• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๊งโ € ๐”‡๐”ข๐”ฐ๐” ๐”ข๐”ซ๐”ก๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ฑ๐”ฐ: ๐”’๐”ซ ๐”‡๐”ข๐” ๐”จ !โ €๊ง‚โ €โ €;โ €โ €main.

such a pretty face

Being that it was his first time in an unsupervised setting, Arlo was being attentive of every little detail. He noticed the way Evie smoothed out her yellow dress, the way she seemed to nervously play with her hair, the way her cheeks reddened with his compliment. He was barely on the lido deck for thirty minutes and he already had a girl melting in the palm of his hand. He casually adjusted the collar on his shirt, slipping his hands down to undo just a button or two to open up more of his chest. Couldn't be the worst thing in the world to up the charm, would it? After all, he WAS a prince, and chicks digged princes, right?

"You don't have to apologize for rambling, I could listen to you all day," He paused his words to throw in a smile that he knew made most people weak in the knees. "I guess I should thank you for giving me a chance, since a lot of people tend to assume I'm just an asshole." his facial expression scrunched up as if to say "What's a guy to do?" but he quickly diffused it by letting out a chuckle.

Evie asked him where he was from and he decided this was the perfect time to play his biggest card.

"Well, I'm actually from the Kingdom of Couronne, I'm the son of King Phillip and Queen Aurora." He shot her a wink, waiting for her to swoon.

Although, there was a chance she wouldn't swoon, there was actually a chance that she was a princess, seeing how the school was full of royals. But his princely title wasn't the only charming thing he had going for him; He knew ladies fawned over him everywhere he went, all he could do was hope that Evie was one of those girls.

coded by reveriee.
excited. hyper. social.
evie french

Even with as lovestruck and naive as Evie was, she could tell when someone was being flirtatious, and Arlo was being just that. It wasn't that she minded him flirting with her, it just made it harder to keep up with the plan she'd made with herself to not fall so easily this semester. Watching closely as he popped open a button on his shirt, she could feel her face heating up. She was starting to wish Akira were here to knock some sense into her, but then again flirting was fun, especially with this new and mysterious blonde boy.

Evie chuckled at his words, pushing his shoulder playfully and shaking her head, "Oh, stop!" He was definitely going to be trouble for her, but perhaps she was up for the challenge... She hoped she was up for the challenge anyway. Then she cocked her head slightly, her lower lip pouting out as he gave her the sad story of never being given a chance. Was he a villain? Evie would be surprised if he was, not that it would bother her, it would just be surprising to see someone so clean cut as a- Damnit, now she was being prejudice.

"Well an asshole you are not." Evie smiled kindly, "Or, you haven't revealed yourself to be anyway. Then again, it's not like most guys do at first." She rolled her eyes, only to realize she hadn't meant to say the last part aloud, "Sorry." She laughed awkwardly, pressing her lips together and cursing at herself silently.

As he explained who he was, her eyes lit up, "Really?" She asked, feeling a bit better about judging a book by its cover now, "I'm Prince Adam and Belle's daughter, it seems we've both had the royal treatment growing up." The brunette teased lightly. Considering how many other royals she'd met while growing up, simply being a prince didn't impress her all that much, unfortunately she tended to be even more superficial in going for looks in the beginning. That was what her deal was for though, to try and stop the nonsense of her heart winning over her head.

coded by reveriee.


smiling fool



hi, did ya miss me?


dorm room โž top deck

Alexander wasnโ€™t put off back the lack of a smile, knowing his company probably wasnโ€™t the most of welcome. Not that he minded. He was used to the precautious glancesโ€” weariness that came from most of the people he approached, considering he liked to pick out the ones who didnโ€™t look like they needed his company. Was that more than a bit bothersome? Probably. But some of his strongest friendships from Tefiti came from the most unlikely encounters.

Regardless of a smile, Alex was simply entrapped by this manโ€™s gaze which seemed insanely intense. He felt like he was being picked apart piece by piece with just a simple glance. Even with his own confidence, he could feel himself squirm a bit just from the magnetism of it. It was a calculating glance that came from someone who was used to approaching life with a careful step, which Alexander found a bit of comfort in. Most everyone at Tefiti came from cushy backgrounds, which he never blamed them for but, sometimes it was difficult to relate on a personal level.

The stranger seemed to leave him dangling for a bit longer than necessary, before he finally introduced himself with a raspy voice that seemed to send a bit of warmth to Alexanderโ€™s cheeks that definitely wasnโ€™t from the champagne. There was a bit of emotion buried in that tone too, familiarโ€” and he tucked that information metaphorically into his back pocket. A bright grin broke out slowly across his face once more, shoulders relaxing as he knew heโ€™d just gotten about half a finger through the doorway with, Asherah. What a beautiful name, fitting of course.

He tilted his head to the side letting out a warm chuckle at the otherโ€™s comment,
โ€œIโ€™m afraid youโ€™re out of luck friend. With being new around here youโ€™ll be having this conversation probably for the next two weeksโ€
. Especially being so easy on the eyes. Alexander had no doubt Asherah would garner a crowd sooner than later, though from what heโ€™d already gathered it was going to be one hell of a pain for the other.
"It's nice to meet you though, Asherah"

Alexander patiently took another sip as he watched Ash flag down a waiter for some champagne, wondering what questions he could respectfully throw at the other to learn a bit more about him. A strong brow raised intriguingly in response, a smile dancing lightly across his lips as he tilted his own glass to exam the sparkly liquid.
โ€œEh, yโ€™know Iโ€™d much prefer a glass of whiskey but thatโ€™d probably put a stent in wellโ€”โ€
, Alex turned his head, gesturing to the elaborate, pretty decorations set up about the top deck that screamed higher class.
โ€œReally though, Tefiti puts up a bit of a front when it comes to the brochures and such, really it is a loveโ€”โ€
, His sentence was broken when he felt a limb bounce into his back, champagne threatening to slosh over the brim of his glass as he turned his head to the side.

