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Futuristic − DILIGENCE | academy rp

Yuuki of the Strata] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19593-scribbly/ said:
@Scribbly[/URL]; I reeeally like the concept that she isn't immune to her own poisons. I can see her biggest struggle is to try an adsorb them back, seeing as I imagine that takes a good amount of control to do so and it seems she's neglected conditioning her power.
Though, she might want to initially (have) focus(ed) on controlling that absorbing part since it's probably also why she couldn't help her sibling? Still thinking how it all can fit!
@Ghost; lol its all good. This is what this thread is for. =w= b Not only to recruit, but to help build ideas to send into the thread.

@Scribbly; Ahhh, true true. Maybe they would be helping her attempt to convert the poison into an anti-poison? I can see that plausible. Or helping her build immunity.
So most of the students will have grown up in a normal (or not) family right? After they showed signs of having mutagen-caused powers, then they were sent away/taken whatever?
@Ghost; there are a good majority of children that were sent away either at birth or at a young age because the mutagen could show signs at any time. But majority of characters will be orphaned at some point in their lives. When that point is, is up to the player. =w= b

IGNITE doesn't exactly take teens away from their families. Either families send their children there for safety and protection, or the orphanages give them to IGNITE. But there's always special and particular cases. So I'm open to read alternate ways.
AAgh, I read the story way too late at night. I definitely remember that now, but only after you mentioned xD

Originally I was thinking of him spending the majority of his life with his family, but now I'm think his power could cause problems for him at an early age... Refusing to eat bad smelling food, not being able to stand bad smells and getting upset about them, the family being confused and taking him to a doctor and then giving him up for his own sake when he finally reached middle school age?

As for rank, if that sort of background is okay he would have been in the academy for a long time. I think he'd be pretty decent with tracking and skilled with firearms. While he's friendly I'm not sure how great of a leader he'd be, so would something like A rank make sense?
@Ghost, oh man. I really do feel bad for him. All these foods, and he could probably smell every ingredient... I'm hungry now.

But no, it all makes sense and I think the rank would go along well with it. OH I FORGOT TO ANSWER.

Students are allowed to use firearms and weapons after they have passed the Weapons Specialty class (first year). However, they are not allowed to keep the weapons on them. They can only have them when distributed to them. Weapons are locked up in an armory (aka, Leo's office. Yes, his office is in the armory).
I'm hungry, and I just ate pizza.... Mm, but imagine how nice good food would taste?

xD Watch him become a gourmet, loL

Okeydokey. I'm going with that backstory then. :P

Lol, yeah I didn't expect them to give a bunch of children weapons and say "okay, go run around and have fun!"

By first year, do you just mean their first year at IGNITE, or their first year of high school?
Alright! I also noticed that you wrote the academies accept students middle school to high school age, but they only enter the academy once they're 15-19.

So his first year should have been when he was 15, and not when he first arrived, right?
IGNITE Academy in particular only accepts high school age students. Janus (Janus, right? I'm not crazy, am I? Dx) could have been at another facility and transferred in. That's quite possible to do. But if he started out at IGNITE, his first year would be when he was 15, yes.
Aaah. I'll do the transfer route then :P

And yeah, you're not crazy. Janus. ( ' o ' ) Or are you!?
"Teacher, I have to go home today. It's because I'm crazy. Look, see, I even have a doctors note!"
@Yuuki of the Strata

Thanks for answering my questions!~

Also to add on to the uniform and personal device, are students allowed to put on things over it like accessories, jackets, stockings, and etc? Also is the device given a name yet?
@Dead; Yes, students are allowed to alter their uniforms. This is because there will be some characters that need alterations to their uniforms (Owlet wants her amphibious guy. He will need a water suit). So to keep the uproar of "that's not fair!", IGNITE allows the students to accessorize, so long as it doesn't interfere with their learning ability or is considered offensive or inappropriate.

And I don't have a name for the device yet. D;

If you have any suggestions, feel free. xD

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