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Fantasy Dragons Edge


Florian Society Member
Since the beginning of time the different clans of humans and dragons always had a deep hatred for one another and fought each other for centuries. One day that hatred erupted and the fuse of war was lit. This was the start of the Great Dragoon Wars. The human clans weapons and war machines were weak against the well armored dragons. So the clans of humans resorted to kidnapping dragoon eggs and raising them against their own kind but none rivaled the brutality of the shadow clan. The other clans question there ways but none would dare stand up to them. Unknown to other clans the Shadow clan made a deal with the Midnight Dragons to start the war and weaken their races so that they may rule over them all. Their clan leader Lord Draco Venomore rode into battle with his warriors and fought alongside with the others but if they met with fellow Midnight Dragons they worked together to wipe out both sides and then retreating to report the losses , but at one battle at Dagger Mountain their was a sole survivor who witnessed the betrayal of the Shadow clan. He was terribly wounded and fading fast when a white dragon appeared in front of him. He barely made out its shape before collapsing. The white dragon then picked up the man and put him on its back. A bright light glimmered from the man and soon regained consciousness and was astounded to see his armor changing. It was bright silver and as he took out his blade a white flame engulfed the blade but as he touched it felt rather cool. He then went to both the dragons, and human clan leaders to speak of the betrayal at Dagger Mountain. Soon enough both dragon and human leaders alike agreed to band together to defeat this new threat. The clan leaders became riders as well and with the combined forces of humans and dragons alike they banished the Midnight Dragons and Shadow clan to the Dead Lands. At the last battle at the top of Venomore's castle the white dragon rider confronted Lord Venomore and his dragon Deception (Midnight Dragoon leader) but before the final blow was struck Lord Venomore swore vengeance that one day one of his descendants will reclaim what was taken from him and get revenge on the white dragon rider and his allies, and so ended the Dragon Wars. Peace spread across the lands and dragons and humans lived together in perfect harmony. However people feared Lord Venomore's last words, but nothing happened for centuries and soon it turned into a myth.
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"Finally after these long years our time has come". It was late at night. Syn looked at Phoenix who was messing around with his weapon. Uhhhhh... "Phoenix give your command to the troops. We found the first bone mark." Phoenix got excited and got on Salamander and rushed to his troops. "Alright boys your heading to the Magmos clan's main city. You are to retrieve the item and come back here. If you need assistance i will be in the area. Understand? Good. Now get going!" While Phoenix was talking to his troops Syn went up towards Corruption and looked towards the Volcanic city. "Let it begin..."

After the bandits infiltrated the Magmos clans' main house and took the item, but their work was not unnoticed. Alarms rang throughout the entire city and the bandits regrouped near the Steel clans forge and began to think of a new plan to escape. "These weapons and armor are useless for us and our dragons". The leader of the bandits then saw the craftsmanship of armor and weapons around him. I don't suppose the blacksmiths wouldn't mind if we "borrowed" this equipment. As they began to take the items they were interrupted when they heard footsteps coming towards them. The bandits exited as fast as they could and ran out the back onto their dragons and ran as fast as they could with their new arsenal while 2 bandits stayed behind.
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Reena was doing some last minute details on a sword that a nobleman had commissioned to be picked up the next day when she saw moving shapes across the street, just outside of her workshop. Without thought for the possible dangers she burst out of her chair and ran as fast as she could towards the figures. Unfortunately when she got close almost all of them jumped onto dragons and ran off "Damn it, I swear if they took anything" she mumbled to herself as she advanced towards the last two figures who for some reason hadn't ran off.
Phoenix was above the forge when he saw someone running towards it. He aimed his bow and took 2 shots. The first shot consisted of a very flammable liquid and the other shot was his signature flame arrow. Hopefully this would distract the person long enough. He went on Salamander and shot a fire ball at forge and it soon spread all over as the walls collapsed he saw the two bandits run on their dragons and got away. He looked back at the figure who he assumed was a guy since it was so dark and the figure was so muscly and tall and yelled "HEY! Sorry about that man, but you know what they say play with fire and your gonna get burned. Hahahaha..." (jumps down next to the forge and starts running away towards the direction of the other bandits) That was all to easy Phoenix thought to himself as he exited the city. But it was short lived when he heard something behind him. "No way..."
There was no way Reena was letting this person get away after destroying her forge. AS fast as she could she threw on her armor and by the time she was changed she found her own dragon, Domination, waiting for her. He had been attracted to the scene when he saw the raging fires. "Do we have a target?" The deep voice growled, when he saw the look of rage on Reenas face.

