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Fantasy Dragons Edge

Syn took a long sigh. "Let me answer your question with another question. What do you know about the bone marks? That they're weapons? Wrong. The 9 bone marks represent all the dragon races and powers throughout the entire land. If a rider used them all together it would make them invincible. To sugar coat it the clan wants to restart the dragon wars with the use of the 9 bone marks. I have the Fire bone mark while my father has the Shadow bone mark. That leaves 7 bone marks left to be found, and it was my job to find the remaining ones. That's their plan but you guys are an extra piece in my fathers game that he wants to get rid of. You don't realize the danger here. My father knows of the letters you sent and has targeted you as a threat along with me and my company. Remember how powerful i was when we first fought? Think of 6 more people just as powerful as me, but lets just say they aren't as merciful as i am."

There is some good news though. When my father blasted me off the cliff he didn't realize that i had your map Reena. It has some locations to the bone marks but most are to smudged to read. As Syn handed the map rightfully belonging to Reena. He had two questions himself he wanted answered. "Reena just who was your father to have such a map?" Corruption then spoke near him and whispered something into his ear. " I also wish to ask if we could join forces. You could use extra fighters since these riders are after you too and you know we don't need to prove our strength." Syn waited to hear an answer.
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Reena eyes grew cold when she saw that Syn stole from her "I can answer the first question but Domination will be the one to answer your second question. My last name is Simin and in case you don't recognizance it that was the name of the Metal Clan leader during the Dragon Wars. It has been passed down through my family ever since the clan leader died. Before my father died he was obsessed with using that map to find those bone marks, I guess I know why now."

Domination stood tall and nodded towards his rider, "As to your second question I think you can imagine why we would rather not work with you. But just in case, I'll list some. First you burnt down my riders home and then stole from the remains, you almost killed us and you have killed many other innocents, and finally, you have given us little reason to trust you, those wounds could be just a painful ruse." The fire and shadow teams were sure that the answer was a no but Domination continued, "On the other hand, I would not have bloodthirsty maniacs running around with invisible armor trying to kill me. So with all of that in mind, I am going to agree to join forces with you but know this, the moment you start to even remotely turn back into who you were when we first met we will leave without a second thought and you will not hunt us down" Domination held his claw out to Corruption as Reena held out her hand towards Syn, "Shake on it."
Syn extended his hand and said "Their is something you can trust about me. I always keep my word. Corruption did the same until she heard multiple objects coming at them at high speed. Dom (Corruptions own nickname for Domination) look out! Corruption tackled Domination just as these red arrows hit the side of the clinic. "Bllod Arrows! They're extremely poisonous!" Syn noticed that the shots were fired directly at Domination. Then Syn saw a shadow above Reena. "Get out of the way!" Syn tackled Reena barely missing a barrage of red arrows. Phoenix then took out his bow and fired 6 arrows. Each one hitting it's target. ^ figures fell and slowly got up. They didn't have dragons with them but they seemed diff rent. Syn looked at the the attackers who now started to retreat. "Shadow Guard!" Syn got up as fast as he could bringing up Reena with him. Syn's wounds opened up a little when he did. "Arghhh!!! Phoenix! Stall them as long as you can! Reena i need you to trust me when i say this! Please evacuate the rest of the village! I'll get the docter and the rest of the villagers here but you need to get the others out fast. Those creatures will be back in greater numbers! Go!" Syn meet up with Corruption and started to gather people left from right. While Reena went to get the other villagers. As Syn meet up with Reena at the other end of the village fires started to spread.

