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Fandom Digimon - Re:Initialization


"Wait and Hope"
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check



Current Opening:


Current Arc: Interlude I
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Within the brief flash of light, you can make out a brief silhouette. As seconds pass, the silhouette appears to come closer and you get a better view of the being before you: a girl with eyes as blue as the ocean and hair whiter than fresh snow. Her gaze is directed at you, and she seems to inspect your with pleading eyes. Her mouth moves, but you cannot make out the words she speaks.

Then, it feels as if your body is being torn to shreds. You lose control of your own body and you find yourself blinded by the intense light that has ambushed you. The agony is brief as soon you find yourself unable to feel your limbs and soon enough anything else. As the the numbness overcomes you, you black out.

When you come to, you find yourself in what looks like an unfamiliar forest. You can feel your body once more and it doesn't seem like anything important is missing - barring any electronic devices you had on you. There's something off about the environment, despite all your senses registering it as what a forest should be like. At your side lays an odd looking device that resembles some sort of cell phone.


As your fingers hover near it, the device seems to respond to your presence and begins to slowly power up. Far off in the distance you can hear bestial cries that shatter the idyllic forest's peace. There's a path that leads deeper into the woods in front of you and when you look behind you it soon becomes apparent that you've awoken on the edge of this forest upon a cliff that overlooks the ocean and sharp fang-like rocks that seem to eagerly await your descent.
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Dante's eyes blinked a little as he took in the strange surroundings... He was surrounded by huge trees with branches that seemed to reach the heavens. "I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore...." He murmured, quoting the Wizard of Oz as he slipped his headphones off of his ears, letting them rest around his neck as his eyes looked over the green grass, his eyes following a trail that led to a nearby lake. The lake was positively gorgeous, the blue water shimmering in the light. Just where had he found himself? This was nothing like the big city he lived in... This was like a whole different world...

"Just where am I?" He murmured, looking around him at everything. Dante was wearing his usual clothes, boots, black jeans, a leather jacket, and red t shirt with the words "Lost Boy" emblazoned in bold letters across the chest. He noticed a strange device on the ground in front of him. It looked like a phone of some sort... He bent over to pick it up, when a clawed, fuzzy foot stomped on his hand, causing him to flinch as he looked up, yellow fur meeting his gaze as blue eyes stared dangerously down at him. "Just what do you think you're doing? You think you can just take this? No... I don't think so.... If you want this, you have to prove you deserve it..." Renamon remarked, lifting her foot off of his hand before kicking him in the chest, sending him rolling back before he managed to roll to his feet.

"The hell was that for?!" Dante hissed, trying to catch his breath from having the wind nearly knocked out of him. Renamon ignored his question, picking up the strange device and tucking it into the fur on her chest. "Let's hope you can prove yourself. Otherwise I'll end up killing you..." She remarked lunging forward. She was incredibly fast, so fast that Dante knew if he blinked, her claws would make quick work of him...

He ducked under her kick as she reached him, kicking at her planted foot to trip her up, but she spun in the air, landing on her feet before punching him back into a tree, causing him to cry out from the impact.

"Pathetic... did you really think you'd be able to beat me with such a flimsy attack?" Renamon inquired as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Dante pushed himself off the tree, panting softly. "I was hoping to avoid a fight... It's not my style to fight for no reason...." He remarked wiping a little blood from his lip. Renamon blinked, her head tilting in a bit of confusion. "Why do you need a reason to fight?"

"Because.. I don't like to hurt people for no reason.... I only fight when I have to... In order to protect others" Dante remarked watching the strange creature across from him. She just laughed at his statement... "well. you have to fight now, or you'll die, is that reason enough for you?" Renamon asked as she lunged forward once again, but this time, her claws were out.

Dante clenched his teeth, using Renamon's momentum as he turned sideways, her claws just barely missing him as he grabbed her arm, twisting his body and tripping her to her back as his knee planted on her chest, holding her down. Renamon's eyes were wide in shock that she had been caught like this, but she was far from beaten.

She twisted under him, a foot finding his chest and kicking him off of her as she stood up to face him. "Just... what... was that....." She inquired, never seeing a technique like that before...

"Judo... the technique's known as tai otoshi" Dante remarked with a bit of a smirk.

"Well then... I may just have to take this seriously..." Renamon moved to take a step towards him, but just as she did Dante lunged forward and tackled her. "WATCH IT!" Just as he pushed her back a wooden club crashed down just where Renamon had been standing. Renamon looked up in shock that this... whatever he was, had tackled her like that, but when she heard the crash, her blue eyes immediately locked on the culprit... Goblimon....

Dante and Renamon both stood up, facing the strange creature as it squared off against them, the bone club still in its hand. "Well well... now... Renamon and... whatever the hell Digimon that is... This will be a great fight!" It cackled, clearly itching for a fight...

Dante glanced up at Renamon. "Truce, at least long enough to deal with this jackass?"

Renamon nodded her head, crouching low before she rushed towards Goblimon. It attempted to strike her with the club, but she deftly leaped over him, planting her foot square on his face as she leaped over him. This, of course, just enraged Goblimon as it turned to face her, forgetting entirely about Dante.

Seizing the opportunity, Dante ran up behind the creature, grabbing its shoulders and pulling back hard as he kicked out Goblimon's ankles, causing the creature to slam onto its back. As he did so, Dante saw Renamon leaping high into the air, and he instinctively dove out of the way.

"Diamond Storm!" A rain of diamonds came down on Goblimon, reducing him to nothing but data...

Dante looked up at the fox creature as she landed near him. "That.. .was pretty damn cool..." He chuckled softly. "My name's Dante.. by the way.."

"Dante? You must not be from around here...." Renamon surmised as she crossed her arms over her chest. She reached into her fur and pulled out the strange device, handing it to him. "Well, wherever you're from, you earned that... You say you only fight to protect others... That's... actually a rather noble idea... At least since you seem to have the ability to actually follow through with it... I suppose I can handle you being my Tamer after all..." She remarked, a smile crossing her mouth as the Digivice scanned both of them. It changed from a purely white device to a red device with purple accents, the buttons turning yellow.

"Wait.. your tamer? Does that mean... we're like a team now or something?" Dante asked, confused by the sudden change in the creature.

"Yes... My name is Renamon, and I am to be your Digimon partner..."

Yep, this was definitely not Kansas... But at least it was exciting!

"Nnn? This looks like all of it then. At least, I'm preeeetty sure." The young man muttered as he looked down at his phone and scrolled through a short shopping list with one hand. He remained still, waiting for the crosswalk's light to permit him to cross.

