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"Well yeah he's tied down, I don't know what the hell kind of state of mind someone who willingly stabbed himself after losing his tail is in. Don't want to risk anything nuts." Tock answered, at least a little sorry about that since fellow faunus and all that.
"... I don't think you should judge him too harshly, considering he won that fight." He replied with a distant frown. Stabbed himself? He hadn't seen it happen.


"Watts," Hazel interjected, his tone low, "I understand how you feel but you cannot blame them for what happened. Or at the very least, exclude them. The enemy will leverage everything that's happened since and we don't have an idea of what the timeline is like--"

Could you not?

Hazel smoldered for a moment before relenting and continuing.

"Anyway... everything's changed, no doubt. And Ozpin's forces might endeavor to having a maiden under their thumb if not two. We need the others to get our teammate, your partner, back. And yes... Vernal managed to deplete my aura entirely. Cinder is new to her powers, Vernal isn't. It's foolish."

"Hey, I'd help you, of course!"

"Foolish, I said."

"I've learned enough watching my partner to have handle on what these 'maidens' even if she's far from her full potential. I do not intend to lead us to our deaths, Hazel, I do have a plan-"



This was all so awkward for him. He took the relic following the sheepish half-laugh and eyed it up for a few seconds, mouth a thin, wary line as he considered momentarily... then sidled over to Ruby, one hand slipping into his pocket as the other extended it towards her.

"This feels like your thing."

Qrow was silent at that, but his downturned expression and grim countenance he wore communicated more than he could've with words. At least, ostensibly. What he was really thinking was how miserable it made him feel that this kid didn't get it yet, that if he continued to follow this path as Salem's chosen then he was in for a whole lot more failed missions and friends he didn't get to say goodbye to.

Speaking of which...

"Shut the hell up."

Mercury's shutdown was brusque, firm, almost militant in how he so-casually dropped it with authority as he entered the room, two bags slung under one arm and another over his shoulder. Emerald was behind him, only recently awoken and finding herself brought up to speed in a short amount of time by the sort of bedside manner you'd expect from her partner. Needless to say, her eyes were still a little red, and she didn't speak or look at anyone as she followed behind him, doing her best to blend into the wallpaper.

"I don't care about however your big brain wants to justify this to itself, Watts. But try to pin what happened on anyone other than you or me while I'm around again and I'll kick your teeth in so hard your head flies all the way back out your ass. That's a promise."

There was no anger in the threat, nor did it carry the playful, contentious edge the two team leader's barbs typically did.

The fact was, they both had a responsibility they hadn't been up to. In Mercury's mind, that was where it ended.

Watts whirled towards Mercury with narrowed eyes, the anger in his tone palpable as he yelled back. "DON'T YOU THINK I ALREADY KNOW THAT?!"

He took a few breaths and straightened his back back out, readjusting his gloves as he stared at the floor in a somber glare. "...Beacon. Haven. Twice my team has looked to me to lead, and twice they've ended on the brink of death, our enemies triumphant were it not for an outside help. I've learned my lesson. This isn't the life I was meant for. I will not rest until Cinder is safe, and then... We're done with this. If I have to quite literally drag Cinder out of Salem's grasp, then I will, but team WTCH is no more. Hazel and I and... Tyrian, if he believes he is well enough to-" He continued, an unsure glance at the faunus as he did. "are merely allies doing one last service to our friend, and then we can go our separate ways."

"More than just two guys." Mercury corrected, dumping one of the bags on the floor and sliding it over to where Neo sat with his feet. Emerald had already made her way over there, so unsure of what to say she was honestly uncomfortable with even trying, but she sat alongside her and held out her hand for their team's other girl to take if she wanted it, at least a little further along in how to be sensitive about this kind of thing than her partner was.

"...Mercury, are you sure that..." Watts continued, a sound of genuine, anxious concern underlying even his tone as he glanced towards Neo, a sound he hadn't made even sitting across from his newly one eyed partner a week ago.

Neo hadn't moved from her spot even through all the yelling that had suddenly started to happen a few minutes back, her ears working but the synapses in her brain just not connecting to the right ports as she stared at the stars above. Emerald's hand went ignored, and it wasn't entirely clear if Neo even noticed she was sitting there.

"..." Watts cleared his throat and then nodded at Tyrian. "But yes. Could someone untie him, please."
The chair started to rock ever so slightly as Tyrian finally spoke.

His voice was hoarse and he was still tired.

"I know we've been through a lot. But when any of you find the time? I'd rather not spend the rest of this discussion...TIED TO THIS FUCKING CHAIR!" He yelled, straining against his bondage.

He didn't have a damn thing to say in regards to the future of team wtch.​
He took a few breaths and straightened his back back out, readjusting his gloves as he stared at the floor in a somber glare. "...Beacon. Haven. Twice my team has looked to me to lead, and twice they've ended on the brink of death, our enemies triumphant were it not for an outside help. I've learned my lesson. This isn't the life I was meant for. I will not rest until Cinder is safe, and then... We're done with this. If I have to quite literally drag Cinder out of Salem's grasp, then I will, but team WTCH is no more. Hazel and I and... Tyrian, if he believes he is well enough to-" He continued, an unsure glance at the faunus as he did. "are merely allies doing one last service to our friend, and then we can go our separate ways."

"... As smart as you are, sometimes you're a real fucking idiot. You can't just give up because nothing went right. We knew the risks. Knowing you, you internalized these risks, crunched the probabilities, agonized over contingicies. Shouldered the burden unnecessarily. Your only shortcoming as a leader, Arthur, is you do not share your burden with us. I have faith in you. Cinder has faith in you. Even Tyrian, as strained as it is now. Headmistress Salem, she selected you as our leader. To give up on that would be to spite these things."

There was no vehemence in his words, merely a tired, sad inflection that somehow still managed to maintain an admonishing edge.

"Tyrian's coming too. You people can't keep him here."

"..." Watts cleared his throat and then nodded at Tyrian. "But yes. Could someone untie him, please."

"Yeah. I won't leave my partner behind. But there's something needs doing, has been for a while."

He moved from his seat to the front of Tyrian and spared not a moment in observing him, understanding well that action would have been less than favorable in the faunus's eyes from his position. "Tyrian... you and I need to talk, as partners." The bindings would have been removed.

Whatever the faunus did next was up to him but if he bothered to glance to his partner? His face was a silent imploration to follow through with the conversation that was sorely needed.
He moved from his seat to the front of Tyrian and spared not a moment in observing him, understanding well that action would have been less than favorable in the faunus's eyes from his position. "Tyrian... you and I need to talk, as partners." The bindings would have been removed.
Tyrian's thrashing and angry growling ceased the moment Hazel stood infront of him.

His face instead settled into a displeased frown. Even as the bindings were removed, Tyrian brought up what remained of his tail up to eye level. It'd been bandaged up and stained with the droplets of toxin that had leaked out. He also was going to have a new scar from where he'd stabbed himself.

Over the years he'd given himself numerous scars. He didn't regret any of them.

