Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
( @GingerBread @LokiofSP )

Luna tugs on Vance's shirt to let him know he was ready to leave. She didn't like where things were going.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn blew a raspberry as she realized her mistake, "Holy crap, I forgot...So...In the meantime you wanna do some illegal stuff in the meantime? I mean, you're going to jail anyways, might as well have a bit of fun..."

"Jayn you know that'll only make things worse for me. I can't do that." Roman's horns randomly erupt in green flames. "Ugh. Not this again."

CelticSol said:
As someone who is easily startled, Jackie jumps, and in the next instant punches the woman square in the face in reflex. She curses, "Fuck, sorry! Reflex!"
Abyssum stares at Jackie with complete shock. The face of a child preparing to wail was growing on her face as her nose begins to bleed.
@Cadin shadow lord[/URL] (Gonna wait for @metalcity)

LokiofSP said:
Spooky Dagger man looked at the knife with and stood up, turning into aura and going into the knife itself. He spoke once more, the knife glowing a purplish tinge each time a word left his 'mouth', "I am the knife you are currently holding sir, and I'd prefer it if you didn't point myself at me...That sentence sounded odd, let me rephrase it...Never mind, I can't. I give up, I'm a 'guide' or something or ever, I don't fucking know..."

Light said:
Luna tugs on Vance's shirt to let him know he was ready to leave. She didn't like where things were going.
Vance nodded as the dagger spoke to him. "Okay, so would you like a silk lined box for me to put you in? I mean considering I can do this" Vance created a dagger out of darkness in his free hand. "So why would I want a dagger that apparently watches me during, 'intimate' moments?" Vance smiled at Luna and teleported them both along with the dagger, out of the darkness realm and into his room at the guild.
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GingerBread said:
"I-I don't mind. But it's probably better if we know the Guild base well. Me and E-Ent can just explore the town ourselves later or something" Aedus smiled at Isaac and thought for a moment. "Actually, it might be useful if I knew where a shop that sells matches is. I tend to use a lot"

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity

"Sorry Luna, hang on a second" Vance scowled as he tapped his guild symbol. "Who? oh the crazy guy that tried to kill me. The one that owes me his life for not killing him? That guy, right. I'll be down in a second to finish him off or whatever he wants me to do. Call the crybaby in the guild to keep him alive for long enough if you need to" Vance tapped his guild symbol to hang up on hakeem. "Right Luna lets-" Vance closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. Vance took the dagger out of its sheath and walked over to the man, pointing it at his throat. "You have 5 fucking seconds to how and why the fuck you're here. And why the hell were you just sitting there watching? 4 seconds left"
After vance hung up he thought about what he mean by call the crybaby. It took him longer than usual to put two and two together. When he finally realize it he snaps his fingers giving off a smile for excitement. Using the guild symbol, he contacts Colin. Hey Colin this is Hakeem, a new member. Ima get straight to the point. I need you to teleport to me so you can keep someone alive for me. Can you help me please?? @Light @GingerBread @Archdemon
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Jack sighed and looked at the kid "Hey could you do something for me? In this ruin there is supposed to be some valuable treasure or artifact or something.... I think it's what demon me was after, I want you to finish the job, who knows what treasures await within these ruins! Remember to tell Vance that when you give him the dagger.... That I don't care what he does with it whether he breaks it, tosses it away, keep it, it doesn't matter to me.... Anyways goodbye......"

With those final words Jack closed his eyes and died. Within seconds his body shriveled and turned to dust suggesting that his body is older than it appears, all that was left was old bones, not even the clothes were left. Jack was officially dead.

Deeper within the ruins, lay a large chamber filled to the brim with many pods, but each was opened and dead skeletons whose bones were onyx black layed scattered all over the room almost as if something found them and slaughtered them. They were definitely not human by any means due to the structure and the actual skeleton itself. At the back of the room was a doorway that lead into a chamber made for some type of King or Queen, with a decaying elegant design to the entire room. Behind what looks to be a throne was another door, this one was of course blocked by a large door that was locked. If one wanted to assume then they would think that to be the treasure chamber or whatever.

@Embaga Elder @Light

@Anyone else
Archdemon said:
Jack sighed and looked at the kid "Hey could you do something for me? In this ruin there is supposed to be some valuable treasure or artifact or something.... I think it's what demon me was after, I want you to finish the job, who knows what treasures await within these ruins! Remember to tell Vance that when you give him the dagger.... That I don't care what he does with it whether he breaks it, tosses it away, keep it, it doesn't matter to me.... Anyways goodbye......"

