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The lands of Draconig are somewhat famous throughout Aerth. It's rumoured to be the homeland of all dragons. But more recent tales spread through stories and conjecture. Rumors claim the lands of Draconig to be blessed by the gods! Angels from the sky chose the Dragon lands to arrive in. Of course to the well travelled sort... Islands falling from the skies is no great omen. No matter how many beautiful winged people who live like tribals are on the now aerthbound islands.

Our story begins close to one of these fallen islands. The winged survivors call their plummeted home Drocoka. This skyisland was very close to landing on the city of Andwall

A walled city with a large population Andwall is Home to guilds and churches of the three main types and subcategories of Warrior, Mage, and Hunter. Located inland of Draconig, Andwall is prominent as a hunting town. Be it the Black Mountains with various types of dragons and trolls, or the Fiefell Forrest with a wide range of flora and fauna. Andwall is a short journey away from many adventuring hotspots.
The newest would be location to ravage was Drocoka, the fallen skyisland.

The native skyracers however have successfully kept out any would be intruders to climb or fly their new mountain home. Despite living in clay huts and using rocks and sharp bits of wood for hunting... The Skyracers are somewhat like elves, able to use various kinds of mana with no need for a artefact.
Fascinating indeed. Though the skyracers defend their land to the death, they are peaceful and curious people. That is when having ventured from their homes to explore the surface and it's towns, but many stories have been passed around by the naive skyracers recalling nostalgic tales of home.

"Mana stones, big, large, small, whatever... The skyracers don't smith or enchant. Their islands are full of resources we can sell!" -- Almost every merchant, mercenary... this was the peoples 's opinion on Drocoka in a nutshell.

One such person was Yahno Shrouda. Having heard from various sources...
(including a skyracer whose father is important or something)
Yahno was sure Drocoka was a place he would need to visit soon. Falling from the skies less then a month ago, the Shadowhand has attempted to survey the area many times which resulted in failure and some replaceable people being burnt alive.

Yahno was sipping from a mug of mead and chewing roast clucku leg whilst eavesdropping on a conversation between two criminals happening on the other side of a thin wall.

A sturdy dwarf in decent but descreet clothes hiding his hair and face so only a stout black beard and nose is visible. This is Mister Furg Hems, Mr Hems is offering a job to a half elf thief named Cassa...
"I heard a lot about you, good and bad depending on where one would stand but that isn't important. What is important is the future which I believe you could have a crucial role in, a high paying salary for assigned jobs as needed... the how to put this, starting trial of this career is to obtain a certain stone, it's recently been forged into a circlet and made a precious heirloom of the Kokirk house here in Andwall. You might be thinking I can't steal from the Kokirk nobles. Well they are crooks just as much as you or I. I just wanted my payment... they didn't give me what was owed, so I want my handiwork back."

Furg drank most of the wine out the bottle in front of him but threw a pouch of gold onto the table, the bag barely open unravels slightly to let a gold coin trickle out. "One hundred gold pieces up front for you and the assigned muscle, two hundred more to split between you however you can manage... Is this a deal you want to know more of miss Eulbr? I don't care how you two get it. I just want it back by sunrise" The smile from this dwarf exudes a strong confidence
(like most dwarfs really)
But Hems has the money to back it up despite his face turning sour. "I very much need it back. If you can get it... well, you could be set for life. Have a friend in high places as it were" the grin returned. Just waiting for a answer.
mindicree mindicree

Elsewhere outside Andwall... A place to make money, watch a spectacular match or even become a local hero! The Andwall fight dungeons. Gambling den/arena fight pit for monsters creatures and people alike. Two unlikely characters have met for the sole purpose of hearing details to a high paying job.
A beastkin monkey man dressed in very fine clothes slurps wine in between watching two men fight a goblin squad (from a safe and secure spot mind you)

