Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Cecelia responded to the acid rain by stopping each droplet with telekinesis. Then she gathered the droplets together and scattered them away from the group. This was very tiring. Jade frowned seeing Cecelia strain to keep all the small droplets up. "Don't strain too much, They don't hurt that bad." She said patting her back.


"Dammit! What the hell is this! I just got this suit too." He looked over at the one using telekinesis. "But I don't care about it enough for you to tire yourself out. These old bones of mine can't be hurt by some acid." He walked over to her and said. "Do you guys have some idea to get out of here?" He unscrewed one of the filters on his gas mask and replaced it with a fresh one.



@The Imperial Flame

Yaoke Saint]"Dammit! What the hell is this! I just got this suit too." He looked over at the one using telekinesis. "But I don't care about it enough for you to tire yourself out. These old bones of mine can't be hurt by some acid." He walked over to her and said. "Do you guys have some idea to get out of here?" He unscrewed one of the filters on his gas mask and replaced it with a fresh one. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:


@The Imperial Flame
@GingerBread @Embaga Elder @LokiofSP

Heavy rain came in with countless water droplets, this time they began to burn clothes and flesh off. The droplets came in far too rapidly to attempt to stop. The floor was covered in this water which burned away all of their shoes and surprisingly Vance's darkness chair, burning at his back once he hits the ground. Once it burned away at their shoes it burned at the skin of their feet, taking most of it away and working towards the inner flesh to get to the bone. The water raining from above continues to burn at them and fails to burn away at Sanguine. Though stronger water hits the water that is unable to burn at the bone and eats away at that water, as if evolving. Soon Sanguine's bones were being burned away by the water as well, contradicting his statement. The others suffered from hair loss and clothes loss as well as losing the skin on their face slowly.
"Not another one of these! What is this, whatever we say, something happens to contradict it? Ok, this water hurts really bad and it's melting my bones and SHIT DOES THAT HURT!" He summons a cloud of birds around him and under him to form a shield against the rain. "And, oh no! It's impossible to stop it!" he says in a sarcastic and condescending tone. "HAPPY NOW YOU WATER FETISH FREAKS?" he yells at the spirits in the pit.

As the acid rain hits the trio it felt more like sharp pain that itched, causing them to scratch, even the sleeping Crimson scratched in his sleep. But then the water intensified causing intense pain, waking Crimson up when he felt his ass roasting. Crimson yelped and bursted into the air holding his ass and yelling as his clothes and hair is melted away. He lands with his aura flowing off of him but is eaten away by the water. Alright I'm pissed. He says. Inaro and Cole only laughed, but because they too were in pain from the intense acidic rain their laughs sounded very strange. Laughing through the pain.

The trio stood side by side, Cole's glasses were also melted. The trio looked up at the beings while covering their eyes.
Cole can't you create a void above to suck up this rain. I don't know I can try. They said speaking through the pain. Cole snaps his fingers causing a void portal to appear above them and expand covering the whole group. Let's see how long this last. @Light
"More and more of these stupid games." he growls as his birds dissolve into shadow and his bones continue to melt under his tattered suit. "What is the trick now? What stupid little answer to the trick is there? Another riddle. I'm not the best at riddles, but it seems that whatever we do to stop the rain, it simply reacts to it and becomes stronger. We need to give into it." As someone opened a portal he yelled: "No! Stop it. The rain will simply find a way around it." He looked sceptically at the others. "Unless you can think of another solution?"

@Light @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame
The rain begins to feed on the weaker rain that is unable to eat the portal before it's sucked in and ends up devouring the portal. The rain begins to eat at Sanguine's suit and at the trio. It seemed like the rain wasn't eating through bodies as fast so using one another as a shield seemed to be the best option. It also seemed like the rain started up once Oden's fight started, as if it would end once Oden beat his trial.
Jade's scythes flew on chains like a falcon. They flew at the weird thing attacking Oden. They would rip into the skin of the being and pull her to it. She closed her eyes and screamed, She opened her eyes and they were glowing red; a trail of red flame leaving them. Her scythes glowed red too, seeming to broil the air around them.

Cecelia frowned at this, and kept a small circle of protection above each of them. This still strained her but, not as much. Cecelia just pitied what ever was going to endure Jade's rage. Last time she had used that spell she leveled half a city before Cecelia could stop her.

