Dragonblood [RP]

"That's what I would want to do." Valeria replied, and shook his hand. "It is nice to meet you Haru. My name is Valeria LeCross." ((so sorry, writer's block))
Haru shook her hand "Same to you Valeria." He said, smiling. Then he looks toward to where the fourth man had run off to, and his smile quickly disappeared. "Hey, you don't happen to know who he is right?" Haru asked, still staring down the road, further into the lower areas of the city, almost hypnotized. Although, it was obvious that Valeria didn't know that man.

(Oh okay, don't worry its fine lol.)
Odkurvi, as well as many dwarves as high up as he, knew to control his emotions to aid the situation. Grinning, in most cases, certainly with a group of foreign leaders, was not a good idea. But this case was different, no?

A slight curve appeared to his mouth. "Well said, Oman," he responded, looking over at the scowling Herciles. "Even though 'treason' may not be the best choice of wording."

Herciles, looking unhappy to say the least, took the seat directly opposite of Odkurvi. "Then hurry, Dottïr," he intoned, "Before the Ironhands take offense to us for delaying lord Oman." His tone was grating, mocking. The lord crossed his arms.

"Well," said Odkurvi, choosing his words carefully. "I have invited the four of you to this meeting, because, of all the lords, you are the only ones not eager for a war against the da'khor." He looked around at all the attendants. "And that is understandable. I agree. While we are certainly already in conflict, open war could deplete many resources, cause the loss of many lives, and ultimately, the da'khor may win. We like to believe an organized, armed troop of dwarves could defeat the wolfmen... But I believe differently." His mouth was set grimly. "They are vicious fighters. Killers."

Odkurvi paused, allowing the lords to voice their opinions. Talking casually, the other lords may be less reserved.

"So, Dottïr," said Rhin, calmly, his hands folded on his lap. "You are opposing the king."

Odkurvi didn't flinch. He had to devote himself to what he was doing. No one was ever convicted of half-treason. "Aye," he responded.

"And," added Herciles, glowering; "you are planning on taking action against him."

It was a good guess. "Perhaps not against ​him," Odkurvi said. "But... Yes."
Valeria shook her head. "No, I never saw him before." She wondered if maybe the kidnapper had known she was the heir to the LeCross family and that was why he chose to try to take her. Or maybe that he just assumed she was rich and from a wealthy family because of the way she was dressed and that she was an elf.
Haru, still looking towards the same direction, "Well then, its only fair if I catch him, and show him a thing or two for threatening you, he can't just run away without any justice hunting him down." He said. Justice, ran through his mind, noticing how he never used that word before. Then, he turned around to Valeria. "But first, I'm going to have to drop you off from where you came from, it'll be a lot safer that way." Haru told her, not wanting another group of bandits trying to kidnap Valeria if he would have left her here.
" Halt! State your business here! " The guards exclaimed as one of them approached Yssil while the other two remained near the gate.

" No business, passing through! "
She said hoarsely and rougher than one would expect from a beautiful woman like her, she sounded aggravated and on the defensive, but having lived a life like hers, most people would end up sounding rough around the edges.

" Hmmm, you're one of those dirty savages aren't you? Tsk, no better than those beastmen... But you're not ugly, I'll give you that. Know what? We'll let you pass...For a fee... What? You don't have money? ... I guess you'll have to pay with that body of yours. "

Narrowing her eyes and raising her lip as she gnarled at the guard who was too confident in himself because of his position in the army aswell as the back-up of his grinning mates behind him. The moment his stinking breath got too close, her hand shot out to one of the twin blades on her back, gripping the handle and unsheathing it nearly completely before the man even realized what was about to happen. But then she could feel a hand grabbing her wrist and a soft yet demanding voice spoke behind her:

" Sheathe that sword, immediatly. "

" As for you...You disgusting pig. You're dismissed from your duties, dishonorably and to be placed in custody immediatly. You two, snivelling worms...Escort your buddy to the stockade, if I don't see him in shackles 5 minutes from now, you will all 3 be hung by dawn.

