Dragon Masters

@Sylvan Warrior

*Name: Tooth-In-The-Sea

*Race: Some form of Saurian (beast race, reptile men, Tlaloc specifically. If it's not allowed I'll do one of the default races).

*Age: Somewhere in his fifties, although he does not look that age.

*Gender: Male.




The Tlaloc are very respectful in their ways. Akin to that of ancient Chinese culture. Honor is greatly sought after, and they have invented many things that humans haven't, or have had it for much longer than the hume. Paper, ink and pen, the compass, gunpowder, and alcoholic drinks are some examples of this. They are also extremely stubborn in battle or in wars. They rarely if ever give up and would rather die than abandon battle. Highly honored individuals are assigned protectors to guard them and sometimes they will have the protector drink as bottle of poison as the ultimate test of commitment. While it is similar to Chinese culture, it is also like that of African ones too. Villages are governed by elders who have great deals of experience and an alpha. Both females and males are included equally in the governing process as elders. Music is deeply rooted in their practice of religion with the gods. Those who are instrumentally inclined are held with as much respect and honor as a hardened warrior. Tooth is no different, he enjoys music and is respectful in many ways. He is known to go above and beyond the call of duty because it is honorable and will further others views of him.


His species, as agressive looking as they may be, are extremely peaceful creatures who kill only if necessary or for food. Tooth-In-The-Sea was born fifty six and a half years ago under a nicely built house (similar but exactly the same as an ancient Chinese house). When he was born his father, who was a very well respected in the village, took him to the sea, as his father was a fisherman to show him the vastness of it. When he was running, he tripped, and one of Tooth-In-The-Sea's teeth broke. His father cast the tooth into the water, and his english name was born. His species, unlike most Saurian, gives live birth to one or two children instead of eggs. He was raised well. He decided that he wanted to see more of the world and joined one of his friend's crew on a ship named the Salt Croc, and was part of the crew for two years before becoming first mate of the ship. By this time his captain had become the new alpha (she was quite busy with the elders at the time), so he took over the ship. One one of his fishing trips he came across a dragon egg, which soon after hatched to him a shadow dragon the appeared to be made of smoke and light. Then, his lifestyle changed completely.

*Weapons: Bone Greatsword- A certain type of creature's bon has been changed and smelted into the form of a sword four feet long. It's density makes it stronger than steel, but it's overall mass make it slightly slighter, not that it would matter to a person Tooth's size.

*Dragon Master or Empire: Dragon Master


Dragon Sheet:

*Name: Malice

*Age: 28

*Gender: Masculine personality.

*Personality: Despite his honorable rider, Malice lives up to his name and is very much a mean dragon. He's a cynic, and will always see the cup half empty guaranteed. He lets his size and power get to his head more often than it should and will often look down on other dragons both physically and metaphorically. He is in a way, a bully. However, when given good reason (like in front of his rider, who is his best friend), he will treat others with a form of respect. Despite being a rather negative dragon, he is an incredible team player and tactician. He and his rider have created several attack strategies when working alone and with a team, most of which are geared to using the night as a cover, although there are a few day variants. Anyone who can prove to be a good tactician will get on his better side, but that doesnt mean he wont think you're better than him.

*Appearance: Malice has a size that is usually unreachable by any normal means, this is because Malice is as much gas as he is reptile. Because of this, Malice has grown to having a wingspan well over two hundred feet wide. His gargantuan size is as, I have stated, only reachable because he weighs very little. In total, being about two hundred and fifty feet long with a two hundred foot long wingspan has put it at only about four tons (8,000) pounds in all. It's size and weight allow it to act very much like a stealth bomber of a dragon, except with a twist. This dragon has a very wide wingspan, as I have said, and because of it's wingspan, it is able to go at incredible speeds that are normally unachievable to most species. Malice has no arms, just back legs and wings which force it to walk in a very pterosaur like fashion on the ground. However, it's back legs act like those belonging to a bird of preys. It has three claws in front and two claws in back with large sickle shaped talons up to three feet long on each toe. The grip is incredibly powerful and has the ability to crush or puncture most things. Along its smokey body are lines that emit yellow bio-florescent light. Inside Malice's mouth is not teeth, but instead, it has a single scissor like blade that runs around the length of it's jaw (much like the prehistoric fish, Dunkleosteus). This allows it to bite and cut through many things cleanly.