@Light @PitPeople
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@Light[/URL] @PitPeople
( ! ) Cecelia and Jade were separated from the being. Her scythes end up releasing it and it continues to attack Oden. Cecelia and Jade could feel their life force draining, as if that was a warning. If they were to interfere again they would die on the spot. A being appears before them and blasts both of them with a power nullifying wave, after that the being strikes both of them with a lightning bolt, sending them both into the orb of acid water behind them to burn.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/a4dea84149e2719322b646f749a65fdb.jpg.9d9a5e2263629a73a1ace81f939ba6b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113276" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/a4dea84149e2719322b646f749a65fdb.jpg.9d9a5e2263629a73a1ace81f939ba6b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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As the trio spots that's it didn't work they all say Fuck. Simultaneously, and as if shit just got worst. It just keeps evolving. We gotta stop feeding it and just take the pain. Crimson was right, Inaro looked around at the naked group who's melting away. He was technically the only one who could take the pain and not have the water evolve around him. Inaro shapeshifted into a hollow sphere and rolls from person to person pulling them inside of him. He then expands himself, expanding the sphere creating more space. His face was at the top center of the sphere. Crimson, Cole help out these people. Alright. Whatever.

Cole creates portals in front of everyone within the Inaro sphere. While Crimsom generates green healing energy that fills the sphere, healing the people within.
These portals, once you put your hands in them, will synch with your taste and you'll be able to pull out the type of clothing you like. Crimson and Cole pulls out their outfits in their CS pictures. Great now I can finally stop being naked. @Light
Cecelia and Jade took the clothes, and thanked him. They were sure that this was the trial Grimm had meant. They just assumed that it wouldn't involve melting to a pool.

@Light @Pit People
"Well, isn't this a resourceful group," he said as he unworriedly pulls a suit or of the portal on front of him. "but clothes don't really matter in a situation like this, especially if your only bone and leather tendon." he put the suit on anyways. "but I have a feeling this plan won't work for long. "


Vance and Colin

Vance shook his head and focused on creating large blocks of darkness above him, replacing it immediately when it got melted away and increasing the size of it when the rain got stronger.
"Oh you'll be okay Vance. The other people won't get you killed" Vance mocked Luna to himself. "I hope you all fucking die. I'll get out of here a lot quicker if you do. So just lay face down on the floor and leave me alone. Any of you lot come near me, or even slightly try to interact with me. I'll kill you all." Vance glared at the lot of them, not caring if what he was doing caused the rain to get stronger. "If I die because of you idiots, I will not be happy. I will get Grimm to torture you fuckers for eternity, I figure he still owes me a small favour anyway." Vance glare up at the beings, though not directly at him since he valued his eyes. "Actually, crybaby. Colin whatever the fuck your stupid name is. Get over here. Now"

Colin started regenerating his skin at the rate it was melted away, causing him to focus his attention on it and nothing else. Maybe I should just give up, everyone seems to be doing fine without me. I should just- Colin was broken out of his thoughts by someone shouting for him, albeit in a mean way. Colin ran over to him and noticed how fast the rain was eating through his blockade and how close it was getting to him before he go the barricade up to full size. "D-Do you n-need my h-help?" Vance rolled his eyes and glared at Colin. "No, I'm close to becoming a puddle. But that's fine, happens to me every other tuesday" Vance shook his head. "S-sorry. B-But I'm not sure if I-I should h-help y-you. Th-things might get-" Vance glared at Colin and hissed as the rain started to slowly drip through his darkness. "Help me. Because if you don't, I'll bet someone is going to have to fight my thing. And that's one extra thing they'll have to fight"

Colin nodded as Vance pointed out benefits to saving him, that Colin assumed would outweigh the bad points. He had his staff appear in his hands and shapeshifted himself into superman, then increasing the the thickness of his skin as much as he could before cloning himself. Colin had the clone fly over Vance and then stretched him out so that he could easily cover both of them like an umbrella. Vance watched the whole process of what Colin was doing with a raised eyebrow. "Flesh umbrella, interesting way of doing things" Vance commented while Colin created four more clones to have on standby, in case the first one got melted. Vance also had his darkness barricade, just in case it allowed them a bit of extra time

@Embaga Elder @Yaoke Saint @The Imperial Flame @Light


Aedus nodded along and started fidgeting with his hands when he thought of a question that made him slightly nervous. "H-how does the G-Guild feel about r-relationships? L-Like mine and E-Ent's for example? Are they okay with all the stuff like th-that? L-Like, you know?"