Really, not even an excuse me?
He thought to himself as he caught the backside of the individual who had just bumped into him. And Alexanderโ€™s heart promptly skidded to a halt in his chest. For a brief moment, he wondered why his body seemed to freeze in place, lips parting briefly as a wave of confusion seemed to pass delicately over his features. It took him a few seconds to reset, fingers flexing where he held the glass as he turned back to Ash. Alexanderโ€™s face was a bit flushed with embarrassment as he realized how rude his little daydream moment mustโ€™ve seemed.
โ€œSorry, Iโ€” I just thought I recognized someoneโ€
, He mumbled with a tiny laugh to hopefully seem more lighthearted.

โ€œWhat I was trying to say was give Tefiti a chanceโ€
, Alex finally shook off the unease that had settled under his chest, his face once more returning to a warm grin.
โ€œThey donโ€™t pay me by the way, to say these thingsโ€
, He waved his hand dismissively in the air with a snort.
โ€œReally wish they did thoughโ€

Alexander raised the champagne to his lips for another sip as his eyes couldnโ€™t help but wander right back to that spot where he thought, but it was definitely impossible, yeah? Was he really that swept up that he was seeing things now? It was foolish of him to thinkโ€” the second his gaze landed on the bar, on a very real, very familiar faceโ€ฆ Alexander short-circuited. He practically inhaled the champagne with his tiny little gasp of shock, the bubbly liquid going straight to his lungs and burning like a bitch.
โ€œS-Sorry, wrongโ€” wrong pipe
โ€, Alex instantly set the flute down on the table as he turned away from Ash to promptly cough a damn storm as his entire face burned red with shame.
Dear god, he probably thinks Iโ€™m fucking insane
. Alexander thought as his eyes watered, but once more returned to the bar. He wasnโ€™t dreaming. Henri. Mon Chou. Oh, how the other had hated when Alexander first called him that, his face turning bright red like a fresh tomato in Spring. What could he possibly be doing here? Henri hadnโ€™t mentioned anything about Tefiti before heโ€ฆ disappeared. Alex felt like heโ€™d been promptly flipped upside down as he watched the man that had stolen every precious moment of his summer laugh so freely next to a gaggle of girls at the bar. A damn blizzard of emotions raged in his gut from anger to a downright burning sense of longing that had absolutely torn his heart to shreds.

What the hell was going on?

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
let's make some friends..
nea odili
Nea laughed with Renata, enjoying her energy already. Glossed lips took a sip out of the bendy straw that stood in the rather tasty pina colada before answering her question. "This is technically my first year here, but I am a senior. A little late to the party, you could say." She shrugged, not bothered by the notion. She knew it was a social setback, but Nea has been faced with much worse challenges than being the new girl.

The brunette shifted in her seat effortlessly to face Renata, her left elbow resting upon the bar beside her as she listened to her playful questioning, "So, other than great taste in both fashion and where to spend your time at fancy get-togethers, what do you like to do? Because let me tell you, I just got here and I'm bored out of my mind already." Both of Nea's brow rose knowingly,

"Well, you aren't alone there-" Unfortunately, their conversation was interrupted by another stranger,

"Well hello there beautiful, thought I'd find you here," A boyfriend, it seems. Nea remained unbothered, used to these kinds of interruptions in social gatherings. It was natural, and all in good fun. Golden eyes watched as the tall, leather-clad man lowered himself to whisper something to Renata.

The way the two conducted themselves, and their overall demeanor made it clear that they were not blessed with the arrival of family like most students were. Interesting. Her thoughts were interrupted by Renata,

"Henri, meet my new drinking buddy, Nea. Nea this is my boyfriend Henri." Nea gave him an eager smile to counter his polite one,

"Hey Henri, nice to meet another fun face around here." Taking another sip of her cocktail, she continued, "You both look stunning by the way. Did you both meet here at the Academy?" The daughter of Scar wanted to know who they were, how they were connected. Were they of importance when it came to getting closer to heroes? Nea assumed not, but she couldn't dismiss the goal. Not with her father lurking in the crowd around her. However, her interaction would be interrupted once more by an unfamiliar face. Wow. Mingling ended up being much easier than anticipated.

"You ladies look lovely, I hope you don't mind if I interrupt." Nea shook her head whilst drinking more of her pina colada, waving her free hand gently towards the stranger in reassurance. She listened to the girl, and her explanation for why she seemed so 'out of it'. Glossed lips lifted into a reassuring smile,

"Don't worry, I'm new too. My name is Nea. A new senior amongst a sea of veterans." She would be lying if she said she wasn't a little irritated that her questioning was paused, but she knew it would be better to have more friends than less. So, she maintained an air of playfulness, adding a bit of drama by outstretching her arms and pulling them out as if she were showing a vast expanse in front of her as she spoke.

coded by reveriee.

delora corazรณn.

  • mood

    experiencing a mix of emotions

the freckled woman did her best to suppress a grin at his evident nervousness. while lore was well-trained in the art of navigating a conversation due to her upbringing, she was not particularly fond of events that called for such. rather, she preferred to keep to herself for the most part as any human interaction seemed to quickly drain the life out of her. even so, delora knew she needed to make friends or allyships if she was going to thrive in her new setting. plus, she had practically agreed with her twin that she would be social. while she was, by no means, the most loyal individual to ever walk the earth, her twin was one of the few exceptions to such.

