Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
"I-I'm used to n-not eating that much a-anyway, S-so I don't mind go-going hungry for a-a while a-anyway" Colin gingerly shrugged, hoping he hadn't upset Anna. "Th-that sounds fine, b-but I was going t-to pay anyway" Colin smiled at Anna as he reached over and picked up a crayon
(I'm going to go to sleep now. Night
:) )

"You successfully seduced me Sage, congratulations. You win" Vance shook his head as the mind control wore off. "What the hell? Why did I just falsely admit you won? You know what, I don't care. You can have this victory. I don't know what you were trying to prove though, do you really want to get back together? I'm not going to lie, you're more appealing when you're more demanding. Like when you hated me. Anyway, what were we doing?"
Sage rolled his eyes. " I didn't know you take away the person you find appealing 's voice. " He grumbled. " Where going to the beach he said before he walked over his closet and began pulling off his clothes , not caring if Vance was in the room or not. Sage pulled out a pair of swimming shorts.


Sage leaned over the table and looked back at Vance. " How do I look. " he asked jokingly.
LokiofSP said:
He hadn't even had a moment to process all the information given to him. But he attempted to hang onto the key parts, mainly the uh...Mate part. That was a bit odd...He looked down to Isabel, adjusting her once more to make sure she was comfortable, "So...Sorry about this, I should have just taken you back to the damn guild! But now we're here, and we have to do this, and FUCK MY LIFE I have to do work again!" He let out a frustrated sigh and walked up closer to the door, using one hand to open the door a creak before using his foot to get it the rest of the way.

Once inside he closed it once more and realized something...
"Oh, crap! Sorry, I forgot to put you down, I'm such a fucking idiot..." He placed Isabel down on her own two feet and looked at the area around them, "Um...So what now? I mean...I guess this is kinda like the adventure we talked about..."

Isabella locks the door and turns around to see the house, the lights in a room automatically turn on and off once someone walks into a room. "Fola...I want to shower and sleep." Isabel hugs Fola's arm, staring up at him with a concerned gaze. "Though it can wait so we can talk if you're angry. I'm sorry, this is all my fault. If you hadn't of been stuck with me...."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Because I want to prove myself to you! Prove I deserve to be with someone as perfect as you! I lead Dragon's Roar now! And I've become absolutely perfect! Did you know that the whole 'end of the world' ordeal allowed me to had become God?! Oh cutie I have done absolutely everything I can to prove myself to you!" He started to roll around on the floor with the girl in his grasp. I'm so sorry! I got so wrapped up in their affairs and proving myself for you I forgot to even check up. I'm a terrible fiancé... But we have all of eternity to make it work!
"I don't know....you didn't pay attention to me then. Why would you do it now? You probably have a full schedule already based off how 'famous' you are." Luna was growing emotionally frustrated.

( I just realized...Luna is lonely as fuck. She just sits in the astral plane, waiting for Morpheus to check up on her...who's never visited at all. )
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante and Raz went through the other end of the portal and ended up in the deep forests of Iceland. "Yeah this seems to be the right area, we should go on foot from here." Dante said as he proceeded into to the woods. @MTchaos1134
Getting off the bike,he follows Dante,so I never seen one of these things,what do they look like?"
"That actually sounds like a great plan, I love that plan, adore it." He stumbled just a bit when Isabel grabbed his arm, and smiled at her little talk, if he had been less afraid of how she might react, he probably would have kissed her. But he held off, even if it was just barely, "How many times do I have to tell you? None of this is your fault, in fact you can consider it a happy accident of sorts, to an extent..." He rubbed the back of his head, "We can talk again in the morning alright? For now, lets just go to sleep. You can get first shower if you want, I need to make sure I have a place to sleep tonight..."

Light said:
Isabella locks the door and turns around to see the house, the lights in a room automatically turn on and off once someone walks into a room. "Fola...I want to shower and sleep." Isabel hugs Fola's arm, staring up at him with a concerned gaze. "Though it can wait so we can talk if you're angry. I'm sorry, this is all my fault. If you hadn't of been stuck with me...."
"I don't know....you didn't pay attention to me then. Why would you do it now? You probably have a full schedule already based off how 'famous' you are." Luna was growing emotionally frustrated.

