Dragonblood [RP]

"Hey, what say do you have on my territory paley!?" the pup shouted when Marit arrived on the scene.

"All you hairless ones keep stepping in the way of justice; why everyone needs a 'fair chance' is beyond me," he went on, air quotes and all. The sword itself didn't seem to bother the da'khor at all, just the way everything was going on. When he'd agreed to help the inquisitor, he'd had no idea what he'd been getting himself into.
Draco looks at him. "Hey what the heck did I do! I was just defending myself!" He pulled away. "Why the heck is a human a worm?" He glared at both of them. "I'm sorry I just got lost! Is that a crime to be human?" He pulled away and then fell out of the tree. "AH! CRAP!" He landed on his feet though. He looked at them backing away.
"You are a human, on da'khor lands!" Det snarled at the human, barely containing himself. If he had to kill the human, he'd have to kill the elf; and then he'd be returning empty handed. The elf had to live until the treaty was signed; beyond that, it didn't concern him.

"Got lost," he snorted, looking the human up and down, "You left your city, my people own these forests, you don't know better than that you don't deserve to live!"

Det's toes were visibly churning the earth beneath him as he clenched a tree to his left in clawed hands. Splinters went airborne as if to emphasize his point.

Patience had never been something the Da'khor were known for.
Valeria watched the mother carry off her child. She hoped they would be okay. She turned to go to one of the shops when she was surrounded by four men. 'Knife ear', she had heard that name before. She took a step back out of fear, bumping into the mystery man. "N-no! I'm not going with you!" She realized how foolish it had been of her to not have brought anyone with her.
Marit pointed in the direction of Linton. "Go in that direction. You will reach the city with time. In the morning you can retrieve your weapon from the Grand Inquisitor's office. My office." Marit stalked off to where the sword landed,and picked it up,sliding it into it's scabbard. He attached the scabbard to his belt,and said to the Da'Khor pup, "Let him leave. We need to get to Linton." He set off again at a swift pace,using his "wind skates" and a strong wind to propell himself towards Linton once more.
Draco looks at them and then sighs. "Great that's my only weapon." He said quickly. He ran off as fast as he could, heading back to his little town. He looked back sighing deeply. He looked down now being a just a human. He was the best sword fighter. Being a complete idiot acting the way he did with those two. What was wrong with him? They treated him like a disease.
Watching from above, on top of one of the small rooftops over the noblewoman and the four men, Haru jumped down between them. Once he made it to the floor, Haru stood back up, and eyed every single one of those thieves. Shouldn't be too hard.. Readying his sword, He holds his stance, analyzing the enemies. "I'm giving you guys ten seconds to pack up and leave, because that's how much it's going to take for me to kill every last one of you." Haru viciously warned them, not caring if he was out numbered, then again, he always loved a challenge.
Valeria looked around at the four men. Even if she had brought a weapon with her, she had little, if any chance of escaping. She knew what the men wanted; money. Her clothes were silk, a huge hint to her wealth, not to mention she was an elf. She knew her parents would pay the fee, whatever it may be. She heard a fifth man approch, treatening the first four. She wondered if this man could beat the guys if a fight started.
As the other human jumped into the fray, the four crooks just chuckled a little. Down came a cudgel to the back of his head, the 'leader' of the group being behind him, took the easy chance to swing away. A blow to the back of the head with the simple tool would easily knock most any human senseless, especially if hit from behind.

"Funny guy!" the others chuckled, moving in for the elf girl.
As the body fell and tumbled down to the ground, the four men noticed that the body had darken and turned into a black puddle! Haru chuckles, "You know, I actually saw that one coming." He told them, although he is kind of surprised they felt for his shadow clone. "Now, why don't you fellas quit the crap, and leave the young lady alone, will ya?" Haru told them, as he's appearing from the dark alleys with his sword out. "Looks like years of training actually paid off.." He said to himself as he readys for an attack from the enemies.
When the clone fell to the ground, the crooks looked dumbfounded for a moment. Magic wasn't always something to be expected. Not sure what else to do, the three sailors rushed the newcomer, bringing their improvised weapons to bear, not thinking of the disadvantage to running right into an alleyway. Meanwhile, the fourth man turned tail; he wasn't accustomed to the idea of someone fighting back apparently.