"Yeah, that rider!" She said as she jumped onto her own dragon and pulled on her helm. "Please hurry" She requested to her dragon. He took his claw and grabbed one of the few remaining armor sets and threw it in his mouth, chewing. When he finished he opened his mouth and let out a sharp piercing screech that sounded similar to metal grating across metal.

"I'll get him but not for you. He will die for taking away my food source" The dragon and his rider then pounded through the forest following the pyro-fanatic. Dominance followed the bandit, crashing through trees rather than dodging around them, with blood lust in his eyes.
As Phoenix was being chased he couldn't help but feel excited and faced backwards while standing on the back of Salamander. " Oh this is just precocious. You must be pretty pissed to chase me all the way out here. Let's make this interesting". With a grin on his face shot multiple arrows lighting up the entire forest and doing so many trees fell in front of the metal dragon." You must be feeling really hot headed now". As he was laughing he didn't notice how close they were to him and almost lost balanced. The riders dragon the hit them to a cliff side. As the metal rider began to charged at him he was hit off of the cliff. His dragon was barely holding onto the side of the cliff. He he thought to himself that he was trapped. So he shot another arrow into the air. This arrow exploded leaving bright lights in the sky. As he did this a grin came upon his face as he willingly let go of the cliff side and in a moment of darkness he disappeared.

As Syn saw the forest light up he was approached by one of the bandits. "Here's the bone mark sir!" As Syn grabbed it he thanked the bandit and told him the rendezvous point and time when they meet again. As the bandit disappeared Syn took the bone mark and it was instantly absorbed by Corruption. She began to change and so did himself. They felt pain. Growing pain to be exact and when it was over his dragoon was as black as the night without the stars and eyes as red as flames. His armor was consumed in shadow leaving purple symbols all over himself and his dragon. He then saw Phoenix'x signal and rode towards him. He then saw the cliff side and ran underneath it and as Phoenix and Salamander fell Corruption jumped and grabbed both. She threw them down before landing and soon saw the enemy before him. With the forest fire and the cliff side this enemy had no where to run. Syn got off of Corruption and slowly walked towards the metal rider wondering who this person might be.
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The flames which filled the forest reflected off of Domination's scales and Reena's armor, giving them a orange glow which they were not accustomed too. Even though the team was standing at the edge of a cliff it did nothing to calm their rage. When Reena saw the pyromaniac and his dragon get saved she knew that there was more to the bandits than just thievery. Even still, someone would pay.

When the pair turned their gazes away from the cliff and towards the fire they saw a black dragon darker then any night and it's rider. Reena was confused when she saw the rider dismount but Domination seemed insulted, "How dare he! That cocky human thinks he has nothing to fear" he mumbled with rage. As the black armored boy approached, the metal dragon snarled, stopping the boy in his tracks. "Get off!" Domination commanded his rider, "Show him that we do not fear him!"

Reena did not respond but did as she was told, the sound of her armor clinking as she landed on the dirt. Slowly she walked towards her foe, keeping her hammers in their holsters, but not dropping her guard. Reena looked at the enemy through her helm, her already orange eyes glowing from the fire but her fury had dulled slightly and turned into curiosity. His armor was unique to her which was an automatic attraction. She refused to speak first but continued to examine him from afar.
As Syn stood he saw that he was being evaluated by the rider. Enough time was already wasted and had to make this quick, but one thing still bothered him. There was a strange aura around this pair. He began to walk towards the rider again until he was near enough to see the eyes of the rider and drew his blade. His weapon looked different. Its blade sharper with a purple edge to it. Their was a visible aura to it as well and as Syn Raised it above his head with his new blade, and he stuck it into the ground crumbling it below. When he spoke his voice sounded deeper and darker as if it was someone else's." it seems that my friends took something that wasn't theirs. And since that my partner over their attacked you first it is only fair that you get the honor of the first attack too. Your dragon seems to agitated of me as well. He can fight my dragon then but it would have to be somewhere else. Corruption! Please take this dragon to a perfect spot while i'll deal with the rider." Looking back at the rider and her dragon they both seemed a little taken aback and the dragon seemed rather enraged.

