Dove (OPEN)


Asexual Kpop Fairy
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<strong><strong>CO-GM @Umbra </strong></strong><strong>Regalia</strong> </p>

<blockquote class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote="">

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<div class="ipsQuote_contents"><p>"Dear ___ your application to the monster hunter school has been accepted. A list of required items has been provided with your letter."</p></div>


<p> </p>

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<p> </p>

<ul><li>Uniform </li>

<li>Registration Papers </li>

<li>Attuned Weapons (Optional) </li>

</ul><p> </p>



<p> </p>

<blockquote class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote="">

<div class="ipsQuote_citation"></div>

<div class="ipsQuote_contents"><p>"Please Arrive at the gate 6am on monday. Don't be late the gate closes at 6:30am"</p></div>



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Monday 6:00am - New School Year

This day had many aspiring Monster hunters excited, today was the day the school opened up to its applicants. The sun was shining brightly the heat of it beating down on the students lined up infront of the gate as a stiff looking woman with a clipboard took their Registration papers. Students who got through stood in the court yard chatting waiting around the big fountain.

Arada sighed as she stood looking at the line "Well this should be fun." she walked up and got in line and soon was through after a hassle at the gate about how she was dressed. She looked around taking in who all was there when she heard a screech behind her "How can you just leave me behind like that?! Didn't we agree we'd go together?" Arada smirked and turned around facing a girl with long dark purple hair and shimmering emerald eyes "Its not my fault you're so slow Mizuki" Mizuki scoffed "its not my fault either! It takes time to look good"

Arada raised an eyebrow "Takes time to look good? Are you saying I don't look good?" Mizuki frantically waved her hands "No! No no no NO! That is not what I meant, I mean you look lovely in your jacket and boots, what I meant was-" Arada chuckled cutting her off "I know, I know. I'm just teasing you calm down."

Mizuki huffed and walked up beside Arada "There's a lot of people isn't there? I doubt we'll make it out of all these people, I mean of course you can Arada but... Theres no way I'm getting through" Arada sighed "Mizuki don't worry you're one of the strongest people I know! You got talent"

Mizuki rolled her eyes "You don't know many people Arada so that doesn't really help boost my confidence!" Arada smiled mumbling "I know more people than you think" The two stood watching the courtyard fill up as more people flooded in.

@CelestialBunny @AnarchyReins @Chit @Aur0ra @Unknown1 @Redrobinwing @Mycoid @Rias Silverburgh @Kinzu Hekmatyar
Monday 6 am

Location: Skating by the fountain

Name: Marcus Black

Marcus was currently skating around the fountain when he saw a girl come running and screaming. "Well looks like someone doesn't care about first impressions. Well might as well go make some friends." Marcus skated over to the two girls, and said, "Hey I'm Marcus nice to meet you two." Marcus said this as he titled his head to the side, and gave a cute smile, and looked into both of their eyes with his sea green ones. They really seemed to with his hair being white today.

All the while Marcus made two ice roses, and handed one to each of them. "This is just a gift saying I would like to be your guys friend." Marcus then blushed as he notice how both of them were pretty cute.
Arada glared at the rose then handed it to Mizuki her eyes turned to Marcus "I don't mind if you want to be friends but I don't want anything made of ice"

Mizuki cringed at the change in Arada's mood she mouthed a 'sorry to Marcus' normally she wouldn't give guys the time of day but she felt sorry for this one.

Mizuki cleared her throat "My name is Mizuki, its nice to meet you too." she pointed her finger at Arada "Shes Arada, don't mind her. Shes not really a bad person or anything she just has a bit of a temper sometimes" Arada's eyes shot to Mizuki her nose scrunched up with an indignant "Hey!"

Mizuki smiled ignoring Arada "So Marcus are you nervous? I heard this school can be pretty tough." Arada huffed at being ignored and turned her attention to the gate watching the new arrivals come through.