โ€œitโ€™s nice to meet you as well, keanu.โ€ she responded though she had yet to determine if that statement was true. While the dark-haired boy seemed to be a bit of a shy and unthreatening soul at a glance, lore knew better than to trust a first impression.

loreโ€™s mind rolled over the scrap of additional information he had given her following his little introduction. first time on land, huh? then, it was likely that he was a child of the sea. however, as there was not much to go on beyond that, she had not decided who his parents might be. she supposed that, in time, she would acquire that detail though.

โ€œyes, it is my first time here and on a boat, for that matter.โ€ delora had never been given the luxury of being able to leave the pretty prison that her mother had built for her. some would have considered her to be a damsel in distress of a sort. but while she might have been in distress, she was no such damsel.

โ€œsoโ€”โ€ she was cut off by the sudden appearance of a fluffy creature that had bumped into keanuโ€™s legs only to effectively back up onto her boots, drawing her attention downwards. loreโ€™s brows rose in surprise, and she instinctively took a small step back to free her feet from the extra weight that had settled on them. her brown gaze flickered up from the โ€œstrayโ€ dog to keanu, only to find that his expression seemed to have brightened. she watched as the tall boy bent down and scooped the distressed dog into his arms.

delora stepped back towards keanu, cautiously extending her free hand towards the dog in his arms. her fingers just barely brushed over the soft fur on its back, causing a small smile to form on her softly painted lips.

"um...you wouldn't happen to know anyone with a dog, would you?"

โ€œnope, but i wouldnโ€™t mind stealing the little dog for myself,โ€ she said, glancing between him and the small dog, โ€œjust kiddingโ€ฆ maybe.โ€ with that, she attempted to muster a contemplative expression for dramatics, but it only lasted a few seconds before it was replaced with a playful grin.

โ€œanyways, i imagine the owner will turn up eventually,โ€ assuming the owner was already aware that their dog was on the loose, that was. well, technically it was now contained, but stillโ€”

"do you think it belongs to another student?" with the ship currently crawling with both students and their families, she was not certain of the answer to that question herself. were students even allowed to have pets aboard?

living hell

bella poarch

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


who me?



tipsy, and a bit intrigued



top deck


Jean ( minajesty minajesty )

The anxiety seemed to slowly fade into the back of his mind as the other returned his interest, though he kept a healthy dose of caution. Even if they were on this damned ship with similar mindsets, it didnโ€™t exactly make them easy alliesโ€” not that Augustine needed them in the first place.
โ€œA little bit of bothโ€
, He surmised, a corner of his mouth ticking up into a playful smirk. (Any onlooker probably wouldโ€™ve commented on how similar their expressions were, almost uncanny-like). Augustineโ€™s gaze once more strayed to the aura hanging heavily around the manโ€™s shoulders with mild interest. The shadows slithering around his forearm and down his wrist seemed to acknowledge him briefly, which was a bit odd. Typically they were so enamored with their hosts that they paid him little mind, though there was no denying the bits of intrigue he was picking up along the way. This whole situation was definitelyโ€ฆ off, but he couldnโ€™t quite put his finger on it.

The shadows werenโ€™t always easy to read anyway, considering they didnโ€™t come with a multi-colored guide like most people would assume. Donโ€™t even get him started on fucking mood rings, did people not understand the first thing about temperature? He wondered if the stranger saw the world the way he did ever since he invited the Other Side into his life. Bits of shadow clung to every surface, some more like tiny puffs of mist while others commanded entire rooms with their encompassing darkness. During the brief time heโ€™d spent with his father, heโ€™d learned a lot about shamanism and how the art itself manifested for everyone differently. His father was a master at fortune telling, whereas Auggie seemed to pick up a knack for talking to the dead. Lovely.

โ€œOr maybe itโ€™s just the fact that people like us tend to gravitate towards each other, in some way or anotherโ€
, Augustine raised an eyebrow slightly as he nodded his head to the side in acknowledgment, his eyes once more scanning the crowd of students and parents with a certain level of loathing flickering aimlessly beneath his somber gaze. He could only assume that the other felt just as much supernatural presence clinging to him, as he did him.
โ€œOr that the company you keep seem much more convoluted than silver-spoon royalsโ€ฆ Donโ€™t get me wrong though, they certainly know how to throw a party, yeah? Nice to know all that hard-earned tuition is going towards silver balloons and finger foodโ€
. Auggie snorted as the sarcasm dripped steadily off his tongue, He had no qualms about openly bashing Tefiti, considering he already had pretty strong opinions about the ship anyway. And he certainly didnโ€™t give a shit what the other students thought about him.

โ€œIโ€™m Augustineโ€
, He withheld most of his name because it tended to get a rise out of most, and he really didnโ€™t want to explain himself. Hell, the woman checking him into the ship seemed to pale at the mere mention of it which he thought was utterly ridiculous. It was just a name. (Though he couldnโ€™t stop himself from telling her that her late Aunt wasnโ€™t too keen on the fact sheโ€™d hogged the inheritance to herselfโ€” well, that just made the poor woman turn positively green).
โ€œThough I wouldnโ€™t take that as an open invitation for any sort of friendshipโ€
, Auggie teased with a dismissive wave of his hand.
โ€œNot that youโ€™d want it anyway, Iโ€™ve been told my company is positively dreadfulโ€

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
son of olaf
s.s. motunui farewell festival.
jonas becken.
Whoops. Jonas tried not to wince. Seems he'd startled his new companion, approaching him while he was mid-chew. That...definitely wasn't a good first impression. Hopefully he could try and fix that. He hated bad first impressions, maybe if he was lucky he could still turn this around?