As Corruption heard this command she was right next to the metal dragon and said "Follow me" as she jumped to bottom of the cliff side and ran into an open field. Corruption felt different. She was faster and lighter as ever. As she waited for the other dragon she decided to see what her master was doing. She saw them fighting and roared that echoed through the entire field. Then she heard the metal dragon get into the clearing and as she looked down on him from her point she jumped down and waited for her opponent to make the first attack. Just like her master.
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"How.... polite" Domination commented, "We will play this game human. Oh and rider, don't die" With that Domination followed the ominous enemy off the cliff and into the the field. "I don't know who you or the rest of that pathetic excuse for bandits are but know this, we will sooner die than let that attack go unpunished." As soon as Domination finished his threat he pounced, tackling the black dragon. The two large forms rolled across the field, the snarls echoed through the field and beyond, as did the raking of claw against claw. The battle was on. The physically powerful metal dragon against the agile dark one.

On top of the cliff Reena had pulled out her hammers and made a plan. It wasn't exactly what Domination would want but she could already hear the battle raging below so she figured he would be too distracted and excited to punish her. So with a large grin hidden behind her helm she ran at the mysterious boy. Once close Reena jumped from the ground and swung both her legs and the blunt side of her weapon down at the boys arms, trying to force him away from his blade which was still plunged beneath the earth.
After the blow was struck on his arm Syn stood there unwavering. He looked at his arm which was unscathed by the attack. He then looked at the rider and began to laugh. "hehhehehehehehehahaha" Syn then grabbed the rider's neck lifting the rider up and in doing so making the helm fall off."You're not strong enough to face me." He then threw the rider 10 feet back. As the rider got up Syn was surprised to see that it was a girl. He then lifted the sword out of the ground without any resistance. "It's my turn now to test my steel against yours." As the dual began it started to rain and thunder.

Corruption was startled but gripped to her opponent and hatched an idea. She moved her legs right up against the metal dragon who was known as domination and practically jumped right off of him and out of his grip thereby sending Domination to crash on the cliff side with his under belly unprotected made a ton of loose boulders to fall on him. Corruption landed back on her feet and found a few silver scales on the ground and a claw on top of the rubble in a clenched tight fist. Corruption the walked over and removed the rubble. and had her claws on the chin of Domination who was still breathing. With loss of a few scales and blood trickling down his eye Corruption saw that he was pinned down by the heavy boulders and wouldn't be able to get out. In a hissing voice Corruption asked "Do you yield?" The longer Domination stayed quite the more she squeezed harder on his soft chin. As time passed she felt that Domination was not strong enough to continue the fight. She then released him and with her claw made a mark on his chest and walked away. "You're no longer worth my time you do however have potential". As She turned her head around her eyes were glowing and their was huge amounts of power in her voice. "Remember my name! It is Corruption!" And with that thunder boomed and she disappeared in the darkness.
Reena was shocked, the boy didn't even twitch when she attacked him. This wasn't good for her, she knew that this boy was stronger than her, in an unnatural dark way, so fighting him would only result in death. Reena dodge around his blade, it was the best she could do other than a single lucky shot on his throat. While the enemy regained his breath Reena retreated to a safe distance and raised her hands in the air "I yield." She announced, "There is little point in fighting anymore, I am clearly no match for you. I ask for mercy and in return I will..." she paused as she tried to think of something that will make it so that this warrior would find her worthwhile enough to keep alive, "... I will work for you. I don't know your goals but I do know that my weapons and armor are some of the best around and from what I saw, those thieves- I mean riders, could use some higher quality gear. I also am not a horrid fighter. This... this isn't a good example of my combat skills" The stranger didn't continue his attack so as slowly as possible Reena holstered her weapons and returned her hands to the air and asked "Do we have a deal?"

