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Fantasy Digimon and Pokemon rp

Name Tai Quvi

Gender Male

Likes digimon, cooking

Dislikes small places , being annoyed

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Name: Sarah Phillips

Gender: Female

Personality: Sarah is about as outdoorsy as a person can get, without actually living outside. Having never grown out of her curiosity and wonderment at the world, she spends everyday hunting for new things to learn and ideas to discover. While her friends spend their time in malls and at parties, eyes glued to their phones, Sarah could be found outside counting the rings on trees. Sweet as honey and a heart just as golden, Sarah never hesitates to help those she cares about. Despite her tomgirlish attitude she is never seen in anything but a dress or skirt, it is speculated if she has ever worn a pair of jeans in her entire life. It is quite the sight to see her in a frilly skirt while knee deep in water, likely trying to catch frogs. The only thing keeping her from reaching her full potential is her lack of trust in those around her. Eternally skeptical of those around her, she tends to rely only on herself in times of need, taking control and forcing others to follow her lead. Cooperation is something she struggles to do, as she never really had to work in a team before. Once she trust you though, it is hard to get rid of her!

  • Sarah loves to be around animals, any kind will do! Soft ones, scaly ones and even slimy ones!
  • Anything to do with being outside!
  • Arts and crafts.
  • Small children.
  • Bugs: they scare her, even an ant will send her screaming.
  • Large crowds as she never knows what to do and ends up bumping into people.
  • Relying on others.
  • People who don't think before doing.
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Hexxy Hexxy The only thing changing is Dracomon will be digivolving into Coredramon blue, not green, and will be following that evolution line. If you need images I can grab them!
Name: Sayo

Gender: Female

Likes: Digimon, Order, Peace

Dislikes: Humans, Chaos

Personality: Calm, Quiet, Graceful


  • Smoke: Spreads smoke from its body to distract its foes and escape.

  • Frothy Spit: Spits acid foam at enemy.
  • Starlight: Uses energy from the stars against the opponent.
Name: Coronamon

  • Corona Flame: By exhausting all of its physical strength, it fires a flaming shot at the opponent by concentrating the power of fire on its forehead.
  • Corona Knuckle: Fires continuous punches with its blazing fists through the power of fire.
  • Petit Prominence: Wrapping its whole body in flames, it defends itself or body slams.
Name: Firamon

  • Flame Dive: Firamon flies up and catches fire, and then dives down on his opponents.
  • Fira Claw: Firamon's claw catches fire and he slashes his opponents.
  • Fira Bomb: Uses his full power to shoot fire bombs from the forehead.
Name: Flaremon

  • Crimson Beast King Wave: Concentrates its flame into an energy wave resembling a lion.
  • Crimson Lion Dance: A combination of flaming punches and kicks.
  • Refreshing Roar: Roars to release a fiery shock wave that purifies and destroys the enemy.
Nickname: Mune

Gender: Male

Form Most Used: Rookie

Personality: Cold and distant, Mune often refuses to interact with anyone, one of the few exceptions being his trainer. No matter how trivial the information is he'll keep secrets from others until his grave. He is as stubborn as a mule, sticking to his opinions and never backing down from a decision, this often gets him into trouble as he'll never admit he is wrong. Surprisingly good in a crisis he knows what to do and when to do it, it's just a matter of getting him to tell you. Despite this he is as soft as he looks, and those he cares about will be loved and protected until death.

  • Silence, loud noises and crowds make him antsy.
  • Surprisingly enough Mune is a sucker for anything sweet.
  • Being warm.
  • Puzzles/Riddles/Brain Teasers.
  • Water and getting wet in general.
  • Talking.
  • Dealing with children.
  • Other people.

  • Hot Sigh: Shoots a small fireball from its mouth towards the adversary.
Name: Babydmon

  • Hot Steam: Generates heat from deep within its body, puffing it out towards the enemy as a pungent gas.
Name: Dracomon

  • Baby Breath: Blows high temperature breath at the opponent.
  • G Shurunen: Upon touching its Gekirin scales, it indiscriminately fires a beam shot from its mouth after it has intensely radiated the horns on its head.
  • Tail Smash: Inflicts damage with its tail while spinning its body.
Name: Coredramon
  • Blue Flare Breath: Breathes searing sapphiric flames; can "burn" away the texture map of Digimon targets, exposing their wire-frame, and even their Digicore.
  • G Shurunen II: A state of berserk rage, triggered when its Gekirin is touched; Coredramon rampages with laser-heat breath.
  • Strike Bomber: Smashes targets with the flick of its tail.
Name: Wingdramon

  • Blaze Sonic Breath: Releases a supersonic heat-blast from its mouth.
  • Explode Sonic Lance: Dive-bombs the enemy at sonic speeds and uses the speed to catapult the lance on its back.
  • Wing Blast: Uses supersonic flight to generate a sonic boom.
Nickname: None yet

Gender: Male

Level Most Used: Rookie

Personality: Hot headed and brash, Dracomon is constantly rushing into things without thinking. He is passionate as he is impulsive, often leading to him getting himself in trouble. He think's with his heart and not with his head, making choices based on his emotions which he often regrets later. His impulsive nature also helps him get things done, while others may hesitate from fear or confusion, he always charges head first into problems ready to get done whatever needs to be done. He never feels lightly about everything, all of his opinions are strong and his actions forceful. Only his true friends can control his spirit, and around those he really trusts he allows himself to be softer and listen more.

  • Food, any food will do as long as he can eat it.
  • Fighting, he has the spirit of a lion and loves a good fight.
  • Being right.
  • Spending time with friends.
  • Being touched. Even a slight tap on the shoulder will send him scurrying off in fear.
  • Being all by himself.
  • Getting his friends hurt.
  • Showing weakness.

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