( I just realized...Luna is lonely as fuck. She just sits in the astral plane, waiting for Morpheus to check up on her...who's never visited at all. )
Shhhhh you got it all wrong cutie. I'm not busy with them. I was busy trying to become perfect and prove myself for you! Nothing else matters! He put his hands gently on her face and sat up, letting her sit in his lap. Cutie you know you have always been my primary focus. I just wanted to be good enough for you. Look! This terrifying place doesn't even hurt me anymore! I can stay in here forever with you
LokiofSP said:
"That actually sounds like a great plan, I love that plan, adore it." He stumbled just a bit when Isabel grabbed his arm, and smiled at her little talk, if he had been less afraid of how she might react, he probably would have kissed her. But he held off, even if it was just barely, "How many times do I have to tell you? None of this is your fault, in fact you can consider it a happy accident of sorts, to an extent..." He rubbed the back of his head, "We can talk again in the morning alright? For now, lets just go to sleep. You can get first shower if you want, I need to make sure I have a place to sleep tonight..."

Isabel stares at Fola for a full minute, her chest pressing up against his arm for that entire time as well. She decides to intertwine fingers and pull him with her to look for the bathroom. It was the best choice since Fola would know where the bathroom is in case of emergency. "You can't leave me. Stay here." Isabel gives Fola an emotionally raw gaze before closing the bathroom door. She was simply afraid of h leaving her side. She was also scared of the big house, needing Fola to look around with her to assure her everything is okay. Things just felt right with him by her side.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Shhhhh you got it all wrong cutie. I'm not busy with them. I was busy trying to become perfect and prove myself for you! Nothing else matters! He put his hands gently on her face and sat up, letting her sit in his lap. Cutie you know you have always been my primary focus. I just wanted to be good enough for you. Look! This terrifying place doesn't even hurt me anymore! I can stay in here forever with you
"That's not the point Morpheus. I wanted you for you. I don't care about your stupid powers. If I actually gave a shit about them so wouldn't be here with you would I? Why can't I just care about you and nothing else? Must it always be a contest with you?"
Fola sighed and slid down the door, leaning against the side of the doorway, "Yeah, I'll just *Yawn* stay out here...Remain vigilent... A knoghts work is never done." He felt his eye lids grow heavier and heavier before he fell into a light sleep, his chest rising and falling gently as he waited for Isabel...

@Light (Might be my last post, not sure)
Light said:
Isabel stares at Fola for a full minute, her chest pressing up against his arm for that entire time as well. She decides to intertwine fingers and pull him with her to look for the bathroom. It was the best choice since Fola would know where the bathroom is in case of emergency. "You can't leave me. Stay here." Isabel gives Fola an emotionally raw gaze before closing the bathroom door. She was simply afraid of h leaving her side. She was also scared of the big house, needing Fola to look around with her to assure her everything is okay. Things just felt right with him by her side.
"That's not the point Morpheus. I wanted you for you. I don't care about your stupid powers. If I actually gave a shit about them so wouldn't be here with you would I? Why can't I just care about you and nothing else? Must it always be a contest with you?"
Cutie we've been together a very short time. You can't expect me to know anything you want without telling me. Not yet. I'm a bit... Rough around the edges but once we smooth everything out I'm like a precious gem. I honestly have no idea what you want from me. Dating isn't my forte. Don't really have time for that when you're a hit-man, you know? Im learning for you, WITH you.
LokiofSP said:
Fola sighed and slid down the door, leaning against the side of the doorway, "Yeah, I'll just *Yawn* stay out here...Remain vigilent... A knoghts work is never done." He felt his eye lids grow heavier and heavier before he fell into a light sleep, his chest rising and falling gently as he waited for Isabel...

@Light (Might be my last post, not sure)
Once Isabel finishes and exits the bathroom, she sees the display before her. "Fola...." Isabel takes the shower curtains and drapes it over Fola. She slings his arm over her shoulder as she curls up beside him and falls asleep as well.