A little conflicted as to what he should do, Det paused. Looking from the human's fleeing back to the elf's... disregarding back. Either he'd get the treaty signed, or kill an intruder; why did it have to be so hard? Contenting himself with a snarl in the human's direction, the da'khor trailed along behind the inquisitor, taking his time a little as he continued to argue with himself over the decision.
"Heh, come right in boys.." Haru smirked at them, watching them run towards him as he's vanishing within the dark allys.
Valeria watched the fight progress. She had no means to protect herself, or fight back, so that was all she could do. She watched the fifth man used a shadow clone to distract the men. She shuttered. She hated that type of magic. She believed that dark magic was evil and if her life hadn't been in danger she would have said something to her recucer about that. The three sailors went towards the newcomer but the leader ran the other way. She could tell the leader of the group wasn't used to having people fight back, or their victims being saved by a skilled fighter. She watched the other three kidnappers chase the fighter into the dark alley. She knew she should have run off, back home or somewhere safe, but she wasn't sure how well the guy who resuced her could manage fighting three men at once. She doubted the men who tried to kidnap her would fall for the shadow clone trick again. She hoped he wouldn't use the spell again. Valeria silently hid behind a few crates in the alley, ready to heal the man who saved her, in case the fight got too bad.
As Haru watched the three men haul towards the alley, he went closer, and closer within the dark alley. "Heh, this should be fun." Haru said to himself. Haru knew that while walking within the dark alley, he can practically stick to the dark shadows that overwhelm the entire alley. Darkness, was his advantage, and he was about to put it to the test. As the three men went inside the alley, Haru had already vanished within the shadows. He used the shadows to move around the men, beneath them, and suddenly, reappeared right behind the three men without them even noticing. At the minute he rose up, Haru created a large dark hand that rose up with him and quickly grabbed one man from the back of his shirt, and threw him straight through the alley entrance, making that man fly across the street to hit against a building. Then, as the two other men turned, Haru thrusted his sword through the second man, puncturing his ribs. Haru took his sword away from the man's puncture wound, and before the third man would swing his weapon at Haru, another large dark hand grabbed the man by the legs, and swallowed him into the shadow from where the hand had came from. Walking out of the alley, Haru laughed a bit, "Well, that was interesting." He said, smiling. But as he stepped out of the alley, Haru turned back, and noticed that he could see the noblewoman hiding behind a few crates in the alley.
Valeria had managed to stay hidden and safe thoughout the fight. She watched the man defeat the other men, seemly easily. He used the darkness of the alley tohis advantage. Again, had he been the one causing trouble, she would not have agreed with his metiod, but since he was helping her, she didn't mind him using that type of magic as much. When the fight was over Valeria came out from behind the crates when she realized the man who had helped her looking at her. "T-thank you for your help." she thanked him.
Haru, analyzing the woman, wondered why she looked a bit uneasy. Was it because of his dark magic? As soon as she thanked him for his help, Haru bowed "No need to thank me." He said, smiling.
Valeria smiled slightly. "Not every person would stop to fight off four kidnappers for an elf these days." She knew that the other races were not too fond of elves because of the way most elves treated them. Plus she was a noblewoman, and odds were most people would think she is just as stuck up as some of the other elves are. "Did you get hurt at all?" she asked, "I can heal you if you are hurt." Valeria was really good at healing spells, maing up for her lack of skill in other spells.
"Heh, looks like I'm one of the few who cares then" Haru told her in response to everyone not helping elves when in danger, although, he didn't understood why they wouldn't. Haru looked at his arms, a bit darkened. To Haru, it was a risk using too much of his dark magic, but it was worth it. He felt a painfull burning sensation in his arms, "Yeah, I could use some healing." He told her.
Valeria walked over to the man and put a hand on his injury. She first looked at it to see how bad it was. She could tell the injury was caused by the use of his dark magic. She closed her eyes and focused the energy she needed to heal. A bright white light wrapped around the man's arm, over where he was hurt. When the light faded, his arm looked normal again.
After watching the wounds heal by the noblewoman's healing magic, Haru made a sigh of relief, while he feels the pain weakening. As the dark wounds vanished within his very own skin, he turned to the woman, "Thank you, for a moment, I thought I would walk away without these wounds feeling any better." He thanked her, sense the dark wounds would last for days or maybe weeks if not treated right. "Pretty impressive healing skills you have though." He told her, as he's still staring at his arms.
([MENTION=1570]xxJameson[/MENTION] This would be your point to jump in.)