With those final words Jack closed his eyes and died. Within seconds his body shriveled and turned to dust suggesting that his body is older than it appears, all that was left was old bones, not even the clothes were left. Jack was officially dead.

Deeper within the ruins, lay a large chamber filled to the brim with many pods, but each was opened and dead skeletons whose bones were onyx black layed scattered all over the room almost as if something found them and slaughtered them. They were definitely not human by any means due to the structure and the actual skeleton itself. At the back of the room was a doorway that lead into a chamber made for some type of King or Queen, with a decaying elegant design to the entire room. Behind what looks to be a throne was another door, this one was of course blocked by a large door that was locked. If one wanted to assume then they would think that to be the treasure chamber or whatever.

@Embaga Elder @Light

@Anyone else
Grimm returns once more, only to reap his soul and leave.
Ohhhh, Spooky Event That Loki Totally Didn't Fall Asleep While Writing

The woman let out a heavy sigh and rubbed the bridge of her nose, "I was once wielded by king fucking Arthur. Is this really what I've fallen to? Okay! So let me explain! You, for whatever reason, have been chosen to wield me in a war that has spanned generations of heroes! Along with wielding me, you also get really cool abilities! If you so choose to take up this honor that is...It's fine if you don't, by the way. I'd be fine with waiting for some other hero, it's cool if this situation is to much for you to handle...Please let it be to much for you to handle..."

The man once again comes out of the dagger, stretching out, "Dear christ, doing that really cramps up the joints...Anyways, you want to know what I can do? Throw me, I dare you..."

@GingerBread @Lotusy


Jayn raised a brow, "Are you getting, 'HORNY' Roman? After what we just did? Man, I'm beginning to lose faith in you..."

metalcity said:
Ent calmed down slightly when the random kid left, he then carefully watched the new guy. "I don't mind." He agitatedly shrugged off. He offered Aedus his hand again, giving him a gentle smile.
@GingerBread @Cadin shadow lord
Aedus grabbed Ent's hand and smiled up at him. "I-I guess you can give us a tour of the Guild hall then Isaac. I-If you're okay with that of course" Aedus smiled at Isaac as he lightly swung his free arm.

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord

Colin was practising his powers on a clone of himself, trying to see how easily he could stop someone with the least amount of damage done to them. He was also practicing methods of killing people, mostly just to mentally prepare himself just in case he ever needed to. When he got the call from Hakeem he used his guild symbol to teleport directly to him. "W-who do I need to keep a-alive?"

LokiofSP said:

Vance looked at the dagger in his hand and then at the man. "I'm going to assume you mean the dagger, because that makes more sense. So just stay right there" Vance lifted up his arm and threw the dagger towards the man
GingerBread said:
Aedus grabbed Ent's hand and smiled up at him. "I-I guess you can give us a tour of the Guild hall then Isaac. I-If you're okay with that of course" Aedus smiled at Isaac as he lightly swung his free arm.
@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord

Colin was practising his powers on a clone of himself, trying to see how easily he could stop someone with the least amount of damage done to them. He was also practicing methods of killing people, mostly just to mentally prepare himself just in case he ever needed to. When he got the call from Hakeem he used his guild symbol to teleport directly to him. "W-who do I need to keep a-alive?"

Vance looked at the dagger in his hand and then at the man. "I'm going to assume you mean the dagger, because that makes more sense. So just stay right there" Vance lifted up his arm and threw the dagger towards the man
"Let's get going then! The Guild halls pretty big so we've got some ground to cover!" Isaac said walking in the main entrance, waiting for Aedus and Ent to follow. @metalcity
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Archdemon said:
Jack sighed and looked at the kid "Hey could you do something for me? In this ruin there is supposed to be some valuable treasure or artifact or something.... I think it's what demon me was after, I want you to finish the job, who knows what treasures await within these ruins! Remember to tell Vance that when you give him the dagger.... That I don't care what he does with it whether he breaks it, tosses it away, keep it, it doesn't matter to me.... Anyways goodbye......"

With those final words Jack closed his eyes and died. Within seconds his body shriveled and turned to dust suggesting that his body is older than it appears, all that was left was old bones, not even the clothes were left. Jack was officially dead.

Deeper within the ruins, lay a large chamber filled to the brim with many pods, but each was opened and dead skeletons whose bones were onyx black layed scattered all over the room almost as if something found them and slaughtered them. They were definitely not human by any means due to the structure and the actual skeleton itself. At the back of the room was a doorway that lead into a chamber made for some type of King or Queen, with a decaying elegant design to the entire room. Behind what looks to be a throne was another door, this one was of course blocked by a large door that was locked. If one wanted to assume then they would think that to be the treasure chamber or whatever.

