• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

After a few minutes of lying on the couch, Ilia suddenly awoke with a start, almost literally jumping off the couch with the rapid movement. Her wound was not minor on its own but in comparison with some of the others it absolutely was. The emotional hurt and just the general levels of not okay was what affected her more anyway. She blinked, taking a better look around now that she had some more time to do so. "Huh. Eve wasn't kidding." Her eyes locked onto Yang. "...Hello again."
"Again? But- oh! oh I get it, no! No, you're ok don't worry, I'm not that other Yang!" she replied, waving her hands in front of her placatingly with a hopefully disarming smile. "I know this probably isn't gonna make sense, but I'm a different Yang, promise? Was she the one who hit you guys?" She asked with a concerned frown as she looked down at Ilia's stab wound with a wince.

"Didn't think swords were her style."
"Again? But- oh! oh I get it, no! No, you're ok don't worry, I'm not that other Yang!" she replied, waving her hands in front of her placatingly with a hopefully disarming smile. "I know this probably isn't gonna make sense, but I'm a different Yang, promise? Was she the one who hit you guys?" She asked with a concerned frown as she looked down at Ilia's stab wound with a wince.

"Didn't think swords were her style."

"...Wait what? I thought Eve said..." Her eyes changed to a light green color in her confusion. "Er...quick quiz. So you're not the Yang I met before Blake went with you guys on the Argus train...? If you aren't then how many Yangs are there running around?" God this was confusing enough as it is with just two Yangs. Speaking of, Ilia's expression grew more saddened when she got asked that. "She's the one who messed up Eve that badly, yes. But not me." One hand rubbed at a spot just above the stab as she glanced down at it. "That one's on Blake. And then some." She briefly looked over her other hand before shaking her head. "...It's been a crazy couple weeks."

She gave Yang a once-over herself. "So what train did you get hit by?"
As the screen(?) refocused on Weiss, the masked faunus didn't shift out of the narrowed eyes, and her voice was ice cold.

"The 'point' hasnt' changed Schnee. I don't care if the lead is made out of loyalty, either to your family or the hellhole you call a country, out of money, or out of fear; keep your old beast chained up and pointed in the right direction, and I won't drop his head at your doorstep. Lord Ozpin. As usual, I will not fail you"

her attention turned to him at his name, and she gave him a deep bow before she turned on her heel to leave.

"Oh no! Another toothless threat from whoever in whatever color Fang thinks they're my nemesis this week, whatever will I do?!"

Hang up, apparently.​
"...Wait what? I thought Eve said..." Her eyes changed to a light green color in her confusion. "Er...quick quiz. So you're not the Yang I met before Blake went with you guys on the Argus train...? If you aren't then how many Yangs are there running around?" God this was confusing enough as it is with just two Yangs. Speaking of, Ilia's expression grew more saddened when she got asked that. "She's the one who messed up Eve that badly, yes. But not me." One hand rubbed at a spot just above the stab as she glanced down at it. "That one's on Blake. And then some." She briefly looked over her other hand before shaking her head. "...It's been a crazy couple weeks."

She gave Yang a once-over herself. "So what train did you get hit by?"
Yang pulled her hands back close to her chest and scrunched her face up with a confused frown as she tried to process that sentence. "The train to Argus? But that was..."

"OH!" Her face lit up as the pieces finally fell into place, and the shape they made was that of a faunus who she knew for sure didn't want to stab them. "Ilia! The one from our world! You ended up here too!"

Her first instinct, presented with a rare friendly face of an actual acquaintance in a crazy messed up world was to go in for a hug, only to realize probably way too forward and she stumbled half way before smoothly transitioning into an extended arm for a firm handshake. "It's good to see someone who's not a lunatic murder child from back home. I was honestly starting to think it was only blood relatives to me and people who hated me that ended up over here." She said with a sheepish grin.


Unless this Ilia did hate her, but she literally couldn't think of a single reason why that would be the case.

"And tell me about it."
she said with a wry frown. "Its been... wild. Met Blake myself, wasn't fun. I'm... sorry that you had to go through that. It... must've been hard, to have someone who looked like a friend do that" she said, her joy at a friendly face fading at the thought.
Yang pulled her hands back close to her chest and scrunched her face up with a confused frown as she tried to process that sentence. "The train to Argus? But that was..."

"OH!" Her face lit up as the pieces finally fell into place, and the shape they made was that of a faunus who she knew for sure didn't want to stab them. "Ilia! The one from our world! You ended up here too!"

Her first instinct, presented with a rare friendly face of an actual acquaintance in a crazy messed up world was to go in for a hug, only to realize probably way too forward and she stumbled half way before smoothly transitioning into an extended arm for a firm handshake. "It's good to see someone who's not a lunatic murder child from back home. I was honestly starting to think it was only blood relatives to me and people who hated me that ended up over here." She said with a sheepish grin.


Unless this Ilia did hate her, but she literally couldn't think of a single reason why that would be the case.

"And tell me about it." she said with a wry frown. "Its been... wild. Met Blake myself, wasn't fun. I'm... sorry that you had to go through that. It... must've been hard, to have someone who looked like a friend do that" she said, her joy at a friendly face fading at the thought.

"Yeah, that's me and yeah I did." Ilia acknowledged, raising an eyebrow at that weird half-way obviously intended hug that somehow ended up as a handshake instead. Her eyes blinked a couple times as she stared down at the hand, the colors of those eyes changing with each respective blink...and the handshake was just plainly ignored and swept to the side as Ilia unhesitatingly went in for the hug wholeheartedly. She was even more glad than Yang was to see someone friendly and who didn't come with a bunch of inherent weirdness like the female version of Adam did. When she pulled away though, it was with a sad frown.

"Yes, yes it was. More than hard. But...I've seen that Blake...she...there is a heart there still and..." She fell silent and shook her head. "Nevermind, let's not get into that now." She gestured up and down at Yang. "So again what happened to you?? Also, Eve told me that you guys had a plan of sorts for, well, all the weirdness."​
"Yeah, that's me and yeah I did." Ilia acknowledged, raising an eyebrow at that weird half-way obviously intended hug that somehow ended up as a handshake instead. Her eyes blinked a couple times as she stared down at the hand, the colors of those eyes changing with each respective blink...and the handshake was just plainly ignored and swept to the side as Ilia unhesitatingly went in for the hug wholeheartedly. She was even more glad than Yang was to see someone friendly and who didn't come with a bunch of inherent weirdness like the female version of Adam did. When she pulled away though, it was with a sad frown.