But the loss of his tail? That....was something else.
Whatever the faunus did next was up to him but if he bothered to glance to his partner? His face was a silent imploration to follow through with the conversation that was sorely needed.
Tyrian said nothing.

He didn't even look in Hazel's direction.

As the remnants of his tail settled around his waist, Tyrian spoke up. Poignantly still refusing to meet Hazel's eyes.

"Ask what you want."
Watts whirled towards Mercury with narrowed eyes, the anger in his tone palpable as he yelled back. "DON'T YOU THINK I ALREADY KNOW THAT?!"

He took a few breaths and straightened his back back out, readjusting his gloves as he stared at the floor in a somber glare. "...Beacon. Haven. Twice my team has looked to me to lead, and twice they've ended on the brink of death, our enemies triumphant were it not for an outside help. I've learned my lesson. This isn't the life I was meant for. I will not rest until Cinder is safe, and then... We're done with this. If I have to quite literally drag Cinder out of Salem's grasp, then I will, but team WTCH is no more. Hazel and I and... Tyrian, if he believes he is well enough to-" He continued, an unsure glance at the faunus as he did. "are merely allies doing one last service to our friend, and then we can go our separate ways."

Mercury held his ground with a cool, steely air, no break in eye contact as he heard the other leader out. When he was done, he huffed on a lock of hair and shoved his hands deeper in his tracksuit pockets, shoulders slouched like he was doing his best Qrow impression.

"Guess we're in the same boat then... only you didn't let anyone get killed." His hands tensed into fists, still with a restrained anger. "So what exactly do you have to complain about? Let's go get your partner before you're in my boat for real."

"...Mercury, are you sure that..." Watts continued, a sound of genuine, anxious concern underlying even his tone as he glanced towards Neo, a sound he hadn't made even sitting across from his newly one eyed partner a week ago.

Neo hadn't moved from her spot even through all the yelling that had suddenly started to happen a few minutes back, her ears working but the synapses in her brain just not connecting to the right ports as she stared at the stars above. Emerald's hand went ignored, and it wasn't entirely clear if Neo even noticed she was sitting there.

"No." He answered bluntly, averting his gaze in the exact opposite direction of where Neo sat. "But who else does she have? We're not leaving her alone."

Emerald ignored that she was ignored, and put her hand atop Neo's gently with so deft a touch it was hard to notice as she drew her knees up to her chest, content just to sit across from her. And to make sure that was really her sitting there.​
Tyrian's thrashing and angry growling ceased the moment Hazel stood infront of him.

His face instead settled into a displeased frown. Even as the bindings were removed, Tyrian brought up what remained of his tail up to eye level. It'd been bandaged up and stained with the droplets of toxin that had leaked out. He also was going to have a new scar from where he'd stabbed himself.

Over the years he'd given himself numerous scars. He didn't regret any of them.

But the loss of his tail? That....was something else.

Tyrian said nothing.

He didn't even look in Hazel's direction.

As the remnants of his tail settled around his waist, Tyrian spoke up. Poignantly still refusing to meet Hazel's eyes.

"Ask what you want."

In a way, that was a sign to Hazel that Tyrian exercised a modicum of amenability. It meant their tenure as partners was not at an end yet, that perhaps they could reach an understanding of some kind with one another.

"Outside." He gesticulated for the door, turning for it before stopping short and glancing down to Tock. His expression would be firm, unyielding in his intentions, before he walked out the door, holding it open for Tyrian.

He wouldn't stray too far and if Tyrian humored him up to this point Hazel would finally ask his questions, opening with the basics.

"... What happened, Tyrian? Why did you wound yourself? I cannot imagine the pain of your loss but... Help me understand."
"Outside." He gesticulated for the door, turning for it before stopping short and glancing down to Tock. His expression would be firm, unyielding in his intentions, before he walked out the door, holding it open for Tyrian.

He stray too far and if Tyrian humored up to this point Hazel would finally ask his questions, opening with the basics.

"... What happened, Tyrian? Why did you wound yourself? I cannot imagine the pain of your loss but... Help me understand."
Tyrian followed with his hands balled up into fists at his side.

His tail wrapped tightly around his waist. This way it didn't swing loosely as he walked and he wouldn't have to look at it.

Once they were outside, Tyrian once again stood a fair distance from Hazel.

"Needed to equal things out."

Tyrian's expression was cold and focused. Like that of the scorpion looking down the prey it was about to catch and devour.

"The pain of losing a good chunk of my tail nearly overwhelmed me. Needed to get my mind focused elsewhere. So. I stabbed myself"

He gestured to the other scars lining his torso. "It's nothing new."

This was all so awkward for him. He took the relic following the sheepish half-laugh and eyed it up for a few seconds, mouth a thin, wary line as he considered momentarily... then sidled over to Ruby, one hand slipping into his pocket as the other extended it towards her.

"This feels like your thing."

She had stayed utterly quiet through all the talking and surprise appearances and everything else because she wasn't certain what to say in reply to some of it or when she did know what to say, someone else was already saying it for her. But when she got handed the relic, she nodded to her uncle, took a look around at everyone present whether they were arguing or sitting off to the side too despondent to contribute much or whatever else. Ruby waited until Tyrian and Hazel had left and shut the door behind them and then spoke. "Jinn." Time came to a grinding halt all around them, but it was hard to tell from their current confines of the immortal faunus's home. Other than the complete cessation of any sounds beyond the walls of the place. The lamp rose into the air of its own accord, smoky tendrils of blue emanating out from the relic.

They all came together, a shape forming in the empty space above their heads and closer to the ceiling. A transparent and ethereal blue female sprang to life, stretching in much the same way she remembered Jinn had when Ruby first saw her. Once that was done, the apparition looked downwards at all those gathered around. "What knowledge do you seek?"


At least one of them was surprised at what she was seeing. That's what the relic power entails...?

Ruby stepped to the forefront, looking straight up. "Hello, again, heh heh...this is going to sound really strange but some of us are from another w--"

"Stop. There's no need for that. I'm the relic of knowledge, darling. It is my job to know everything."

"Uh, right." She awkwardly nodded and kept it simple. "How do we get home?"

Instantly their surroundings were gone, every inch of Tock's place replaced by an empty white endless void. Every single person around save for Hazel and Tyrian was now alone, trapped in this abyss even as they glanced around or called for anybody else. The endless stretch of white didn't last for long though, with projections of each of the four academies popping up before their eyes in complete color and perfect detail. One by one they all glowed in succession. "You need to gather all four relics to have all the tools you need to get home. The power of four, together, that can open a gateway home. But more than that, you need a person who is worthy enough to harness all the relics to their full potential." A shadowy form of an indistinct person emerged before them, the sword of destruction and the staff of creation each in one hand, the lamp of knowledge resting on their hip and the crown of choice adorning their head, all emanating a glow all their own. "However, not a one of you here is worthy. If the wrong person attempts to try it..." The shadowy figure, the places where veins and arteries would be lit up an unnatural purple and gradually got brighter and more intense until finally the figure suddenly burst, torn apart in a moment.

