Diplomacy & Conflict

Lets just start and ignore g for the time being. Worse comes to worse we can just say it's a collection of tribes.
I'm fine with that, split it tomorrow though, to give Mason a chance to decide if he wants in or not.
G is too big to be neutral.

Okay! Let's wait until tomorrow. Can't wait for this to start kicking. Check out the Roleplay tab too. The post order is there.
Well, we can make it neutral. G will be at war with the barbaric tribes, thus turning G a race for us to see who gets more land?
NorbertM said:
Well, we can make it neutral. G will be at war with the barbaric tribes, thus turning G a race for us to see who gets more land?
Hmm. That could be another alternative later!
Letter You Chose:g

Nation Name: Proelium’s Glorious Empire “The Empire”

A Banner. Not Mandatory:


Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Culture: Despite there being several different tribes in The Empire they all share key elements that tie them together. The most notable of the these similarities is the tribes being highly militaristic in nature. Boys are trained in the art of combat from a young age, upon becoming a man military service is mandatory for a period of seven years. The tribes follow an old ideology that only the strong deserve to live. As a result tribes are lead by warchiefs who are typically the mightiest warrior in the tribe. To acquire the title of chieftain a warrior must challenge the current chieftain to a trial by combat. Typically the warrior is defeated and banished to walk the land tribeless. On occasion an exceptional warrior will defeat the chieftain and become chieftain himself. The then former chieftain is then barred from ever attaining that role in the tribe again and is placed on a council of elders. This council consists of all the defeated chieftains and acts as the current chieftains advisers. Its important to note that every tribe has its own council and while revered and respected by all the councils hold no real power. Despite their primitive ideology the tribe does value individuals who are exceptionally brilliant. This has resulted in some tribes possessing ingenious weapons and technology.

Religion: The tribes are strictly monotheistic following Proelium the god of battle and glory.The main teaching of the religion is that through battle one acquires all one needs. Another central idea of the religion is that the followers of Proelium must on occasion band together to expand their borders or defend them in the form of glorious combat. This idea, however noble, does not ban the tribes from warring with each other. In fact most chieftains use this idea to justify attacking their brethren.

Relgious Cast


Council Elders




Dishonored ( Former warriors who are either unable to serve or have been dishonorably discharged but not banished.)

Military: When assembled The Empire’s army is vast. That being said in order for the army to be assembled the chieftains must have a vote, first on weather to go to war, and then on the leader of the Empire’s army. The second vote is used to decide the strongest and most powerful chieftain and bestow the coveted title of General. Because of the vanity of the chieftains this vote is almost always a failure. If a chieftain is named General he not only becomes the ultimate military leader but also the most prominent religious leader who eclipses the Councils of Elders. (Think the Pope compared to say a bishop.) It has been many years since The Empire’s army has gone to war ,but because of their constant warring the tribes military strength have not faltered.

(Infantry: Excellent---Navy: Poor---Calvary:Poor)

Political Structure: The political structure of the land is fairly simple. War Chiefs have total control over their tribes unless a General is in power. In times when there is an acting General war chiefs are religiously obligated to pledge their complete loyalty or be banished from the Empire and no longer be recognized as a Tribe. ( Generals rule from a citadel in the center of the land named simply the citadel, the citadel is not only a place of last refuge for the nation but also a very holy site. Its important to note that a General, when elected, rules for five years before resigning.)

Other: At the moment there are three main Tribes in the land, The Arbal, The Calt, and The Mourners. These tribes do not occupy the typical forts that most tribes inhabit, rather being the most powerful of the tribes they control castles. Bulara
Mason said:
Letter You Chose:g
Nation Name: Proelium’s Glorious Empire “The Empire”

A Banner. Not Mandatory:


Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Culture: Despite there being several different tribes in The Empire they all share key elements that tie them together. The most notable of the these similarities is the tribes being highly militaristic in nature. Boys are trained in the art of combat from a young age, upon becoming a man military service is mandatory for a period of seven years. The tribes follow an old ideology that only the strong deserve to live. As a result tribes are lead by warchiefs who are typically the mightiest warrior in the tribe. To acquire the title of chieftain a warrior must challenge the current chieftain to a trial by combat. Typically the warrior is defeated and banished to walk the land tribeless. On occasion an exceptional warrior will defeat the chieftain and become chieftain himself. The then former chieftain is then barred from ever attaining that role in the tribe again and is placed on a council of elders. This council consists of all the defeated chieftains and acts as the current chieftains advisers. Its important to note that every tribe has its own council and while revered and respected by all the councils hold no real power. Despite their primitive ideology the tribe does value individuals who are exceptionally brilliant. This has resulted in some tribes possessing ingenious weapons and technology.

Religion: The tribes are strictly monotheistic following Proelium the god of battle and glory.The main teaching of the religion is that through battle one acquires all one needs. Another central idea of the religion is that the followers of Proelium must on occasion band together to expand their borders or defend them in the form of glorious combat. This idea, however noble, does not ban the tribes from warring with each other. In fact most chieftains use this idea to justify attacking their brethren.

Relgious Cast


Council Elders




Dishonored ( Former warriors who are either unable to serve or have been dishonorably discharged but not banished.)

Military: When assembled The Empire’s army is vast. That being said in order for the army to be assembled the chieftains must have a vote, first on weather to go to war, and then on the leader of the Empire’s army. The second vote is used to decide the strongest and most powerful chieftain and bestow the coveted title of General. Because of the vanity of the chieftains this vote is almost always a failure. If a chieftain is named General he not only becomes the ultimate military leader but also the most prominent religious leader who eclipses the Councils of Elders. (Think the Pope compared to say a bishop.) It has been many years since The Empire’s army has gone to war ,but because of their constant warring the tribes military strength have not faltered.