Attack patterns and abilities: Malice and his rider tend to play more of a support role. Malice's smoke encases Tooth, allowing him to see through his eyes and read his thoughts (kinda like a pilot and copilot relationship). Malice's breath attack is not really an attack, but something far, far deadlier if used correctly. Malice breaths massive clouds of black fumes that are pretty much gaseous forms of highly

flammable substances (kerosene, propane, hydrogen, Methane, Nitrogen, Ammonia, etc) which create a gas that is incredibly toxic and can have the same effects as mustard gas on it's own if left untreated. However, with other dragons manning the front lines, things get messy incredibly fast. Malice's greatest weakness is that he cant light the gas on it's own, but when it is, the release of chemical energy within the bonds create a devastating explosion capable of vaporizing anything in it's path (maximum blast radius is four hundred feet), save for dragons whole will still be greatly injured if they are in the blast zone. The explosion can knock people sixty feet away off their feet. The dragon's great speed allow it to dive in, deliver a great deal of the gas, pull up and fly out of the blast range, and then let the other dragons light it up. This devastating barrage can be done a maximum of three times in an hour.
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I am a little iffy about new races, but I will allow it. Would you mind the Suarions being like Tieflings and be half-planar? They have a tendency to be good or bad. If not then play him as you wish. Though I do think that he should be careful in human villages, for he may be viewed as a Demon.

Thank you for joining! :D
It would probably on the tribe/species of saurian. Some are more war bound, some are like the Tlaloc, who are peaceful. So yes, they can be either.

And no problem at all, thanks for letting me in!

*Name: Renshii Akahero

*Race: Human

*Age: 19





Renshii is calm and quiet most of the time,

the only one he will open up to is his dragon,

Silver. When around other dragon Masters

Renshii will interact with them giving small

talk and give information about any members

of the empire that he has obtained over the

road and so forth. Renshii really enjoys being

around others but his shy intellect will freeze

him up from speaking to anyone whom he is

not close with. When Renshii is around his brother

Jack, he tends to hold a scared tone to his voice.

He fears his brother from him being the younger

of the two, and his brothers siding with the empire

rather then being a dragon master like he had become.


At the age of 9 Renshii found a dragon egg. disregarding the

words his older brother had always spoke of the dragons

being evil and horrid beasts that just want blood; Renshii

kept the egg which hatched only months later. He treated

the dragon as if it were a member of his family. He fed it,

gave it water, bathed it, and even assisted the dragon into

learning how to fly to the best he could.

As Renshii grew older him and his brother slowly grew apart and to

different sides of the war. He could never give up the dragon and his

brother could never come to love the dragon as he did. They were always

fighting and bickering about why the dragon should be kept and why it

should be gotten rid of, and eventually Jack had left Renshii with his parents.

The parents didn't care either way and tried to stay equal between the two,

after Jack left they supported Renshii's ideas whether they liked them or


When the time came Renshii left his parents to go into hiding away from the

Empire who constantly checked the house at different times of the day and night

in hopes to catch the dragon hidden in the house. When Renshii made it to the

caves where other dragon masters resided.


Renshii wields a set of twin daggers that can easily be hidden

by a holster in his sleeve beneath his jacket. The daggers are solid

iron with leather wrapped around the handle for a small grip.

Each one holds a slight curve at the end with a small notch in the end of the

blade to hook into an enemy if stabbed and rip and tear when pulled out.

*Dragon Master or Empire:Dragon master


Dragon Sheet:

*Name: Silver

*Age: 10




Silver can be quite hyper active, she jumps around a lot and tends to

climb onto Renshii's shoulder while he's walking around, when

she isn't on Renshii's shoulder she hides inside a bag that Renshii

keeps on his back to cloak the dragon from the Empire's soldiers.

When Silver is angered her scales become ice cold and her breath

can be seen like a white mist coming from her nose.


Silver's image is close to the dragon in this one, but she's a lighter blue then that

and where the lady's hands are is wings that connect her arm and her side, if that

makes any sense if not let me know.



Jack Morgan



*Age :







Jack is die hard for the empire, he doesn't care for dragons all to much

and if it were up to him they would all be gone. He dislikes people and

has no problem letting them know that he dislikes them. Jack can be

kind to some people but it is on rare occasions as if it were a person

who is above him in rank with the empires. When Jack is around his

younger brother he tends to tease him and laugh at how much

smaller he is compared to him in age. Jack wil show kindness to him every

so often but it will depend on the mood Jack is in.


When Jack was young he witnessed a battle between some of his family

and a group of dragon masters, Renshii was to young at the time to know what

was going on. But Jack could understand everything. Ever since that

battle between the two and watching a dragon nearly eat his uncle

alive he hated the dragons and dragon masters. They all irked him and

angered him to the highest content.