Letting that speak for itself, Jinn continued. "What's more, someone not worthy...there's a risk they may bring incomprehensible suffering to the world if they attempt it." The vision of a world on fire emerged before all of them...and then it faded away, the sight of Tock's home coming back into view to replace it.

Pain was a nebulous concept to Hazel, his semblance making it an impossibility for him to truly grasp the significance in that every living person experienced it in a myriad of ways. Pain to each person was both universal and unique, a common ground many could share yet sometimes found truly difficult to share their own story. Hazel remembered instances of pain, silly things like scrapes, scratches, the first bee sting, the mishap of a cow stepping on one foot, years before his semblance emerged amid emotional, dire straits. All of these were vague memories to him, nothing so applicable to pitfalls of his adult life, something that frustrated him since then. His semblance ensured he would never truly be able to partake in that experience, the physical side of pain.

Tyrian followed with his hands balled up into fists at his side.

His tail wrapped tightly around his waist. This way it didn't swing loosely as he walked and he wouldn't have to look at it.

Once they were outside, Tyrian once again stood a fair distance from Hazel.

"Needed to equal things out."

Tyrian's expression was cold and focused. Like that of the scorpion looking down the prey it was about to catch and devour.

"The pain of losing a good chunk of my tail nearly overwhelmed me. Needed to get my mind focused elsewhere. So. I stabbed myself"

He gestured to the other scars lining his torso. "It's nothing new."

He looked down to his hands, tried to contemplate what that was like, only to fail with both hands clasping shut. A sigh followed, the only thing that came to his mind being that he knew it was... simply wrong. Wrong to inflict pain on yourself like that. That kind of mistreatment to oneself was indicative of more, even if the rationale then suited the circumstances.

"It should have never been." He stated counter to the last, looking back to the Faunus.


Tyrian, for all of his energy and friendliness hadn't gone in depth on his past. Not that he was ashamed, far from it! He loved the fighting, the crowd roaring his name, the thrill of it all. But , all of that came with it's own prices. One being that neither Tyrian or his family could openly discuss the fight club. The other price being far more serious.

The urge to hurt, to even...kill. It lingered within him even now.

He'd never used his tail in all his years of fighting underground. He'd never be able to look his parents in the eyes if he killed a fellow faunus for money.

"I'm not welcome back home if it's of any consolation, my trusted partner. Parents worry I'd get into trouble with the law looking for a fight."


"Is it because you've chosen the life of a huntsman?"
"I don't know what your life has been like, we've never really talked besides in passing. You know more of me than I do you... and that may very well be the difference that matters here. That it might play a role in what happened."

It was very much clear the faunus's partner was choosing his words carefully.

"That and I wasn't there when you needed it, your partner... more important, your friend. I want to know... understand more... and maybe, if you'll accept it, apologize."
"I don't know what your life has been like, we've never really talked besides in passing. You know more of me than I do you... and that may very well be the difference that matters here. That it might play a role in what happened."
"My life made me who I am. That's all."

Tyrian stated flatly. He knew other faunus would have looked down their noses at him. Derided him for fighting to amuse humans who got rich and fat off their suffering. He didn't care what they thought. It only mattered if he was truly enjoying himself.
"That and I wasn't there when you needed it, your partner... more important, your friend. I want to know... understand more... and maybe, if you'll accept it, apologize."
Tyrian's gaze didn't soften at all.

"There's nothing for you to apologize for. What's done is done."

He still didn't look at his tail again.

"....I was just like any other faunus. But then I caught the eye of a rich human when i was around 12-13? Can't remember which. He raised me into a fighter. All without my parents knowing." Tyrian's eyes seemed to water ever so slightly upon mentioning this man. "I fought til i was 17. Something happened and I had to leave. My parents sent me to Beacon to stay out of trouble. Didn't seem to work." He stated with a bemused snort.

"Last I heard was that the White Fang attacked the place where I'd fought. I could only hope he was ok."
Honestly, she was super curious as to that lantern thing Raven had come bearing, before she pawned it off to her brother seemingly hesitant like then it was passed to Ruby. Her first impression of Ruby was that she was a complete badass, having seen her in action some the way in, and clearly had an important role to play here. Maybe she could be someone worth striking a friendship with.

Even though she knew she was pretty much similar to the Red Masque if only in appearance. :L

But she managed to divorce those two!

Then the whole summoning of Jinn came to pass and...

She had stayed utterly quiet through all the talking and surprise appearances and everything else because she wasn't certain what to say in reply to some of it or when she did know what to say, someone else was already saying it for her. But when she got handed the relic, she nodded to her uncle, took a look around at everyone present whether they were arguing or sitting off to the side too despondent to contribute much or whatever else. Ruby waited until Tyrian and Hazel had left and shut the door behind them and then spoke. "Jinn." Time came to a grinding halt all around them, but it was hard to tell from their current confines of the immortal faunus's home. Other than the complete cessation of any sounds beyond the walls of the place. The lamp rose into the air of its own accord, smoky tendrils of blue emanating out from the relic.

They all came together, a shape forming in the empty space above their heads and closer to the ceiling. A transparent and ethereal blue female sprang to life, stretching in much the same way she remembered Jinn had when Ruby first saw her. Once that was done, the apparition looked downwards at all those gathered around. "What knowledge do you seek?"


At least one of them was surprised at what she was seeing. That's what the relic power entails...?

Ruby stepped to the forefront, looking straight up. "Hello, again, heh heh...this is going to sound really strange but some of us are from another w--"

"Stop. There's no need for that. I'm the relic of knowledge, darling. It is my job to know everything."

"Uh, right." She awkwardly nodded and kept it simple. "How do we get home?"

Instantly their surroundings were gone, every inch of Tock's place replaced by an empty white endless void. Every single person around save for Hazel and Tyrian was now alone, trapped in this abyss even as they glanced around or called for anybody else. The endless stretch of white didn't last for long though, with projections of each of the four academies popping up before their eyes in complete color and perfect detail. One by one they all glowed in succession. "You need to gather all four relics to have all the tools you need to get home. The power of four, together, that can open a gateway home. But more than that, you need a person who is worthy enough to harness all the relics to their full potential." A shadowy form of an indistinct person emerged before them, the sword of destruction and the staff of creation each in one hand, the lamp of knowledge resting on their hip and the crown of choice adorning their head, all emanating a glow all their own. "However, not a one of you here is worthy. If the wrong person attempts to try it..." The shadowy figure, the places where veins and arteries would be lit up an unnatural purple and gradually got brighter and more intense until finally the figure suddenly burst, torn apart in a moment.

Letting that speak for itself, Jinn continued. "What's more, someone not worthy...there's a risk they may bring incomprehensible suffering to the world if they attempt it." The vision of a world on fire emerged before all of them...and then it faded away, the sight of Tock's home coming back into view to replace it.


"Holy freaking crap. This is so much bigger than I thought. It goes beyond everything we learned at the academy-- waitwait this is what my brother's been tasked with? Team WTCH and MT-- errrr. Just you two? Wow... that's. So much responsibility. And you guys too, you're dealing with this too on your end."