"Yes, yes it was. More than hard. But...I've seen that Blake...she...there is a heart there still and..." She fell silent and shook her head. "Nevermind, let's not get into that now." She gestured up and down at Yang. "So again what happened to you?? Also, Eve told me that you guys had a plan of sorts for, well, all the weirdness."​
"Oh-" Yang's hands froze for a moment as her aborted hug was suddenly put back on mission, a look of surprise on her face that gave way to a soft smile. It wasn't one people usually saw, considering her head was usually on their shoulder during a hug, but way her arms hooked around and held tight, but not too tight, gave the same warm and protective aura through the contact anyways. She didn't know what went wrong with that other Yang, but she'd always be a protector first and an ass kicker second, and that meant emotionally just as much as it did physically. These arms were made for holding, and Yang was always proud to continue her solemn duty with them.

Even when it was being done with a cracked rib ow

When Ilia pulled away and asked her question, Yang let out a frustrated huff and ran her hand through her hair as she looked off to the side. "It..."

She was about to drift back into snark almost in instinct, never happy to flat out say she lost a fight, but telling jokes when... Her gaze carried over to where Neo and Emerald were sitting, and she let out frustrated huff as she looked at the floor. "...We... found one of the few things we need to get to start going home. It cost us though. A lot." She muttered.
Watts hadn't moved from the spot Hazel had left him at when he'd left to talk to Tyrian, a cold, frustrated frown on his face as he watched him leave. He wasn't so sure, about a few of the things he'd said, but... the fight wasn't in him. Not right now, not with his own team. He'd been about to wander over to a chair to wait for them to finish, when Ruby activated the relic and...


He sat through that entire display with a mixture of confusion and awe, a sense of wonder in his eyes that hadn't been in them for literal years. It was one thing to see a maiden in action; certainly impressive, but they were still human, and much of what they did others could do through semblance, aura, and proper use of dust. But... this? This was real magic. Infinite knowledge. Time stopping. The world being shifted in its place solely to tell a story. It was... amazing. Enough that the warm feeling of knowledge gained stayed with him when the figure disappeared back into the lamp despite the enormity of the task laid before them and the still sharp memories of what they'd all just gone through.

At least briefly. A few minutes later, he was resting with his hand on his chin and his eyes closed in a chair, mulling over the words of Hazel, Mercury, and Jinn and weighing them against his own heavy thoughts.
When Ilia pulled away and asked her question, Yang let out a frustrated huff and ran her hand through her hair as she looked off to the side. "It..."

She was about to drift back into snark almost in instinct, never happy to flat out say she lost a fight, but telling jokes when... Her gaze carried over to where Neo and Emerald were sitting, and she let out frustrated huff as she looked at the floor. "...We... found one of the few things we need to get to start going home. It cost us though. A lot." She muttered.

"...….Oh." Ilia could tell from the averted gaze and the hand that ran through her hair and the frustrated sounds she made that it was that kind of a lot Yang was talking about. One that was painfully familiar. "I'm...sorry to hear that." Ilia said, her eyes and spots a muted sorrowful blue. "Truly. I had tried to help up at the academy earlier, disarm those bombs before they went off but Blake, she...did what she believes is right." She sighed and scratched idly at one of her arms. "Is there anything I could do to help, maybe? Anything at all?"
At least briefly. A few minutes later, he was resting with his hand on his chin and his eyes closed in a chair, mulling over the words of Hazel, Mercury, and Jinn and weighing them against his own heavy thoughts.

"...………………………………………….Hey." She eventually managed to cough out a greeting from where she stood a few feet away, some time after she reentered Tock's place once that talk with Qrow had wrapped up. "I realize we don't know each other that well but, there's some things I was thinking about that I wanted to say. From one team leader to another. I know that bad things do happen, sometimes no matter how hard you try to stop them. I know what loss can do to people. If we gave up every time we lost, though...we'd never be able to move forward. Never be able to see what might be lying beyond the pain of that loss. Never be there for people who might be lost without us." Ruby moved to the side and lowered herself to sit down on the floor next to Watts' chair.

"The thought of breaking up your team...I can't say whether you should do that or not. Whether it is right or not, it's not my place to judge. Maybe it is something that needs to happen, at least for a while, so that the four of you become stronger or better people than you were before. It did happen for us, my team. After we suffered our own heavy losses, our decisions and circumstances pulled us apart. And when we finally came back together, we weren't all the same people we were before. Of course, your team and mine aren't quite the same, hah, and you all have your own radically different issues to work out but...I personally think you guys have the potential to be just as brave, and kind, and noble as any other huntsmen team. Maybe not like the righteous hero from some cheery fairy tale, but good enough. I..."


"...I just think it would be a shame if you decided you disbanding your team was a permanent thing."
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"...….Oh." Ilia could tell from the averted gaze and the hand that ran through her hair and the frustrated sounds she made that it was that kind of a lot Yang was talking about. One that was painfully familiar. "I'm...sorry to hear that." Ilia said, her eyes and spots a muted sorrowful blue.​

"You must be a terrible liar" Yang couldn't help but comment as she leaned on the nearby wall with crossed arms and a wry smirk poking out of her dour mood as she watched Ilia's colors changed again.

"Truly. I had tried to help up at the academy earlier, disarm those bombs before they went off but Blake, she...did what she believes is right." She sighed and scratched idly at one of her arms. "Is there anything I could do to help, maybe? Anything at all?"

It didn't last, and she grimaced as she placed a comforting hand on Ilia's shoulder. "Hey, at least you tried. Not like we did any better at the academy." She mutterd with a dark frown before she shook her head and forced her tone to level out, "But nah, nah. I'm fine, anyways. These kids though..."

She cast her gaze back to where MTEN was and where Ruby was talking to Watts and sighed before she looked away.

"...I get what they're going through, but its one thing to empathize and another to... do anything about it. To say something and not come off like a insensitve jerk. No one wants to hear 'it gets better' especially not so soon."

Especially when it was a her that had caused them all this pain. It might've been a her so far removed from her that all they shared was a semblance and a face, who had none of Yang's awesome points like being cool or friendly or fun or not an entire bag of beringel shit falling off a cliff and on fire, but still. She didn't imagine hers was the face any of them wanted any sort of comfort from.
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"...………………………………………….Hey." She eventually managed to cough out a greeting from where she stood a few feet away, some time after she reentered Tock's place once that talk with Qrow had wrapped up.​

He turned his head up as he heard someone approach, and he greeted Ruby with a curt nod from where he was still seated with his arms on his knees and his hands clasped together. "Miss Rose. I'm not sure we've have the pleasure of a conversation yet. Outside of accusing you of having a concussion." He added with a slight drawl. "Can I help you?"

"I realize we don't know each other that well but, there's some things I was thinking about that I wanted to say. From one team leader to another. I know that bad things do happen, sometimes no matter how hard you try to stop them. I know what loss can do to people. If we gave up every time we lost, though...we'd never be able to move forward. Never be able to see what might be lying beyond the pain of that loss. Never be there for people who might be lost without us." Ruby moved to the side and lowered herself to sit down on the floor next to Watts' chair.

