Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
djinnamon said:
( Vance is a Dick )
(Did you only just realize? My main goal with him was to get as many people wanting to kill him as possible and i'm not sure if i succeeded or not :/ )
Sage tackled hugged Sarah and Terrance who hugged him tightly. " I'm sorry , I shouldn't have left you. " Sarah said while Terrance ran his hands through Sage's hair comfortingly. Eventually Sage pulled away and looked at Vance, when he remembered what Vance said. " I don't want to make you do what you don't want to do. " he said

Vance just shrugged "I'm not bothered, if it'll make you happy, go ahead. But if you die I'm not taking care of it by myself" Vance told Sage, sounding indifferent about it "Also I guess I'm sorry for having a go at you" Vance weakly held his arms out as if he was asking for a hug.

Sage eyes widened before running into Vance's arms and hugging him. " I'm sorry too. " he said before pulling back. " Are you sure about the baby. " He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not at all" Vance gave Sage a small smile "But i wasn't sure about going out with you either, you tend to make better decisions than me, Unless it's has something to do with killing or violence in general"


Hell upon Earth had finally come to pass. Fire and blood flowed across this town Lucifer and his minions had claimed as their own. The trees seemed to be covered in an ever burning flame. The streets flowed with crimson blood. Corpses laid all out. Unspeakable things done to these innocent people pre and post mortem. But the land wasn't bare. The screams of so many people rang through the town as demons beat, absused, tortured, and so much more to the civilians. Demons worked painstakingly, beating each other, building shrines and memorials. Upon the building sat a curved metallic throne. Skulls carved into the arm. Sitting in this throne, the King had returned

Lucifer watched his children do what they do, smirking. He watched the members of Dragon's Roar from the connection Ashlyn had created. Once he broke in once it was easy to connect to the frequency at whim. He was amused at how they all interacted with each other. Some more.... Distracted than others. He had to thank Ryan for taking him directly to Ashlyn's sister. Less work for him. And Luna for taking Morpheus out of the equation. But above all, he was amused at Fola. If only he knew the danger he had grew inside the guild.

Lucifer smirked to himself, connecting to the curses the Knight Kevin had created within the guild. Lucifer snapped once and half the guild exploded, blown to ash. Sadly, no one was inside of this half. If only Kevin hadn't failed. But thanks to him cutting off the warning symbol, the scattered members had no idea

Lucifer whistled and a demon came. He touched the demon and it writhed in pain, being turned into a Knight. All of the symbols remaining shattered. Lucifer no longer had any use for them. The Gates closed. With the Guild so scattered he smiled. "Its time"

Lucifer stood slowly, his hands extended, and descended to the mass of Demons. All of his 7 Knights disappeared from their locations and appeared behind him. "Lets go kill some arrogant children"

The Knights remained silent, following their leader as he walked

(To those with Knights sorry but we should probably progress, wouldn't you agree?)

(No worries im preoccupied so they won't slaughter you just yet)

@Light @djinnamon @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @Dreamtique @Austria @Lotusy @Embaga Elder @Juju @shadowz1995 @cadin shadowlord @CelticSol
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Sage felt the pain and agony from the human as well as his mother. " Ok , but lets do this after we kill Lucifer. " He said before pulling away and looking at Sarah. " Do you feel that mother. " He asked her and She nodded. Sarah turned to Terrence who nodded as well. " You two go , i'm gonna make a weapon for Vance. " Sage and Sarah raised a eyebrow. " Why. " They asked in unison , showing just how similar they were. " Because this guy is incompetent. " He said while Sarah snickered

"I'm good, I already have a weapon.... that i left in a hell portal. Damn i had that dagger for as long as i can remember, oh well" Vance just shrugged his shoulders "So anyway, let's kill Lucy or at least get rid of him, and if you die Sage, I'm going to kill you"

Light said:
"So how do you feel? I made some.... adjustments." She grins and walks back to her bookshelf.
Grimm looks at the money and still glares at the knight of hell. "I hhhaatttee you." Grimm continues to chop down the tree.

"Alright.... well if you say so." Euphemia looks at him, expecting something.

A pillar of rock rises and blocks the lightning, after the fact magma rises and envelops the Hades.

( @Tazmodo )

Grimm nods his head and holds out his arms. "My daughter!"
Juliette was still confused. "Um ok........ anyways who are you?"

Jackson looked at the two then to Grimm. "Hey can you do me a favor and send me somewhere to fight something. Please."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Hell upon Earth had finally come to pass. Fire and blood flowed across this town Lucifer and his minions had claimed as their own. The trees seemed to be covered in an ever burning flame. The streets flowed with crimson blood. Corpses laid all out. Unspeakable things done to these innocent people pre and post mortem. But the land wasn't bare. The screams of so many people rang through the town as demons beat, absused, tortured, and so much more to the civilians. Demons worked painstakingly, beating each other, building shrines and memorials. Upon the building sat a curved metallic throne. Skulls carved into the arm. Sitting in this throne, the King had returned

Lucifer watched his children do what they do, smirking. He watched the members of Dragon's Roar from the connection Ashlyn had created. Once he broke in once it was easy to connect to the frequency at whim. He was amused at how they all interacted with each other. Some more.... Distracted than others. He had to thank Ryan for taking him directly to Ashlyn's sister. Less work for him. And Luna for taking Morpheus out of the equation. But above all, he was amused at Fola. If only he knew the danger he had grew inside the guild.

