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"Now, unless any of you have any questions or anything to contribute..." He left that open-ended to give them a chance to speak up while simultaneously beckoning Yang to approach. That needed to be addressed and recent developments left him inspired.

One thing Weiss could at least give this particular mode of communication was its privacy. Wherever she was, whatever she was doing, it wasn't readily apparent to everyone in the room, and it meant she wasn't forced to needlessly stall her own affairs simply to come all the way out to this barren corner of the earth and report in. All the better to focus on her task at hand.


And anyone who peered into the hazy, spectral image of Weiss held within the Seer was given a sense of just how focused the Atlesian had been of late. Now that she was home and facing the harsher, less forgiving climate of Solitas, as well as abandoning the need for pretty dresses and extravagant hats to make her seem unassuming, the councilwoman was looking sharp, practically militant, if still fulfilling the requisite Schnee quota for elegance. A collar of thick white fur kept her warm, her hair was bound up in a long, dense ponytail, and the scar she'd been taking steps to cover up with makeup for years was now on full display, Weiss's use for the softer, doll-like presentation her father had always foisted on her apparently at an end. Thanks to a joint effort between recent world developments and her own machinations, the citizenry of Atlas (and even a good deal of Mantle) were living in fear, looking to a strong, powerful figure to be a beacon of light and solidarity, to light the way through this time of darkness.

And there she stood. Weiss Schnee, trusted and beloved, passing every royal test that had been set before her since youth, her own blood inexorably linked to the rich heritage of Atlas itself. She had all the answers. She was strong. With such a staunch defender of humanity at her side as General Carnelian, she would defend the kingdom against all threats.

Hidden agenda or no, it was a promise she had every intention of keeping.

Her reply was kept prompt and brusque, the once-heiress standing with arm resting on Myrtenaster's hilt as she took all the news in stride, little in the way of a reaction save for a half-amused hum at word of Valkyrie's demise and a stern, dissecting narrowing of the eyes at the revelation of Cinder, the Seer even swiveling where it hovered so she could get a good look at the newly arrived fall maiden for herself. Weiss was a perfectionist by nature, one who had rather come to enjoy life's predictability when you looked past people and all their silly little feelings to see the true patterns and formulas that existed beneath. Wild cards were something she held little tolerance for, and Cinder felt that cold glare probing her far longer than was necessary as the sinister Grimm hovered there, the occasional click and chatter disturbing the silence that typically added another layer of unease to Ozpin's chapel.

Finally, it pivoted back to its master and spoke, the voice that came through cordial but masterful in the sheer subtlety of the scathing inflection it placed on one word.

"Some of these other interlopers might have an idea of Ironwood's connection to the Winter Maiden. Should I be expecting visitors?"
Her reply was kept prompt and brusque, the once-heiress standing with arm resting on Myrtenaster's hilt as she took all the news in stride, little in the way of a reaction save for a half-amused hum at word of Valkyrie's demise and a stern, dissecting narrowing of the eyes at the revelation of Cinder, the Seer even swiveling where it hovered so she could get a good look at the newly arrived fall maiden for herself. Weiss was a perfectionist by nature, one who had rather come to enjoy life's predictability when you looked past people and all their silly little feelings to see the true patterns and formulas that existed beneath. Wild cards were something she held little tolerance for, and Cinder felt that cold glare probing her far longer than was necessary as the sinister Grimm hovered there, the occasional click and chatter disturbing the silence that typically added another layer of unease to Ozpin's chapel.


The only response to that thoroughly inspecting look was expressed solely through facial expression. Cinder clearly had no fondness for being gazed at like some Atlesian lab rat, a stare probing her in what was likely an attempt to get the measure of her(as much as could be gathered from a single look). And certainly not to have it coming from the face of someone she'd thought she had killed. Though, it was exceedingly obvious it was not the same Weiss. Not with the way she had expressed amusement at the news of that death and the fact that she, like Pyrrha and Yang and Blake, was subservient to the master of all grimm here. Traded up all their benevolence for malevolence, had they?
"Some of these other interlopers might have an idea of Ironwood's connection to the Winter Maiden. Should I be expecting visitors?"

"That is the question, is it not--"

"Count on it." Cinder interrupted, not caring if that broke some unspoken rule in this world. Those 3 words, brief as they were, spoke of a long and tumultuous history. One that she wasn't all that eager to share to anybody in the room, current circumstances aside.​
She nodded in thanks, definitely feeling a bit more relieved as she lead the way out the door, past the place where Hazel and Tyrian were having their own talk and all the way to the place where Mercury had....Ruby knelt down underneath the shadow of the large tree, next to the recently disturbed spot of earth where a bundle of sticks held up that ever so familiar bowler hat. Even now it felt so strange to think about how even as alike the two Romans had been, in ways beyond just fashion sense...that their lives had gone such different directions. How weird it was that she felt this bad for a Roman Torchwick. After a moment she straightened back up to standing and turned to her uncle. "I..." She started, looking increasingly unsure before she shook her head and changed what she had thought to say.