Well the only thing we have to do is battle some kids, and hopefully are skill and powers can get us through that. Though I have no doubt you two will most likely get through. I can only sword fight and manipulate water so I probably wont make it. Though is never to hard if you try. So all in all no I'm not scared, a little nervous yeah, but not scared." Marcus said as he took the water from the fountain, and manipulated it into a armor then put it back into the fountain. "How about you guys are you nervous?"
Rias slowly but surely made her way to the school, seeming to be rather content. She was never too late nor too early, arriving whenever she wanted to. One could say that she was certainly abit of a rebel. The red-haired girl tilted her head, peering around as she moved about, always observing her surroundings. Soon enough she did indeed reach school, and what she saw made her feel slightly uncomfortable. ".. There sure are alot of people.." she muttered to herself, peering around, trying to find a spot that was not too crowded. In truth she was not too fond of crowds, nor people, resulting in her not really having any friends.

Rias looked over the fountain, noticing a rather young boy skating there. Luckily for her that was one of the spots that was not too crowded, so naturally, she headed on over, the boy passing her. She tilted her head as he passed her, looking over her shoulder, noticing the white-haired boy approaching two young girls. Rias shrugged her shoulders, and turned her gaze forth again, taking a seat by the very edge of the fountain, waiting for someone to accept them.

While waiting, she did what she did best: observing the people around her, noticing how there was so many young people.
Mizuki laughed shakily "I am definitely nervous, Arada doesn't seem to be though. But there is no reason she should be, shes so cool she can use- mrrf!" Arada shut her up by putting her hand over her mouth "Don't make me tape your mouth shut Mizuki" her eyes turned to Marcus "Its not only battling kids we have to do, You've never been to one of these before have you? There is always tests, and those tests are always filled with deadly tricks. You understand? You can die here. If it wasn't for... I would have gone through this before and wouldn't have to do it now." she sighed "This is going to be such a pain"

Mizuki sighed and bit Arada's hand, Arada stepped back holding her hand to her chest "What was that for?!" Mizuki huffed and glared "Your hand was over my mouth ruining my lipgloss!" Arada wiped her hand on her pants "That explains why my hand is sticky. Why do you wear that crap?" Mizuki's glare intensified "Arada, do not call makeup crap or I swear-" Arada once again cut her off "Yeah yeah, I know I know." She paused her eyes catching the eyes of a girl sitting at the fountain.

Mizuki looked at Arada "Whats wrong?" Arada shook her head "Nothing Just, that girl." Mizuki tilted her head "Hm? What girl? What do you mean?"

Arada shook her head again and turned her attention away from the girl at the fountain "Nevermind"

@AnarchyReins @Rias Silverburgh
"I think I like you two. Mizuki you seem like the friend that keeps everyone in check, but likes to have fun. Though Arada your an enigma. You seem like you want to trust me, but something about me reminds you of someone or something. Though that I will figure at a later time. You team seem like the perfect duo, except so how you both have a some trust issues with each other. Though lets not dwell on that. Mizuki how would you like to hang out at lunch. I would ask you too Arada,but something tells me its going to take a while for you to trust me." Marcus said this as he smiled and titled his head to he side, and winked at Mizuki.
Arada and Mizuki's eyes widened at Marcus's Analyses of them. Mizuki giggled as Arada whispered to her "What is this guy?" as she eyed him warily. Mizuki smiled "Arada and I don't have trust issues with eachother. Well I don't have any with her" her eyes flicked to Arada "I don't know about the opposite"

Arada groaned "I trust you, its just you have a big mouth" Mizuki gasped mock offended "How could you say that to me? I'm so hurt" Arada sighed and lightly hit her over the head "You're not acting in a play"

Both turned their attention back to Marcus, Mizuki smiled "I'd love to have lunch with you but I'm too afraid to leave Arada alone she gets in trouble if I let her go off by herself" Arada raised an eyebrow at that "HEY! name one time I got in trouble when left alone!"

Mizuki turned scoffed "How about the time you picked a fight with that one guy for getting your order wrong? What about when you chased after that thief into a trap? What about-" Arada put her hand over her mouth "Okay, Okay I get it! Thats enough. Also I said one not a billion." she removed her hand from Mizuki's mouth not wanting to be bit again.

Rias sat by the very fountain, watching the people, the clock and the sky. It was a beautiful day, slightly too hot for her comfort however. She had even brought her sword with her, the blade resting firmly in her hands. The red-haired girl was even slightly nervous, even if she did not necessarily showed it. Rias could not help it, but a smile slowly began to play on her crimson-red lips as she watched the boy and the girls from before, having a rather interesting conversation. Granted, she could not hear everything they said, however, the way they acted brought a smile to her lips and she did try quite hard not to show it to anyone. To distract herself, she looked over at the clock once more, seeming eager to start the day; "Come on, come on.. while we're young.." she said to herself, shaking her right leg slightly, due to being nervous.

