That guy who's not around much right now
"Hey, what say do you have on my territory paley!?" the pup shouted when Marit arrived on the scene.
"All you hairless ones keep stepping in the way of justice; why everyone needs a 'fair chance' is beyond me," he went on, air quotes and all. The sword itself didn't seem to bother the da'khor at all, just the way everything was going on. When he'd agreed to help the inquisitor, he'd had no idea what he'd been getting himself into.
"All you hairless ones keep stepping in the way of justice; why everyone needs a 'fair chance' is beyond me," he went on, air quotes and all. The sword itself didn't seem to bother the da'khor at all, just the way everything was going on. When he'd agreed to help the inquisitor, he'd had no idea what he'd been getting himself into.