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Fandom Dragon Ball: Revenant


Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)
Dragon Ball: Revenant

(This is a very long thread... šŸ˜…)

Long agoā€¦

Before our history was remembered through words on paper, or images on a screenā€¦

Legends were forged on the battlefield, and shared through generations by campfire songs, dances, stage performances, and moreā€¦

In this highly technological age we Saiyans live in today, our culture has lost something importantā€¦

The Legend of the Super Saiyanā€¦

A warrior without peer, and whose power was virtually limitlessā€¦

A warrior who redefined the very foundation of how we Saiyans lived and what we strive to becomeā€¦

A warrior who feared no enemy, no matter how powerfulā€¦

Engulfed in the golden light of the sun, the Super Saiyan became a beacon of hope in our darkest hoursā€¦

Only to disappear into the haze of obscurity as we moved further and further away from our cultural heritageā€¦

Today, the Saiyans are shadows of our former selves living in voluntary servitude to the ruthless Galactic Emperor. We scrape a living as intergalactic mercenaries doing any jobs for whatever galactic credits and renown we can manage...

Where once we fought for each otherā€¦

Fought for our honor, and our prideā€¦

We now fight solely to survive and eek out a meager living amongst the starsā€¦

There are those of us who havenā€™t lost hope. Those who remember the legends of old, and cling to the belief that someday a new Super Saiyan will arise and free us from the chains which bind usā€¦

But that hope is now fleetingā€¦

Is there even one among us who has the courage to sever the stranglehold the Galactic Emperor has over us? One who embrace the golden light of the sun and wield the power of legend? Oneā€¦ Who can become the legendary Super Saiyan?

I cannot know the answer, but I pray every day that it will someday come to pass. For if it doesnā€™t, what hope do the Saiyans still have?

- Anonymous


Welcome everyone to Dragon Ball: Revenant!

So! Let's just get straight into it!

First, this is an original fandom concept and is therefore not canon. So I won't use any existing names from DB/DBZ/DBS lore like Vegeta, Goku, etc. There are also a few minor lore changes from the source material to suit the new journey this RP means to undertake. More on this later though.

Second, this Dragon Ball RP was largely inspired by the Saiyan Saga of the DBZ anime/manga (and a lil' bit of the Namek Saga) in terms of the power level numbers, Scouters, the brutality of combat, the situation the Saiyans are in under the heel of a Galactic Emperor, etc.

Third, there's no way around it that this RP won't be for everyone. I have removed Bibidi/Babidi from the lore so the "Majin" are not a thing (it's just a label for those under the influence of their magic, after all). Only biological "races" of people will be playable in this RP which means, sadly, that Androids do not qualify and aren't playable. You will be allowed to have a maximum of 2 Android-like alterations to your character's body though, if you so desire. So if you want a bio-mechanical hand, everything below the knee on one leg, or a bio-mechanical eye or something, go for it! But please do let me know about whether or not you're going to do this before you make your character and tell me exactly how far these alterations go. Thanks!

Finally, the laws of physics are a thing in this RP. Some of those laws need to be bent for the sake of this still feeling and playing like a Dragon Ball RP. But others will be strictly adhered to. One such law of physics is the law which states you cannot create energy (or matter) from nothing. So unfortunately this means no "multiplier" techniques like Kaio-Ken, because that's exactly what they do. They magically multiply the user's power level from nothing.

I've decided to allow anger power bursts as they're far more natural and linked to the user's mental state. The human brain is always putting a limiter on the amount of strength our bodies can put out, so there's always extra strength there whenever adrenaline is added to the mix. So in this case I feel it's natural enough to allow an anger-fueled power boost can be achieved. However, it will be moderated. And to achieve an anger-fueled power boost you'll have to ask my permission before doing so in any posts.

So! If you're still here then thanks so much for still giving this RP a chance to prove that it's worth your time to investigate further despite a couple fan favorite elements of the source material being removed! Now we're going to go over some of the changes to the lore of the Saiyan Race's history and where they are now.

Lore Changes

1) The Saiyan Race is alive and well, but their home planet, Seirran (remember, no canon names), was destroyed by the Galactic Emperor (not Freiza) and now they live in "voluntary service" to the Emperor as part of his intergalactic mercenary force.