Lucifer smirked to himself, connecting to the curses the Knight Kevin had created within the guild. Lucifer snapped once and half the guild exploded, blown to ash. Sadly, no one was inside of this half. If only Kevin hadn't failed. But thanks to him cutting off the warning symbol, the scattered members had no idea

Lucifer whistled and a demon came. He touched the demon and it writhed in pain, being turned into a Knight. All of the symbols remaining shattered. Lucifer no longer had any use for them. The Gates closed. With the Guild so scattered he smiled. "Its time"

Lucifer stood slowly, his hands extended, and descended to the mass of Demons. All of his 7 Knights disappeared from their locations and appeared behind him. "Lets go kill some arrogant children"

The Knights remained silent, following their leader as he walked

(To those with Knights sorry but we should probably progress, wouldn't you agree?)

(No worries im preoccupied so they won't slaughter you just yet)

@Light @djinnamon @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @Dreamtique @Austria @Lotusy @Embaga Elder @Juju @shadowz1995 @cadin shadowlord @CelticSol
Reed watched the knight leave and sighed. "Well time to prepare." He teleported to a mountain and started adding more energy powers until he had complete mastery of all forms of energy.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan nodded and closed his eyes. "I feel a lot... Better. A bit more whole honestly. Maybe this was the emptiness I felt. Incomplete." Ryan looked at her, truly looked at her this time. Before she was just beautiful because she was beautiful. Just a fact. Now felt like he believed it. Like it was his own desire to call her such, not just acknowledgement of the truth. "You really are beautiful you know that?" Ryan got up and stretched. He didn't quite know the exact function of each of his new abilities just yet. But he did feel the power. And he knew there was more. He wanted to be complete. But not rush her. Not rush the time he had with her.
He extended his hand out to her. "I never actually properly introduced myself before I became a blubbering mess. My name is Ryan Taylor. I'm a part of Legion. And we, Legion, are a part of Dragon's Roar. I needed to handle Media Control so that Lucifer didn't make DR seem like an enemy to the public but I'm sure someone else handled that. So now my primary purpose is to protect Legion and save your sister Ashlyn for DR. But I know at this current state I am no where near strong enough. I need you. To fix me. Completely. But I don't want to rush. I need it to be done right. And I, truly, just want to spend time with you. Know you and what knowledge you have to offer. I've never in my life experienced someone who could make me so... Flustered. I've never really felt so panicked with anyone before. So, Id like to get to know you more. Understand just what this feeling is. I know it's adoration and infatuation but... Why, you know?" Ryan had stared into her eyes this entire time, managing to stay composed. "If you'll let me"

The Knight screamed, holding on to the tree. "I'm sorry okay! I'm evil! What can you expect?! Please! Ill do anything!"
The girl purses her lips once more and squints, she stares back at him for what seems like eternity. "Sure... you can stay. It doesn't matter to me. Thank you." She begins to flip through a certain book with the words Nephalem on it. She looks at the words and extends her hands to Ryan, suddenly he's extending his own hand to have twilight glow on it.

LokiofSP said:
(Sorry to keep you waiting @DizjayDeathPride, kinda fell asleep...)
Fola began to look for some kind of way out, he wasn't sure how to approach the situation. He squeezed Kristen's hand, letting her know without words to get ready to run. His heart sunk as he realized he couldn't see an exit, so instead he focused his efforts on getting as much distance between them and the magma as possible, so he yanked Kristen's arm and began to run...


The Hades has the magma spread throughout the room, it seems angry about the fact that it was a damaged and didn't lik that. Suddenly the Hades begins to spark due to the fact that there's something wrong with it and sends the Dragon's Roar members above ground in front of the destroyed guild, the Hades had ran in the middle of its attack. Alright three of them rank up to Tau.

Tazmodo said:
Juliette was still confused. "Um ok........ anyways who are you?"
Jackson looked at the two then to Grimm. "Hey can you do me a favor and send me somewhere to fight something. Please."
"I am Grimm! The deity of Death, Life, Torture, and all things related!" He sounds extremely happy when he says this. "At the moment is best to stay the guild since it'd just blown up."
" Ok " Terrence said before he summoned some material for a dagger and began his work while Sage and Sarah nodded at each other. A large flash of light appeared as Sarah and Sage transformed.


djinnamon said:
" Ok " Terrence said before he summoned some material for a dagger and began his work while Sage and Sarah nodded at each other. A large flash of light appeared as Sarah and Sage transformed.

( Sage's powers are gone he can't do that. So is his godly status. He's just a basic human still. )
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Light said:
"Yes I'm fine.... besides... I want to tell you something. It's important." Kinziel turns around and takes his hand to guide him to a random room. Once the door is locked she looks at Malren. "One... I think I might like you... a lot. Two... I lied there's no baby. Three... I'm dead Malren."

