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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Dragon Era is a vast world full of dragons, elves, orcs and all those other fantasy races. A lot of this world is unexplored, however there are cities, villages, towns and farmland.

Currently there are two cities, three villages and six towns that are known.

The two cities are Silatia, the capital of the land, and Helatia.

The villages are Densai, a small settlement of the Dragonkin. Yilsar, an Orc settlement, and Cilstin, a Dark Elf settlement.

The towns are to be put to a vote to be named, so that the players may have a part in creating and such.

Humans: These are your average Jos. The usual height for them is 5' to 7'. This doesn't mean that they can't be taller than seven feet, but don't make them titans. The lifespan of Humans go to 100 years.

Elves: These guys are great in magic. Usually they're seen in forests with some Ents and/or golems. Average height for elves range from 6' to 7'10. Lifespan is usually 200 years.

Dark Elves: These guys are pretty similar to regular elves, but they specialize in trickery. They practically created illusion spells. Dark Elves are usually seen in caves. Height ranges from 6' to 8'. Lifespan is 200

Orcs: Orcs are the masters of blades. Their weapons are usually what the soldiers of The Legion use for war and things like that. It isn't very rare to run into an Orc blacksmith. Their skin isn't very easy to peirce with just any old dagger or sword. Why? Because their skin is almost as strong and durable as dragon scales. Their height ranges from 7' to 9' tall and their average lifespan is about 250 years.

Dragonkin: These humanoid lizards are the best when it comes to hand to hand combat. The end of their fingers and toes have sharp, sharp claws and their teeth are filled with venom AND are as sharp as an Orc's axe. To top it off, they have scales as hard as a dragon's. I bet right now you're thinking "wow these dudes are op..." Well they are and aren't. While good in close range, they're next to useless when it comes to bow and arrows along with magic. Strictly up close for them, so usually they're busy training to be assassins. It's also hard for them to work in groups since they tend to have trust issues. That isn't to say that they absolutely can't work in groups, they're just less likely to get as many kills. Average height for these reclusive reptillians is 7' to 8'. Lifespan is 400 years.

Ents/Golems: Ents and Golems are essencially the same things. The only difference is one is a tree and the other is a rock. These guys tend to have rock hard defenses (pun intended), and strong attacks. The downside to these guys, however, is that they're slow. Elves usually keep these guys around specifically to be front-liners in fights. Height range from 8' to 9' tall. These guys don't really die unless they're hurt bad enough.

Now there's a reason dragons have their own spoiler. They have five different types and a lot to explain, so let's get into it.

Dragons and Keepers: Dragons are the basic flying serpents of the world. They come in various shapes and sizes. Now let’s get onto the types of dragon.

Cave: Cave dragons are exactly what they sound like. Dragons that originated from a cave. These are the types of dragons have rock hard scales and great night vision, making them great for people who are more of a silent killer, or an assassin. Which also means they're nocturnal and have enhanced senses. They also make good defense lines in the way of close quarter combat. They tend to have many spikes and broad bodies.


Water: Water dragons are very swift when in their natural habitat and do not breathe fire. Instead they are able to cause great waves in order to defeat foes and tend to have very bad eyesight, making their other senses enhanced. They do not fly, instead they travel out of water by slightly levitating, using air sacks in their bodies to do so, though some do in fact have wings and are able to fly, but not very well. These dragons are best suited for patient and strong fighters.


(Yes I realize this is from MH3U)

Fire: Fire dragons are very fierce and loyal. Though they aren’t very good fighting with water, they do, however, have claws with searing heat like the lava that flows through their veins. While they don’t have much in the way of defense or stealth, they are very skilled fighters both close quarters and ranged due to their fire breath being the hottest of any dragon’s. These scorching hot-heads are the best partners for those who are very strong willed. These noble beings only go with those deemed worthy.


Sky: Sky dragons are very elegant fliers and specialize in ranged fighting, using their windy breath to push foes away and even cut them down to size… Literally!! Usually they have no legs or arms/fore legs. Rarely do they have both. Their feathery tails help make them quick in the air though once on the ground, they are at a disadvantage. Sometimes they do not have wings but when they do, they are feathered. Ones with wings tend to be faster. These sleek dragons are great for people who either have little experience with dragons or who are more of a supportive type.