As soon as the way was clear the young man stepped forward. It was at that moment that a camera mounted near one of the intersection's street lights suddenly swiveled towards him. A beam of light shot out from the lens, unnoticed by its target and the other pedestrians. The young man had disappeared, mid-step in a flash.

"...I wonder if that channel I subscribed to put up a new video. Oh, I should probably che-" As he continued walking, unaware of the sudden shift in the environment, he collided with a particularly thick tree. He fell on his ass and rubbed his forehead.

"Eh...EH?! How'd I get here? D-Did I get drugged? I don't think I ate anything suspicious and I'm sure that I didn't take any samples..." The human patted down his pocket and his face slowly contorted into one of horror as he realized that his cellphone was gone.

Somehow, he had wandered into a forest from a crosswalk and lost his phone on the way there. This wouldn't be the first time it happened and so the boy once more found the resolve to walk into the thickets of the strange forest in order to reach the roads and hitchhike back home.

He failed to notice both the odd device on the ground as he began to walk further into the strangely generic-looking forest. As he disappeared into the shadows underneath the canopies, a small blue creature emerged a few minutes later into the clearing and sniffed around the area.

"..." The virtual creature remained visibly shocked and somewhat amazed when it sniffed around. Then that expression turned into one of horror when it saw the device laying on the ground. It scooped up the device in his hands and continued the chase for the mysterious scent.


"Oh, this a pretty lake... and there's a person. Maybe they're some sort of grizzly wilderness explorer like on those shows. And... I think that's a woman in a yellow fur coat? Kinda strange but chic, I guess." The young man had emerged on the other side of the lake from where Dante and Renamon defeated the Goblimon. He ran towards them, waving his arms.

"Heeeeyyyy! Do you know how to get to the nearest road? I think I got lost again!" As he ran, he failed to notice a pebble. The teenager face planted into the soil and the creature approached with the strange device clutched in its paws. Dull surprise filled its face.

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Serena Jones

Serena blinked and groaned as she pushed herself up off the dirt floor and sat on her knees. She looked around curiously, absolutely captivated by the massive forest surrounding her, her mouth hanging wide open in excitement. She wasn't exactly sure how or why she was here, or what even brought her here, but she was infact sure of one thing. "
This is so freaking cool!" She shouted, hopping up into a standing posistion. She didn't really pay attention to the strange device on the ground, nor even actually see it. The first thing she did was run up to one of the funky trees and look it up and down, it was much, much bigger than the trees back home. It was so tall she couldn't even reach the first branch to climb it, much to her dismay, but possibly for the best.

Shrugging she walked back towards where she woke up at, or rather regained conciousness, she wasn't entirely sure if she had fell asleep yet or not. Looking around she finally noticed the device on the ground and looked at it curiously. "
Looks like someone dropped their cellphone.." She mumbled before leaning over to pick it up. Around the time she did a gun was aimed directly for her face by what looked like some kinda bi-pedal seal in a army outfit. Blinking Serena simply froze and directed her gaze towards him. "Hey kid, what do you think you're doing?" The creature spoke in a rough voice.

Completely oblivious to the fact it was a real gun after being distracted by how freaking adorable what seemed like a stuffed animal come to life she ignored the device altogether and dove into the creature hugging it. "
Oh my god you're soo cute! And awesome! An army seal! This is so cool!" She shouted excitedly, her words muddling together for the most part by how fast she speaked. Rather rudely the seal shoved her off of him and onto the ground butt first. "I'm Commandramon! Not 'army seal'. Do you not understand the threat of a gun being pointed at you?" Commandramon retorted, summarily aiming the gun at her again. "Ooh! I'mma call you Comman, Comman the army seal! And the gun is real? Are you sure?" She asked, poking the barrel of the gun curiously.

Commandramon glared, both at the nickname, and how entirely stupid the kid before him was. "
Of course it's real! I'm a soldier, and you're a tresspasser! Why are you here?" Commandramon shouted. Serena shrugged and stood slowly. "I dunno, I woke up here. Maybe you can tell me?" She replied honestly, shrugging again. "You walk into the Forest, fall asleep, and claim to not know why you're here? Nice...hey wai-!" Commandramon began, but was summarily interrupted by Serena picking up the Digivice. When she did, it turned pink with a green trim. "Oooh. Awesome! Super cool high tech cellphone." She spoke, mostly to herself.

Poking a few buttons after flipping it open she went through one screen that listed her as a Tamer..whatever that was. And on the next screen it had a picture of Commandramon and stated that he was her Digimon..whatever that was. Grinning she looked over at him, "
Ooh. This thing says you're my partner or whatever, seeee, it says you're mine. This is awesome!" She told him, grinning excitedly and shoving the digivice into his face. Commandramon glared, sure enough it showed him, and sure enough she was a Tamer. "Fine.." He replied simply, lowering the gun.

Innn that case..c'mon let's explore!" She declared, shoving the digivice into her shorts pocket before running off into the forest, zig-zagging around the trees. "Hold on kid wait up!" He shouted, running after her. Eventually they reached a clearing, on one side was a guy with headphones and on the other was someone on the ground with a funky thing she summized was whatever a Digimon was. "Hai!" She called out to them, waving.

Oliver was just finishing up the last bits he needed for the rest of his paper. "Almost done now" he said in an almost hopeful tone as the computer screen swirled and suddenly switch all together. He was now sitting on a stump, in the middle of a forest, and alone. He felt paranoia setting in since he had watched those movies this was usually where some giant creature would attack.

But why, why him of all people to be stuck in this terrifying place. He could heard insects and only what he could assume to be a predator as something in the underbrush peered out at him. His eyes met another set of eyes within a bush looking red and dangerous, he moved his hand a little before feeling some sort of device thingy beside him.

"What's this thing... or better yet what's that?" He said before looking to where the eyes were though they were now gone and apparently disappeared. That was definitely a sign that he was to be scared now, right, He looked at the device and saw something about his name and the word Dracomon but what could it have meant by that? He pondered to himself for a moment before looking beside him and seeing a miixture of beige, blue, and red.

"Whoah what are you!?" he said suddenly alert as he moved back from the little dragon like creature. "Well i'm Dracomon, and you're my partner" The little creature said... speaking. He blinked rapidly at it not sure how an animal could speak regardless of how he thought about it. "W-why am I your partner though?" Oliver asked looking at the other being which smiled at him, "I think it's because your device there... it probably states your partner is me. You could say it's just destiny in a way" The digimon said as it moved closer to Oliver who still hadn't wrapped his mind around the idea of an animal speaking in fluent human language.