The Doctor was the only one wanting to go back into the village. No!No! My daughter is still there!" Syn saw Reena was still busy helping the others evacuate and Phoenix wasn't back yet. I'll get her! As Syn rushed into the burning village he found the little girl cornered with a Shadow guard nearing her. Syn threw his blade at the creature and chased it away. He then picked the girl up and ran towards the exit and dropped her off. She was crying about her doll left behind so Syn ran back for it and approached the exit, but then the houses collapsed blocking the path. Syn could make out Phoenix, Reena and the others. The flames increased in size and heat. "I guess i have no choice now. Syn activated his armor and became surrounded in shadow. He then jumped through the blockage and found himself in front of the village. Syn then threw his blades collapsing the exit as those creatures were approaching sealing it for good. Syn faced the villagers and got off of Corruption and approached the girl. He knelt on one knee and handed the girl her white dragon doll. The girl then said "Thank you" And kissed the side of his helm and walked towards her dad. "I...I guess not all Shadow clan members are... evil. Thank you rider. Please forgive me for what i did to you yesterday.( The Doctor goes on his knees and begins to tear up.) Syn stopped the man and rose him to his feet. He looked at Corruption and back at the doctor. "I'm no lunatic or murderer. but words cannot build trust. Only actions." As Syn said that he fell to the ground where a red arrow was sticking out of his back where his open wound was.
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Reena had just finished helping the last of the villagers away from the attack when she heard Corruption scream with fear, not for herself but for her rider. Syn was on the ground with an arrow sticking out of his back, "Phoenix! Salamander!" She called out, knowing that those two would want to know immediately that Syn was hurt. When the pair arrived a look of worry washed over their faces. Corruption quickly told them how he got hurt and turned towards the doctor for help.

"I- I don't have anything to cure him, all of my herbs was in the clinic. I don't even know what poison blood arrows carry!" He seemed frantic but still capable of thought, "There- there is a large field on the other side of Krall's Canyon, near where they are hosting the competition, in that field there are many curative herbs. You people seem to know a lot about the attackers, if you go there you may be able to find what you need." he helped Phoenix put Syn on Corruptions back, "Just follow the directions to the competition, once there continue north and take Scalen's Path. Hurry!" With a nod the riders climbed onto their dragons backs and rode off towards the canyon, leaving the burning village behind for its citizens to deal with.
"How stupid. All this trouble for three riders. Pathetic." As he was talking to himself the shadow guard captain appeared behind them. "Your plan worked my lord. We were able to poison one of the three. "Excellent, and there is only one place that has the antidote in Krall's Canyon. Set the ambush and wait for my order." The shadow guard captain bowed his head and was about to leave when the man called for him back. "Let's just have a little insurance to make sure that these riders fall for the trap." He looked at the villagers. The Shadow guard appeared before the villagers. One villager spoke out" Do you think you can get away with this!" The Captain replied " with her we can." He stepped out of the way and their was hissing sounds. Something grabbed the villager and threw him at one of the houses completely demolishing it. As the shadow guard took the villagers prisoner the Doctor's daughter dropped her white dragon doll as she was herded with the others. The man then walked over and picked it up." Captain send this as a message to the three." Then the man handed a note and the doll to a shadow guardsman and the guard ran after the three." The man laughed "With this i'm invincible!" . At those words a dragon's shadow covered the entire village leaving everything in complete darkness.
The three dragons were pounding through the canyon when a red arrow flew seemingly out of nowhere, lodging itself directly in the path of the three. Against her pleas Phoenix slid off of Salamander and went to the arrow, noticing the note attached and perhaps for the worse, a small white doll, "That is from the kid in the village." Corruption noticed, registering the scent as well as the object itself.

Phoenix read the note aloud to the group, "We have the villagers, they are unharmed for now but should you fail to reach the field by dusk then for every minute you are absent another will die, starting with the owner of this doll." At the bottom of the note there was the same black dragon symbol that was now branded on Domination and Reena.

"It's obviously a trap but..." Reena said while looking at the doll and Syn, "If we don't more people will die than just us few."