2) Due to their service, the Saiyans live in groups a few thousand strong on gigantic Mother Ships which house up to 2 million individuals. Because of this, the Saiyan Race is spread out throughout the galaxy in such a way that thereā€™s never too many of them in one place for the Emperor's liking. Theyā€™re also forbidden from communicating between Mother Ships. So Saiyans who live on one Mother Ship may live their entire lives without ever interacting with a Saiyan from a different Mother Ship.

3) Because of the above fact, the Saiyans no longer have any kind of social hierarchy. So there's no Royal Family, no "elite" class or "lower" class distinctions, etc.

4) Because the Saiyans live in such isolated communities, theyā€™re not the planet pirates they were in the manga/anime (so no Goku-esque backstories, sorry). According to the Emperor, "they're my first wave of attack dogs."

5) The Saiyansā€™ cultural heritage is now threatened with extinction due to their changed lifestyle.

- Theyā€™re not allowed to train while living on the Mother Ship (those who try and get caught are sentenced to death).

- The Emperor outlawed the use of the Ozaru form and made certain it would not be a factor by dictating that all Saiyan tails be removed at birth.

- And the Saiyans no longer study or share their own history as a species, and instead are only allowed to talk about and teach life since they began their ā€œserviceā€ to the Emperor.

Indoctrination, isolation, and the separation from their own culture has reduced a once proud and united Warrior Raceto shadows of their former selves. And there are very few alive who still remember where they came from and what it means to be a true Saiyan Warrior.

And yes. This means that a good portion of our RP journey will be about re-discovering the heritage of the Saiyans so the proud Warrior Race can live again as it was always meant to!



6) Because the Mother Ships are large enough to support up to 2 million individuals and only a few thousand of them are Saiyans, the rest of the populace will be comprised of other races from throughout the universe. This can include anything from Namekians to humans, or any race of creatures that you decide to create from scratch for this RP!

Humans and Namekians are a bit of a special case, though. Namekians went off the grid after the Emperor's rise to power, and they had to trash their home planet Namek in order to make it look like they, and the Dragon Balls, were wiped from existence. So they're supposedly all but extinct. And Earth is so far at the edge of the Milky Way nobody really knows it exists. So for either race we'll have to work together to come up with an explanation as to how your character was brought into the Emperor's "employ." But thankfully it shouldn't be that difficult to come up with something!

RP Rules and Guidelines

1) GM Authority

This one is a given, but I've never failed to encounter at least one person who tried to subvert my authority as GM somewhere along the line. So I feel this needs to be said. As the GM I'm the only one who is allowed to initiate time skips, introduce powerful enemies, set up situations for missions relevant to everyoneā€™s ā€œserviceā€ to the Emperor, and I'm the one who determines what does and does not exist in any given situation our characters find themselves in.

For example: If I set us up on a hostile alien planet with weak non-humanoid beasts our characters can stomp while enjoying casual conversation, and I make no mention of any "mutated" or "more powerful" versions like a Queen, nor do I mention any "protector" beings, then you may not introduce any "more powerful" versions of the creatures, nor any protector beings, for yourself to fight because you want a more epic experience. This is especially true if your character is a Saiyan due to the potential for Zenkai abuse. But more on that later.

2) PVP

Any and all Player vs Player combat will be organized by the participants either in Discord chat, or via private messages on RPN and then posted in its entirety so we can read the fight all at once instead of waiting for potentially half a dozen posts to go back and forth.

3) Fairness

ā€œFairnessā€ in this RP means that every character is abiding by the same rules and has the same chances for the spotlight as anyone else no matter the race you choose to play as.

* Every character will require some form of atmosphere to breathe unless theyā€™re a Frost Demon (or if you create your own alien race that can breathe in a vacuum).

* Every character must eat and/or drink fluids to survive (meaning you should have a few meal scenes here and there).

* Every character will be capable of harnessing Ki and use it to create hand beams, eye beams, finger beams, mouth beams, discs, balls, and if you really want to be silly with it you can do a butt beam. Lol.

* Every character will be capable of using Ki to fly, even if you choose not to start with the ability and want instead to learn it over time.

* Every character will be capable of eventually learning how to sense Ki (nobody starts knowing how to do this, and it'll take much more than one post to learn how to do it later).

* Every character will follow the guidelines in an upcoming rule about ā€œPower Gains,ā€ and all Saiyans will abide by rules regarding their Zenkai which will also be detailed in an upcoming listed rule about ā€œSaiyan Biology.ā€

* Every character will have equal opportunities to finish off major enemies and be the hero of pivotal battles in the plot.

