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Fantasy Dragon Bonds OOC

Plus I doubt Elaena gets to go into Dragon form very often. She'd probably flatten hundreds of homes just by flying over head...
Not much, really. Every once in a while she does leave Yeomna to just burn stuff and eat.
Anyone interested in being the eldest/middle prince?

It'd help me a lot for RP purposes lol
Ira: This is one... if not... THE.. Best invention that humankind has ever created.
He only drinks when in a high spirited gathering... or to drown his sorrows away. He has his own issues to deal with... gotta push that anxiety and stress away some how.

Have added the skullwalker video as an example for how he walks.. and also a tiny sentence regarding another 'trigger'. Ira hates the derogatory term of 'Wurm' :3

Still can't figure out what exactly he would look for in a partner during the dragon ceremony.
Hm... I could make a discord server so we all can talk there? Is anyone interested in that sort of thing?
Okay, I'll send the link to everyone who has posted a cs (and anyone else who wants to be added.)
Sounds good, easier to keep track of since this notification system seems to skip over new messages sometimes - quite annoying.
Canon: Ema likes to swish her tail under people’s chin, especially Ira because he doesn’t do anything about it
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Bartender: "So Ira... I've been meaning to ask.. what suddenly caused you to drink more?.. I mean.. I welcome the extra business that you've brought to my tavern.. but I must admit, even I am rather shocked about the sudden increase in your visits..."

Ira: "Ema'rri."

Bartender: "Say no more... this one's on the house"

Ira: *nods*

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