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Fantasy Dragon Heart IC

Tired, Zalir stood and waiting for them discuss between themselves. There was little she could do but inform them of what she knew, but some information she was going to keep to herself, it was too dear to her being emotions of her cousin that it wasn't her place to say let alone know. When they were finished she looked to the sky. "Something about Armageddon. Something along those lines, either way, it won't be survival, it'll be fighting to breath unless you know how to hide from the world." Scowling due to her past, she knew if all went to pot, she could live for some time after everything, returning to her old life of running and cowering in the darkened shadows. "Either way, one thing you must know is Syndraxia has good intentions. Any of you harm her and I will personally see to it you do not walk the earth again." Serious and dead front, Zalir at this point would rather fall herself than allow another great loss on her shoulders.
"Magic is magic, and not really." Sarah tapped her forehead when she was asked about why they were in a war. "No, not really." She never asked because she wasn't interested at the time. But now that she's with Alice it felt more relevant than ever.
Gohan510 Gohan510
Syndraxia watched Zalir fly off into the distance, feeling a rush of relief when she disappeared over the horizon. She didn't know if any of her information would really help the guilds, but at least she had done everything she could possibly do... well, maybe not everything. She listened to the brief conversation between Yhorm and Kazuto before jutting in.

"What good is war if all you do is sit here like a hen? Speaking of which, I didn't think Yhorm of all people would be one to act craven while his allies fought his battles for him."

Syn turned towards Kazuto, her smirk fading into a serious expression. "Perhaps I should go in his place?"

Gohan510 Gohan510
Kai Takeshi
Ignoring everyone Kai looked over at the battlefield with a bit of a worried expression. Noticing a couple of warriors reappearing on the field far to the front lines. “Hold the conversation for lately.” Kai said placing his fingers on his head.
Giru Metalbring
Giru grabbed Kai’s should as Abyss did the same and they vanished without Crow.

Crow Fullbring
“Waiiiit....” His head dropped as so did his arms. “Maaan they forgot about me.”

Hinari Ai
Patting Crow’s back she smiled. “It’s alright Crow. You’ll reunite with them soon.”

Crow Fullbring
“They went to the action I might aa well go catch up I’ll be back.”

Sarah Love
“Please be careful. It’s Jen and two others.” She grabbed his arm before he left. “I don’t want you to hurt..” Her voice sounded shaky. “I saw what’s up ahead.”
Crow Fullbring

“It wasn’t good huh? You guys will have Zalir to help protect this town. I will return.” He hugged Sarah growing two wings as he looked at Zalir. “Keep em safe till Syndraxia appears!” After that he flew off towards the three.
Kai Takeshi
Appearing on the front lines again on the left front he looked up noticing unfamiliar faces. It was four people who had symbols on their arm. The symbol reassembled Hakai. “Yo.” It was a muscular guy, one girl with blue hair, weird alien looking guy, and a skinny boy. “Four on three huh? Heh.”
Giru Metalbring
“We just got warned of having something bigger then Jen and to save our strength, yet here we are.”
“That reptilian instincts kick in dont they?” He chuckled to himself. The links that connected to his clothings extended as they attack the four forcing them to separate. Flash stepping after the skinny guy Abyss went for the easy target. Noticing the alien guy following after him.
Kai Takeshi
Blocking the muscular guys punch Kai slid back a bit. He was being attacked some more so he easily blocked those as well. Wincing in slight pain from the blocks Kai smirked a bit. “You’re pretty strong.”
“The name is Guldo!” The guy stated who was fighting Kai. I’m going to take you out!”
Giru Metalbring
“I don’t hit girls so get up out my way.” Giru stated coldly as the girl rushed in on him and he was dodging her attacks with no effort.
Kai Takeshi
Blocking the attacks still Kai was being pushed back. Finally moving to the side kicked Guldo into some rubble. Guldo came out pushing Kai back again having him on the defensive. “I’m going to have to stop this.” Kai connected his punch with guldo as the wind around them rushed. Kai was now punching back as all their attacks were connecting he was in his base form and he knew he didn’t have to transform. The pebbles started to float as they connected punches and kicks. Kai was pushing him back now as his attacks felt heavier. “Fire dragon dancer iron fist!” He punched Guldo in the gut sending him flying into a cliff. Kai stood there as he felt something in the back of his mind. A voice that sounded evil and old. Black mana flew around Kai as his hair started to float up and his eyes turned those of a dragons. Guldo came out trying to punch Kai as he missed. He felt a very high amount of evil pressence Kai looked at Guldo getting ready to punch him as he lunged his fist connecting with Guldo creating a giant crater were black flames consumed it. The black flames vanished as everyone noticed it, it burned Crows hand as the seal appeared Kai was getting consumed with darkness being pushing him into a dragon form. Guldo was heavily damaged as he tried to get up slowly to look up at Kai. A feel of a powerful source of magic power snapped Kai out of this dark form. Looking at his hands Kai blinked. “What happened?”
“Hoooooooo!!!!!” Guldo screamed out as he powered up turning into his new form. Guldo flew up to Kai punching him but got block by Kai’s forearm. “What?!”
Kai Takeshi
Struggling to keep the arm postured up. “You’re pretty strong you know?” Kai pushed the guy away as he turned to his golden flame aura. His hair turned gold and stuck up. Kai went in as he was basically had the guy be his punching back until the Guldo pushed him away. Guldo went in for a kick as Kai went back to his base form once he noticed Giru kicking Gudlo away. “Hey what you doing?!” Kai called out.
Giru Metalbring
“Shut up be glad I’m allowing you to rest.” Giru had his arms crossed his arms. Looking towards Giru. “Go to the cliff over there and rest up.
Kai Takeshi
“Right. Thanks Giru.” Kai jumped from boulder to boulder till he got on top of the cliff. He sense the power again as he looked around him. There was just explosions everywhere. He got blasted in the back by a weak ball of mana as he fell over bumping his head then his butt. Till he landed on his feet. Lookig up as he stood up straight his eyes widened. There the man was from before his eyes closed as is hair was Greyer then ever. “Jen.” It seemed that the time had come as the battle of the gods shall commence.
Crow Fullbring
“Good its gone he calmed down.” Crow noticed Abyss struggling against two warriors as he flew down kicking the alien in the back of his head, the guy fell towards abyss.
Donkey kicking the alien guy in the face Abyss turned pointing his finger sending the purple beams at multiple vital mana points having the alien cough up blood. “Move rotten fruit.” The guy dropped from the urge of pain as the other guy who was there shot multiple attacks towards Abyss his links that connected to his shirt swiped them away. “To think you lot had the nerve to attack us is truly un natural.” Abyss stated turning to the rather slim person who tried to fire at him. “Go ahead Crow handle this foul being.”
Crow Fullbring
“Are you sure?” Crow walked forward as Abyss nodded. “We really bonded huh?” He looked at Abyss as the response he got was a shrug. Crow smirked and flew after his new opponent.
Opening his eyes he looked towards Kai. He did not say anything nor did he show emotion like the other times they met.
stomping his staff on the floor three times as the holographic flat surface showed of Kai’s location with Giru. Borin sat in his lazy chair as he relaxed and enjoyed the view. Waldo looked up at it closely. “It finally begun.” Everyone in the room watched closely.
“You could take flight if that is what you wish. Do not turn on me Syndraxia or the Armageddon will be after you as well.” Kazuto stated with a cold tone. “Your title Of betrayer has ended ever since you took foot on my soil.” Kazuto stated as he watched her. “I will enjoy the show that’s about to start.” He stated as an oracle bird landed on his shoulder allowing him to watch over Kai and Jen.
Juju Juju
Sarah Love
“You mentioned the Armageddon Zalir. Are you sure that is of exactly what you heard?”
Hinari Ai