Domination snarled in protest, "They will be slaughtered right after they slit our throats! I say let that one village die so that hundreds more will have a chance." When he finished Corruption brought up Syn, causing Domination to pause in thought, "Damn it!" he shouted suddenly forcibly throwing his steel tail into the stone wall that surround the group, embedding it inside the stone until he ripped it out, "Fine! Let us die for the bipolar little shadow rider." Domination started running again, not looking back to make sure the others were following, he knew they cared to much for Syn to do anything else. The sun had already started setting.
The man grew impatient as the sun slowly began to set. Then he was approached by the shadow guard captain. "Sir their here.". The man grinned. "Send for an escort of your troops and my riders. You shall not attack them until i give the command. Understood. I still need that map undamaged and i don't need it stained with blood." The captain shook his head and left on his dragon. The dragon was black with green light pouring out of its scales, mouth, and eyes. He rode and met with the three riders. He motioned for them to follow him. As he escorted them to the valley the captain saw his men along the edges of the valley watching the 3 riders and their dragons. Watching not moving from their spot.
Reena could feel her dragon shaking beneath her, he was using all of his willpower not to attack the guards and she was proud of him but that was not the reason she was smiling beneath her helm. She smiled because she knew that these guards would not be able to get what they wanted. The night that Domi and Reena learned about the Shadow Clans goal of finding the bone marks she had been hatching an idea in her mind without telling Domination. It was only during the attack on the village that she finally made the decision to go through with the plan. So in the chaos of the attack Reena had pulled out the map, tossed it in the flames, and watched as the map was transformed into ash. The only way they would be able to make use of the map would be for Reena to tell them, for she had memorized it long ago, and there was no way she would tell the Shadow Clan if they harmed any of her team or the villagers. Reena knew this was risky, it would probably get her captured and tortured but she figured it a worthy sacrifice. She could only imagine how Domi would react, he hated when she went through with plans without telling her, especially when they put her in danger that he couldn't help her out of.
The captain was leading them into an arena. Phoenix looked around until spotting the villagers behind bars surrounding the arena. The man was pleased with himself. This was the first time he had fun in a while until he spotted Syn. Their was rage in his eyes but he spoke calmly. "Welcome to my arena little riders. I know that you aren't here on the kindest of terms but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun." The man jumps down causing dust to be lifted up for a moment. As the dust settled their was a man with a green trench coat like jacket with green armor on his arms and legs. His helm was snake like. His cape was green with the shadow clan mark on it. He looked like a knight of the Veja clan, but the company knew better. "Let's have a dual! your strongest rider against me and if the challenger wins i'll let the villagers go! (He takes out his spear and strikes the ground three times.) There was some hissing sounds and the villagers crawled into corners. The door beneath the green clad man opened and a 7 headed hydra dragon came out of it. Its heads looked like snakes and its body had green scales. It looked at the group with yellow eyes and mouthwatering blood covered mouths. The rider then jumped down next to it. "Which one of you will face me!"
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Syn was the strongest rider, all of them knew that but he was out for the count. Reena looked at Phoenix and tried to think strategically. This was a Veja dragon, meaning plants, which logic suggests that fire would be effective against it. The two riders seemed to communicate without words so with a small smile Phoenix and Salamander stepped forward to take the challenge "I guess that would be me" The red head said with an air of fake humility.

The captain grinned, 'This is the best you've got? Well I cant say I'm impressed." With slow confident movements he jumped onto his hydras back and with a flourish the dragons charged at each other.

Renna and Domination watched from a safe distance, they were close enough to Corruption to speak without being overheard, "What do the herbs look like that will cure him? I'll sneak away and find them." Corruption knew that this was risky but her worry for her rider overwhelmed her, she described the plants to Reena as detailed as she could. Domination wanted to stop her but there was no way of doing so without attracting the attention of the shadow clan. So while everyone was focused on the battle Reena slipped out of her rather flashy armor until she was just in black under armor and ducked away from the arena and disappeared behind behind the fields brush.
Phoenix had an advantage type wise over the grass hydra but it to had advantages as well. It could attack him from different angles with its heads. It also had an incredible regenerating factor. Every time he burnt one head or multiple heads it would just regrow back. Phoenix was running out of ideas. He then aimed for the rider. As he shot the arrow it was about 5 cm away from the Green platted rider when he snagged it right of the air and threw it to the side. "Is that the best you got? Time to finish this!" He lifted his spear and directed it at Phoenix and salamander. The hydra dragon then grabbed Salamander with its multiple heads and pinned it down.