"Nice to meet you Beau!" he grinned. Well, he didn't seem upset? Everything seems to be going fine so far. "Shrimp, huh...not one I've had too much of. You sure you don't mind?" he paused, waiting for confirmation before he reached out, quickly grabbing some of the ceviche. Taking a bite, it didn't take long for him to nod, agreeing quickly. "You're right, I can see why you grabbed so much."

At the admission of food being his thing, Jonas nodded, understanding what he meant. "I think you'd like my friend Freya," he laughed. "She's a bit the same. But hey! You're in for a treat then. While this ship may not be a food capital of the world, the food here is pretty good." he explained. "I've yet to find a meal I haven't liked."

As a waitress approached, bringing a glass of water, he smiled, giving her a small wave as she paused. Chuckling at his - hopefully - new friend's ramble, Jonas raised a brow as he immediately began to chug the water. He frowned though at the small hesitance.

"I can see that, no worries. But uh," he paused, scratching the back of his head as he tried to think of a good way to explain. "You seemed disappointed? Was it the temperature? I uh, I can fix that, if you'd like?" he offered, lifting his free hand. Focusing his powers, he moved his hand so it was hovering over the now half-full glass. Quickly he made three ice cubes, letting them drop instantly into the water bellow.

"I'm a bit of a walking freezer," he joked. "If you need an ice cube, I'm your guy." he laughed, hoping he hadn't made things awkward. He probably should have waited, but Beau had genuinely seemed bothered by the water and he wanted to help. He was so used to helping Freya and his other friends when it came to cooling drinks or food down, that he'd just done it without thinking. "Sorry if that was a bit weird."

Thankfully his rambling was interrupted by Chancellor Moana making her speech. It was the usual welcome, so he didn't think too much of it, glancing at his companion from the corner of his eye.

"So, uh, are you looking forward to starting the year?"
coded by natasha.

  • filler

The words had just left her mouth when Chancellor Moana began to speak, attracting th attention of the crowd, along with Isla's conversation partner. Despair flooded through her, and her chest seemed to tighten. All hope of running from her feelings with the help of a little gossip and flirtation seemed to evaporate from her instantly.

Isla swtiched her weight back and forth between her feet, swaying with impatience as the speech rattled on. She was sure it was beautiful, the Chancellor always had a way with words, but Isla heard nothing but the beating of her heart in her ears.

Perhaps it was a little too risky to be flirting with Malakai out in the open like she had been- even if he was so irresistably cute. Sometimes she wondered if life would just be easier without a girlfriend. It wasn't that she didn't care about Naomi... it was just too boring to be attached.Especially when there was so much fun to be had. And she knew that probably made her a terrible person. She'd have to add that to the list of her terrible qualities she chose to try and ignore. Speaking of... she needed some more scotch.

The sound of clapping reached the corners of her mind and took over the beating of her heart, dragging her out of the void of depair for a moment. Realizing she still wanted to impress Malakai, platonic or otherwise, Isla joined in on the applause despite having no clue what Chancellor Moana had said. It probably didn't matter too much, not like there was going to be a pop quiz on it anyway.

Thankfully, Malakai had remembered her question, and had immeditely returned to their conversation. Excellent. The less time she spent trapped in her head, the better.

"Yep, that would be me." Malakai sounded good-natured enough, but there was a sparkle of some other emotion in his eyes. Isla chose not to pry. For right now, at least. "And since we're talking parents, I'm gonna take a safe guess and say that you are Merida's daughter?"

Isla couldn't hold back the wrinkling of her nose and the slight rolling of her eyes in response to being called out for her parentage. People's reactions to her mother were always a mixed bag. Either she didn't feel good enough to be Merida's daughter, or she felt entirely too good to be her daughter. There really ws never any in between for her. Not that it was anyone else's problem, of course. those were just deep feelings that she kept locked up inside, right along with her feelings about her relationship.

Jeez where was Freya when Isla needed her? Her energy always served as a perfect distraction for Isla. She'd give anything to have her best friend with her in that moment. "Yeah, that's me. The hair gave it away, didn't it?" It was a fair question. Everyone in her family, save for her grandmother, sported the vibrant red hair that anyone would recognize anywhere. And hers was just as wild and wavy as Merida's, if not moreso.

Her eyes scanned the crowd again, mostly on the lookout for Freya, but ready to spot anyone she might know-- and who might know she was attached to Naomi.

It was then that her eyes landed on her girlfriend, pointing her direction with a vibrant smile painted on her pretty face. Isla felt sick.

The last thing she wanted was for Naomi to approach and for her to have to introduce Naomi as her partner-- to a guy she'd been flirting with just ten minutes prior. She figured it was best to pretend as if she hadn't seen her.

Now she really needed to find Freya.

Her gaze flickered back to Malakai and she plastered a sweet smile on her face. "I just remembered- there's someone I promised to find as soon as the ceremony started. My best friend. And she'll kill me if I don't-- you understand right?" She chuckled good-naturedly, if a bit nervously. "Oh, but! Please, find me later? I've got the feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship, Malakai. It was so lovely to meet you!." And with those final words, she ducked away and took off into the crowd... in the opoosite direction of Naomi.

isla artagan

child of merida

with: malakai; mentions: freya & naomi

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Last edited:

  • filler

The warm chuckle that greeted Ash after his less-than-welcoming response caught him a little off guard, but in the most wonderful of ways. Usually people were intimidated by his gruff manner and unimpressed energy. Yet this beautiful man stood before him and his pointed words seemed to slide off the guy like water droplets.

