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Fantasy Divinity Unbound: The Dragon Goddess (OOC Thread)

Hoyo peeps.

New week, same ol' shit.

Anyone have any stories of fun new stuff you enjoyed? Anyone on spring break?
Hoyo peeps.

New week, same ol' shit.

Anyone have any stories of fun new stuff you enjoyed? Anyone on spring break?

What is this fun new stuff you speak of? Such foreign words. There is no fun, whatever it is D8

On a side note, I have to man booths at a food expo for my company, so that's basically saying I'm already super busy on a normal week but now I have to postpone aaaallll that work cause I got to stand around and play pretend.
Hoyo all!

Lekiel Lekiel Laszalet Laszalet Obsidian Obsidian Defined Comedy Defined Comedy LuckyDubs LuckyDubs EldridSmith EldridSmith

Just wanted to give everyone a friendly poke to make sure all is well.

I believe Emerald and Defined Comedy are still working on characters to submit to the Characters page, so please let me know if you need any help with finishing and I'll be happy to lend a hand!

For everyone else, please feel free to vault up a post whenever you're ready if you have something in mind for your character while they make their way to the coast. If you want to join up sooner than later we can work together to make the arrangements! So don't be shy about hitting me up either here or Discord and we'll get to work!

Hoyo all!

I posted this in Discord, but I'll share it here as well for ya'll!

So, Laszalet posted for Kasumir (poor guy), and I want to ask an honest question. Given that the RP's gone really slowly due to life happening for most of us, I'd like to know if we'd all like to skip ahead to the coast or continue with the conversations in the tents for a little bit.

Personally, I kind of want to continue the conversations since it's their first interactions together and it's kind of fun seeing them slightly wary of each other before ultimately deciding that staying together is for the best. If we go this route I'll end the sandstorm after a couple more posts so it leaves as suddenly as it arrived. All mysterious like. That way we can get on the road to find Kasumir and still be able to talk along the way.

If we vote to skip then we'll go straight ahead to the coastal town and run into Kasumir so the group is basically complete, minus Emerald's character who's going to hopefully have their intro up soon, and can then join us before we leave. That way we can all chat at the docks (to buy Emerald time) and figure out the shipping situation. And I have a fun idea in mind for how to accomplish that and draw it out a bit for some entertaining shenanigans.

Let me know your thoughts on time skip vs. continuing conversations and ending the sandstorm!

EldridSmith EldridSmith Lekiel Lekiel Laszalet Laszalet Obsidian Obsidian

Hoyo peeps. Just giving you guys a poke to point to the question provided above.

Eldrid responded that they're cool with either one. But I wanna know what everyone thinks before pushing forward.

Please do reply as soon as you can with which path you'd prefer to take. With everyone coming together now we can start pushing forward more consistently as a group and get to more interactions as well.

EldridSmith EldridSmith Lekiel Lekiel Laszalet Laszalet Obsidian Obsidian

Hoyo peeps. Just giving you guys a poke to point to the question provided above.

Eldrid responded that they're cool with either one. But I wanna know what everyone thinks before pushing forward.

Please do reply as soon as you can with which path you'd prefer to take. With everyone coming together now we can start pushing forward more consistently as a group and get to more interactions as well.

If that didn't come out properly from my discord message, I'm fine with either option.
EldridSmith EldridSmith Lekiel Lekiel Laszalet Laszalet Obsidian Obsidian

As said on Discord: So, the consensus is in and it's all good to move ahead. So I'm gonna wrap up the sandstorm business and put us all on the coast so we're all in a position to interact and get things moving proper!

As for Kasumir, I'll make it super easy for him to bump into the group immediately.

The post should be up sometime within the next hour or two. I'll tag you all again once it is.


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