"The thought of breaking up your team...I can't say whether you should do that or not. Whether it is right or not, it's not my place to judge. Maybe it is something that needs to happen, at least for a while, so that the four of you become stronger or better people than you were before. It did happen for us, my team. After we suffered our own heavy losses, our decisions and circumstances pulled us apart. And when we finally came back together, we weren't all the same people we were before. Of course, your team and mine aren't quite the same, hah, and you all have your own radically different issues to work out but...I personally think you guys have the potential to be just as brave, and kind, and noble as any other huntsmen team. Maybe not like the righteous hero from some cheery fairy tale, but good enough. I..."


"...I just think it would be a shame if you decided you disbanding your team was a permanent thing."

His gaze remained almost uncomfortably leveled throughout the entire speech, attentive yet distant like a student in a lecture hall. When it was done his gaze finally dropped as his thoughts organized.
"... you're correct. We aren't like those heroes in the stories. Well, I'm not anyways, Cinder certainly puts forth quite an effort in emulating them. Not me though. I..." The sentence drifted off for a moment as he opened one of his hands, watching the way his rings flickered and glowed with the motion.

"...I'm unsure its something I was ever meant to be. There is an anger in me, Miss Rose. At this world, and how it has treated me, how it hasn't given-" He caught himself and grasped the hand shut as he closed his eyes with a quiet huff.

"Its there. The anger. The jealously. A dash of hate for flavor. Yet here I am fighting for Salem. I always thought that my better nature was something that belonged there, even if it warred with all those other feelings. Yet... you and your sister have arrived, and I will not belittle your own troubles and doubts but... neither of you are like us. So perhaps the reason this 'better nature' is so out of place with the rest of me is because it is simply... not meant to be there. An abberation forced upon this form by a greater power, and that this other version of me is the natural state of Arthur Watts. Oppressively powerful mustache and all."

He looked back up at her, the distance still in his eyes despite the heaviness of his words.

"If that is the case, then this is not a path I should have ever walked. The others can do what they wish, once we save my partner, but..."
"You must be a terrible liar" Yang couldn't help but comment as she leaned on the nearby wall with crossed arms and a wry smirk poking out of her dour mood as she watched Ilia's colors changed again.

It didn't last, and she grimaced as she placed a comforting hand on Ilia's shoulder. "Hey, at least you tried. Not like we did any better at the academy." She mutterd with a dark frown before she shook her head and forced her tone to level out, "But nah, nah. I'm fine, anyways. These kids though..."

She cast her gaze back to where MTEN was and where Ruby was talking to Watts and sighed before she looked away.

"...I get what they're going through, but its one thing to empathize and another to... do anything about it. To say something and not come off like a insensitve jerk. No one wants to hear 'it gets better' especially not so soon."

Especially when it was a her that had caused them all this pain. It might've been a her so far removed from her that all they shared was a semblance and a face, who had none of Yang's awesome points like being cool or friendly or fun or not an entire bag of beringel shit falling off a cliff and on fire, but still. She didn't imagine hers was the face any of them wanted any sort of comfort from.

"...You'd actually be surprised." Ilia admitted, thinking back to her years at a fancy Atlas prep school and all the lengths she'd gone to just to seem like she was as human as anybody else. At least until her supposed friends revealed the true colors of their cruelty and she ended up breaking their teeth, forever ending her future as a student in the city of dreams. Not that she regretted the lost opportunity, she was still proud that she'd stood up against those mean-spirited girls. "And...that's fair. Sometimes the attempts to try and make someone feel better are just...empty platitudes that don't make it any easier." She fell silent after that, not sure what else to say. Sad as it was, sometimes people had to work through their feelings and tragedies themselves.​
He turned his head up as he heard someone approach, and he greeted Ruby with a curt nod from where he was still seated with his arms on his knees and his hands clasped together. "Miss Rose. I'm not sure we've have the pleasure of a conversation yet. Outside of accusing you of having a concussion." He added with a slight drawl. "Can I help you?"

His gaze remained almost uncomfortably leveled throughout the entire speech, attentive yet distant like a student in a lecture hall. When it was done his gaze finally dropped as his thoughts organized.
"... you're correct. We aren't like those heroes in the stories. Well, I'm not anyways, Cinder certainly puts forth quite an effort in emulating them. Not me though. I..." The sentence drifted off for a moment as he opened one of his hands, watching the way his rings flickered and glowed with the motion.

"...I'm unsure its something I was ever meant to be. There is an anger in me, Miss Rose. At this world, and how it has treated me, how it hasn't given-" He caught himself and grasped the hand shut as he closed his eyes with a quiet huff.

"Its there. The anger. The jealously. A dash of hate for flavor. Yet here I am fighting for Salem. I always thought that my better nature was something that belonged there, even if it warred with all those other feelings. Yet... you and your sister have arrived, and I will not belittle your own troubles and doubts but... neither of you are like us. So perhaps the reason this 'better nature' is so out of place with the rest of me is because it is simply... not meant to be there. An abberation forced upon this form by a greater power, and that this other version of me is the natural state of Arthur Watts. Oppressively powerful mustache and all."

He looked back up at her, the distance still in his eyes despite the heaviness of his words.

"If that is the case, then this is not a path I should have ever walked. The others can do what they wish, once we save my partner, but..."

"...Just Ruby is fine." She pointed out, feeling a little weirded out that he was calling her Miss Rose. She wasn't a teacher or professor or doctor or anything close to those to earn a formal greeting like that. Neither did she think she was that far above them as being referred to that way implied she was. She was the same age as many of them after all, just a huntress like them trying to push through all the struggles in her path. After he got through all he needed to say, she just looked at him in a thoughtfully curious way. "You know, that reminds me of something I once read in one of my teammate's many many books. What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" She repeated word for word. "If you're right on that, on how you think about yourself, which I'm not necessarily agreeing with, but if you are-" She looked over to him with an easygoing smile.


"-then I think that only makes you more admirable, not less. You're fighting yourself as much as you fight grimm, or any bad guys. You went to Beacon, brought yourself out here on a mission that like she said-" She nodded vaguely over in the direction of where the Raven who brought the relic was standing. "-is bigger than any of us. I don't know your exact reasons, but I believe if you didn't want to go through with any of it...you wouldn't be sitting here with us, trying to make a difference. You kept real smart people from locating us, upgraded a bunch of your allies' scrolls to try to keep that from happening in the future...if you truly wanted to be gone? To give this up? You'd just be gone. That big brain of yours probably has a dozen ways to ditch us all without even a chance for someone stopping you. Maybe even end with somebody unknowingly wearing a kick me sign on their back." She snickered despite the situation. "Right?" Ruby looked away from him right then.