Not only did the nervousness kill her, but the sun really did take a toll on her aswell. She did not really like the heat, she prefered the cold instead. Once again she looked around, trying to find a new spot, with a little bit of shadow, to cool herself. The red-haired girl rose to her feet, and held the blade against her right shoulder, moving closer to the crowd near the building, where there was a little bit of shadow. Even if she did not like it, it was an ideal place to be when needing to cool down. As she moved, it looked as if she was going to attack someone right there, the way she held her sword. Someone might have been alerted by her, but all she wanted was to cool down!

Rias approached the crowd, and finally reached the shadows, leaning against a wall, and gently slided down to her rump: "Much better.." she said to herself, as she leaned back, closing her eyes.
Arada sighed her eyes followed the girl as she moved from the fountain she spoke while moving away from Marcus and Mizuki "You two continue your flirting. I'm going to go get out of the sun." Mizuki turned to yell at Arada to see she was already walking away swiftly "We aren't flirting!" she screeched drawing attention to herself. She quickly turned her head and sighed embarrassed.

Arada walked up to the girl and blocked out more of the sun "You alright?" she spoke looking down on the girl.

@Rias Silverburgh @AnarchyReins
Location: Outside of school

With: Registration lady

Name: Feng lin

outfit? and a striped under shirt.

[1 hour ago]

"Alright, so its my turn now isn't it? This is exciting, well I have my papers here," feng lin had a face full of excitement, her eyes where gleaming and her smile was bright. It was the day she had been anticipating for so long, her fists clenched in her energy as she watched the registration lady with eager eyes. "Well?" feng leaned forward on the table that the registration was taking place, she took in the person before her, slightly intimidating, but never the less she gave out her smile in hopes it wouldn't make her look down on her. *please lady, accept it! please, please...* she held her breath. Every moment of silence was agony. However, feng an energetic girl felt that today would be a good day, as there was a bright sun shining down on her and a warm determination inside.

It was that moment that she recalled on the registration form, that she had to show some sort of power. This sudden memory gave her a cold sweat, she had disregarded that one bit of information but it finally struck her. She did have power, but was unsure of how to use it. Only her friend who was long gone had seen it. *is that why its taking so long for an answer? maybe.. she wont make me do a demonstration right now..* the thought comforted her.

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The woman looked down at Feng lin through her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose a stern look on her face as she scoffed "I do not see any powers listed, if you do not have any powers you can not attend the school." She spoke while ripping up the registration "A normal human like you wouldn't last even one second in this school. Now leave or else I'll have to use force" she pushed Feng lin to the side and the next person came up to her with their registration paper.

her eyes went wide, there was a sudden crush in her spirit, her eyes searched the women hoping there was some sort of sign for her to convince her otherwise, but feng felt nothing but disappointment and felt no way around her assertive tone. "b-but... I do! I just.. don't know what it is.." she muttered the last part to herself, turning suddenly from the desk, she lowered her head in disappointment. No one knew she had a power but one person, and she could never use it after that day or even before, even if she said this how could she even prove it, if she didn't know how? There was a white pathway. "Thanks, but i'll be back, " she said, still refusing to look at the lady, in fact stretched her foot forward to take a hard step into the white pavement, hands in pockets as she began to walk away. She had no interest in being taken away, alas feeling completely unsatisfaction being treated like some sort of fangirl who had no other intent but nothing good...


Feng found herself unable to walk away from the school, in fact she was leaning against the wall. It was still to big of her heart to simply give up, and her heart would not allow her to move away. She sighed, kicking a rock into the street. "if I actually get in, i'll dye my hair white." she said to herself, smirking at the thought *well it seems that will never happen unless you find a way to use those powers again! or..* feng turned her head, an eyebrow raised as she saw a way inside. *should I do it? I will prove myself, I have to get stronger, besides, once your in everyone assumes your a student! Ill figure it out later...* What she saw was a lowered branch, it was an easy access into the otherside. She went towards it still in disbelief, she bit her lip. "I am hunter material!" she said to herself, assertively as she began climbing through the tree and its many branches to maneuver, once on top she saw that if she went towards a branch at the end she could lower herself. Her weight was light and she was on top of the wall, going towards the last branch she stepped carefully before jumping down and using the branch as a weight holder so she didn't hurt herself....


