Doom VS Overwatch (Kind of rant)

Rock And Roll Boy

Three Thousand Club
This is just something I want to get off my chest, don't take it personally. This is just my opinion.

So Doom has awesome combat, gruesome finishers and epic, heavy, music. Erm... so... why the f*ck is Overwatch more popular? It is just a generic shooter with a, in my opinion, stupid protagonist that has nothing going for her. Once I finally found out she was female, she looks so guy- like. Anyway, why is Doom not getting enough popularity? It has so much more going for it. Overwatch, in my opinion, is just a vexatiously generic shooter. I understand that Battleborn didn't get enough popularity but that's because the company who made it made Borderlands. People want to play Borderlands. 

Rant over. 
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Yeah, THIS, is exactly what I think about Overwatch.

Also, have you noticed how similar Overwatch is to TF2? I would personally prefer spending like 10 buck or what? (I don't know the actual price of TF2 right now) with TF2 than 249$ (The price of the game where I live) on a game almost identical to it.
Yeah, THIS, is exactly what I think about Overwatch.

Also, have you noticed how similar Overwatch is to TF2? I would personally prefer spending like 10 buck or what? (I don't know the actual price of TF2 right now) with TF2 than 249$ (The price of the game where I live) on a game almost identical to it.

TF2 is actually free on Steam.

This is just something I want to get off my chest, don't take it personally. This is just my opinion.

So Doom has awesome combat, gruesome finishers and epic, heavy, music. Erm... so... why the f*ck is Overwatch more popular? It is just a generic shooter with a, in my opinion, stupid protagonist that has nothing going for her. Once I finally found out she was female, she looks so guy- like. Anyway, why is Doom not getting enough popularity? It has so much more going for it. Overwatch, in my opinion, is just a vexatiously generic shooter. I understand that Battleborn didn't get enough popularity but that's because the company who made it made Borderlands. People want to play Borderlands. 

Rant over. 

I've had these exact thoughts. DOOM is an amazing reboot of an amazing classic. Overwatch is just another multiplayer class-based shooter.
This is just something I want to get off my chest, don't take it personally. This is just my opinion.

So Doom has awesome combat, gruesome finishers and epic, heavy, music. Erm... so... why the f*ck is Overwatch more popular? It is just a generic shooter with a, in my opinion, stupid protagonist that has nothing going for her. Once I finally found out she was female, she looks so guy- like. Anyway, why is Doom not getting enough popularity? It has so much more going for it. Overwatch, in my opinion, is just a vexatiously generic shooter. I understand that Battleborn didn't get enough popularity but that's because the company who made it made Borderlands. People want to play Borderlands. 

Rant over. 

Okie, I hope this doesn't sound like just a fangirl trying to defend a game she enjoys a lot because that isn't what this is about, but I think Overwatch is a lot of fun and others find it too! As someone who never played TF2, Overwatch was my first experience at an online shooter with different types of characters and I found it really different and exciting. Plus the animated shorts, while they bring nothing in terms of gameplay or whatever, are really nice to watch, and I know they were what convinced me to actually try the game out. Blizzard is also a huuuuuge company with an even bigger following, and while Doom has the same, to be honest, I never even heard of the series before I saw the ad for it on tv once. Plus there's the fact that a lot of the games nowadays are gritty and dark, and there's nothing wrong with that at all! It's just when a game stands out from that crowd that people start to notice it a little more, and I think that's what happened with Overwatch. 

... And I brought nothing to the table with that... Whoops >~< Sorry. Anyways, to me at least, I find it weird to compare two different games. Doom, from what I seen the Game Grumps play, is more single player orientated while Overwatch is multiplayer with team work. It's kinda like comparing why people less people like tomatoes when more people like chips. They're both good in their own ways, both bad in their own ways, and that's a-okay :3 

I'm very sorry if this came out like an overly defensive post or anything, because I swear it wasn't supposed to be ;-; I just wanted to try and give a different opinion, and I hope that it doesn't seem crappy or anything... I don't wanna start a flame war or anything, after all
You are comparing two completely different games. Doom is a fun reboot of an old game, with a mediocre story and beautiful visuals. People play Doom for the blood and gore, not for any other reason. Also the multiplayer in Doom is awful. Doom is a single player game with multiplayer thrown in.  Yes, the combat is fun. Yes the story is okay. There is nothing else to it. And this is coming from someone who played Doom and quite honestly liked it. 