โ€œIโ€™m afraid youโ€™re out of luck friend. With being new around here youโ€™ll be having this conversation probably for the next two weeks." Alexander's words were disspointing. Ash had meant it when he said he held no interest in hearing such a cliche all night. Nor was he really interesting in chatting with anyone at all, really. He'd be perfectly happy if everyone left him alone. Except for Alexander. After all, if he was already talking to the guy, he might as well follow through and see where the conversation took them. "It's nice to meet you though, Asherah."

There seemed to be a bit of an emphasis on his name, almost as if the man's voice had developed a silky touch, dripping like smooth honey on the air. His own name danced in his ears like music and he felt his face grow a little warm. He was glad he'd succeeded in flagging the waiter down.

He could feel the man's eyes on him as he inspected his champagne. He hoped Alexander was enjoying the view.

Asherah's gaze followed a droplet of condensation as it slid down the side of his champagne flute and over his hand. Perhaps it was the ice cold temperature of the champagne mixed with the sticky heat of the tropical sun that amped the flavor up for him. Or perhaps he'd felt particularly open-minded and inclined to enjoy new things. Whatever the reason, he went back for a second taste of it as the man continued on in conversation.
โ€œEh, yโ€™know Iโ€™d much prefer a glass of whiskey but thatโ€™d probably put a stent in wellโ€”โ€

"I'm a rum guy myself, though a good bourbon is nothing to sneeze at."
Ash did have to admit that a warm spiced whiskey was quite a delight. It just certainly wasn't his favorite. The flavor notes in rum were always a delightful experience, and it always brought on the right sort of buzz for him. As Smee always said 'whiskey makes ya frisky' and he wasn't wrong, it was just a mood that Ash didn't often wish to be in. Considering, however, the attractiveness of Alexander, Asherah breifly entertained a fantasy involving whiskey and some-- rather intimate moments with the man. Respectfully, of course.

โ€œReally though, Tefiti puts up a bit of a front when it comes to the brochures and such, really it is a loveโ€”โ€ Alexander seemed to continue on, almost as if he was trying to sell the place to Ash. This time, Ash did crack a bit of a smirk, and tried unsuccessfully to play it off.

"I wouldn't be here if there wasn't some appeal to it. Trust me, I dont often do things I don't wish to and--" His words were cut off as someone bumped into Alex. It seemed to be an accident, but as Alex studied the person that did it, his demeanor seemed to shift into something completely different than before. Ash merely watched with a raised brow, unsure where this newfound weird energy would lead their interaction.

โ€œSorry, Iโ€” I just thought I recognized someone." The man's apology perplexed Ash, there really was no need to explain himself. After all, someone had just bumped into him, that would be enough to rattle and distract anyone. And he had recognized someone? Hardly a surprise considering he seemed to have already attended the Academy before. A strange situation all around, indeed.

Ash's smirk was long gone now, and instead he studied the guy with some measureof distrust. Something about the situation made him feel uneasy, and he wasn't sure sure he wanted to get to the bottom of it anymore.

โ€œWhat I was trying to say was give Tefiti a chance." Alex's smile returned to his face, and he seemed to be doing his best to ease back ito the conversation. Ash wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not, but there seemed to be residual tension on the man's shoulders, and his brow seemed to remain furrowed ever so slightly. Still, Ash had to hand it to him, he was managing to play it off well, if he was still worried about something. โ€œThey donโ€™t pay me by the way, to say these things. Really wish they did though."

This time the smile that graced Ash's face was much friendlier, though not too friendly. Just enough to almost offer an olive branch out to the poor guy. "Well, if you paint it in such a beautiful light every time, they'd be an idiot not to pay you for it. With your energy, I bet admission would at least double." His tone was flat, and to anyone who was remotely sensitive it might come off as sarcastic, but for once, Ash was trying his best to play nice. Something about Alexander's demeanor stirred up some pity in Asherah's gut and he would have felt entirely too guilty if he just brushed the guy off.

Then Alex choked on his drink. Ash felt terrible about it, but reflex took over and he rolled his eyes. The guy really couldn't catch a break, huh? Alexander hacked and cought for a moment, leaving Ash standing helplessly by, the rim of his chamapagne flute resting aginst his bottom lip, but he didn't take a drink. He merely observed until the man composed himself. โ€œS-Sorry, wrongโ€” wrong pipe."

Ash peered at him closely, and perhaps a little too intensely, and it was then that he took his next drink, a much bigger gulp than last time. "You're a bit of a mess, aren't you?" Ash looked around them, his gaze flickering from person to person, absent-mindedly wondering who might have illicited such a strong reaction out of Alex. Not that it mattered. His eyes soon returned to Alex, studying him once more, but his expression had morphed from friendly back to stern once more. "You know, that person that bumped into you? You ought to have said something about it. If it rattled you so much." Oh well if Alex would rather him have not noticed, and oh well if he was mixing up his social cues. The words were said and he had no choice but to commit to them.

ash hakeem

child of hook


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
daughter of cruella de vil
farewell festival (deck).
worried > relieved.
keanu, delora.
Sadie De Vil.
Being lost in the crowd in the same conundrum as her pup, Sadie swore she could feel her palms sweating, her heart racing and the words vibrating from her hearing spectrum. Especially since students and parents alike started flooding through the wide deck for the festivities. The frantic owner shoved and pushed through the crowd for her little Pepper.

