Dragon Masters

Yes, basically.

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Four replies each, then once the four replies are up, you may not post again until the next round begins.
If anyone has questions, please, don't hesitate to Private Message me and ask. 
Here is the second character of three or four.

*Name: Morrigan

*Race: Drow

*Age: 40

*Gender: Female

*Appearance (Please be descriptive): Morrigan is a woman of a relatively short stature for Drow, reaching to the height of five foot five. Her height does not impede her savageness in battle, however. Her body is slim, but she doesn't have a lot of muscle mass behind her. She has only trained her body enough so that she can drive a dagger into a persons vital areas without much problem, and carry her staff. Her usual attire is this

*Personality: Her personality is of a very sensual nature. She uses her body to get ahead. When she isn't putting on a show she will be sort of dead. Her face won't show emotion, her eyes hold no light. She is basically an automaton.

*Bio: Morrigan was a child of the Empire right from the beginning. Her parents raised her to hate Dragons, for they would destroy crops, slaughter livestock and steal children away from their homes. Naturally, Morrigan began to despise the Dragons at a very young age.

When she was just the age of ten, her family farm was destroyed by a black dragon with eyes of a fiery red. Her whole farm was destroyed, her father had just managed to toss her out of the window before the fire reached the the grape wine, causing the whole house to be burned into flames, killing the rest of her family, but leaving her alive.

She wandered along for days, starving, trying to find some form of life. Funnily enough, she found many a human along the road. However, none of them wished to help a small, helpless Drow child. Drow everywhere were viewed as vile, dirty under dwellers.

After a week of traveling, attempting to find someone to care for her, she finally collapsed in the woods, thinking that if she found some of her kind, they would take her in without question. Well, she was correct. A young male Drow, about the age of twenty found her sprawled out on the ground. He took her in, fed her, clothed her, gave her all the necessities. It was an oddity for a Drow to bring in another's child, especially a male Drow.

At the age of thirteen Morrigan found a book of spells in her keepers storage area. Her keeper, who was named Jethro, found her and nearly punished her for going through his personal things, but when he had walked in and found her, she was already starting an incantation, following the book. She was successful, creating something inside of Jethro that had not been there for a very long time, faith in the Arcane arts. You see, they had been dying, have less and less people wishing to follow in the steps to learn, and even fewer with the ability to wield magic.

Of course, Wood Elves and Drow both have the abilities to do some magic, but very few posses the real power to Summon a creature to their aid, casting a fireball to rain down from the heavens and incinerate their foes, nor the ability to call the very lightning from the sky to cook their foes from the inside out.

The spell that she had cast was one to summon a small, undead Dragon. One of the easier spells in the book. When she saw the Dragon she screeched and beat it to death with the very book she cast it with.

Jethro began teaching her the ways of the Arcane, finding her of great talent.

At the age of fifteen he began falling for his charge, making advances on her that she didn't negate. This went on for three years, him training her, in return she gave him the love he wished.

The night that her lover told her that she was at the highest level that he could teach, she plunged a dagger into his back, severing his spinal cord whilst they were making love. She reveled in her first kill of a sentient being.

A year passed and she killed, stole and lived life to the fullest, leaving a wake of pain, blood and broken hearts. She held no remorse, no regret, nothing. She was brought into the service of the Empire Queen, Elizabeth. Her servitude only lasted four full moons. She had seduced her way into a heterosexual woman's bed, made the woman believe that she would be the best person to take the throne after her, seeing as how she was barren and had no husband, having had him killed to be with Morrigan.

The night the Queen wrote that Morrigan was to achieve the throne when she herself died, Morrigan killed her with the same dagger that she used to kill her first lover, Jethro.

She had ruled the Empire ever since.

*Weapons: A dragon bone staff that she had stolen from her master, Jethro, and two Dragon tooth daggers that she had also had taken from her master.

*Dragon Master or Empire: She is the Queen of the Empire.


Dragon Sheet:

*Name: Denzin

*Age: 4

*Gender: Male

*Personality: He is a brutal and savage thing that wishes to do nothing more than please his master, and feast on the flesh of the fallen.

*Name: Oorgk Bloodlust

*Race: Orc

*Age: 300 years (equivalent to the age of 35 human years)

*Gender: Male

*Appearance (Please be descriptive):

*Personality: Oorgk was born a killer. It's in his blood. He is insane for killing and blood. He loves nothing more than that. He is not unkind though, he is respective to people befitting their rank. He doesn't take kindly to cowards.