“How did... That is right the crumble of Vale..”
Sarah Love
“The demon that hit us with that bright light?”
Hinari Ai

“It’s title is erasure demon.”
Ridge Ridge
“I see you should keep up with stuff like that.”
Plutia Plutia
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Zalir turned her body with her back towards Sarah and Hinari. Her eyes closed as she let the wind of battle brush over her face. There was always a superior and defiant smell when war was beginning, and here she was. Her head turned slightly as the two spoke, Zalirs brows furrowed for a moment before relaxing. "It is not what I heard but what I have seen." She turned her body slightly as she looked down at the two. "When I met with Syn she was not alone, I could only speak to her with her lowering her guard. She let me see into her, everything. Armageddon. It is what I know.." Turning again she paused before her head looked to Sarah. "You could not even imagine the sorrow she feels for what she has done to you an Master Crow, to all of you.." For the first time since arriving, her face moved to weep, but it wasn't the time, she grunted slamming her foot down and looking away.
Sarah Love
Sarah shook her head. “That is not the matter of hand if she’s feeing grief of her actions. What’s important is we need to stop whatever is out there trying to erase Kai from the face of this planet.” She placed her hand under her chin as she thought. “If she was released in combat and went against Hakai, wouldn’t she be erased to? A sign of treason. She’ll be force to fight us until her time is right.”

Hinari Ai
“Trying to come with a plan to get her out of the situation she’s in huh? We need to send some powerful mages to their hideout to stop the creation of that creature.”

Sarah Love
Nodding to Hinari’s comment she continued to think of solutions.
Ridge Ridge
Zalir growled slightly as Sarah dismissed her comment about Syn. Unhappy with the fact that the feeling of an ancient being was thrown away she sat silent as the two continued to talk amongst themselves. "Syndraxia has a plane ready for Genju. If it goes wrong, she plans to give a weapon to Kai." Turning to face the two she took in a breath. "Kazhuti-...something like that. I didn't have time for chatter, is the one who plans to release it. I know where he is if you wish to go there. How you plan to destroy it however it another story. Syn wouldn't even touch the artifact that he showed to her, I think that says a lot in itself." Zalirs liips smirked slightly as she thought to herself. Maybe that's because I disturbed her.
Sarah Love
Seeing the hologram visually show of Kai and Jens battle. Her thinking was destroyed. “So it came sooner then possible.” Everyone in Remnant was seeing the battle in some type of way and same to Hakai members.
Juju Juju Ridge Ridge Plutia Plutia

Jen blinked as when he opened his eyes he released a shockwave as the wind blew rough all the way to the middle front. It reached both based as it shook the very earth slightly. He stood there with his arms crossed as he watched Kai. The battle was about to begin.

Kai Takeshi
Being blown back a bit from the waves that Jen sent out Kai was slowly sliding across the ground his feet forced down into it. Once it stopped Kai gulped as his arm was shaking. He gripped his arm with his left hand as he looked kind of shaky. He shook his head getting into his fighting stance. He had a sweat drop to the floor as another dropped right after. Once the second dropped it begun.
Kai & Jen
Kai commences the battle by firing a breathe of the fire dragon which Jen casually blocks with the force of his enormous mana creating a wall in front of him. The liberals were asking Borin why Kai didn’t just enter into his blueish form as Born responded with Kai doesn’t like to go all out at the beginning of a fight. Kai immediately goes into his golden flame mode and attacks, but his punches have no effect. He then goes Thunder fire dragon form, but Jen is still unfazed by his attacks. Kai then goes into Dragon God form and forces Jen to block his attacks, however he does so with a single finger. Kai then realizes Jen can't get serious like this and goes into Blue. Kazuto explains to Yhorm that this battle is important, as he points out every remaining fighter stopping their fights to watch Kai fight Jen. Kazuto notes that if Jen beats Kai at full power, the other warriors will lose their will to fight, realizing that standing against Jen is futile. Kai attacks by knocking Jen away then following him, exchanging attacks. However, Jen immediately gains the upper hand and knocks Kai around, forcing Kai to continuously use Blue King Dragon Fist, however this does not change the tide of the battle at all. The two fight all over the battlefield, casually passing the other fighters, and Ka is easily knocked down. Jen, remarking that it's over, blasts Kai away and poses. Kai barely manages to save himself going King Dragon Fist again. Kai charges again, but Jen swats him aside with a swift energy attack that the others couldn't even see.

Sarah Love
“Can’t he do x20?”

Hinari Ai
Hinari shook her head. “He’s already at x20. He even brought Kai to his knees..”