Though a little delayed the device made a beeping noise though it didn't speak as information about Dracomon loaded onto the screen stating more than he knew before about the creature. This place was a bit more high-tech than home since they had digimon scanners as the 'digivice' stated. While at home all they had was price tag scanners which weren't always reliable. He just had to figure out why and how he got here and then next up was how to make sure this dragon didn't eat him.


Tsubaki Mifune

All she had wanted to was just take a nap. But as she slowly shifted, Tsubaki quickly realized she wasn't under the pile of warm blankets anymore. The ball of fluff that was her dog was no longer curled up against the small of her back either. Sitting up bleary eyed and confused, she tried to convince her crimson eyes to focus on her surroundings. The sun gently warmed the ground as a soft breeze moved through the grass.

What? Rubbing her eyes, Tsubaki froze as her new surroundings finally came into focus. She was in a lush field of emerald green grass. The water of a nearby lake shimmered in the light. "Where the...? What the...?" She murmured, unable to finish a sentence. This had to just be some weird dream, right? Her brow furrowed as she tried to think back. A dream . . . a bright flash, a girl seemingly pleading for help, searing pain, then nothing. Why did her dreams always have to feel so real?

Rustling in the nearby brush interrupted her internal dream debate. The girl tensed slightly, taking a step back. Dream or not she wasn't exactly sure of what was about to emerge.

She certainly wasn't expecting what had appeared though.

A small, somewhat chubby animal of some kind popped out from the thick brush. Orange and white colored, it's over sized ears dragged along the ground. In the creature's mouth was a device of some sort, rather small and thin.

"Just what the hell is that?" Tsubaki blurted a little louder than she meant.

Bright teal eyes looked up at her as it dropped the device. Flapping its . . . ears, she guessed, it hovered nearly at eye level with her. It looked like a creature from some kind of game. "I don't know what it is either," The small creature had an equally small voice. "It just appeared in a bright flash."

"It-" her voice raised slightly in pitch as she took another step back. "It can talk?"

He took a rather confused look at her statement. "Well . . . yeah I can talk. Haven't really met many who can't." He continued to hover, watching Tsubaki. "I'm Patamon," The creature chirped in a cheerful tone.

"Uh . . . Patamon?" Her eyes narrowed slightly as she studied him. He looked more like a giant hamster, not including the ears.

"Yep!" His chipper tone continued as he kind of circled around the girl. "What's your name anyway?"

"Tsubaki..." Her crimson gazed followed Patamon's lazy circle.

"Tsubaki?" Confusion painted his face. "I've never heard heard of a digimon with a name like..." Patamon's voice trailed off as he turned and dove for the object he had dropped a moment ago. Turning back towards Tsubaki he tossed the device to her. "Maybe you're the one I'm supposed to give this to!"

"Ah!" The girl fumbled with the device for a moment before finally getting a solid grasp on it. "What is this thing?" It looked kind of like a smartphone, but it only had two buttons on it. Curiosity got the better of her as she pressed the lower button. Perhaps this thing would be able to give her more information. Instead she found herself turning her head away from the bright green light.

"Scan complete," a robotic voice came from the small device. "Patamon and Tamer registered to this device."

When Tsubaki looked back at it, she noticed it had changed from white to a deep blue with golden accents. "Well that was interesting..." She muttered pressing the button again. This time the screen only lit up showing an image of her and Patamon before going dim again. "So what is this thing?"

"I don't know. But I think I'm supposed to be your partner."

Tsubaki gave a low groan, rubbing her eyes. This was all too weird. "Partner? No- wait, where are we anyway?" That seemed like a better first step.

"Well, this is the digital world if that's what you mean."

"Digital world?" She murmured, "Like in a computer?"

"I don't know," Patamon replied as he moved to her side. "But a lot of weird things have been happening lately. Stuff vanishing, portals opening up... I might not be the only digimon with a partner. They might even be nearby!"

The idea of finding something more normal looking certainly seemed appealing. Stuffing her hands and the device into the pouch of her hoodie, she turned towards a path that had been worn into the grass. "Well, come on then, let's see if we can find anyone else." If this wasn't a dream, and if there were other people here, the sooner she found them the better.
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Dante looked up, Renamon turning and crouching as the voice reached her ears. Her icy blue eyes narrowed as the person promptly faceplanted in a rather glorious fail for the ages. Her eye twitched just a little bit. "You have got to be joking...." she murmured. She had such high hopes for humans after what she saw in Dante, and those hopes rapidly plummeted now that there was another one around. She quickly got the impression that Dante was an exception rather than the rule as to how capable humans could be. She stood up, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at the Digimon that accompanied the less than graceful boy. "Does he belong to you?" she called to the Digimon. She felt sorry for him. He had, in her eyes, clearly gotten the short end of the Tamer option stick...

Dante shook his head. "Be nice, Renamon, not everyone can be as light on their feet as you are" He remarked lightly patting her head. Dante was, as it would happen, a little taller than Renamon. The tip of her ears came up to just about his eye level. Renamon frowned a little when he touched her, but it almost seemed like more of a pout than a frown, given the compliment had accompanied the touch.

He made his way over to the fallen boy, helping him to his feet if he would allow the aid. "I'm not too sure there's any roads around here. I'm not sure where we are, but we sure as hell aren't home..." He remarked shaking his head.

Renamon's ears perked up as she heard a younger voice approaching. Her eyes quickly locked on a small child followed quite closely by Commandramon. "Oh what fresh hell is this?.... There needs to be a height requirement for these Tamers... and an IQ test...." She grumbled rubbing her temples. The more she saw of the other Tamers, the more grateful she was that she had found Dante. The others were, put bluntly, disappointing... She pitied the poor Digimon that were stuck with them...

Dante blinked, looking away from the boy he was talking to when he saw the child approaching. "Looks like we aren't the only ones here..." He remarked, a little surprised to see a child. "Three Tamers, three Digimon... I wonder if there's any more..." He murmured. About that point, he realized he was being rude thus far. "Oh... I'm Dante by the way, My frosty fox partner back there is Renamon."

"I heard that!"

"You were meant to!" Dante laughed, flashing a smile over his shoulder at Renamon. Although she had been a little mad at first, that smile disarmed her a little bit. So that was one of those 'jokes' she had heard so much about.... It wasn't exactly funny... She pouted just a little bit, her tail swishing behind her as she walked up to stand next to her Tamer, her icy gaze looking to the Digimon that accompanied the hapless humans.

At least they looked like they could handle themselves...

@GasMaskie @Mitchs98
"Ah, thanks. Did not see that pebble back th- Oh, what a weird dog." Those were the words that left Takuma's mouth as he stood up and moved to pick up the dropped convenience store bag.