"Besides-" Her eyes flitted from Yang to the two Ravens to everybody else in sight. "-do you honestly think you're the only huntsman in history with anger problems, or jealousy, or self-doubt? Trust me, you never want to see my sister when someone messes with her hair. And they aren't here right now, but the early days with my partner and one of my friends who leads a team of his own? They had plenty of the other two feelings, enough to go around and share."

Mercury hadn't even twitched throughout the entirety of the Jinn's manifestation, a breathtaking, once-in-a-life experience he never could've even conceived of being in the room for a day ago. That was how much he truly, sincerely did not care anymore. As Watts took a seat and the plans for an imminent departure seemed to dissipate in the wake of the knowledge bomb, Mercury made a noise squarely between frustration and disgust before tossing his bag to the floor with a heavier-than-necessary thump, storming out to go do some shadowboxing. If the rest of them weren't ready, whatever.

He was gonna make sure he was.​

Mercury hadn't even twitched throughout the entirety of the Jinn's manifestation, a breathtaking, once-in-a-life experience he never could've even conceived of being in the room for a day ago. That was how much he truly, sincerely did not care anymore. As Watts took a seat and the plans for an imminent departure seemed to dissipate in the wake of the knowledge bomb, Mercury made a noise squarely between frustration and disgust before tossing his bag to the floor with a heavier-than-necessary thump, storming out to go do some shadowboxing. If the rest of them weren't ready, whatever.

He was gonna make sure he was.​

He wasn't the only one outside, thanks to Tock being practically being chased out of her own home by the not-maiden Raven since the crocodile had poked fun at that, refused to stop calling her Ray and just in general taking the piss out of the Branwen twin. But he didn't even seem to notice where Tock was leaning against the outer wall just by the door, as the kid stomped in clear frustration and impatience over to some empty and wide open spot...and started throwing blows to train and keep himself sharp.

She watched in silence for a while before she even thought to open her mouth. When she did: "Who trained ya?"
He wasn't the only one outside, thanks to Tock being practically being chased out of her own home by the not-maiden Raven since the crocodile had poked fun at that, refused to stop calling her Ray and just in general taking the piss out of the Branwen twin. But he didn't even seem to notice where Tock was leaning against the outer wall just by the door, as the kid stomped in clear frustration and impatience over to some empty and wide open spot...and started throwing blows to train and keep himself sharp.

She watched in silence for a while before she even thought to open her mouth. When she did: "Who trained ya?"

"Marcus Black." He answered immediately without turning, looking over or pausing the series of rapidfire jabs he threw before a pair of spinning heel kicks followed them up seamlessly. The immortal crocodile woman might as well have been part of the scenery for all he cared at this point.​

"Marcus Black." He answered immediately without turning, looking over or pausing the series of rapidfire jabs he threw before a pair of spinning heel kicks followed them up seamlessly. The immortal crocodile woman might as well have been part of the scenery for all he cared at this point.​

"Mh. Dad or some other relative, I take it. Lucky you, never had any family training myself." She pushed herself away from the wall, taking a few steps closer and studying the kid diligently with every move he threw. His stances, the footwork, the moves themselves. "Not bad...for an amateur." She considered for a second before adding: "Well, ya did ask me earlier and I got nothin' better ta do right now. Up for something a little more challenging? Unless you're fine with just practicin' on the air, that is."

Spin kick.

"It's not something to envy-"

Tornado kick. Sweep.

"-I'm no amateur-"

Vertical stomp kick. Butterfly kick. Left jab, right jab.

"-he was the most skilled assassin in Sanus-"

Spinning jump axe kick.

"-and the only time I ever felt lucky-"

Crescent roundhouse kick, only this time the move swung for Tock's head without any kind of warning or verbal acknowledgment of the offer, whether it caught her flush or clashed against a block of little consequence as he flung him into a whirlwind of follow-up kicks, each more complex and technical than the last. That was exactly what Mercury Black was, really. A tornado of boots and steel. His jaw was tight, his eyes cold. Something in him had changed.

"-was when I put that bastard in the ground."
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Tyrian froze and didn't turn to face Hazel.


Tyrian's tail seemed to tense up.

"I told you part of my story because I felt you deserved to know. But there was another reason I did so. You heard what Tock said back in there didn't you? She said I'd gone crazy. That I'd lost it was her fine wording, I believe? Well. She wasn't lying." Tyrian turned to face Hazel. "I didn't mention my relationship with Ichabod just for fun. A while before the incident that forced me to leave, he asked me a question. One that's stuck with me for years."


Tyrian had just finished a particularly nasty fight. One that'd left him missing one of his canines after a strong punch to the side of the head. He had also required 20 stitches around his forehead after a nasty session of headbutting that his older opponent had inflicted upon him. Doped up on pain meds as he was though, Tyrian felt like a million bucks. Nobody could get in his way and nobody could take him down! He jumped on his couch(he'd never had a couch before!!) that Ichabod had bought for him. He felt like ripping the stuffing out of it like a wild animal and spitting it all over the room and and and-

"Tyrian? Are you ok?"


Ceasing his jumping, Tyrian kicked his feet back and forth as Ichabod hobbled into the room. "Tyrian?"

"Oh...um hihihi Mr. Ichabod-ow!!"

Tyrian could feel it starting to get very hot in here!!! Even the ice cream in his fridge was going to start melting at this rate! Looking at Ichabod, Tyrian winced as the usual sulfur smell around his manager/best friend started to intentisfy. A sign that he was exerting his semblance: Overheat. With enough focus and time, Ichabod could 'heat up' the AoE of his ability. Due to his advanced age, it was mostly used for training rookies and warding off pick pockets by making his wallet 'hot' to the touch. He usually didn't activate it around Tyrian though. Unless the boy was acting like a fool. Which he clearly had been.

"Owowowow! Ok! Okay!!!! I'm sorry!!!!!"

The heat died down and Tyrian was glad he hadn't been wearing a shirt. It would have felt so gross now. "That's all I wanted to hear. Now, Tyrian. Could you lock the door for me?" The question took Tyrian by surprise. Usually the door to Ichabod's office was kept open. In case anyone had a problem with him, they could come and go as they pleased. Old as he was, he wasn't afraid of reprisal. Not wanting him to use his semblance again, Tyrian hopped over and locked the door. "Are we gonna do some more training today, Mr. Ichabod?"


"O-Oh....What's up then? If it's about the fight then-"

"No, Tyrian. I...I've been doing this a long time. When the fighters under me reached eighteen I typically gave them enough money to last them until they got up on their feet/watched over them from afar. But you've made it clear you plan to stay with me for quite some time. I respect and admire that tenacity of yours, my boy. But, Tyrian...You know there are those who'd wish me harm."