In conclusion: Doom has nothing going for it because it's just another shooter game full of blood and gore. The story is mediocre, the characters are forgettable, the multi-player sucks, and there's not much replay value. Sure, the finishers are "cool"... The first twenty times. Then they aren't cool anymore.

Overwatch on the other hand is a cooperative team based game. Sure, you can go ahead and compare Overwatch to Team Fortress 2... But they really don't have much in common. They have similar game types... And that's it. Team Fortress consists of rather basic classes (heavy, spy, soldier, etc.) while Overwatch consists of a plethora of different characters all with different abilities and stories for you to discover. Learning to play those characters in tandem and learning to work with your allies is the fun part. You can't really compare Overwatch, a game with 15+ heroes, to Team Fortress, a game with some basic classes. Sure, the gameplay is similar in some regards, but that's it.

Not to mention Overwatch is constantly adding new heroes. They've already added one, and there are two more already in the works. It helps the game from becoming stale. Not to mention that the visuals in Overwatch are gorgeous and not of the dark and dreary variety that plagues ever modern shooter lately. It's bright, colorful, and that makes people like it.

My only criticism of Overwatch is that there's not much of a story on the surface. But if you look below the surface, at all the cutscenes, animated shorts, clues left behind in the world, character backstories, etc? It has a story. You just have to find it.

In conclusion: Overwatch is a fun, colorful game being constantly updated with new characters and eventually maps and game modes. It has far more going for it than Team Fortress 2 ever did, simply because of the 15+ heroes in Overwatch which allow for a greater level of strategy between teammates. 

Also Tracer (the woman from Overwatch you don't like) isn't the protagonist. There is no protagonist. She's just the character they decided to put on the box art.

Doom has better music though.
Everything below is going to be 100% Objective, as I have not played Overwatch myself, though I have watched gameplay of it.

  • Well first off, part of the reason it got popular was because it's a new IP from Blizzard. The same people who made World of Warcraft, Starcraft Diablo, Hearthstone, and Heroes of the Storm, and most of those are very well known. There is not a person on the internet who has NEVER heard the name of one of those games before, trust me on that.
  • It also appeals to a very wide audience, unlike DOOM. A majority of people picking up DOOM are going to be those who have A.) Played the older game B.) Are interested in difficult games. Overwatch is more friendly towards casual players and towards those who are looking to be competitive at the game. As far as I know, the content in DOOM is only left to what is in the game besides the custom maps that people make. Overwatch, on the other hand, will be regularly updated with new hero's and addition to make the game better.
  • Another point, DOOM, as somebody already said, is a reboot of a classic. Those reboots are mainly going to be aimed at people who were already fans of the series, and generally won't draw in new people (unless it's the Tomb Raider reboot of 2013).


Overwatch appeals to a much broader audience, is an incredibly polished and high-quality video game, and because it is made by Blizzard, they will automatically get a lot more people looking at their game then DOOM will. Blizzard are masters at what they do, and with the release of animations based on the game and building up the history and world of Overwatch, to the general consumer, Overwatch will be much more appealing than DOOM will.

It's not just another "multiplayer class-based shooter" because it separates itself from the rest of those games and presents itself in a unique and different way.
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When Overwatch first came out, the first words I heard about Overwatch, was "It's a game for everyone."  

Love it or hate it, it's well developed and the launch was smooth, with little to no bugs.  They're constantly tweaking the heroes for balance.  Overwatch is popular because, it literally is a game for everyone.  Good sniper?  Pick Widowmaker or Ana.  Played support in MMORPG's?  Pick Mercy or Lucio.  The list goes on and on. The targeted audience for Overwatch with the graphical design is much wider than Doom.  Doom is meant for a more mature audience, one that parents wouldn't want their kids playing.  Overwatch has no blood, leaving the door open for kids to a mature audience.  