@Embaga Elder @Light

@Anyone else
Hakeem sighs as Jack dies and turns to dust, still having no idea on how to process this. At least he tried saving him though. Colin arrived a little too late. No one now. He died a couple of seconds before he arrived.

He looks at the path that leads further down into the ruin. Hmm treasure huh? I say go for it kid. It could be an excellent adventure. Yeah I do like adventures. Colin I'll be going on a treasure hunt. You can tag along if you want. He walks down the path going deeper into the ruins. The bones of the dead creeped Hakeem out a little but he just kept going ignoring him. Hakeem made it to a doorway leading to a chamber for either a king or queen. He whistles in amazement. Wow this is a big place. He walks over towards the throne and sits on it. Yeah, I'm king now. He claps his hands together and summons a crown, placing it on his head. Bow down before your king. He says imitating a stern kings voice.

He looks behind the throne just being curious and sees a door. His eyes widen with excitement.
I found it!! He hops off the throne and walks behind it heading towards the door. He pushes against it trying to open it but it's lock. Crap! I guess I gotta put in some work. He touches the door, and places a summoning symbol on the door. Ahh, that should do it. He backs away from the door and walks towards the center of the room. He claps his hands together and summons the locked door. The door that was blocking the path is now in front of him. He jumps with excitement. Yeah I did it!!! He runs towards the hidden path leading to the treasure chamber. @Archdemon @GingerBread
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Light said:
( @GingerBread @LokiofSP )
Luna tugs on Vance's shirt to let him know he was ready to leave. She didn't like where things were going.

"Jayn you know that'll only make things worse for me. I can't do that." Roman's horns randomly erupt in green flames. "Ugh. Not this again."

Abyssum stares at Jackie with complete shock. The face of a child preparing to wail was growing on her face as her nose begins to bleed.
Despite not really knowing this woman, instinct makes Jackie gather her in her arms, "No, no, no, please don't cry. Please don't."
LokiofSP said:
Jayn raised a brow, "Are you getting, 'HORNY' Roman? After what we just did? Man, I'm beginning to lose faith in you..."

"No, Its just a calling to some boring supply meeting for reapers. You want to come with me?" Roman extends his hand for Jayn to take.

CelticSol said:
Despite not really knowing this woman, instinct makes Jackie gather her in her arms, "No, no, no, please don't cry. Please don't."
Abyssum begins to lightly cry but she doesn't wail. She kept whispering things about wanting her mommy like a child would when they're injured.
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame](OoOoOo Spooky ghost post, It may have dissipated, Sorry didn't know what was going on near, Could you recap me? <3)

( I meant to say in. They're all basically talking in front of the house. )
Light said:
"No, Its just a calling to some boring supply meeting for reapers. You want to come with me?" Roman extends his hand for Jayn to take.
Abyssum begins to lightly cry but she doesn't wail. She kept whispering things about wanting her mommy like a child would when they're injured.
Jackie still groans as the woman starts crying and whimpering, "Look, I'm sorry, but I don't even know you! Who exactly are you?"
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Daimao @djinnamon @OceanBunny @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134 @metalcity @Juju @CitrineGalaxite @Lotusy @Dreamtique @Fluffykitty9000 @Nova King @ShadowEntity @Austria @Yaoke Saint @GingerBread @The Imperial Flame @Archdemon This only applies to characters whom had trials whom are not busy in Dragon's Roar. If your character is busy ignore this. )

Dragon's Roar members whom weren't in the process of interaction along other beings were pulled into a locked away realm. This realm was an endless expansion of water with a 90 feet deep pit. There was water running down the circular sides but there seemed to be a gap between the wall the water was running down and the platform they stood on so the water didn't fill it. The pit itself seemed to be two miles wide from each side. There were two floating beings above them, floating over the pit with the water originating from them. All the members were healed once they were pulled in, brought up to their full stamina. Arywn and Syrax were already inside the pit talking with a being.