She seemed to manage to shrink under the weight of the realization. And also that she probably spoke out of turn.

"Sorry, I know I probably don't have a place in all this."
She had stayed utterly quiet through all the talking and surprise appearances and everything else because she wasn't certain what to say in reply to some of it or when she did know what to say, someone else was already saying it for her. But when she got handed the relic, she nodded to her uncle, took a look around at everyone present whether they were arguing or sitting off to the side too despondent to contribute much or whatever else. Ruby waited until Tyrian and Hazel had left and shut the door behind them and then spoke. "Jinn." Time came to a grinding halt all around them, but it was hard to tell from their current confines of the immortal faunus's home. Other than the complete cessation of any sounds beyond the walls of the place. The lamp rose into the air of its own accord, smoky tendrils of blue emanating out from the relic.

They all came together, a shape forming in the empty space above their heads and closer to the ceiling. A transparent and ethereal blue female sprang to life, stretching in much the same way she remembered Jinn had when Ruby first saw her. Once that was done, the apparition looked downwards at all those gathered around. "What knowledge do you seek?"


At least one of them was surprised at what she was seeing. That's what the relic power entails...?

Ruby stepped to the forefront, looking straight up. "Hello, again, heh heh...this is going to sound really strange but some of us are from another w--"

"Stop. There's no need for that. I'm the relic of knowledge, darling. It is my job to know everything."

"Uh, right." She awkwardly nodded and kept it simple. "How do we get home?"

Instantly their surroundings were gone, every inch of Tock's place replaced by an empty white endless void. Every single person around save for Hazel and Tyrian was now alone, trapped in this abyss even as they glanced around or called for anybody else. The endless stretch of white didn't last for long though, with projections of each of the four academies popping up before their eyes in complete color and perfect detail. One by one they all glowed in succession. "You need to gather all four relics to have all the tools you need to get home. The power of four, together, that can open a gateway home. But more than that, you need a person who is worthy enough to harness all the relics to their full potential." A shadowy form of an indistinct person emerged before them, the sword of destruction and the staff of creation each in one hand, the lamp of knowledge resting on their hip and the crown of choice adorning their head, all emanating a glow all their own. "However, not a one of you here is worthy. If the wrong person attempts to try it..." The shadowy figure, the places where veins and arteries would be lit up an unnatural purple and gradually got brighter and more intense until finally the figure suddenly burst, torn apart in a moment.

Letting that speak for itself, Jinn continued. "What's more, someone not worthy...there's a risk they may bring incomprehensible suffering to the world if they attempt it." The vision of a world on fire emerged before all of them...and then it faded away, the sight of Tock's home coming back into view to replace it.


The biggest thing that Yang took away from that was...



"...Sooooo... we just have to... do the entire GIANT QUEST that we were trying to do back home... so we can go home and do it... AGAIN!?"

She knew she was supposed to be the one who kept their cool and made sure her little sis knew that this wasn't a big deal, they'd be fine, and nothing was gonna stop them but... come on T_T
Emerald ignored that she was ignored, and put her hand atop Neo's gently with so deft a touch it was hard to notice as she drew her knees up to her chest, content just to sit across from her. And to make sure that was really her sitting there.
It was really Neo, and at the actual touch, Neo's hand very gently started to pull back, her gaze finally tearing from whatever the sky's void was enticing her with to look down at their hands and-
She had stayed utterly quiet through all the talking and surprise appearances and everything else because she wasn't certain what to say in reply to some of it or when she did know what to say, someone else was already saying it for her. But when she got handed the relic, she nodded to her uncle, took a look around at everyone present whether they were arguing or sitting off to the side too despondent to contribute much or whatever else. Ruby waited until Tyrian and Hazel had left and shut the door behind them and then spoke. "Jinn." Time came to a grinding halt all around them, but it was hard to tell from their current confines of the immortal faunus's home. Other than the complete cessation of any sounds beyond the walls of the place. The lamp rose into the air of its own accord, smoky tendrils of blue emanating out from the relic.

They all came together, a shape forming in the empty space above their heads and closer to the ceiling. A transparent and ethereal blue female sprang to life, stretching in much the same way she remembered Jinn had when Ruby first saw her. Once that was done, the apparition looked downwards at all those gathered around. "What knowledge do you seek?"


At least one of them was surprised at what she was seeing. That's what the relic power entails...?

Ruby stepped to the forefront, looking straight up. "Hello, again, heh heh...this is going to sound really strange but some of us are from another w--"

"Stop. There's no need for that. I'm the relic of knowledge, darling. It is my job to know everything."

"Uh, right." She awkwardly nodded and kept it simple. "How do we get home?"

Instantly their surroundings were gone, every inch of Tock's place replaced by an empty white endless void. Every single person around save for Hazel and Tyrian was now alone, trapped in this abyss even as they glanced around or called for anybody else. The endless stretch of white didn't last for long though, with projections of each of the four academies popping up before their eyes in complete color and perfect detail. One by one they all glowed in succession. "You need to gather all four relics to have all the tools you need to get home. The power of four, together, that can open a gateway home. But more than that, you need a person who is worthy enough to harness all the relics to their full potential." A shadowy form of an indistinct person emerged before them, the sword of destruction and the staff of creation each in one hand, the lamp of knowledge resting on their hip and the crown of choice adorning their head, all emanating a glow all their own. "However, not a one of you here is worthy. If the wrong person attempts to try it..." The shadowy figure, the places where veins and arteries would be lit up an unnatural purple and gradually got brighter and more intense until finally the figure suddenly burst, torn apart in a moment.

Letting that speak for itself, Jinn continued. "What's more, someone not worthy...there's a risk they may bring incomprehensible suffering to the world if they attempt it." The vision of a world on fire emerged before all of them...and then it faded away, the sight of Tock's home coming back into view to replace it.

Nevermind she literally jumped into Emerald's arms from sheer terror. The entire world disappearing into a void of pure white wasn't a normal thing for the human brain to wrap their head around on a good day, and in Neo's fragile state, only vaguely paying attention to the world around her, it actually, genuinely, almost gave her a heart attack at the ripe age of seventeen, and she was less hugging Emerald and more gripping her like a climbing pole as her eyes wened to proportions that only a wada arco anime girl could usually aspire to.

When it was finally over, she let go and limply fell to the floor flat on her back, staring at the ceiling with a much less broken but still very blank look as her mind tried to play catch up with what the fuck just happened
"My life made me who I am. That's all."

Tyrian stated flatly. He knew other faunus would have looked down their noses at him. Derided him for fighting to amuse humans who got rich and fat off their suffering. He didn't care what they thought. It only mattered if he was truly enjoying himself.

Tyrian's gaze didn't soften at all.

"There's nothing for you to apologize for. What's done is done."

He still didn't look at his tail again.