"General Ironwood and Winter and Penny, they made me legit. A full fledged licensed huntress...but that was for our world. I don't know if that carries over exactly or if I should even think for one second that it would. I'm thinking Watts has a point. We showed up here, unexpectedly, and we made our problems theirs too. Something that has cost them. A lot. Part of me can't help but think on how unfair that seems, and with everything I saw in there...it's clear they need the time to recover and not just physically. So I was thinking that we should give them that time. That you, me, Yang, one or both of the Ravens, maybe even the faunus lady letting us into her place...we should continue on our own for a while, because it is our situation that brought us all out here in the first place. That it is our responsibility to fix, not theirs. Not after all they've sacrificed." She crossed her arms, rubbing at one of them in nervous concern.


"I just...as one of the role models whose example I've tried to live up to and as the most experienced person here who isn't from this world or isn't morally questionable at best...I just want to know if you think that's the right approach."

Qrow's reaction was as somber as Ruby's was when she led them to the grave, eyes lingering on the makeshift headstone topped off by the bowler hat. Somehow it wasn't difficult to tell where his thoughts were at, and he had a weird feeling Ruby's might've been somewhere around the same place too; wasn't often the two of them visited a grave together. There had only been one other, matter of fact.

His eyes slowly turned to her in the midst of her speech, but surprisingly his initial reaction was a low, amused snort for one particular snippet of her wording.


"I keep telling you to cut that out. I know Yang and your dad are a couple bare-knuckle pussycats deep down, but they make for better role models than I do, Ruby. They're who you should be looking up to. Matter of fact, I bet Tai would have something pretty inspiring to say right about now."

His voice carried that typical playful, teasing edge Qrow's carried whenever he was trying to bait one of his nieces, but there was an element of self-deprecating honesty to it as well as his gaze fell.

"Here's what I got. I don't think those kids were ready, any more than you and your friends at Beacon were when it fell. It might sound harsh, but it's true... bottom line says it's what filled in this grave."

This tone fully settled into its somber ways once more.

"...But this is their fight too, and it's one they volunteered for. They got to walk down this path knowing the full stakes, all the hidden truths and secrets Ozpin kept from us. Me, Raven, Tai... and your mom. Us sticking our noses in filled in some blanks, ones even we didn't get filled 'til we got our hands on the lamp, helped stop Beacon from becoming the catastrophe it did before... As much as we may have gotten our butts kicked, if we hadn't interfered at all then a source of unlimited knowledge would be sitting pretty in their worst nightmare's castle right about now. I know things don't look good, but I actually don't think us showing up here was the worst thing. And you know how I usually am about that."

He smiled, more gentle and reassuring than he ever could've foreseen himself being as a teenager as he stepped up alongside her.

"Like it or not, they need to collect the relics for the good of their world, too. Maybe we changed the timeframe, but their window was always closing even if they didn't know it. It didn't exactly go to plan, but in the end we got one, and that sets Ozpin back. These kids lost their friend, but he died fighting the most noble fight of them all, knowing exactly what it was he gave his life for... And that's better than all the huntsmen and huntresses I knew who got played for puppets. Who died without our Ozpin ever telling them the full truth."

That reminder drew a deep, weary sigh from his chest, the jaded huntsman reflective as ever as he finally circled back to her question.

"As for what they should do... Only they can answer that. But I'll say this much, Ruby... they might be filling your shoes, but at the end of the day..."

He glanced back at the grave.

"...They aren't you guys. They're not the heroes you are, they don't have the togetherness or the... the strength of character. Each of them is exactly who they are back home, only nicer; that makes for a pretty volatile and unpredictable bunch at the best of times. They might have good intentions, but... they aren't up to the task ahead of them. None of them are."

What may have sounded like harsh criticism was only intended as frank honesty, considering the many conversations and interactions he'd overheard during their days of travel together. He wasn't trying to knock them or anything. They had plenty of room to grow. But a crew of egoists, hotheads, delinquents and even what looked to be a full fledged maniac at 17 were not the crew who should've been saving the world, even if they were top of their class at Beacon.

"If they decide to go their own way... then maybe that's not the worst idea. For their own sakes."
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The only response to that thoroughly inspecting look was expressed solely through facial expression. Cinder clearly had no fondness for being gazed at like some Atlesian lab rat, a stare probing her in what was likely an attempt to get the measure of her(as much as could be gathered from a single look). And certainly not to have it coming from the face of someone she'd thought she had killed. Though, it was exceedingly obvious it was not the same Weiss. Not with the way she had expressed amusement at the news of that death and the fact that she, like Pyrrha and Yang and Blake, was subservient to the master of all grimm here. Traded up all their benevolence for malevolence, had they?

"That is the question, is it not--"

"Count on it." Cinder interrupted, not caring if that broke some unspoken rule in this world. Those 3 words, brief as they were, spoke of a long and tumultuous history. One that she wasn't all that eager to share to anybody in the room, current circumstances aside.


Hmph. Unruly.

The Weiss she was dealing with now may indeed have been a stark departure from the at-times brittle but frankly sweet young woman Cinder was familiar with, but there was nothing unfamiliar about the dour frown her stare adopted once it became apparent the maiden wasn't taking kindly to it. So what if she was staring? She could stare at whoever she wanted. She was Weiss Schnee.

And if there was one thing any version of Weiss Schnee abhored, it was a rival. With Cinder's status as a full-fledged maiden, apparent confidence to interrupt Ozpin as she pleased, and a plan laid out before her to walk right into Beacon and swindle its headmistress sounding very reminiscent of the one Weiss carried out a matter of weeks ago (on a much grander scale even), a rival and a threat to her own far-reaching ambitions for power was exactly what she saw. They were designs that simply had no place for an intruder from another world, certainly not one with power-hungry eyes that Weiss saw as mirrors of her own.