The young pooch bounced back to the impact against the leg he just ran into and rolled off the boot he landed on, shaking his whole body as he slowly regained his composure on his tiny four legs. As he noticed the solidity he bumped into moved and a face approaching him he tilted his head in curiosity, whimpering slightly not knowing what was going on. As a familiar hand like his owner had approached him, he let himself get a small whiff of his aura, especially seeing it slowly approach before he let his forehead against his palm before he barked as he was picked up, letting his head twist and turn to see a more vantage point of a look. His eyes landed on the man holding him, gently licking the palm that was holding him.

Placing her palms in the form of an 'O' in front of her mouth for her as her voice radiated through calling her little fluffball, "Pepper! Pepper! Come to Mama!"

As she was shouting she felt herself get shoved by someone yelling to shut the hell up due to the chancellor and her upcoming speech. Sadie pushed back and arranged her leather jacket, diving through in hopes of hearing her puppy's collar jingles, barks or cries. She did not care about anything or anyone else at that point. Not till she was reunited with her boy, "Pepper, darling! Come to me!"

As he was scanning the opposite female that also gently touched his fur, the salt and peppered coloured pomeranian's ears rose at the familiar sound of his owner's yells. Pepper started barking loudly as he heard Sadie, shifting and kicking towards the direction behind the young woman conversing with the human holding him. He could see Sadie's bright red hair near and as she inched near she could recognise her puppy's barks.

Her head jerked towards the calls of her child as she noticed he was being held by a male and a female who she could only assume found him. Sadie's facial features softened immediately as she ran towards the couple and approached her beloved dog in the man's arms. Pepper literally used his hands to kick off and jump onto his owner's chest, not failing to hug the furball to her chest, earning herself little licks to her neck and a lot of tail wagging.

The young designer let her relieved smile fade slowly to her signature stand-still face, "Thank you for keeping him safe from all this ruckus! I appreciate it a lot," lowering her gaze to the happy pup, "And you... don't ever jump away from me again! Now you know what I mean when I said stay." her eyes were stern as the pup barked in agreement as if they were actually conversing. A small smile appeared on her lips, "Good. Now say thank you to the nice people," with that the pooch barked towards the pair.
coded by natasha.

  • filler

"Nice to meet you Beau." The guy seemed nice enough, at least according to the tone of his voice. He had a warm and chipper quality about him that Beau really resonated with. And in his high state, he found that Jonas seemed to fit the vibe perfectly well. And honestly he ought to make some friends anyway if he was going to be stuck on this ship. Blanche was bound to make her own, and he didn't want to be sitting on his own on the sidelines like a sad sack. "Shrimp huh? Not one I've tried much of... You sure you don't mind? Beau shook his head in response to the question, of course he didn't mind sharing. He was serious about food and wouldn't offer if he didn't mean it-- besides sharing the joy of food with someone else was always a fun time for him. He watched as Jonas reached out and took a serving of the ceviche

Beau seemed to hold his breath as Jonas tried the food, watching as he brought the food to his lips and took a bite. He swore his whole body relaxed whenever Jonas started to nod. He would have felt so bad if his food recommendtion hadn't been right for the guy. Like if he had hated it? Embarassing. Beau would never live it down. Logically he knew he wasn't responsible for other people's preferences, but emotionally he would not have been able to handle that social interaction. Especially not when he was as high as he was. "You're right, I can see why you grabbed so much." Beau chuckled at the guy's comment.

"I mean... I dind't just grab it because it was good. Just got a case of the munchies I guess." The words spilled out of his mouth before he caught them, but figured once it was said it was said, there was no taking it back. He shrugged it off. "But! Yes also because it was good. You can totally have more! If you want?" Beau certainly didn't want to push food onto the poor guy, but he didn't mind offering more. Especially if Jonas really did like it.

"I think you'd like my friend Freya," Jonas laughed then, and Beau found himself grinning ear to ear in response. It was such a nice sound, a sound straight from the heart. Beau always said that if he liked someone's laugh he knew he could trust them. Jonas didn't know it yet, but he was Beau's new favorite person on the ship. A small feat, maybe, considering he was the first person Beau had actually met... but still. The opinion was still formed and it did remain. He certainly could have done a lot worse when it came to new friends. Some of the students around here seemed super intimidating. "She's a bit the same. But hey! You're in for a treat then. While this ship may not be a food capital of the world, the food here is pretty good. I've yet to find a meal I haven't liked."

Beau was intrigued by the guys friend for sure, and he had been about to contiue that conversation once the waitress had approached. Once the waitress was gone and he had gulped down some of his water, Jonas responded really well to his apology...sort of.

"I can see that, no worries. But uh," Jonas seemed to pause, and Beau arched his brow, perplexed by what he could possibly have to say. His heart rate escalated just for a moment, anxiety threatenening to take hold but he willed it away enough to keep himself mostly calm. It wasn't often that he got anxious like that. He blamed it on the new environment. "You seemed disappointed? Was it the temperature? I uh, I can fix that, if you'd like?"

Once again, Beau found himself relieved at the way the guy chose to respond. He really did win the jackpot of first interactions, and he was thanking his lucky stars for that. It made tackling this whole Academy thing just that much easier. "Oh, yeah I Guess I'm really just partial to cold water. It wakes up the senses I s'pose. Or maybe I'm just bougie as hell and don't want to admit it." He laughed aloud at that. "Oh! You like, totally don't need to go get me ice or anything. I don't wanna put anyone out, s'why I didn't ask the waitress. She's got enough on her plate. Like if I really wanted it, I would get it myself, ya know? Or maybe that's just me--" He really was just going to keep babbling on, if it wasn't for his shock and awe at the literal magic he had just witnessed. Jonas raised his hand just above Beau's half-full glass of water, and a few ice cubes dropped into the glass, a few droplets of water splashing out and onto the table.