Feng fell into the grass, behind a bush. She rubbed her back and brushed off the excess dirt. Arising out of the bush she saw the most magnicifent fountain in the distance, as well as kids talking and walking around it. "amazing,"
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Rias slowly opened her right eye as she heard a rather young girl speaking to her. Rias looked up at opening her other eye, to get a good look at the girl infront of her, eyeing her up and down. ".. Mhm.. I believe I am getting a suntroke soon. Other than that.. I am doing pretty well. Can I help you..?" Rias peered at the girl infront of her with a rather curious expression on her face. It was pretty rare for someone to just walk up to her and ask her such a question!

No its okay Mizuki. I can totally see how Arada would get into trouble. I was exactly like her when I was younger. If you were to tell me to jump. I would not only jump, but I would kick you when I jumped too. I sorta kinda have a problem with authority." Marcus says as he sheepishly rubbed his neck. "So how long have you known Arada?" Marcus asked as he sat back down at the fountain, patting the seat next to him.
Arada shrugged at the girls question "No, Not really." She sat down next to the girl and pulled out a bottle of water from her bag handing it to the girl. "Its taking a pretty long time for everyone to get here. We all might die in this heat"


Mizuki smiled and sat next to Marcus "About a year now. I found her injured with a dead monster at her feet. I brought her back to my place and took care of her, I got to know her quite a bit during that time. It had been hard to get her to open up to me." She sighed and spoke again quieter than before as she leaned in slightly "Also, She won't like me telling you this but I figured you should know why she wasn't so friendly to her. Any magic to do with ice, reminds her of someone she once knew. Her ex boyfriend, the only person she had at the time. She seen him kissing someone else. Since then, she hates ice magic. So Please don't hold any hard feelings for her."


A loud cry broke out across the courtyard as two boys started brawling their magic out of control flying everywhere.

Mizuki generated a shield out of holy magic when one bolt of magic shot towards her and Marcus "Ah! Someone needs to get them under control before Arada decides to join in."

The woman at the gate turned to see what the commotion is and she stomped towards the two kids deflecting stray spells towards the bushes away from the students.

@Rias Silverburgh @AnarchyReins @Unknown1
"huh?" it all happened slowly, she noticed some sort of commotion but it didn't bother her the scene coming more quickly as before she knew it some sort of stray spell came towards her"!!!" alarm set in fengs soul, instinctively she pushed her hands in front of her to take the brunt. She closed her eyes, the spell hit her hands and scattered in that moment, feng kept her eyes closed expecting to be hurt, but alas when she blinked them wide open she saw that she had no injury. "W-what just happened?" she looked at her hands. no scars.

A memory hit her in that moment, her ears twitched as she recognized the registration lady. She froze, *gulp*
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"Oi finally a fight. I got it leave it to me." Marcus then used the water from the fountain, and made asurf board and went towards the guys. Marcus landed in between them and created gauntlets of water with whips on the end of them. Marcus swung his left hand, while he took his right, and smacked the one guy across the face. Marcus then followed through with his body spinning in the air sending two slashes of ice at the second guy successfully knocking him out. "Wow if that is all you had, I hope the others are stronger than you guys." With that Marcus went back over to Mizuki.
The woman noticed Feng lin and recognized her from before she walked up standing infront of her arms crossed "I thought I declined your registration. So after trying to get in and being declined, you snuck in." her face was unreadable after awhile of letting Feng squirm the corners of her lips lifted into a smile "On top of that you used magic. I'm impressed kid. Not many would have the guts to sneak in here nor would they have the guts to take a spell head on." the pieces of Feng lin's registration paper flew by magic into the womans hands and repaired itself. "Welcome to the monster hunter school Miss Lin. Make sure you do take care of yourself here. Some of the competition can be brutal, make the right allies and train hard and you just might survive this. Now go join the others instead of hiding behind a bush" she walked away smiling adding Feng lin's registration to the folder under her arm of accepted students.