Ice: Ice dragons are very quiet and are very protective over their comrades. They especially hate fire dragons and would start a fight with one if they ever met eyes. They’re usually covered in a layer or two of ice armor and breathe the frost that makes their scales. While they are beautiful, they are also quick to temper. Ice dragons excel in close combat fighting due to their frostbite claws that can pierce metal like butter. These are best suited for those who don’t mind the cold and who are calm.


Now let’s move on to the keeper dragons. There exist only five in the world and they all have a role. Keep the world in balance. Well… Most of them anyways. They are much bigger than regular dragons and are far, far more powerful. They work to basically prevent the world from going to complete chaos and decide the punishment for those who break the law of balance, which is usually death. The keepers are:

Demise, Keeper of Souls

When thinking personality of Demise, think perverted old man. Most of his comments will be evaluations of female bodies bracketed by the cliche “nufufufu” laugh. He says that he wants to protect the mortal races to keep looking at these features, but he has so many spirits that he could find any of those features. If asked about that contradiction, he replies with a “but I want something new.”

Sentient, Keeper of Life

Sentient is cool and calm. Her thoughts are slow and deep, and her consciousness is vast and multifaceted. She considers herself the mother of all living things, and strives to protect her children. She rarely speaks.

Whisper, Keeper of Air

Whisper is arrogant. She considers herself ruler of the sky, and rightly so. Whisper enjoys any opportunity to display her superiority and to her combat is a game, she never considers she might eventually fail. Even against another keeper. She has few friends, which suits her fine. She doesn’t need them.

Quake, Keeper of Land

Despite his menacing appearance, Quake is a kind, fatherly figure. He is not fond of strife and war, though he realizes that they are unavoidable. He is protective and wise, slow to anger but quick to pass judgement on those who are needlessly destructive. One of his favorite past times is bringing the proud low. He gets along well with Sentient, not so much with Whisper.

(Put this other secret word in your sign-up: Peach)

(Antagonist) Bedlam, Keeper of Mayhem

Despite having been keeper of balance for a very long time, he went against everything he created in order to bring chaos and destruction. He loves his sleep and is very quick to anger. He's always talking about how he will rule over all creatures with an iron fist or destroy everything completely, but he's still got a little soft spot for his brothers and sisters and can't bring himself to kill them off.

Whew! That sure was a lot to take in, huh? Well at least we got through it together. Now we can get to the good stuff! Lore. The story to go off of as we create one to go with it! Fun, right?

The date is: February, 1216. (So... Winter in medieval times.)

There are five keepers in total. Sentient, Quake, Whisper, Demise and Bedlam. It is said that Bedlam was the first of all the keeper dragons and created everything, including earth itself. When he realized he wouldn't be able to handle it on his own, despite having created everything, he made four other keepers as his brothers and sisters.

First came Sentient, deemed Keeper of Life. Second came Demise, Keeper of Souls. Third came Quake, Keeper of Land. Last came Whisper, Keeper of Air.

He put each of those dragons in charge of things depending on their title. He commanded that they each do what they sought fit. Quake was quick to act, creating land for all of the land creatures that would soon come into existence. Sentient commanded that trees rise and life live off of the air that the trees would create with the help of Whisper.

Animals came into being and Whisper provided breath for each and every living thing. Demise created a place for all souls to prosper and deemed it his own home, awaiting the first soul to make its way into his dimension.

Sentient found this best to do since she would be able to keep an eye on her children without disturbing them, doing the same. The last two also did so.

Bedlam was happy with what he has created and considered earth to be his home. He made a cave that only keepers and those they allowed could be able to see and enter without illusions tricking them. This would be where he stayed. Thus, the keepers would protect the entire earth with their new found powers and purpose.

This continued on for thousands of years before Bedlam slowly went corrupt. The others quickly started to take notice of his strange behavior and confronted him about it. He responded violently, leading to six days of nonstop fighting. On the seventh day, they all retreated to rest, but not without sustaining terrible wounds that would keep them from fighting for a while. In order to maintain a balance between the light and dark, maintain a force capable of preventing Bedlam's chaos from destroying the world, the keepers needed to go into a deep sleep.

