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Fantasy Dragons Edge

He grinned at the mage despite his wounds and the insult, "Just like this young man here you are being invited to join the army to face the shadow clan! We need strong, young riders like you two in order to destroy those monsters before they massacre any more innocents!" The captain didn't know that the boy in front of him was a mage, he assumed he was a rider like all the other competitors were. "Come on boy! There is fame and fortune down this path, not to mention an honor! For the second time in history all the clans are coming together against a common foe, you would be a fool to want to miss this!" The captain was highly enthusiastic, yet all of the other Tundra Clan looked uncomfortable in the heat and there was nothing but cold in their eyes.

Reena matched their icy cold gazes with her metallic eyes, she was not going to let them take Syn away unless he agreed to it and if it came down to it, she would probably help James as well, she still owed him after all and he didn't look well at all.
The Mage stared at the Tundra clansmen and said in a low dangerous voice which seethed. "I.... am no rider... call me as such and I will rip out your entrains and feed them back to you. I refuse to be called the title of the pathetic wretches who think themselves immortal simply because they are bonded to a dragon. No, I will not walk that path now or ever do you hear me? not ever." And with that the mage pulled up his green cowl and arranged his cloak about himself. He turned his back on the northerners and began to stalk off into the crowd. Deep inside though, James knew that a bond with a dragon or some creature of the like would cure him of his 'affliction' no longer then would he be destined to live such a short life and he would be able to work greater level of spells without being sent into the throes of a blood seizure as had happened in the maze. No... he had made his decision and would stick to it, he was many things but foresworn? No, he dare not take that name yet.


(sorry hes a wee bit of a dick, that changes once ya get to know him)
Umi was watching the battle smiling ever so to herself. "Well that was unexpected. As she saw Syn take the bone mark she looked to her side and nodded her head . The blue robed men then moved out. As she stared at the victor she clapped along like everyone else. Time to rain on your parade".

Lavarious grinned as Reena hugged him. " just like my old rider". Phoenix got the same look in his and he couldn't help but laugh a little As he patted his old friends back.

Syn felt hot around his face but as the tundra guards approached it cooled fast. The captain known as Darius Himali wanted him to join the militia, but he couldn't accept the offer. He had his own mission. When the captain was done talking to James he politely denied the offer and as he was in the middle of speaking it started to rain. Kids were plaing in the puddles but Syn knew better. Thunder boomed as loud as 5 cannons and as if on que the blue robed men appeared shoving men, woman, and children alike to the ground. The one in the middle who was most likely their leader chanted. A vortex formed in the sky and lightning strikes all around. Then from the puddles they combined together and manifested into a dragon purely made out pf water. It stared at Syn with eyes of hostility.
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Without a word all of the riders in the area as well as the Tundra guards drew their weapons, ready to fight this clearly evil creature. Even as Reena pulled out her weapons she knew they would do little good. The creature was made of water, it couldn't bleed. "The leader, the one chanting, we need to take him out." She whispered to her friend before ducking behind a nearby cart, intending to sneak as close as possible to the leader. She made it pretty far, using the citizens shoved to the ground as mobile cover, but when she reached the edge of the people there was still a large gap between her and her target. Just as she started to stand up, ready to run at him, there was a loud clash of thunder.

Fortunately for her, she was wrong. Instead of the thunder that everyone expected there was a bright flash as Domination jumped into the clearing and landed directly onto the water dragon. The force of the impact sent them both rolling on the ground, causing a few innocents as well as the blue robed men to flee for fear of being crushed. Corruption and Salamander appeared soon after, they all had heard the thunder and seen the lighting appearing just over this area, signalling that trouble was afoot. As if the three were not enough to strike fear into the attackers hearts, the chaos they had caused was seen by every single dragon waiting in the haven. The many riders smiled as they saw their creature come to protect their partners, the blue men started to see how stupid a plan this was as many large eyes stared at them through trees and over buildings.
Something was wrong. This was not how the shadow clan operates. As Syn looked around the area all the riders and dragons were there. "Wait if all of us are here...." Syn looked to the Veja clan head house. He then immediately jumped on to Corruption and charged up their. This was not good Syn kept saying to himself. As he reached the main gates the guards were mutilated and terribly maimed. Corruption got a disgusted look on her face. As they approached the center of the courtyard the green clayed man was sitting on a bloody throne with a pile of corpses of guards and Veja family members alike. The head of the family layed underneath the green man's boot and right next to him was a girl who was chained to the chair. The man got up and slowly clapped. "We meet again dark rider... Or should i say Syn! You ought to be dead after that blow master Dracos used to hit you off that cliff. I also owe you for burning off my hand and shaming me in Lord Dracos's eyes! I Gras! Shall reclaim my honor!" As Gras charged Syn he got close enough to nick his armor but no real damage. Gras laughed as he held the bone mark in his hand. Syn forgot to fuse with it with all that was happening around him. Syn and corruption went charged him but it was to late. As Gras fused with the bone mark he laughed like a maniac "This...This Power! It's unbelievable!" He then summoned his dragon from the ground below. Take care of them my pet! I'll deal with the other boy and girl!" Gras vanished into leaves and was gone. Leaving Syn, and Corruption to fight off the hydra.