This was a losing battle Corruption thought to herself. She looked at Syn and returned to the battle at hand. "Please hurry Reena..."
Reena could hear the battle raging behind her so when she found the correct herb she almost cheered from joy. Running back from the field she was able to see that Phoenix was losing, hopefully Syn would be able to help. Quickly she feed the herbs to Syn and the results were almost immediate, the poison left his body as quickly as it came in. Syn was still a bit confused so Reena calmly explained the situation and pointed towards his friend who was pinned to the ground.

"I'm not strong enough to face him." She said, not directly asking for help but heavily implying it. Without another word she returned to Dominations back, ready to hear an earful. With silent movements she put back on her armor, knowing that should she really need to, she will fight this hydra creatures and his rider.
Syn didn't know what was going on at the moment but he saw his friends in danger and that's all he needed to know. He saw that the hydra kept on regenerating its body and Phoenix was knocked out along with Salamander. The Gren man then charged at Reena. Syn takes out the Magmos' bone mark and looked towards Reena and Domination."Reena... Dom... Forgive me." With those words he put the bone mark on his chest and as contact was made a small explosion sent Syn flying off of Corruption's back. His armor glowed red, and orange. A fire tornado swirled around him making it impossible to see what was happening to him. His scream changed to that of a dragons roar. The light from the tornado pierced through the night sky. Now this startled the Shadow guards along with the green armored man. Everyone covered their eyes as the light grew brighter and brighter. In the light Syn's armor changed to a blood red with magma veins. He felt something grow on his back and found to see phantom like wings. and tail. His helm transformed into a shape of a dragons head.Outside the tornado Reena noticed her mark beginning to glow and the next thing she noticed was that part of her chest guard began to turn blood red and transform. Phoenix was no different. Back inside the tornado Syn put his hands together to form an energy ball of flames that when released it exploded to destroy the flame tornado.Everyone looked to see Syn hovering with his wings.

He landed and began to walk towards the hydra. The guards jumped down attacking all at once but failed. With his wings he formed a gust of air pushing the guards and the green man away and making them land flat on their backs. Syn was amazed by this but wait? He didn't do that. Then their was a voice in his head that spoke in ancient dragon tongue. Then the voice manifested into a dragon with wing. Phantom wings. It was twice the size of Domination. It then blasted the guards with its fire and trapped them in a rock like seal and blasted fire balls at the remaining forces. As the phantom dragon was doing this the green man just barely escaped on his hydra when the dragon burned a part of his hand. it was over. The only remaining enemies was guards trapped in stone. it looked at Phoenix and Salamander and brought them to their feet. They were alive and breathing but to tired to talk. The then looked at Syn and Reena. "Garak Amar. Sin koi Lavarious! The origan flamara draco!" (Ancient dragon translation that Syn understood: Greeting master riders. I am Lavarious! The original flame dragon!")
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Reena looked on with shock in her eyes at to even her surprise, no fear. "The original flame dragon?" She muttered with awe. She had never seen a dragon this size and when she looked at Domination he had his head bowed with respect, so she did the same.

Using the same language as before that for some reason they could understand the Original spoke, "Rise children of metal, there is no need for you to bow your head to me. Be at rest."