Cinder's interjection drew the attention of the Seer once more, and it slowly hovered over to rest before the fall maiden, offering her a better look at that stern, uncompromising glare that seemed to have only intensified. When she spoke again, it was in tones that were downright frigid in their iciness, clearly skeptical of this new arrival.

"Care to elaborate?"
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"I keep telling you to cut that out. I know Yang and your dad are a couple bare-knuckle pussycats deep down, but they make for better role models than I do, Ruby. They're who you should be looking up to. Matter of fact, I bet Tai would have something pretty inspiring to say right about now."

His voice carried that typical playful, teasing edge Qrow's carried whenever he was trying to bait one of his nieces, but there was an element of self-deprecating honesty to it as well as his gaze fell.

"...You never give yourself enough credit is all, Uncle. Not saying you're perfect or anything like that, nobody is, but you were the one who saved us when Yang and I were kids. You showed up in the nick of time when Tyrian had us beat. And after Mom was gone, Dad more or less retired to home, Raven abandoned the life altogether...you are the only one on your team who kept fighting, kept doing missions for Ozpin, kept trying to do good despite it all. Even if it was ultimately for a bunch of lies, you did it because you wanted to make the world better, right? That says a lot about you." Ruby remarked. "Besides, you know...wouldn't be half as good with Crescent without you so shut up and accept the compliment, okay?" : |​

"Here's what I got. I don't think those kids were ready, any more than you and your friends at Beacon were when it fell. It might sound harsh, but it's true... bottom line says it's what filled in this grave."

This tone fully settled into its somber ways once more.


"...But this is their fight too, and it's one they volunteered for. They got to walk down this path knowing the full stakes, all the hidden truths and secrets Ozpin kept from us. Me, Raven, Tai... and your mom. Us sticking our noses in filled in some blanks, ones even we didn't get filled 'til we got our hands on the lamp, helped stop Beacon from becoming the catastrophe it did before... As much as we may have gotten our butts kicked, if we hadn't interfered at all then a source of unlimited knowledge would be sitting pretty in their worst nightmare's castle right about now. I know things don't look good, but I actually don't think us showing up here was the worst thing. And you know how I usually am about that."

He smiled, more gentle and reassuring than he ever could've foreseen himself being as a teenager as he stepped up alongside her.

"Good point. Don't want to think what Sal--what Ozpin would do with unlimited knowledge in his back pocket. A terrifying thought."

"Like it or not, they need to collect the relics for the good of their world, too. Maybe we changed the timeframe, but their window was always closing even if they didn't know it. It didn't exactly go to plan, but in the end we got one, and that sets Ozpin back. These kids lost their friend, but he died fighting the most noble fight of them all, knowing exactly what it was he gave his life for... And that's better than all the huntsmen and huntresses I knew who got played for puppets. Who died without our Ozpin ever telling them the full truth."

"......................" Even with the scores of huntsmen and huntresses that she could only imagine filled up that slot, just pieces in a deadly game they didn't know they were actually playing...she couldn't help think of Summer more than any other and wonder how much she knew in the end. Or how that end even came to be. "Yeah. Yeah, okay." She nodded. They did need to do that. Someone had to step up, to be there once she and Yang and Qrow et cetera were all gone.​

"As for what they should do... Only they can answer that. But I'll say this much, Ruby... they might be filling your shoes, but at the end of the day..."

He glanced back at the grave.

"...They aren't you guys. They're not the heroes you are, they don't have the togetherness or the... the strength of character. Each of them is exactly who they are back home, only nicer; that makes for a pretty volatile and unpredictable bunch at the best of times. They might have good intentions, but... they aren't up to the task ahead of them. None of them are."

What may have sounded like harsh criticism was only intended as frank honesty, considering the many conversations and interactions he'd overheard during their days of travel together. He wasn't trying to knock them or anything. They had plenty of room to grow. But a crew of egoists, hotheads, delinquents and even what looked to be a full fledged maniac at 17 were not the crew who should've been saving the world, even if they were top of their class at Beacon.

"I mean...were we that different? Tyrian aside, because yeah what he did to himself was insane. But us, at the start...a snobby heiress with a pinch of racism, which make no mistake SHE'S TOTALLY OUTGROWN AND I'M PROUD OF IT, a former member of the White Fang who put up walls between her and us for a good while there until they came crashing down and the very definition of hotheaded...I wouldn't exactly call all that not volatile. And I mean, none of us back home were ready for the task ahead either. For the target we painted on our backs for enemies we didn't know were out there. Seriously Tyrian would have definitely taken me if you didn't show up that time."

"If they decide to go their own way... then maybe that's not the worst idea. For their own sakes."

"...Maybe." She didn't seem convinced by that though.​
"Hmmmmm…..................…." She tapped her chin, apparently giving it some serious consideration-- "Nope."



"I see. And we're expected to entrust a task of such monumental importance to this vague, smirking simpleton... Why, exactly?"