As Phoenix saw Syn run off he knew something was off. As the blue robed men were defeated. The leader of the group just laughed. He forced himself to rise. 'This should be enough time..." As he said that the man dropped dead and Salamander rose his head as if listening for something. Soon Phoenix heard it."A drum?" He jumped off and ran up a watch tower to see quite a sight. Their was an army of black armored soldiers and dragons alike. War horns blasted, and war cries echoed across the entire valley. Metal clanked as the shadow clans armies marched up to the fortified city carrying their weapons at hand and loading their war machines along with the beating of their war drums. It won't be long until they reached the main gates.
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Meanwhile, hell and Damnation was raining down upon the area, a single cowled figure stood arguing furiously with a group of local guards at the sealed off gates.

"Look, im sorry sir but with the attack going on no one is allowed to leave the city im sure you understand. Every available man and women is needed at the walls especially Riders."

The young Mage, for that is who he was being recognized by his arrogant tone as he spat. :"How many times must I tell you ignorant fools I am NO rider! Man can grasp power in their hands without the help of one of those mindless beasts! This is not my fight, not my war and not my people. So captain. I would appreciate it if you cannot open the Gates, then allow me to go over the wall. "

The Captain stood there gaping at those words. "Over the wall? lad their at least 20 feet high, a fall like that would kill you."

"Then I would be out of your hair then wouldn't I?" The Young Mage said testily leaving the guardsmen in a dilemma. A Magic user such as this one could turn the tide of this fight. But how could he force someone to melt his face off to actually help fight in a battle he so clearly had no interest in? But damnit, this Magic user could turn the enemy back from the gate. But James's cold green eyes, glittering like emeralds didn't give him that much hope.

(thar, started it back up. my guys saying fuuuck this leave the people to kill eachother off.)
Reena heard the drums at the same time as Phoenix and when she turned to look at the others around her she saw the mage walking towards the gates without looking back. "Selfish little piece of-" Reena growled before snapping her attention back towards the other riders and the incoming army, she knew that trying to get the mage to help would be a waste of everyone's time. Quickly Reena ran towards Domination and threw on her battle armor, once settled onto his back Reena called out above the drums and worried murmurers of once confident warriors. "Everyone please, calm down! There is no need to panic" She tried to get their attention but the chaos was overriding her attempts to bring order. Domination stretched his jaw before opening it wide and roaring threateningly at the crowd who fell into silence, even the Tundra soldiers turned toward the silver beast. "Thank you... Okay everyone, we cant fall apart, should we do that there is no doubt that Krall's Canyon as well as all of us here will be brought to the ground. We need to come up with a plan to stop them or at least halt their approach. I am not a native here, so can a select few please join me over there by the wall and help with coming up with a plan. The rest of you, prepare to fight but do not attack unless absolutely necessary." To her surprise the riders began talking among themselves in an orderly fashion.