Yssil turned around and saw a tall man dressed like a civilian yet wearing a large emblem on his tunic, he must be their captain or something, Yssil thought to herself as she nodded in grace and appreciation of his arrival and sense of justice.

" Thank you. "
She mumbled as she let go of her sword, which slid down the sheathe.

" No problem, now move along. You can find affordable housing straight down the main lane, and when you come at the T-junction, go left, can't miss it. If you smell flowers, you went the wrong way. "
The captain stated without even looking at Yssil, as if she wasn't worthy of being directly addressed to, nonetheless Yssil didn't act on it. She knew better than to cause a ruckus for no reason, especially upon arrival.

Yssil made her way to the area the captain mentioned, while being given dirty looks by everyone, even the beggars. She couldn't care less though, she wasn't here to make friends, not with these kind of people anyway. Once arrived at the T-junction she looked at her right and saw fancy houses and cottages, with flowerbeds and everything.

To her left...Crummy shacks and seedy alleys were waiting for her, strangely enough she felt more at home in that area than in the pretentious rich one.

So she turned to the left and walked down the street, searching for ... A reason to be there.
After Haru had told Valeria that he has to escort her back to a safe location, he turns to where the road starts, the entrance to the poorer parts of this area. He notices a woman walking down the street, towards to where Haru and Valeria are at. That can't be the forth man, obviously.. Haru thought to himself, as she continues to move closer.
Making her way down the cracked cobblestreet, making a game out of dodging the puddles, holes and all kinds of other obstacles...Some of which you don't even want to know what it is, she puts on a grim face. This settlement is nothing what she had imagined, the people here looked so lifeless and empty. As if something had devoured their souls and just left them a shadow of their former gloy.

' Is this what my family craved for? '
Yssil thought to herself, desillusioned by the stench and aforementioned aspects of the city.

She was just about to ask some random passer-by for directions to an empty shack when she glanced around and saw two people nearby, one of them was boldly staring at her. Which she couldn't hold against him considering every single thing with eyes in this 'golden cage', stared at her with open mouth. Like she was a circus attraction, she felt her temper rising as she walked towards the duo with a steady stride untill she stopped right in front of the man who gaped at her.

" Stop gawking or I'll make you! "
She said with both hands at her waiste and leaning in towards the man's face as if she was tempting him to try and do something.
Haru backs off a bit, as she's moving towards him, he didn't really want to start any other fights, not right now that is. "I wasn't gawking, ma'am." Haru bowed, noticing that she wasn't the type who liked people staring at her, even though Haru was just trying to analyze who she was. "It's that from far away, I thought you were one of the men that attacked Valeria.." Haru said, staring back to Valeria.
She had figured the man would at least do something, be it violently or cowardly, but he simply apologized formally and explained himself to her. While she didn't like being 'one of the guys who attacked Valeria' she felt silly for overreacting like that. Next thing you know she stood there, staring at her feet and shuffling like she was a schoolgirl who had just been reprimanded for cheating on a test.

" I'm sorry...It's just that everyone and their pet dog stare at me ever since I entered this 'empty' place, and I sorta snapped a bit. "

" Either way, let's start over. I'm Yssil, nice to meet you! " She said with an awkward smile.
Haru understood her, not blaming her for what she did earlier. Kindly, He nodded, "Nice to meet you too, Yssil! I'm Haru Kumakazi and right behind me is Valeria LeCross." Haru said, smiling. "Don't worry 'bout earlier, not really your fault sense your having trouble from the guys around here.." Haru trailed off, but looked for a more important question. "Hey, you didn't happen to see a man rushing through you, right?" He asked, Then looking behind him, past Valeria, watching the poorer parts of the city. "Because if not, then he probably went that way.." He told Yssil.
Yssil burrowed her thin eyebrows slightly before replying that she had in fact not seen someone rush past her, not even stroll by.

" I'd say he went another way, I'm guessing this man did something to you guys and ran away? Else he wouldn't be rushing, no? Either way, I can search for him if you want? "

Then she realized she had almost forgotten her manners and introduced herself hearthily to Valeria aswell. With tongue-in-cheek she was trying to come up with a way to track the man, if she had been in the wilds she'd just track his trail or shapeshift into a wolf, one of the three forms she could morph into, and follow his scent. But she didn't know how people in this city think of magic and wolves would probably be killed on sight anyway. So she'd just track the man on information alone.

