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Fandom Down With The School! (A Maximum Ride RP)

Gabby sat on the floor as she smiled as she laughed" you thinking of walffes" she say as she was confued" what is waffales i never had them" she say looking at him as she smiled looking around there were no people out yet she hid her wings she didn't want Issac get mad for her showing her wings to the people
"Oh no. Youve never had waffles. This is an injustice. A waffle, my good little friend, is like a pancake, except with little divets in them that can hold butter and syrup, and you toast it. It. Is. The. Best. Someday, I will take you for waffles." Connor smiled at her. He liked her, she was adorable, in her own way.
Gabby laughed" okay lets go sometime" she say as she felt her stomach growl a little she had a early breakfest this morning as felt emberessed about her stomach grwoled at her new friend" what your name older boy" she say as she smiled as she was playing with the dirt she didn't have nothing to play with just sand drawing
Redd was startled when Gabby let go of her hand and took flight, she thought of it as stupid and looked up to where she had gone. Only then did she notice the new bird kid. She should have known the scent of Avian got stronger. She followed the scent to where the two had landed and growled. "Gabby! What are you doing with that mu- Avian? You don't know who he is or where he's been!" Redd walked closer to the two and glared at the stranger. She had caught herself from saying mutt, figuring they wouldn't like that. On the outside she showed no details of being an Eraser, but it was the little things, like her voice that blindly gave it away. A surprisingly sweet and angelic person that would give any trained ear the chills.
"Sorry to disturb you, i can leave, being the "Mutt" i am." Conner responded. He was use to being called that. "It wasnt her fault. Should of kept myself hidden. And who would you be? I'm not gonna leave her alone with someone I dont know I can trust." Connor looked at her, noted her irratated but protective body language.
Gabby looked at redd" i'm sorry" she say as she looked down holding her own shirt" i didn't meant to worry you" she say as she looked down as she looked at the boy she was in trouble" its okay she's good" she say to conner as she smiled but looked back down as she was figiting with her fingers
"None of you Avian's seem very trusting. I'm her... s-sister. Clearly she knows me and she trusts me. But she doesn't know you that well. So why don't you tell me where you came from or what you're doing with Gabby?" Redd's hands clenched into fists, her jaw stiff as she glared at him. She hoped she could just scare him away, but figured he may be useful to their plans.
"Hmm. Your stutter is noted. And me and Gabby were bonding. We were thinking about waffles. We plan to get some in the future. Honest. And you cant intimadate me. We both came from the school, obviously. We both have dealt with the worst. You cant scare me. But, Gabby says your fine...so i will let her go with you. I'll be going now. By Gabby!" Connor smiled at her. He also knew that her "S-sister" wanted him for something. She would have been way more offensive if he was considered a major threat. He was pretending to leave to get information from her.
Gabby looks at her as she said sister as she smiled a little" yup she's my big sister" she say as she looked at the boy as she was playing as she just wanted to get back to the others she was protective that what it seems to her" i'm sorry Redd" she say as she looked down at the ground" am i in trouble" she asked as the boy was gone
"No, your not. Come on. We've got some shopping to do." Redd took Gabby's hand this time, a little bit more forcibly before taking her back to the group. "You think he could be helpful with the plan for ending the school? Or did I not mention that already?" She asked, and then turned to Stella and Alby, "So how do we get into this store that you know of?" @explosiveKitten
Gabby look at her as she grabbed her hand as she smiled as she was glad she wan't in trouble " i think he be helpful with the plan" she say as she smiled look at her" sister you called me sister" she say as she held her hand as she looked around as she was happy that she called her that
She looked down at Gabby. "I.. uh.. yeah. To get him off our case." Redd was tender on the subject of family. During their walk she couldn't shake the feeling like she was still being watched. With her free hand, Redd brought her fingers through her hair, letting out a deep sigh.
Connor sat on the top of a building watching them. He needed to be Their Gabby's gaurdian angel. He swore an oath to himself, that she will never die under his watch. Connor did this because he knew how innocent she was, and she reminded him of his sister. (Im thinking about dong that, being a fulltime gaurdian angel for her)
Gabby looks at her as she smiled" i um i like it i like you your nice" she say as she smiled look at her she was looking around" whats wrong big sis" she say as she stick out her tounge as she smiled as she just gripped her hand as she was afraid they will be other earsers coming for them as she felt tears come down her face as she whipped them with her shirt (thats fine with me)
"I'm fi- what's wrong with you?" Redd stopped mid sentence, looking down at the now crying Gabby, "D-did I do something?" Redd never knew how to handle crying, because at the school she would just laugh at it. Now, she just stood there, not knowing what to do for the poor thing. She recalled how back in the school they would kill the first mutants to cry, it was a new policy enforced by Ari that Redd happily went along with. Until now. Still unsure of what to do, Redd pulled away hesitantly, and looked down at Gabby, biting her lip.
Gabby just placed her head on Redd's chest as she cried" i'm scared what if the school comes back i'm defenseless" she say as she just let her tears drop her hand was shaking she couldn't stop thinking about the other earsers she couldn't stop thinking about her worst fear what if she dies" you didn't do anything wrong" she say as she was hiccuping every time she cries she tends to hiccup
"Hey, Gabs, you're gonna be alright. You've got all of us. We're a pa- flock now. We can all protect you. I've got your back." Redd reassured her. In all honesty, comfort wasn't up her alley, so she didn't know what to do whatsoever. "Don't think about the Erasers. If you really want to know, us Erasers are just stupid mutts who do what we're told. Like what Isaac said. We do things because we think we have to. You guys are different, you've got that will inside of you that makes you fighters- no.. survivors in heart and mind. If anyone were to die here, it would be me. You hear that? I've already got a plan. If the Erasers come I'm gonna hold them off while you get a head start in the sky. Okay? Now, let's focus on clothes.."
Gabby smiled at the nickname as she whipped her tears as she held" big sis is tough i want to be tough too come on can we get clothes now i'm tired of wearing dirty ones" she say as she was pulling Redds hand" i'm better thanks sis your awesome" she say as she was looking around
"Well the more the merrier I guess, it'll be easier to help each other out if there are more of us. Especially if we run into more erasers, anyway come on sis lets get some new clothes." He said walking over to them with a few books under his arm and a usb in his pocket, he couldn't help but raid the library just a little bit. The information looked like it could be useful in the future.
"Let's get to it. Pick a store... any store. I've got fists of steal and I'm not afraid to use 'em. Not to mention I'm not getting much of a response from the bat." Redd felt awkward after her heart to heart with Gabby, never had she seen such fear and emotion from anyone- wait, yes she had, she worked at the School for crying out loud. But still, it was heard now that Redd actually seemed to have a heart for once.
Gabby smiled" yay" she say as she grabbed for his free hand" what kind of cltohes you looking for big brother" she say as she looked for a store" how about that store redd" she say pointing to it she liked plaid stuff" big brother is nice i like being called sis" she say as she smiled to him holding his hand
"Let's try the biggest one first, it looks like it'll have a lot. But we can't bust in like we did with the library, there are sure to be censors and such inside as well as cameras. There should be a security room somewhere though and from there well be able to turn off the cameras, it'll be suspicious but I doubt we'll be in this area long enough for police to find us." He said trying to think of where it could be. "I prefer simple clothes to be honest, I'm not so big on colour either." Isaac smiled a bit at his little sister, he liked having a younger sibling to look after.
Gabby was confused what was police as she just kept quite" big store" she say as she smiled as she was waiting for to go in the store as she got an idea" hey i got an idea how about i crawl into the store i mean i'm small not as small as albey but i can do it" she say to her big brother as she smiled @Kuroi01

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