A small group of teams gathered near the wall within minutes. At the front was Reena, who was welcomed into the group since she came up with the idea, the Tundra captain, a woman who grew up in this area, as well as two other simply skilled riders. Reena waved over Phoenix as well to tell him that was where she was as well as offer him a place in the 'council', "So... any ideas?" A rider asked as if there wasn't an army within earshot.
Phoenix drew his signature Fire arrow at one of the war machines making it blast into pieces. There are too many things of them. Soon a battalion of shadow clan soldiers made it to the walls and started to use a battering ram to break the gate doors open. (War horns are blasted throughout the valley) the shadow clan soldiers then shot anchors on top of the walls and started to lift siege ladders onto them. Even some of their dragons at the bottom of the wall began to use their claws to scale the wall. "this is bad... " Phoenix said to himself. As he looks down the tower he finds Reena waving at him. "let's see... how do i get down there... think think...What would Syn do? Ah i got it!" Phoenix rushes to a guard and asks him to borrow his shield. Phoenix then rode the shield down from the tower to the top of the wall while shooting a few soldiers who made their way onto the wall. Some fell off the ledge and hit a pile of metal canon shots that he ricochet off them and did a crazy flip sending the shield right into one of the shadow clans dragons that just reached the top of the wall. It fell with silica force that it landed on a siege ladder filled with soldiers that was just being pulled up. Phoenix landed " And he sticks the landing!" Phoenix looks around the group hoping to get some kind of praise of any sort but that didn't happen. "ughhh... no one is praising me." "Well Reena as for a plan it's simple. I've seen how these soldiers work before. They are like a like a hive mind. If we can find their leader and defeat it the rest will flee. We just need to hold out until then though, but we need Syn and Lavarious's help."

An explosion just outside the south side of the walls drew the eyes of all defenders there on that side of the little city/village whatever this place ranked as. There, in the center of a four foot crater was James, surrounded by corpses which looked more like minced hamburger.

The boy had jumped over the defensive wall and slid down it, using magic of some kind to lessen his fall but he had not gotten far before immediately being harassed by the cities attackers... and well. The defenders could see how well that ended. More warriors from the enemy gathered around the magic user as the commotion of killing their comrades drew them in and they began menacing him with their sharp blades and clubs. Though the Mage could do nothing more than sneer irritably.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" The boy roared and spun his knarled ironwood staff in his left hand before raising it up in the air and slamming it down on the ground in a good'ole fashioned Gandalf you shall not pass. It had about the same effect as well. Earth and fire had always been his favorite element and he combined them with efficient brutality, in a clear line stretching 30 feet away from him, the ground erupted in plumes of blazing yellow and blue flames which incinerated the poor sods caught in the spell.

Seizing up their chance, the rest of the warriors charged the young mage you took a stance and slid his foot on the ground in roughly a 360 degree turn and slammed his backfoot down. Earthen spikes erupted out from the ground and impaled his attackers. James coughed slightly, blood flecking his lips but glared unfaltingly towards the road ahead.

unfortunately for him, lucky for the defenders, his little power show was drawing off men and soldiers from the attackers lines to go and deal with him.
"The leader huh...' Reena mumbled, thinking, "Okay, here's the plan. Phoenix, you should find Syn, us two are the only ones who he will trust and Salamander is faster than Domination so you go." Reena turned back to the riders in front of her with a determined gaze. First she painted a finger at the Tundra Captain "You and your team will lead the assault since you are already used to working together and are already in sync. You two," she pointed at the unnamed riders, "You two will be responsible for leading the second and main wave, gather and organised the rest of the riders. Spread out across the walls so that the most ground is defended. Me and Mina here," She said motioning towards the woman who had lived here her entire life, "We are going to try and find a safe path around the main horde. It will be our job to find the leader of that army and take him out" Reena pulled a flash grenade out of her bag and handed it to the captain, "When your ready for the second wave throw this in the air and they will come rushing. Come on Mina, we need a head start." The Veja rider nodded and jumped onto her smaller but faster dragon, heading towards the back of the city. Reena smiled at Phoenix, a smile that said 'we have no choice anymore', before jumping on Domination and followed after her guide.

