Dragon Masters

I was thinking about Nappa's obnoxious voice in the abridged series.
Why yes, yes it is. Make a character sheet, it would be great if we could get another Dragon Slaver in the mix since there are only two right now, but if you wish to do another race then that is perfectly fine.

Name: Morg Hackskull

Race: Orc

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Appearance: Morg is the definition of what other expect of an orc being a figure that towers over seven feet tall with charcoal skin rippling with heavy muscles and covered in scars and burn marks on nearly every inch of him. On what skin is clean or at least not ruined by wounds he has tattoos, mostly tribal symbols going up and down his arms and what seem to be markings to track something layering his back though the most noticeable piece is embedded right on his chest, a vicious looking dragon's skull with a crack going down the middle that looks all the rougher with the scars running along it's edges. His hair is black, long and matted, kept in a very rough series of braid using a series of leather bands. His face is as scarred as his body, one large gash going over his nose and stopping at the corner of his right eye. His eyes are sickly orange with deep black around the edges and his teeth are yellowed and chipped though his fangs are sharpened to a fine point. His ears are long and pointed, each pierced with three bone studs and the right having a big carved out of the tip. His nose is is fat and snouted, looking as if it's been broken at least once before and it's adorned with a small golden loop dangling between his nostrils.

While he often adorns a rough black cloak, he never wears anything to cover his torso to show others his scars, tattoos and how little he fears being attacked by others. His pants and boots are all made of roughly sewn dark brown leather, the stitching barely holding together in spots with most of the cuffs of his pant legs being totally undone. His bracers are steel, very plain looking and covered in various marks from blocking strikes thrown his way.

Personality: Morg is a creature of self fulfillment. His entire drive in the world is to get what he wants which, in his mind, are very simple things: gold, respect and, most importantly, fights. While most of his kind are violent by nature, he's a true blood knight who wants nothing more than to kill worthy foes, watch the weak cover before him and die with blade in hand. His attitude shifts from person to person but a majority of the time he's rough but warm, giving anyone who can look him in the eye a fair chance. Anyone who can't do that much can go grovel in the corner for all he cared. He doesn't try to get to know others all that well but if you so much as drop a hint at being able to fight, you can expect him to challenge you eventually. When he's in the heat of battle, he treats it with a mad sort of glee, reveling in it like most would any enjoyable past time. His bad side shows when he's looked down upon or told what to do, never hiding his disgust or anger unless he has something to gain such as gold for a job well done. He doesn't bother with plans, taking everything in stride and seeing what happen.

Bio: Morg was born in the Skarn Mountains far to the south of any human of elf city to a huntress mother, his father a total mystery that no one bothered trying to solve due to the clan's tradition of nobody needing a singular 'mate' as long as children were being born. The women taught the girls their trades and the men taught the boy show to fight, making them all fathers and mothers in a sense regardless of blood. Morg wasn't a particularly special child, a bit more cunning than the boys his age but just as strong and tough as the rest.

As he grew older and better trained he began exploring the mountain range with the clan scouts, learning how to traverse the jagged rocks and how to survive off the land that gave so little. As he approached adulthood the group came across a juvenile dragon hiding away in a cage and immediately engaged it. Though one died and most of them, including Morg, were injured, they managed to take down the beast with Morg himself landing the killing blow with a dagger to the soft underbelly. They dragged the carcass back to camp and though the entire group was praised for it's work, it was Morg who struck the final blow and thus the tattoo embedded on his chest came to be, a symbol of his strength and his entry into adulthood.

Shortly after Morg began to revel in the attention he was given and even found himself craving the idea of hunting beasts like that. The one they had killed was young, imagine what attention an adult would get. After an age of searching the mountains fruitlessly he made the quick decision to leave his home in search of doing just that.

After a handful of years as a mercenary, never once even seeing a dragon the entire time, he caught wind of the Dragon Slavers and their work. He dropped his work immediately to go work for them as the idea of being able to hunt dragons with the extra challenge of not killing them. He was accepted and while he was rough and ineffective at first, he found the work was perfect for him as he slowly honed his edge to become progressively better at what he did. While not exactly legendary, Morg is a well respected, well known Slaver who even makes some coin on the side as a dragon hunter for the Empire though he craves fighting a Dragon Master just for the glory of the battle.

Weapons: Morg keeps a hunting knife strapped to his ankle, a simple wooden long bow just in case he has to pick off something at a distance or in the air and, most importantly, Skullhack. Skullhack is a giant double edged battleaxe from his village, a gift given to him by the clan's master smith after he visited his village once to show off his glory to his people. As one would expect from an orc weapon it's large, heavy and sharp with both blades sharpened to a fine edge and a point jutting out of the top of the handle that can be used to stab other with. The blades are made of steel though the edges are crafted of what little mithril the smith had managed to put together over the years while the handle is sturdy oak with leather straps for grips. While the straps are very well used, the rare mineral of the edge has stopped it from chipping or dulling for some time.