Ellis Ward and Thunka Bardereon have the privilege of the finest gourmet food and aged wine whilst watching somewhat decent entertainment. (It was the mid card what do you expect)
"I represent mister Shrouda, he like many- oh gods lookit that!"
Sir Dids Khan seemed more interested in the fight below them then explaining the job.
"Drocoka, lots of of people want to get up there... lots of people trying different things. Mr Shrouda plans to dig up into the fallen island instead of climb. He has gathered what dirt pushers he can find but you Miss Thunka most likely have much better ideas on this. You human female he must feel kinship with but you are here so I assume you have some spot in plans going foward"

Dids was stuck on the fight all while speaking. It ended with a dead mage and a man with a short sword victorious over twelve goblins. As the pit was being cleared the monkey man gave proper attention to the ladies....
Explaining how they have helped plans either knowing or unwittingly but have impressed enough to pass the trial period. The job now was to tunnel up into the fallen sky island and most likely strip mine it before anyone can notice.

"...to put simply. What you've done is noteworthy but it's just getting your feet wet. If you do join our alliance and do whats needed when, then you'll be stepping out of warm waters to dry yourself off with golden phoenix feathers... or whatever your race considers the highest state of living."
Dids Khan shrugged and drank more before eating a handful of some rare majestic creature cooked to perfection.
Goonfire Goonfire PlusUltra PlusUltra
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Thunka Bardereon
NeonFlow NeonFlow Goonfire Goonfire (Open)
Location: Fight Dungeon, Andwall Outskirts


Regardless of the conflict behind her Thunka had been making the most of hospitality to the point of exploiting it to a degree, countless tankards or more accurately casks of various drinks scattered around the giant along with stacked plates and a cigar-like object full of what was definitely not simple tobacco given its dark green tint and odor. To be honest at this point even if she said no to the offer the entire wining and dining made the evening worth it but still, it would be a little unfair not to give whatever they wanted consideration after all this effort.

"Eh anyone can push dirt, heck theirs some pretty big fields of stiffs that can attest to that, but that's beside the point you know? Lands got a temperament and if you don't listen to it you're going to have issued. Not all stone and soil move the same and they shift around so much in those mound that makes digging normally a good way to get a cave in sending you to the aforementioned fields" taking a long puff from the cigar before expelling with a faint cough and slightly breathless voice as for a moment "And that's just assuming its all solid and not some underground water reserves, caverns and the like...oh and not causing shaking that those up top get tipped off at...but hey I mean it's going to be a change regardless so don't see why I shouldn't give it a shot, sounds like fun, as for the fancy stuff, eh not really my style, simple gal with simple wants...but I guess some extra cash to show off won't go amiss." Reclining once more with a heavy creak the veritable giant was taking the entire meeting far to casually given the extent of the offer being made, there wasn't the big excitement on the show but more the same playful down to earth vibe she seemed to be known for.
Eilis cradled a hefty platter of exotic meats and vegetables, cooked to perfection. It appeared to be way too much food for the smaller, skinny girl, but she hadn’t eaten beyond a pack of rations in almost two days. Her brow twitched into and out of a furrow as Dids made a sad attempt to divide his attention evenly between the two women and this gladiator death match. She then cocked her head to the side, gaze fixed on the mage lie still in an expanding pool of blood.

The conversation between Dids and Thunka snapped Eilis back to the present. "Th-that much wealth?" she sputtered in surprise, her soft voice nigh inaudible over the roar of the crowd around them. Truth be told, she had no clue why she would be needed for what sounded like an illegal mining operation, but the opportunity to eat like this everyday attracted her like a moth to the flame; she was a kleptomaniac with few practical skills, making the allure of a comfortable life twofold. "You have my cooperation. No questions asked." She also pocketed the fine silverware adjacent to her plate.

NeonFlow NeonFlow PlusUltra PlusUltra
Cassa Eulbr
undisclosed building, Andwall
Includes: Furg Hems


Cassa quickly became a bit uncomfortable as the conversation with the suspicious dwarf continued on. She was used to confrontation based off of her name alone, but this was different. The one who called himself Mr. Hems didn't want revenge or a beat down, at least it seemed so, but was actually offering a job. While this would normally be a good thing, there were issues. One of which is that Cassa has never stolen for anyone but herself. Her own ethics would be questioned along with all the other questions running through her mind. How much does he know? Has he told anyone else about me? What if I refuse the job?