" Tell me everything about this man's appearance and other information you might have, I'll enjoy a good hunt so let me at'm! "
"Yeah.." Haru trailed off again, but then went right back to it, "..That man and his goup of thugs came to Valeria, noticing that she's obviously an elf, and at the fact that the clothes she's wearing looks as if its silk material, its no doubt that they wanted her over money, I finished off his small group, but he turned tail.." Haru told Yssil.

"And well, I don't know how the man looks like, he was completely darkened, and sense this place seems really dark, it was kinda hard to see his face, it sounds silly though, because usually I'm able to see anyone in the dark if I can enable it while using my dark magic, but him.... I guess he wore a mask of some kind, maybe reversing my dark magic." He said, scratching his head, while looking towards the direction the man obviously ran through.
((sorry been really busy)) Valeria wasn't sure if she should accept his offer. She didn't want to be a burden. Plus not only would her parents go mad if they saw her near a human that wasn't a servent, but she had come down to the lower part of town to get away from the manor. She was about to protest being escorted when she noticed a woman approching them. She listened to Haru and Yssil discuss the man who lead the group of men who attacked her and tried to kidnap her. "I appreciate your offers to help find the leader of that group of kidnappers, but he is probally long gone by now. And even if you attack him, other people may think he is the victum." She didn't want to cause the villagers to panic.
Haru looked towards to where Valeria was at, then nodded. "She's right, it would only make us look bad." He said. Maybe justice will find him in a different way.. "But well, I still need to take you back, it won't be very safe going back alone." He told Valeria.

(Its okay I understand, lol, at least you caught up quickly, so no worries.)
Valeria remembered she forgot to introduce herself to Yssil. "It's nice to meet you Yssil." She smiled then turned to Haru. "I really don't want to go home." She knew she sounded like a child but she really hated her house. She hated being alone and being in the town helped her.
Haru nodded, "Alrighty then." Haru told Valeria, accepting her desicion, then he turns to both Valeria and Yssil. "So, why don't we just walk around and see if there's anything interesting going on in town?" Haru asked them. "Unless the two of you are planning to go do more important things?" Haru asked, thinking that maybe the two of them were busy before any of this happened, so he didn't want to be rude and just stop them from what they were doing.
(@Nivard00 i got the idea for my opening post from your opening post, about the Da'kor you may wanna continue on this...)

on the plains under the rule of the dwarven lord Pakker, his son, a stong headed, storng boddied, stong willed and (by dwarven standards) handsome man rode on top of a great draught hourse, it looked silly by human standards, but on the few times young lord Pakker came to the surface, he chose a steed to reflect his personality, strong, steady, an immovable object and if needed to be, an unstoppable force.

in the village he was overlooking, the inhabitants were human, dwarven and elven, they all got along well, tried not to focus on their differences, no matter what happened between kingdoms, this village was one for those who simply did not desire warfare... but there was one problem... the lands here all worked by chained Da'kor slaves.

far from the village, almost a mile away Seeva's clan and her indoctrinated/brainwashed human and elven slaves looked over the lands, it was getting dark, and the young lord was preparing to reture to the tavern, where he and the villagers will rejoice with praises, songs, fighting and drinking while the slaves would be chianed beneath the buildings, while not getting any meat to eat, instead getting one piece of old bread for the whole day.

at the center of the pack, with a stolen drawven "eyeglass" at her eye, she ovserved the village

"five... seven... okay, we have got eleven guards, avout three dozen slaves ready for rescue and i think we should take about twenty slaves, kill thirty and leave the rest to rebuild so we can keep raiding their fields later"

she put the eyeglass away... in other words, she tucked it into her tribal loincloth, and she let out a quiet whistle, as she moved out, so did her companions...

over the flat fields, 5 guards including the local sergent were talking with some drinks out the back of the tavern

"so what do you think if the "young lord" coming by?"

"well, i like him around here, makes the people think their lord really cares about them"

"even if its just his son?"