Below Domination was still pinned underneath the rubble yet he felt little pain, it was blinded by his anger "That was no ordinary dragon... Corruption she said her name was... I'll remember that." It took some time with his injuries but eventually he got out of the mess he was in. Eventually he would make a fully recovery but it wold take time. Domination hacked up a glob of blood, "This is my fault. This what I get for letting Reena return to her village for so long, I'm out of practice. I swear when I find her- Reena!" he exclaimed in shock. He realized that she was fighting the rider of that monster! She was not strong enough to survive a battle with someone even remotely like Corruption. With groans and snarls of pain Domination rushed back up the cliff in order to protect his rider, only when he found her her hands were raised in surrender and it didn't appear that the fight was going to continue. Domination was not willing to risk it though, he went to his rider and stood behind her, ready to block any oncoming blows with his own body.
As Syn sheathed his blade. Corruption manifested from shadows right behind him."Deal". He whispered something to her and fetched Phoenix in her mouth and dropped him. Syn looked at Phoenix "Get your men and give back to her the things you took by sunrise or you'll know what will happen. Phoenix scrambled up and raced out of there. "Your name is Reena correct? The one thing that i ask of you is to put out your hand and weapon." When Reena put her hand out Syn walked over and took a piece of his armor and put it in her hand. His armor then regenerated and the piece of metal in Reena's hand was absorbed into her skin leaving a feint mark of a black dragon. Syn saw her curiosity and pointed to her dragon. Look at your dragon Domination. He bares the same mark that Corruption gave him. The mark of the midnight riders. I will not take your life or involve you in my endeavor for you are innocent. You have potential in you young gir- rider but you are not ready for what is to come. I have marked you as one of my own kind but like i said before i will not involve you. That mark will glow with a purple aura, and the dragon mark will lead you to were i am when you are ready, but for now i'll make this seem to you just a bad dream. Syn then made a waving motion which knocked out both Reena and Domination and before closing their eyes Syn said to them in his regular voice "I'm sorry..."
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Reena woke up in the ashes of her forge, scattered around her was the stolen armor yet even though it should have brought her joy all she felt was the dread. The mark on her hand was stinging a bit, it wasn't painful but it was an annoyance, not to mention a bad sign. Domination woke not long after Reena and when he stood up he smashed the nearest piece of armor in frustration, "What did you think you were doing surrendering to that guy? You don't make the decisions around here!"

Reena stood up and faced her dragon "Maybe not but I had no other choice! You were already marked and at least now we know that whatever happens we'll end up in the same place rather then dead." Domination knew she was right but he refused to admit it, instead he crushed another plate mail, "Hey don't waste them! If you wont let me sell then than the least you can do is eat them!" Se shouted in a rare occurrence of rebellion against her 'boss'

"Fine" he said tossing a few in his mouth, "Go sell the rest and gather your things, we are not saying here. We are moving on from here, it's time your training got serious. "

"Yes sir" Renna said with a smile and ran towards the market with her the rest of the undamaged goods.

Domination stayed in the pile of ashes and looked towards the now bare forest, "Corruption and a black clad rider..." He wondered aloud, determined to find out more of this team and their regenerating armor before they met again.
Syn was walking in the market in his civilian outfit with Phoenix and their dragons who were back to normal. Syn stopped. Phoenix looked at him. "What's the problem?" Syn was now infuriated. "My problem you say? My problem is that we have been in this market for 2 hours and all you did was talk to girls!" Phoenix was taken aback. "Hey i can't help it that i'm hot stuff." "Was that before or after the girls' dragons set you on fire?" Phoenix turned red around the cheeks and moved on. Hey theirs a place. As Phoenix approached the stand he saw that it belonged to the Steel Clan. Um excuse me do you happen to have sets of armor for dragons and riders? As the girl turned around he saw that it was Reena. The rider they met last night. "Ah geez" Phoenix thought to himself "no wait. I look different and so does Salamander. Maybe she won't recognize us. After all she never saw our faces". getting back to ordering i would like to buy 2 sets of armor for our dragons and for me and my friend. " Hey Syn. Get over here!" Syn and Corruption were covered by a short gust of ash making his clothes look black and his dragon as Corruptions red eyes seemed to glow as he walked up to the stand.