Worried that Bedlam may wake before them, the Keepers left behind a countermeasure for any actions he may have taken before he went into his own sleep, each keeper chose someone to carry on his or her power, dubbed the chosen.

(Put this secret word somewhere in your sign-up: Apples)

The chosen were given access to a fraction of the powers of the keepers and tasked with preventing the chaos in the world.

Each generation chosen has selected a successor to carry on the power and carry on the duty, each having a mark to represent the keeper they stand for. Recently, more chaotic events have arisen and so the chosen need to band together and act against bedlam before calamity strikes.
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Whoosh! A black figure rushed through the branches of trees in a very elegant and quiet fashion. A small noise of a bow string being pulled back could be heard and a very dim light of a magic arrow was created. The arrow could be seen flying off into a bush, afterwards the small grunt of a small animal sounded off.

"Number four..." Lilith had killed a rabbit that had been hiding from her in the foliage. Her hair was pulled back with a makeshift hair tie and there was a rope tied to her shoulder with three other animals hanging off of different sections. The animals on it included a fox, a robin and a squirrel.

Lilith hopped off the branch and used a little wind magic to help her land more softly and quietly, afterwards making her way to the bush where she picked up the rabbit. "You're gonna make a customer very happy." She muttered with a small smirk on her face. Once the dark elf had finished placing the rabbit onto the rope, she quickly made her way out of the forest and to her shop. She waved and smiled to her neighbor, who sells armor and weapons, and walked in.

She hung the rope up and began working on some weapons to gift to the man next to her shop for him to sell. They were quite close in their friendship so she would often thank him by helping his business with swords, bow and arrows, etc. This was gonna be a good day for her, she could just feel it.
Craig gave a huff of complaint, nudging the soft, fleshy body with his head so that they stumbled, nearly falling over. Max quickly recovered, turning to face his companion with a soft smile. "Hey now," he spoke, "I know you don't like it but unlike you I can't hunt as well.."

The dragon puffed an icy cloud, shaking his head in displeasure. The area was a little to warm for his tastes, and he wanted out.

Max gave his hard head a few, warm pats before turning to leave the cover of the shade. He knew that Craig was going to go off hunting, and he also knew that the beast wouldn't try and fight any natives of the town to claim a meal. Thankfully, he'd remain nearby but hopefully it wouldn't be necessary. The human traveled into town, sparing a few glances here and there at the decorative shops, trying to find a place where he could get some grub. Maybe. Even he wasn't entirely sure, but at least the town seemed cool.
Radford sighed as made his way down the grassy, well-beaten path and to the nearby village, his spoils of the hunt behind him on a sleigh, and he pulled it along as he walked. He had been tasked with collecting as much as he could hunt in a day for a villager here; one of the strangest quests he's ever been on. But, like most of the stuff he's done, he didn't question it. Gold was gold; and the God's knew he needed it. Rahkghoul, his trust blade, rattled at his side as he walked into the small town, pushing the front gates open. It wasn't hard; for an orc as large as he, who was around 9'2, it was very easy. He still got remarks about his height every now and then, and it even was a problem in some of his fights, but he liked being this tall. It gave him an impressive view of the world. He stopped in front of a small market stand and pulled the sled in front of him. On it were about twenty five deer, ready to be skinned and harvested. The man behind the stall gulped slightly as he looked up at Radfor, who in turn gave his friendliest smile, which didn't seem that friendly to be honest. The man took a large sack from behind the stall and set it on top of it, which Radfor took with a remark of thanks and attached it to his belt. He sighed again as he turned around and took a few steps away. He truly wished something exciting would happen. Anything! Just something to keep him occupied at least...
Lilith had finished her little 'thank you' weapon so she stood up, newly created sword in hand, and walked out towards the blacksmith. "Hey, Smithy! Hows the family?" "Hello, Lilith. They're doing quite well thanks to you. I'm not sure I could trust anyone else with the food!"

Lilith gave him a warm smile and then put the weapon onto the counter. "Here. Free of charge. Go ahead and sell it if you'd like."