"W-What?! Why!? Who wants to hurt you!? I'll fight them right now I'll-I'll kill-"

The heat turned up again and Tyrian whimpered.

"That right there is what I came to discuss with you. The White Fang and this....'Shadow Fang.' are growing in number and I've gone many years trying to avoid incurring their wrath. My compatriots as you have no doubt experienced have not. I'm worried about you, Tyrian. Would you...Would you join them if they asked you?"

....That was a genuinely difficult question. Tyrian knew the White/Shadow Fang both fought to help the faunus get a better place in this world right?? It was just the means in which they did it that people didn't like. Killing people was never okay! Then again, how could he judge them sitting in relative luxury like this? Sure, he had to deal with jerks who could ruin his life if they desired but Ichabod always protected him. But what if the White Fang went after him? What if he had to-"

"Tyrian. Would you kill me if they commanded you to?"

Tyrian felt his blood freeze.


What had Ichabod just asked him??

"Y-You're joking right...? I....I would never-"

"Tyrian. I notice how antsy you seem to be about your tail. That you swore you'd never use the stinger. Sometimes I see it tense up after a tough fight. As if you're going to lash out and sting somebody. Maybe even hurt them more than you need to. Am I wrong?"

"....no. No, you're not. B-But I'd never hurt you! I promise! I'd never think of killing you!!!" Tyrian felt tears welling up and he cried into the man's chest as Ichabod hugged him. "That's all you needed to say, my boy. I'm sorry for frightening you."


"During the fight with that other Qrow, the voices normally telling me to 'kill' stopped. That was around the same time I stabbed myself. I was prepared to kill him after striking him with my tail. I could feel as though I was going to do it too." Tyrian admitted.


His voice cracked a little.

"I'll help get Cinder back but I think i simply miss the thrill that fighting in that ring gave me, Hazel. I want to go back but I can't and Ichabod is...." Tyrian frowned. Clearly not wanting to finish that sentence. "It's why I was so interested in fighting Eve. It wasn't just childishness eagerness. I wanted to know if she was the one who killed him."

"I can't get my answers and keep the three of us safe if she is his killer."

So this Ichabod was definitively dead. Well, that changed things, presented something of an understanding in correlation with Tyrian's behavior. And made Hazel felt more than awkward when he realized the consternation he so readily displayed at the mention of the man was completely unnecessary. But he pushed past that, it was not the crux of this.

"So you've been on a mission to find the man's killer while dealing with these impulses. Tyrian..." The faunus found himself the subject of Hazel's eyes, a gaze that was somehow both stern and sad with the absence of the piercing quality he employed. There weren't words to say, try as he might and try he would but nothing that could quite capture the feelings that swelled within him. Nothing as comparable as to the action that followed, where Tyrian's personal bubble was encroached by the sentient sequoia, the black scorpion embraced in a hug that was surprisingly warm and firm.

"Despite being with us, you've been alone the whole time. Now... I am truly sorry."

He didn't so much care about turning the mood of their conversation completely on its head, whatever the ramifications his hug might have brought. It was an emotional response, one he rarely conveyed if ever, never allowing himself to break the stony facade of what his family had instilled in him as the ultimate ideal of a man. Unrelenting, powerful, tall, enduring, without weakness.... all ridiculous as solitary notions when he came face to face with them.

He sniffed, the crystallization of Tyrian's story streaking a lonely path down one cheek as he maintained the hug.

Hazel would eventually release, that was a given. But it was a question of when...

Spin kick.

"It's not something to envy-"

Tornado kick. Sweep.

"-I'm no amateur-"

Vertical stomp kick. Butterfly kick. Left jab, right jab.

"-he was the most skilled assassin in Sanus-"

Spinning jump axe kick.

"-and the only time I ever felt lucky-"

Crescent roundhouse kick, only this time the move swung for Tock's head without any kind of warning or verbal acknowledgment of the offer, whether it caught her flush or clashed against a block of little consequence as he flung him into a whirlwind of follow-up kicks, each more complex and technical than the last. That was exactly what Mercury Black was, really. A tornado of boots and steel. His jaw was tight, his eyes cold. Something in him had changed.

"-was when I put that bastard in the ground."

Mercury certainly wasn't slow by any stretch of the imagination, and in comparison to the average huntsman in training, just judging from the brief exposure of the attacks he sent her way, his skill solidly stood out. He was probably a benchmark that others were measured against, back at Beacon. But she had been very much the same. Top of her class at Haven for a reason, and with decades to further hone her skill and get more and more experienced with every mission Salem sent her way. To her, he was most definitely an amateur. Something that only became more and more readily apparent with how easily she was bobbing and weaving, ducking and dodging every attack with an utterly nonchalant air. She didn't even bother to throw a punch or a kick back yet, the only thing she tossed back at him throughout the tornado of strikes was the sound of her own voice.

"I reckon you ain't wrong there, no need to envy, I mean look at me. Completely self-taught until I went to Haven." She grinned audaciously. "And hold on, that Marcus Black? The infamous killer? You put him in the ground?" Well that certainly explained a lot about the skill he possessed. "So what was it then? Was he just having an off day when you put 'im down or did you just have that great of a day? Personally leanin' to the former, myself. Question is, why?" The noticeable use of the word bastard gave some hints but if the kid was just gonna throw out the fact that he killed him like that...she'd like to hear it from his mouth.​
"So you've been on a mission to find the man's killer while dealing with these impulses. Tyrian..."
"It's something that someone like Watts would never been able to understand. He thought I was impulsive, insubordinate, not the perfect little toy soldier." Tyrian hissed out with a touch of venom stroking his words. "I came close to punching him but I relented. No matter my opinion on him, I'd never lay a hand on him regardless."

Friendships were made, ended, possibly even repaired.

But memories never died.
"Despite being with us, you've been alone the whole time. Now... I am truly sorry."
"He....He wasn't a perfect man by any stretch of the word. So far as my parents were concerned, anyway. He was the scum of the Earth and the sooner they got me away from him, the better off I'd be. He never held it against my folks. They wanted him to promise them that he'd never allow me to fight or participate in any of this underground ring's events ever again. Up until I got the news that the place was attacked by the White Fang, he always turned me away at the door. Regardless of everything else, he was a man of conviction, of honesty. He hobbled around using a cane and had a trick knee but he still trained me every other day. He even helped me make my weapons after my parents found out about the place."

Tyrian sniffled.

"....And I miss him."
He didn't so much care about turning the mood of their conversation completely on its head, whatever the ramifications his hug might have brought. It was an emotional response, one he rarely conveyed if ever, never allowing himself to break the stony facade of what his family had instilled in him as the ultimate ideal of a man. Unrelenting, powerful, tall, enduring, without weakness.... all ridiculous as solitary notions when he came face to face with them.