Syn heard his friend calling and began to walk towards the stand. "Ughhh...Darn ash (cough, and puts up hood to cover his face) What do you think of this Corra?" (Corruptions nickname) Corruptions eyes gleamed as she looked to her rider. "I feel that the faster we get out of here the better. I agree. We still need regular armor though. It would be rather stupid if i was in my black armor the whole time. It would be suspicious and ruin my father's plans. Then let's make this fast" Corruption said as they past the ash and was now in front of Reena who seemed to be shaking a little but seemed to calm herself down . It's as if she had a ridiculous idea and tossed it out of mind. Syn got off and took out his blades. "I would like to have my weapons sharped for me and my friend as well. Money is of no object here."
"But of course!" Reena said with a cheery smile. Serving the rebelliously cute red headed boy first "I will happily gather up some two sets of human armor and two dragon sets. I do need to take your measurements though" Reena pulled out measuring tapes and quickly figured out the proper armor sizes for them both, "And your dragons, I'll need their sizes as well" As she measured the dragons she couldn't help but feel that something was wrong but she shook it off. "I see you guys have gotton covered in ash. Sorry about that, the forest and my forge got burned down by some ruffians last night, the ash has been blowing through the city all day. It's a rather large mess, that's why I'm putting all of my goods on sale. I need to get rid of it so I can move on to someplace better." She beamed at the boys, ignorant of who they were, "Oh well, I guess I'm just glad no one got seriously hurt. I'm Reena by the way" When she realized that she was rambling she apologized, "Oh sorry, I bet you guys are in a hurry. The four sets of armor would be about 34 gold pieces but I since I made you listen to me blabber on for so long I'll drop the price to 26 gold."

When the boy paid for the armor she turned to the dark haired boy, "Now about sharpening that weapon..." she said trailing off as she held the blades in her hands, "Syn, was it?" she spoke slowly now, putting the pieces together "This is a rather unique weapon here, I've only seen something like this once before." It clicked, this was the boy from last night and if this was the boy... then the red head was the pyromaniac. For a brief moment she wondered if she should do something, attack them or cause a scene and draw the guards but it was a foolish idea, she would surely loose again. So instead she grinned at the pair and took the blade and the arrows, "I'll get these sharpened for you right away, please return in a half hour for them or feel look around my stall, I have many enchanted gear as well as runes you can remove and attach at will." Reena nodded and went to a small rotating stone which would sharpen the blades to perfection. She wasn't wasting her time however, as she did it she was examining the weapons for any mystical or other properties that could give it such unique capabilities.
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Phoenix was worried but Syn was as calm as ever. "Dude how can you be so calm?". Syn looked at him. "Because idiot the magic comes from us and our dragons not the weapons. All she will see are plain swords and arrows nothing more. Besides i have a question to ask her when she returns. In the meantime i'll be checking something out real quick. Syn went towards the remains of the forge just dodging a pillar falling onto him. He then picked up 2 things. One seemed to be a pictue and the other item he put in his pocket. As Reena returned Syn asked her about the incident and how she saw Syn's weapons before. As their dialogue continued Domination walked in."I heard rumors that you were attacked by a black dragon and it's rider in black clad armor attacked you? At least that's what the people here say and i can tell by your gaze earlier that you thought i was this ... rider. That's impossible. My dragon is purple while the other dragon is black. As for the weapons they were used during the Dragon wars. Anyone can easily find them in a crypt or tomb, or even buried in the sands. I received mine from my father. Besides Midnight Dragons have been extinct for centuries. They' re just legends, fables, and stories to scare children.

As Syn got his armor on and thanked Reena he took out the picture and wiped the ash away from it and handed it back to Reena. I believe this is yours. As Syn walked away with his company he said to her "I'm sorry." Phoenix then asked "Where to now?" Syn with his new look got on Corruption, and then looked at Phoenix. "We're heading for the Veja Clan in Krall's Canyon. It's holding a tournament their. It would also be could to train ourselves a little to."
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"Did he think he was being clever?" Reena asked Domination who had just came over to see what was taking so long, "We told no one of what happened last night and even if someone saw the battle, he was acting far to defensive to be normal. Besides, I knew Midnight Dragons were extinct, he made the jump to that himself. Not to mention he said 'I'm sorry' last night too, his voice was the exact same!" She smiled a secret smile at her dragon, "Looks like we already have some leads. Syn, Corruption, maybe not so extinct midnight dragons, and items from the wars."

"Good work" Domination smiled, lightly taping her on her head "Come on, we should go." Domination turned around and started walking away, "What is that?"

"Oh this?" She responded holding up the picture, "It's me and my dad, I'm holding the very first thing I ever forged. It was a crown, I wanted to be a princess so he let me make it. It even had real gems in it but it's probably ash by now, it wasn't at all flame resistant."