This is the point that the two would begin having a conversation full of laughs and friendliness. They would stop every once and a while to help customers but they went right back to talking each time.

Oh.. That was no good. Rubbing the back of his neck, Max wandered towards what appeared to be a shop run by an exceptionally skilled hunter; meats and skins were hanging on display, and it just made his stomach hurt more. With a hand on his pocket, judging how much he could spend in one place, the human entered the shop.

"Hello..?" was his light call, looking around the interior. It was kind of a cozy shop, really, and had a warm environment to boot.

(@Cheselth )
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Lilith glanced over once she had noticed a man enter her shop. She told Smithy to give her a moment before sprinting her way over just in time to hear the little "Hello?"

"Yes, sorry. How may I help you, sir?" She said in a kind and gentle voice before walking passed him and jumping over the counter by putting her hand on it and using that for leverage to swing over the top.


As Jarak walked through the deep forest, something caught his eye; A deer. Arkthes walked behind him, unfortunately not so silently. The deer got alerted and took a few steps further, perking its' tiny ears towards sounds. ''Kill,'' The Dragonkin whispered, and at that moment his dark dragon swooped into action. The deer only heard a few stomps and a wing flap, so it started running. After a few rustles and a thump the dragon landed on the deer, crushing it under her weight. Ark let out an amused purr-like noise, so Jarak ran to her with a little chuckle. ''Good girl, you can have the front,'' he said while petting the creature's head. The dragon rolled her eyes and rip the hunted herbivore in two parts, throwing the now bloody backside at her friend. ''Oh, screw you!'' the dragon man laughed. ''You want, I give,'' Arkthes calmly said, with a growly accent. Jarak shrugged.

The dragonkin walked further from the kill to gather some sticks and rocks, until he noticed a town. Well, it could've been a city too, but he saw only some buildings. He whistled loudly, sending Ark to get alerted immediately, grab the deer and jog to her companion.
''It's a town... I don't know how they react to dragons yet, so stay here, okay?'' he asked, so the dragon nodded and lied down, grabbing the deer half.

Jarak walked to the nearest building, which seemed to be a shop. The scent of meat gave away that it sold meat. That was nice, however he did ha- nevermind, his dragon ate the whole thing. He threw the hood of his cape to cover his dragon-like appearance a little, however the claws and the tail pretty much gave it away. He opened the door to see, that someone was just being helped by who looked like a hunter. He looked around a little, impressed with the amount of kills that girl had gotten... if the female even was the hunter herself.

@Cheselth @Hoki (okay, most of my posts are not this long xD It's always the first post.)
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Radfor shrugged; fate would give him something exciting when he was ready, he guessed. For now, he might as well prepare for the next hunt. He quickly entered the Blacksmith's, ducking to fit into the doorway, and approached the significantly smaller man. He smiled; he recognized the man from his many visits, but his name escaped him at the moment.

"Hail, Smith. I wonder if I might use your equipment? My blade is getting dull."

The Smith looked up and nodded his head, pointing the large forge in the back. Radfor nodded and headed back there. Since he couldn't sit on the grindstone, he knelt next to it, holding his blade on the stone with one hand, and using the other to spin the wheel, focusing on his work.
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Lilith glanced over to the new person who had walked in. She gave a friendly smile to the dragonkin and said "Just a moment please. I'll get to you just after I help this other customer. Feel free to browse what's here to figure out what you want, though!"

With that she turned back to the other man and awaited his response as to what he wanted.
"Oh, uh..." Max took another, more extended look around the shop, soon resting his hand in his pocket. His gaze lingered on the new arrival and he could help but be intrigued by the sight. Really, he had been around and all, he he'd seen plenty of people, even of the type that was there right now, but he hadn't seen a dragonkin up close. It was interesting.

Believing it rude to stare, he returned his attention to the dark elf. "Yes, sorry," he said with a smile, "What's your cheapest product?"

He hated using the word cheap, but frankly he had to take care of how much he spent. The products here seemed to be of a higher quality, so it would undoubtedly cost more.