Both did as they were told and Domination was the first to speak to this entity, "We thank you for the help, we may not have survived this encounter were it not for you. Please answer me this, what summoned you here? Was it from the shadow rider using the bone mark?"
"Sin tum mo That is correct Domination. I was sealed in that bone mark for centuries and only a direct descendant of Lord Venomore could use them. I was able to be released due to the fact that this rider could contain my power. When he absorbed the bone mark i could feel his courage and strength. Syn reminded me of my old rider in the beginning. Now that he has absorbed the bone mark I am permanently a part of his soul now. Look at the mark on your hand Reena. You should notice that there is a red mark with it. You share my power due to the connection between you and Syn. the same goes for Phoenix" Lavarious then looked at the villagers who were bowing as well and were still caged. "Grim lo sih" At those words the statues of the shadow guard crumbled and what layed underneath the rock was red armoured knights who once freed went on one knee. The Captian spoke "My Lord. It is good to see you back." Lavarious commanded that the people be set free and to keep them under protection. As they were in the process of this Lavarious explained that the shadow guards were once the protectors of the original dragons until Lord Venomore mutated and corrupted them. As the sun was rising Lavarious began to fade. "Ahhhh. I almost forgot what the sun looked like. Remember young riders you must find my fellow sisters and brothers. I will always be with you and if you need me have Syn contact me and i will assist you if i can. As he was being absorbed back into Syn he went over to Reena and whispered in her ear. "Other than his courage that caught my eye. There was something brighter than his fighting spirit to protect his friends. Something precious that he wanted to protect. You." And with that Lavarious then spread out his wings and flew straight up into the air and nose dived back into Syn's body making the ground quake underneath. The sound of the quake woke Phoenix up. "Ughh. Hey guys. What i miss?"
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Reena felt her face turn as red as the mark on her hand and when Phoenix looked at Reena he seemed concerned, "Are you okay, Reena? Your face is all red."

She brought a hand to her face in an attempt to hide it, "Probably just the heat from Lavarious getting to me, don't worry about it" She covered and quickly changed the subject, telling the fire boy about all that just happened. "So, where to next?" Reena asked, glancing at Syn, the image of him inside the tornado stuck in her brain. "We were heading to the rider competition before we ran into you guys and got mixed into this mess. I think we should still go there, considering the forces we have already come across another set of muscles could be useful."

"I agree" Domination said, "We can't rely on Syn and Lord Lavarious to save us every time we get in a fight, this will be a good chance for us as well as Salamander and Phoenix to practice against some of the best." With his great tail he nudged Reena onto his back, "We will not formally participate of course, instead we should watch and figure who is the best of the best, and then convince them to join us. Besides, we need time to think of a plan and give Syns wounds time to heal." When he motioned his head in the direction of Kralls competition the light was reflected off his metallic head, "Let's go"
The Green armored man rode his hydra deep into Shadow clan territory. "Damn them!" He looked to the remains of his left hand when he heard another voice. "Didn't do to well against three riders huh?" The green man was agitated. "Umi..." Above him stood Umi one of Lord Dracos minions. "Well that's just like you Gras." Umi jumped down with her blue armourd ratteling. Luckily for you i have come prepared for those riders, but i'll let them be for now." Gras clenched his fist. "As long as i get the boy who burnt off my hand i'll be fine."Umi smiled. The two of them then got on their dragons and rode to a dark tower surrounded by lightning storms and millions of shadow guards and dragons.

When Syn and the others entered the site for the competition he couldn't help but feel that Reena was avoiding him. She must still be thinking about what happened last night. After all her face was still red. As he was about to ask her if she was okay the spokesman of the tournament gave an announcement that the tournament would start tomorrow. As the group passed by they saw many people and dragons training. When he looked at the prizes he saw that the grand champ receives a trophy. "Hey guys look at this!" On the trophy was the Veja bone mark.
Reena steeped forward, forcing herself to stop avoiding Syn, the dragon probably didn't mean anything by it. "I guess this means one of two things, either we have to participate and risk not finding another skilled team or we pray that whoever win will be willing to give us that prize." She looked down at her feet and kicked up some dirt in frustration but as she glanced down she saw that Syns bandages had turned red again. None of the riders were in their battle armor, just their casual clothing, making seeing the wounds easy "Aw damn it, come one Syn." She grabbed his hand and lightly pulled him towards the inn that they were staying in, "I need to change those bandages again, all that riding must have opened the wound." She pulled him into the room where the three riders were staying for the time being and began rifling through her pack until she found the bandages. As she worked on re bandaging the wounds she began to talk about their plans, "I still think it would be in out best interest not to participate, we need more people to help and if the person who wins refuses we could always just... take it from them" She said not liking the idea but willing to do it. "You are the only chance we have of winning 100% but you cant fight with these wounds. I say we just wait for now and deal with the winner later, what do you think?"
Syn was in deep thought. If I fight they my wound would worsen. If I don't our situation worsens. Lavarious listened to Syn's thoughts. Suddenly he heard Lavarious in his head. " I have an idea Syn. As Lavarious told his plan Syn conveyed the idea to Reena. " Since this tournament is about rider vs rider and since that everyone will be wearing diffrent kinds of battle armor I could wear the magma armor that Lavarious gave me. When I first used it my wound didn't bother me at all until i took it off.