"I'm not a dog! I'm a Dorumon! And for one thi-" He stopped mid-sentence and brought his nose close to the bag. With one swift motion, the Digimon tossed the strange device over to Takuma who surprisingly managed to catch it his left hand. A sweet scent wafted over to the Dorumon's nostrils from the bag and soon the strange creature began to root around through the plastic bag. And soon enough, the creature was now devouring a chocolate bar with gusto.

"Hey! You shouldn't be eating chocolate! That's bad for dogs!" The young man leaned down and reached over towards Dorumon's head. He made contact with the strange triangular interface on its forehead before shifting his hand to the top of the creature's head. Woah, this is some really soft fur. Takuma thought as he failed to notice that the device had changed colors - turning a dark blue with a red keypad.

"'m nat a dawg. 'm a Doru-" The Digimon said as he continued devouring the sweet. Even if it was poison, he'd die there knowing that it was worth the sweet taste. Dorumon craned his head back and saw what looked like an Agumon in combat gear and a younger human girl approaching.

"Right, so Dante and she's Renamon. Then I'm Takuma and this is Doru. Yo!" He flashed Dante and his partner a smile as he turned to wave to Serena and her partner. Man, maybe she's a girl scout or something? And then her little brother's cosplaying? Is it October yet?

The Tamer looked down to the device, not bothering to flip it open just yet. The screen wasn't completely covered by the strangely designed circular keypad so he experimentally tapped on one of the three apps. The one designated with a 'D' symbol was grayed out, perhaps still in the midst of installing.

"Radar On. Scanning..." A pleasant female voice came from the device as the circular screen suddenly lit up and displayed a radar interface. With each new beep from the radar, more blips showed up. There were 5 green blips within close proximity to Takuma and 4 that appeared to be a short distance away from where they were at. And there were 10 red blips that were quickly approaching their location.

"Ah, Dante. What do red blips usually mean on a radar?" By now, Doru was finished scarfing down the treat. He turned his head towards the Commandramon and his human and his gaze shifted behind them.

Enemies approaching! Get ready for combat! 10 ######## detected!

@One Mean Ghost



Oliver looked at the Dracomon for a moment before his hand held a bit tighter on the Digivice. Pressing a button he looked at the device and it's coloration changed swapping from black to a white color with red streaks throughout it. He was amazed that it could do this, and now wondered why his cell phone didn't do this originally.

"So... Dracomon. You're saying that you and I are partners, that means we have something to do right?" he asked taking a breif moment of thought while looking at the creature. "Yep, we have something that we need to do. You must be a genius since you could figure that out" Dracomon said with a hint of sass to his tone.

Oliver rolled his eyes as he put the digivice into his pocket, He took another moment to think as he saw Dracomon looking into the forest. "What's up you look a bit... preoccupied" Oliver said as he heard something and stood quickly Dracomon was just a little bit below his shoulder height and they looked about both at the same time for whatever was there. He pulled out the digivice in hopes it might give him some sort of aid as he pressed a button and something appeared.

He looked at the screen which showed what looked like an i.d. card but with information on Himself and Dracomon. "Cool, we have a partner card apparentally" Oliver said with a little smile despite the serious situation, "You know that's great and all but we should be on alert, not playing on a digivice!" Dracomon said looking back at him with slightly narrowed eyes.

Oliver continued to keep the device in his hand as he pressed another button with a map pulling up now his mind knowing what this was already. Red was moving towards the green which would probably mean hostiles moving towards the friendly's if he was correct in his mind on this and he hoped he was since there wasn't anything else he knew that it could be. Dracomon moved in front of Oliver a bit protectively though still ti the side a little bit.

Dracomon's head and eyes were turned to look right at Oliver, "So what's the plan, Partner?" He asked the human with a kinder tone which showed some sort of bond there. "Well we need to make sure whatever those things are don't hurt us.. Can you like, Breathe fire on them or something?" Oliver asked looking at the dragon.

Dracomon looked at him with a proud smile now, "Of course I can... After all I am the best Dragon Digimon there is" He said with a noble and mighty tone to him. Oliver smiled at the dragon which was quite unique since he had never seen a dragon yet now one was his partner. "Alright then, If they try to attack us make sure you roast em." He said with a nod causing his red hair to shake.

The both of them now turned to where the red blips that were moving in their direction came from. Dracomon's red eyes had somewhat of a happy look and also a sort of ferocity to it being that it was part of his nature. Oliver held the digivice and watched the radar as well as his partner while the little dragon began to prepare it's flame the little wings on his back moving slightly as he did.


Tsubaki Mifune

The duo had admittedly wandered rather aimlessly. Where would you even start to look for another human? Or another . . . Her brow furrowed slightly. "Hey, Patamon, right?"

"Mhm," The small digimon had elected to walk along side of her. Apparently he wasn't capable of flying all that fast.

"What did you say you were again? A dig- something?" Honestly, she was surprised she had been able to remember Patamon's name. Names were the bane of her after all. It took her awhile to be able to remember someone's name, often leading to problems between her and others.

"I'm a digimon," His voice still carried that excitement to it.

"Okay..." Well at least she remembered part of it. "So what's a digimon?"

"A digital monster," He smiled up at her.

Well that certainly cleared everything up. Actually, no, the answer didn't help her in the slightest. Quietly sighing, she rubbed her eyes as she slipped the digivice from her pocket and looked down at it. "Maybe this thing can give me a better answer." She muttered, pressing a few buttons. Much to her surprise the small circular screen changed into a radar of sorts showing a handful of nearby blips. The cluster of six green spots seemed to be pretty close to them. But so did the group of ten that were closing in and fast. "I don't like the looks of those red blips..." She turned towards the small group of green. "Let's just hope this group over here is on our side, come on." Could those green spots have been other humans and their digimon? Guess there's really only way to find out...
@GasMaskie @One Mean Ghost

Serena Jones

Serena giggled at Renamon and Dante, not being offended by the remarks from Renamon in the least, listening intently to everyone introducing themselves. "
I'm Serena and this is Commandramon. I call him Comman though." She told them happily. Commandramon simply narrowed his gaze and tightened his grip on his weapon, he didn't know nor trust these humans, the digimon didn't seem hostile in the least. A smartass however, yes. Hostile? No. Then Takuma mentioned 'red blips', Commandramon wanted to slap him for somehow being stupider than Serena was.