Domination didn't say anything in comment to that, he had no skills for comfort, "Well anyway, we need more training. I have heard about a few good places to go to, we'll talk more on the road." Reena nodded and left her stand for good, taking all that she could.
Syn knew he was being clever. Everyone in all the different regions new as a fact that Midnight dragons were all wiped out. Thanks to him leaving huge clues and hard facts no one would believe her? Even all the dragons of different elements knew of their extinction for centuries. Even Domination should have known about this crucial part of their history. Syn knew he left a few signs of his identity but their are others that are like him. She will soon meet another one and this one would be a fitting challenger then himself. Syn luckily took care of covering his tracks well. After all their was another person who saw them and for that person happened to be an old man who lived in burnt forest. "It was lucky of you Phoenix that you bumped into him. He was easy to manipulate." After all. He was the one spreading the rumor of the shadow dragon all over town and brought her back to her forge while we took care of her dragon. I'm surprised she didn't notice as Syn thought to himself." listen Phoenix. The whispers and murmurs of our fiasco. The rumor is spreading like that wildfire you created in the forest. Father will be pleased but we still have a lot of work. We still need to find others from the different clans worthy of becoming riders as well. We have 3 so far but we still need more. Phoenix looked at Syn in concern. "Ar you sure she was the right candidate?" Syn grinned as he took the other item he found "Yes." As Syn rode on he took out the item he grabbed and looked inside it and in it had a map to another bone mark. "Yes i'm sure of it". And with those words the ran out of the city into the night and Corruption grind as purple marks were slowly appearing and her scales turning black and eyes glowing blood red.
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It was night when the team sent from the village. Reena was laying on Dominations back, letting him do all of the work. "So I heard there was a competition going on in Krall's Canyon, the Veja clan is looking for strong riders for some reason I bet there will be a lot of worthy competitors there, we also could go to the bounty hunter hq in the Aquarius clan." Reena listed off all of the places there may be powerful riders.

Domination lumbered underneath her, "They sound promising... Krall's is closest, we'll go there. Keep an ear out for any rumors or legends involving Midnight Dragons while you're at it. Even if it's not true, it will at least be entertaining." They were silent for a while, Domination thought she feel asleep but she spoke up again.

"Hey Domination... do you know what a bone mark is?" She asked, thinking of the map her father gave her a long time ago.

"It is a midnight dragon weapon used in the dragon wars, it greatly powers up the user but it does damage to the user overtime. Lord Venemore's and Deceptions used them. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I just that I needed to know." And with that Reena fell asleep on her dragons back, mind racing
Syn and Phoenix were just out side Krall's Canyon when they were suddenly ambushed by the Veja Clan's Head guards. The head guard approached syn and pointed his blade at him. "Who are you?". Syn looked at him and bent the sword back and replied. "I am shadow..." At those words he was consumed by shadows along with Phoenix and disappeared making all the torches to be blown off."I am fear..." Their was at first nothing then their were screams as Corruption attacked the guard force ripping off armor and destroying weapons. Soon the ambushers became the ambushe when the bandits in their new Black armor attacked the guards as well. Only one guard escaped the fight and ran away and luckily got out undetected. He rode his dragon Servi who was a Nature dragon ran for a long time. Out of breath they slowly trudged until seeing a metal dragon. "help... please...help..." and with that last words he fell unto the ground along with Servi. As the metal dragon got nearer. HE still had enough breath to talk. He explained the ambush. In the light he was bruised and bloody and had one broken arm. Shadow Clan... (His eyes widened and their was so much fear in his eyes) Re-re-turned. Then he closed his eyes and lost consciousness.
Reena slid onto the ground and ran with concern towards the passed out strangers, "The're alive" She said to Domination, pulling bandages from her pack and fixing the pair up just well enough that they wouldn't die until they reached real healers. As she assisted the Nature dragon onto Dominations back and the guard onto her own she spoke as if she was telling a secret, "The shadow clan has returned and not only are they back, all they are doing is killing and causing pain.

Domination laughed "And they have the gall to be upset about being banished. Maybe if they calmed down and stopped acting like violent lunatics, the clans would accept them again. After all, it has been a long time." Each carrying a wounded they walked a steady pace towards the nearest town and checked the pair into a clinic.

"They will be fine" The doctor said to the metal team, "They are lucky you found them when you did, they would have died if you hadn't found them. Tell me, who did this?"