@Cheselth @MidnightStar89
Lilith couldn't help but keep glancing over to the dragonkin every few moments but would keep tending to the customer before her. "Cheapest? Why yes, we actually have two kinds of meat that happen to be the same price. Rabbits and squirrels are two gold. I can't really bump up the price on much of my stuff since I'm only one of two meat shops here, so everything here could be considered 'cheap'."

She fixed her hair so that it would cover her 'tattoo' better and then smiled warmly again.

Lilith gestures to the squirrels and rabbits that hang near the entrance. "If those do not strike your fancy, I also have wolves for 10 gold. Their meat tends to be less stringy."
Max smiled at the female, rummaging through his pockets to withdraw 14 gold. "Then those prices can bring back outsiders like me anytime," he commented with a warm tone. Placing the currency on the counter, his shoulders raised. "Could I get a wolf, and two rabbits please?"

Wolf would do him good, serving as surplus just in case. And if Craig didn't get anything to eat, he'd be able to feed them both; he knew how to cook rabbit, too, so that was a few good meals just waiting for him. The comment about returning outsiders had been honest, as he was definitely going to mark this place on his map.

Lilith bowed slightly once her took the coins out of his pocket and headed towards the requested animals. By the time she got over to them, her chosen mark on her shoulder blade had been revealed due to her hair moving. Any chosen would know what it is on the first glance due to every one of them having a mark somewhere on their body.

Lilith grabbed the wolf and two rabbits, walked over and handed them over. Anyone who had exercise like her could pick them up with ease, but the wolf would be heavy to anyone else. "Thank you for your time. If you need any animals hunted, I'm or woman. Come again~"
It took the blond a little bit to respond, staring at Lilith as if caught in a daze. Unaware of it himself, a hand rose up to his neck, rubbing against where his own chosen mark rested against his skin. After a little bit of staring, he finally realized what he had done wrong and fell into a mildly flustered panic. "A-ah..!" he exclaimed, bowing his head in apology, "Sorry for staring, it's just... I'm sorry, I keep forgetting that literally every other species is strong than me by far." It wasn't a lie either; Max could probably carry the wolf, too, but it would take a lot of strength. Meanwhile the elf just...carried it with ease.

He would take the rabbits and lead a small, thin tie through their forms, attaching both to a part in the wolf. It was kind of unfortunate that he had to go about things like this and all, but once he got back to Craig, he'd set up a temporary camp and divide up the parts himself; his dragon could freeze it to extend the freshness.

After a while of grinding the dull blade against the rock, Radfor stopped and held Rahkghoul up and smiled at its sharpness. He sheathed his blade and left some gold on the counter as thanks to the Smithy, who accepted it graciously. He stepped out of the Smithy and sighed once more. What was he forgetting?.........Ah, yes! The Job Board! He stepped over to the large wooden board littered with pieces of paper with jobs on it. He had to crouch a little to see all of them because he was so tall. He let out a small sigh as he put a hand to his chin in thought; which one should he do today? He had been getting more and more reputation around here, so perhaps it was time for a bigger job...
Lilith would look slightly confused to the exclamation but shrugged it off. "I'm sure you'll get stronger. I used to be a bit weak in my early days, too. In fact, I'm still considered a child to other elves." She stretched and looked to the Dragonkin. "Now, how may I help you, sir?"

Estelle walked through the trees, humming to herself and occasionally picking the odd herb for her pack. The sky was, for the most part, clear, with a curious chill in the air. She twirled a twig in her hand, passing the time until she came across the next town on her journey. There was a rustle off to her right, where a rabbit was crouching. She passed it by, more focused on getting to town and selling her medicines than taking down a helpless animal.

After a few minutes, she made it into the town. It was a nice place, filled with nice people trading things in the market. She made her way past a blacksmith and a shop stocked full with meat. She had no need for them yet. She set out to find someone who would be interested in her medicine.
Eagle could tell he was nearing a town because of the more restless manner of the forest. He stopped to listen for a moment and Niruth stopped as well to watch him use his newly honed skills. Eagle stood there for a long while. He heard the snap of a well crafted bow and the thud of an arrow connecting to its prey; he heard a boy and his companion, but couldn't make out what was said; and he heard the not-so-sportsman-like kill of a larger animal not too far away. He opened his eyes and smiled up at Niruth. "We're getting much closer to a town. You may come with me if you would like, but if you stay, I feel the presence of another dragon not too far away. Be safe." He turned away from his friend and mentor and resumed his stride towards town. Niruth stretched out her neck and nudged Eagle in a warm 'farewell for now' sort of fashion.