Those are hostiles! And moving in fairly quickly from the looks of that radar." He shouted, now standing beside Takuma and looking at the radar. "What did you think they were? A welcoming party?" He added sarcastically. "Combat Formation Delta! Get ready!" He shouted at everyone present before mentally facepalming. Riiight, they weren't a part of his squad, he didn't even have one yet.. "Well..whatever. Just get ready." He muttered, looking down the iron sights of his M16 carefully. Serena rather than being scared was absolutely enthralled by what was going on. "This is so cool! Get 'em Comman!" She cheered in anticipation for combat.

Dante nodded in agreement with Commandramon. "Yeah... Red blips are usually bad..." he muttered shaking his head. He jumped just a little when the digimon started barking his orders, but quickly shook it off. "You don't have to yell, seriously, we're all right here.." he rubbed his ears, still ringing a little from the shouting as Dante and Renamon stood together to Commandramon's right side. Dante wasn't sure what they were facing, but he was never one to back down from a fight. Besides, he had to make sure Serena and Takuma stayed safe. It was more than a little obvious the two of them would be just about useless in a fight.

For Dante, that just meant they needed to be protected, even if Renamon thought of them more as a liability.

Renamon glanced over at Commandramon. "Just be careful where you aim that thing... Dante and I are more prone to fighting up close, so don't hit us by mistake. You shoot my Tamer, and I will shove that gun somewhere very unpleasant for you." she growled as her eyes narrowed before returning to the forest in front of her. Any second now they'd find what they were up against. At least Commandramon seemed competent in a fight. She wasn't so sure about Dorumon though...

Dante cracked his knuckles. They had already seen such strange Digimon so far, he had no clue what to expect. Whatever it was though, if they were hostile they were going to be in for a VERY bad time....

@GasMaskie @Mitchs98
Momoki was at school in the library reading a book while listening to music.Then when she got up to stretch she appeared inside the digital world,"What the..." Momoki said then she tried to sit down but instead she fell on her butt and noticed that her book and phone were gone.The hand that was holding her phone had some device in it and the device turned on,"That's weird" Momoki said then she heard a buzzing noise over her head,"Hiya tamer!" Fanbeemon said flying over Momokis' head,"What are you" Momoki said already confused by this creature,"Me? I'm a digimon! In fact I'm your digimon" Fanbeemon said.Momoki stood up and looked at the thing in her hand.It had information about them.It said practically everything about Momoki.Momo then looked back at Fanbeemon who went down to her eye level,"What's your name?" Momo said,"Fanbeemon. What's yours?" Fanbeemon said,"My name is Momoki but you can call me Momo" Momoki said,"Oh yeah look at this" Momoki said showing Fanbeemon her digivice and what it said,"Oh I already know what the digivice says". Fanbeemon replied as she flew to look at it anyways."So we're supposed to be partners" Momoki said,"Yep and you're my tamer" Fanbeemon said,"Wow that's cool" Momoki said as she read an article on the digivice about digimon,"So. Friends?" Fanbeemon asked holding one of her pinchers out,"Deffenatly" Momoki said as she started walking.Then she heard some voices,"Fanbeemon did you hear that" Momo asked,"Yeah I did let's see if it's another human and digimon" Fanbeemon replied,"Alright partner" Momo said as they went towards the voices. Then Momos' digivice turned a bright shade of yellow.

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"...Hmph, looks like they got taken out by something, I can't see their signal anymore. You boys go on ahead, I'll catch up with."

"Gotcha boss monkey. We'll bring back the residual data after we beat them dead."

"Mmm, on second thought, I might get a little side-tracked. I spy with my little shades somethin' small and weak..."

The horde of Goblimon surged through the forest like a green tidal wave. They knew their way around the terrain and their primate leader had taught a few of them how to leap from branch to branch. On the radar screen, it seemed that the red blips had coalesced into a single, large pixel.

The six Goblimon on the floor came out in rows of three. While the first line charged forward at the assembled humans and their partners, the back row growled and manifested what looked like the wire frames for some sort of objects. A covering quickly wrapped around the framework and they tossed the now fully-materialized boulders, focusing on hitting the humans.

"Hehehe, let's see how they like a little fire." One of the Goblimon in the trees muttered as he gave a signal to his allies who remained in the branches. Two threw large fireballs the size of melons while the other two aimed carefully at the armed Commandramon and threw grape-sized fireballs that zipped across the forest like bullets.


"Move!" Doru growled as he bit into his Tamer's shirt and pulled him backwards. One of the boulders impacted the spot where Takuma had just been standing. The human smiled back at the creature before standing back up and flipping the device open. He tapped on the second available app and brought the camera level with one of the incoming green enemies.

"...Says they're all Goblimon and Rookie-level or something? Yowch!" Instinctively, the young man took a step back as one of the larger fireballs hit the ground near him. The radiant heat rushed past his face and singed his hair, but they certainly weren't as dangerous as they looked.

A Goblimon slammed its makeshift weapon against Doru, sending him flying backwards. Takuma sprinted forward and caught the Digimon, glaring at the Goblimon who was preparing to step forward and begin his assault once more.

He tapped on the numbered key that represented the right arrow and glanced down as the screen now displayed his own partner's statistics. Raw numerical data that didn't matter now and a list of attacks with short descriptions.

"Got it! Dash Metal into Dino Tooth. Break past them Doru!" Takuma yelled as he threw the device into the air and caught it, bringing the device upwards with the blank circular display showing.

"Grr, understood!" Doru glared at the Goblimon who was now barreling towards him. With a small roar, the blue Digimon opened its mouth and materialized a small iron ball the size of a softball. It charged forward with its maw agape, keeping an eye on the Goblimon who was now flailing its bludgeon around wildly.

Now! Their thoughts were both in sync now and Doru slid under the Goblimon's horizontal swing. The green creature had no time to respond as the Dorumon appeared right in his face. The metal ball collided with with the Goblimon's chin and sent him flying through the air.

Doru leapt up towards the Goblimon and used him as a stepping stone, kicking off from the top of his head. With agile and deft footwork, he landed upon the second of the thrown boulders and kicked off it as well. He remained completely focused as one of the smaller fireballs whizzed past his eye.

"Dino Tooth!" Doru roared out as a Goblimon in the back row looked upwards to no avail. The partnered creature's teeth glowed bright with energy as it sank its fangs right into the Goblimon's neck. 'Death' was instantaneous and the Goblimon exploded into data and an egg formed soon afterwards. It hung in the air before being warped away by a familiar bright light.

9/10 Goblimon Remaining!

Oliver and Dracomon looked into the forest hearing voices and now two more green blips were up and coming towards them. "Dracomon hold fire" Oliver said as he motioned for him to follow on the way to these strange other voices. "If it's a hostile i'll roast em' in a second though" Dracomon said as the two of them moved through the underbrush. They had noticed that one of the blips disappeared but didn't want to find out why quite yet. The two had soon got right near the other two green blips, "Hey... You're friendly right?" Oliver asked the two which he was mainly judging by their coloration on the minimap rather than actual knowledge.

