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Different But In Love

Melody had done this before with her family and was smoothly rowing across the beautiful water. She smiles and lightly splashes him in a playful manner.
"Hey! Don't play this game, you'll lose!" He chuckled splashing back. Dorian was laughing splashing her back but tried to avoid his camera.

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Melody giggles softly and then continued to row. She felt playful and then goes near to his boat, bumping it. "Oops, sorry!" She say, laughing in a playful manner.
Dorian looked out. "Yea, I think we far out, I need to make this a little more fun" he started smirking and chuckling. He took off his shirt and his jeans revealing his boxers and jumped in the water yelling before he jumped. He came back up. "Melody! Come on in, water is just right!!" He shouted.

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Melody blushes when she notices his boxes and then she hesitates as she takes off her clothes revealing just her underwear, she jumps in after him. The water wasn't too cold or too warm, it was just right. She smiles as she swam towards him.
Melody nods and then giggles softly, she shielded her face as she was splashed, a little bit of water still managing to soak her. "Hey!" She says and then splashed him in return.
Dorian laughed as he was interrupted by being splashed. "You splashed me first!!" He laughed loudly then splashing her back.
Melody blocked the splash with her hand and giggles softly. She plays around with him until she grew tired and hopped back into her boat, and rowed back to dry land.

Dorian had laughed and kept slashing around. When he saw her get back in the boat he called out for her. "What?! Already getting tired and bored??" He said laughing, keeping afloat in the water.
Melody manages to get out of the boat and then crawl up onto dry land. Her clothes were soaked and she didn't seem to mind as she watches Dorian in the distance as he continues to splash around in the water.
Dorian climbed back in the boat and row to where Melody was. He got out in the water and walked up to the sand.
Melody pulls her legs up to her knees and then watches the water in front of them, she smiles and then sighs happily as she does this. She felt really happy today, and she was glad.
Dorian came up to her and laid down on the sand. "I'll get my clothes later, it's nice right now." He confessed, chuckling.
Melody heard her phone vibrate lightly. She noticed that zhtd had 800 text notifications and many more, from the people she had hated. They had been texting rude things to her, typically about her insecurities and uglyness, etc. They had been even more jealous since she was with Dorian. She was popular.
Dorian never noticed but he was pretty good-looking in the school. However, he problems really down-graded him. Plus his awful honesty towards people. Dorian's eyes flickered when he heard Melody's phone buzz. "Who's that? Your parents?" He asked curiously, still lying down.
Melody just shook her head lightly and flipped her phone over so he couldn't see and looks down slightly. "Oh, its nobody" She sags quietly.
Melody quickly shook her head and placed it into her pocket. "No... I have nothing to hide" She says, lying. She wraps her arms around herself and then looks into the distance, slightly.
Dorian sighed and rested his head on the grass. He didn't want Melody to do things like that to him, it made him feel worse inside.

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