Kai Takeshi & Jen
Kai looked exhausted as he slowly stood up. He was still in blue, but was severely damaged. “I told Borin and Waldo I wouldn’t use this spell, but i have no choice. Yet i need time to prepare it.” “Go ahead and do what you need to do.”
Kai looked shocked as Jen is allowing him to do one last move. Kai jumped back to gain distance as he gripped his right arm and started drawing mana to the palm of his hand. He was powering up to complete max as he had nothing to hide at this point. He was digging deep to his god mana swelling it with his dragon mana to all one point. A blue flame started to form on his hand as it grew over time. He was receiving mana from his allies all over the battlefield and even remnant. The flame completely consumed his hand as he looked at Jen. “This is everything i got and more Jen!!!!” He screamed out. It was A spell of destruction as he had copied it from Borin from constant events in seeing it. This was his form of destruction though. Kai flew at Jen ready to release the energy as he threw it at Jen. Once leaving his hand the flame grew giant as it consumed everything in its way. The attack collides with Jen, but much to everyone's surprise, he pushes it back with one hand. Kai goes Blue to push the attack back, but Jen pushes it again with two hands. Kai then goes X10 Blue King Dragon fist, however Jen continues to overpower him. Kai then goes X20 Blue King Dragon Fist, forcing Jen to let out more power to push the attack right back. As the Giant flame of destruction about to collide with Kai, he screams as he tries as hard as he can to resist. Kai emerges from the attack, revealing that he barely managed to stop it from colliding with himself, and attempts to push it back. Jen puts his arms down and pushes the Ball of destruction back with a glance. The exempt Nation Leaders who were watching realize that neither warrior achieved their level of power through normal training, most particularly Jen, who is in fact hiding an even larger power. The force from the energy from both sides causes the Ball of Destruction to expand and contract, creating shockwaves throughout Asgard. Waldo notes that while Kai has reached the limit of his limits, Jen has yet to come close to his full power. Waldo says that Jen has long since reached the level of power as a Nation leader, revealing that the rumor about a "mortal that even a God cannot defeat" is in fact true. Being pushed back as his hand was touching his own spell he was slowly getting eaten by it. It completely sent shockwaves all through Asgard. Till it completely consumed him it left nothing of where he was standing. Ian clarified that jen was victorious as him and Negarn sat on sideline watching.
Every casual and warrior who watched all over the battlefield stopped to watch the fight as they noticed the destruction of Kai the demons pushed on. The lost of Kai put pain in the hearts of everyone as Ahri fell to the floor crying while holding her chest King protected her from any attacks. Yoku felt empty inside and so did Reiner. Borin got up grimping his fist as he was pissed. “Dammit Jen!!” He stated as his arm was shaky, regardless of how annoying Kai was to him he still cared for the kid. Crow watched Kai be completely erased as he was froze so Abyss had to take over and fight his opponent. Giru watched closely looking away trying to hide the emotion of losing his dear “friend”. Waldo looked at Borin and giggled to himself. “Oh sit you know the boy is still there.” Waldo stated to Borin as Borin looked at him. “Did you not see what the hell just happened?!” Waldo nodded and stood up. “Of course i did we all did. Now calm down.”
Kai & Jen
Iand and Negarn gathered around Jen, as everyone were scrambling on what had happened to Kai. A shockwave that shakes the entire Nation and everyone senses a wild flow of Magic power. The guilds and anyone who knew of the boy immediately realizes who this is coming from, and a large pillar of light appears, with Kai emerging from it in his newly acquired Hyper Instinct form. The form Genju referred to Syndraxia before. The form that even Nation leaders could not attain. While everyone is shocked to see Kai is still alive, they begin to wonder why he is so different. Sarah and Hinari realize that while his body is emitting a tremendous amount of heat, his mana is calm. Kai directs his attention to Jen, and after a single footstep, immediately attacks him with a kick. Kai moved so fast that Ian and Negarn did not realize he moved until he already did, however Jen was able to dodge the attack. Kai attacks again, but when Jen tries to punch him, Kai suddenly dodges and collides his fist with Jen’s. Jen attacks again but Kai dodges his attack once more, managing to scrape Jen’s face. Crow acknowledges that even though Kai’s attacks aren’t hitting they are working against Jen. Abyss nodded to this comment and watched as he stepped on the person he was fighting’s back, but his movements are different than his usual movements. Giru wonders what happened to Kai as his movements felt "unreal". Ian and Negarn both try to attack Kai, however they are easily countered and thrown aside. Ian tries to use his multiple firing attack, but Kai casually dodges the attack by walking towards Jen. Jen shows Ian a hand signal, informing him that his help is not needed. Kai attacks Jen again, accurately dodges his attacks while attacking himself, however Jen manages to block them. The two begin colliding attacks while the spectators wondering what is going on. Crow notes that with every attacks and every block, Kai’s power is increasing and his attacks become quicker, sharper and heavier. Kazuto and Yhorm are shocked that Jen is being pushed this much. After thinking for a bit, Waldo expresses with glee that Kai is utilizing the godly ability of "reacting without thinking". Hearing this from waldo through their telegraphic show the other Nation leaders begun to panic. Borin wonders how Kai reached that level so quickly, and Waldo explains his assumption on how Kai achieved this state: the energy of the Ball of Destruction is acting as a temporary source of power for Kai’s depleted body, and when the huge power of the Ball of Destruction entered Kai clashed with Kai’s own power to resist it, causing Kai to break through the shell to the deeper potential within himself. While Waldo is impressed about this, he is also concerned about Kai’s body emitting a large amount of heat. Kai and Jen continue to collide attacks that shake the entire tournament, and Kai manages to land two clean blows that knocks Jen down. When Jen stands his ground, Kai charges and tries to attack with his remaining strength using the Fire Dragon Dancer Iron Fist, causing a huge explosion. When the smoke clears, Jen appears to have blocked his attack, calling Dragon Dancers interesting, but he comments that Kai has reached his limit as the Hyper Instinct form runs out. Jen blasts Kai away, and he is suddenly attacked by Hanzo. Hanzo tried to attack Jen in this moment as warriors typically are most open when finishing their enemies, but Jen does not have this weakness as he casually blocks Hanzo's attack. Jen asks what he wants and Hanzo simply responded with saving his friend from experiencing death.
Catching Kai out of the air Giru put him down to lay on the floor as he walked forward to see the explosions continue. “What exactly was that, that you did?” Giru asked Kai.

