Dragon Masters

Thankyou very much, I take that as a huge compliment. I love Tolkien's work & he is a University literature professor.
Name: Nienna Vardamir

Race: Wood Elf

Age: 67 (looks like she's 19)

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's slender and nimble, as all wood elves, and a pretty average height, roughly 5'1. Her head is shaped like an oval, and her facial features almost give the impression of being painted on. Doll like many would call her, if they had the courage to say so, as Nienna resents such a comment bitterly. On her face, coming from the brow line down to her chin, are elvish runes and markings set in to her skin by ink. In contrast to her skin they are more of a light milky blue. Her hair is frizzy and not very tidy, coming just a little below her shoulders in entangled black strands.

Personality: She comes off as not trusting and somewhat of a loner, which, under all circumstances, she doesn't mind much. Those that she cares for she keeps close, and that is all that matters to her. Alert at all times, she never misses the smallest rustle of a leaf or quiet chirping of a bird. Cautious most definitely, and very observant.

Bio: She knew her parents no more than a few months before their deaths. It was an attack out of nowhere, issued by the Empire. The only vivid memories she has of the day are screams, cries of pain, and intense heat. She was the lone survivor of her clan, left for dead by the Empire's soldiers. The day after the battle, a neighboring clan of wood elves came to investigate. They found small Nienna under a dead tree on which the Empire had hung the leaders of Nienna's clan. It was said she was a cursed child, born from a corpse and destined to bring nothing but death and chaos wherever she stepped. The only one to take her in was the clan's healer, whom she grew up to call mother.

After the healer's death Nienna's options proved obvious. She could either stay and face execution from her own clan, or she could leave and head off on her own. She struck out on her own, comforted only by the memories of her foster mother and what she had taught her. But, it didn't take long before, in a desperate attempt to find shelter against an oncoming hale storm, she stumbled into the lair of a dragon. It was a young dragon too, only recently taking the cave for its own. The bond shared between the elf and the giant beast was almost instant.

Weapons: Two knives, the handles made of ivory intertwined with steel and the blades of dragon bone. She straps them both just above her hips for an easy draw. She also carries a wooden bow.

Dragon Master or Empire: Dragon Master


Dragon Sheet:

Name: Venillus Gondemor

Age: 97

Gender: Male

Personality: Resigned and laid back, a beast more fit for catching live stock and eating it than burning down villages. He's very prideful, more so than most male dragons, and holds himself with great esteem. Even so, he clings to Nienna very dearly, and lets nothing get in her way. Since still young, he can lose control of himself quite easily, especially when pitted up against other dragons.

Appearance: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/184/e/7/Mountain_dragon_by_AlviaAlcedo.jpg
We need to converse on just what is considered GMing with Terrasque and how fighting scenes will happen.
God Modding will be not getting injured at all, and evading every hit. If you don't get hit at least a few times in battle it will be like you are God Modding.

Fights must be detailed and will be settled by the two in a fight. For the first few days of this Role Play there should be no deaths, then once the Role Play progresses there will be death in a battle, such as it is in war.
Stone-skin does not negate all damage. Your Dragon would just be slightly less damaged by getting his. I assume he has some weaknesses of body as well, so if those get his he would of course be damaged.
Okay it looks like this one is taking off, so I will put off rping Bittern-Helm until yours is finished or has come to a resolution.
*Name: Gliriel

*Race: Wood Elf

*Age: 695

*Gender: Female

*Appearance: Unusually pale for an Elf, she is not at all that tall and quite thin. Her muscular stature is decent enough for her to be able to keep up the physical ability of all Elves. Her hair is a long, very light blonde and has a braid through it with her eyes being a lovely blue. The braid goes from each side of her face, around and then down the center of her back. Her clothes are simply a mix of green and brown in order to blend in with the forest and light weight so she can move around fast.

*Personality: Gliriel is very curious which often leads her getting into trouble. She enjoys mind games and is usually thinking of strategies no matter what she is doing. She distrusts people at first if she doesn't know them very well, but will eventually trust. Most of the time, she will speak what's on her mind, even if it's not the nicest thing to say, but will apologize if it offends. Being a rather silent Elf, she doesn't quite participate in conversations.

*Bio: Gliriel was born in the forest and often spent her time wandering around it. She came across a young dragon during one of her wanderings and the two have been together ever since. As she grew up, she practiced her skills with her two weapons, a bow and twin knives, eventually becoming very skilled at fighting with them. Although she is more used to fighting with a bow. Her parents happened to be killed by a dragon that had come from the Dragon Slaves with Gliriel taking the option to run before she joined them.

*Weapons: Bow and Twin Knives

*Dragon Master or Empire: Dragon Master


Dragon Sheet:

*Name: Ebenezer

*Age: 695

*Gender: Male

*Personality: A very proud dragon, he will sulk if damage is dealt to his pride and will threaten if necessary. Anyone that hurts his master will quite often not leave without some form of injury. He is almost always called Eb unless in trouble with his master.

*Appearance: Ebenezer is a bipedal black dragon. He only has a pair of legs and a pair of wings that are quite large. His wings are large enough to support his weight and are strong enough to pose as arms when he needs to climb for whatever purpose. When standing on all fours (wings and legs), his neck is what gives him the height against Gliriel since she is just shorter than his back. When standing upright however, he is much taller and Gliriel only reaches his lower stomach. His neck is long with no spines along it and his head is V shaped. His teeth are straight with a slight curve at the end to provide him with more grip. His head thins out, starting bigger than the width of his neck and eventually coming inwards so it is just smaller than his neck. His nose curves over his lower jaw like a bird beak although the lower jaw remains straight. Eb's eyes are a golden colour and are on each side of his head, giving him a lot to see. His head has spines that are around the side and on the top, going in the direction his head is. A stocky build gives him the strength the pull his weight around and he has no spines along his back or tail. His tail is long for a dragon of his size and naturally starts out thick, but then gets thinner.
Thank you for joining, dear.

Negru, if you are making your first post for the Role Play then you must make a character sheet, first. If you meant your character sheet, then ignore this post. :)
Well thank you very much. I look forward to Role Play with you. Though, I think your Dragons age would be of a different age than your character, unless she found him when she was just below a year old. :)
Yeah. She did. Crawled around and found a little egg that hatched a few hours lately. ^.^ If that's reasonable enough.
Thanks. ^.^ When I read the summary, my first thought was Eragon. Then came the elves and Lord of the Rings popped in.
Well, thank you.

Okay, guys. The Role Play may be starting a little later, like on Monday. DON"T HIT ME WITH STONES!

I have some more characters to work on for this. And I have a busy Saturday, so I don't want to start it and then have to leave all of you hanging.

Important message~

This Role Play will go on a turn basis, so everyone must make long posts, unless they are on conversations, and they cannot post again until every other person has posted. If you cannot be on one day, or decide to quit the Role Play, please tell me so that I will be able to let everyone go on a second round.

If you are in a conversation you can make more than one post, maximum of four.

That is all, thank you.~

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