Dracomon still had the flame prepared if needed so he could completely obliterate them if Oliver thought it alright. "I hate waiting" Dracomon said quietly while standing at his partners side eyes looking at the figures through flora around them. Oliver didn't seem too distraught about the digital world, digimon, or really anything but the blips made him move since it could be someone that could be an ally.

Momoki got to the voices and a boy,'Wow he's cute,but I need to get to business' Momoki thought then he asked her a question,"Yes of course I'm friendly." Momoki said then a huge fire ball thing came out of nowhere hurling at the four,so Momoki quickly tackled the boy so he wouldn't be burnt to a crisp,"What the hell!" Momoki said as she turned around and saw a weird goblin thing inside of a tree.

Fanbeemon was just flying around following Momoki when they came across a boy and his digimon,"I'm also friendly" Fanbeemon said right before a giant fire ball came flying at them,"Watch out" Fanbeemon said flying out the way know the other digimon could do the same thing.

Oliver was a bit shocked that the girl had tackled him, and that it was right after saying she was friendly. Then he saw the fireball and looked to Dracomon who was more than ahead of him, "Tail Smash!" Dracomon said as it's body twisted about and his tail smashed into the fireball practically removing it and causing no damage. Oliver smiled at his partner, "Now then Dracomon take care of the hostile" He said and Dracomon nodded looking at the source of the attack.

His eyes met with those of the goblimon and he snarled at it viciously. Then Dracomon ran at it quickly, approaching it in a matter of moments since it wasn't that far. "G Shurunen" Dracomon shouted as his horns released a bright glow, brighter than it would've been imagined and a funnel of hot flame spewed out and towards the goblimon.

"Are you okay" Momoki said standing up and taking out a hand for the boy to take hoping she didn't just make a huge enemy out of the boy.After all she just tackled him after saying she was friendly,but it was to save his life so it shouldn't have mattered too much.

Fanbeemon saw the attacker and went right for it,"Don't you dare touch my tamer!Gear stinger!" Fanbeemon said releesing a rapid fire of stinger at the enemy all the stingers hitting them and knocking over the trees they were on.


8/10 Goblimon Remaining!
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Oliver nodded and got up standing beside her, "Yeah. Are you ok though?" He asked looking at her for a moment then back to Dracomon who was moving back cautiously watching for other hostiles. Oliver continued to look at the girl and this time the blip had been a human and another digimon so that was relaxing to be able to be around another human rather than a red blip. He didn't quite know who this girl was but she hadn't shot a fireball at him so he was ok with her.

He then realized something and looked at her, "By the way my name's Oliver and my partner over there is Dracomon" He said with a gentle smile as the dragon continued to look about. It was quite obvious about how they were acting and what they needed to do with the hostiles but currently they had multiple objectives to handle. Acquainting themselves with the other pair was just one of the objectives, since they also had the other red blips to worry about if they were anywhere nearby.


Dante and Renamon both charged straight into the thick of the Goblimon on the ground. Renamon hadn't been kidding when she said those two fought up close and personal. Dante had, as it happened, trained in martial arts from the time he was five, and had developed a good deal of skill in fighting armed opponents. Granted those drills were meant for people with bats, not massive, hulking clubs...

He violently shoulder checked one to the ground, his foot coming high into the air before he dropped an ax kick square on the downed Goblimon's chest. In the next instant, he just barely ducked under a swung club, spinning on his heel as his heel came out of nowhere to crack the Goblimon in the jaw to fall next to the other. "Renamon!"

"On it! Diamond Storm!" Dante was diving out of the way just as Renamon used another Goblimon's face as a springboard to get into the air, shards of diamonds raining down on the two downed Goblimon and reverting them to code much like the first one they had encountered when they arrived.

Just as Dante turned to find his next opponent, he saw a club flying towards his left side. He dug his feet in and just barely got his left arm up to shield his head as the club slammed into him, causing him to cry out as a sickening SNAP echoed through the area. Dante somehow managed to stay on his feet, his feet digging into the ground as he somehow held his ground. Even the goblimon looked completely shocked as Dante seemed to freeze there with his head down.

Dante's eyes slowly raised up, and if looks could kill, that Goblimon would have died on the spot... Dante's right arm grabbed the handle of the club as he stepped forward, a vicious elbow knocking the Goblimon back as Dante ripped the club away in the same motion. His left arm, trickling with blood, hung limply at his side.

He heard a screech from behind him and spun, swinging the club like a bat and catching another Goblimon square in the face, sending the hapless Digimon flying away.

Renamon landed next to Dante, concern showing in her usually icy blue gaze. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine... don't worry about me..." Dante hissed through clenched teeth. He was obviously lying. Anyone could see that the impact of that last hit had fractured, if not completely broke, his left forearm. Renamon's eyes narrowed at the Goblimon that had hurt him. She leaped into the air and came crashing down on its back as it tried to crawl away, stomping him over and over until he reverted to code. Not long after, the club Dante was holding vanished as well. It was a rare burst of emotion from the otherwise aloof Renamon...

He reached to his injured arm, carefully tucking the hand into his belt so it wouldn't just hang so limply. He was not looking forward to setting it later, but that would have to wait...

"Let's go, Renamon... These persistent Bastards don't know when to quit..." Dante growled, blood trickling from the corners of his mouth as he bit his lip to keep from making any audible cries of pain.

Renamon's gaze softened as she looked at him. She could tell he was in pain, but he wasn't going to stop fighting, not while the others were in danger.

This was someone she was proud to call her Tamer....

5/10 Goblimon Remaining!
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Tomiko Tomagi

Shopping. Something she had done everyday for the past 10 years without fail. A simple walk to the grocery store after school to pick up some ingredients for dinner tonight was all she'd set out to do. Her father was out gambling and her mother was chopping up her god-like sushi for her customers a few blocks away from the house. This meant it would only be Satoshi, little Mina, and herself at home. Her siblings had begged her to make their favorite shrimp sandwich for the past week now, and seeing as how she had earned a little extra money from her side job she thought she would spoil them today. After she went to the store, she was going to walk home and ask Satoshi if he wanted to fry the shrimp since he liked pretending to be a chef like their mom, and see if Mina wanted to help set the table which she always did being the little angel she was. That was the plan. Nothing to hard and nothing to out of the norm. So why? Why was she now dangling off the edge of a cliff in the middle of nowhere?!