(Infantry: Excellent---Navy: Poor---Calvary:Poor)

Political Structure: The political structure of the land is fairly simple. War Chiefs have total control over their tribes unless a General is in power. In times when there is an acting General war chiefs are religiously obligated to pledge their complete loyalty or be banished from the Empire and no longer be recognized as a Tribe. ( Generals rule from a citadel in the center of the land named simply the citadel, the citadel is not only a place of last refuge for the nation but also a very holy site. Its important to note that a General, when elected, rules for five years before resigning.)

Other: At the moment there are three main Tribes in the land, The Arbal, The Calt, and The Mourners. These tribes do not occupy the typical forts that most tribes inhabit, rather being the most powerful of the tribes they control castles. Bulara

With this, the sign up is completed.

Folks, please wait for me to post, then follow the post ordering. 
Posted! Next up is Argonia!
NorbertM said:

Letter You Chose:


Nation Name:


A Banner. Not Mandatory:



The Vocii are a barbaric tribe inhabiting a portion of the eastern coast of Bulara, right next to the Towering Yesti. Having a fierce independence and preferring to die in battle than giving up the freedom their forefathers gave them, the Vocii will do whatever is necessary to protect their land, their homes, their women and their future.


A part of the Vocii culture is influenced by their neighbor, the Zairuth, the appreciation and creation of art. The Vocii express the form of art in decorating swords, armor, helmets and shields. Combined with their warrior side, the Vocii are deadly and fierce warriors, and beautiful and elegant. Creative and merciless people.


Urakles, God of War and Power, is the dominant divine figure in the Vocii culture. They believe that the only way to gain entrance into the heavens is to prove it by clashing swords with the enemy and dying a glorious death in battle. The Vocii have other gods, such as Goddess Isura, the goddess of agriculture and nature, for those who the warrior part is not what their heart want.


The mountains in Vocii land allowed them to craft sharp and powerful swords and spears. Their military power is consisted mostly out of heavy melee infantry, equipped with iron armor and deadly swords or spears with oval harden wooden shields mixed with iron parts. The Vocii have cavalry too, but it is very weak, mostly used to scout ahead or kill routing men from battle. However, despite powerful infantry, the Vocii learned a lot from their neighbor, the Zairuth, including their ambushing tactics. But the Vocii are pathetic bowmen, unable to use the Zairuth style of ambush. Instead, they prefer a more brutal and closer approach while ambushing.


The Vocii have warchiefs, aided by the elders. A warchief is chosen by the people, depending on not his skill with the sword, but with the tongue. Most Vocii warchiefs were both warriors and bards and anyone can become a warchief. There is no noble blood within the Vocii. Every man is equal in their society, but on the battlefield, their skill with the swords is the only thing differing them when it comes to status. However, in society, the Vocii women are the only individuals having a rank in the Vocii society, depending on their duties. A woman duty in the Vocii is to take care of their husbands households, their children, the shrines and prepare for the festivals.


Excluding the mountains chain, the Vocii's terrain is composed out of dense and massive, endless forests.


your up! also you should set to watch the in-character role-play page, if you don't it sometimes won't give you alerts. saw you weren't on the watch list so thought I'd let you know.
Posting here because only four peps watch the OOC.

During wartime, it might be a tad hectic to siege a city, since we haven't compiled a city list of each nation. I think, if you folks have some sort of photo-shop, you could dot the map in the RP overview and PM the final product to me. Or well, if we get to wars, the aggressor can look back in your posts to find the city they'd want to take.

My ideas are meh. Do post here if you have anything else.
darkev said:
Letter You Chose: F
Nation Name: Zairuth (long u)

A Banner. Not Mandatory:


Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Culture: The country prides themselves in art. That is one of the things that helped them become a country, or at least a collection of tribes. Most of their people focus on their art, hunters even finding time in their daily life to make something. It is sort of a show of status that doesn't effect the person's actual status, the more intricate the art, the more honor.

Religion: They have the belief that each tribe leader is a son of a god, or chosen by their god to be the leader. Their Gods are based on emotions, not elements. Their gods are mainly male, but the calmer emotions are seen as being female. Each tribe has one shaman or witch doctor. Their jobs are too judge what the gods want, and to heal to some degree.

Military: Their military consists of hunters. Their largest tactic is to hide and ambush their foes. Because their tactics rely on their knowledge of the land, the offensive strength is not as good as their defensive strength. The warriors are mostly hunters, so bows are most often used.

Politics: They have a system of birth. Although there is a small chance to change your position, it is few and far between. The leaders are picked from the higher ranking of the tribes, mostly warriors, and they participate in challenges to become the leader, and to show they are the son of a god. To decide the shaman or witch doctor, men and woman are sent on a journey to find plants and other ingredients, and bring them back to the current shaman/witch doctor. Shaman or Witch Doctor are the only two jobs that both a man and woman can have. The one who finds the rarest or most useful becomes the new shaman/witch doctor. Those are the only actual fluctuations in the system, as a child is trained for his job from birth. Although the males lead the tribe, the woman have developed their own circle. While the men rule the outdoors, the women lead the indoors and other parts of the village. The woman meet almost as often as the men for their meetings, which control festivals and it is thought that they control the trade systems.

Terrain: Most of the terrain is swampy, and the people who live there wear clothes all over their bodies to keep the mosquitoes away, the material being thin so that they don't become too hot. Bulara
Your up! also click to watch the in- character role-play so you get notifications.
Just a hippopotamus reminder.

The decline and prosperity proportionality means that the events caused by prosperity should in turn be equal to that of decline. :)
Yeah, I probaly should have noticed before now. Still looks like they'll be servicing the site again.

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