( You can have them wake up to morning. )
DizjayDeathPride said:
Cutie we've been together a very short time. You can't expect me to know anything you want without telling me. Not yet. I'm a bit... Rough around the edges but once we smooth everything out I'm like a precious gem. I honestly have no idea what you want from me. Dating isn't my forte. Don't really have time for that when you're a hit-man, you know? Im learning for you, WITH you.
"Yes I get that but there's a difference between liking someone and just liking their power. You didn't need to do all of that...you didn't need to separate yourself from me...you didn't need to leave me all alone here."
Light said:
"Yes I get that but there's a difference between liking someone and just liking their power. You didn't need to do all of that...you didn't need to separate yourself from me...you didn't need to leave me all alone here."
Do you not like it here? I mean.... You have a house here. You sleep here. You spend a lot of time here. You talk to people here. The common individual would just assume you find comfort here, you know?
MTchaos1134 said:
Getting off the bike,he follows Dante,so I never seen one of these things,what do they look like?"
"It depends a little bit on who the people were before they became Wendigo's, but they're usually very skinny to the point where they're practically skin a bone, very tall, blind and can only see by sound, and they have long jagged teeth. That's about it as far as looks, anything else you want to know about them?" Dante said as he continued forward. @MTchaos1134
Fola shifted a bit and groaned as he slowly became aware of the world around him. He didn't want to get up just yet, but as memories from the day before slowly caught up with him, he realized he had to. He and Isabel needed jobs, which under normal circumstances would be something he would just gave up on, but knowing that he wasn't the only thing he had to consider in this equation made him want to work harder, if not just so Isabel would be taken care of.

He finally opened his eyes all the way and looked to his right, finding a shower curtain draped over him and Isabel snuggled up next to him. He couldn't help but laugh little bit, after all there was more than likely a perfectly good bed somewhere in the house, yet she had chosen to sleep next to him...It was cute. He shook her lightly, "Hey, get up alright. We have a bit of a long day ahead of us."

LokiofSP said:
Fola shifted a bit and groaned as he slowly became aware of the world around him. He didn't want to get up just yet, but as memories from the day before slowly caught up with him, he realized he had to. He and Isabel needed jobs, which under normal circumstances would be something he would just gave up on, but knowing that he wasn't the only thing he had to consider in this equation made him want to work harder, if not just so Isabel would be taken care of.
He finally opened his eyes all the way and looked to his right, finding a shower curtain draped over him and Isabel snuggled up next to him. He couldn't help but laugh little bit, after all there was more than likely a perfectly good bed somewhere in the house, yet she had chosen to sleep next to him...It was cute. He shook her lightly, "Hey, get up alright. We have a bit of a long day ahead of us."

Isabel slowly wakes up from her dream, looking up at Fola. "Alright." Isabel stands up, only for Fola to see her in a simple towel. "Can you help me find the room we're supposed to be staying in with the clothes? Then we can walk back for you to shower. Please?" Isabel extends her hand for Fola to hold.
Light said:
There was a young man in the middle of the path Zane was moving in, oblivious to him coming.
As Zane exits his deep thought he realizes someone in the way. He mash the brakes and turns his bike coming into a slide stopping inches from the man. Dude why are you just standing there? I almost hit you. God I hope now one saw that. @Light
Upon seeing Isabel, Fola covered his eyes, a tinge of red quickly spreading, "Alright! That sounds good..." He takes her hand and gets ahead of her, making sure he couldn't see her. He gripped her hand a bit tightly, wanting to quickly get her dressed, which, thanks to his luck, took awhile. Once they DID find the room, Fola covered his eyes once more and stood outside, "A-alright! Go ahead, the room is all yours!"

Embaga Elder]As Zane exits his deep thought he realizes someone in the way. He mash the brakes and turns his bike coming into a slide stopping inches from the man. [COLOR=#b35900]Dude why are you just standing there? I almost hit you. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b35900][I]God I hope now one saw that. [/I][/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
The teenage boy collapses before Zane, dying from hunger. "Help...Please." The boy couldn't even explain what type of help he needed, lacking any strength to do so.

LokiofSP said:
Upon seeing Isabel, Fola covered his eyes, a tinge of red quickly spreading, "Alright! That sounds good..." He takes her hand and gets ahead of her, making sure he couldn't see her. He gripped her hand a bit tightly, wanting to quickly get her dressed, which, thanks to his luck, took awhile. Once they DID find the room, Fola covered his eyes once more and stood outside, "A-alright! Go ahead, the room is all yours!"