Lavarious manifested into a small dragon the size of syn's hand and landed on his shoulder and seemed rather drowsy. "Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't burn up all his energy so that he couldn't use the armor." Lavarious then yawned and fell asleep while Syn waited to hear Reena's thoughts on the idea.
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James Reese sat in a local and well known Tavern not too far from the competition sign up. All this trouble and fighting over such a simple mark had the young mage intrigued. Maybe it was part of a larger system? Anything related to magic or the otherworldly, especially involving the Final Sybill had the mages interest. However, to get anywhere near the contest without getting his face ripped off was no small feat. It looks like it was Dragon Riders and the locals only besides and to make things worse he was sure he had been spotted and recognized not to long ago. Pretty soon word would get out and reach the ears of the powers that be that the Mage who set the trap for one of the local clan chieftans son was hanging around. Thankfully James didn’t kill the boy, he realized to late however what his patrons motives were and still gravely injured him before he could recall the spell that nearly killed him and his escort. So he had his would be patrons after his blood as well as the boys clan. Goddess above he had tried so hard to stay out of the local politics and he was still dragged into this blood fest. He should have known however since their were so few magic users in the land his presence wouldn’t go unnoticed amongst the schemers and such who wished to take more power for themselves. It was only a matter of time, he thought to himself. James laid back into the comfortable little booth he had taken for himself and eyed with relish the duck dinner laid out for him, he had to give this place another visit next time he wasn’t here fearing for his life but on another note… Fuck it, he was enjoying this meal before hell walked in those doors.
Reena was visibly not happy about the idea yet she agreed to the plan, she was outvoted after all. "Okay but until then take it easy, just cause the wound isn't getting worse doesn't mean it is getting better." She helped Syn stand, watching to make sure the bandages was tight. Thankfully it was so with a grin she held up a few gold, "The sign up stand for the competition is closed already so I guess we have a bit of free time. What do you say that me, you, and Phoenix go get a drink at the tavern? First round is on me!' With excitement she pulled Syn after her, Lavarious disappearing as they left the room. "Phoenix said he would meet us there after he checked out the competition."

The pair found themselves in the Divinity Tavern, a place common to the competitors since it was so close to the sign up area as well as the place the dragons were staying while their riders were inside the town. Phoenix was sitting at the bar attempting to talk to a group of girls and it wasn't going well. They had not gotten angry but they definitely were having a good laugh at the boys attempts at seduction. "This is painful to watch, come on, let's stop this before they stop finding him funny." Reena let go of Syn and latched herself onto Phoenix only to drag him away and into a booth, he protested playfully but Reena cut him off, "Yeah yeah Mr Suave, I'm sure that you would have had those girls wrapped around your finger any moment." With a wave she called over the bartender and got the three some drinks, "We have had a hard few days and I think we all deserve a night off. So, cheers to a speedy scavenger hunt!" Reena raised her glass and waited for the others to join her.
The Mage saw the riders walk in and couldnt help but overhear their obnoxious conversation about the competition as he was seated directly behind them. Subtly, he slouched back into his booth and pulled the heavy, deep, cowl over his head. It would be dissastrous to be recognized at this stage of the game, to much was at stake. But a scavenger hunt? How... original. Finding items would be almost to easy for him, a simple scrying spell unless the item or persons in question were warded, but that only made it more interesting, a challenge. Besides he was running out of leads in this goddess forsaken land. Almost no one hear had heard of the Legendary Damned one. It also didnt seem that he had left this area disturbed at all, no ruins or ancient battlegrounds to sniff around. The dragons were of no help either, almost all the beasts seemed to be content to be dumb animals of burden and fight their petty wars and only think of tomorrow as they and their childish companions got drunk in a bar. These fools were bound to some of the most dangerous and powerful creatures alive? The young magic user sniffed disdainfully and muttered rather loudly into his mug of ale. "Worthless animals, forgot what they once were. Talk about evolution in reverse."