( The pit looks like this from the pictures. Here are the beings. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/786b3ae6c32fae08a911876e88c67f0a.jpg.711713849b5c0229468edcaba25d4b20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/786b3ae6c32fae08a911876e88c67f0a.jpg.711713849b5c0229468edcaba25d4b20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/409028eb28409c42dfd186c24dcead9b.jpg.ef0dd2e8da06740532979812d835f70a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/409028eb28409c42dfd186c24dcead9b.jpg.ef0dd2e8da06740532979812d835f70a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The trio

The trio appears in the pit. They look at each other all having no idea what's going on. Crimson and Cole looks at Inaro. Inaro, the hell did you do this time?? They asked simultaneously. Inaro holds out his hands, as if he's saying "hold on" Aye hold up it wasn't my fault...this time. He looks up seeing the beings. It was probably they're faults. Crimson and Cole look up as well. Cole sighs great and Crimson exhales sharply. Cole must've felt his rage risen, because he already had his arm out in front of Crimson. Don't do it yet bro, let's just see what they want. Crimson sighs Whatever Cole. Crimson falls back hitting the ground and just lays there with his hands behind his head. Wake me when shit gets interesting. He said. Soon after Crimson was asleep.

Cole pulled out two stools for both him and Inaro. They sit down both feeding their habits.
Cecelia and Jade keeled before the beings, they knew a powerful spirit when they saw one.

As they rose another group appeared. Jade just simply stood there, her eyes on Cecelia.

Cecelia's dress flaked away, the flakes turning into butterflies. Her flowing gown transformed into a corset skirt. Her 3 ft long hair was in a high pony. She removed her necklace from her neck. It expanded, and became a staff.

"You haven't used battle gear since..." She trailed off. "Oh never mind, reach out to the beings telepathically.

Cecelia nodded, and raised her staff. To anyone with very strong magical sight, a beam could be seen shooting from the staff at the beings heads.

"Hello, What are you?" Cecelia asked. Her telepathic voice sounds so monotone that she sounded inhuman. Seeing that they weren't going to respond she reached to the other group of three.

"Greetings, I see we are in a predicament. I assume you will want to meet my- my- Mistress." She said to the three, stuttering on the last word. "We shall arrive shortly, and DO NOT Try anything suspicious, Such as killing us." She said severing the link with the trio.

"Mistress, we should contact a nearby group, they seem to be friendly." She said, already floating above the ground a few feet.

Jade nodded and she floated up next to Cecelia. They began towards the trio, at a steady 20 mph.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89393343_PsiStaff.jpg.4691ff04092410fc57f182fdedd096c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89393343_PsiStaff.jpg.4691ff04092410fc57f182fdedd096c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The energy seen around the crystal is what Cecelia's magic looks like)

@Embaga Elder




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Oden blinks, shaking his groggy head. Why hadn't he died? Why wasn't he lying in a bloody pool? Just a second ago he'd been fighting a beast that should have ripped him to shreds, yet he was still alive. He heard the sound of rushing water, and what sounded like voices, muscle memory kicked in as his hand went for his knife...But it wasn't there. He examined the area. the sound of water creating a peaceful contrast to the feelings of foreboding he felt.

He looked around, there were others there. A trio of people on his left, and two women to his right. They were no doubt powerful beings, and it made him wonder why he was there. Was this some kind of punishment? Maybe he had died and his soul was being judged. He has so many questions, yet no awnsers. He would have spoken, had his vocal chords not been strained and hurt from his bawling earlier, so instead he studied the creatures.

He stood up shakily, wanting to cower and hide from the clash he felt was about to come. But he stood his ground, attempting to asses the situation. He spoke, he voice coming out low and gravely, "Is this it? Are you here to bring about some sort of end to my pitiful existence? Am I here to pay for the crimes I've committed? If so, I welcome my judgement and death with open arms, I just ask you all make it quick..."

@Light @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame


The blade passes through the being, embedding itself in the wall past him. The being claps and smiles under his helmet, the smile clear in his voice, "Well done, you really showed that wall what for! But if we can get past the fact you just tried to kill a projection, take note of the knife in your hand, now take note of the one in the wall. See how they're the same dagger? That's because that's an ability! You can throw as many as you'd like, and it will always just make a copy. The real one is ALWAYS in your grasp, and that's just the tip of the dagger my friend..."



Jayn shakes her head, "No can do Roman. You've already broken TONS of laws, you can't take me with you, we both know that, you dolt..."

@Embaga Elder[/URL]

LokiofSP said:
Oden blinks, shaking his groggy head. Why hadn't he died? Why wasn't he lying in a bloody pool? Just a second ago he'd been fighting a beast that should have ripped him to shreds, yet he was still alive. He heard the sound of rushing water, and what sounded like voices, muscle memory kicked in as his hand went for his knife...But it wasn't there. He examined the area. the sound of water creating a peaceful contrast to the feelings of foreboding he felt.