Tomiko gasped as she held on to the cliff's edge, digging her short fingernails into the hard surface of the rock to get a better grip. What was she doing here? Her mind raced as the wind violently blew against her body, swinging her like a black and white rag doll. Tomiko attempted to pull herself up, but the wind stopped her dead in her track as it pushed her stomach causing her to fly back. No good. If she tried pulling herself up than she would lose her grip on the rock, but if she didn't do anything at all she would eventually tire out and fall on her own. That is if the wind didn't push her off before then. What to do!? Maybe falling wouldn't be so bad? Glancing downward, she quickly stomped that idea seeing the jagged rocks and the swift current that lied below. She'd definitely die if she fell down there. If the rocks didn't kill her than she would definitely drown or worse, eaten by whatever animal was down there. The young girl was out of option. If she pulled herself up she'd fall, if she hanged there still she'd fall, and if she fell she'd die. It was a lose lose situation no matter what action she took.

A surge of fear ran through her body as she felt her fingers slipping, her eyes staring up towards the sky as tears began to fill them. No. She wasn't going to die here, not now. She had three years of dealing with her father's crap to go through before she was finally free. With a new burning sense of determination, she attempted pulling herself, the wind blowing more erratically than before. A breath of air flew out of her as the wind punched her stomach, her fingers letting go in response to the sudden loss of air. Oh Crap! Her heart stopped, her life flashing before her eyes as she saw the sky get further from her face. This was it. No, this couldn't be! She wouldn't let it.

Got'cha! Hold on okay!" a voice hollered, as a pair of hands latched onto her arm. What? Someone was here? Her mind had gone bonkers, but the warmth of the person's hand brought her back to her senses as the two worked together to pull her back up. It was hard, but they finally manage to get her back to a safe part of the cliff, where the wind was more of a breeze than a fist.

Ack! Thanks. Without you I would surely have died back there." she thanked, taking time to bring some so much needed air back to her lungs.

No problem Tomiko. Just don't fall to hard for me okay?" he joked, Tomiko feeling a little skeptical about the joke, but found it overall okay. He had saved her, so at least she thought she could humor him a bit. But how did he know her name?

Trust me I ..." she paused, her eyes fully focused on the thing she thought was the man that saved her.

What's wrong Tomiko or Tim. Can I call ya Tim? My devilishly handsome looks and sunglasses have taken your voice away?" he chirped.

What the living hell was he? Her expression went from one of gratitude to one of utter confusion. Was that a god damn dog?! And what's more is that god damn thing talking? Talking to her!? Tomiko face froze her mind stuck with the dog's image in her head. She had seen it somewhere before .. but where? Hold on a minute. He was the entire reason she fell off the damn cliff in the first place. She had awoken up on this huge pile of rock in this out of place forest to that creature's face. She hadn't fully registered it's presence before it began talking to her like a person which scared the crap out of her causing her to fall off the edge.

Tim? Hey Tim! Yo Tim my buddy!" he cooed in an obvious attempt to gain her attention. The dog rabbit hybrid inched his way closer, a hypnotized Tomiko searching up the definition of dog in her head.

Dog,a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, and a barking, howling, or whining voice. It is widely kept as a pet or for work or field sports. Dog have have long maws and normally do not talk, but there are some cases where the owner decides to teach the animal to speak... " She muttered talking at a ridiculously fast pace, causing the hybrid creature to become thoroughly worried about her.

"Tim! Wake UP! I don't know what you're talking about but I ain't Doggymon! I'm Gazimon!" he shouted, bringing a traumatized Tomiko back from her hypnotic state. However she was still unable to fully grasp the situation which led to her ultimately throwing Gazimon.

Tomiko Stranger Molestation Protection Series: #41 Super Powered Cannon Throw." she called as she got onto her feet along with Gazimon, picked up the grey dog's fur, spun exactly 3 times towards the left before stopping 180 degrees during the third rotation and slinging him into the forest. She heard a shrill yell before hearing a incredibly similar one, but this time the voice was more hoarse and raspy than the creature she had just threw voice sounded. Oh well. None of her business now. Wiping the dust away from her pants, she could feel something was missing. Crap! Her phone was gone. She had just recently purchased it too, because her mom had told her about weird people roaming the neighborhood. Tomiko gritted her teeth as she wondered what had happened to it. Oh no?! Could it have fallen from the cliff? No. If she remember correctly, she had seen that thing. What was it? Gazimon? She had saw that Gazimon thing holding something in his claws. It must've been her phone.

Tomiko growled as she followed the direction in which she had thrown the dog hybrid at. Pushing through brittle leaves and branches, she smiled to see a
unconscious Gazimon laying down onto of what looked to be a pile of grass. Walking towards the creature she searched for her phone only to see that his hand was tightly clasped around it. Bowing her head, she angrily tried to pry open his hands to no prevail to instead in fact wake up the sunglasses wearing mutt.

"What was that for Tim! I save your life and you throw me at a Goblimon!" he screamed saddened and somewhat angry at how his tamer had treated him.

You're the one who got me into that mess in the first place. Now give me back my phone and go lay on your Goblimo.. Wait, Goblimon?" Tomiko turned her head down to see an ogre like creature with his face planted on the ground. The lime green creature twitched as he clutched a rather menacing looking club in his left hand. A lefty huh? Gazimon felt the floor rumbling as he soon realized that he was standing on an angry Goblinmon who was ready to knock some head off.

Crap! Tomiko stand back!" he shouted, Tomiko already 10 ft away from the dog and ogre.

"Man. You're supposed to do that when I tell ya to. How am I gonna look cool now!" he whined only to hear Tomiko respond,"I don't know, but that ogre thing's about to knock your head off. Not that I particularly care." She felt as if she could at least help him out since he did technically save her from dying earlier.

Crap! Paralyze Breathe!" he called, releasing a ghastly cloud of black smog that caused the ogre to fall on it's face once again, this time totally paralyzed.

"Take this you stupid Goblimon! And this! And this! And This!" he repeated as he stomped on the creatures head.

So not cool." she mocked.

Oh be quiet you and let me do my thing!" he complained, sliding his sunglasses further up his nose.

If letting a girl throw you into an ogre and letting that same girl help you is your thing than you can do it all you want." She mocked, placing a hand over her mouth comically. As the angered Gazimon continued stomping his defeated opponent's head to the ground, Tomiko noticed another odd pair of human and animal coming towards them. This time it was a tall fox and a man surprisingly enough. Was he transported here as well. Suddenly, another so called Goblimon snuck up from behind her and swung his club at her face.