Her voice carried back across the room, clearly addressing the others gathered rather than Cinder now in spite of how those cold blue eyes never so much as blinked to disrupt their scrutinization of the fall maiden. In particular, the question was directed towards Ozpin, and the snobbish tone she spoke the insult with made it clear how she viewed their new ally from whatever brief measure she'd gauged: little more than low-class refuse.

"I know you're not used to thinking in these terms, but she could be a threat. I have absolutely no reason to think this woman wants to help us. What's stopping her from acting as a double agent for our enemies? I find it very hard to believe she doesn't share their goal of returning to her own Remnant. Where she belongs."
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"...You never give yourself enough credit is all, Uncle. Not saying you're perfect or anything like that, nobody is, but you were the one who saved us when Yang and I were kids. You showed up in the nick of time when Tyrian had us beat. And after Mom was gone, Dad more or less retired to home, Raven abandoned the life altogether...you are the only one on your team who kept fighting, kept doing missions for Ozpin, kept trying to do good despite it all. Even if it was ultimately for a bunch of lies, you did it because you wanted to make the world better, right? That says a lot about you." Ruby remarked. "Besides, you know...wouldn't be half as good with Crescent without you so shut up and accept the compliment, okay?" : |



"Good point. Don't want to think what Sal--what Ozpin would do with unlimited knowledge in his back pocket. A terrifying thought."


"I mean...were we that different? Tyrian aside, because yeah what he did to himself was insane. But us, at the start...a snobby heiress with a pinch of racism, which make no mistake SHE'S TOTALLY OUTGROWN AND I'M PROUD OF IT, a former member of the White Fang who put up walls between her and us for a good while there until they came crashing down and the very definition of hotheaded...I wouldn't exactly call all that not volatile. And I mean, none of us back home were ready for the task ahead either. For the target we painted on our backs for enemies we didn't know were out there. Seriously Tyrian would have definitely taken me if you didn't show up that time."

"Wait, Weiss was racist?"

"...Maybe." She didn't seem convinced by that though.

"Definitely. There's one thing you forgot to list about me, which is that I'm right ALL THE TIME."
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"I see. And we're expected to entrust a task of such monumental importance to this vague, smirking simpleton... Why, exactly?"

Her voice carried back across the room, clearly addressing the others gathered rather than Cinder now in spite of how those cold blue eyes never so much as blinked to disrupt their scrutinization of the fall maiden. In particular, the question was directed towards Ozpin, and the snobbish tone she spoke the insult with made it clear how she viewed their new ally from whatever brief assessment she'd made: little more than low-class refuse.

"I know you're not used to thinking in these terms, but she could be a threat. I have absolutely no reason to think this woman wants to help us. What's stopping her from acting as a double agent for our enemies? I find it very hard to believe she doesn't share their goal of returning to her own Remnant. Where she belongs."

"What's the matter? Afraid of a little competition?" Cinder couldn't help but question, the smug smirk not leaving her face until she turned to Ozpin. "Who were the ones you told me popped up on this Remnant, again?"

"Ruby Rose, Q--"


"That right there." She hissed fiercely as she cut off Ozpin for the second time in under a minute. If nothing else, the sheer brazenness she possessed was a refreshing change from the way most viewed him. Even Weiss only went so far. But...who could tell how long the novelty of the bold interruptions would last until Ozpin was no longer amused but rather irritated by them. What happened then, well...Pyrrha had a couple guesses. "That's exactly why I will never be working with your enemies." The absolute certainty in her voice as well as the underlying anger spoke just as much about a bitter past as her first three words had.

"I already discussed it with your boss. If I help you with your goals, which from what I've heard are generally going poorly anyway and are in desperate need of actual quality assistance, not whatever you people think you are...then once he has what he wants, he'll give me what I want and send me back. By myself. Let the rest, save one, rot here for all I care."
"What's the matter? Afraid of a little competition?" Cinder couldn't help but question, the smug smirk not leaving her face until she turned to Ozpin.


"I'll let you know if I ever find any." She answered with an unconcerned, prim smile of her own, hoping she used words small enough that her implication was clear. The very notion almost had her scoff, but she settled for a simple condescending quirk of the eyebrow.


"That right there." She hissed fiercely as she cut off Ozpin for the second time in under a minute. If nothing else, the sheer brazenness she possessed was a refreshing change from the way most viewed him. Even Weiss only went so far. But...who could tell how long the novelty of the bold interruptions would last until Ozpin was no longer amused but rather irritated by them. What happened then, well...Pyrrha had a couple guesses. "That's exactly why I will never be working with your enemies." The absolute certainty in her voice as well as the underlying anger spoke just as much about a bitter past as her first three words had.

"I already discussed it with your boss. If I help you with your goals, which from what I've heard are generally going poorly anyway and are in desperate need of actual quality assistance, not whatever you people think you are...then once he has what he wants, he'll give me what I want and send me back. By myself. Let the rest, save one, rot here for all I care."

There really was no vocabulary that could measure how hard Weiss rolled her eyes, the speed with which she seemed to dismiss this woman as a real threat whiplash-inducing.

"Oh, why didn't you just say you were another deranged lunatic with an obsession? Because that's exactly what the situation needs. More of those."

There were few pleasures in life Weiss enjoyed more than getting to talk down to someone audacious enough to believe they could provoke her. Their faces upon realizing just how little they actually mattered to her was simply to die for. She sized her up for a second time, more patronizing and deeply amused than the first, and tilted her head with a knowing smirk.