Just as she was going to confront her doubts and suspicions, the small and stocky man throws a rather sizeable bag of gold coins on the table, and all her thoughts seemed to fade. 100 gold coins with the chance to earn more was far from passable. Whatever the situation, she had to know more, both about the job and the employer.

"That's a pretty generous offer for what's essentially a test, Furg," she says jokingly. "You're either drunk or you have some pretty high hopes in a thief's child. If it means that much to you, I'm willing to consider it, but I'll need a lot more info. Kokirks? Hired muscle? And what exactly do you know about me anyway? It's not everyday I talk to anyone about this."

Despite her initial worries, as she continued to talk about it, Cassa couldn't help but become more excited. If all goes well, this could be the first time Cassa can have actual money. She inspects the gold as the dwarf continues to discuss the proposal.
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Furg answered questions somewhat blunt and vague.
"Generous sure, but dangerous work often requires incentive to draw workers. You need not consider this... it's merely a choice. If you don't take this job someone else will." The rest of his wine is finished in a quick gulp before continuing.

Furg didn't give much information regarding the Kokirks, the kind of information any living in Andwall could deduce....

The Kokirks are nobles loyal to the Dragon King. They have many of the larger properties and establishments in Andwall. It is unknown where the circlet would be but it is most definitely somewhere in the main building of Kokirk estate.

"The muscle is simply a thug I have confidence in. He will back you up as needed but if you would rather work alone I cannot stop you"
Cassa could see the dwarf's sly smile as he answered the next part...

"Truthfully, i know nothing of you. I said I have heard a lot about you. Knowing and hearing are two different things child. Though to answer what I've heard about you... you are a criminal, a thief with a particular mana my master finds important..." the dwarfs nose scrunched as he tapped the table awaiting a answer.
mindicree mindicree

Didz made some audible "hmmmms" as Thunka briefly explained some of the work that goes into Earthbending. His brown eyes squint at Ellis as the butler in the corner replaced silverware almost as quick and sly as the thief could take it.
"Urgggh.....It's all free but that doesn't mean take the knives and forks, have some respect for yourself"
The monkey man took two sealed envelopes from his robes but thought on it for a second.

"I didnt think it needed, as you both have gotten this far... But I'll say this just once, do not steal from Mr Shrouda. It is horrendously disrespectful and will most likely result in you being one sorry individual..." Didz sauntered over to hand the letters out and continue.

"The Digsite is close to Drocoka, the exact location is written down for you. There's a chance your new bossman will be late, but everything needed to start is already there. That said perhaps you two want to do a job for me here?"
Didz Khan seemed to light the whole room up with his cheeky smile. You didn't even need to hear the offer to know this job would be trouble.

PlusUltra PlusUltra Goonfire Goonfire
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Cassa Eulbr
undisclosed building, Andwall
Includes: Furg Hems


As Furg continued, the situation became a bit more clear to Cassa. Memories of the Kokirks and their started to slowly come back as "oh yea" moments. She never paid much attention to the "royalty" of any particular area, just focusing on what she had actual access to. This explains the pretty penny this Mr. Hems is willing to pay. It's interesting though, she thought. With such a noble lineage, why would they not pay this man? Either way, this didn't sway her mind away from the prize, but now even more information was left ambiguous. Who does he work for, and how does he know about my mana? Cassa was sure to keep it super secret, but if it's "so important" to this mystery man, someone must be watching her. It's just another think she'll have to be on the lookout for.

"Well, you sure know how to treat a girl, don't you Furg? With this much money, I don't know if I really do have a choice. You'll make me look like a loose wench." She pauses for a second longer, collecting her thought before continuing. "All jokes aside, I'll take your offer with pleasure. And I'll even take that muscle of yours. I'm sure he'll be of some good use, assuming he's not a total meat-head."