Isabel nods her head and opens the door, looking around for clothes that Carnage laid out for her. Once she finds them and other things for her to wear under that was perfectly accurate to her sizes she throws them on. She steps outside with her usual hair style, her left eye being covered by her hair. "Fola...you can go shower now. There's only one bed in there and your clothes is laid out there as well. I think we're supposed to sleep in the same room. So this is what people of this world wear....do you like it?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/9adf35a7d29bf4807bb128b3e19965f1.jpg.b2eb3d64ee914ea91c36607be5790766.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108346" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/9adf35a7d29bf4807bb128b3e19965f1.jpg.b2eb3d64ee914ea91c36607be5790766.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 9adf35a7d29bf4807bb128b3e19965f1.jpg
    85.5 KB · Views: 33
djinnamon said:
Sage rolled his eyes. " I didn't know you take away the person you find appealing 's voice. " He grumbled. " Where going to the beach he said before he walked over his closet and began pulling off his clothes , not caring if Vance was in the room or not. Sage pulled out a pair of swimming shorts.
Sage leaned over the table and looked back at Vance. " How do I look. " he asked jokingly.
Vance shrugged and smirked at Sage "You're about a six out of ten. But I don't see why you're asking the opinion of someone you hate, seems a bit silly to me really." Vance leaned back in his chair "If we're going swimming we're going to need to get me swimming gear or whatever"
As soon as Isabel stepped out, the only thing Fola could think to say was, "Oh you can just go fuck yourself Carnage..." He refused to look any further below her eyes, he had to focus on the eyes. He smiled at her, "I mean, I didn't think perfection could be improved on, but it looks like you've proved me wrong today...*Ahem* I need to go take my shower now..." He grabbed his own towel and walked away briskly, trying to escape the scene. He got to the bathroom and carefully shut the door, breathing a bit heavier than before. He shook his head and turned the water on...

LokiofSP said:
As soon as Isabel stepped out, the only thing Fola could think to say was, "Oh you can just go fuck yourself Carnage..." He refused to look any further below her eyes, he had to focus on the eyes. He smiled at her, "I mean, I didn't think perfection could be improved on, but it looks like you've proved me wrong today...*Ahem* I need to go take my shower now..." He grabbed his own towel and walked away briskly, trying to escape the scene. He got to the bathroom and carefully shut the door, breathing a bit heavier than before. He shook his head and turned the water on...

Isabel had completely followed Fola to the bathroom, lightly sliding her left hands fingertips along the door like a cat would use their claws at times. She was waiting for Fola to exit.
The sound of running water hushed as Fola opened the door he paused as he exited, watching Isabel for just a moment before ducking his head and moving to the room once more, closing the door behind himself this time. He silently got dressed, not making a sound. He looked in a mirror, calling out quickly, "Hey, does it strike you as weird that the clothes here have so many damn buttons? Is that just me?"

@Light (Not sure if you had an image you wanted to use or not, I do have one for myself, but it's up to you :P )
LokiofSP said:
The sound of running water hushed as Fola opened the door he paused as he exited, watching Isabel for just a moment before ducking his head and moving to the room once more, closing the door behind himself this time. He silently got dressed, not making a sound. He looked in a mirror, calling out quickly, "Hey, does it strike you as weird that the clothes here have so many damn buttons? Is that just me?"
@Light (Not sure if you had an image you wanted to use or not, I do have one for myself, but it's up to you :P )
"No....do buttons upset you?" Isabel continues to silently slide her fingertips on the door. As if that's the best attack she could present against the door blocking her hand from Fola's. "Are you done? Would you like me to help you undo your buttons?"
Fola adjusts his clothes one more time, adjusting a few straps and frowning a bit, "It's just...It seems like it's a bit much. I'm much more of a hoodie and jeans kinda guy, maybe a jean jacket if I'm feeling fancy. But this? This has so many buttons and straps and shit that it's just...Screw it, if this is all I got, this is all I got..." He stepped out of the room adjusting the hat on his head and spreading his arms, "Tell me you see what I mean..."


LokiofSP said:
Fola adjusts his clothes one more time, adjusting a few straps and frowning a bit, "It's just...It seems like it's a bit much. I'm much more of a hoodie and jeans kinda guy, maybe a jean jacket if I'm feeling fancy. But this? This has so many buttons and straps and shit that it's just...Screw it, if this is all I got, this is all I got..." He stepped out of the room adjusting the hat on his head and spreading his arms, "Tell me you see what I mean..."


"I don't see it. You look...sexy?" Isabel just let the dirty slip from her mind. Isabel holds his hand once more. "Lets go. We have to find jobs...I've never been employed before. I think it'll be fun!"
GingerBread said:
Vance shrugged and smirked at Sage "You're about a six out of ten. But I don't see why you're asking the opinion of someone you hate, seems a bit silly to me really." Vance leaned back in his chair "If we're going swimming we're going to need to get me swimming gear or whatever"
" Whatever. " He said before teleporting him and Vance to a store.

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