"....I was just like any other faunus. But then I caught the eye of a rich human when i was around 12-13? Can't remember which. He raised me into a fighter. All without my parents knowing." Tyrian's eyes seemed to water ever so slightly upon mentioning this man. "I fought til i was 17. Something happened and I had to leave. My parents sent me to Beacon to stay out of trouble. Didn't seem to work." He stated with a bemused snort.

"Last I heard was that the White Fang attacked the place where I'd fought. I could only hope he was ok."

"You were a prize fighter?" Hazel asked, the question ultimately rhetorical as the brief synopsis sublimated into his mind. Intense consternation nearly spilled out at the thought that someone purchased a living being to pit them against another. A faunus fighting ring, the very idea was utterly despicable.

But the worst of it was it seemed like Tyrian remembered the man who raised him in the role fondly. He failed to mask his difficulty of what to make of that revelation, his features a mix of confusion and concern.

"... This is why you're so eager to pit yourself against a challenge." The tone clarified it less a question and more a realization. It put everything into context, a digestible explanation to Tyrian's personality. His ability as the exemplary straight man in any given situation was failing him here now, as he took a step back though not in apprehension of Tyrian but more that he did not know what to make of it all, did not know how to proceed from here.

Qrow's face didn't have much color to start with, but if it had it would've all drained at the giant blue lady's revelation. It was completely surreal. He didn't even know how to comprehend that. It had been hard for him not to lose hope in their own battle for their own world, with all the obstacles placed before them; now there was another one. An entire separate journey, just to get back to... their journey. Somehow it didn't seem fair.

He opened his mouth, already poised to ask the natural follow-up question of what the hell it meant to be worthy, before with a surreptitious glance across the others he closed it again. It didn't hurt to have a few questions in their back pocket now that they knew the sheer unfair mountainous size of the task ahead of them, and if they got stuck they could always ask later, but...


"I don't get it."

In retrospect, maybe if he just gave himself over to this kind of insanity from day 1 and learned not to wonder so much he would've had a way better time with this whole 'life' thing.

Nevermind she literally jumped into Emerald's arms from sheer terror. The entire world disappearing into a void of pure white wasn't a normal thing for the human brain to wrap their head around on a good day, and in Neo's fragile state, only vaguely paying attention to the world around her, it actually, genuinely, almost gave her a heart attack at the ripe age of seventeen, and she was less hugging Emerald and more gripping her like a climbing pole as her eyes wened to proportions that only a wada arco anime girl could usually aspire to.

When it was finally over, she let go and limply fell to the floor flat on her back, staring at the ceiling with a much less broken but still very blank look as her mind tried to play catch up with what the fuck just happened

"...Oh good..." Emerald mumbled as her personal space bubble popped like a balloon, tone suggesting she found it anything but. Mostly it was just a sarcastic comment meant to help process everything else that just went on around her, because what.​
"You were a prize fighter?" Hazel asked, the question ultimately rhetorical as the brief synopsis sublimated into his mind. Intense consternation nearly spilled out at the thought that someone purchased a living being to pit them against another. A faunus fighting ring, the very idea was utterly despicable.
"I was one of the best. 'The Black Scorpion' is what the humans called me. I didn't care. I lived for the combat." Tyrian shrugged.

"...I was one of the best. The other shareholders didn't like that my manager was so nice to me, a 'dirty animal.' He gave me everything I wanted. Money to support my folks, a place to crash in between matches, and for the longest time.." Tyrian's gaze hardened again. "He was the only human worth a damn. I knew we couldn't be friends outside of the ring. The people he hung around with would ostracize him and try to ruin my life. Still, he was the coolest old man I'd ever met." Tyrian's tail swung downwards, knocking over some nearby garbage on the street.

"...I never told you this or anyone this, Hazel. Because if anybody found out about the ring, the White Fang would come, the authorities would come. I didn't feel objectified or that he'd mistreated me. I enjoyed it. and don't have any regrets about it. Even to this day. His face turned up into a scowl. "Til the others threatened the old man behind his back to force me to throw my championship fight."
"... This is why you're so eager to pit yourself against a challenge." The tone clarified it less a question and more a realization. It put everything into context, a digestible explanation to Tyrian's personality. His ability as the exemplary straight man in any given situation was failing him here now, as he took a step back though not in apprehension of Tyrian but more that he did not know what to make of it all, did not know how to proceed from here.
Tyrian nodded.

"I tried going back numerous times but the old man sent me away everytime/threatened to have security called on me." Tyrian chuckled lightly. The first time he'd done so since before his fight with Arthur. "I'd be forcing him to break his promise to my parents that I'd never fight there again. They saw me getting pummeled in my last fight and my mom nearly started a riot. I lost, got medical treatment, and no charges were pressed. My parents couldn't afford it and they didn't want Ichabod's help. They didn't want anything from him."

Tyrian turned and started to walk away before stopping and giving his back to Hazel.

"It's strange the kind of friends you make in life, Hazel. Mr. Ichabod wasn't perfect. But he stuck up for me everytime the other guys running the joint messed with me. Oh, they spit on me, pushed me, slugged me and he called them out everytime. Because he knew if I did anything..."

Tyrian's tail coiled up.

"It'd be the 'mad faunus attacks innocent man' and I'd never see daylight again."
Once jinn's prescient aura faded and flow of time was itself again, the cadre of people making intensely dramatic entrances to Tock's modest home grew two larger as the door swung open violently. Eve stood there, Ilia supporting her weight, one of the chameleon faunus's arms slung around her shoulder and gripped by the wrist as if letting go meant death itself. Her other arm encircled Ilia's torso, Eve obviously trying to help her walk in turn, but it only took a glance to ascertain who the more injured party was; Ilia had a stab wound, one her aura had clearly been hard at work to address.

The second faunus looked more ghost than person. One of her legs bent at an odd angle and seemed to be bearing almost no weight. Her nose was most definitely broken, and her face, although a sickly pale otherwise, sported multiple blotchy discolorations, the clear marks of someone who'd been struck repeatedly and was yet to start swelling. Her rose vestments were tattered rags by this point, torn and burned in so many places it was hard to discount the possibility that sheer force of will was holding them together more than the connective threads. Perhaps most gruesomely, one horn looked to have been snapped off, and currently resided much further south on her body than originally intended—having been buried in between her neck and collarbone by someone with strength and enthusiasm to spare.

So there was something to be said for the sheer, prideful arrogance she was somehow radiating as she shook free of Ilia to walk the last few steps on her own, these wounds like badges of honor from a battle she'd chosen rather than the old, faded scars she'd been shamed with so long ago. The SDC brand on her face was readily visible now, barring the wild locks of hair that fell over her eyes and obscured them to a degree, though as she came to a halt there was an odd, tranquil serenity to those same eyes as they searched around the room, like the settling calm after a storm.

The eyes found their target in Yang, and for just a brief second Eve allowed a tired, violent glee to break that calm, flashing a warped grin as she aimed her pointer finger at the blonde and fired it like a gun.

"Got you."