"He said that it was the shadow clan. Apparently they have returned." Domination reported. The doctors eyes widened with fear and he stuttered out an apology as he ran into his office, writing up a letter to be sent to the governments of each clan, telling them of the incoming dangers.
After capturing the guards Syn questioned them. He looked at them and saw how afraid they were." I swear to you that I will not harm or kill you." One of the guards looked at him. "R-r-really?" The guard told everything to the bandits while Syn went to answer a summoning from his father. The guard wished to be set free then when all of a sudden one of the bandits stabbed and whispered in his ear. "He kept his word".

As Syn went to the meeting area he was surronded by 7 shadows. One belonging to his father. Syn's father looked at his son in disgust. Syn looked at his father. "Father ... who are these people?" . SILENCE!!! They are your replacement.You have failed me for the last time. You know our ways and teachings yet you let people live. You have disgraced our name and clan. You are not one of mine! You are not one of us! ATTACK!!!. As the shadows around him attacked him with ice, lightning, and rocks he was greatly outmatched. He just barely got out of their when his father attracted one of Syn's bone marks and infused it into himself and used that power to blast his son and dragon over the ledge and landed with a huge Thud! Syn's father looked at the remaining 6. "You will spread to the other clans. Intercept any messages and kill those you need to silence. You must succed where this trash failed. GO!"

Corruption was dragging when she picked up Syn. "Master... Look a city. You'll be fine you'll see. Syn still in his shadow armor began to get up by himself now but had to lean on Corruption. As he knocked on the door he thought he heard Domination's voice. This is not going to go well Syn told Corruption, but he needed treatment and fast. As the Doctor opened the door he slammed it immediately. He heard the doctor yell for him to go away. So Syn went with Corruption and slept on a hill near the building and Corruption covered him and used her body to make a makeshift bed and both slept on the hill under the crescent moon. .
"Who was that?" Reena asked when she saw the doctors reaction.

"I- it was a shadow clan member, I could tell. He was wearing all black and was was bloody, probably with some innocents blood." The doctor shivered. Domination and Reena exchanged glances and as if they read each others minds they both started heading for the door. "Don't go after him, he could kill you!"

Domination scoffed, "Not without a fight he wont. Besides I'm curious to see if it is the same one who attacked that guard. Reena, grab some bandages, we cant have him dying on us." Reena was already doing that even against the doctors wishes and with a polite smile the team left the clinic and followed the trail of blood to the hills.

The metal team found the dark ones asleep when they found them "That's our man... and dragon." Reena stated quietly, trying not to wake them. "Do you want me to kill them now or should we talk first?"

Domination was about to say kill them but hen he stopped, "No, they spared our lives once, we owe them a debt. But after we fix them up and they wake up, we will be even." Reena nodded and patched up the black plated pair who were so hurt and tired that they didn't wake up during the process. Domination sat back and let his rider work, keeping an eye out for the shadow teams partner, the fire dragon and his rider (who at this point had remained nameless).
As Syn woke up he saw Corruption right next to him. His armor was still regenerating but very slowly so he unsummoned it and it was absorbed back into his wrist where a mark was visible. He looked at his body noticing marks from the attack last night from his father. Their was scorch marks as well as tooth and claw marks. In fact the only place he was not damaged was the parts where he had worn Reena's armor. As he was doing this Corruption awoke and rubbed her head on his.

As Syn petted Corruption and saw his friend Phoenix uninjured. Syn wondered how he found them? He didn't have the time for that now. The metal team was walking over to them. "Well I guess this makes us even, but I can' t help but think that the debt was not the only thing from stopping you from finishing me. You have questions don't you? Well I'll answer as much as I can. So...( does a hand wave motion) ask away."
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"Well first, who is your buddy here?" Syn introduced Phoenix and Salamander. Domination continued, "Were you the ones that attacked the guards in Kralls? And how did you get these wounds, I doubt that the guards gave them to you?" With a sigh Syn explained they yes, he did attack those guards but he had no intention of killing them, it was the other bandits who did it. Syn hesitated before telling how he got the injuries and even when he did he simply told the metal pair that the shadow clan had disowned him due to the fact that he believed in mercy. "Well, I cant say you didn't deserve that beating but that's not what we are talking about. I have one final question, for now," Domination leaned in closer, "What is your clan planning?"

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