Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage glared with fury. " Another example of you not listening , I was scared , I couldn't do anything to help you then she showed me the healing potion so I agreed. " He said with a growl. " Of course i want kids especially with you. " Sage said before he recalled something. " Mother , can't you use pregnancy Inducement. " He asked his mother after he did a 180 to look at her.


( Baby time!)
LokiofSP said:
(Sorry to keep you waiting @DizjayDeathPride, kinda fell asleep...)
Fola began to look for some kind of way out, he wasn't sure how to approach the situation. He squeezed Kristen's hand, letting her know without words to get ready to run. His heart sunk as he realized he couldn't see an exit, so instead he focused his efforts on getting as much distance between them and the magma as possible, so he yanked Kristen's arm and began to run...


(it's okay I forgive you here's a <3 )

Kristen ran with Fola but soon took into consideration his weak mortal legs wouldn't get too far. She pulled away and fell behind then charged into him, throwing him over her shoulder weightlessly and sprinting away with her enhanced speed. She got to a safe distance and dropped Fola on the ground, sitting on his back, poking his head "Mister maybe you shouldnt involve with this. You might get hurt"
djinnamon said:
Sage glared with fury. " Another example of you not listening , I was scared , I couldn't do anything to help you then she showed me the healing potion so I agreed. " He said with a growl. " Of course i want kids especially with you. " Sage said before he recalled something. " Mother , can't you use pregnancy Inducement. " He asked his mother after he did a 180 to look at her.

( Baby time!)
"And that proves you don't listen to me either, Because i remember telling you Never to do something like that" Vance replied, Not paying attention when Sage started talking to his mother "Oh, you're still here, with all due respect, that is to say none, Why are you even here?"

Sarah nodded at Sage , ignoring Vance. " Yes I can use pregnancy Inducement but I'm not sure I want you to have his kid. " She said refering to Vance. She had good reason , the amount of times Vance made son cry it angered but also saddened her greatly. It wasn't a pleasant feeling watching your child cry in front of you and you can't hug them and tell them its ok. Sage gasped and was tempted to celebrate before he heard what Vance said and glared. " Do I need to listen to like a slave. " He asked with a growl

"Pregnancy what now? And I Dislike children and seeing as Sage is apparently pissed off at me right now, it gives me no incentive to ever have one" Vance turned his attention towards Sage "Did you forget? You are my slave, you lost our rematch. Remember?"

Fola looked at Kristen breathlessly. He put a hsnd over his heart and felt just how quickly it beated. He smiled and realized he was enjoying this. It wasn't like he felt like he should be doing this, but it was closer than most other things got. He pulled out his flask and took a celebratory swig, he wiped his mouth and spoke, "Trust me, for anything else, I would have turned tail and ran already, but this? Fighting this makes me feel better than I have in YEARS! So no, I think I'll stay kid..."

Sage rolled his eyes. " My power to use pregnancy Inducement, she can make people get pregnant male or female. And a slave isn't a slave without their master. " He said as he folded his arms.

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked at Kristen breathlessly. He put a hsnd over his heart and felt just how quickly it beated. He smiled and realized he was enjoying this. It wasn't like he felt like he should be doing this, but it was closer than most other things got. He pulled out his flask and took a celebratory swig, he wiped his mouth and spoke, "Trust me, for anything else, I would have turned tail and ran already, but this? Fighting this makes me feel better than I have in YEARS! So no, I think I'll stay kid..."
Kristen just shook her head, holding Mr Fluffy closely. "Okay Mister." She extended the bear to him, expecting him to take it. And when he did such, knowing full well she'd throw a fit if he didn't, she hopped on his back and wrapped around. "Lets gooo!"
"But the Slave and master aren't normally a couple are they? One just has to mindlessly obey the other, how does your mommy feel about the fact that you willingly became my slave?" Vance smiled facetiously at Sage and his mother "But I don't see why your telling me she can make people pregnant, do you plan on having a child with someone else?"

Sarah looked at Vance emotionlessly. " Sage may do as he wishes and you are a couple so I trust you aren't making him do anything that hurts him. My husband on the other hand. " She said gesturing to Terrance who was seething while Sage rolled his again. " I told you what is was cause it seemed you didn't know what I meant before. No I'm not. " He said

"Then why did you bother bringing it up in the first place?" Vance asked, not sure if Sage was trying to hint at something or not "Anyway, you two" Vance turned towards Sage's Parents "Why have i never heard about you before a couple of minutes ago? And are you normally this easy to hate, Cause i can see where Sage gets it from if that's the case"

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" I just remembered. " Sage said with a loud huff. " I don't usually talk about people I thought was dead, that reminds me how are you two still alive. " Sage asked turning to his parents , how did he get to forget to ask them such a question. He was suddenly extremely confused.

"Wait, hold on they were dead? Are they Zombies? Should i cut off their heads?" Vance asked as he reached into a shadow and pulled out a dagger made of pure darkness "Cause i can decapitate them"

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"Is that some sort of drug trip or something? Cause i have no idea what that is" Vance said, still holding onto his dagger and ready to kill them, all he needed was a good enough excuse.

"What would you be able to do to me exactly? I'm more powerful than you Sage" Vance dropped the dagger and let it fade away in the light "But all you had to do was ask me not to. Anyway woo you can no longer qualify as batman" Vance started sarcastically clapping "Anyway, she can make people pregnant?"

Sage glared but nodded. " Yes she can , but she needs both of the patents consent and a sample of the father's DNA. " He said as he folded his arms

djinnamon said:
Sage glared but nodded. " Yes she can , but she needs both of the patents consent and a sample of the father's DNA. " He said as he folded his arms
"Oh, Okay" Vance said, not saying much else on the topic Well, crap. I did say if it was mine biologically then it would be fine. Just as long as Sage doesn't bring it up Vance thought to himself.

Sage glared. " Oh I remember what said about it had to be biological but I also remember you still don't want one so i'm not going to ask. " Sage said before turning back to his parents. " Explain. " Sage said firmly l it was obvious he was more upset.

"Yeah, well i did sort of promise that if you could find a way to have it be biologically mine and yours, then i would go along with it" Vance corrected, awkwardly smiling at Sage "So.... Yeah. Anyway back to your not-so-dead-anymore Parents"

Sage was about to say anything but was cut off by Terrance. " We were supposed to die , we were fighting a extremely powerful high level demon , we killed but we were dying slowly. I'm sure you remember that. " Terrance said and a memory flashed in his head.

A five year old Sage was cowering in fear as he watched his parents fight. Eventually his parents won and made their way over to him but they looked half dead , his mother hair was soaked in blood and she had a large gash on the side of her face. Her clothes were in tatters but worst of all was the demonic sword that ran her through. His father was covered in cuts and gashs and his was bruising. Once they were a few feet away they collapsed and Sage ran over to them.

Sage got on his knees and cried , his large blue eyes filled with tears and his arms were trembling. " M-mama ...pppapa. " He stuttered as he felt their hands on his. " We love you Sage, we'll watch over you we promise. " His father said as Sarah smiled weakly before Sage fainted from emotional distress. Sarah used the last of power and sealed herself and Terrance into the mother of the stars, the same statue that was in the Castle in the star realm.

Sarah explained and Sage felt like crying

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So they got taken down by a weak demon, that kinda explains why Sage is so weak, gets it from his parents Vance thought as he listened to the tale of zombiefication.


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