Then her eyes rolled white and she hit the floor, but her fading sensation was one of pure gratification that not all this blood was her own.​
A few seconds before the arrival of two more faunus...​

"...Sooooo... we just have to... do the entire GIANT QUEST that we were trying to do back home... so we can go home and do it... AGAIN!?"

"Yes." Jinn nodded. "With that, all questions for this era are used up. I wonder what next century's humans will inquire about."

"....??? WAIT NO that wasn't our second question! YOu just CAN'T--" Ruby started hurriedly stammering only to be cut off.

"Child, I said I know everything. Of course I know that wasn't meant to be your second question."

"...that wasn't funny." Ruby shook her head. "We don't have anything else right now." She stated and Jinn returned to the lamp, time quickly resuming.​

"I don't get it."

"Yes, that is really subjective for a divine relic isn't it? How does one determine what is or isn't worthy?" Raven asked. "What kind of person does it take if none of us here qualify?"

"I think I qualify, the bloody thing just didn't want to make the rest of ya jealous by sayin' so. I--"

The eyes found their target in Yang, and for just a brief second Eve allowed a tired, violent glee to break that calm, flashing a warped grin as she aimed her pointer finger at the blonde and fired it like a gun.

"Got you."

Then her eyes rolled white and she hit the floor, but her fading sensation was one of pure gratification that not all this blood was her own.

"......I'm not feeding all of you." Tock commented sarcastically as two MORE showed up. But it was clear she wasn't remotely serious as she immediately jumped to the aid of a fellow faunus to get her situated. And more comfortable. "The hell 'appened, kid?" The croc turned her attention to the other...who also was out cold. Albeit less dramatically. Oh okay I see how it is.
"I was one of the best. 'The Black Scorpion' is what the humans called me. I didn't care. I lived for the combat." Tyrian shrugged.

"...I was one of the best. The other shareholders didn't like that my manager was so nice to me, a 'dirty animal.' He gave me everything I wanted. Money to support my folks, a place to crash in between matches, and for the longest time.." Tyrian's gaze hardened again. "He was the only human worth a damn. I knew we couldn't be friends outside of the ring. The people he hung around with would ostracize him and try to ruin my life. Still, he was the coolest old man I'd ever met." Tyrian's tail swung downwards, knocking over some nearby garbage on the street.

"...I never told you this or anyone this, Hazel. Because if anybody found out about the ring, the White Fang would come, the authorities would come. I didn't feel objectified or that he'd mistreated me. I enjoyed it. and don't have any regrets about it. Even to this day. His face turned up into a scowl. "Til the others threatened the old man behind his back to force me to throw my championship fight."

Tyrian nodded.

"I tried going back numerous times but the old man sent me away everytime/threatened to have security called on me." Tyrian chuckled lightly. The first time he'd done so since before his fight with Arthur. "I'd be forcing him to break his promise to my parents that I'd never fight there again. They saw me getting pummeled in my last fight and my mom nearly started a riot. I lost, got medical treatment, and no charges were pressed. My parents couldn't afford it and they didn't want Ichabod's help. They didn't want anything from him."

Tyrian turned and started to walk away before stopping and giving his back to Hazel.

"It's strange the kind of friends you make in life, Hazel. Mr. Ichabod wasn't perfect. But he stuck up for me everytime the other guys running the joint messed with me. Oh, they spit on me, pushed me, slugged me and he called them out everytime. Because he knew if I did anything..."

Tyrian's tail coiled up.

"It'd be the 'mad faunus attacks innocent man' and I'd never see daylight again."

Hazel Rainart would have eminently dishonest if he said he expected Tyrian's life story to be this heavy. He couldn't ever approximate the hardships a faunus dealt with, what it meant to be and how to live as faunus. To even attempt it would have been a disservice to his integrity and an insult to all faunus. Tyrian especially. So he felt it appropriate instead to listen, make the effort to understand, and if it was wanted, offer his support.

Frankly speaking, his reaction to the very idea of someone having purchased Tyrian as a fighter had been something of a involuntary reaction. Not for the wrong reasons either, a natural and reasonable reaction. Especially as it sounded this Ichabod had been a kindly man, though Hazel wasn't fully certain of their relationship beyond what he's just been told. The idea of a fighting ring, though, was something to condemn by all rights.

"I won't insult you by apologizing for that. It isn't my place and you value your past as you regret none of it. So I won't do that. Instead... thank you. Thank you for telling me your story. I appreciate it. I can imagine it was difficult to share. But I need to move onto something I feel is pertinent." His crossed arms separated, as he moved forward to palm one shoulder of the scorpion faunus, though there was a fleeting moment where he thought twice of it before discarding it and followed through.

"What I will not accept is the fact I wasn't a good partner to you, Tyrian. Even if you insist I have nothing to apologize for, it doesn't change how I feel." There was a pregnant pause in his words, as he ruminated for a moment, before he appended a query.

"What will you do now? Our team's relationships are strained or worse, with our sister team down a member. Will you come with us to help find Cinder? If so, once that's done, would that be the end of Team WTCH? I won't force you to stay, as my partner or friend. Arthur is taking all of this hard, we all are..."

The uncertainty was palpable in his words. "This is the worst time for division."

Neo had disappeared before the students had finished evacuating from the battlegrounds that Haven Academy had become. But she hadn't strayed too far. She watched them leave in secret, staying in the shadows, her eyes glistening with freshly spilled tears, Hush over her shoulder and her scroll in the other. She watched as they departed, the big one carrying Roman's corpse and Mercury carrying the other her. She seemed absolutely broken by the sight of her dead partner and best friend.

....And Neo couldn't blame her.

She closed her eyes and exhaled before following them in secrecy.

She hadn't approached them as they reached Tock's abode. It wasn't her place and she wasn't exactly on 'chill' terms with the other less murder-happy blonde idiot and her sister. Or probably with Qrow since she'd tried her hand at murdering him. Nobody was perfect after all. She sat herself in a nearby alleyway with her arms folded across her chest. Wasn't the worst place she'd ever sent an afternoon. At least before she'd met him.

Ugh. If there was any kind of god in this world, they were terrible for making her relive tragedy on this scale like this twice! TWICE! Perhaps she'd sinned but didn't those punishments come after she died?? Why punish the ones she loved?

She had followed Mercury/watched him bury Roman. It was a brutalizing affair on her heart the whole time. She didn't make a sound though. A silent onlooker to this morose funeral.

Then she shattered and went back to watching over them from afar.

Or more specifically, one of them, the other her.

They'd been enemies or at least they'd made eachother that way. Neo wasn't one to regret what she did. She did what she felt like devil may care. Yet, she refused to leave this other her alone. She'd watch over her from afar and protect her if need be.

Looking down at her scroll, she sniffled.

{you:}i'll protect her just like you would have wanted Roman.

Payback would come. That was a simple fact.​

A week now. The news of Haven Academy's destruction had been the talk of the world for a week, even with the blow to global communication.