Mizuki smiled as Marcus came back "Thanks but won't you get in trouble for that? Also wasn't that a bit overkill?" She asked a bit of worry on her face as she watched the two kids who started a fight get thrown out.

@Unknown1 @AnarchyReins
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"It doesn't really matter to me. I don't really care if I get in or not. I will find something to do. Though I definitely know I am going to be hunting monsters if I want to. All you need is a laptop, internet access, and a slurpy, and I can get any monster file you need. So I'm not really worried if the kick me out. All in all it doesn't effect me." Marcus says as he tilts his head like a puppy, talking as innocently as possible.
Rias raised her eyebrow in question as the girl sat down next to her, it was rather unusual for Rias, so her confusing is rather understandable. As the girl pulled out the bottle of water, and attempted to hand it over to Rias, she merely looked at the girl, before looking down at the bottle. At first she was rather sceptical about it, but, in the end she could not resist, grabbing the bottle ever so gently, before quickly starting to gulp it all down! She poured the remaining water onto her head and face, trying to cool her down some more. ".. T..- thanks.. and.. s..- sorry.. I'll get you another one.." she said, apologising for drinking the entire bottle.

Soon after a loud cry could be heard nearby, it was two boys starting to fight each other. Rias quickly got up to her feet, readying her blade, attempting to run into the chaos! However, she suddenly stopped as she saw the white-haired boy from before stepping in. That is when Rias re-winded herself, ending up in the same position as before, next to Arada. ".. Well.. that was awkward.."

@RegalWindstar @AnarchyReins
Mizuki sighed in frustration at Marcus's carefree attitude "Don't you know that you can't hunt monsters unless your in one of these groups or have a hunters licence?! On top of that hunting monsters solo can get you killed! Are you crazy? Also the only monster files you'll find on the internet is the weak ones which you can't get much for that. if you want the big game you need to get official missions from the authorities or from the groups" she sighed again wondering how this guy was going to get through with that kind of attitude.


Arada had sat down quickly when Marcus had jumped into the fray she herself was getting ready to fight her fists still were alight with flames but dying down.

"Darn that Marcus! That was my fight! Agh now it'll continue being boring" she huffed then turned her head to the girl "Also don't worry about the water bottle" she opened her bag up wider to show the girl there was a lot more bottles of water in there along with some salty snacks "I figured the wait might be awhile so I packed water and snacks." she spoke pulling out a bag of chips handing it to the girl. "Oh also we haven't introduced ourselves to eachother have we? I'm Arada Kuso and you are?"

@AnarchyReins @Rias Silverburgh
Feng lin shook her head, preparing to run away but unable to. Her body was in the motion as her eyes widened at the sight of the lady. Terror

Feng froze, unable to move when all her body was demanding she run from the spot. However it was too late to make that decision now, she was too close for her to go without making a scene, she knew who she was. However if she knew her other ability she would definetly not of hesitated. "Oh, uh, hello! I'm I was just leav-" she began when the lady came close to her however she was once again frozen to silence, only able to stare up at her as she felt the intimidatingness. "so... your going to kick me out?" she muttered to herself after she listened to the ladys first words, however she was brought to silence. Something told her not to move then, and frankly once the woman spoke she was certain she was doomed however at the last second changed tone and feng looked up once more when the women said the last words, she still was wordless as the woman put her registration in the folder and could do nothing but watch her go.

"what.. just ... happened..." The skys where shining bright again white clouds moving across the horizon laying shadows on feng as she turned once more, to watch the fountain that reflected on her eyes a blazing blue. There was nothing left to do but to do as the lady said, "Is this harry potter?" she spoke soothingly to herself closing her eyes and stretching. The scent of water and fresh air.

*One step closer...*

(really miss the automatic italicis)
"Yo Arada." Marcus yelled so she would hear him. He then pouted his lip, and gave her puppy dog eyes, and tilted his head. Marcus then winked and looked back at Mizuki. "Well Muziki I meant hacking the monster database, so I could take the own mission. Well I have already hunted monster before. And I wouldn't hunt for the prize or the reward. I would hunt to make sure people I care about are safe. Like you for instance Mizuki." At this Marcus Visible blushed, and looked down.

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