(kay now this was rather weird, was having trouble with meh post box again save this time, every time I tried copying and pasting from my word document it failed and vanished! took me about an hour to get this up sorry for the delay)
As Reena was talking Syn couldn't help but notice a man with a cowl around his head. Right next to their booth. From the looks of him he seems to be a foreigner. Lavarious (In Syn's mind recognized the man's outfit. "From the looks of it he is a mage. And a powerful one at that. Syn if he is in the competition you must be careful. Mages are awfully tricky with their spells. Luckily i have a few spells of my own". As Reena brought up her glass for a cheers Syn stopped thinking about the foreigner drank his entire first round. Syn whispered this to his friends "Well if you could even call it a scavenger hunt. There is only one item to find. It's the trophy. Over the past years it was usually a rare gem, but this year it is the bone mark. I have to get to it first. If another person other then myself gets to it first they would be consumed by it no matter how strong or magically gifted they are. But enough about bad news and lets have fun tonight. Bartender another round please!" (Syn paid this round with his own money which he still had a large amount of)
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The Mage had remained quiet during their entire conversation and up until the point that the riders left. His dinner had long ago been finished and taken away by the serving girl and he sat there thinking deeply about all he had heard. A magical item… that was so powerful unless wielded by a certain bloodline either killed or took over its user from the sound of it. Here he was thinking that aside from the dragons no one else in these lands used magic. He had only met another magic user, an old wizard on the road traveling on a quest much like his own. James had spent a better part of the day with the Old One and shared information with him, everything about magical theory to how the roads were up ahead and if the floods had destroyed the northern rivers bridge. They parted peacefully and went their separate ways both satisfied. James had to wonder why the Old Wizard didn’t tell him about these bone marks, perhaps he didn’t know himself or simply didn’t want James to go searching for them.

Nevertheless, they had caught his attention. He had come to this land searching for information and had seemingly found the place an empty void of what he came to seek. It appeared that the Legions of the Damned One never left a footprint here, let alone something more substantial such as any artifacts or tomes he might acquire.

As he stood up to make his way back to his camp which he had set up not to far away from the town/city, the tavern doors opened and in stepped in four rather large men in mismatched pieces of armor and carrying a variety of weapons. Both parties stopped and stared at the other, only one grinned. Can you guess which?

All seemed quiet in the night, only the regular night wanderers and thieves roamed the streets. That it until every single window in the tavern which this confrontation was happening exploded outwards into a shower of glass shards, slivers, and splotches of red blood from a concussion wave which sounded like a thunderbolt roaring from inside the establishment. A figure in a dark green cloak stepped out from the door way and stared calmly out into the dark dirt and stone street, not a spot of blood on him. The figure set a small pouch of gold on the doorsteps for the owners to replace their windows and walked calmly down the street. He flickered once in the shadows and then vanished.
Reena laughed at a joke Phoenix had made and in the back of her mind she couldn't believe that these two boys, who robbed and almost killed her, had become her friends. It was all fun and games until the tavern doors were thrown open and in walked four men. Reena sobered up quickly, not liking the grin coming from one of them, "Shh, quiet!" Slowly she pointed towards the door, around the weird guy with the cowl. Phoenix was practically falling over but Syn was able to think properly. He set down his drink and glanced over at the strangers, trying not to draw attention. Unfortunately the grinning man looked in their direction and the next thing Reena knew, chaos broke loose. The four men seemed out for blood when they approached them and Reena knew this was bad. As if the trio wasn't already at a serious disadvantage since they were not armed but all were drunk.

Phoenix had stumbled to his feet when a person in a green cloak stepped in front of him from seemingly nowhere and held out a hand, "Get under the table" he commanded and for reasons unknown Reena pulled both boys beneath the booth just before the tavern exploded. When the shards all fell the green man and the four warriors were gone, all that was left was a bag of gold and a mess.

"What the hell was that?" Reena asked, confused.

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