The Veja team lead the Steel team out of the city using a secret path that was long abandoned and thought impassible, luckily it wasn't and even luckier it opened up to an area that was looking down on Krall's Canyon, giving the four a perfect place to view the full extent of the army. They could see a flash of yellow and blue light from just outside the city walls but that was not Reenas concern, she needed to find the leader of the army. "Over there" Domination growled while he was laying close to th eground so that the enemies would not see them if they looked up. The silver dragon motioned toward a black dragon walking on two legs and it's rider. They looked big and they looked bad, but most importantly, they had a large platoon surrounding them, symbolizing the importance of that pair. "I bet those are our guys. Let's get them" With resigned gulps and with the knowledge that this may be the end of them, the two teams jumped from their hiding spot and slid down the mountain, directly into the path of their target.
"Gahhh!!!!" Syn was smacked by the Hydra's tail forcing him to crash onto the side of the clan castle. The hydra was different now. It grew in size and its attacks doubled. It even began to spit acid from its many heads. The girl earlier was now with Corruption who was getting her a safe distance from their battle. "Take this!!!" Syn threw a massive fireball that made him use a lot of his energy to burn the hydra to ash. As Syn began to walk back he heard hissing sounds from behind him and the hydra came back from the surrounding vegetation. "Oh you've got to be kidding me..." Syn kept burning it but the hydra kept coming back. Then Syn knocked a good chunk of the castle to fall onto the hydra pinning it for a moment. This gave Syn enough time to get to the roof of the castle. He could see massive amounts of explosions and fighting going on. "Reena... Phoenix..." As the hydra got out of the debris it caused the entire building to quake. This made Syn look down to see that the whole castle was built on a platform that was attached to one side of the canyon. This gave him an idea. As the hydra burst its way through the stone and wood to get to Syn it was adding more weight to the platform which was slowly breaking. As it burst its way through the roof Syn tried to jump off of one of its head but soon was caught in one of the hydras mouths. This jump was the last thing the platform could take before collapsing. The entire building fell into the canyon. The hydra still did't let go of Syn. Its teeth sunk into his armor until one of the main fangs from the head restraining him in its mouth got lodged in his armor therby enabling Syn to escape but it seemed it was to late. Or so it seemed when a arrow tied with rope sunk deep into his armor just mere cm away from his skin, and the next thing Syn knew he was suspended in the air. As he looked down he could see the angry eyes of the hydra as it fell to the bottom of the Canyon . There was a thundering boom as the entire castle fell onyo the hydra who now layed motionless. Syn then realized he still had the tooth lodged in his armor." It's big enough to act like a dagger. Sweet. (heavy breathing)."

(Phoenix) "Syn... Love to leave you hanging there but we still have a lot to do. Our friends need our help." As he said that Corruption and Salamander were seen holding the rope in their mouths along with the girl who was in green robes and armor and wielding 2 machetes with green runes all over them glowing dimly.
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Gras watched as the foolish riders charged right into his armies. "Those fools...(boom) What the!" As he looked behind him the Veja clans castle fell into the canyon along with his dragon. He could feel his dragons pain. Its screams echoed inside his mind. His body began to change. Green scales started to appear on his skin. He soon grew phantom wings that looked like it belonged to a venomous butterfly while his tail was long and skinny and seemed to be shedding its skin. As the hydra breathed its last Gras could sense his partners death. "ARRGHHHH!!!!" His body grew and pieces of his armor broke. "Its his fault....It was always His FAULT!!! RRRROOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!" As he roared a phantom dragon mirriored the same expression as its host before settling back into Gras's body. The area around him looked as if lightning struck the ground but he slowly brought himself back up and spoke as if it was no longer his voice. " He took something very dear to me. I think i'll return the favor. I'll break him by destroying the things he holds most dear. Starting with that steel girl!" Fully transformed he headed towards the riders.

(His body is transforming because the power of the spirit in the bone mark cannot be contained. He is literally turning into the sealed dragon or i should say a corrupted version of it.)
The Veja and Steel team where deep in battle, the flashing of blades and claws seemingly coming from all directions. The riders were safe from most of the attacks from below but the dragons where getting some serious damage. Minas dragon was fighting the large black dragon, using her small size in order to race around the beast. Domination was busy fighting several other shadow teams, knocking them to the side as Rena dealt with those that managed to climb on top of Domination. They were so focused on the battle at hand that neither of the steel clan members saw the green humanoid person charging through the army, directly towards them.

