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Fantasy Divinity Unbound: The Dragon Goddess (OOC Thread)

Personally I don't like my phone blowing up on OOC chat notifications which is why I prefer discord 😅
Understandable, even I do compromise, in my opinion still too often, in favor of comfort (i.e. not being pinged a thousand times (although oh boy, I can remember back in the days where I read over a thousand messages a days and the constant pinging, but I digress)) over privacy or even security.

And yes, as far as I know, and I assume this forum isn't different, unwatching the thread shoulf stop notifications from flooding in and at least by default only a single notifications (and email if turned on) should be displayed until the thread is being directly visited again.

Now obviously there are other advantages to using a app / client dedicated to exchanging simple messages (i.e. muting / turning of notifications for single channels instead of the entire server, bots and certainly a few others).
I'm okay with either. Not an active discord person but i don't mind using it!
Hoyo peeps!

So, for anyone who wants to and is comfortable joining a Discord Server, I do have one up now via this invite link: Join the Divinity Unbound Discord Server!

If you're more comfortable staying on RPN for communication, I check it multiple times every day so I won't be missing your communications any time soon and will remain very active on it throughout the lifetime of the RP. So feel free to remain here if it's more comfortable or convenient for you.

Hoyo peeps!

Chordling Chordling Lekiel Lekiel Laszalet Laszalet EldridSmith EldridSmith LuckyDubs LuckyDubs Obsidian Obsidian

In order to ensure that things don't slow down too much for those whose characters are finished, I'm gonna go ahead and open posting again for those of us who are ready. Chordling, if you would like to collab post with me so that Nora's not alone on her way I can play any and every NPC along her path to the ocean. Or, if you have another idea for how to post and get Nora started, please let me know if there's anything I can do to help facilitate it!

I'm going to post for Elena a little later today to move her along the path forward. However, I'm not going to have her meet anyone yet. There's a few things I want to do in the post for the sake of getting some exposition out of the way, so the post is mostly informational rather than purposeful.

If anyone has questions or wants to shoot the breeze to keep the OOC thread active please do go ahead and poke everyone! One of the biggest killers of an RP is the silence of an inactive OOC thread. So even if it's not RP related go ahead and chit chat here to your heart's content!

No worries on my end. The new city life has just kept me busy!
Well, since you wanted posts... 😉

My apologies for the long wait with regards to my character sheet. I hope, when I am finished, that it proves well worth the wait. As Goji mentioned, my character is intimately connected to the lore of a now long-dead Aerolian civilisation, known as the Celestian Empire. Most of the lore about the Empire itself is still in note form, but nearly everything relevant to my character himself is close to being complete. Once it is, I may post the character sheet, and then complete the Empire's lore in the following days.

Since we have quite a few mages in our squad, I decided to create a non-magical character. He is also a hybrid, a mix of Aerolian and Miithi, so perhaps, on some level, Krag and Nora may see him as kin... or as prey. 😆
alrights post is up! Apologies for the wait, but kind of decided I needed to give a little more context to what my character's race is like and how Nuelehtil was sent on her way.
Got a lil' post up for Elena to give a little showcase what it's like for an Elf moving through a human settlement that's in the middle of Elven territory.

Also gave some of Elena's thoughts on Dragon's Cove and what she's thinking about with relation to Sil'Eph Niir's location on it.

Hopefully it's fun!
Hooray, my post is up! I'm wondering if we were still considering to use a Discord server for OOC. (I don't have a preference either way.) Let me know if you guys have any questions about Nora. I caught up with reading and love everyone's posts so far.

Laszalet Laszalet - Very excited to see how Kasumir's investigation unfolds over the course of the roleplay! I also loved seeing him contemplate his purpose for the journey.
EldridSmith EldridSmith - Randir is so casual about the divine voice, hahaha. I think both of our characters have a lot of respect for their fathers. It could be an interesting connecting point for them in the future!
Lekiel Lekiel - Such an intense beginning! I think Nuelehtil's devotion to her clan could be an interesting connection/conflict with Nora. It was great seeing how quick it was for her to lose composure when she was tasked to leave the clan.
GojiBean GojiBean - One of those guards deserves a donut! I hope those medical bill don't leave Elena in life long debt. =)
EldridSmith EldridSmith - Randir is so casual about the divine voice, hahaha. I think both of our characters have a lot of respect for their fathers. It could be an interesting connecting point for them in the future!
Well considering his father's journal he's been preparing for something like this for ages, and he's not one for reverence seeing as they don't help him much and even if they control things he holds resentment over his former lovers death.

