Digimon: When it Began (open)


The Soul Stitcher
Here is the sign-ups : http://rpnation.com/index.php?threads/digimon-when-it-began.13029/#post-471745

Ryan ever so took steps slowly up to the school, he opened the door slowly, trying to breathe, though this was the last day of school, he still felt so nervous. But why? He could never know. And though this is the last day of school, he still had no friends. He entered the building, breathing heavily, but with no sound, he slowly goes into the cafeteria, this was were everybody went for the beginning of the day. And he turned into the crowd sharply and went to a corner, his corner. He pushed against the wall and slowly slid down, grabbing out his book and started to read.
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the last day of school. a day of chaos, relief, and for dante, peace and quiet save for the sounds of the computer's in the computer room. no one ever came here anymore. especially around the end of the school year, even the teachers hardly take notice of this room anymore. its his get away "logging on, hello world." he said to himself accessing the web from the school computer doing what he always does, look for unblocked gaming sites and play every game he could.
Last day of being home schooled. Think I'm gonna go down to the library today and go onto the computer. " Hey uncle can you take me to the library today!" Lan's uncle came out of his room and nodded his head yes. They soon got into the car and drove off to the library and his uncle dropped Lan off. " Pick me up at five remember that okay." His uncle's car drove off and Lan went inside the library and onto the computer. He started it up and started to play games.
( I cant stop staring at your signature Digi xD )

Ryan awkwardly stood up and started to walk out of the cafeteria, oh he hated this place, no people that he could talk to, everyone wearing something from Aero' , or something to do with swag. Ugh this school was filled with idiots. The boy walked in between clicks and pushed some, with spite, they wouldn't it expect to be him, looking like a wimp, but surprisingly Ryan was strong for his size, but he kept on walking with a grin on his face, He finally got out of the pit. He gasped for air and laughed, he found himself funny. He started to walk down the hallway filled with destroyed lockers and messages that are usually written in ghetto bathrooms. He didn't look at anyone in the eye and started to go towards the Science Class, he loved the teacher here, her name was Ms. Arguler, but everyone called her Ms.A. He started a conversation with her as she was on the computer finalizing some grades, he sat there and waited for the bell to ring so he could go to his homeroom.
watching, waiting, winning, this was his gamer tag line and it range true as he played on. the school bell rang but he remained unmoving if the teachers wanted him they could come and get him, he knew they never would but thought it anyway. sounds of the computers buzzed through his head as he played the games of the unblocked site on the school computer.
Lan started getting bored of playing mindless games on the computer and walked around the library. He noticed that it was nearly empty. Wow it must be a slow day. Maybe i'll head back to the computer and play a little bit more. All of a sudden their was buzzing noises around the computers, but Lan thought that was just the flies.
(Is it okay if we have a giant creepy digimon like come into the school and has us gather up and find us and brings us to the digital world? I like this more than finding the digivices and just getting sucked in, and I would have the digimon basically crash into the school, and everyone thinks its an earthquake.)

Ryan felt sad for some reason, though he was going away for two months for summer, hr would miss his friends. Though his only friends where the teachers here, he said goodbye and hugged the science teacher and went to his homeroom for the day, he sat down just as the warning bell rang, and the teacher started to call attendance. Everyone was here, but not Dante. 'That's strange,' Ryan thought, he is usually to his classes early. He looked around to see if he came in late. But, he wasnt to be seen. Suddenly he heard the teacher call his name, Ryan stood up upon request, and the teacher strangely asked for him to find the boy. Ryan shook his head nervously and walked out of the class. 'Why would they make me search for him? Today is the last day of school, so they shouldn't worry about absences.' Ryan scratched is head and started to walk towards the computer lab, he knew Dante would be there. But, the questions were still bouncing in his head.
((fine with me, though dante is probably gonna try to fight it kinda what he does. lol))