"yeah, since hes the heir to the Pakker estate, the people should at least think that their future ruler gives a damn"

"i hear ya.."

the the sergent spoke.

"alright ladies, back to patrol, if any Da'Kor come by here, i want to kno-"

nearby, 6 figures were poking from the grass, 4 were Da'kor with bows, and 2 were brainwashed slaves with blowguns

"move up" said the advanced scouts, and Seeva with a dozen other companions met up with the six who just took out the guards.

"what now?" asked a slave.

"simple, Gina, Diana, you both come with me, you two will cause a distraction in the tavern and i'll try to get into the mayor's office upstairs to get the keys to free our brothers and sisters from their chains... alright?.. okay.."

while the rest lay in wait for the right moment, Gina and Diana went in the front door of the tavern, an elven and human girl... now a distraction... a distraction, then BANG they got an idea...

they began pretending to be angry with each-other and before long, the 2 girls were fighting, but to keep it interesting, they made sure to pull each-others clothes while they faught...

outside, as the comotion in the bar was heard, other people outside were called in, this was better than expected...

inside, with the comotion downstairs, Seeva slipped through a window, sliding up against the mayor's office's door, her ears perked up, as she listened to the mayor talking to the young lord

"so Mayor, whats your thoughts on the Da'Kor raiding my father's lands?"

"pah, a nuisance thats for sure, but i think we got it under control, we sent a da'kor clan into etreat esterday, captured most of 'em"

"no not those ones, i mean this new clan... the one that takes slaves... i hear their leader is smarter than all the rest"

Seeva giggled to herself "flattery will get you everywhere, young lord" she said to herself.

"oh? is she beautiful?" asked the mayor, this really made Seeva's ears perk up

"beautiful? you mean you're attracted to those monsters?"

"i've seen their females work the fields, a strange exotic..."

"alright enough Mayor... i can forgive you're fascination with the Da'kor and it's females... just remember where you're loyalties lie"

"of course, milord"

the lord went to leave, and sive jumped up, hiding herself just above the door, against the roof, the lord left, and Seeva dropped down silently, she looked in the office, seeing the mayor lean back with his feet up on his table, taking a swig of booze, after that, he closed his eyes... perfect.

Seeva walked in casually, the mayor not sturing asside form his mouth

"... what!?"

"is that any way to speak to a lady?"

the mayor's eyes shot open and he fell from his chair, to see a tall, smirking Seeva sitting on his desk

"relax mayor, keep that up and you're body might jump and you'll really fall off..."


"do you really think a Da'kor would sit here and talk to you, this is a dream, Mayor..."


the mayor got up steadily.

"what are you here for?"

Seeva stretched out, and lay out on his desk

"i dunno, its your dream afterall, whatever you wish to happen..."

of course it wasn't a dream, Seeva was just tricking him, he no doubt thought he had fallen asleep at his desk and this was just a fantasy.

"say mayor, where do you keep the keys to the slave pens?"

"in the top drawer"

"thank you"

Seeva turned around, opening her legs then closing them again as she drove her heels into the mayor's temples, sending him clamming to the floor

"nighty night Mayor"

jumping from the mayor's window, Seeva landed in a large bush, where several of her companions were waiting

"here are the keys, free them!"

a young male took the keys and ran for the slave pens.

"now, we raid... town supplies?"

"the rest of the clan has almost emptied much of their food and arrow supplies"

"alright, we begin... break into the tavern and drive them out"

"why not burn them out?"

"because they have a cute mayor who i intend on capturing on the next raid, now go!"

in several minutes, they were in possition, the rest of the on duty guards had been subdued silently, the bulk of the town were in the taven, yet the rest of the town was overun with Da'Kor

"alrigth... NOW! ARWOOOOO!"

her howling made all the music in the tavern stop, all the dancing stopped, Diana and Gina stopped and ran back outside to join their wolf masters.

Da'kor soon burst into the tavern, beating down and killing all who faught back, grabbing and tying up those who tried to run, those outside found themselves in a gauntlet, Da'Kor on both sides snatching them up with no guards in sight, dwarves, humans, elves, most were female since many of the men tried to fight back and were subsequently knocked out or killed.