Jack knew he was to young at that time to

do anything to stop it all but now that he has grown older

Jack has grown to the Empire's favour into killing the

beasts that the "masters" are so fond of. The day Jack became

of age to join the empire he was at the gates awaiting entrance

to the barracks where he became skilled with his swords and

did his best to learn the weak points of dragons. Jack would

practice every day and as much as he could to be a soldier.

Now it's been a few years and his brother has fallen to the

dragon masters he despised so much leaving him and his

brother on some bad terms but it was still his brother

and he still loved him like one.

*Weapons: Jack carries dual swords which can be locked together

into a single sword, this resides in a leather sheath on Jack's side

When in a single sword the blade is double sided, when he pulls

the two swords apart then it's only a one sided blade.

*Dragon Master or Empire: Empire


Dragon Sheet:

Jack doesn't have a dragon currently but

may take one by force in the future.

Would it be a stretch to ask for some more information on Orcs? Including physiology and their lore, since I'm not sure how tall they're capable of growing, what their average muscle mass is, and what their general lifestyle is like. I was thinking of making him come from your typical tribal environment, but assuming it's possible that they're a greater people than that, I didn't want to just blindly make a sheet in the event that I'm wrong in almost all accounts.
@Lieo An Orcs Physiology is much like a trolls or a humans. The organs are the same just a bit bigger and they see brute force over a well thought process. Not so much smaller minds just smaller thought process. Would rather see guts and blood then someone restrained. Or rather beaten half to death into compliance rather then asking nicely. Generally speak an orcish language or greek if you go by that but here they would speak english. Or I would assume so everyone could understand them. General lifestyle would be similar to a caveman but they have the ability to have their own medieval style house. Only difference is an orc ranges on average 7-10 feet tall in adult hood. Sometimes a little higher.

Tribal style would work and would somewhat match an Orc. They specialize in two handed weapons as well so keep that in mind..

I would ask @Sylvan Warrior before anymore details are put down, but this is going off my basic knowledge of Orcs and the race.
Yes, all except that not all Orc are like that. Basically just think of Skyrim Orcs, some of them can be intelligent nobles, but most are just mercenaries that like to kill.
Shoddy sheet is shoddy, but I'll flesh out the characters more in the IC.

*Name: Tomb-Walker

*Race: Saurian

*Age: lolu

*Gender: Anything you want babe (usually male. USUALLY)




That's a funny joke... Oh wait, you're not kidding.

He's what people call 'a batshit insane necro-alchemist' (necromancer, necrophiliac[lulno], alchemist). He will kill people/animals every now and again and use their souls to keep himself young. He's completely crazy, but incredibly intelligent, which makes for a lethal combination. Think Deadpool on a regular basis, but Joker under bad circumstances.


He seems to appear out of the blue in the most random places, is often able to travel a distance that is six months travel apart within about ten minutes, he's one of those people who talks about the end times a lot. He can apparently "see the future." He is apparently the king of the imps. He is also apparently queen of the goblins. He is apparently the fresh prince of Bel-Air. He says he is from an alternate timeline. He says he is here to preserve the timeline, corrupt the timeline, and to screw with the history nerds. His is apparently from long ago in a galaxy far far away. He doesnt always drink beer, but when he does, he prefers Dos Equis.


He's a master in just about every kind of magic there is. He doesnt NEED weapons to blow your mind right in front of your face.

*Dragon Master or Empire:

Chaotic Neutral (Whoever the hell side he wants to be that day).


Dragon Sheet:

*Name: Nine.

*Age: About fifty or so... maybe?

*Gender: Male.


Eh. Think dragon version of Tomb, except slightly more sane. It's funny because Tomb-Walker is probably the most powerful of the two.




Nine, being a land based creature, lacks the ability to fly. However, because of his unorthodox classification (Not a fire, water, earth, or air based drake), he's able to make up for this by banking his power in attack, defense, and general adaptability. Nine has incredible attacking power, going as far as to be able to slice through sheets of steel almost a foot thick, and pound for pound, is probably one of the strongest dragon around. This does not mean he is THE strongest dragon, but at eighty feet in length he is a relatively large dragon. His speed is complimented by his agility, his bones are made of compounds similar to that of cartilage, this allows them to keep their structure, but also to bend with relative ease. There are several layers of cartilage, which is covered by a dense but sleek layer of flesh that feels very much like that of the skin of a dolphin. This keeps it not only both strong and flexible, but also near fireproof. Defense wise, he has blood made of incredibly corrosive acid. This acid can burn through armor, scales, floors, wood, just about anything for a good way depending on how much is released. He has no eyes, and instead sees the world through echolocation and inferred pores that line the rubbery skin around his snout, like that of a Dolphin and snake, respectively. He has a single long ranged attack, which is a roar that can act like an large scale air cannon (FUS RO DAH).
*Name: Riven Drake