Kai Takeshi
Kai Takeshi laid there in pain as he laughed a bit. “To be honest I.” His sentence was caught off as Kai was gone.
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( Gohan510 Gohan510 two things before I post
1. Can Syn see what the oracle bird sees or is it only Kazuto.
2. By "Kai was gone" do you mean it in a literal sense (he vanished) or that he stopped moving/ded. XD)
( Gohan510 Gohan510 two things before I post
1. Can Syn see what the oracle bird sees or is it only Kazuto.
2. By "Kai was gone" do you mean it in a literal sense (he vanished) or that he stopped moving/ded. XD)
(I mentioned all of remnant and hakai. Syndraxia saw. He literally disappeared from the battlefield it was a ball of destruction.)
Zalir stood with Hinari and Sarah, merely watching. There was nothing anyone could do, to intervene was a bad idea for anyone. She didn’t feel much, her warning was clear and he didn’t listen. Watching as the destruction happened she looked around seeing the morning faces of everyone. Zalir didn’t have this, Her hope had been lost with the boy before and now it wasn’t returning. When he reappeared however she was curious as to how and why. Continuing to watch, she saw as Giru caught him and he laid on the floor. Zalir had little emotion now, it was the end, her head turned to Hinari and Sarah with a serious expression. “That’s the last you had, time for hiding now..” she turned her head back looking out to he battle field.
hiding somewhere in the battlefield Abyss left Crow with the guy they were both fighting. Abyss had his right foot on something as he looked down he smirked. “Be glad I barely saved you before your body crumbled. That destruction magic served as your temporary source of power. You almost imploded.” He smudged his foot on Kai’s chest to hear is scream of pain. Moving his foot after Abyss touched Kai transferring some mana over. “I gave you enough to stand. My debts been paid to it’s fullest.” Abyss stood up crossing his arms turning his back towards Kai. They were hidden from all eyes. He looked up seeing the explosions. “I need you to take out Jen for me, so I need to keep you around for a little longer.”

Kai Takeshi
Kai stood up looking at his hands his body was all scratched up his t-shirt was ripped. Over coat was erased, he was glad he gave Ahri the scarf when he did. His shorts were ripped as well. “Thanks Abyss I owe you for saving my life huh?”

Shaking his head as he looked at the battlefield. “Just defeat Jen for me.” Abyss flashed stepped away.

Kai Takeshi
Kai didn’t even have enough mana to flash step. Jumping out of the small ditch they were in Kai looked around. Hearing some foot steps it was demons coming to attack Kai as he backflipped out the way. Kai skitted across the ground as he was being attacked by demons.

Hanzo & Jen
Meanwhile, Hanzo is fighting against Jen, who is easily responding to Hanzo’s speed even with the use of Time-Skip. Jen looked at hanzo. “Do you expect to beat me?” Hanzo nodded. “It’s my job to do so“. Hanzo tries to attack Jen from behind with the use of his Parallel World, but Jen reads this and counters the attack, it surprise anyone that watched who knew of Hanzo’s capabilities. Especially Reiner who was currently fighting off demons while watching. Hit is overwhelmed as Jiren easily reads through his repeated usage of Time-Skip. People who watched wondered why Hanzo continued to do so if it wasn’t working.
Kai Takeshi

Getting away from the demons he landed on a boulder to spectate the fight between Hanzo and Jen.
Hanzo & Jen
The battle between Hanzo and Jen continues, and Hanzo is gradually overwhelmed. Since Hanzo has been blocking against Jen’s attacks, his damage should be minimal. Hit comments that he memorized the timing of Jen’s attacks, and fires his invisible mana punch, but it is blocked by Jen. Hanzo then Time-Skips behind Jen, and before Jen can attack him, Hit fires another point-blank invisible mana punch, at the same spot on Jen’s chest as he did for the previous one, attacking him from both sides. Jen is knocked towards the edge of a clif, but stops himself, however Hanzo has trapped him in a cage of time, paralyzing the man completely. With Hanzo keeping Jen’s movements restricted, he instructs his teammates to leave Jen to him and go do the job they're meant to do: defeat the other opponents and lead Asgard to victory. Jen manages to power through this technique, and Hanzo realizes that his power won't last long enough until the end. In response, Hanzo decides to gamble and put all of his power in one final attack, revealing that his "job" is to ensure the guilds victory, but Jen blocks the attack with his "Glare". Powering through the cage of time, Jen completely breaks Hanzo’s technique. Surprised, Hanzo tries to attack Jen, but Jen lands more blows on Hanzo, knocking him to the other side of the firld Jen then finishes off Hanzo by completely erasing him with a blast from the palms of his hand that destroyed Hanzo completely leaving not even a trace.
Kai Takeshi
Kai watched as Jen erased Hanzo right there on the spot. Tears came down Kai’s eyes as he watched s friend who always pushed him even as a kid vanish by the hands of someone who isn’t from asgard. Kai got up slowly as he wiped his eyes. “Jen!!”
Ian landed by Jen with Negarn by his side. “So you’re done huh?”

Jen looked at Kai with the corner of his eye as he then closed them. “I have no need to fight I will let you two to clean up now. All the “strong” targets are taken down.”
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Sarah Love
She looked up at Zalir and giggled shaking her head. "No of course not, I know you haven't been with us long but." She giggled again happy to see Kai was safe with Giru. "We don't give up no matter what. Far out there they are still fighting for lives that can't fight for themselves."
Hinari Ai
"She's right no matter what we can't give in."
Ridge Ridge
Giru Metalbring
Finally finishing off Guldo, Giru looked up as he saw nothing but explosions continuing. "What in the world?" He asked himself as he looked at the battlefield. Giru was wondering where Kai was as he noticed him on top of a boulder standing there looking weaker then ever. "What a fool." Giru smirked as he noticed Ian punch Kai in the stomach and sent him flying, Giru went blue and flew after Kai. Giru kicked Ian into some cliffs and pillars of rocks as they crashed down on top of them. Giru kicked Ian out of the rubble as he slammed into another clif. “I’m not going easy on you no more. You run, then attack my weakened ally.”
Ian looked at Giru as he struggled to get out of the cliff's wall. He jumped down as he continued to stare down Giru and stretch his muscles out. "So you decide to challenge me now?" Ian smirked. "Good it would be boring if it was just you holding back."
Jumping back he slid across the ground as he landed with Yoku. "They just don't stop huh? Especially what happened over at the left front it was Quite hectic."
"Well at least Kai's still alive." Word has not spread that Hanzo was killed recently as no one really seen it, but Kai, and the liberals who were with Borin in the meeting room. "These three though are seriously starting to get on my nerves." Yoku stated as he was in his King of the jungle form still. "I really don't know how much longer we can handle the hordes and these three. The boy with the sword seems to have unlimited mana, or just a high mana pool."
"It would seem so."
Kai Takeshi
Kai was laying there as demons and wizards flew over him with their broomsticks and such. Kai tried to get up slowly as he struggled to do so. His arms were wobbly. “I can barely feel my body.” He laughed softly. Finally standing up he heard two familiar voices. He turned around and smirked. “Yo.”