"I'm a bit of a walking freezer. If you need an ice cube, I'm your guy." Another warm laugh sounded out from his chest, indicating that he was joking. Beau was amused, for sure, he thought Jonas was a charming and funny guy. However, he found himself almost a little starstruck, and no laughter erupted from his belly like he expected it to. Instead, he stared at the poor guy with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. A look that was so not cute. "Sorry if that was a bit weird."

Instantly, Beau felt terrible. He hadn't meant to make Jonas feel like that at all! "Oh! Shit no! Sorry, man. I was just a little surprised is all. Like, knowing magic exists and like, seeing it?Totally different things. And my sister does magic stuff sorta, but its loads different than that. I mean. That was effortless for you! Like what?" He was definitely babbling now. "Literally that was the coolest thing I've ever seen. And you can just? Do that whenever? And you totally just saved my life like--"

Thank the lord he was cut off by the Chancellor's speech. He sounded like a whole ass idiot, chirping on and on like some bird with brain damage. This guy was going to think he was so weird if he didnt clam up fast.

He snacked on his collection of hors d'oeuvres as Chancellor Moana spoke, just knowing with his whole heart that Jonas was going to come up with some excuse to walk away from the situation. Like, he'd really just helped a guy out and Beau's response was to sit there with his mouth agape like some asshole? Why couldn't he have just said thanks to the poor guy.

Unbelieveably, once the speech was over, Jonas turned right back and asked a question. "So, uh, are you looking forward to starting the year?" Oh? He wanted to continue the conversation after all?

Beau relaxed into his chair, an easy smile back on his lips. "Oh! Yeah, I guess the idea of going to school here isn't so bad. Not anymore anyway. I didn't realize there were people like you here. That makes this whole thing so much better."

beau rogers

child of tiana


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
son of claude frollo
farewell festival (bar).
must flee.
renata, maya.
alexander, asherah.
Henri Gerrard.

Was Henri the most excited student to roam this crowded deck? Definitely not. Was he glad to be on this boat to get away from home? Oh, a hundred percent.

The only thing or more like a person that is making the last year on this floating bag of bolts was his beloved 'girlfriend-in-reality-best-friend'. The same person was going through a shitstorm of family inconsistencies they both had to endure. Nothing more than a drinking buddy to mosey on the same ride along with him. Slowly sliding on the bar stool by her, he slowly lowered his arms down to hold her from her slender waist instead. Letting her chocolate brown hair undisturbed again, remembering just barely with a chuckle with her comment, "Trust me there is more where that came from."

As the female took the flute from his grasp, he stood up and reached over by the bar taking another one. As the bartender was running to stop him, it was too late. Henri raised a glass at him with a cocky smirk before sitting down on his stool again, attaching the flute to his lips and taking a gulp rather than a sip. In his mid-gulp, he heard Renata's voice introduce him to her new drinking buddy to which he raised the flute to, "Yeah, right. Nea. Pleasure." It was safe to say that Henri was not the most sociable of the pair. Whilst he was not antisocial he rather decided to keep his interactions limited. Henri seemed to be struck by the golden-colored eyes that Renata's new drinking buddy sported.

The newly introduced female, Nea, seemed not to be so bad in the man's taste. She seemed to be as open and blunt as Renata. As much as he did not fall for females typically, he did admire someone who is outspoken, "Fun face amongst a mask of faces is definitely something we can agree on," he proceeded with a nod at the compliment of their looks. Henri smirked and looked down at Ren, "Why merci, mon ami. We try our best to... what do they say nowadays? Matchin our palettes for these frivolous festivities," who knew Henri when he starts designing such wording, he is mainly either spitting out shit or simply taking a piss but to most it comes out genuine. As truthful as he may be or not, he didn't take particular care. "Oui, we did meet here. One thing was for certain magical around here..." he proceeded to design. Henri was indeed glad he and Ren crossed paths. The fact they had a no-filter friendship where both said whatever and had no hard feelings was simply the best fit for him. Such a shame she had to be of the opposite gender though.

He couldn't help but look back at the path he emerged from, still feeling the warm effect of hitting someone around his elbow in particular. His eyes fell on a familiar tall male that was his victim. His elaborate body and clothing style is all too familiar. He could feel his throat dry up as he kept examining. Henri almost swallowed his own dryness as his gaze fell on the man's jewelry hugging his ears and attire. It couldn't be. Not him... not here. How? The male quickly shifted back to get another champagne flute, downing it. Feeling the bubbly liquid burn down through his throat it refreshed him well. Nonetheless, this train of thought slowly let his chocolate brown eyes venture to the two men conversing and clearly checking one another out by just their eyes. Quite observant when he wanted to be. Henri's almost non-existent heart seemed to have halted in place, fingers clutching on the flute as he noticed the males' interaction in front of him.

Lowering yet to his girlfriend's ear he only murmured, "Code Blue." It was simply an emergency slang they used to signal when an unwanted situation happened and the person needed to evacuate.

Thankfully, this random female approached them saving Henri from getting caught glancing and Alex's embarrassment from seeing one another. Breaking his gaze was another yet female voice, borderline picky if he might add. He was particularly stricken when he heard the term ladies curl out of her lips. He leaned in closer to Renata to get a better picture of the female that decided it was best to ignore him, "I don't know about you but I don't seem to be very fitting to be a lady, no?" he managed to muster in an ever so sarcastic, dry tone. "At least if you are going to interrupt, get the genders right," he proceeded with a shrug before Renata broke his streak by introducing him to the lady that considered him a lady or blatantly ignored his presence. As his 'black-dressed Latina', as the new acquaintance described Renata, slid through with her exquisite converse, he sunk back to his barstool reuniting with the so beloved flute with bubbly liquid, his eyes couldn't help but wander to the table with the two males, still depicting whether his eyes are deceiving him or not. He prayed they were. Henri wouldn't know how to approach this situation if his summer fling was in the same boat. However, this time he was not that lucky at avoiding eye contact.
coded by natasha.