Tomiko Stranger Molestation Protection Series: #3 Quick Pivot." she yelled, pivoting her feet to the left before the club had reached her face. She managed to dodge it, but the club still clipped her chin which caused her to bite her lip. Damn! Her Tomiko Stranger Molestation Protection Series was made for quick escape and momentary distraction. It wasn't created to fight against people but for protection, and there was no way she could take on a hulking mass of brawny green ogre that was intent on take her head. What did he think he was? The HULK or something.

Tomiko Stranger Molestation Protection Series: #10 Fast Feet!" she called, running towards the other side of the clearing. The Goblinmon didn't seem to interested in chasing her , but instead walked back through the bushes as if it knew something was up.

Huh? Wait! Tim! Don't go that way, there's another one hiding in the bushes!" he screamed, but it was already to late. Tomiko had say the burly green Goblimon jump out from behind the damp bush, swinging his club down on her.

Oh crap..." she muttered before being pushed out the way of the way by a small Gazimon, hiding the two in the some bushes before the Goblimon simply walked away in search for something more interesting.

3/10 Goblimon Remaining!

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Tsubaki Mifune

Tsubaki and Patamon tried to make their way through the thick forest as quickly and quietly as they could. "Are those things on your screen bad?" Concern laced the small digimon's voice as he struggled to keep up. Whatever was after them clearly had Tsubaki spooked.

The Tamer growled under her breath as she glanced back down at the screen. While a handful of the blips had vanished, a couple had broken away from the group and were headed right for them. "This way!" She hissed as she changed directions. Patamon tumbled to a stop, using his wings to help him make the sharp turn. Tsubaki glanced back down at the blips. They were right in front of them.

"What the-?" The grass in front of them erupted into flames as one of the Goblimon's fireballs struck the ground. The Tamer staggered back a few steps, turning her face away from the flames.

A gravely laugh sounded beside them as one of the two Goblimon emerged from the underbrush. "Boss was right when he said there were a couple more weaklings over this way." The green skinned monster brandished a large bone club.

"You stay away from her!" Patamon yelled as he threw his entire form into the Goblimon's chest. The blow knocked the wind out of the larger digimon as he and Patamon crashed to the ground.

Tsubaki took a step back, eyes wide as she took in the scene. Instincts yelled for her to run, to get away from the obvious danger. But could she really just leave Patamon behind like that? That's when she spotted it, the Goblimon had dropped his club when her partner tackled him. Without thinking she seized the weapon before bringing it down on the stunned digimon. The attacker had been converted into code along with his club. "Are you alright?" She asked, breathing heavily. Sure, she may have picked up a few tricks here and there but she certainly wasn't a trained martial artist or something.

"Yeah," Patamon said as he stood, slightly dazed from slamming into the much larger digimon. "You were pretty cool though!" He beamed up at his Tamer.

She felt her cheeks burn slightly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "I don't know about cool . . . Come on, let's get out of-" A small, flaming stone struck the Tamer's temple. She staggered a step before collapsing to the ground unconscious.


2/10 Goblimon Remaining!
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@One Mean Ghost @GasMaskie

Serena Jones

Commandramon simply 'tch'd' in response to the comments from his shouting and his marskmanship, he was an excellent shooter, even if he was a Rookie still! "Don't get your fur in a ruffle. I got this." He added soon after, pulling back the lever. Soon after the combat started and everything went crazy. Almost immediately a fireball was lobbed at himself and Serena. Immediately Commandramon dove into Serena, sending them both out of the impact zone. One by one the Goblimon fell. Everyone was too close to land a shot or throw a grenade, so he priority fell to keeping Serena safe.

"Over there! Get 'em!" Serena shouted, pointing at the two Goblimon in the trees charging up fireballs. They were a decent distance away from each other, so a grenade alone wouldn't do. "DCD Bomb!" He shouted, grabbing a grenade from his vest and tossing it directly behind one of them, a grenade digitizing back in it's slot as it did. Soon after a explosion was heard and seen as one of the Goblimon were 'killed', data could be seen floating into the air soon after. The other Goblimon stared wide eyed at Commandramon and turned to run. "Nope." He spoke, dropping to one knee and aiming down the sights. "M16 Assault!" He shouted, sending a barrage of gun fire directly into the fleeing Goblimons back.

Serena took out her own digivice at that point, looking between Commandramon and the device excitedly. "
That's all of them! That was freaking cool! Can we do it again? Maybe have more next time, oh! And make them bigger with clubs the size of trees!" She shouted excitedly with a wide grin on her face. "Comman will explode 'em all!" She added soon after.

0/10 Goblimon Remaining!


Dante was panting pretty heavily, his body shaking a little bit. He was in tremendous pain, the bone of his forearm poking up through the skin. He knew he was going to hate what he had to do next.. Renamon was next to him the instant the fighting stopped, her eyes showing concern for once... "What do you need me to do.." she murmured standing in front of him.

"I need to get this set and in a splint.... some straight branches and something to tie it with..." Dante hissed through clenched teeth, keeping his back to everyone so they wouldn't see the pain in his eyes, and the blood trickling down his lip from biting it so hard. The younger members of the group in particular did not need to see it...

Renamon nodded her head, leaping into a tree and breaking off two of the branches to make the splint. Meanwhile, Dante was ripping the bottom of his shirt, tearing a bit of it off to tie it. When Renamon jumped back down, Dante took one of the sticks from her, putting it in his mouth so he wouldn't run the risk of biting his tongue. "Do it..." He closed his eyes as Renamon grabbed his forearm and gave it a solid tug, a loud CRACK coming from his arm as she set his broken bones, causing Dante to scream around the stick, shaking and panting heavily as Renamon set the branches on his arm and tied the splint in place.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Renamon asked, unable to hide the concern that even broke into her voice now. "Yeah... Just not going to like using my left hand for awhile..." He chuckled softly, adjusting his jacket so it served as a makeshift sling for him. "Is everyone else alright?" Dante asked as he finally turned towards the group to see.

Renamon nodded. "yeah. Everyone made it through without too much problems... The Goblimon were too focused on you to get close to anyone else.." she murmured, resting a paw on his shoulder to help steady him. He seemed to be uneasy on his feet right now, clearly the pain was getting to him.

"Listen up.. we need to check what those other green blips on the Radar were..." Dante called to everyone. "If the red blips were enemies, green blips may be friendlies... we need to find out if they got attacked too.." His voice stayed even only by pure force of will. "Takuma... where's the nearest Green blip? We need to find them as soon as possible in case there's more of those damn Goblimon running around..." Renamon nodded, helping Dante keep standing. It was strange. She was so absolutely cold to everyone else, but she seemed to really care about her Tamer...


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