Malren silently followed Kinziel into the room. He could feel a certain emotion rolling off of her, almost like dread. What's the worst that can happen? He thought. It's not like she can surprise you, you already know that she's pregnant...

And then, it happened. Three confessions, three absolutely devastating blows for Malren. The first one made butterflies fly through his stomach. She... she feels the same way? He shook his head, and the next confession hit harder, along with the next. It was just too much. "What? You aren't- and you're- and... ARGH!" He clutched his head, all his inner turmoil bursting at once. "No way... this can't be happenning." His fingers dug deeper into the side of his head, and when he looked back up at Kinziel, his eyes were hollow and shell-shocked. "I... I was right. Earlier, I mean." Though the news had him in a state of denial, he tried his best to regain some sort of sanity. "H-how did this happen? Why would you lie to me like this?!"
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Light said:
The girl purses her lips once more and squints, she stares back at him for what seems like eternity. "Sure... you can stay. It doesn't matter to me. Thank you." She begins to flip through a certain book with the words Nephalem on it. She looks at the words and extends her hands to Ryan, suddenly he's extending his own hand to have twilight glow on it.
The Hades has the magma spread throughout the room, it seems angry about the fact that it was a damaged and didn't lik that. Suddenly the Hades begins to spark due to the fact that there's something wrong with it and sends the Dragon's Roar members above ground in front of the destroyed guild, the Hades had ran in the middle of its attack. Alright three of them rank up to Tau.

"I am Grimm! The deity of Death, Life, Torture, and all things related!" He sounds extremely happy when he says this. "At the moment is best to stay the guild since it'd just blown up."
Jackson scratched his head. "How the hell." He turned and saw the destruction. "What happened?"

Juliette looked at him. "Huh you don't look like a god of death but ok. AnYay I should probably go back home."
"Yeah, i don't intend to get close enough to use a dagger on Lucy, so I'm good and if need be, I'll make one out of darkness. You can stop trying to be a kiss ass" Vance said as he leaned against a wall on the half of the guild that hadn't been destroyed.

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Light said:
( Sage's powers are gone he can't do that. So is his godly status. He's just a basic human still. )
(Are you going to keep him like that? I mean Lucy is going to attack soon)
"Yeah, I'm good with what i have, just don't die when we get attacked, yeah?" Vance replied, ignoring the glare he was being given "And it might not be the best idea, i tend to lose things, a lot. So if someone else got that, it would not work in our favour" Vance just shrugged, not really to bothered "If you want to make a ring or something with the same effects that would be more useful"

Lotusy said:
Malren silently followed Kinziel into the room. He could feel a certain emotion rolling off of her, almost like dread. What's the worst that can happen? He thought. It's not like she can surprise you, you already know that she's pregnant...

And then, it happened. Three confessions, three absolutely devastating blows for Malren. The first one made butterflies fly through his stomach. She... she feels the same way? He shook his head, and the next confession hit harder, along with the next. It was just too much. "What? You aren't- and you're- and... ARGH!" He clutched his head, all his inner turmoil bursting at once. "No way... this can't be happenning." His fingers dug deeper into the side of his head, and when he looked back up at Kinziel, his eyes were hollow and shell-shocked. "I... I was right. Earlier, I mean." Though the news had him in a state of denial, he tried his best to regain some sort of sanity. "H-how did this happen? Why would you lie to me like this?"
"I-I just couldn't..." Kinziel leans against the wall behind her and slides down, hugging he knees as she ignores the shudder throughout the guild as a section of it had blown up. "What was I supposed to do?! I died back at the restaurant and what you saw... well what you're seeing is just a ghost... a fabrication of your imagination Malren. Ashlyn healed me to keep up the charade since she couldn't break the news to you. "Now don't you look at me as if I'm a rotten liar because I was intending to tell you but I couldn't bring myself too and the baby thing slipped and I didn't mean for it to go so far or cause any harm. I didn't think you'd be so eager to accept a baby you're not even sure you created but that's the sweet part about you. I just didn't and still don't know what to do Malren!" Kinziel looked like she was stressing out herself, her voice was cracking as if she were about to cry.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson scratched his head. "How the hell." He turned and saw the destruction. "What happened?"
Juliette looked at him. "Huh you don't look like a god of death but ok. AnYay I should probably go back home."
Grimm shrugs his shoulders at both their questions and statements. "Nnnnoooo. Nnnnooo don't leave me daughter!"

djinnamon said:
Terrance glared. " Ok , if you don't want a weapon that makes you 3x faster and stronger as well as use minor fire manipulation fine. " he said while Sage called out to Grim.
@Light @GingerBread
The sword Terrance was intending to make appears in his face. "I don't need you, or those powers. I have all powers within existence and those augmentation are extremely minor in comparison to many things I could do. Grimm has any weapon Terrance has ever made appear in front of him and all other weapons Terrance would make in the future appear as well. "Gg, no rematch." The weapons disappear and Sage is still powerless, except this time Sarah's power over planets decrease for attempting to bribe him. "That's not the right thing to do."

GingerBread said:
(Are you going to keep him like that? I mean Lucy is going to attack soon)
( Yup. Grimm is upset. )

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