*Race: Wood elf

*Age (Dragon Masters live as long as their dragons do): 200 hundred years of age

*Gender: Female

*Appearance (Either Picture or Descriptive Description.):


This wood elf is like none other, in her defense of course. The way she dresses is unlike any other. The females shirt is not a full one, the actual garment stopping three inches below her chest. The strap is only located on the left shoulder leaving the right exposed. The color of this shirt is a red , like that of blood being spilled. There is a small pattern on it that goes around it, giving the shapes of boxes within boxes that then lies a small circle that holds a small gem. Her pants are skin tight, so tight they rarely come off her body. The pants are much like the shirt itself. Patterns going around itself. The pant legs moving down toward her feet and wrapping around her toes yet leaving them exposed. Yes this female wears no shoes, she finds them most uncomfortable and irritating at most times You may be wondering what lies on her back. Yes the back of the shirt crosses over toward the opposite side of the top back pants. Exposing most of her backside along with her front. On the side of the woman are small plates of armor that come down toward her knees in a knife like manner. Their color matches the outfit, leaving her to have nothing but red. Around her body she has various tattoos that form in to one, starting in the middle of her chest and ending on her right heel. Moving up toward her arms which have wrist warmers, that do not stop by the wrist just because they are called that, they stop at the elbow. Her face is covered in tattoos, showing off only the middle part of her face. She has red orbs with a tint of black on the sides making it seem like rippled water. For her hairstyle she has dread locks that are thick and kept together by red twine. for gripping and digging purposes she has long nails and toe nails, due to her bad habit of running on all fours.

*Personality: Riven is a feisty woman. She does not know the meaning of gentle or stop when someone is hurt. She is a rough player, one who enjoys hitting those at random moments. She tends to be on the wild side, disregarding the laws of manners and understanding . Believing in what she wants to believe in, accepting only her fate and not others. Some may think this is selfish of her or childish. They could never be so wrong about this one. Because she is this way she puts people above herself. Scooping out things only to satisfy her own interest for adventure and fights. A curious being, most would say beast. The way she moves and acts. Rude and stubborn. Sarcastic , not graceful at all. She is every bit of graceful as any other female could be, it is her style of dressing and rude remarks that make people see pass her abilities to be one so called graceful beauty.

*Bio: Much like the facts of Wood elves she was always locked away in the forest. Her mind on nothing but how to live in the forest. It is her place, her home and soul. She knows nothing of the outside things, such as other garments, what loves mean. All she knows is to protect the forest as it had protected her when she was so very young. To her it was repaying a debut that could never be repaid. Well to her when her mother pulled her aside one day and told her the debut would be paid if she took care of this egg. An egg stolen from outside the forest and brought in to her home. She explained how the dragons seek nothing but peace but those who are corrupt wish to take it away. Bind your soul wit the forest and bind your soul with this egg. Make it yours, and love it despite it's appearance. For the things that reside in the forest are it's children.

Riven too the egg and went back to her hiding place. No room for her or the egg in the small hut she had to live on her own and show her parents that she is able to handle herself well. As she carried his egg her skin began to burn and yet it began to cool her body. She had placed the egg down despite the reaction she had from it and knelt down. Flicking the egg to see what it would do. The egg had fallen apart, a small head with a horned nose sticking out. He yawned before ramming his horn into her leg which had hurt none for it was only a child. She chuckled as she stood up , picking it up by her feet and tossing it in the air. The baby falling into her arms, as she placed it upon her chest so she could move on. There was a bond that day but she was to stubborn to accept it. She was to take care of it, yet a bond seemed to far fetched.

She knew though at that time when it saved her from a lion within the forest , it had loved her. The bond was strong at that time and the dragon had grown. She could remember like it was only a few minutes ago. Her hand upon his horn as she smiled, whispering. "Let me show you the world through my eyes as you will show me through yours."


*Dragon Master or Empire:


Dragon Sheet:

*Name: Bon

*Age (Dragons who are tamed live as long as their master.): 200

*Gender: Male

*Personality: Just like Riven but can be calmer at times.



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