*Bio: Oorgk was born in a small orc village. His entire village believed he would be a great warrior some day. They were right. When he was still a young boy, he murdered a neighboring tribe, though to be unbeatable. He came back soaked in blood. Oorgk was huge, 12 feet tall, all muscle. He surpassed even the greatest Orc legends of old. Later, he left his tribe and ventured into Dragon territory where he discovered his true passion, to take on Dragon's with nothing but his bare hands. He won every single fight. He grew stronger every day. He took on two weapons he named, Blood (Axe) and Reaper (sword). His fights made him infamous for being a Dragonkiller. Soon he made a living of becoming a Dragon Slave. Although not many Dragons survived his brutality, the ones that survived are the most strongest, powerful Dragons around. His skill is unmatched. No being can match his strength. He does not seek to lead, or become a king. All he wants is to kill, and feel the blood run down his blades as he cuts his enemies down.

*Weapons: A large two-handed axe, Blood, which Oorgk can hold with only one hand. His other weapon is a large two-handed blood sword, Reaper, which, like Blood, he can hold with one hand.

*Dragon Master or Empire: Dragon Slaver
Name: Ohnex

Age: Approximately two thousand years old, appears no older than twenty-four

Race: Human/Dragon (see "Bio")

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ohnex, when in his fully human form, assumes the appearance of Vex. He is of average height, only a little taller than his queen. He has medium-length darkish-blonde hair. His right eye is electric blue in color, but his left eye is a yellow dragon eye (only part of human appearance that is unlike Vex's). He often chooses not to wear armor, and instead chooses to wear a special black cloak covered in glowing blue runes, defending himself with his skills in the forgotten magics rather than with a weapon and armor.

(Dragon Form)

Personality: Ohnex is a very wise and powerful king, one of the most powerful since the birth of the Dragon Masters. However, he is still youthful in spirit, and enjoys bettering himself by strengthening both his mind and his body.

Bio: Eons ago, in the early ages of the Dragon Masters, there existed a young human named Vex.

As a young child, Vex was fascinated with dragons, and longed to have one more than anything. Well, almost anything. The only thing Vex loved more than dragons was the art of magic. Not just any modern ordinary magic, mind you. Vex wasn't interested in the simple elemental magics that were inherent in the elves and easy to perform. He was determined to become a master in the forgotten schools of magic, and one day take up an apprentice so that the long-abandoned arts may live once more.

When he became of age, Vex was finally granted his dragon, Ohnem, to his great delight. His dragon shared an extremely powerful bond with him, slightly stronger than was usually found between a dragon and their master. Vex's skills with the forgotten arts grew alongside his talents as a Dragon Master.

Vex began to delve dangerously deep into his magic studies as he grew older, and one night in an ancient library, by the light of a magic orb, Vex discovered an age-old spell, and decided to attempt to perform it. The spell was designed to strengthen a Dragon-Master's bond with his/her dragon to the extreme, to the point where the strength of the master's dragon could be accessed by the master. Vex eagerly attained all of the required reagents for the spell, but he overestimated his skills. As he recited the final incantations, the spell backfired and sealed both Vex and Ohnem in a casing of stone. They remained there, in the plaza of the forgotten library, for countless eons.

The spell, torn and malfunctioned, wreaked internal havoc on the two over the years. When the stone casing finally weathered away millennia later, the spell had spliced the bodies and minds of Vex and Ohnem into one being, their consciousnesses bonding and becoming one mind: Ohnex, a half-human, half dragon hybrid with the combined experiences and consciousnesses of both Vex and Ohnem inside of his mind. Ohnex spent one whole year after awaking, simply to gain inner control over himself, using his latent magic prowess (inherited from Vex) to access both Ohnem and Vex's memories and learn of his origin. A year later, after Ohnex had finally gained inner peace with himself and the two halves of his mind, he escaped from the caved-in ruins of the library that, over the ages, had been lost to time.

Once he had familiarized himself with the new world and historical events, he began to make a name for himself as a champion of the Dragon Masters. In time, he was chosen to be the king of the Dragon Masters, and he took his partner, the wood-elf Rhiannon, to be his queen. The rest, they say, is history.

Weapons: The Forgotten Magics, and his dragon form.

Dragon Master or Empire: King of the Dragon Masters
*Name: Na'vi of the Dragonslayer tribe.

*Race: Orc

*Age (Dragon Masters live as long as their dragons do):

*Gender: Female

*Appearance (Please be descriptive):

*Personality: Na'vi is smarter than your average Orc, choosing to stay back and examine, taking in weaknesses then exploiting them. She is a woman of a cold exterior, just barely hiding the small, innocent child that lies underneath. For all of her sexual prowess, for all of her bloodlust, within there was just a child.