"I can't speak for anyone else, but my goals are proceeding well within parameters. And after the thrashing they took at Haven our enemies should be scattered like rats. They won't be posing much of a threat; I suppose there's no harm in letting you play in your league."

She waved a dismissive hand, apparently bored now.

"Provided you maintain a distance of a thousand leagues or more from my kingdom at all times. Atlas simply won't be making room for the dregs anymore, I'm afraid."
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"I'll let you know if I ever find any." She answered with an unconcerned, prim smile of her own, hoping she used words small enough that her implication was clear. The very notion almost had her scoff, but she settled for a simple condescending quirk of the eyebrow.


"Easy thing to say from your fortress in the sky a thousand miles away. Say it to my face and see what happens, you smug little bi--"

"That's enough." Ozpin interrupted her this time, the look in his eyes somehow even more dangerously intimidating than their newest guest's rageful glow. "We have too much to accomplish for you two to be at each other's throats immediately after meeting. Now, if you are quite finished, is there anything else Weiss?"

"Easy thing to say from your fortress in the sky a thousand miles away. Say it to my face and see what happens, you smug little bi--"

"That's enough." Ozpin interrupted her this time, the look in his eyes somehow even more dangerously intimidating than their newest guest's rageful glow. "We have too much to accomplish for you two to be at each other's throats immediately after meeting. Now, if you are quite finished, is there anything else Weiss?"

The Seer levitated back over to the table without fuss. "Of course, sir. Simply getting the measure of your newest guest. I'm sure she'll achieve great things by her standards."
A few days earlier, Blake had been solemnly kneeling in front of Sienna, finishing her report.

“...after which, I fled. My task was done. The kingdoms’ communication is crippled, and our temporary allies in Atlas are acting to ensure that war will soon follow. The humans unsurpisingly failed at their own task, but magic and relics seem to be unreliable sources of power at best it seems. The plan continues”

The Shadow Fang’s high leader was slouched slightly in her throne, a pleased smile on her face as she rested her cheek on one hand while the other drummed against the throne’s arm. “Excellent work, my right hand. You have done well, and the faunus will remember their champion in the new world in song and statue, to be sure. That said…” She picked her hand up off the throne and studied her fingers, two claw-esque nails rubbing together.

“...What of Eve Taurus? She is noticeably absent in your report, yet everyone one else features her prominently. She was your greatest opposition at the tower.”

Blake took a few seconds longer than she should have to respond.

“...She was there, yes. But she posed no threat to me. Her weakness of the heart-”

“The general of the treacherous dogs who have bit the tail of their alpha was in your sights, and you say she posed no threat?” Sienna asked, a dangerous look in her eyes as the smile faded. “She may be too ‘weak of heart’ to harm you blake, but she has already killed those in our number. She is a traitor, and you let. her. go.”

“...” Blake went from one knee to two, her forehead planted against the ground in supplication. “...I failed you, high leader. You have my deepest regret.”

Seinna straightened out in her chair and crossed her legs, levelling Blake with a calculating frown before she gave a sigh “...Your resolve is weakening. I have been too soft on you of late, and for that I apologize. Your back, Belladonna”

Blake stiffened from where she was curled on the ground. “...High leader, I-”

“Silence, and obey. Aura down.” Sienna ordered as she stood from her throne and unclipped the shawl from her neck before she tossed it to one of her honor guards.

She was slow to follow the order, but eventually Blake rose her head from the ground and shifted to face the throne room door. The shoulders of her robe were slid downwards so that her bare back was towards Sienna, and her hands planted on the stone floors in front of her. Chains rattled behind her as Sienna’s weapon uncoiled from around her arm so that the end fell to the floor in a pile. It was followed shortly by the sound of the chains beginning a spin through the air, slow and rhythmic as the arced back and forth.

It had been so long since the last time.

“You are a weapon” Sienna intoned solemnly, sounding more like a priest imparting a blessing than a military leader. The rhythm came to a violent halt as the chain lashed out like a viper, and the sharpened point at the end slashed across Blake’s back with an arc of lightning flickering between the two ends of the cut. Blake’s teeth ground together as every part of her body tried to lock up, but she did not cry out, her own tone rigid and lifeless as she replied

“I am a weapon”

“You have dedicated your life to saving the faunus”


“My life is in service of the faunus”

“There is no such thing as a good human. They bleed so that we thrive”


“T-there is no such thing as a good human. I am the sword of their savior”

“We are the only hope the faunus have of true, everlasting peace”

“We are the the saviours of our kind”

The longer it went, the less it hurt. It was a centering experience. It was different than the pain she earned on the field of battle, violent and chaotic, dangerous and angry.This was sharp, predictable pain. Each cut was a moment of clarity, each shock a jumble of thoughts. The floor was the anvil and the chains were the hammer, Sienna forging the chips and bends that Blake had let slip into her heart that worked against her role as the high leader’s sword as the back and forth continued . It was freeing. Calming. Right up until the last intonation.

“And Eve Taurus must die.”



Sienna’s eyes narrowed from where she spun the chain at the top step. Blake. Eve Taurus must die. You know this. Say it.”


...” Blake’s fingertips scraped against the stone as her mouth cracked open. Blue eyes. Fiery, righteous anger. Callused hands with such a hesitant, soft touch.