Ahri Inoue
After going through many stages of emotions she finally calmed herself seeing that Kai was caught by Giru until the holographic imager was faded away. She then looked up at King who was still blocking her with Alice's help. "I'm sorry I was being such a burden."
Alyssa Violet
"It's okay Hun we completely understand he's important to you. So we let you watch carefully." Alyssa smirked as she looked at the two that continued to shoot at them. She left King to keep the barrier up as she charged up a spell. "They're starting to annoy me." She charged up her spell letting Ahri do as she pleased.
"Make it quick I don't know how much more I can hold." The barrier began to crack as he was being pushed back a bit from the impact of their blast.
Ahri Inoue
"I got it!" She spread her holy wings as she flew off into the air summoning her holy spear as she crashed down on Tobi and Coco. They both jumped out of the way as she had successfully separated them and stopped them from further more being a nuisance. She went after Coco as their blades touched. Coco's small dagger was of course at a disadvantage. Ahri forced Coco down to the floor as she was beating Coco in their "sword" fight until she was pushed into a pillar of boulders. "Give up this nonsense!"
"If only it was that simple." Coco could tell the power gap between Ahri and herself. Until that moment she knew that it was over for Ahri.
Genju Fullbring
Genju kicked Ahri in the back of her leg making her fall to her knees as he wrapped his arm around her neck from behind. "Shhhhh."
"Dammit, I got to help Ahri." King dropped the barrier as he raised his hand up. "Come crashing Rya!" He stated as he blast Genju in the back forcing the man to let her go.
Ahri Inoue
Being release Ahri turned to elbow Genju in his stomach forcing him to cough up. She then swiped kicked beneath him forcing him to fall as she did a whole 360 blasting Genju in the face with her foot sending him flying. Ahri was almost stabbed as she barely dodged it, for a counter attack she used the edge of her spear to hit Coco in the stomach sending her into the rubble barely. Turning wants more she had a magic circle formed above her palm. "Holy Missile!" She screamed out being pushed back a bit from the force of so many magic projectiles being launched at Coco.
Letting the barrier down he left Alissa there to charge up her mana as we went to help out Ahri with her two on one.
Alyssa Violet
Finishing the charging process she turned her direction to Tobi who was about to land as she fire off completely consuming him and anything behind him.
Syndraxia inclined her head in a respectful half-nod. "Of course, Kazuto. I know the consequences and I assure you, I have no intention of living up to that name anymore. Besides, I-..." she stopped when she noticed a bird had landed on his shoulder. He had mentioned watching "the show" but it was only until now that she realized he meant it in a literal sense. Something big had to be happening if Kazuto took personal interest in the small details. That was never good news. Through the hologram she saw the image of Kai and Jen fighting, if you could call it that. Every strike Kai could muster was flawlessly blocked by Jen. Kai gave it everything he got, but it wasn't enough.

'He doesn't stand a chance...' Syn realized in dismay.

It's a sad thing when an entire nation's hope rests on the shoulders of one person, but that was the truth of it. All of his flaws aside, every guild looked to Kai as their flagship in time of peril. That's why when he was struck down by a destructive blast, Syn could hear the world grow hushed. She was surprised she could even hear it beneath the sound of her hammering heart. Even the holographic demons seemed to still, perhaps uncertain of what to do, before they fell upon the united guilds in a renewed wave. She'd seen a similar scene many times over. 'This is what it looks like when hope dies..'

Her chest felt heavy and cold as she considered the dark future ahead of her. Then a bright flash of light caught her attention and Kai reappeared. He managed to even strike Jen down, and it took all of Syn's effort to hide her rejoice. Flames crept up her form as she transformed back into her dragonoid form. She stretched out her wings, casting an enormous shadow that engulfed the entire forest clearing. For some reason she felt bigger, though she dismissed it as nothing but trickery of the eye or her imagination.

"Looks like reinforcements are needed afterall." she said to Kazuto before ascending into the sky in a blast of wind and leaves.

Gohan510 Gohan510

It didn't take long for the winds of war to bring the obsidian dragoness to the fields of battle. She could see the skittering black of the demon tide where it clashed with the defending wizards. She decided to keep away from the front for now and landed upon the slopes, uncaring if she crushed a crowd of demons beneath her as she landed. Using her wings like extra limbs, Syndraxia hauled herself upon a rocky outcrop and surveyed the battleground, her crimson eyes scanning for familiar faces. She'd have to join the fray eventually, but it didn't have to be immediately.

For now she could do something useful. 'Alright Syn, you're in control...' she assured herself while taking a deep breath. At her command The Heart began pulsating as it spun around Syn in a slow orbit, generating a chromatic mist in its wake. After a minute of charging up it began to hum, attracting tendrils of energy towards itself. Syndraxia could hear the screams again, louder than before, but she could not stop the harvest of fallen souls.
Zalir gazed down at the two before her sight gained back over the battlefield. She was confused on what she needed to do, standing here was helping no one and the rest of everyone else was doing something productive. Growling to herself she began to ran towards the fight. “I’m not standing here, get to work you two come on!” She shouted at the two women before she pushed off from the ground into flight. Peering over the land she cranked her head from left to right, yet someone caught her eyes. Seeing Syndraxia in the air she flew over to her before hovering in the air. “What are you doing?!”