He looked around, there were others there. A trio of people on his left, and two women to his right. They were no doubt powerful beings, and it made him wonder why he was there. Was this some kind of punishment? Maybe he had died and his soul was being judged. He has so many questions, yet no awnsers. He would have spoken, had his vocal chords not been strained and hurt from his bawling earlier, so instead he studied the creatures.

He stood up shakily, wanting to cower and hide from the clash he felt was about to come. But he stood his ground, attempting to asses the situation. He spoke, he voice coming out low and gravely, "Is this it? Are you here to bring about some sort of end to my pitiful existence? Am I here to pay for the crimes I've committed? If so, I welcome my judgement and death with open arms, I just ask you all make it quick..."

@Light @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame
Suddenly a large and endless scream could be heard in the pit. Trial #23, Oden's trial, also known as Lil Screamer flies into the pit.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8d4f07bdb83063f6edaaff2da2be32b3.jpg.90c95feb22f5179b6abd82014b483313.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113170" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8d4f07bdb83063f6edaaff2da2be32b3.jpg.90c95feb22f5179b6abd82014b483313.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lil Screamer flies straight into Oden, slamming into his chest with his armoured shoulder. Lil Screamer flies into the air and throws it's spear at Oden's left wrist with the intention of cutting his hand off.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn shakes her head, "No can do Roman. You've already broken TONS of laws, you can't take me with you, we both know that, you dolt..."

"So now you're stopping me from doing a little bad?" Roman smiles and approaches Jayn. "Doesn't matter to me, I'd break them all over again for you." Roman wraps his arm around Jayn, pulling her in close.



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The wind was knocked out of Oden as a shoulder hit his stomach. He coughed as his mind reeled once more, attempting to catch up with the way his stomach did backflips and summersaults. He felt himself free flying through the air, it was then that he saw the spear. He yelped and held his hand close to his body, he then looked down and began to panic at the sight of the fast approaching ground...


Jayn pouts, "Okay, I'm fine if you could make some sort of totally awsome time machine and do that, but if you do that now you might DIE Roman! That's something I'm not okay with! So yes, I'm going to keep you in check this one time. Besides, I'm fine with breaking PEOPLE laws, not Reaper laws, those have actually consequences...."


Maya started getting bored with what was happening and the whole being a detective thing. She looked over at Fola and started jumping up, trying to knock his hat off of his head. Once she
successfully did she sat down on the ground and fell backwards onto her back. "I'm Booooooooooooooooored. I wanna go do something, this is boring. It's too difficult to find people." Maya rolled over onto her side and looked the ground again. "Could you take us to who we're looking for. I wanna find her, so we can do something else. I'm boooooooooooooooooooooooooooored" Maya rolled back onto her back and lifted her arms out to the side as she dragged out saying bored.

@Light @LokiofSP @OceanBunny


Colin looked around as he was taken to the pit.
"Wh-where am I?" Colin started looking around and saw Oden fighting something and moved to help before realizing that trying to help him would probably go badly for both of them. "I-I'm going to have t-to go against th-that thing again aren't I?"

@Light @Pit people


Vance smirked at the Dagger man. "This could be useful, but I think you'll have to teach me the rest of the things later. And I guess tell me why I was the one who got you. But right now, I'm in fucking waterworld, presumably to fight something. So we'll see how useful you actually are, or if all this shit is just fluff" Vance snapped his fingers and had a chair of darkness appear from his shadow. He sat down on it and leaned back, looking towards the beings in the sky. So now how am I going to defeat the thing that wanted to kill me? It seemed to take me out pretty easily last time. It got past my muffle, so we'll have to see about that. But I doubt I'm going to survive this thing Vance shook his head and decided to watch everyone fight theirs for entertainment before he would have to fight his own thing.

@LokiofSP @Light @PitPeople


Aedus started following Isaac, gently pulling Ent along with him. "So how many members are there in the guild? Do you know? I-I'd assume a lot since the Guild is so big" Aedus smiled at Isaac, happy and grateful that he was showing him and Ent around.

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
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LokiofSP said:
The wind was knocked out of Oden as a shoulder hit his stomach. He coughed as his mind reeled once more, attempting to catch up with the way his stomach did backflips and summersaults. He felt himself free flying through the air, it was then that he saw the spear. He yelped and held his hand close to his body, he then looked down and began to panic at the sight of the fast approaching ground...
GingerBread said:

Colin looked around as he was taken to the pit.
"Wh-where am I?" Colin started looking around and saw Oden fighting something and moved to help before realizing that trying to help him would probably go badly for both of them. "I-I'm going to have t-to go against th-that thing again aren't I?"