*Bio: When she was an Orc of fifteen her tribe sent her out on her warrior quest, a quest that all young Orcs, who wish to become warriors, must go through. Her mission was to slay a Dragon. A mission that none of the women warriors in her tribe had done before.

It didn't take her very long to find the Dragon. When she found it, it had been burning down an entire farm and its inhabitants. She saw a young Drow child running from the scene, but did not give chase. Orcs and Drow had a hate for each other that neither side remembered the cause of.

She saw this as the perfect opportunity to kill a Dragon. It was a long and bloody battle, but she managed to destroy the beast. She harvested all of its teeth, took an eye from him, then went back to her tribe. The welcomed her with open arms and made her two clawed weapons out of the teeth she collected, and a helm with the Dragons eye covered in a glaze that would immortalize it forever.

About a hundred years later she came to be a Dragon Slaver, liking the feeling of torturing, and becoming the master of such a young thing that would soon become the most powerful and brutal of all dragons.

*Weapons: Two claw weapons made out of Dragon Bone and a small dagger that she keeps in her boot.

*Dragon Master or Empire: Dragon Slaver, but factions to the Empire.
((All I could think of while looking at her picture was the Tobuscus symphony of the word "hot", sung to the tune of the pirates of the Caribbean theme song))
((On an unrelated note, have you guys seen Toastey's troll-sue fanfiction yet? OH MY GOD. SO GODDAMN FUNNY. The reviews are priceless xD ))
(Yeah, the Hunger Games fanfic is the one. It's a fanfic he wrote for the purpose of trolling, and he purposefully used terrible grammar and made the main character a Mary-sue. Seriously though, the reviews are hilarious. Some people took it seriously, and the rest of them were people from this site, commenting in equally terrible spelling and grammar and praising the story. Sooooooo goddamn funny.))
*Name: Delilah Thorn

*Race: Human

*Age: 21

*Gender: Female

*Appearance: soft, fluffy, yellow hair that bounces when she walks. Her eyes are a dark almost black brown. She is only 4'4" and is often confused for a child. She may look young but she is wise and calm. She keeps her lush lips in a line across her face rarely smiling.

*Personality: she's very serious and a bit melancholy. She is very smart even though she looks young. She is crafty and intuitive. She's caring and kind but is also slightly apathetic.

*Bio: Delilah has always been the shy, calm, quiet empire girl. Nobody every really liked her because she was so much smarter than them. She used to try to fit in when she was a young girl but gave up after being constantly rejected. She met her dragon only 6 years ago when he had hatched and been rejected by the empire. He was to be executed (an ice-dragon was too weak for their powerful army). Ender nearly melted in the heat of the dungeon crying out in an ungodly manner. Delilah heard his cries and found the young beast. He didn't know how to speak to her nor she to him but she understood that he wasn't wanted. She took action and stole an ice ring (meant to freeze and torture an enemy) and placed it on the small claw of the baby dragon. Ender began to feel the chills kiss against his melting scales and grew stronger. Even though only a baby he was able to break free from the hot bars by freezing them until the snapped. Ender allowed Delilah to jump on his back and he flew to the north where he could be his strongest. Though Delilah struggled living with an ice dragon mutt she learned to face the cold and storms. She taught her dragon how to communicate with her how to even read. Together they learned how to make a stronger band for Ender so that they could travel to new places. They were getting bored of the white landscape. Luckily Delilah was so small that she easily fit on the no longer baby but still very young dragons back and he could take her to meet the other dragon masters.

*Weapons: her sharp short dagger is her weapon of choice but she knows how to wield a sword or ax.

*Dragon Master or Empire: Dragon Master


Dragon Sheet:

*Name: Ender

*Age : 7

*Gender: Male

*Personality: Calm and smart. A bit of a coward but brave at heart. Loyal to Delilah but only takes risks for her

*Appearance): simple plump grey body with two forearms and two legs. Sharp claws and dull teeth that allow the icy breath he breathes to quickly from his jaws. Smooth shiny scales and his mouth is a bit like a beak. He sports a crown of scales upon the top of his head. He wears a ring on his right claw that allows him to keep his body temperature cool enough to travel far from the snowy north. Its the only way he can survive away from his frosty home.
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OK will do 

[QUOTE="Sylvan Warrior]((Steam, you need to be more descriptive with your bio than that, please. Look at the other Bio's to give you an idea. :) ))


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