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
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GingerBread said:
Vance and Colin

Vance shook his head and focused on creating large blocks of darkness above him, replacing it immediately when it got melted away and increasing the size of it when the rain got stronger.
"Oh you'll be okay Vance. The other people won't get you killed" Vance mocked Luna to himself. "I hope you all fucking die. I'll get out of here a lot quicker if you do. So just lay face down on the floor and leave me alone. Any of you lot come near me, or even slightly try to interact with me. I'll kill you all." Vance glared at the lot of them, not caring if what he was doing caused the rain to get stronger. "If I die because of you idiots, I will not be happy. I will get Grimm to torture you fuckers for eternity, I figure he still owes me a small favour anyway." Vance glare up at the beings, though not directly at him since he valued his eyes. "Actually, crybaby. Colin whatever the fuck your stupid name is. Get over here. Now"

Colin started regenerating his skin at the rate it was melted away, causing him to focus his attention on it and nothing else. Maybe I should just give up, everyone seems to be doing fine without me. I should just- Colin was broken out of his thoughts by someone shouting for him, albeit in a mean way. Colin ran over to him and noticed how fast the rain was eating through his blockade and how close it was getting to him before he go the barricade up to full size. "D-Do you n-need my h-help?" Vance rolled his eyes and glared at Colin. "No, I'm close to becoming a puddle. But that's fine, happens to me every other tuesday" Vance shook his head. "S-sorry. B-But I'm not sure if I-I should h-help y-you. Th-things might get-" Vance glared at Colin and hissed as the rain started to slowly drip through his darkness. "Help me. Because if you don't, I'll bet someone is going to have to fight my thing. And that's one extra thing they'll have to fight"

Colin nodded as Vance pointed out benefits to saving him, that Colin assumed would outweigh the bad points. He had his staff appear in his hands and shapeshifted himself into superman, then increasing the the thickness of his skin as much as he could before cloning himself. Colin had the clone fly over Vance and then stretched him out so that he could easily cover both of them like an umbrella. Vance watched the whole process of what Colin was doing with a raised eyebrow. "Flesh umbrella, interesting way of doing things" Vance commented while Colin created four more clones to have on standby, in case the first one got melted. Vance also had his darkness barricade, just in case it allowed them a bit of extra time

@Embaga Elder @Yaoke Saint @The Imperial Flame @Light


Aedus nodded along and started fidgeting with his hands when he thought of a question that made him slightly nervous. "H-how does the G-Guild feel about r-relationships? L-Like mine and E-Ent's for example? Are they okay with all the stuff like th-that? L-Like, you know?"

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
"We don't discriminate here at Dragon's Roar, so you'll be fine. If somebody gives you trouble you can bring up to the guild leader, or somebody who has more time in the guild." Isaac said giving Aedus a reassuring smile.
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Spooky dagger man went back into the dagger once more, "Alright, I'm just going to sit back and watch you use me...Not like that, but you know what I mean..."



Jayn pulls back from Roman and shakes her head, "I refuse to condone you breaking non-human laws! There are serious consequences to breaking those ones. With human laws, the only thing that happens is you get shot at, so all you need to do is shoot faster! But with Reaper laws you could actually die! That's not fun...Besides, you have some meeting to go to. Get it done, THEN you can attempt to get in my pants again..."



Fola shook his head as Maya took off his head, he picked up the bored girl once more and looked at Grimm, "Are you sure we need this girl? It's not like I don't like help, but I want to find Isabel as quickly as possible..."

@GingerBread @Light @OceanBunny


Oden took the punches as if he was being hit by a truck, he felt his brain rattle inside his skull and could only feel intense pain. His fingers weakly went for the beings face, putting his fingers in it's face in attempts to reach past it for help...

@Light[/URL] @Pit People

GingerBread said:
Vance and Colin

Vance shook his head and focused on creating large blocks of darkness above him, replacing it immediately when it got melted away and increasing the size of it when the rain got stronger.
"Oh you'll be okay Vance. The other people won't get you killed" Vance mocked Luna to himself. "I hope you all fucking die. I'll get out of here a lot quicker if you do. So just lay face down on the floor and leave me alone. Any of you lot come near me, or even slightly try to interact with me. I'll kill you all." Vance glared at the lot of them, not caring if what he was doing caused the rain to get stronger. "If I die because of you idiots, I will not be happy. I will get Grimm to torture you fuckers for eternity, I figure he still owes me a small favour anyway." Vance glare up at the beings, though not directly at him since he valued his eyes. "Actually, crybaby. Colin whatever the fuck your stupid name is. Get over here. Now"