He sniffed, the crystallization of Tyrian's story streaking a lonely path down one cheek as he maintained the hug.

Hazel would eventually release, that was a given. But it was a question of when...
Tyrian didn't say anything as he was hugged.

He didn't seem to return it or even really acknowledge it.

The tears running freely down his face said more than any words could have. He returned the hug and sniffled sadly.

He hadn't been there the night everything went awry with the White Fang. The day that Ichabod was taken from him.

But what had happened that night...?


Business had been getting worse and worse after all the hullabaloo that Tyrian's parents had kicked up. If it hadn't been for Ichabod's quick intervention/willingness to keep his promise to the two scorpion faunus, the old man had no doubts in his mind that a riot would have broken out. The authorities would have gotten involved and the whole thing would have ended in needless bloodshed. The other shareholders weren't as happy about the peaceful ending to that whole debacle. Who cared if the police were called? Slide a couple fat stacks their way and the whole problem would disappear just like that.

Life wasn't just something you could throw money at for Ichabod.

He'd been something of a pugilist in his youth. Nothing on a regional scale or anything mind you, just a small town figure in his community. Just as was the case today however, faunus rights weren't exactly as far reaching as they could have and should have been. One of his last opponents was a cat faunus, a face he'd never forget. The white streak she had in her hair was absolutely beautiful.

He'd been ordered by his manager(and the people paying him)to beat her to a pulp. Help frighten the faunus back into submission. They were starting to get a bit uppity and simply siccing the authorities on them to disperse would have come across as far too heavy handed and possibly even lead to more trouble.

Ichabod was conflicted and spoke to his would be opponent and admitted what he'd been asked to do. She told him that she couldn't dictate what he chose to do but...that she liked him well enough. For a human at any rate.

When the time came to fight, he ended up throwing the match.

His manager's hired goons beat him and his left leg would never recover quite right. His own parents never came to visit him as he recovered in the hospital but she did. She visited him every other day and the two hit it off beautifully.

In the present day, she'd since passed away but whenever Tyrian asked about her, Ichabod spoke of her as though she and him were nothing but two love struck teenagers again.


Ichabod sighed and pushed himself up from his desk. Perhaps, just perhaps it was time to sell his share in the company. The three faunus who always seemed to protect him: Ike, Kyle, and Reese. They were just that as far as anybody else knew: just hired muscle. The three of them knew better though: Ichabod thought of them like his sons.

"What's up, pops?" Kyle asked as Ichabod grabbed his cane and steadied himself. "Ah, it's nothing, Kyle. Just an old man ruminating over his thoughts."


Ichabod was nearly toppled over if not for Ike and Kyle quickly rushing to support him. Reaching for his scroll, Reese practically screamed into it. "Hey! HEY!!! What the hell's going on out there!? What was that noise!?"

The response made Reese's blood run cold.

"I-It's The White Fang! Beauregard made a deal with them!!!"

Beauregard was one of the other shareholders in the company who absolutely despised the attention he'd seen Ichabod lavish on his fighters, Tyrian being no exception. He'd also been the one who threatened the young scorpion faunus that if he didn't lose the rigged match to his son that he'd have a hitman kill Ichabod. The fact that whole affair ended with neither Ichabod or Tyrian dying left him flustered beyond relief. Still, Tyrian's parents declined to press charges knowing they'd never win and Ichabod didn't believe in retaliation. Everything seemed to have restored itself to the status quo but he wasn't satisfied with that.

He wanted the old man out of here. Now.

The White Fang and the Shadow Fang were the constant bogeyman hanging over their heads. If any of their agents got a whiff of this place then that'd be it. They'd be slaughtered without remorse for the purported 'sins' they'd committed against faunuskind. Any faunus that were bought these days were vetted harshly in order to make sure they weren't an agent feeding information back to their groups. Figuring that if he simply gave the White Fang a headsup/promised that he wouldn't get in their way, Beauregard was self assured this plan couldn't possibly fail. Ichabod would bite it and Beauregard could rebuild his own facility somewhere else and not have to worry about some bleeding heart animal lover getting in his damn way all the time.

....Things didn't quite work out like that.

Ichabod was an older man. It wasn't remiss at all to say that his fighting days were long behind him. He had no doubts that if it wasn't for his adopted children, he'd have been taken out by a White Fang goon in no time at all. As Kyle held his hand, Reese and Ike watched the front, horrified at the corpses they'd already seen scattered across the halls.

"This...This is a nightmare." Ichabod muttered. The faunus who fought here weren't all like Tyrian. Some hated it here and likely turned on their 'managers' without a second thought once they'd seen the White Fang show up. Others were just doing this for the cash in order to get by and didn't want to killl or hurt anybody unless it was for the spectacle of it all. Ichabod doubted the White Fang would discriminate but the very thought of those masked nightmares cutting down their fellow kind made him ill.

"Ichabod!!! Ichabod you've got to help me!!"


ike and Reese drew their pistols. "The hell should we help you for?! You're the whole reason this is happening!! One of the suits that I found dying told us so! YOU gave the White Fang a tipoff to find this place you piece of shit!" Beauregard's suit was torn and his face was bloody but he waved his hands frantically. "I-I know! It was a mistake! Please! You've gotta take me with you!!! I-I thought these freaks would listen to me!!! They're killing any human who gets in their way! I barely managed to get away!!"

"Kyle. I'll be back, my boy. I need to do something I should have done months ago..."

"Huh? Old man-" Ichabod didn't let Kyle finish as he hobbled away from him and towards Beauregard.

"So many people are dying because of you. Many of whom just sought a better life. A chance at a better tomorrow. "

"Look, yell at me all you want, we gotta-urk!"

Ichabod reached out and grabbed Beauregard by the neck and activated Overheat. Beauregard tried screaming but the cries were muffled as Ichabod started to burn him alive from the inside out. His sons watching in horror. They'd never seen Ichabod use his semblance in such a way but from his training sessions with Tyrian, they knew it was nothing to sneeze at. Once the body was little more than a charred husk, Ichabod let it drop to the ground and immediately lurched forward. It was a painful truth to admit but he was simply too old to fight anymore. Even using his semblance like that to rid the world of a pestilence like Beauregard left him drained and gasping for air.

....He heard footsteps coming down this hall.

There was nobody else accompanying them from what Ichabod could hear. There was no fear or hesitance evident in the confident stride with which they walked. He knew his sons would be slaughtered if they stayed and tried to protect him. They simply couldn't make it against a force like this. Placing his hand on a wall to support himself, Ichabod looked over his shoulder.

"Kyle, Reese, Ike. I...I need you boys to go. Run away....Please."