Gohan510 Gohan510 Juju Juju
(Assuming she can get to Syn >.<)
Kazuto nodded to her as she flew off. “Prepare the Armageddon. Anyone could tell the ominous air she gave off.” Watching Yhorm walk off. “I am no fool I keep my eyes on those who were on the opposite sides.” Pulling out a strange card that had dark aura on it. “We will release the Titan of the ocean as well. It will strike down their “middle front” and have them wide open.”
Juju Juju

Sarah Love
“She doesn’t understand we can’t leave our post. Let her go though she is one to be not the patient type. She can handle her own.” Sarah looked back at the town’s roads. “Very few demons slip through back here. Not much i can really do.”

Hinari Ai
Hinari looked at Sarah then the battlefield that was miles from them. Hinari smiled at Sarah as she believed in her dear friend. “You worried about King?”

Sarah Love
“What brings you to ask me that?”

Hinari Ai
Hinari giggled. “You usually talk about him even times like this.”
Ridge Ridge

Alice grabbed the little girls hand walking through the crowds as the building shook a bit from the outside battles. “It’s quite dangerous out there young one. Yes yes....”
Plutia Plutia
Genju Fullbring
“Move King. I have no business with you right now. This girl is all I am worried about as of this moment.”

King looked at Genju as he smirked. “How are you going to ask me to move yet you interrupted my battle. Let me emphasis that for you buddy. MY battle.” King stated sarcastically. “You honestly think I’m going to listen to you?”

Genju Fullbring
Genju looked back at King. “You’re right. Sadly.” Genju stated calmly. “Who am i to interrupt then be rude about it huh?” Genju gave off a grim smile to King.

King laughed to himself. “You were never one to smile let’s keep it that way.” King looked at Genju with a rather disgusted look. “Fool.”

Genju Fullbring
Genju laughed. “I should huh?” Genju completely turned to King. “I’ll give you the honor and fight you first.” Genju cracked his knuckles.

King smirked. “Don’t I feel special. Leave Ahri be anyway.” King stated not in his true form he was hoping to keep it hidden for some time.

Genju Fullbring
Genju smirked back. “Oh i will enjoy this.” Ripping the cloth he used to hide his right arm as it was covered in markings filled with mana, it shined out a bright blue.

A magic circle was spinning behind him, it was completely hidden. “Come.” He taunted Genju knowing he’d fall for the trap. Watching closely to Genju, King was preparing for anything to come.

Genju Fullbring
Genju held his arm up as the mana shined bright. “Release!” A green blast shot from the palm of his hand as it rushed for King.

King moved the magic circle in front of him as it created a blast as well counteracting against Genju’s. They had a huge beam struggle as it even cracked the earth beneath them. Of all the pushing back and forth King won as there was a giant explosion. Ahri landed beside him and watched. “Stay close.”
Ahri Inoue
Ahri nodded in response to King. “Right.”
Genju Fullbring
Genju walked out of the smoke as he smirked towards the two. Not a scratch on his body, Genju’s power was slowly coming back to him. What Syndraxia didn’t know was everytime she collected souls it was split between the heart and Genju. Stretching his muscles Genju spun his arm in a circular motion. “Let’s see how this goes huh?”

“Sure Genju. Are you still linked to that hellish artifact? Or is ones soul finally free from its garment?”
Genju Fullbring
Genju wiped his nose. “You’re an idiot. Of course it’s still linked, keeping me and Syndraxia strapped along with it. I can tell you where she’s at if you’d like?” He stated sarcastically, mocking King.

“You know, your father should’ve killed you before he hand the chance. These darkening hours are causing the lost of families. I will personally put the man who leads you to his knees. I don’t care.”
Genju Fullbring
“Such nobility for the King of the Starrians. A extinct species with only four survivors if I’m correct. I’ll have to crush you like I did the others. You’re weaker in the day time then you are night. Tell her King.”
Ahri Inoue

“What is he talking about..? Starrians?” She had so many questions looking at King who’ve seem to become slowly agitated by Genju. “Why do you know so much Genju?!”
Genju Fullbring
“All members of the council keep secrets from everyone, same for the guild leaders. He states he’s human, yet he’s far from it. Humanely features yes, but not what you’d truthfully think. His species pray to the stars as they have their own mythology. A beautiful species actually, so sad i had to kill a few to fill my hung.” “Shut the HELL UP!!!” Genju smirked again listening to the furious King. “But why?” King rushed in towards Genju going for a punch as it hit having Genju turning his head. King’s fist plasted itself on Genju’s cheek. Genju forced his face back over as he looked at King drop his arm. “Rude.” Genju side hooked King to soon combo him with barrages of attacks. King was blocking everything of course, till Genju kneed him in the gut sending him sliding back. “Do you honestly think you could defeat me? The three of you combined couldn’t do much.”
Alissa Violet

Landing behind Ahri they were back to back being surrounded. “We’re in a sticky situation huh?”
Ahri Inoue
Ahri smiled as she looked over her shoulder at Alissa. “Yeah it would seem so.”
“I’m more then capable to defeating you trust me.” Standing straight up King pushed his hair back. Alissa and himself were at a disadvantage as they used a huge mounts of mana already.
---Middle Front---
Reiner slid back with Yoku as they both breathed heavily. “These hordes are a little over excessive and so are the Hakai members.”

Yoku looked over at Reiner. “Those two summoning spells put a toll on you old man.” Yoku smiled at his elder then looking off ahead of them. “So King’s being occupied with Genju huh?”

Reiner smiled back at Yoku then nodding. “It would seem so. We have our own problems over here though. Unless he calls for help we can’t leave our posts.”

Yoku sighed as he listened to Reiner. “Right.”

Reiner sighed as well realizing what was going on. “Leave the grudge till needed to be truly dealt with.”