Somehow, seeing Ozpin sitting there at the head of the table with interlaced hands and a coldly disappointed face was more terrifying than if he was frothing at the mouth with rage. At least with one you could accurately predict what would follow. He stared each of them down as they filtered into the room. Once all the remaining perpetrators of that attack were all gathered, with Weiss communicating through one of her grimm summons, he spoke up. Slowly, each word pronounced in meticulous and a vaguely celebratory fashion. "Here we are. Haven in ruins, the CCT destroyed..." The celebratory tone vanished as he continued. "...the Spring Maiden is gone. The relic you were meant to get is buried under the ruins and the kingdom will be on more high alert after that fiasco. Their fear and sorrow may attract more grimm, but that won't be enough. What's more, Valkyrie and Arc are dead. Your compatriot in green hasn't been seen since the fall of Haven." Those disturbing eyes locked onto the lone Pyrrha.

"3 lost, in a single night." If looks could kill, Pyrrha might have spontaneously combusted from the weight of that glare. But he made no move to actually assault her. She was still too capable an asset to torture, especially in the wake of finding himself short a significant number. "They died for their failure. That is a suitable punishment for them, and should be a good reminder for you." His eyes remained steady on her for a long while, scrutinizing her from head to toe.

"However..." His face softened from harsh judgment to a more paternal look. "...there is something positive that balances out this blunder. No, actually, two somethings. Weiss's work in Atlas has been most inspiring. Beyond that, though, a situation here at this castle developed. It seems that whatever it was that brought the initial wave of individuals from this other world is far from done. Another one showed up just yesterday, right here in this castle. There was plenty of shock and surprise on the part of both myself and this new arrival. It came very close to coming to blows, but I managed to keep that predicament from escalating with a bit of persuasion. You see, right over here..."

He held a hand out, gesturing to where she was standing by one of the windows and staring out in silence.


When she turned, it was evident she was still not quite sure how to feel about Ozpin. That was a difficult thing to process, for her especially. As was the confusing presence of one Pyrrha Nikos...but she was still ultimately standing in the room regardless of the issues she had. "We received the gift of a maiden. If that is not an indication that our cause is right, I do not know what else could be. As a further advantage...she is a near mirror for Beacon Academy's very own Cinder Fall. Somewhat older, perhaps, but with the right disguise to keep people from taking too close a look? She could very well stride right into the kingdom of Vale, free our dear Masque from an imprisonment that has continued for far too long, and perhaps even secure the relic itself with Salem none the wiser. That is precisely what I intend for her to do. No fight, no struggle, no chance for any more failure." He stated firmly and finally separated his hands.

"This is a wild card thrown into the game, however. With this evidence that the crossing between worlds is not an isolated incident, there is a chance that this...event, for lack of a better word, could have even more individuals spill out from their world into ours. We must be prepared to handle that and if possible as in this case, turn it into an advantage for us rather than for them." Ozpin cleared his throat. "In the meantime, Weiss. Continue as you are. Blake, I want you doing whatever it takes to track down Spring. She can not be allowed to remain lost, but do not engage. Contact me if you discover her. Pyrrha, you will remain here."


The mistralian champion didn't much like the odd looks she was getting from this new otherworldly arrival but as soon as she was addressed, she turned away from warily staring back. “As you wish.” Nikos replied, with head bowed.

"Now, unless any of you have any questions or anything to contribute..." He left that open-ended to give them a chance to speak up while simultaneously beckoning Yang to approach. That needed to be addressed and recent developments left him inspired.​
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"What will you do now? Our team's relationships are strained or worse, with our sister team down a member. Will you come with us to help find Cinder? If so, once that's done, would that be the end of Team WTCH? I won't force you to stay, as my partner or friend. Arthur is taking all of this hard, we all are..."
Tyrian froze and didn't turn to face Hazel.


Tyrian's tail seemed to tense up.

"I told you part of my story because I felt you deserved to know. But there was another reason I did so. You heard what Tock said back in there didn't you? She said I'd gone crazy. That I'd lost it was her fine wording, I believe? Well. She wasn't lying." Tyrian turned to face Hazel. "I didn't mention my relationship with Ichabod just for fun. A while before the incident that forced me to leave, he asked me a question. One that's stuck with me for years."


Tyrian had just finished a particularly nasty fight. One that'd left him missing one of his canines after a strong punch to the side of the head. He had also required 20 stitches around his forehead after a nasty session of headbutting that his older opponent had inflicted upon him. Doped up on pain meds as he was though, Tyrian felt like a million bucks. Nobody could get in his way and nobody could take him down! He jumped on his couch(he'd never had a couch before!!) that Ichabod had bought for him. He felt like ripping the stuffing out of it like a wild animal and spitting it all over the room and and and-

"Tyrian? Are you ok?"


Ceasing his jumping, Tyrian kicked his feet back and forth as Ichabod hobbled into the room. "Tyrian?"

"Oh...um hihihi Mr. Ichabod-ow!!"

Tyrian could feel it starting to get very hot in here!!! Even the ice cream in his fridge was going to start melting at this rate! Looking at Ichabod, Tyrian winced as the usual sulfur smell around his manager/best friend started to intentisfy. A sign that he was exerting his semblance: Overheat. With enough focus and time, Ichabod could 'heat up' the AoE of his ability. Due to his advanced age, it was mostly used for training rookies and warding off pick pockets by making his wallet 'hot' to the touch. He usually didn't activate it around Tyrian though. Unless the boy was acting like a fool. Which he clearly had been.

"Owowowow! Ok! Okay!!!! I'm sorry!!!!!"

The heat died down and Tyrian was glad he hadn't been wearing a shirt. It would have felt so gross now. "That's all I wanted to hear. Now, Tyrian. Could you lock the door for me?" The question took Tyrian by surprise. Usually the door to Ichabod's office was kept open. In case anyone had a problem with him, they could come and go as they pleased. Old as he was, he wasn't afraid of reprisal. Not wanting him to use his semblance again, Tyrian hopped over and locked the door. "Are we gonna do some more training today, Mr. Ichabod?"


"O-Oh....What's up then? If it's about the fight then-"

"No, Tyrian. I...I've been doing this a long time. When the fighters under me reached eighteen I typically gave them enough money to last them until they got up on their feet/watched over them from afar. But you've made it clear you plan to stay with me for quite some time. I respect and admire that tenacity of yours, my boy. But, Tyrian...You know there are those who'd wish me harm."

"W-What?! Why!? Who wants to hurt you!? I'll fight them right now I'll-I'll kill-"

The heat turned up again and Tyrian whimpered.

"That right there is what I came to discuss with you. The White Fang and this....'Shadow Fang.' are growing in number and I've gone many years trying to avoid incurring their wrath. My compatriots as you have no doubt experienced have not. I'm worried about you, Tyrian. Would you...Would you join them if they asked you?"

....That was a genuinely difficult question. Tyrian knew the White/Shadow Fang both fought to help the faunus get a better place in this world right?? It was just the means in which they did it that people didn't like. Killing people was never okay! Then again, how could he judge them sitting in relative luxury like this? Sure, he had to deal with jerks who could ruin his life if they desired but Ichabod always protected him. But what if the White Fang went after him? What if he had to-"

"Tyrian. Would you kill me if they commanded you to?"