The rest of the trip was uneventful. Marit and the pup arrived at the gates of Linton within minutes,well ahead of the human,Draco. When the pup came into view of the gate,the guards shouted out,and readied their crossbows. "STAND DOWN! I'm escorting this Da'Khor." The guards were hesitant,but eventually,they put their weapons away,and stood aside.
"You're welcome." Valeria smiled again, "And thanks. I have been praticing for years." She started learning magic at a young age and healing magic was the only magic she showed any skill in. None of the other elements worked for her. She tried for the longest time and the only thing she was able to produce was small sparks of the element. "I'm happy I was able to put it to good use." She never told her parents but she wanted to be a Healer. She knew her parents would never approve, they wanted her to marry off to an elf of another wealthy and important family and help with the family business.
The auxiliary council room was much more modest, in size and in grandness. It was a simple, torch-lit polished-stone room, floored with a simple design of blue and red granite. In the center rested a round table, circled by eight chairs. The room was often used for local meetings with the inhabitants of Aelburn.

Odkurvi was seated at the side of the table facing the doorway, tossing an axe up and down as he waited for the lords. It was near the time he had requested.

First came Rhin, early as always, as Odkurvi set down the axe. Giving him a formal nod, the lightweight dwarf seated himself at the table. Quiet, he folded his hands in front of him and stared impassively at the opposite wall.

Oman came next, about on time if a little preemptive. When he shouldered past the door, the immense lord immediately strode to the chief advisor and held out a hand. "Odkurvi Dottïr," he said in his low voice, a jovial glint in his eyes contrasting his stone-set expression. "It is my pleasure to see you."

Odkurvi stood and shook the dwarf's hand. "As it is mine," he responded. Oman, of all the dwarves, probably shared the most loyalty to him. He had helped the lord out of a tight situation more than once, when his mansion was accused of hiding spies and when he was threatened with demotion. He may be a bit lax for a dwarven lord, but he was a good one. Odkurvi did not want to see him stripped of his lordship.

Next, almost simultaneously, entered Herciles and Loker, a little late. Loker seated himself quietly, offering a "Good evening, Dottïr," but Herciles stayed standing by the doorway.

"Dottïr," he said quickly, "What is the meaning of this? What could you wish to address that the king had not?" His cold expression relayed the unsaid warning. It was treason to talk behind the king's back, especially for such important dwarves; and Herciles was telling him he knew it.

"Please, sit," said Odkurvi, motioning to a seat. "I will express my concerns when, if, the lord Ptötm arrives."

But only moments later, a messenger dwarf scurried into the room. "Odkurvi Dottïr!" he called, straight-backed, causing all five dwarves to snap to attention. "Machal Ptötm, lord of mansion Ehdway, sends his apologies that he could not attend your meeting." After a small pause, he added, "Do you wish to send a response?"

Odkurvi frowned. "No. You are dismissed." As the messenger left, he thought; the more dwarves that he had on his side, the more likely his venture would succeed. But it was probably for the better that Ptötm had not attended. He had harbored resentment for Odkurvi since he had beaten him in a campaign for chief advisor, more than several years ago.

He surveyed the attendance. Oman, Loker, Rhin, and Herciles. The latter would be trouble. He might report to the king as soon as Odkurvi relayed his thoughts.

It was probably a risk worth taking.

(Anyone want to fill in posts as lords?)
Haru smiled, as he's sheathing his sword back to its place. "To be honest, you should be a healer, you know how much good things you could do with those incredible skills?" He told her, "The names Haru Kumakazi, by the way." He said, while giving out his hand for her to shake hands with him.
Popping the lid from his flask, Oman glanced to the other lords with an intelligence most would not have expected from a dwarf his size.

"So, if we're to commit treason, may we know what it is?" he asked with a little bit of a chuckle, putting a positive spin to Herciles' comment, as if it were a joke.

"After all, I've got a meeting with the Ironhands this afternoon; they won't appreciate the tardiness," the swarthy lord continued, offhandedly speaking of the most dangerous group of criminals in dwarven history as though they were just neighbourhood bullies.

Oman's sense of humour had always been what made him a great leader, and got what him stuck in trouble so often. Tempted to take a swig of stout, he thought against it, recapping the flask as it would not do to be inebriated during something of such great impotance.

"Sit Herciles, if for nothing else, at least to convince us of our wrong."

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