"Your right. Sorry." Yoku pierce the floor with his pole stick. "The one that creates his scythe out of his own mana is a problem."
Reiner paid close attention to Xana as he nodded. "You're right he's creating problems with his ability to cut mana flows in ones body. I don't think they'll give us the chance to even prepare a powerful spell since we're so deep in the battle. Any opening they can get is what they're looking for to end both of us. We'll have to rely on our battle knowledge and out smart them. You can easily handle the two that's been coming for me, I can distract the hooded one for a bit."
---Left Front---

Giru Metalbring & Ian
Giru continues his fight with Ian, approaching Kai and stands against him back-to-back. Giru notices Kai being pushed back by trash, and Kai says he's trying to fight as he recovers his stamina. Giru notices and respects the fact that his comrade is in a serious spot, so by motivating Kai he preaches out as long as they win dragon dancers can live on forever. Kai nodded agreeing to his partner as they went on with their respective battles.
Kai Takeshi & Randoms
Kai was battling the two boys who were half demon as they gave him quite the trouble pushing Kai back completely. Until he is saved by Roy, who knocks them all down. Kai thanks Roy for saving him, and Roy immediately goes Holy Drive, having gained enough rest thanks to their allies dimension. Roy then challenges Kai to fight him.
Kai Takeshi & Roy
The Holograms appeared again as it showed Kai being confronted by the two dragon dancers. Kai and Roy begin fighting, and Roy cannot land a hit on Kai, who easily outmaneuvers him. Roy lands a hit on Kai, and Kai takes this more seriously. "That kind of hurt." Kai begun using the Afterimage technique. Roy is confused by the technique and Kai knocks him aside, saying that if he can't figure out his Afterimage technique, then he'll never reach dual element mode. Kai then begins to speed-blitz Roy using Instant Warp until he begins to adapt to Kai's movements, and the Alliances spectators are surprised by this. Waldo points out Roy's immense potential, and this fight is steadily unleashing it. Roy advises Kai to transform before he loses. He complies, and goes Golden Flame Mode. Roy asks why Kai won't go Dual Element Mode, and Kai responds saying he hasn't recovered the stamina for that yet. Roy is pushed back, and fires his Holy Ray which Kai manages to barely block. Kai decides to get serious and asks if Roy can keep up for Round 2. Kai and Roy fight an equal fight, and Kai is impressed with Roy's improvement. Roy is excited to defeat Kai and achieve Dual Element Mode. Roy and Kai power up to their max, and begin firing their respective element blast at each other. The impact from their attacks shake the entire Left Front, destroying debris. Roy fakes a Mana blast in Kai's face, catching him off-guard with a clean punch. Skarnar
realizes that Roy is having fun in this fight. Kai is impressed, saying that she might go even beyond Dual Elements . Kai points out Skarnar, and Roy invites him to join in the fight to achieve Dual Element Mode, which he happily does. Borin is disappointed that Kai is inviting Skarnar in, which means more trouble for himself. Skarnar is excited to fight alongside her sister, turning into Shadow Drive (Perfect form) and attacking Kai together with Roy. With their combination attacks, the two land clean hits on Kai. Sarah is worried that taking on two Dragon Dancers would be too much for Kai, but Hinari says that pushing himself to the edge to further himself is who Kai is. Kai manages to defend himself against both of them, and Mako asks Waldo if Kai managed to achieve Hyper Instict again. Waldo says this is impossible, as the state is extremely difficult to achieve even for a Nation Leader. This is merely Kai's senses being sharpened by Roy and Skarnar's attacks. Kai is pushed back, and Roy and Skarnar fire Holy and Shadow Ray at him, but Kai blocks the attacks with his aura, becoming Thunder Flame Dragon Mode, shocking Roy and Skarnar. Kai thanks Roy and Skarnar, saying he can feel power boiling inside of him, and Roy and Skarnar are amazed with the form's immense power. However, Kai immediately reverts to Golden Flame Mode, saying he hasn't recovered the stamina to sustain Thunder Flame Dragon Mode. An excited Kai takes a fighting stance as Skarnar stares him down. While Skarnar is powering up, Kai recognizes the power as the form he took earlier in the war. The level of Skarnar's energy is enough to make Jen flinch during his meditation, as well as distract Giru and Ian from their battle. While Ian comments that Dragon Dancers are not to be underestimated, Giru remarks that among the Dragon Dancers, he is at the top, punching Ian away.
Juju Juju Ridge Ridge Plutia Plutia
Syndraxia didn't seem to hear Zalir, nor did her eyes appear to see anything other than the shimmer of magic surrounding The Heart. It was beautiful in a terrible manner, a blinding array of lights swirling around a core darker than night. The dragoness was completely focused on the artifact, oblivious to everything else in the world. Meanwhile, the artifact continued to hungerly draw in the souls of fallen mages. Their mana created a swirling maelstrom that slowly grew in size around the unresponsive dragonness.

In Syn's mind she could see everything on the battlefield from Kai's battle to Genju's attacks on King. Every single breath let out by demon and soldier could be heard. Yet she didn't care. Something in her told her to stop, but at the same time she didn't want to. All she could agree with was continuing to drink in this power.

Ridge Ridge
---Left Front---
Kai Takeshi & Roy
Kai resumes his match with Roy and Skarnar, excited to fight them with everything he has. Roy creates a smokescreen, causing Kai to focus and sense the attacking Skarnar's mana, however it is a diversion as Skarnar grabs Kai and keeps him in place while Roy pummels him. Kai flips, causing Skarnar to crash on the ground and let go of him, and then attempts to use Instant Warp, but Roy uses his senses to attack Kai as he reappears. Kai acknowledges Skarnar and Roy as the perfect tag team, then transforms into Dragon God Form. Kai attacks with several fire balls from his fingers, which the Dragon duo dodges, and despite the two's combination attacks, Kai manages to hold his own. Roy and Skarnar try blasting Kai from both sides, but the more experienced Dragon Dancer pushes back their attacks with blasts of his own. While Skarnar is struggling against his blast, Roy tries to run from hers, noticing it's tracking him. Skarnar deflects her blast, but watches as Roy takes a direct hit. Kai compliments the two on their performance, but says they still need more training, opting to fight them again after the war. Roy, realizing e's no match on his own, tells Skarnar that they should prepare that spell they've learned. Skarnar agreed nodding to his twin brother getting close to him. While Kai fires off the Breathe of the Fire Dragon God he shatters the edge of the cliff around them, but the two are enveloped by a strange glow. With the birth of a new warrior, Roynar, makes his way back to the battleground. Roynar powers up, exclaiming he feels great, and Kai comments on his power, saying it's so massive he cannot sense a limit to it. Roynar decides to attack Kai, but he's so fast Kai cannot follow his movements. After a brief scuffle, Roynar easily overpowers Kai, calling his attacks "lame". Dragon God Kai is being pushed back by Roynar, as he explains he never expected them to fuse. Roynar powers up, exclaiming that his bubbling power is out of this world and that nobody can stop him After hitting Kai twice, Kai comments that Roynar is far stronger than Roy and Skarnar individually.