"What?! Are you crazy!? There's White Fang all over this place! If they get their hands on you they'll-"

"I know. I've known for years. If it hadn't been Beauregard..." Ichabod looked down at his corpse. "It just would have been someone else. It's time I accept my dues like an adult."

"We're not leaving you...."

Ichabod smiled.

"I love you boys. ...Goodbye."

Activating his semblance and pushing it to it's limits to 'speed up' the heating, a fire erupted in the hallway. Blocking off Ichabod from his sons. They yelled in protest and screamed for him to deactivate it so they could escape together. He loved those three like they were his own, faunus or not, he only wished the stigma wasn't as strong as it had been when he was a boy. He wanted to openly say how they were related to him. They were more than just bodyguards. They were his family.

The footsteps stopped and the figure they belonged to stared him down from the end of the hallway.


Ichabod said nothing and continued to flare his semblance. If the stars aligned and he got lucky, just maybe, this figure would be roasted alive before they made it to him. He just needed to buy enough time for his boys to escape and-

"Why do you cry, Tyrian?"
"They spit on me!!! I do only what I love and they spit on me!!!"

"Why do the other guys hate me, Mr. ichabod? I've never done a damn thing to them."

"...It's often enough that humanity simply hates what it fails to understand."

"....Do you hate me, Mr. Ichabod?"
"...Tyrian." The old man gave a soft look before reaching over to wrap the young faunus up in a hug. "Don't ask such ridiculous questions."

.....The boy grew up to be so kind and caring despite what he'd been through in his years in the ring. Others that had worked under Ichabod like Trifa couldn't say the same. Yet it felt as though every other week, or month, Ichabod was having to drive Tyrian away. It was in the boy's heart to fight.

...It was his fault. He'd given Tyrian a chance at a better life. To help him support his family. Instead, he'd only been perpetuating a cycle of violence that would only end with one of two things: The men in charge of these policies/actions were dead or changes were made.

Ichabod was too old to believe he could make any great change these days.

...But he could do this much.

His semblance deactivated and he dropped his cane. Taking advantage in the lull of the blazing inferno that Ichabod had been turning into the hallway, his attacker lunged forward. Ichabod wasn't afraid. His boys were adults and knew to fend for themselves if something happened to him.

....He only wished he could have seen Tyrian's face one last time.

He smiled at Death as it took him.

His cane hit the floor with his body soon after.


Tyrian eventually was the one to break the hug, stepping back as he wiped at his eyes.

"....Thank you, partner. Really."

Pulling out his scroll, Tyrian brought up a list of contacts.

"....If we're really going to save Cinder, I need to do something about....this." Tyrian's tail swayed from side to side. "I know someone who might be able to help. She's a 'working girl' who used to work under Ichabod before I did..."
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Mercury certainly wasn't slow by any stretch of the imagination, and in comparison to the average huntsman in training, just judging from the brief exposure of the attacks he sent her way, his skill solidly stood out. He was probably a benchmark that others were measured against, back at Beacon. But she had been very much the same. Top of her class at Haven for a reason, and with decades to further hone her skill and get more and more experienced with every mission Salem sent her way. To her, he was most definitely an amateur. Something that only became more and more readily apparent with how easily she was bobbing and weaving, ducking and dodging every attack with an utterly nonchalant air. She didn't even bother to throw a punch or a kick back yet, the only thing she tossed back at him throughout the tornado of strikes was the sound of her own voice.

"I reckon you ain't wrong there, no need to envy, I mean look at me. Completely self-taught until I went to Haven." She grinned audaciously. "And hold on, that Marcus Black? The infamous killer? You put him in the ground?" Well that certainly explained a lot about the skill he possessed. "So what was it then? Was he just having an off day when you put 'im down or did you just have that great of a day? Personally leanin' to the former, myself. Question is, why?" The noticeable use of the word bastard gave some hints but if the kid was just gonna throw out the fact that he killed him like that...she'd like to hear it from his mouth.

Great. He could already tell this was gonna be a real fulfilling bout of training.

He grunted with frustration as she weaved around the side of one of his kicks, deciding he was done looking like an ass and marching forward the moment his boots made contact with the street again to fall back into the shadowboxing routine. With how wide the gap between them obviously was, he might as well have been fighting the air. At least that wasn't humiliating.

"This whole 'keep practicing kid' schtick you pros keep peddling's about as old and tired as you are. If it was like that, then why the hell would we be here?"

A thrust kick combo followed by rising knees.

"I iced the old man because he beat me black and blue every day of my life 'til I was better than him. He gave me my first broken bone when I was six years old. My first concussion when I was four. But if you're asking why, then it's not about what he gave me."

He snorted, bitter and derisive. A cartwheel threw him into a falling guillotine kick that left a dent in the earth.

"It's what he took away. See, that's how pops got his kicks; He liked to take things. He took lives, he took your money... and using his semblance? He could take yours. It's what made him so dangerous. Can you imagine? All those pro huntsmen and huntresses, all completely tailoring their entire combat style around those tacky little gimmicks. And once they were gone?"

His sneer was vicious as he kept up the routine, not giving himself so much as a second to recuperate. His breathing was reflecting as much, ragged to the point of exhaustion, the Black family training regime apparently one that entailed going all-out, all the time.

"Beating them was like beating up a little kid. Now that was something my dad knew plenty about. So there we were, right at the tail end of another 'training session', and wouldn't you know it? I discover my semblance. So what do you think he did?"

His next kick cracked the cement, spiderweb patterns shooting in all directions. His next word came out in a vicious, wild-eyed snarl.


A trash can went spinning away down the street as his mechanical heel launched it. If he had it, everything would've been different. If he wasn't half a man. If he wasn't a shadow of who he was meant to be. If he'd been strong enough to finish his father's training, Cinder would never have been taken. Roman would never have died. Neo's life wouldn't be in pieces.

But all those things happened, because he was weak. And he had no one to blame but himself.

Finally letting his whirlwind movements subside, he paused to catch his breath, sleeve wiping his brow.

"...So if there's one thing you should know about my family? We don't have off days. We don't do flukes. We're exactly as strong as we've always been, and we're only going to get stronger. So if you wanna look down on that, it's on you. But I wouldn't recommend it. 'Cause you never know... I might be the one who figures out how to put you in the dirt someday."
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Great. He could already tell this was gonna be a real fulfilling bout of training.

He grunted with frustration as she weaved around the side of one of his kicks, deciding he was done looking like an ass and marching forward the moment his boots made contact with the street again to fall back into the shadowboxing routine. With how wide the gap between them obviously was, he might as well have been fighting the air. At least that wasn't humiliating.

"This whole 'keep practicing kid' schtick you pros keep peddling's about as old and tired as you are. If it was like that, then why the hell would we be here?"

A thrust kick combo followed by rising knees.