Cassa's plan was already coming to formation in her head, but in the end, it's a simple one. Scope the area for the location of the precious cargo, use the meat-head as a distraction, and swipe up the PC while no one is looking. A classic. Granted, it can't be that simple for the price, but it was a start and the gold looked prettier and prettier by the second. Planning can wait until the deal is sealed and the details are ironed out.
Thunka Bardereon
NeonFlow NeonFlow Goonfire Goonfire (Open)
Location: Underground Fight, Andwall Outskirts


The woman takes another big drink from one of the bottles before sliding it to the rest of the empty ones "Eh stealing from guys with enough to throw a spread like this is either more trouble than its worth, not to say I wouldnt...but makes sense to at least do it without them even knowing.....which is hard to do with them knowing as much as they do, plus if I agree to do something I'm not one to back out from that unless the other side lied or went back on it first"

She looks to the other woman who was offered the deal for a moment and regards them with their fascination for kitchenware before shrugging and carrying on "So yeah, ill enjoy the rest of this and then guess head over in the morn...Noon, Got plenty of stuff here for me to enjoy" Thunka looks across various other Patrons before their eye stop on what appears to be a relatively short young man with a smirk.
Realizing she had been busted, Eilis quickly and consciously returned the silverware while biting the inside of her cheek. She was getting leary of Didz Khan and his grin, though; she learned to never trust a person who smiled too widely or too often. However, her new associate had accepted the deal and she could now feel two sets of eyes locked on her, resulting in her glancing up from the half-empty platter. Looks like the deal was about to be sealed before she even said anything.

The more petite woman piped up. “Can we know the details before we commit?” she pried. “It’s only best practice to read the fine print in every contract.”

PlusUltra PlusUltra NeonFlow NeonFlow
Didz continued his smile while reaching into his back pocket for a vial.
"My job, completely unrelated to the papers in your hands... I want to fix a fight and bet on what should be the obvious loser... in this case I wanted you to to fake a fight with the human victorious over the troll by a landslide. I'll split the prize three ways... of course you may not want to be the centre of attention, I have some blinding poison here in my hand. Maybe you can sneak into the where they keep the cages and sabotage a competitor for me"
PlusUltra PlusUltra Goonfire Goonfire

Furg nodded before standing up, knocking on the wall beside him and jumping off the seat. Being five feet tall somewhat kills the mysterious benefactor look... "The help is close by... though I'll be waiting here. Drinking with the barkeep or resting in a room. Just ask for Mr Hems when your done." Leaving the pouch of gold on the table Furg walked to said bar and climbed onto a stool.

Yahno had been waiting for that confirmation knock and proceeded to take Furgs place in keeping a lady company.
"G'arvo Miss, I'm the help Mr Hems has arranged."
The man's voice matching his eyes, bored with a tiny spark of excitement burning inside...
"Ah, can call me Dalla for now.. should we talk here or go?"
He eyed the pouch of gold and scraps left behind by Furg before judging if his new partner had eaten and drank anything.
mindicree mindicree
Cassa Eulbr
undisclosed building, Andwall
Includes: Furg Hems, Yahno Shrouda ( NeonFlow NeonFlow )


Cassa couldn't help but chuckle as the small dwarf jumped off of his equally short seat, but other than that, everything seemed to have been settled professionally and unintruded. The somewhat subtle knock did catch her eye though. That was either a weird dwarf thing or a signal to someone else. The answer became clear as a more height-endowed man in robes stepped from behind the wall. So there are eyes watching me. Best to not let my guard down one bit here.

The "help" at the very least seemed adequate. A man with a sword and his bit of build is all you need for a muscle job or even a distraction. He's clearly been trained to handle these kinds of tasks one way or another. The only thing Cassa can't figure out is if he's trustworthy or not, or perhaps, if he trusts her. Perhaps an icebreaker will fix that though.

"You're a rather sneaky individual to be snooping around other people's convo, but I'm not one to talk am I? Nice to meet you, Dalla! Sounds like we have a lot to discuss. Care to do it over drinks? All this business's got me parched." She pauses and grabs the pouch of gold of the table with a cheeky smile. "And, I think I can actually treat myself a little today."

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