Blakes hands gave out from under her as the calming, centering rhythm gave wave to an onslaught, and she grit her teeth and pushed her forehead against the stone hard enough that it began to scrape across it. If the other faunus in the room had any reaction to the scene before them, it didn’t show; they remained silent, solemn onlookers to this ritual cleansing.

“Ngh, nnngh, nnnnrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, E-EVE TAURUS MUST DIE!”






“E-Eve Taurus must… die.”

The chains finally began to slow their spin behind her, and she collapsed forward as she let her knees give out from under her, her skin craving the touch of the cold stone that she laid against. Sienna’s own breath was heavy as she slowly wound the chain against her arm, a strange glint in her eyes to go with her frown. She took slow, deliberate steps down the stairs to where Blake was collapsed, and gently placed a hand on her shoulder where she laid.

“...Good. I understand Blake; it is hard to accept when someone so close has turned from the righteous path. I only need you to understand, so that you would not get in the way; I won’t make you pull the trigger.”

Her hand came up bloody, and she wiped it against the floor before she stood back up straight. “But she will die; even if I have to take care of it myself”


Blake’s eyes cracked open from where she was standing at the Council’s table rather than sitting, her arms crossed. She’d been silent but attentive, and she gave Ozpin a curt nod at the order.

The rabbit you graciously allowed us to tame continues to serve its purpose, Lord Ozpin. If Salem’s pet humans find Spring before us, we will simply take her from them.”

She had no interest in… whoever this was, so long as she stayed out of her own way. There was one other thing she had to ensure during this meeting, however.


She waited to ensure she had the other’s attention as she eyed the grimm, her masked face aglow in the red of Ozpin’s fortress.

“I don’t care how you run your little kingdom for as long as Ozpin keeps it standing, but keep your new dog on a tight leash. If he bites even one faunus’ hands, I will be coming for his head.”

The dark fury in her words was taut and controlled, but her glare didn’t break just yet.

“Along with yours, if necessary.”
Once jinn's prescient aura faded and flow of time was itself again, the cadre of people making intensely dramatic entrances to Tock's modest home grew two larger as the door swung open violently. Eve stood there, Ilia supporting her weight, one of the chameleon faunus's arms slung around her shoulder and gripped by the wrist as if letting go meant death itself. Her other arm encircled Ilia's torso, Eve obviously trying to help her walk in turn, but it only took a glance to ascertain who the more injured party was; Ilia had a stab wound, one her aura had clearly been hard at work to address.

The second faunus looked more ghost than person. One of her legs bent at an odd angle and seemed to be bearing almost no weight. Her nose was most definitely broken, and her face, although a sickly pale otherwise, sported multiple blotchy discolorations, the clear marks of someone who'd been struck repeatedly and was yet to start swelling. Her rose vestments were tattered rags by this point, torn and burned in so many places it was hard to discount the possibility that sheer force of will was holding them together more than the connective threads. Perhaps most gruesomely, one horn looked to have been snapped off, and currently resided much further south on her body than originally intended—having been buried in between her neck and collarbone by someone with strength and enthusiasm to spare.

So there was something to be said for the sheer, prideful arrogance she was somehow radiating as she shook free of Ilia to walk the last few steps on her own, these wounds like badges of honor from a battle she'd chosen rather than the old, faded scars she'd been shamed with so long ago. The SDC brand on her face was readily visible now, barring the wild locks of hair that fell over her eyes and obscured them to a degree, though as she came to a halt there was an odd, tranquil serenity to those same eyes as they searched around the room, like the settling calm after a storm.

The eyes found their target in Yang, and for just a brief second Eve allowed a tired, violent glee to break that calm, flashing a warped grin as she aimed her pointer finger at the blonde and fired it like a gun.

"Got you."

Then her eyes rolled white and she hit the floor, but her fading sensation was one of pure gratification that not all this blood was her own.​

Despite their totally one sided rivalry that Eve was the only one who ever really partook in, forcing Yang to occasionally respond, that wasn't something Yang was prepared to or wanted to see come through the door, and she hopped over the couch to be by their side at the same time as Tock catch whichever one she didn't. "What the hell happened to- Ilia???" She asked, a baffled frown on her face. "Huh. I mean... I guess it makes sense that she's part of the White Fang still here since they're... not evil, and stuff." She murmured as she moved to put whichever one she ended up with on the couch
Blake’s eyes cracked open from where she was standing at the Council’s table rather than sitting, her arms crossed. She’d been silent but attentive, and she gave Ozpin a curt nod at the order.

The rabbit you graciously allowed us to tame continues to serve its purpose, Lord Ozpin. If Salem’s pet humans find Spring before us, we will simply take her from them.”

She had no interest in… whoever this was, so long as she stayed out of her own way. There was one other thing she had to ensure during this meeting, however.


She waited to ensure she had the other’s attention as she eyed the grimm, her masked face aglow in the red of Ozpin’s fortress.

“I don’t care how you run your little kingdom for as long as Ozpin keeps it standing, but keep your new dog on a tight leash. If he bites even one faunus’ hands, I will be coming for his head.”

The dark fury in her words was taut and controlled, but her glare didn’t break just yet.

“Along with yours, if necessary.”