Giru Metalbring & Ian
Giru is continuing his battle with Ian, and he's getting pushed back because he's too distracted by Kai and Roynar's battle. Ian says he can observe them as much as he wants from the after life, before appearing behind him and catching him with a tight grip squeezing Giru.
Sarah continued to watch the battle, it was so intense she could feel the adrenaline in her veins. "So that's what an experienced mage looks like."
Gohan510 Gohan510
She smiled at the little girl. “We consider him as the brawler mage.” She watched as he struggled against his new opponent. “They’re not letting him rest at all, they attack one after another.”

Plutia Plutia
--Left Front--
Crow & Negarn
Crow stepped up to Negarn as he smirked mentioning that he's glad to have seen Negarn once more. Crow beings by throwing quick jabs and punches at Negarn attempting to hit him, but is sadly missing. The fighting starts again as Negarn tries to Jump over to Crow and punch him, but Crow jumps upward off the field very quickly. Crowthen moves around very quickly and tries to attack Negarna every angle, but Negarn blocks each jab and punch that Crow throws at him. The sparring begins once again when Crow tries to kick Negarn in the face, but Negarn quickly dodges. Then when Crow tries to kick Negarn again, Negarn moves so swiftly that he appears to disappear. Crow then flies off after Negarn, knowing that he only flew up in the air above the battlefield. The sparring continues as Crow and Negarn move very quickly around their "playground".
Kai Takeshi & Roynar
Kai continues his struggle against Roynar, and barely defends himself from one of Roynar's blast. When the smoke clears, Kai has assumed his Dragon God Blue form. Roynar exclaims that hewas waiting for Kai to go Blue, and decides to also go all-out, assuming is Dual Element form. Roynar's transformation shakes the entire Left Front. While Roynar is fighting an even battle with Kai, he asks him if he wants him to also become Blue, and Kai snidely asks if he can. Roynar is determined to reach that form and surpass Kai. Roynar fires another blast at Kai, who is forced to go Dragon God Blue, King Dragon Fist to deflect it. The blast narrowly misses Abyss, who exclaims that their battle is worth watching as Crow was to respectively battle Negarn. Borin realizes that in Kai's current condition, using King Dragon Fist will be too much for him. The two continue to power up, and Kai ends up landing a clean hit on Roynar. Borin says that Kai should only be able to use one more attack before he runs out of stamina. Kai counters one of Roynar's blasts with a Dragon God Crimson Lotus: Explo0ding Flame Blade. (Kai swipes his arms in a circular fashion, creating a powerful and highly destructive, torrent of flames that barrages his target.) Roynar appears behind him and kicks him hard enough to knock him aside, making him revert to base form. Roynar says he fought a good fight, but prepares to erase Kai. Kai struggles to stand, exclaiming he can still fight. When Roynar fires an mana barrage attack at Kai, the Dragon Dancer suddenly deflects every attack, having regained Hyper Instinct. Waldo realizes Kai once again broken through his shell. Regaining his new form Kai also gains new control over it, being able to freely exert his mana and talk normally. With a smirk on his face Kai told Roynar, that Roynar can not beat him at this current moment. Kai takes on a battle stance, noticing that this is enough for him, and Roynar attacks, only for Kai to easily dodge. Kai then easily dodges all of Roynar's attacks from behind, along with every other direction.
Giru Metalbring
While Kai dodged all of Roynar's attacks, Giru, who is watching the fight, realizes that Kai's body was reacting completely on its own. Remembering that this is what Waldo was telling them to do during their training; to learn how to have each of their body parts react on its own as their speed is severely limited when they think before they act.
—Right Front—

King looked up at Genju as they stood there watching. “You going to start? If not I will!” He stated as the ground around them shook and the pebbles floated up, his hair started floating up. The aura hidden within for so long burst out it was a dark blue bright light. Electricity was forming around them as he was still powering up. Inside of his blueish aura a white light consumed King as it was a giant pillar. As the pillar crumbled King had a crown created out of his mana, he also had a magic circle floating over his back. The circle had writings all over it. Each symbol represented something in his species language. "I'm going to end this as fast as I can." King cracked his knuckles as he starred at Genju who was clapping.
Genju Fullbring
Clapping in aw to King's amazing form Genju smirked. "It seems you're beyond excited." Ground shook after King had shook it as it was Genju's turn. A burst of green and black aura came out in an unusual way. "Ending it fast is just how I want this to go."
Genju Fullbring & King
Genju stood there inside of his aura flash stepping towards King going for a punch as King easily grabbed his fist. Genju struggling to break free went for multiple kicks and punches as they were being blocked by one hand by King. Ahri and Alissa jumped out of the way of King as he was slowly being pushed back by Genju's barrage of attacks. King goes for a punch at Genju that sends, Genju sliding back. The force of the punch destroyed a small pillar of boulders turning them to dust. King then looked at his hand flexing it to adjust to his power. King mentioned to Genju that this wasn't even half of his forms power. Genju gave a slightly shocked look at this comment.
—Left Front—
Blasting Syndraxia with a laser beam from the tip of his finger. Abyss did this to wake her of her reaping. “Hohoho!!! Look what I’ve found. Two chickens in one hen.” He was on top of a pillar that could be considered a “mountain”. “What in all hell are you doing?” Abyss looked at the black dragon. “I woke you up to ask if you want to work for me. Bo- actually just you Syndraxia. The other one is lost in her own thoughts.”
Juju Juju Ridge Ridge
When abyss should up Zalir continued to hover in the air. She didn’t like them. Not at all. When the beam struck out to Syn, Zalirs head traveled round screeching so much it could make an ear bleed. “What is your problem?!” Moving back round to Syn she began to charge at her from flight.

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