TF2 doesn't have much in similarity to Overwatch.  Yes, TF2 is a class based shooter.  That's it.  The classes.  Every character in Overwatch is flushed out with personality and back stories, whether it be looking on the wiki or the shot films (still waiting for a Reinhardt short film), Overwatch has more in-depth lore than TF2 could ever dream of.

Overwatch is a unique shooter, and it's made by Blizzard, a company that has a game in every genre, and is very reputable.  Love it or hate it, the devs of Overwatch have done an outstanding job of making the game.

People criticize the art-style.  So what?  Minecraft is literally PIXELS, yet it's still popular.  What I'm saying is, art-style doesn't matter much.  It's down to the gameplay.  

This is why I have so much respect Overwatch (even if I did get a little bored of it, MORE MAPS.) Either way, Overwatch is a flushed out game that sets an example of a good AAA class-based game, that requires teamwork and good team composition.
you cant really compare the two games? I have both and i enjoy both for different reasons. It's comparing apples and oranges. Like yeah, they're both fruit, but they're very different and honestly cant be compared. DOOM and Overwatch are both shooters and that's the only thing that is the same between them.
Overwatch isn't "just another class based shooter". This is what I thought of it too until I began to spend 100+ hours in it.

When you begin to notice all the heroes and start learning the meta (2 tank 2 healers, preferably lucio and a secondary on offense or mercy and a secondary on defense plus 2 dps, frontline and flanker)

You realize that Overeatch really is the MOBA-Shooter hybrid everyone was looking for. I find a lot of people i play with come from more competitive games, such as LoL, and it actually passsed the popularity of LoL in competitive korean netcafes within the first two weeks of release.

In addition to a pixar theme, the fact that it's a blizzard IP, and that it can be both a casual and competitive shooter, thats why it is more popular.
Probably because Overwatch is nice to look at and features characters that are so diverse, at least a few will appeal to everyone. That, combined with its accessability is a good way to interest people. The gameplay is also solid. Meanwhile, Doom is primarily played to shoot aliens until they turn into ground beef. It's like Gears of War in that the gore factor is it's main attribute. (Though GoW had a heck of a good story, too.) I can imagine gore-based games are seen as the pinnacle of technology to people who'd refer to a girl as "guy-like" based on short hair, but it's not reinventing the wheel, really. How you even come to the conclusion that Overwatch is "just another shooter" is beyond me tbh, since you clearly didn't play it, or you'd know OW has no protagonist.

Then, of course, there's the fact that Blizzard is a super well-known company with hugely successful games. Their IPs generate buzz by default.

And though it's a niche reason, hardcore competetive players jump onto the OW boat because it's the first game in a long time that has a lot of promise and develops a professional scene quickly.

To answer your question in tl;dr format: Overwatch is a good game that manages to be easy to enjoy for a lot of people, whereas Doom does not.
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Personally, I like the style of Overwatch over a gruesome battle in Doom. Not that I have anything against that sort of thing, I just prefer something bright and shiny. That, and contrary to your statement, the characters (including the main girl) do have backstories going for them. There are short animations coming out for them as well that are pretty amusing to me. I like having characters I can attach to in some way.

This isn't to say Doom is bad, it isn't at all. I'm just sharing the opinion of an individual who does prefer the other game over it. Not even minding the similarities to TF2. Other people probably have very different and better reasons Lol

As for Battleborn, I haven't played it myself, but I believe one of their faults is that the game came out around the same time as Overwatch, if I'm not mistaken. But I can't say anything about what the gameplay is like so I've no clue why it isn't very popular. I just think that timing had something to do with it as well.
I think Overwatch is just one of those games where until you've played it, you just won't understand why it's so popular. 

To be honest, I saw gameplay and I thought it was bad. 

And then I played it. Easily one of the best games I've played in a long, long time. It's definitely up there. 

They release new heroes and maps for free and will continue to do so; and the back story is so believable and well thought out. 

There is no protagonist. That's the nice thing. Everyone has a back story and has come together. 

But, I guess it depends on what you're into. Not every game is for everyone.

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