"I iced the old man because he beat me black and blue every day of my life 'til I was better than him. He gave me my first broken bone when I was six years old. My first concussion when I was four. But if you're asking why, then it's not about what he gave me."

He snorted, bitter and derisive. A cartwheel threw him into a falling guillotine kick that left a dent in the earth.

"It's what he took away. See, that's how pops got his kicks; He liked to take things. He took lives, he took your money... and using his semblance? He could take yours. It's what made him so dangerous. Can you imagine? All those pro huntsmen and huntresses, all completely tailoring their entire combat style around those tacky little gimmicks. And once they were gone?"

His sneer was vicious as he kept up the routine, not giving himself so much as a second to recuperate. His breathing was reflecting as much, ragged to the point of exhaustion, the Black family training regime apparently one that entailed going all-out, all the time.

"Beating them was like beating up a little kid. Now that was something my dad knew plenty about. So there we were, right at the tail end of another 'training session', and wouldn't you know it? I discover my semblance. So what do you think he did?"

His next kick cracked the cement, spiderweb patterns shooting in all directions. His next word came out in a vicious, wild-eyed snarl.


A trash can went spinning away down the street as his mechanical heel launched it. If he had it, everything would've been different. If he wasn't half a man. If he wasn't a shadow of who he was meant to be. If he'd been strong enough to finish his father's training, Cinder would never have been taken. Roman would never have died. Neo's life wouldn't be in pieces.

But all those things happened, because he was weak. And he had no one to blame but himself.

Finally letting his whirlwind movements subside, he paused to catch his breath, sleeve wiping his brow.

"...So if there's one thing you should know about my family? We don't have off days. We don't do flukes. We're exactly as strong as we've always been, and we're only going to get stronger. So if you wanna look down on that, it's on you. But I wouldn't recommend it. 'Cause you never know... I might be the one who figures out how to put you in the dirt someday."


By the time he'd finished letting it all out, the cocky demeanor Tock was putting on had long since disappeared. The bold grin, the confident slouch, every bit of what some might call arrogance could no longer be seen in the elder huntress. She was standing as straight and with as serious a look as she possibly could. Yeah, growing up the way she had, it wasn't exactly what she would have called the easiest time but at least she'd never had to deal with somebody who lorded themselves over her, disguising abuse as some sort of twisted training. Man...the rumors she'd heard over the years about the dreaded assassin Marcus Black, all the stories...not many lived up to that truth. Concussions and broken bones as a child...even by the standards she lived by, that was taking things way too far.

Her eyes briefly looked over to where the trashcan had come to a halt, eyeing the dent he'd left in it. After a second her gaze returned to him. "Can't say I can relate, kid. I left home because I hated the lack of attention, not the complete brutal focused attention ya got. I learned how to fight on my own, not training passed down from some I'm uncultured. Hell, my time at Haven, as bad as some days got, it was never that bad. Even 'aving to put up with the absolutely ridiculous name that was saddled on the team I was part of, as rough as that was, it don't compare." It would have been easy to take that last part as a joke but Tock's face still conveyed utter seriousness.

"Not gonna say I'm sorry that 'appened to ya or anythin' like that. Reckon ya wouldn't be that receptive to it anyway, I sure wouldn't be. I can't take back what your dad did, can't give ya back your semblance. But I can give ya this. Come at me again, with everythin' you 'ave. I ain't gonna dodge this time. Show me everythin' ya can do and I'll do the same. No more looking down on ya. Honestly, I respect that drive of yours, ki--" She caught herself before she finished and corrected. "--Mercury." She said with a smirk. "Not many can say they push themselves that far. Hell, without 'aving a semblance, some might as well just given up on tryin' to be a huntsman entirely. Dropped that dream. But not you. Like I said. Respect." She cracked her knuckles in preparation.

"You want to get stronger? Well, just so happens that I'm something of an expert on that. Let's go for real this time, if you're up and willin' for the challenge."

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"...Just Ruby is fine." She pointed out, feeling a little weirded out that he was calling her Miss Rose. She wasn't a teacher or professor or doctor or anything close to those to earn a formal greeting like that. Neither did she think she was that far above them as being referred to that way implied she was. She was the same age as many of them after all, just a huntress like them trying to push through all the struggles in her path. After he got through all he needed to say, she just looked at him in a thoughtfully curious way. "You know, that reminds me of something I once read in one of my teammate's many many books. What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" She repeated word for word. "If you're right on that, on how you think about yourself, which I'm not necessarily agreeing with, but if you are-" She looked over to him with an easygoing smile.


"-then I think that only makes you more admirable, not less. You're fighting yourself as much as you fight grimm, or any bad guys. You went to Beacon, brought yourself out here on a mission that like she said-" She nodded vaguely over in the direction of where the Raven who brought the relic was standing. "-is bigger than any of us. I don't know your exact reasons, but I believe if you didn't want to go through with any of it...you wouldn't be sitting here with us, trying to make a difference. You kept real smart people from locating us, upgraded a bunch of your allies' scrolls to try to keep that from happening in the future...if you truly wanted to be gone? To give this up? You'd just be gone. That big brain of yours probably has a dozen ways to ditch us all without even a chance for someone stopping you. Maybe even end with somebody unknowingly wearing a kick me sign on their back." She snickered despite the situation. "Right?" Ruby looked away from him right then.

"Besides-" Her eyes flitted from Yang to the two Ravens to everybody else in sight. "-do you honestly think you're the only huntsman in history with anger problems, or jealousy, or self-doubt? Trust me, you never want to see my sister when someone messes with her hair. And they aren't here right now, but the early days with my partner and one of my friends who leads a team of his own? They had plenty of the other two feelings, enough to go around and share."
"Why would I do something so childish?" He drawled, a bit of the bite back in his tone for a moment before he rubbed his eyes. "...Either way, I suppose I'll have some time to think about. Even if we left now, which I'M NOT SURE WHY WE'RE NOT DOING THAT-" He called over Ruby's shoulder to the room in general with an irate frown as the underlying stress jittering deep in his bones briefly surfaced.

"...It will take us a week just to get back to the camp. who knows if they'll still be there by then. If that's even where they went. If there was any..."


What was it the Rose had said? If he just put his big brain to it...

"...RAVEN!" He suddenly shot out of his seat and pushed past Ruby. "THE ONE THAT THE ANNOYING BLOND ACTUALLY LIKES!"

"T-that's not a confirmed statement!" Yang stammered from the wall.
"...RAVEN!" He suddenly shot out of his seat and pushed past Ruby. "THE ONE THAT THE ANNOYING BLOND ACTUALLY LIKES!"

"T-that's not a confirmed statement!" Yang stammered from the wall.

".......Yes?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow, trying not to think about that frankly adorable defensive stammering. Or the furious side-eye she was getting from the other Raven.​

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