The flickering image of Weiss heard Blake out, but the end result was another supercilious eye roll. "That is a gross misrepresentation of—"

"Actually, councilwoman, I think this is as good a time as any to let me chime in and speak my own defense. Hello!"

The voice that cut in over Weiss Schnee, generally accepted as something one just didn't do, was... affable. Almost ridiculously so, considering the audacity of his interruption. It was enough to make even Weiss's eyes shoot open with shock and dismay, having not been entirely forthcoming about the presence of the individual who stepped into view alongside her in the mirage at the Seer's core. He was tall and well-built, if not exceptionally so, and it was difficult to gauge his age accurately considering just how long a man with above-average aura proficiency and a committed mentality could keep themselves in shape; he could've been anywhere from his forties to his seventies. A patch covered his left eye, and the thick officer's mustache he sported added a wrinkle of kindness to the disarming smile he gave as he stepped into view.


One thing it did not do was match any preconceived notions of who this man, presumably, was supposed to be. Anticipating a certain kind of reaction, he held up a placating hand.

"Now, now. I know it's quite the exclusive little club you people have here, but I happen to owe miss Schnee and her family a considerable debt, and I assure you I'm more than on board with any long-term ambitions she gives her approval to. If a mister 'Ozpin' is listening, feel free to consider myself and the Atlesian military every bit as much of an asset as young Weiss is; Though of course, defending my borders comes first. Which brings me to the point of my-- admittedly, rather rude-- interruption. You'll have to excuse my manners. I hate to cut in on your meeting time, so I'll keep this brief."

The single eye that was visible made no secret of turning its full attention to Blake, continuing in the same breezy tones like it was a mere boardroom meeting he'd interrupted and nothing else of particular consequence was going on.

"Young lady, I completely understand your concerns. I'm sure you were brought up hearing all sorts of ghost stories and hullabaloo about the boogeyman of the Faunus Rights Revolution, all the supposed atrocities I committed against your people. To that, I say this: I was a soldier in war-time carrying out his duty in the name of my home and my people, no different to how I presume you perceive yourself now. With that being said, even I can admit I was a little overzealous in my younger days, but I give my word on my integrity as an Atlesian officer that in my old age I reserve such hostility for my enemies. So if you'd like to guarantee the safety of your people, I have one very simple request of my own that I'm going to have to insist you comply with."


Then the complexion in the room changed. It was difficult to describe, as the general's features only shifted minutely, if at all; but suddenly the face beside Weiss's was one that glared out at them with pure and utter menace etched into its every orifice as if carved in stone, a look of pure wrath that felt like it had never been anything else, as if any other expression was a mere disguise to be shed away like snakeskin. It was a stare encapsulating fury, raw and-- perhaps more terrifyingly than the alternative-- tamed, the polar opposite of what was now the second-most potent rage Blake had ever borne witness to in Eve's. Where hers was wild, explosive and beyond control, the general's was the sort of rage that had been beaten into a hard shell of discipline, to be deployed at his discretion as a weapon. It was the kind of anger only a man whose identity was forged in war could channel, and it swept across the room in a wave that was significant even in this company as he delivered his aforementioned request.

"Don't become my enemy."

And just like that, it was gone, flicked off like a lightswitch. The kindly old man was back, and he bowed his head with humble graciousness.

"With that, I'll excuse myself. I'm very much looking forward to working with you all."

He bowed to Weiss in turn, and just like that turned and left, leaving an atypically sheepish councilwoman to chuckle weakly at the scene he'd made and flash Blake an embarrassed smile.

"...Point taken?"

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Then the complexion in the room changed. It was difficult to describe, as the general's features only shifted minutely, if at all; but suddenly the face beside Weiss's was one that glared out at them with pure and utter menace etched into its every orifice as if carved in stone, a look of pure wrath that felt like it had never been anything else, as if any other expression was a mere disguise to be shed away like snakeskin. It was a stare encapsulating fury, raw and-- perhaps more terrifyingly than the alternative-- tamed, the polar opposite of what was now the second-most potent rage Blake had ever borne witness to in Eve's. Where hers was wild, explosive and beyond control, the general's was the sort of rage that had been beaten into a hard shell of discipline, to be deployed at his discretion as a weapon. It was the kind of anger only a man whose identity was forged in war could channel, and it swept across the room in a wave that was significant even in this company as he delivered his aforementioned request.

"Don't become my enemy."


Okay, that man's a new one. It took a lot to unnerve her for good reason but that man...he did it. It was almost like seeing all the scariest parts of Tyrian crossed with all the toughest parts of Hazel except in a somehow seemingly more terrifying intense package. Still, if he was willing to work with Ozpin then she had no need for concern since she was too. "Who the hell was that?"

"A welcome addition." Ozpin answered, focusing more on Yang now that the introduction was over.​

Despite their totally one sided rivalry that Eve was the only one who ever really partook in, forcing Yang to occasionally respond, that wasn't something Yang was prepared to or wanted to see come through the door, and she hopped over the couch to be by their side at the same time as Tock catch whichever one she didn't. "What the hell happened to- Ilia???" She asked, a baffled frown on her face. "Huh. I mean... I guess it makes sense that she's part of the White Fang still here since they're... not evil, and stuff." She murmured as she moved to put whichever one she ended up with on the couch

After a few minutes of lying on the couch, Ilia suddenly awoke with a start, almost literally jumping off the couch with the rapid movement. Her wound was not minor on its own but in comparison with some of the others it absolutely was. The emotional hurt and just the general levels of not okay was what affected her more anyway. She blinked, taking a better look around now that she had some more time to do so. "Huh. Eve wasn't kidding." Her eyes locked onto Yang. "...Hello again."