Domination caught sight of the creature from the corner of his eyes but it was moving so quickly that he couldn't do more than pronounce the R in Reena before a scream rang through the air. A claw of the phantom dragon pierced through Reena's armor and stomach like a knife through butter. She hunched over the claw trying her best not to breath because every gasp sent another wave of pain. Domination tried to stop Gree but he was still battling the other lower dragons so when Gree grabbed the bleeding Reena all he could do was watch as his rider vanished into the chaos of the battle.
A mighty swath of land in front of the town had been completely and utterly obliterated by the young mages might and the mage himself had slipped away into the far off tree line... but he wasn't looking good at all. To much power had he used and to many spells had nearly critically failed and the arcane backlash nearly had destroyed him. But stubborn young male pride insisted he keep on going, keep heading forward but to what he did not know. His mind was in shambles, body beaten and weathered with the screams of the dead and dying not to far behind him. Sheer willpower made him plant on blood soaked boot in front of another and continue moving on but eventually even that wasn't enough and not to far off he stumbled into a roadside ditch and let darkness take him into a deep slumber as his mind and body healed
The commander then reformed ranks to attack the city as the Mage seemed to disappear but sent a few dragons after his scent but it was hard for the dragons. They could find traces of him but it was masked by the ash and blasting powder from the battle.

As the creatures charged the city gates Phoenix led a troop of archers along the wall firing on the beasts and siege machines. "Don"t aim for the soldiers aim for the war machines and dragons!" the rest of the riders gathered at the main gate with dragons and a couple of battalions of guards. In the front of them was the green hood girl named Lady Vallena. As the main gates opened just enough they charged forward and the veja clan horn blasted inside the city that could be heard for miles.

Gras lifted his head in surprise as he heard the horns blasting. " so he comes at last..." He looks back to Reena. He was practically unrecognizable now. Gras had scales everywhere and his armor seemed to be absorbed into his skin, and claws on his feet and hands as well as sharp toothy fangs. He lifts up Reena to eye level with the use of his tail and notices the earlier wounds. As he spoke his breath reeked of rotting vegetation and blood. "Oh my sweet child. You can't die just yet (slowly slid his finger on her right cheek) He's not here yet to witness your slow agonizing death! (grinds teeth and slightly cuts her cheek) "You are a strong and brave rider to challenge me. Brave but stupid. I will break you and your company Reena Simin. i won't let you die until you helped me catch the failure."

Corruption followed Reena's scent to the hidden path and found Domination and the veja company in trouble. " Just like we talked about earlier." at those words corruption jumped high above the battle field giving her the illusion that she could fly. In the air Lavarious could dense the other bone mark and pinpointed its location which then led to Syn jumping off. Corruption landed on a few soldiers sending them in diffrent directions. "need a hand Dom" She said ever so calmly as she used her tail to swipe 20 foot soldiers and a dragon. As Syn fell he used his phantom wings to slow him down and help him land. As he scanned the area Lavarious told Syn that the signal was gone. Nothing but vegetation but Syn soon spotted Reena who was severely wounded. He rushed towards her and lifted her head but a green spear came and went right through her body. She soon collapsed into leaves and was blown away. As Syn stumbled to the ground gripping the very earth in anger and sadness. There was sinister laughing surrounding him and so he pulled himself up and unsheathed his blades as Gras revealed his new terrifying form. Other than his metal hand he was completely turned to vegetation. His scales sprouted plants and his flesh turned to hard bark. Syn roared with with anger and even Lavarious red glow turned dark as the two struck Gras who dodged every swing. Gras was rather surprised to see such a transformation. Since Syn was swinging like a madman he could easily found a chance to end it. With a thrust of his spear he stuck Syn through the heart and and his body fell. As Syn fell he glanced at the face of Reena who was still a alive. anger and hate as his eyes turned red.

