Digimon: VC [reboot] (open)

Penance said:
Was that post good enough.....?
The bigger the better but that wasn't a bad post. However, I will need you to edit it for a certain detail:

A quarter of this city was destroyed in a matter of minutes during a semi-cataclysmic event. From that place, a race of random monsters began appearing and pretty much everyone who went near them or that place got infected with soemthing that turned them into monsters. The monsters are all generally aggressive, and thus pretty much the entire world is at war with them.

This is the public perspective on Digimon. While I think it can make some sense that children would be curious enough to just be fine with Digimon , adults most defintely would not, ever. A Digimon in public is a primary cause for panic, so your character defintely wouldn't be peacefully playing with the kids in plain sight at least (and if he tries to bring it to public, there are up to mega level people working for V.C. With the sole purpose of eliminating threats to public security. If your guy tried starting a panic, he'd be dead).

Another detail you forgot is that you're currently in fresh level, not rookie, as per the post count.
Idea said:
The bigger the better but that wasn't a bad post. However, I will need you to edit it for a certain detail:
A quarter of this city was destroyed in a matter of minutes during a semi-cataclysmic event. From that place, a race of random monsters began appearing and pretty much everyone who went near them or that place got infected with soemthing that turned them into monsters. The monsters are all generally aggressive, and thus pretty much the entire world is at war with them.

This is the public perspective on Digimon. While I think it can make some sense that children would be curious enough to just be fine with Digimon , adults most defintely would not, ever. A Digimon in public is a primary cause for panic, so your character defintely wouldn't be peacefully playing with the kids in plain sight at least (and if he tries to bring it to public, there are up to mega level people working for V.C. With the sole purpose of eliminating threats to public security. If your guy tried starting a panic, he'd be dead).

Another detail you forgot is that you're currently in fresh level, not rookie, as per the post count.
I see........well then I got some editing to do
can someone message me? i would like to join this but im a little confused on everything. I keep seeing the chatter about evoltuion depending on the number of posts and other stuff in that manner. if someone can message me the details to everything or just put me in the right direction so i can actually read it all better, that would be helpful thank you
Maddkingg said:
can someone message me? i would like to join this but im a little confused on everything. I keep seeing the chatter about evoltuion depending on the number of posts and other stuff in that manner. if someone can message me the details to everything or just put me in the right direction so i can actually read it all better, that would be helpful thank you
Did you read all of the tabs or all of the discussion?
Maddkingg said:
can someone message me? i would like to join this but im a little confused on everything. I keep seeing the chatter about evoltuion depending on the number of posts and other stuff in that manner. if someone can message me the details to everything or just put me in the right direction so i can actually read it all better, that would be helpful thank you
The rules can be found in the character sign-up tab. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you have right here once you have read those.
Idea said:
Thank you for the invite. Unfortunately I'm a little overwhelmed with my current RPs and work, so I probably won't do the RP much justice. I'll be watching and perhaps join in when I have time in the future.

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