Eagle emerged from the trees and instantly noticed the large orc in front of the jobs board. He had never met an orc before, but knew that they got a bad rap for how they looked. He also needed a job, so he walked over to him and struck up a conversation. "Does anything look remotely interesting?" Standing at 6'3", Eagle knew he was a tall man, but standing next to this orc, he couldn't help feeling like a child.
Radfor raised an eyebrow as he looked around then down for the voice, his eyes resting on the man beside him. He seemed to be asking about the jobs on the board. Radfor shrugged and pulled one of the higher ranking ones of and gave it a look. It had the official seal of the City on it, so that meant that it was, what he liked to call, a 'Priority Mission'. These jobs were usually a lot harder than what most people gave, but the payout was well worth it. He looked at the details and then back down to the man.

"There's a pretty hard one here. Seems to be a rogue Golem terrorizing the countryside and the local villages from time to time. Issued by the City, so it's worth good coin. They want it gone or destroyed."
Eagle reached up and gingerly took the paper from the orc's hand. He was the scrawny-looking type, which he used to his advantages in battle; everyone expected him to be an easy target at first, but quickly learned there was much more to him. "Looks hard, but manageable. Want to take it together? My friend and I could use some action." He smiled coyly up at the giant. "We can split the reward 60-40 in your favor if you'd like. I don't need that much." He did need money to get home though.
(Sorry for the wait xD )

Jarak raised an eyebrow when the first customer was... staring at him. Did he look this horrible today? However when the man apologized, the Dragonkin nodded in acceptance. ''Heh, it's okay,'' he commented.

As the elf looked at him now, Jarak walked to the counter, leaning a little bit against it.
''Do you have big meat chunks, like from a moose or... I don't know, a wild beast? I have to feed a dragon... she's actually waiting at the edge of the forest, I think she ate the deer I got,'' he asked from the person, lifting the hood from his head. Useless to wear a hood, if everyone could recognize his race by the tail.

Meanwhile in the forest Arkthes lied on the ground, munching on the few bones that were left from the deer.

Lilith nodded to the Dragonkin. "Yes sir, I do indeed have meat chunks. Though moose aren't very common here so I only really have deer if that's fine with you." She gestured to the net hanging over a bucket. Meat was hanging inside of it. Blood was still dripping from it due to it being relatively fresh. She never cooked the meat just in case someone else needed it raw.

"I aquired it yesterday, but if deer isn't what you want then you can fill out a request for me to hunt." She pointed to the small table with a lamp on it.

This store is also where she lives since she can't, or rather won't, live anywhere else. That table is where she doodles and writes in her journal. Paper would be sitting on the table with handwritten forums and the medieval equivalent to a pencil.
Radfor laughed and slapped the man on the back in a friendly manner.

"Nonsense! If we work together, we have an equal split: 50-50. I am curious as to how you fight though; pardon my observation, but you're more on the scrawny side. I would imagine you're the quick type, right? Daggers, bows, that sort of thing?"

He crossed his arms as he turned to speak to the man, a smile still on his face.
Eagle let out a small, involuntary "oof" when the large hand met his back and he chuckled a bit. "I appreciate that, thank you. My fighting style is a little... well... unorthodox, you could say." He muttered a quick spell and his grey eyes lit up with a blue glow. Out of the forest burst Niruth, summoned by the spell and coming to Eagle's side. He heard a few screams, but that was no matter. Niruth then landed gently by his side, the beast standing at a whopping 15 feet tall, and nuzzled Eagle's neck. He chuckled and pulled away playfully since he was so ticklish and pet her snout. "This is Niruth, my friend, partner, and mentor. She is also my weapon, of sorts." Eagle then reached over to the harness around Niruth's neck and took out his ice-pick daggers. "These also for when we are apart." He smiled at the orc, waiting for his reaction as Niruth stared. This stare wasn't malicious or curious or skeptical but somewhat warm even though she was an ice dragon.

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