(Unknown to Syn Reena is still very much alive but but is still wrapped around Gras's tail. Syn is in such a fury that his anger is literally blinding him and due to his anger and hate rising he is slightly reawakening the remains of power from when he held the shadow bone mark, but since he doesn't have it whole anymore his power is limited.)
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Reena was swinging widely as Gras jumped around, dodging Syns attacks. Every time he moved his tail whipped behind him, sending waves of pain through Reenas already bloody body. It was a both a miracle and a curse that she was still conscious, if she was consistence and feeling the pain it meant that she was alive, however the pain and what she could make out was agonizing. She could just hardly see what was going on in the battle, everything was blurry, but there was no mistaking as Syns eyes turned red. "No... Syn..." she attempted to call but it didn't come out more than a whisper. Reena knew that if the battle kept up this way Syn would loose himself and become the boy she first met, the one she hated and was scared of. So slowly and painfully Reena began twisting her body so that she could reach her waist. The pain was intense and in order to stop herself from screaming she bit down on her lip so much that her lip began bleeding as well. Eventually after what seemed like an eternity Reena's wobbly hand grasped the hilt of her weapon, which was forged and enchanted to be able to cut through scales. She raised it above her head finally, with a scream of pain and hope, slammed the blade deep into the tail of her captor.
"ARGGHHHH!!!! You Bitch!" As he dropped Reena he got slashed by one of Syn's blades. "Take this!" With one good swipe of his hand he sent Syn flying through 2 trees. As Gras recovered from the blow he picked up Reena by the arm and smaked and took her weapons. This time he grabbed her by his claws and flew towards the City. " You're coming with me princess!I." As Gras whispered this he flew off towards the gate knowing that he may suffer defeat but so will Syn. As he saw Gras leave his shadow consumed him even turning Lavarious from a bright red being to that of darkness.SA shadow consumed the sky blocking the sun as lightning struck. His helm grew over his face and strange colored wings grew from his back. As Gras was above the wall he was struck in the back causing him to crash through gate completely obliterating it. Valeena Saw Reena falling and with her dragon Maple. As she landed on them Valeena saw how badly hurt Reena was. She took out her machetes and muttered a healing spell. Vines wrapped around her slightly healing her. As she was healing Reena regained consciousness but as Reena looked at Valeena's face their was horror. Phoenix had a certain look on his face. The i have seen this happen before but i hope would never happen again look. The soldiers and tundra guards, and even the shadow soldiers stopped. There were two beings fighting in the middle of the destroyed gate. One figure was green and the other had black armor slowly enveloping him with purple wings burning on his back. Syn began to rip the wings off of Gras but they regrew pretty quickly, but Gras could still feel the pain and cried out in agony. He was bashed into the walls and thrown onto the floor. As Gras layed there he began sputter. "(Cough...hack) yy-you know who the real monster is here do you? (Cough!) Show mm-me your true colors. Show these people the power of the shadow clan. Show them power...(hack) Show them fear...Show them DEATH!" With those words Syn roared in pain as Gras layed dead. All the dragons could sense the ancient anger and hate building up in the boy. Phantom heardit and her body started to change. She too roared in agony and covered her head ad if she had a headache. "Get away from me Domination. GET AWAY NOW!!!! RAWRRRRRRR!!!!" Her eyes glowed red and her body revealed symbols all over her as she grew in size as her body transformed but their was something unique. Her tail, symbols and even the bottom of her feet were in flames. Every step she took incinerated the ground. She then Heard the roar again and charged in the direction of her master trampling all living things foolish enough to block her path.
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Phoenix face was of great alarm. "This can't be happening again!... It's just like last time... I need to make him snap out of this temper tantrum quickly but what could have caused it this time?" As he was thinking Valeena waved him over and Phoenix rushed toward her.

"What is that thing?... Just who are you people?" Phoenix cracked a smile. "sorry miss but that's out little secret" He motioned Reena and Syn. Turning back to Reena Phoenix had a concern look upon his face. "What happened Reena?" After Reena explained how Gras fooled Syn into believing that she died caused this Phoenix's face grew darker as she finished explaining. "Reena...you have to listen to me very carefully and do what i exactly say. This will save our lives, and Syn's and Corruptions.

Corruption crashed next to Syn and roared again making several glass windows break and causing the nearby church tower crumble with the bells clinging and clanging as they rolled on the ground. Phoenix drew his bow and fired two arrows at his friend and Corruption. This drew Syn's attention as he snatched the arrow right as it was about to hit his face. As he looked Renna was climbing down to where Syn and Corruption was in the crater. "Syn..." Syn's armor seemed to be morphed into his skin. His helm opened up as he roared but there was no body in there. There was no face but long sharp teeth and a snake like tongue. His wings stretched out but looked deprecated and torn apart. His tail was thin that ended with a sharp point. Almost like a blade. As the creature exhaled mist came out of his mouth and seemed to be curios of the girl who was approaching him. Looking at her with 6 eyes.

Domination was confused about Corruptions sudden transformation. And ran back to the city to find his rider when he noticed the shadow warriors were dissapering. One second the look solid and the next they turn to dust leaving their armor and weapons behind. As he reached the gate he saw a crater and found his rider heading towards a monster. "Wait that's the shadow boy and Corruption. Reena!" With that he ran towards Reena to get her out of there as fast as he could.

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