in the air.

Four clones fire void energy blast from the hands aiming for the crescents. Hopefully they hit their target causing them to at least stop moving for awhile. The remaining five step through a void portal popping out in different directions around Ryder swinging their swords. One clone aims for the horses legs, the others aim for different parts of Ryder 's body.

Crimson creates a force field of rage energy around him, as he absorbs the rage energy within the coils leaving only the darkness wrapped around him. That is until he breaks free using the new burst of strength. The beam of dark rage energy hits the force field, but as it does that Crimson drops out the bottom of it. The field is reconstructed into wings on Crimson's back. He sores towards Shadow and swings his scythe sending rage energy waves.

GingerBread said:

Colin followed behind Gary, not trusting Jackie to come to a peaceful solution for the whole situation if she didn't want to go with Gary. He made sure to keep his eye on Jackie and the other man beside her, wanting to make sure he was ready to defend himself and Gary if either of them tried something.

@Light @CelticSol @Daimao
Light said:
"Why can't powers be just for fun though? I wish they weren't for violence. Maybe I should do that once I become king!" Gary was sounding confident in himself once more and happiness due to Colin's encouragement. Gary approaches Jackie and Alpha, a fresh smile on his face and a new inspiration to continue as well. "Hey! My names Gary, can I talk with you two? It'd be really cool if I could!"
Light said:
Suddenly eternal fire erupts on several tables of the family diner. The eternal fire begins to spread rapidly, burning everything. The black flames leave nothing behind in its path, sticking to its name.
Jackie steps back from the diner burning, closing her eyes and taking ten deep, long breaths from her nose. She can almost feel memories curling around the edges of her consciousness, held back only by sheer willpower and a desperate desire for a flashback to not fucking happen right now. After another ten breaths, she shifts her gaze and the angle of her body towards Gary and Colin. She does not mirror Gary's smile, eyes empty and cold, "Are you going to make me come with you as well? I'm not going to go unless you bring the girl who did this-" She jerks a thumb to the burning diner behind her, "- to me. Simple. Easy. Then I'll go with you. Until then, I'm staying right here," To emphasize her point, she sits down on the curb of the road.
Light said:
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just wondering why Gary looks like....this." Alina thinks about her lazily lounging with the egg and her always coughing around it. "Oh..."
"What exactly is he?.." He asks, letting go of his sword and letting out a sigh of relief. "He looks intimidating, but pretty cool too. Hey Riley how about you come down from the ceiling?"
Ren was walking through a busy shopping street of London, of course he was doing some shopping himself. On himself. He would've much preferred being with someone but he was currently quite lonely, he didn't mind it - it just got boring since he did it a bunch on his own a lot. The Half-Demon went into a clothes shop and started looking around for something he liked, hmm, this blue shirt sort of matched his hair though maybe he should have something a bit darker - he liked darker colours when it came to clothes.

Once he bought his clothes and a new pair of shoes, he also got some food - a Meat and Potato Pie which he started eating as he made his way home. He saw the many vehicles pass by and many people walk passed him, they always seemed to just walk passed him. He wondered where all his friends had gone....
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