@Light @Pit people


Vance smirked at the Dagger man. "This could be useful, but I think you'll have to teach me the rest of the things later. And I guess tell me why I was the one who got you. But right now, I'm in fucking waterworld, presumably to fight something. So we'll see how useful you actually are, or if all this shit is just fluff" Vance snapped his fingers and had a chair of darkness appear from his shadow. He sat down on it and leaned back, looking towards the beings in the sky. So now how am I going to defeat the thing that wanted to kill me? It seemed to take me out pretty easily last time. It got past my muffle, so we'll have to see about that. But I doubt I'm going to survive this thing Vance shook his head and decided to watch everyone fight theirs for entertainment before he would have to fight his own thing.

@LokiofSP @Light @PitPeople
@Embaga Elder[/URL]

The being continues to yell and scream as it swiftly flies back and slams it's fist into Oden's face and groin. The being makes sure Oden hits the ground harshly and continues to beat on him with its supernatural strength.

For the others in the pit, a couple drops of water hit their heads. This water begins to burn at them.

LokiofSP said:
Jayn pouts, "Okay, I'm fine if you could make some sort of totally awsome time machine and do that, but if you do that now you might DIE Roman! That's something I'm not okay with! So yes, I'm going to keep you in check this one time. Besides, I'm fine with breaking PEOPLE laws, not Reaper laws, those have actually consequences...."

Roman could only look at Jayn, utterly shocked at the fact that she actually wanted him to stay out of trouble. Was this...responsibility coming from her? He couldn't tell. Roman simply leans in closer.

CelticSol said:
Jackie still groans as the woman starts crying and whimpering, "Look, I'm sorry, but I don't even know you! Who exactly are you?"
"I-I'm Abyssum. Deity of d-darkness." Abyssum starts to calm down, hugging Jackie. "My mommy bought me your action figure collection and my big brother always talks to you. So I wanted to talk to you too and help you but you hit me." Abyssum pulls out Jackie's action figure from the A.I. Rebellion collection. That's how she knew her name. "Why'd you hit your b-biggest fan Jackie?" Abyssum was starting to get emotional again. It seemed like this woman had actual mental issues that were nothing to laugh at, it was sad actually.
GingerBread said:

Maya started getting bored with what was happening and the whole being a detective thing. She looked over at Fola and started jumping up, trying to knock his hat off of his head. Once she
successfully did she sat down on the ground and fell backwards onto her back. "I'm Booooooooooooooooored. I wanna go do something, this is boring. It's too difficult to find people." Maya rolled over onto her side and looked the ground again. "Could you take us to who we're looking for. I wanna find her, so we can do something else. I'm boooooooooooooooooooooooooooored" Maya rolled back onto her back and lifted her arms out to the side as she dragged out saying bored.

@Light @LokiofSP @OceanBunny


Colin looked around as he was taken to the pit.
"Wh-where am I?" Colin started looking around and saw Oden fighting something and moved to help before realizing that trying to help him would probably go badly for both of them. "I-I'm going to have t-to go against th-that thing again aren't I?"

@Light @Pit people


Vance smirked at the Dagger man. "This could be useful, but I think you'll have to teach me the rest of the things later. And I guess tell me why I was the one who got you. But right now, I'm in fucking waterworld, presumably to fight something. So we'll see how useful you actually are, or if all this shit is just fluff" Vance snapped his fingers and had a chair of darkness appear from his shadow. He sat down on it and leaned back, looking towards the beings in the sky. So now how am I going to defeat the thing that wanted to kill me? It seemed to take me out pretty easily last time. It got past my muffle, so we'll have to see about that. But I doubt I'm going to survive this thing Vance shook his head and decided to watch everyone fight theirs for entertainment before he would have to fight his own thing.

@LokiofSP @Light @PitPeople


Aedus started following Isaac, gently pulling Ent along with him. "So how many members are there in the guild? Do you know? I-I'd assume a lot since the Guild is so big" Aedus smiled at Isaac, happy and grateful that he was showing him and Ent around.

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
"I don't quite remember how many people are in the guild exactly, but I do know that we've had enough to take on any threat that appeared to threaten the worlds safety. Now let's see, this place has all you need really. We've got a training room, a kitchen, bedrooms for members, basically all you need for living with extra. There's probably some things i'm forgetting about because the base switched locations from when I first joined."

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