* Every character will be given equal opportunity to showcase their character's strengths on a regular basis without having to compete with anyone else due to all characters having a "Specialty" role to occupy that nobody else may share or intrude upon.

4) Energy (also known as Ki)

Energy is exactly the same as it appears in the show.

Just a quick note: I really like the Youtube channel The Film Theorists for the explanation they gave to what Ki is in the DB universe, so Iā€™ll be using it for the sake of having the explanation present in the lore of this RP. But we really donā€™t need to worry about the specifics. Itā€™s just there because I think itā€™s cool. If you never mention the following info in the RP directly, it's totally okay.

By TFMā€™s definition, Ki is charged and super heated air which has changed into a form of matter known as plasma. Plasma, unlike a gas or a liquid, exists in a semi-physical state which is why it bends and flexes, and why you can physically touch a ball/beam of Ki and stop it cold rather than it just melting around your hands like a liquid or gas would. This also explains the electricity thatā€™s generated around the blast, or around you when creating it and powering up. Lightning is plasma. So Ki blasts are basically lightning blasts. Or at least they exist in a state that is incredibly similar to them while having a very different aesthetic and set of quasi-physical properties.

Again, if you never touch on this in the RP it's totally fine. I just thought it'd be cool to include this little bit of science behind what Ki is and how it forms and such.

You can control the blasts of Ki as you can in the show. And I've also added a little detail that you can actively control the color of the blasts by learning how to focus the generated Ki at specific frequencies so that they give off varying levels of light in the visible spectrum. This can, and will, add a level of strategy to using Ki blasts of certain colors to the RP. For example if we're in a battle on a planet with a red sun and a reddish atmosphere, red Ki blasts will be harder for our enemies to see. But that is true for our enemies as well, which brings an added element of danger when they know how to do the same. So beware!

There is only one rule about Ki that I will mandate for everyone as an extension of the ā€œFairnessā€ rule. And that is that to be able to control a Ki attack's movement, you must remain hyper focused on the task and remain as still as possible. If you move too much or look away, your focus has just been broken because your brain must process the mechanics of movement, and thus your control over the blast will be lost immediately no matter your race or any other factors at play. You can, however, regain control of the blast so long as you manage to find the time to refocus yourself on the task without getting distracted or kicked in the back of the head before the Ki blast hits something and blows up.

5) Lethal Damage

This is a big one, so please pay close attention.

To inflict lethal damage in this RP (aka blasting a hole through someone, bisecting them with a disc, taking off limbs, etc), the amount of Ki contained in the attack itself must be at least 3x that of the total maximum power level of the target.

For example: If you have a power level of 2,000 and you launch a Ki blast that you put half your energy into, the understood power level of that Ki blast is now 1,000. In order for that Ki blast to be lethal to a target, that target must have a maximum power level of 333 or less. Otherwise, the Ki blast will strike the enemy and cause a lot of physical and burn damage, but it will not blow a hole through them or take any limbs off.

This is also an extension of the ā€œFairnessā€ rule. Because when we engage in PVP battles, either for actual conflict or friendly training bouts (once those are allowed later on), there should be no excuses as to why this kind of interaction between player-controlled characters might happen: ā€œOops! I accidentally used too much power and blew a hole through you! Let's get you to the healing capsule!ā€

How much is ā€œtoo much,ā€ may I ask?

ā€œWell, my character is twice as strong so it should be easy!ā€

No, my friend. Itā€™s not that easy. Nor should it be. To overcome the energy in the body of another being should take more than "well my power's twice as high!" Energy clashes with other energy sources. It doesn't just give way because "I have more!" Does having more energy help? Yes. Is it the end all, be all? No. If it were, then characters like Krillin would never survive a single Ki blast, punch, or kick from any enemy they faced from Namek onwards.

Also, who gave you permission to blow a hole through their leg?

"Well, my character is twice as strong so it should be easy to slip up when they get excited!"

No, my friend. It's not that easy. Nor should it be. If you don't have a player's permission to inflict critical damage on their character (no matter the circumstances) then you will not do so.

If you inflict critical damage of any kind against another player character, and I find out from the player that you did so without their permission, you're out of the RP on the spot.

