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Futuristic − DILIGENCE | academy rp

Capella said:
I haven't been in a school or academy oriented role play.

@Yuuki of the Strata

Not really. "An academy roleplay based around a military institution creating the next generation of supersoldiers" would be a perfect caption for this interest check. Like, yeah, you want people to read, but presenting a diluted version of the premise in one sentence like that isn't going make all your other information moot. It just makes it easier for people to determine immediately what the thread is about and if they want to read further.
I think having that block of text would be the best. It proves that users have read the content and have made a conscious decision to join. It's been proven on the first page that there are users that will not bother to read the content, even if there is a blurb of sorts presented to them.
So if id just seen this interest check in the forums I probably would have thought exactly what pine said..

I'm in a few rps already, and I'm behind on all but one..

Mmmm but tagging me specifically


I... Shit I'm already thinking of character powers. I'm...


yuuki is a brain wizard! And ghosts don't even have organs like brains!

*weeps, falls on the floor*

I don't have enough ideas to totally fill out even the mini-cs, but I like the idea of a gr8 sense of smell for a power. Tho that on it's own would only be good for pre-battle and tracking stuffs.
@Ghost, Its okay, I swear!

This is going to be a detailed rp, so I imagine slowness and I don't even really care. O_o;;

So long as I know you're around in the ooc and whatnot.

And its okay if you don't have any solid ideas yet. Just knowing you and @Pine are interested makes me incredibly happy. xD
Yuuki holds a great and terrible power.

It's called Koala Tea.
<3 <3 <3

Oh yuuki, you know how to flatter a ghost without even trying

I have to warn you tho my posts probably will be really slow

I'm totally not trying to get first dibs on the power in case anyone else happened to think of it that's definitely not what I'm doing. I'm a good ghost.
@Yuuki of the Strata

Character Name: Nenet

Student or Staff/Teacher: Student

Rank: B

Personality: Calm, mature, well-mannered, and a tad superficial. Personality and mood degrades into grumpiness, then desperation when starving.

Ideas about character background: From a poor family in Africa’s Maghreb region. They were all too happy to give her up after they discovered what a pain she was to feed. Got passed around from orphanage to orphanage for similar reasons growing up until she turned 15 and became IGNITE's problem. Nenet is nineteen and has been at the academy for four years. Despite her tenure, she’s never been able to make it beyond B-Rank not for a lack of trying, but for a lack of understanding her role/purpose/potential.

Power: Enhanced speed and reflexes (to a lesser degree)

Strength: Zoom zoom! She can run at speeds upwards of 80 mph. As for the science behind it, I’m thinking her body processes adrenaline like nitrous oxide. Funky stuff’s going on with her heart and her muscles. Hope it's not to much of a stretch.

Weakness: Nenet’s metabolism is far superior to the average human’s, even when she’s spending her day in an idle state. She needs lots of calories not only to fuel her power, but to keep herself going in general. Nenet tends to get jumpy when she's either surprised or excited, making her a poor fit for sneaking/infiltration scenarios (that adrenaline, man). While she can technically apply her power to her reflexes in combat situations, she can never seem to grasp the concept (thus why she remains a B rank).
welian said:
Koala Tea.
Don't let your tea soak for too long.

A heightened sense of smell. :,( I totally mentioned that! And now that I think more, I think heightened smell and quick reflexes could be a nice combo. Useful but not super powered. Sense of smell has the obvious drawbacks of having to smell bad things I guess, but I'll have to think harder about a drawback for reflexes..

I'm trying to think of more solid ides. I had a character in a previous rp that I only got to use for a few posts before it ended up dying. Idk how well he'd work in this one... He liked hunting, is generally anxious tho put out a tough facade. He was addicted to Xanax, but I don't know how plausible that would even be in this kind of setting. xD

Of course I'd have to think of a new background too, and I don't know if gaining hunting as a hobby is plausible either PX
[QUOTE="The Fuzzy Pixel]Don't let your tea soak for too long.

Never again will I use the expression 'koala hug'.
@Capella, ahhhh I love the idea so far. She seems pretty cute. Do want. Has potential. I can see some people getting incredibly impatient with her. And Leo would be guarding his food from her often. xD

@Ghost, Crap. Sorry. I'm tired. Dx

You can do selective heightened senses. So, say your character feels the need to increase their sense of smell, they would have to shut off one of their other senses to heighten it. The stronger they want one sense to be, the more senses they would have to shut off. Its actually a really good power. oAo

But if you want to go the route of just smelling. They could wear a mask over their face to keep from smelling everything all the time. xD I'm sure IGNITE can help come up with some small tech to help students manage their powers till they either can do it their own or learn to live with it.