Tyrian felt his blood freeze.


What had Ichabod just asked him??

"Y-You're joking right...? I....I would never-"

"Tyrian. I notice how antsy you seem to be about your tail. That you swore you'd never use the stinger. Sometimes I see it tense up after a tough fight. As if you're going to lash out and sting somebody. Maybe even hurt them more than you need to. Am I wrong?"

"....no. No, you're not. B-But I'd never hurt you! I promise! I'd never think of killing you!!!" Tyrian felt tears welling up and he cried into the man's chest as Ichabod hugged him. "That's all you needed to say, my boy. I'm sorry for frightening you."


"During the fight with that other Qrow, the voices normally telling me to 'kill' stopped. That was around the same time I stabbed myself. I was prepared to kill him after striking him with my tail. I could feel as though I was going to do it too." Tyrian admitted.


His voice cracked a little.

"I'll help get Cinder back but I think i simply miss the thrill that fighting in that ring gave me, Hazel. I want to go back but I can't and Ichabod is...." Tyrian frowned. Clearly not wanting to finish that sentence. "It's why I was so interested in fighting Eve. It wasn't just childishness eagerness. I wanted to know if she was the one who killed him."

"I can't get my answers and keep the three of us safe if she is his killer."
In retrospect, maybe if he just gave himself over to this kind of insanity from day 1 and learned not to wonder so much he would've had a way better time with this whole 'life' thing.

After a while spent just looking over the injured like Tyrian and Eve, the obviously distraught such as Emerald and Neo, the arguments and chats between a few, how the events of at Haven seemed to have made Watts lose faith in his ability to lead or to even be a part of this life or the way it made Mercury internalize the idea that it had been his fault, a failure on his part that left them all...like this. The physical pain, the emotional anguish, the fact that some of the people that were on their teams weren't even here anymore, whether that was just for now or...permanent. Everything...it just brought a frown to her face and reminded her, made her think back to the letter she had sent back home(if it had ever reached there she couldn't say) once she had reached the beautiful city of Mistral back in her world. It brought so many of the words she had written clawing up through memory until they were at the forefront.

Hey sis, I hope my letters have been reaching you and Dad. Hand-written stuff's never been super reliable, but I guess it's all we've got these days. Anyway, in case you haven't been getting them, I want to say I'm sorry for leaving the way I did. I know you told me it was a reckless idea, and after everything I've been through, I can definitely say you were right. It's been hard, on all of us, and I'm not just talking about the monsters we fought out here. Every step we made took us further and further from the things we knew. And every morning we woke up wondering, if just over the next hill would be something good or something terrible. It's scary not knowing what's going to happen next. And the things we do know now—just how bad it can get—it almost makes it all worse. You told me once that bad things just happen. You were angry when you said it, and I didn't want to listen. But you were right, bad things do happen, all the time, every day. Which is why I'm out here, to do whatever I can, wherever I can, and hopefully do some good. We've all lost something, and I've seen what loss can do to people. But if we gave up every time we lost, then we'd never be able to move forward. We'd never have a chance to see what beautiful things the future might have waiting for us. We'd never have the strength to change; whether it's ourselves, or the world around us. And we'd never be there for other people who might one day be lost without us. This is what we were training for, Yang, to become Huntresses, to be the ones to stand up and do something about all the bad in the world. Because there are plenty of people out there who are still lost and even more who will try to gain everything they can from their sorrow. Believe me when I say, I know it can feel impossible, like every single day is a struggle against some unstoppable monster we can never hope to beat. But we have to try, if not for us, then for the people we've already— Then for the people we haven't lost yet.

Slowly her head turned to face her uncle and she approached him, speaking in a soft voice once close enough: "Hey, can we talk? Somewhere more private?"

Slowly her head turned to face her uncle and she approached him, speaking in a soft voice once close enough: "Hey, can we talk? Somewhere more private?"



Qrow had been chewing on a somber silence ever since Jinn faded, blind to all the further dramatic happenings in the room for all the attention he paid them. That his look was still transfixed on the Raven he knew most his life spoke volumes, though how blank and distant it was made it obvious his thoughts were a thousand miles away from where they started, the haggard man having plenty to dwell on after today. Ruby's voice was able to coax him from his brooding though. "Sure."

He sent a suspicious squint Raven's and a nod to the other, communicating two very different wordless messages to both as he instructed the former not to try anything and the latter to keep an eye on her. Hopefully. If he got the order right. In all honesty, he believed that she was here in their collective best interest; he had no reason to think that their Raven wanted to be here any more than they did, so a betrayal seemed unlikely now of all times. Didn't mean he was all that thrilled about her being here.​


Qrow had been chewing on a somber silence ever since Jinn faded, blind to all the further dramatic happenings in the room for all the attention he paid them. That his look was still transfixed on the Raven he knew most his life spoke volumes, though how blank and distant it was made it obvious his thoughts were a thousand miles away from where they started, the haggard man having plenty to dwell on after today. Ruby's voice was able to coax him from his brooding though. "Sure."

He sent a suspicious squint Raven's and a nod to the other, communicating two very different wordless messages to both as he instructed the former not to try anything and the latter to keep an eye on her. Hopefully. If he got the order right. In all honesty, he believed that she was here in their collective best interest; he had no reason to think that their Raven wanted to be here any more than they did, so a betrayal seemed unlikely now of all times. Didn't mean he was all that thrilled about her being here.​

She nodded in thanks, definitely feeling a bit more relieved as she lead the way out the door, past the place where Hazel and Tyrian were having their own talk and all the way to the place where Mercury had....Ruby knelt down underneath the shadow of the large tree, next to the recently disturbed spot of earth where a bundle of sticks held up that ever so familiar bowler hat. Even now it felt so strange to think about how even as alike the two Romans had been, in ways beyond just fashion sense...that their lives had gone such different directions. How weird it was that she felt this bad for a Roman Torchwick. After a moment she straightened back up to standing and turned to her uncle. "I..." She started, looking increasingly unsure before she shook her head and changed what she had thought to say.

"General Ironwood and Winter and Penny, they made me legit. A full fledged licensed huntress...but that was for our world. I don't know if that carries over exactly or if I should even think for one second that it would. I'm thinking Watts has a point. We showed up here, unexpectedly, and we made our problems theirs too. Something that has cost them. A lot. Part of me can't help but think on how unfair that seems, and with everything I saw in there...it's clear they need the time to recover and not just physically. So I was thinking that we should give them that time. That you, me, Yang, one or both of the Ravens, maybe even the faunus lady letting us into her place...we should continue on our own for a while, because it is our situation that brought us all out here in the first place. That it is our responsibility to fix, not theirs. Not after all they've sacrificed." She crossed her arms, rubbing at one of them in nervous concern.


"I just...as one of the role models whose example I've tried to live up to and as the most experienced person here who isn't from this world or isn't morally questionable at best...I just want to know if you think that's the right approach."
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