"aah, a good haul, PULL BACK! ARWOOO!"

the wolves began hauling their newly captured slaves away, dragged, over their shoulders, forced to march and more... of the few males left there, the young lord was among them, Seeva walked up to him and squatted down, she didn't say anything, she just first snarled, then she kissed him, holding his head close and everything, then she let the young dwarven lord go, letting him fall to the ground as she turned around and ran, the operation took just over 45 minutes, but the loud, violent part of the raid itself and their dissaperance happened in less than 5 minutes, and again, as soon as they hit the far tree line, they were gone like shadows... another successful raid, and the heir to the Pakker house saw first hand the intelligence and ruthless efficiency of this new Da'Kor clan...
Valeria nodded. "If you want to." she said. She didn't mind, in fact she thought she would probally be safer in a group. She looked at the woman, Yssil, waiting for her response.
Soren spritely navigated the passageways of the sprawling labyrinthine city Aelburn, sprinting to make it back to his clan’s home so that he could get some last minute preparations finished at the forge before the days end. He had managed to secure a shipment to another major Lord, and he was ecstatic. The Morogh Clan’s star seems to rising ever more quickly each day he thought, grinning to himself. As an Elf, he was ostracized as a child in the Dwarven stronghold, but his adopted father Baradin the blacksmith would never let it get to him, and slowly, he found that the immovable Dwarves begrudgingly incorporated him into their society. To repay his father’s kindness, he threw himself into working the forge, and the Morogh Clan slowly grew to become a major provider of the finest arms and weaponry in the entire city. Soren prided himself on his clan’s new lot in life, and he knew that the entire family worked hard for they new good fortune.

As he skidded around the last corner, he saw that the smoke rising from the chimney of the Forge, and knew his farther was already tirelessly at work. He walked in, and greeted his father. Already smithing, eh Da’? Why so busy all of a sudden? Why don’t you have Dunn and Duri help, those troublemakers have been playing with their friends all day! Baradin looked over his shoulder and chuckled at his son, Ha! Trust those boys to find some way to shirk good honest work, me lad. Your brothers are even better than you at getting into any sort o’ trouble. Soren laughed and shrugged on an apron and his gloves, and began hammering away at some of the heated metal Baradin had already prepared. As it was Dwarven steel, it would take much more than average force to bend even hot, malleable metal: no average person could smith the weapons the Morogh clan was slowly becoming renowned for. Soren deftly and masterfully beat and folded the metal, shaping the steel into a half moon figure. After hours of their silent, laborious work, Soren wiped his brow, removed his apron, and him and his father proceeded to shut down the forge for the night. After returning the newly created Axe blades to the locker, Baradin turned to Soren and said, Laddie, we managed to get another order for some more of our steel: but this ones a big ‘un. The Council requested to meet with the Morogh blacksmith and discuss some axes and such. I wanted you to go before ‘em and repr’sent us, boy-o. Do the Morogh clan proud. Clapping Soren on the shoulder, he explained that some members of the council would be in the Auxiliary Council room to discuss provisions. Soren could barely believe his ears The COUNCIL??? This’s amazing! But damn if it isn’t intimidating having to answer to a bunch of old Dwarf politicians… He looked up and said to Baradin Alright Da’, I’ll go and see if we can make ‘em what they need. After another hearty shoulder clap from his father, Soren took his leave and rushed back into the heart of the city to the main Keep within Du Rhieth, hoping to catch any of the Council members, and discuss how he could be useful.
Yssil hid her feelings about wanting to go on the manhunt, and instead accepted their offer for some sight-seeing or whatever they had in mind. She hadn't seen most part of the city yet anyway so this was a good way to get acquainted with its layout, residents and customs.