Colin started regenerating his skin at the rate it was melted away, causing him to focus his attention on it and nothing else. Maybe I should just give up, everyone seems to be doing fine without me. I should just- Colin was broken out of his thoughts by someone shouting for him, albeit in a mean way. Colin ran over to him and noticed how fast the rain was eating through his blockade and how close it was getting to him before he go the barricade up to full size. "D-Do you n-need my h-help?" Vance rolled his eyes and glared at Colin. "No, I'm close to becoming a puddle. But that's fine, happens to me every other tuesday" Vance shook his head. "S-sorry. B-But I'm not sure if I-I should h-help y-you. Th-things might get-" Vance glared at Colin and hissed as the rain started to slowly drip through his darkness. "Help me. Because if you don't, I'll bet someone is going to have to fight my thing. And that's one extra thing they'll have to fight"

Colin nodded as Vance pointed out benefits to saving him, that Colin assumed would outweigh the bad points. He had his staff appear in his hands and shapeshifted himself into superman, then increasing the the thickness of his skin as much as he could before cloning himself. Colin had the clone fly over Vance and then stretched him out so that he could easily cover both of them like an umbrella. Vance watched the whole process of what Colin was doing with a raised eyebrow. "Flesh umbrella, interesting way of doing things" Vance commented while Colin created four more clones to have on standby, in case the first one got melted. Vance also had his darkness barricade, just in case it allowed them a bit of extra time

@Embaga Elder @Yaoke Saint @The Imperial Flame @Light
LokiofSP said:
Oden took the punches as if he was being hit by a truck, he felt his brain rattle inside his skull and could only feel intense pain. His fingers weakly went for the beings face, putting his fingers in it's face in attempts to reach past it for help...

The being screams as Oden shoves his fingers into its brain. The being stops moving, dying once he does. It's dead body goes limp on top of Oden. Oden gains it's two powers, flight and supernatural condition. It's spear lay down beside him as well.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-20-15-34-21.png.221cee817fcbc8b899fb30346d61b500.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113322" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-20-15-34-21.png.221cee817fcbc8b899fb30346d61b500.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sanguine's trial appears next as the rain finally stops. "You can either fight me yourself, fight in pairs with another guild member in line. Or fight me all together with all of your fellow guild members." Sanguine's trial looks directly as him, waiting for an answer.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7898c34492491981f98568ba1e728fd2.jpg.d03b184e49180e52c0d3292bb1fc7303.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113324" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7898c34492491981f98568ba1e728fd2.jpg.d03b184e49180e52c0d3292bb1fc7303.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

LokiofSP said:
Jayn pulls back from Roman and shakes her head, "I refuse to condone you breaking non-human laws! There are serious consequences to breaking those ones. With human laws, the only thing that happens is you get shot at, so all you need to do is shoot faster! But with Reaper laws you could actually die! That's not fun...Besides, you have some meeting to go to. Get it done, THEN you can attempt to get in my pants again..."



Fola shook his head as Maya took off his head, he picked up the bored girl once more and looked at Grimm, "Are you sure we need this girl? It's not like I don't like help, but I want to find Isabel as quickly as possible..."

@GingerBread @Light @OceanBunny
Roman sighs and pretends to momentarily die. "Fine. I'll be back." Roman moves swiftly to steal a kiss from Jayn and disappears.

( @GingerBread )

Both Grimm's look at one another. Female Grimm approaches Maya and takes her out of Fola's hands. "Sorry if this seems odd to you. My name is Grimm. How awesome does it sound to be my friend and become a magical girl?"

The other Grimm gives Fola a serious look. "Good luck." He snaps his finger and sends Fola towards the Anti-God Zone. Standing no more than 5 feet in front of him was Isabel, though her body looked smooth and all black, with circular white eyes. The only thing that resembled regular skin was the patches of it still peeling off on her left hand. There was no activity within or outside of Isabel other than the peeling skin. Though the mating symbol they share was still on her chest.



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He looks in anger and surprise at the necromancer coming back. "Back for more? What do you want this time?" He looked at the people around him, then back at his old enemy. "Will you give me time to talk with my comrades, or do I have to decide now? " He reaches into his briefcase and pulls out his revolver, not bothering to do this discreetly. He glances back at the little group again.

