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Fandom Digimon: The First Frontier

Bum Bear] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27876-adachi/ said:
@Adachi[/URL] Lols. If he needs it . . . I can
help him get into the greatest job in the world . . . Mailman *thumbs up*
Talcut's probs gunna be pretty bust soon... on a digiventure!
Bum Bear] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7044-blur/ said:
Okie doke! Is there a certain place of arrival?
if you read the description of the in character tab it will explain it

OOOOOOO! I see now. I don't know why I looked everywhere but in the IC.

Stupid meh >A<!
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This is random, but I just have to say this. In Digimon Tri . . . they did Alphamon justice. Way cooler then Omnimon xD
[QUOTE="Bum Bear]This is random, but I just have to say this. In Digimon Tri . . . they did Alphamon justice. Way cooler then Omnimon xD

Yeah Alphamon was dope, I can't wait for the second movie

The artworks different, and I think it's kinda slow, but it's fun to watch ^^!


Just saw the episode and I was like HAAAAAAA! NO FREAKING WAY. Alphamon! Alphamon appears on the screen OAO!

Shits about to get real. *Sips tea* (Now I just need Dorugoramon to appear and my life will be complete)
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Bum Bear] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28180-shasyu/ said:
The artworks different, and I think it's kinda slow, but it's fun to watch ^^!


Just saw the episode and I was like HAAAAAAA! NO FREAKING WAY. Alphamon! Alphamon appears on the screen OAO!

Shits about to get real. *Sips tea* (Now I just need Dorugoramon to appear and my life would be complete)
If you watched Digimon as a kid, Digimon Tri is the perfect sequel, because it has been adapted for the same people that were watching back then, since those children are older now and Digimon Tri is much more adult than any other digimon show before it. It's simply perfect (:3)

I guess. Honestly I didn't really find the first or second one for that matter appealing so I never fully watched it as a kid. I saw bits and pieces here and there, but overall I myself can't form an opinion on it. I much preferred the 3rd and 4th season. (Hope they make sequels for those but less than likely.)

Although I will admit that this has held my attention quite nicely. All ya need is that old etemon to make those insanely unfunny Elvis Presley impressions to make this a true sequel. xD Jk. Don't bring Etemon back. Please...
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AriaPsiana389 said:
Tsubame Kemono

Tsubame slammed the door to her room. Her parents had been arguing again and she was the catalyst. Tsu stalked to her computer and turned it on, hoping her online friends would calm her nerves. She heard her parents mention her name.

"Well, it's not my fault is it!? You're the ones that gave birth to me!" She shouted down, fuming.

There was silence and she sighed. That stopped them. It always did.

Her computer beeped and it brought her eyes to the screen.

"What the-"

A small egg had taken place of her usual site. She tried to close it but there was no red cross of any sort.

The screen grew brighter each second and slowly the light consumed Tsubame. She closed her eyes to stop them from hurting. A weight on her chest made her open them again. It was the egg.

She picked it up but it started cracking and she dropped it, thinking it was her fault. The egg hatched revealing a small purple and white creature with no legs.

"Hey there!" It said.

"Umm, who are you?"

"I'm Dodomon!"
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but she doesn't have a cs. Did I get replaced? Hopefully I'm not curbstomping anyone's hopes or boundaries right now.
Well, I did message on the interest check but no one got back to me or told me anything so I guess I'm out or I posted on the wrong one? I was in a rush this morning and didn't have much time. I'll remove it anyway

@Bum Bear @RedIncubus
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@AriaPsiana389 Yes, you were never accepted into this role play for the simple fact that you never submitted a character sheet. As of now, the spots are taken, unless you manage to find 3 others who wish to join with you so that I would create a new IC tab

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