" Sounds good to me, so where do you two come from? Are you from the city or from somewhere else? "
Valeria smiled when Yssil agreed to go. She really didn't know many people outside the manor. Thi could be her chance to make aquantinces with others and learn about other lands traditions and customs. "I live in the city, although not in this part." Valeria told Yssil. "This is the lowpart of the city. You will mostly see beggers here on the streets." It made her sad when she saw how bad some people had it.
Haru smiled at the fact that they were going sight seeing, but his smile faded, as he turned to Yssil, "No... I'm not really from around here.." He said, then looked back to the dark alley, with an empty face.
Odkurvi took a breath he could have easily contained. He wanted to sound like a normal, informal dwarf at the moment. The lords' statements had been direct, brusque, and his answers had been exactly the same. None of their speech had been layered with meaning or promise, like it could become when politics became much more like verbal warfare; honesty, he observed, would do him much good in this situation. Besides, he was already committed. He had admitted to treason.

Before any of the other lords could object, Odkurvi hurried on. He needed them to listen, at least, before they could take action against him.

"Oman. Loker. Herciles. Rhin. We have stood on the same side in past arguments, not quite as allies, but with the same intent. I mean no disrespect to the other lords, nor His Majesty, but I have come to believe that nothing I, or we, could say, would dissuade their decision to agress the da'khor. I have tried, and I have seen you try, to no avail. They will only be delayed, and they have never been so eager as I witnessed earlier."

He took a deep breath and forced himself to slow down. "I have concluded that operating outside of the king's supervision is essential, and worth the risk, to avoid open war, and I have requested you meet here in the hopes that you would aid me." He looked up at the lords, placing his palms flat against the polished wood. "I have no desire to usurp the king's reign," he finished. "But I would not have lives wasted in needless warfare." Watching the others, his eyes were perfectly level.

Loker stared at the table, apparently unwilling to comment. Rhin, likewise, watched Odkurvi gaurdedly, but did not deign to talk.

Herciles shifted in his position against the wall, still having not taken a seat. Even he, under his furrowed brows, appeared to be thinking.

He should just put it out there. "Even if," he said, "we could change the others' minds, the da'khor raids would still continue, and eventually, we would be back in the same situation." He took a breath. "Not only must we convince the dwarves, we must settle this dispute on both sides. Something must have sparked the conflict, perhaps something small, and I intend to search it out and squash the problem. You have heard of the new, well co-ordinated clan recently attacking our land? Only recently, they raided Pakker's mansion. They take slaves and know the meaning of trickery; they are more than just bloodthirsty barbarians." He added the end, as calmly as if he had said everything else. "I propose we meet and converse with them."

The silence in the room lasted only a few seconds. Herciles uncrossed his arms and addressed Odkurvi with an insolent look; "Dottïr," he stated. "You are mad."

"Perhaps," he responded, daringly.

He finally sat back in his chair. Well, none of them had left, at least, Odkurvi ovserved dryly.
Soren quickly found himself deep within the Keep, as the guards were already familiar with the Elven blacksmith who provided them with their arms. He had managed to ingratiate himself in the barracks with his many jokes and his outgoing personality, so Soren was always welcome to the soldiers in Aelburn. He marveled at the Dwarven workmanship of the building, and he slowly wandered deeper and deeper, eventually finding himself past the main hall, where the Auxiliary Council Room was located. But before he even neared the hall, he already heard the sounds of bickering dwarves. He didn’t need the aid of his keen elven senses to hear them from leagues away; dwarves weren’t notorious for their subtlety, however, his ears enabled him to clearly listen in on the apparent emergency convening of a few major lords, along with the King’s Chief Advisor. What is Master Dottir talking about, with the other lords? The king had a meeting earlier today, according to the guards. He listened in for a while longer, recognizing a few of the men in the room by their voices alone: Herciles, what an unpleasant dwarf….he’s a sour one, even by their standards… Realizing they were discussing the Da’khor, Soren’s mood darkened and his eyes flashed menacingly…..memories of the raiding band that orphaned him as a child came rushing back. There was ANOTHER raid at a mayor’s mansion??? And people were taken as slaves???? How do we communicate with monsters that wretched? Battalions should be sent out to wipe them off the face of this earth. That’d be a service to all... He snarled. How could Master Dottir want to negotiate peace with them? He hasn’t faced the misery that the Da’khor leave in their wake. Waiting in the hallway outside the room, Soren eavesdropped on the Lords’ meeting, trying to rationalize why they would even debate such a topic.

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