Dante stopped and turned off every computer, the buzzing sound still resounding in the room. "alright, now things get interesting." he said to himself standing in the middle of the room, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. he closed his eyes and listened as the noise echoed around the area he realized the sound didn't have a direction, as if it was coming from all around him. "things get very interesting."
Lan got up and left the computer in the library and headed to his old school too greet his friends before they got out. I wonder how everyone's doing I'll check out the computers first though that's where the excitement is at. Lan went to the computers at the school and heard a buzzing in their as well. Well this is gonna be interesting who let flies in here.
Ryan started walking into the computer room to see someone standing in the doorway. He awkwardly stood there for a moment, and spoke up quietly," E-Excuse me sir, I need to go through" Ryan awkwardly rubbed his arm, he didn't like talking to people he didn't know.
dante laughed. "oh im gonna go insane if i keep worrying about random sounds." he said to himself as he began to walk to the door. opening it to find two people standing outside. "oh hey ryan, lan, whats up?" he said with a goofy grin on his face.
Strangely Ryan blushed at the sight of Dante, he opened his mouth but no sound came out. He rubbed his arm and looked down at the ground, and lowly spoke up, " Mr. Dalton wants to see you in homeroom."
" Long time since I seen you Dante. Hows it going." Lan looked at Ryan and put out his hand towards him. " The names Lan nice to meet ya. I use to go here and whats the rush lets hang out here for a while." Lan smiled and was hoping to see if he could use the computers here.
"its going great lan, oh and don't worry bout mr.dalton Ryan, he's just mad that i may or may not have tagged his car. anyway come on in guys, the buzzing computer room is open for anyone wishing to fight whatever boredom is left in the school" dante chuckled walking back over to one of the computers.
I didn't follow you guys, in still thinking you guys were still there, and I noticed you guys were going in and I scrambled awkwardly over to where you guys where. I uncomfortably chose a seat and turned on the screen, waiting for it to boot up, I scooted the chair over to see what you guys were doing.
" All right time to sign in." Lan pushed the enter button, but something was wrong very wrong. The computer was making weird sounds that sort of sounded like some kind of monster. " You guys have some pretty disturbing flies around here."
-Suddenly there was a giant booming noise coming from the opposite side of the school, the earth quaked and we could hear some screaming.-

"AH!" Ryan, strangely loud, and the fact he is talking. " W-what was that!?" Ryan ducked beneath the computer desk and looked at the ceiling,
"woo! i don't know whats going on but it beats fly swatting!" dante joked steadying himself against a table. "hey if we're lucky maybe the school will need to be remodeled all next year!" he said keeping his goofy grin although in reality he was worried, a quake of this magnitude usually devastates entire cities.
" Now i'm excited. Are you ready to destroy this thing guys." Lan had a smile on his face, but was sweating. What can we even do against this thing we have nothing to fight it with.
(Thats okay, I just don't want everyone on different pages in the story)

" What do you think we should do?! I mean, stay here or go find a teacher! Because we might get hurt by something crumbling above us" Ryan noticed that all the crashing and rumbling stopped, and he only heard people talking quietly, he saw a group of kids walking in a line with their heads down, some of them bleeding, and others afraid, of something. Ryan ran out and asked if they were okay.

" Hey! I told you guys not to talk!" A wolf like creature walked around the corner, it looked, demented.

" What, what is a wolf doing here?" Ryan backed up a bit with fear, that the wolf was rabbid, he looked to the group in the line, wondering why they didn't run.

" A WOLF!? Now that's rude you little human!" the creature started walking towards the boy, struck with fear, Ryan couldn't move.

" You j-just talked, but your an animal. . . "

Dane had followed after seeing the strange noises that appeared just after the strange tremor, he had thought it was just some random noise, but something had felt weird to him. He felt compelled to follow it...

He followed after it, find the source and soon finding himself on a very strange site. He saw a group of kids in the computer room, with what seemed a red wolf like creature just outside that was growling towards one of them and it even spoke. He knew from it's appearance immediately it wasn't an animal from their world, but what in the heck was it?

Dane rushed in front of it compulsively, before wondering what the heck he was doing.

"Hey, don't hurt him!"

Dane yelled out, putting his body in front of Ryan to protect him in case the creature attacked.
dante knew something was wrong, one: Ryan said more than three words, two: a random earthquake followed by a talking wolf, and three: he was about to do something incredibly stupid, within moments dante had tossed a computer monitor at the wolf and ran in front of Ryan and the new kid looking at the beast "woof." he said as a taunt, knowing it to be stupid and irrational, but wanting to protect his friend he took the 50-50 stance and stood ready to at least try and protect his friend, unless someone had a gun which was unlikely.
" You Little brats!" Fangmon got pissed and started charging the three children. As soon as he was 5 feet away a random flash of black flew in font of the creature and the wolf like monster cried whimpered and limped a few feet back.

" You can not harm these children Fangmon, remember, the more we bring back to Kimeramon the more of a reward we get." A strange dark figure walked from another hallway, its was humanoid, but still had monster like features.

" What's going on!?" Ryan screamed to them, pushing the two in front of him aside.


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