6) Saiyan Biology and Power Scaling

The Saiyans are the same from a biological standpoint to the source material. Theyā€™re all born with tails (but those are removed at birth by order of the Emperor). If they were allowed to keep those tails they could become Ozaru during a full moon. And they have the Zenkai.

But when it comes to the Zenkai, I have added a stipulation. Once the Super Saiyan form is achieved, the Zenkai is biologically disabled.

This is an extension of the ā€œFairnessā€ rule from earlier as the Zenkai is extremely easy to abuse by those with the immaturity to do so. If you're still reading this far, then I've no doubts you're not one of the people who would do that.

As a consequence to the Zenkai biological shut off, the Saiyanā€™s power level in their base form will change very little after Super Saiyan has been achieved no matter how hard they train. This will force the Saiyans to rely on both their allies and their transformations to win the day. And eventually their transformations may not be enough which makes their allies all the more valuable.

As a final point, all Saiyan transformations are going to be achievable in this RP including Super Saiyan 4 which will be stronger than 3 but weaker than SS God. When it comes to Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue, the "God" part will be in name only. Even if your energy can't be sensed, there will be a very clear multiplier to adhere to as well as other traits I've added to limit its use and the user's ability to maintain the form. Same with SSB.

It's my intention with these adjustments to keep power scaling consistent and tangible so that everyone always knows exactly where they stand in relation to everyone else. Nothing will be left open to interpretation, nor will there be any gray area. Super really screwed up Power Scaling when they introduced God Ki. Try explaining how Android 17 "trained" enough to equal Super Saiyan Blue from out of nowhere. And I'm not going to make the same mistake.


And now we move to the section youā€™ve all been waiting for! The Character Skeleton!!

Character Skeleton

Before we get ahead of ourselves here, there are a few details Iā€™d like to share about constructing your characters.

First, I would appreciate it if everyone could come up with unique names for your characters, signature attacks that arenā€™t copy-paste from the anime/manga, and if you're a Saiyan you are not required to use the vegetable naming scheme. You can use it if you want. But it's not going to be a mandate.

Second, your starting Power Level can be anywhere between 1,000 and 5,000. This RP is basically an open sandbox with no end game in sight, so there's all the time in the world to start small and build up steadily towards our ultimate goals later on.

Lastly, when it comes to bios and personalities I must insist that you not copy anything from the manga/anime's character backgrounds, and please don't be ultra generic like having a shy introvert with trust issues because of a bad family history. That's about as cookie cutter as it gets, and if you've read this far then I already know you're capable of creating a far more interesting and multi-layered character than that.

Specialties: Every character is required to occupy some sort of specialty like "engineer," "hacker," "strategist," etc. If you pick a specialty, please stick to it. I don't want to see any "jack of all trades" specialties because that's an excuse to step on everyone else's toes which takes away the whole point of being a specialist. This is one of the ways everyone's characters will remain relevant and have their moments to shine throughout the plot regardless of power levels. Thanks!

Bonus Note: Youā€™re not seeing things. The Character Skeleton is minimalistic, and thatā€™s on purpose. I want to learn about your character through both interactions and seeing how they react to events as they take place in the RP. I donā€™t want a giant info dump that spoils everything for me ahead of time. So please do your best to provide just enough info in your personality and bio to make the depth of your characters clear, but vague enough that we can be surprised and discover more about them as the RP unfolds!


(Please complete your Character Skeleton in the link below, thanks!)

Character OOC Thread!

Character Skeleton Name:
(Anime preferred, but not required)
Age: (Minimum age is 20)
(Please use a weight that makes sense for your character's build. A 6' male with Goku's build would not be 150 pounds. If he were, he'd look more like Krillin, relatively speaking.)
* Voice Example: (This oneā€™s optional, but would be helpful so we know what to imagine for your characterā€™s lovely voice!)
Power Level:
(Please pick only one field of expertise or some kind of unique trait. The one thing that's off limits to everyone is Healing in any form. It's far too easy to make it a Deus Ex Machina, and it completely destroys the tension of major conflicts to have a Healer on standby. So no healing. Thanks!)
Personality: (Please give us at least a paragraph around 5 ish sentences long. I asked you to keep things vague and simple, but I also asked you to give a glimpse of how layered your character is. And that takes more than 2-3 sentences. Thanks!)
Biography: (Same as Personality. Please give at least a paragraph around 5 ish sentences long to give us an idea of where your character comes from and why they are where they are. Thanks!)
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Gonna give this a single bump for great justice!

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