Diplomacy & Conflict

Welp! We're going to have to get somebody else in here! I'm reopening the Character Sign Up, so please post OOC stuff in the OOC section!

Once we get somebudy who's interested, we could decide together what can go on.

Thanks for roleplaying with us, @Chris Wyman!
Let's hope we get someone new quickly. But just in case, should we just leave that nation alone and continue without it for a bit?
Yeah. Argonia haven't been outreaching that much, only to me at least.

So, it shouldn't be a issue. :)
Hey all,

Saw the request for another roleplayer and definately interested! Quick question though- will I be taking over the old nation or do I need to make a brand new one? I don't mind either way, whatever is easier for the rest of you.

If I do need to make a new nation, I will do so asap, understanding of course that unless you guys are willing to reserve a place, I'll be competeing with other applicants to be accepted first...

Anyways, definately interested and hope to rp with you all reasonably soon!

Honestly, you should make a new one, because Argonia had a rebellion going on there. So, you will be able to make your own nation.

Our rules disappeared to some random place. PM me for the rules!

And the Character Sign Up is on the first page, you'll be able to get yourself set up somewhat there. You'll be RPing as Argonia, if you want the name changed, I'll get it sorted out. ;)

The map is on the first page of the Roleplay.

Thanks for joinin'!

P.S. Haha, I doubt we'll be getting anymore applicants. But, I'll close the Recruitment.

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