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Futuristic − DILIGENCE | academy rp

I'm awake! But at work.... I'll write up the mini CS when I get home. ( > w < )
Everyone should be totally interested because Yuuki makes quality shit.
I just got online. My eyes are killing me though. >___<;;

//scurries to get eyedrops

NOW! I read. I'll be replying to people shortly.

@too much idea; So far I like the concept of the character.

To answer your question, I would consider intangibility/phasing a variant of dimensional hopping, which would mean I would not accept it. But if you can find a way to scientifically explain it, then I may consider it.

@Owlet; So long as your character isn't a fish or something, I don't see a issue with them adapting amphibian animal physiology. I would recommend looking into sea mammals or animals that can live long periods of time on land. It would be difficult having to carry a bucket of water around all the time-- though the idea amuses me. xD

@Scribbly; Anyone is welcome to join! I can't wait to see what you come up with~ >w<
@Yuuki of the Strata

I see what you're saying. I'm thinking of taking ideas from a Mudskipper who breathes through their skin. Perhaps he wears a thin wetsuit of some kind that's able to keep his body moist? I'm still thinking of another idea where he is able to close off his gills and breath using his lungs (like normal humans) and vice versa when he goes under the water. All in do time, though! haha! For weaknesses, I'd make his lungs weaker than his gills which makes combat above the water difficult since I want the focus nearer to the aquatic aspect of him. *shurgs* I'll keep thinking!

The bucket is pretty tempting though, hehe~!



I could see IGNITE making him a specific kind of suit to help him if you went that route.

I do like the idea that he can close off his gills and use his lungs. The weakness to it counters nicely. Besides the underwater breathing thing, would he be able to do other things? Like hear underwater, etc?
Fuckin hel yuuki what have you done?!?


Yuuki of the Strata] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11171-atom/ said:
@Atom[/URL], I don't see an issue, so long as you can't manipulate time itself.
Not at all. Kinda wanna pair it with an enhanced intelligence and make a brainy character (:3)

@Yuuki of the Strata

Awesome! Thanks!

So I was thinking that he would be able to withstand the pressure of the ocean when you dive, have a better tolerance of colder temperatures, see in the water without goggles etc., probably hear, and swim at incredible speeds. Combat is also increasingly easier under the water since his gills are stronger than his lungs.

For weaknesses, would be his lack of ability to fight on land as well as his ability beneath the water. He'd also have a harder time breathing above land and have asthma in a way. Therefore, I'd say he we be more useless on land than in the water. Communicating under the water would be difficult without equipment as well.

Sorry this took so long! Got a bit sidetrack when my cousin needed something..


Thread is up! yay! I can't wait to see the finished product~
@Atom, it could work. His power though, would be enhanced intelligence, and accelerated perception would be one their strengths. However, a weakness could be something like constantly occurring migraines or even slow deterioration of the brain. Just to be some examples.

@Owlet, also be aware that he may have trouble with water. They're not near a large body of water and I was thinking of even using a landlocked region. So I recommend he would have the suit if water is going to enhance his abilities and reflexes. xD
@Yuuki of the Strata

I suspected that haha!

That sounds fine with me

Without the suit he would be very much a fish

Very useless indeed. haha!
Juuuuust making sure. I didn't want you to get all hyped in a character and things kinda... not work out because there's no water around. xD ;;
Thanks for letting me know!

Yeahh, open water doesn't sound where a school like IGNITE would be around

s'called IGNITE not douse the flame

Water suit it is~

maybe he could sleep in a water tank like a big fish

But he could possibly still seal off his lungs like if it were life threatening if he couldnt
lol I just imagine in his dorm room, instead of a bed, its a giant tank. That would be amusing for his poor dormmates. xD
Character Name: Millie

Student or Staff/Teacher: Student

Rank: Pawn (Unranked)

Personality: Curious but shy, Millie will observe in the background before taking part in any activity. She's genuinely honest, and shows a rather pessimistic view on things which often causes people to tell her to lighten up.

Ideas about character background:
However rare to find a mutagen child that's been brought up in their home, Millie spent her childhood with her biological family of four. Due to an accident in her preteens concerning her powers in which Millie's sibling died from poison, Millie has ever since inhibited her powers until she's now sent to the IGNITE Academy upon turning 15. The drastic change in environment also caused a drastic change in her abilities that with Millie's current lack of control might cause some trouble along the academic hallways.

Power: Toxikinesis or Poison manipulation

Strength: For now, it's still hard for Millie to control her power, but she is (and will be) learning fast. At full potential, she's able to create poisons and poisonous substances, secreting them in various ways (liquid, solid or gas).

Weakness: Once produced, it's hard to stop or manipulate the poison and if she would absorp the poison to undo the harm, it will inflict serious harm and take time to recover.

(Thoughts on it are welcome, since this is a first-timer)
YES! might make it happen lol

Imagine his dormmate invited some kids

First thing you see is him swimming around and just waving hi
//brawls over in tears of amazement

This BBCoding skills... this new world I just stepped in.... RPN really changed so much after a year of being away...