Dragon Master or Empire: While he is not on the Dragon Master's side he doesn't hold any real loyalty to the Empire aside from the gold and attention the give him. 
Name: Brut

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Due to the Slaver's treatment the young dragon has been reduced to nothing more than an animal, savage as the Empire would like you to believe and just as violent as his master. There isn't a shred of sentience left in him as he seems to have no interest in anything besides eating, sleeping and moving when his master told him to so that he didn't get prodded.

Appearance: Brut is a young dull brown juvenile wyvern with a very roughed up look to him, primarily in how the wings on his front legs are shredded to the point of not allowing him to fly. He's a bit larger than a horse though easily three times as wide with a long trailing tail and a twin pairs of horns on his head, both filed down with the larger first pair having a hole in them to house the chains that his master uses as reins. His eyes are milky yellow and his triangle scales are marred with many burn marks and puncture points.

Bio: Captured and held by the Dragon Slavers since it he was just an egg, Brut has known nothing but suffering all of his life. Though his training and torture had him slowly being prepared to be a warbeast for the Empire, one new recruit's blunder crippled the beast's wings and make it nearly worthless. Morg, at the time slowly sure surely rising in acknowledgment among the Slavers, was the one to finally break the beast and since it had little use to the Empire or being killed, Morg was given permission to use it as a mount since the average horse had difficulty carrying a creature of his size with so much heavy gear on him.
The new member has some skills. You are of course, accepted my dear.

Well, you would have to have me here to be able to continue this, because if you two didn't see the message before this will work on a turn-based system. If anyone has questions on that please PM me. You are all amazing writers and I am very glad that you decided to join this. I hope it will reach an ending and conclude in a most epic manner.
I'll be here. I'm just surprised it's taking so long for the actual RP to start lol.
*Name: Maximilian Pecarus (Max for short)

*Race: Human

*Age (Dragon Masters live as long as their dragons do): 100 years

*Gender: Male

*Appearance (Either Picture or Descriptive Description.):


*Bio: Max, was always courageous and placed others first, he learned how to master, and tame his dragon at a very young age, forming a special bond with it. As he would grow up with the dragon, he would call it Tarvarius, which became its name. He loved the dragon like it was his own brother, his own blood, and the dragon would protect him with all of its might. Nothing would separate the two, not even death.

*Weapons:Long Sword

*Dragon Master or Empire: Dragon Master


Dragon Sheet:

*Name: Tarvarius

*Age (Dragons who are tamed live as long as their master.): 100 years

*Gender: Male

*Personality: Usually was a stubborn dragon until he was tamed, no-one could tame him until Maximilian showed up to try to control the beast that was causing havoc everywhere it went. It refused multiple times, multiple tamers until Max showed up and formed a bond with the dragon. Now they are brothers all on their own.

*Appearance: ( Look above in the pic )
Excellent, Rifle. Glad to have you here.

I am so sorry that this still hasn't started everyone. I am in Alabama and I don't have access to my document for the Role Play. I will start it as soon as I can when I get back. <3
Name: Ka'ill

Race: Drow

Age: 170 (Drow adult)

Gender: Male

Appearance: He is 6'4", with dark, almost purple skin, and crimson red eyes. He has silver blonde hair that reaches to about his shoulder blades, and is swept to the right side, partially covering his eyes. He has an almost constant scowl on his face, except when he's with his dragon. He's skinny, but muscularly built, and he's extremely lithe and flexible.

Personality: He isn't exactly the friendliest person. He's very sarcastic and acts extremely superior to everyone, including high officials in the Empire. If he were anyone else, he'd have been imprisoned or killed much earlier, but he was not only a Dragon Master, but the prince of the Drow. He only respects other Dragon Masters and their Dragons, and maybe those who can figure out how to earn it. He even respects the Dragon Masters that fight against the Empire, because at least they fight for something. He knows he has to fight them though, and so he does.

Bio: He grew up in the underground, learning to fight and use magic as any other Drow would. At least, that's how things were until he stumbled upon the egg of a dragon, along with a foraging and hunting party. They were examining the egg when the young mother came back enraged to find them around it. The men in the party began to use magic and their weapons to defend themselves, until Ka'ill told them to stand down. He walked up to the dragon mother, and using his magic, began to commune with her in Dracish. They quickly forged a bond and became partners.

Weapons: He has a long magically enchanted spear that he uses for close range and long range fighting. It is enchanted to return to him whenever he thinks of it. The head is made of pure enchanted obsidian. His armor consists of dark, light mythral plate, which can stop a balistae. However, the impact may kill him.

Dragon Master or Empire: Empire

Dragon Sheet:

Name: Maa'ihi

Age: 937 (Yound adult)

Gender: Female

Personailty: She is dark at heart, very destructive, but young, so she's not very well versed in proper dragon behavior. She's still kind of a teenager for a dragon, and is being rebelious, working with the Empire and basically being evil. She's not truly evil, but she's pretty dark.

Appearance: She's a Willowein, so she's dark and large, thin for a dragon but still well muscled. She has a very large wingspan, allowing her to glide great distances and fly at very high speeds for a long time. However, these wings can be a problem during storms.

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