@Light @pit people
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If he had eyes, he would have narrowed them. "Well you seem extra nice this time around... " He turned back to his comrades. "What do you people think? Is it a trick? A puzzle? A riddle? A trap? Maybe it will be able to kill all of you very easily if I fight it alongside you. Or maybe it is seeing if I am arrogant enough to think I can defeat it a second time on my own. Then there is the partner option. It seemed suspicious as well. Maybe it's the answer. Some would think, if you're gonna work with someone, why not all of them? But maybe I'm over thinking it. What do you think?"


Celeste's Voice appeared in the groups heads. "I will make it so he cannot hear us speak about it. Only our decision shall be voiced." And like that the group could hear each others thoughts, like a Skype call. "I believe if you choose all of us he will find a loop hole. In Pairs is risky but may work well if you choose the right person. As you can tell I am Telekineticly gifted as well as Telepathically. Jade Is a Striker, constantly attacking in a flurry of her scythes, and dodging with her shadow tricks." She spoke. "I suggest you think about last time you fought him, What did he do?" She said.


Hmmmmm. This is pretty cool. When we fought last time, she was invincible, summoned a bunch if undead but didn't really use them, and had these pegs that froze me in place. The only way I was able to beat her was admitting that all necromancers were not the same. I don't think that trick will work twice though. And who knows if her powers or stradegy will be the same?

@pit peeple

Maya put her finger to her lips and thought for a couple of seconds. "Nah! It sounds boooooooooring. And I've already got a Friend! He's right over...there" Maya watched as Fola was teleported away. "Oh well. I'm sure he'll be back. He promised to be my best friend!" Maya laid back in Grimm's arms flopping over them.


Vance And Colin

Vance nodded at the daggerman and then turned to Colin. "You can go do your own thing now. You're kind useful, and dangerous." Colin got rid of the supermen clone things and walked away from Vance with a smile on his face, happy that he had managed to successfully help someone "I-I'll just be over h-here if y-you need me".

Vance created another chair of darkness and sat down, putting a muffle around himself, so that no one could telepathically connect to his brain. "I say you fight him yourself, you wimp. Fuck ohh it's a scary necromancer, fuck off. Fight it on your own. Some kid had to fight his on his own. Why the fuck are you so special?" Vance leaned back on his chair before sitting back up. "If it starts raining shit again. Take it like a fucking man, or I will kill you all"

@Yaoke Saint @The Imperial Flame @Light


Aedus smiled back at Isaac. "Th-that's good. b-but I-I meant things like kissing and s-stuff. I-I'm not bothered by it. B-But I don't want anyone to g-get hurt. E-Ent gets angry easily, s-so it's not really about if there's something I can do afterwards. I-I'd rather it didn't happen in the first place, I don't want anyone to get"

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord
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GingerBread said:

Maya put her finger to her lips and thought for a couple of seconds. "Nah! It sounds boooooooooring. And I've already got a Friend! He's right over...there" Maya watched as Fola was teleported away. "Oh well. I'm sure he'll be back. He promised to be my best friend!" Maya laid back in Grimm's arms flopping over them.


Vance And Colin

Vance nodded at the daggerman and then turned to Colin. "You can go do your own thing now. You're kind useful, and dangerous." Colin got rid of the supermen clone things and walked away from Vance with a smile on his face, happy that he had managed to successfully help someone "I-I'll just be over h-here if y-you need me".

Vance created another chair of darkness and sat down, putting a muffle around himself, so that no one could telepathically connect to his brain. "I say you fight him yourself, you wimp. Fuck ohh it's a scary necromancer, fuck off. Fight it on your own. Some kid had to fight his on his own. Why the fuck are you so special?" Vance leaned back on his chair before sitting back up. "If it starts raining shit again. Take it like a fucking man, or I will kill you all"

@Yaoke Saint @The Imperial Flame @Light


Aedus smiled back at Isaac. "Th-that's good. b-but I-I meant things like kissing and s-stuff. I-I'm not bothered by it. B-But I don't want anyone to g-get hurt. E-Ent gets angry easily, s-so it's not really about if there's something I can do afterwards. I-I'd rather it didn't happen in the first place, I don't want anyone to get"

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord
"Well fuck you to asshole. Unless you are retarded there is a reason she is letting us choose how to fight her, just as no one wasn't interfere with the other fight. We must choose wisely so get off your shitty throne of shadows and come help us or I will literally feed you to the crows. If you can use shadow magic. I might want you as my partner, it would really help out."

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