Hi! Please ignore the username provided as it
was suppose to indicate this account to be 'dead' but I'm alive for the time being. Call me DeijiiChan or Deijii, Dei, whatever floats your boat cx

I would love to get to know you guys more and I also have a few questions for you @Yuuki of the Strata

Is there a specific uniform the students are put to wear since well, it is a military school? If so, can I get a description or visual of the uniform?

What kind of programs you use for your pictures? For me, I use GIMP, Photoshop, and sometimes Picmonkey to edit my pictures.

Since this is in the future, what kind of technology do you have in mind for the roleplay? Will there be holograms? AI? Robots/Androids/ Humanoid? Etc?

Will there be personal devices provided for the students to be able to contact others, get news/ announcements, and etc?

Can I get a map or description of IGNITE Academy? Mostly what buildings and facilities there are provided unless that will be mentioned in the roleplay once it's created.

For the dorms, will the students have to share rooms or will be able to get personal rooms of their own unless ranks are gonna get involved in it?

Great roleplay by the way!~ The concept you provide is fascinating and very appealing! I would love to partake in it once I get an idea of what kind of character I want to play as. For now, I'll take this time to chill and chat until I come up with something owo
Oops, I started writing it.

Also, this is also a sort of military academy, so for missions and whatnot is having firearms as his weapon of choice reasonable?

Character Name: Janus Finch

Student or Staff/Teacher: Student

Rank: Not sure how to rank, but probably not D or S ( ' w ' |||)


Neurotic insomniac, fake tough act, self-preserving, friendly, private.

Janus is a friendly guy, but very private. He prefers not to talk about himself or his life, and has a difficult time opening up. He's a decent liar and likes to put up a confident facade, but in reality he always has some fear in the back of his mind, and certain things make him rather nervous.

Janus has a strong sense of self preservation, and although he'll cooperate with, fight for, and support his teammates and friends, he would never sacrifice himself for them unless they were very close.

Ideas about character background:

Not totally sure yet. (; _ ; I might want to see more characters backgrounds so I have a better idea.

Power: Enhanced smell.


From the super power wiki:

Users can detect specific persons, objects, sicknesses, substances or even places, locate their origin and track with nothing but their nose.

This is caused by an increased number of olfactory receptors.


Also from wiki:

May be sensitive to stronger smells or foul odors, and in addition both smell and taste work in conjunction with each other so a user may become nauseous after smelling something and tasting it. Doesn't work when someone masks their scent, doesn't work on odorless materials.

Ability is nullified if the user's nostrils are clogged. Hard to find someone if the user doesn't know their scent firsthand often requiring an object touched by the other person to get their scent. Other scents from an area that has a large amount of people such as a battlefield can make it harder to find a specific scent.

In addition, I like the idea of having to wear a mask because of over-sensitivity. I think he'd want something simpler that only covers the lower half of his face... What immediately came to mind was something like a medical mask.
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@Scribbly; I reeeally like the concept that she isn't immune to her own poisons. I can see her biggest struggle is to try an adsorb them back, seeing as I imagine that takes a good amount of control to do so and it seems she's neglected conditioning her power.

@Owlet; omg I want this. xD


@Dead; Hey there, Deijii-chan! I'll attempt to answer your questions here. I will be putting up the information in the actual thread, but thank you, because these are really good questions!

1. Yes, there is a uniform. IGNITE Academy's colors are black and red/plaid red. Their uniforms are somewhat less military to give the teens some sort of normalcy. Boys are required to wear black pants, white or red shirt, and a black blazer that has IGNITE' patch on the left breast. Girls have similar, but they are required to wear skirts with shorts under. Yes, the shorts are required considering there is combat training.

2. For these pictures in particular, I used Photoshop (CS6). I did a bit of black-colored brushes and clipping masks. I'm just more comfortable using Photoshop above all other programs.

3. I would actually like to keep away from androids/robots/AI. So I'm going to say that the technology available to students and regular use is going to be slightly more advanced than what we have now. Holograms are a huge thing though, and is used in pretty much everything. Paper will be replaced by translucent, holographic tablets. Personal devices... It is possible IGNITE gave students a special watch that would act as a communicator/social media/etc etc. Think of maybe PokéGear from Pokémon? xD

4. I don't currently have a map, but they will be mentioned in their own Setting/Locations page.

5. Yes, students will have to share dorms. Rank doesn't matter when it comes to dorm arrangement, and unless it is a special case, they would not be able to have their own dorm. Most students will be 4 to a dorm, separated by gender.

@Ghost; my only concern is how are smell and night vision related? I'd like powers to be able to directly relate/effect one another if they're going to have multiple. I personally think just smell could do quite a bit. I could see him being able to smell things and it would allow him to "see" farther than what his eyes could. Different smells come from different things. It could be so in tune, he would even smell changes in chemicals within one's body if he were in tune enough. He wouldn't have to even see to know they were feeling happy and waving at their approaching friend.

@Suzuki Mine; why not? xD
Alright yeah, that makes sense xD I was starting to think about it, but didn't get a chance to edit before you saw > _ > )

I'm getting rid of it

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