I also look forward to interacting, seeing as they both respect their father's greatly it'll be fun to see how she reacts to the things my character uncovers about his own along the way. I look forward to learning about your tribe in character too!
Hooray, my post is up! I'm wondering if we were still considering to use a Discord server for OOC. (I don't have a preference either way.) Let me know if you guys have any questions about Nora. I caught up with reading and love everyone's posts so far.

Laszalet Laszalet - Very excited to see how Kasumir's investigation unfolds over the course of the roleplay! I also loved seeing him contemplate his purpose for the journey.
EldridSmith EldridSmith - Randir is so casual about the divine voice, hahaha. I think both of our characters have a lot of respect for their fathers. It could be an interesting connecting point for them in the future!
Lekiel Lekiel - Such an intense beginning! I think Nuelehtil's devotion to her clan could be an interesting connection/conflict with Nora. It was great seeing how quick it was for her to lose composure when she was tasked to leave the clan.
GojiBean GojiBean - One of those guards deserves a donut! I hope those medical bill don't leave Elena in life long debt. =)

We have a Discord server up for those interested. Otherwise I will still be regularly checking in on RPNation for those who prefer staying and communicating here.

Hopefully the link I provided earlier is still active. If not, let me know and I'll go fix it.
We have a Discord server up for those interested. Otherwise I will still be regularly checking in on RPNation for those who prefer staying and communicating here.

Hopefully the link I provided earlier is still active. If not, let me know and I'll go fix it.
Ooops, I missed the link earlier and the previous invite expired. I would love to hop into the server. :)
Ooops, I missed the link earlier and the previous invite expired. I would love to hop into the server. :)

Lol. No worries.

Loved the post by the way! This is one of the reasons why I love letting people add to the lore of my RP's in their own ways. So much cool stuff can come of it!


I'm excited!
I'm glad you liked it! I feel super attached to Nora and I wanted to make sure I felt confident about her post before I sent it.
Laszalet Laszalet - Very excited to see how Kasumir's investigation unfolds over the course of the roleplay! I also loved seeing him contemplate his purpose for the journey.
Had to actually scrap my former ideas and post I had prior to that, since I realized that my former ideas made it somewhat difficult to portry his personality properly (and if I really went with it it may just have ended up with 10k words, a tad bit mich in my eyes) so I am quite pleased that my second attempt is received well.

For the investigation (we talk about the one in regards to black magic, right?) I'll have to note, that unless the group / he comes back to the region, it is unlikely that he will "continue" his investigation, now despite that, there is always a chance that the ones the UMC sents fail miserably at the mission, or the city is even overtaken, in which case that obviously could become a minor plot / story to explore. (Especially if one wants to explore the failures of a system like the UMC (and why not necessary all black mages are evil at heart))

But in short:
Actually planned to go back to the investigation is nothing, the possibility to come back to it/ build upon it later, is certainly there though.
Ah, I see! I was predicting that he might try to make observations about his investigation along the journey. But it’s still great to see how he handles understanding his purpose either way.

For anyone who's stuck away from others and doesn't know how to proceed, hit me up in a PM and we'll put something together for ya! Remember, I can play any NPC's needed to help move you along. Including making it so they feel like proper Player Characters.

Hoyo all!

I'm gonna post a little something here in a bit to show what some other regions of the world are going through for your viewing pleasure!

Hopefully I'll have it done in about an hour or so!

Oh been meaning to ask, you think I could have Nuelehtil run into Elena when she makes her stop at that settlement? Would either of them feel any 'pull' or unexplained recognition when they see each other? Given that they're all 'chosen'.
Oh been meaning to ask, you think I could have Nuelehtil run into Elena when she makes her stop at that settlement? Would either of them feel any 'pull' or unexplained recognition when they see each other? Given that they're all 'chosen'.


Yes, and yes.

Once our characters get close enough and make eye contact, they'll feel a pull. It'll be subtle, but undeniable. The best way I can describe this pull would be to liken it to that feeling you get when you suddenly get an urge to do something, even if you don't know what it is you want to do yet. Your mind can't decide what activity would be best, but you just can't sit still. You have to do something.

That kind of thing.

So yeah. When they meet Elena and meet her eyes for the first time, they'll get that feeling like, "Oh, you and I need to talk but... Who are you? Why do I feel like we need to talk?"

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