The flickering image of Weiss heard Blake out, but the end result was another supercilious eye roll. "That is a gross misrepresentation of—"

"Actually, councilwoman, I think this is as good a time as any to let me chime in and speak my own defense. Hello!"

The voice that cut in over Weiss Schnee, generally accepted as something one just didn't do, was... affable. Almost ridiculously so, considering the audacity of his interruption. It was enough to make even Weiss's eyes shoot open with shock and dismay, having not been entirely forthcoming about the presence of the individual who stepped into view alongside her in the mirage at the Seer's core. He was tall and well-built, if not exceptionally so, and it was difficult to gauge his age accurately considering just how long a man with above-average aura proficiency and a committed mentality could keep themselves in shape; he could've been anywhere from his forties to his seventies. A patch covered his left eye, and the thick officer's mustache he sported added a wrinkle of kindness to the disarming smile he gave as he stepped into view.


One thing it did not do was match any preconceived notions of who this man, presumably, was supposed to be. Anticipating a certain kind of reaction, he held up a placating hand.

"Now, now. I know it's quite the exclusive little club you people have here, but I happen to owe miss Schnee and her family a considerable debt, and I assure you I'm more than on board with any long-term ambitions she gives her approval to. If a mister 'Ozpin' is listening, feel free to consider myself and the Atlesian military every bit as much of an asset as young Weiss is; Though of course, defending my borders comes first. Which brings me to the point of my-- admittedly, rather rude-- interruption. You'll have to excuse my manners. I hate to cut in on your meeting time, so I'll keep this brief."

The single eye that was visible made no secret of turning its full attention to Blake, continuing in the same breezy tones like it was a mere boardroom meeting he'd interrupted and nothing else of particular consequence was going on.

"Young lady, I completely understand your concerns. I'm sure you were brought up hearing all sorts of ghost stories and hullabaloo about the boogeyman of the Faunus Rights Revolution, all the supposed atrocities I committed against your people. To that, I say this: I was a soldier in war-time carrying out his duty in the name of my home and my people, no different to how I presume you perceive yourself now. With that being said, even I can admit I was a little overzealous in my younger days, but I give my word on my integrity as an Atlesian officer that in my old age I reserve such hostility for my enemies. So if you'd like to guarantee the safety of your people, I have one very simple request of my own that I'm going to have to insist you comply with."

Blake met his initial statements with silent contempt. This was the butcher Carnelian? She didn't buy it. No matter how well the kindly grandfather facade may have woo'd the atlas elite and the humans unlucky enough to be working half as hard as the faunus down in mantle, her people knew better. She waited until he showed his teeth

Then the complexion in the room changed. It was difficult to describe, as the general's features only shifted minutely, if at all; but suddenly the face beside Weiss's was one that glared out at them with pure and utter menace etched into its every orifice as if carved in stone, a look of pure wrath that felt like it had never been anything else, as if any other expression was a mere disguise to be shed away like snakeskin. It was a stare encapsulating fury, raw and-- perhaps more terrifyingly than the alternative-- tamed, the polar opposite of what was now the second-most potent rage Blake had ever borne witness to in Eve's. Where hers was wild, explosive and beyond control, the general's was the sort of rage that had been beaten into a hard shell of discipline, to be deployed at his discretion as a weapon. It was the kind of anger only a man whose identity was forged in war could channel, and it swept across the room in a wave that was significant even in this company as he delivered his aforementioned request.

"Don't become my enemy."

And just like that, it was gone, flicked off like a lightswitch. The kindly old man was back, and he bowed his head with humble graciousness.

"With that, I'll excuse myself. I'm very much looking forward to working with you all."

He bowed to Weiss in turn, and just like that turned and left, leaving an atypically sheepish councilwoman to chuckle weakly at the scene he'd made and flash Blake an embarrassed smile.

"...Point taken?"

There it was.

She was just surprised at how sharp those teeth were.

Her own eyes narrowed, but otherwise there wasn't much of an outwards reaction. The parts of Blake Belladonna that could feel fear or intimidation had been cut away like the chaff it was. That didn't mean she couldn't feel the weight of the man's gaze, or that her senses were dulled in a way that they didn't raise her hackles with a sense of danger even though the man was leagues away, just that the old general didn't earn anything else from the faunus as he made his declaration. The anger was almost familiar, in a sense. It was nothing like Eve's, Ozpin's dragon, or the dragon pup's, but it was almost...


As the screen(?) refocused on Weiss, the masked faunus didn't shift out of the narrowed eyes, and her voice was ice cold.

"The 'point' hasnt' changed Schnee. I don't care if the lead is made out of loyalty, either to your family or the hellhole you call a country, out of money, or out of fear; keep your old beast chained up and pointed in the right direction, and I won't drop his head at your doorstep. Lord Ozpin. As usual, I will not fail you"

her attention turned to him at his name, and she gave him a deep bow before she turned on her heel to leave.

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