If you had a character that was addicted to Xanax, then they would probably go to the nurse often to get the medication. Since they're in a facility, their medicine intake would be monitored. But that would open a whole other can of worms if he's addicted to it.

Oop, I forgot the hunting part. While IN school, he probably wouldn't be able to hunt unless on missions.
Yeah, like I said, I'm not sure how plausible maintinaing an addiction would be in this type of setting. Unless he was able to get other students to get it for him, but that doesn't seem too likely either, especially if he didn't have anything to give them in return.

I'm currently debating between selective and just smell, but I think I'm leaning towards having just smell. :3

I'll probably have something more comprehensive tomorrow. Its 3am
For hunting, yeah, that's what I thought.
@Yuuki of the Strata Aw, she's a pretty average, level-headed, 'pink' young woman unless yeah... she hasn't eaten in a while. She won't thieve unless she's desperate & if the academy knows what's good for it, the lunch ladies will provide her with extra rations of trail mix. (:

With that, I'm going to head to bed. Night all!
Lol. I was gonna go to sleep before I saw this.... I just wanted to stake my claim on smell ( - w -||)

I need to go to bed tho, so Gnight!
Sleep sounds like a good idea.

Tomorrow I will be putting the rp in motion. =^= v
Character Name: Teresa "Trip" Mela Taricani

Student or Staff/Teacher: Power Control/Teacher

Rank: King

Personality: Charismatic, adept, sly, clever, sadomasochistic, affectionate, wrathful

Ideas about character background: Born and raised in Sicily to the head of a crime family, Trip began her development into who she is today long before her mutation showed itself. She was to be used as a tool to further her father's agenda in gaining power. In the end it would be that very tool that brought about his violent end, and soon after the family as a whole fell as well to a raid by law enforcement. Through the help of a family friend Trip was revealed to have the mutagen and was placed into the nearest Academy just prior. There she underwent training and eventually graduated into the hands of the Sicilian military. Now a member of a special ops. team, she's "suddenly" decided to break from her career to become a teacher at IGNITE.

Power: Biological Manipulation

Strength: Trip is able to manipulate her biological makeup, allowing her to control the functions of her body's cells to do such things as heal most all types of wounds, fight off disease, camouflage herself, modify her appearance and even gain semi-immortality via cell regeneration without worry of the Hayflick limit.

Weakness: Though she can heal herself from most types of wounds and bodily harm, ones that would cut off the communication between her brain and her body for an extended period of time will definitely kill her. Her camo only fully works on her skin and when remaining still, she can only modify minor things such as hair and eye color, and the more she's forced to use her power the more food she needs to consume.
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Character Name: Luvia Darc

Student or Staff/Teacher: Student

Rank: Rook

Personality: Introvert. Talk a little to strangers, but more open to people that she liked/she's close with. Observant and very skeptic about things, she is a idealist that hate rule breakers and people who like to lie/manipulate other people. A hypocrite, as she her self is a very sly person (She put on a 'honest and nice girl' mask to hide her true self, that is really scarred from her past). She have trust issues and suffering from Aphenphosmphobia (Phobia of physical contact)

Ideas about character background: Born and raised in a poor but happy family somewhere in Northern Europe. When her mutagen symptom started to show out, her family uses her as a paid entertainment for the public. Soon, they sold her to a circus for a large amount of money. There, she is often get abused and beaten as the people from her county sees mutagen as nothing but 'monster' or 'freaks'. She patiently hold out for years before being rescued by the military and taken to Ignite

Power: TBW

Strength: TBW

Weakness: TBW

I have a question about the biological: is it possible to have the power of intangibility/phasing?
*intimidated by everything*

Gosh, this to is so wonderfully beautiful and I really, realllly want to join

seriously, though, this is so beautiful

It's been so long since I've done an rp in a academy like setting, so maybe I'll be rusty haha

I just need to make the pseudo character skelly

I have to ask, though I'm going to find a way to make it real, if my character would be aquatic in a way

Perhaps he/she could have amphibian or fish like qualities

Still trying to fit it in to a human's biological make up, haha

I'll see~

theyll probably just be like a fish (like with gills probably and just look normal otherwise

@Yuuki of the Strata
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