Noticing certain tendencies such as the glances towards the waves that seemed more interesting and the keeping in their own bubble. She really hoped Jonas didn't pop his bubble with her presence. She was certain he did but she hoped he wouldn't gravitate negatively toward it. Freya did have such tendencies but she was slowly brought out of her shell by those close to her so we would love to think she could be of more empathic use to those who love their shell.

Lowering her gaze, just as the male seemed to entertain in the water, she seemed to find the white ruffles in her sandals entertaining. Turning back to his companion from his concentration on the ocean, Andri forced himself to focus solely on her, no matter how much his eyes wanted to flick anywhere but her face. He didn't want to appear rude so early on in their conversation. Pinching the side of her wrist, her hazel gaze slowly trailed up to attempt to meet his gaze. It was safe to say the stranger towered over her easily which caused Freya to unintentionally tip-toe up and lower herself, shifting a bit before resorting to her normal height. It was one of the redhead's many struggles. Heights. Despite the fact that he was leaning against the railing of the boat, the height difference between them was still very noticeable. He shifted awkwardly, slouching his shoulders in an attempt to bring them closer to the same level. However, that did nothing but cramp his neck muscles. Wincing slightly, he reached a hand up to rub the pain away.

As he seemed to have accepted her invitation to converse, Freya could not help but let the corner of her lip turn up into a slight smile, pushing herself forth to motion by the railing herself. He did have a point. "Oh most definitely, you even got the black clothing to match up your camouflaged abilities too! But yes, you need to try a smidge harder," gesturing a small motion with her thumb and index as if pinching the air, trying to slide in a joking comment to ease the nerves and hopefully give him a sign she was friendly. "Technically, I did spot you but my friend over there," she paused briefly, her head of curls turned to find the tall snowman conversing with another, "... picked you for my attempt at socialising. Seems like we are both being tested." He gasped in mock offense at her dig, then laughed lightly to distract himself from the sting of her next comment. Of course, she hadn't approached him voluntarily, who would want to do that? Noticing his mock offense and nervous laugh she continued to soften the blow, "Not that I can complain about what my idiot friend pulled off," a familiar rush of heat appeared on her own porcelain skin which was quite evident, couldn't help but shifting her gaze from her dangling feet to his now matching gaze as she used the railing as an elevation.

'Shut up', he mentally chided himself. 'That's not what she meant and you know it.' He managed to silence his inner insecurities, but the tiny ache was still present as he continued the conversation. The gaze he was giving her was all too familiar as she sees it every time she looks in the mirror. The look of deeming herself not worth talking to. The look that makes her doubt why people approach her. A look that slowly dissipated when certain people started making a play in her life. Starting with her parents, Jonas, and rolling on to her best friend, Isla. The girl let her hands grip the railing and slid her feet to boost herself up for the gained height, as she let out a soft chuckle escaped those rosy lips at his comment, "Just maybe. I mean I wouldn't let it pass by knowing the brainwashing about true love, soul mates, and all... It could be that I am somehow immune to being hidden from as well?" He couldn't stop the blush that radiated from his face at her mention of soulmates. To distract her from his obvious social ineptitude, he quickly replied to her question. "I guess we'll just have to be friends, then," he said with a casual shrug. "I can't have someone with such skills as an enemy, now, can I?"

Narrowing her eyes in thought at his question she hummed in agreement, "You are definitely wise I will give you that. I love your strategy. Friends, we shall be now. Don't go outing my capabilities now ok? I love to keep it on the D.L...". "Oh no, I'll never tell your secret. Admitting your capabilities would be tantamount to recognising my own downfall, and I could never do that," he said. "I am relieved to know my secret is safe with you. You truly are an o'wise one." She was amazed at how free-flowing the conversation was for two awkward bugs like them. He grinned again at her reiterated claim of friendship. This bubbly redhead was quickly growing on him. He had never before met someone who could knock down his defenses so effectively and efficiently. "Yes, true platonic soulmates," he agreed. He immediately felt the telltale heat creeping up his neck. He hadn't meant to say that out loud.

At the mention of platonic soulmates, she couldn't help but wanted the deck to swallow her whole. It felt nice hearing it coming from someone else and not just her head. Platonic was in the way but never she thought she would be referred to as soulmate by someone else. Someone that caught her interest from the corner of her eye. The fact that the stranger acknowledged her and spoke to her instead of running away was already slowly warming up to the bubbly female. Andri couldn't help the grin that broke on his face when she agreed to be friends. This party had taken an unexpected turn for the better. He had hardly thought he would make any friends throughout the year, much less on the first day.

As she was about to speak, Freya could hear the familiar voice of the chancellor giving her a fruitful speech. They paused as the Chancellor gave her speech, clapping along with the rest of the student body as she finished up. Chancellor Moana was so welcoming, so warm, and nice. It was still beyond her how she opened up the doors to the children of villains as well. Not that she had a problem, she believed that everyone should be given the fair chance as well. Both of them gave their applause, as Freya once again faced back to her previous conversation.

"I am so excited to be back! I am Freya by the way," she slowly held a hand up for a handshake. "And you are? I don't believe I have ever seen you on deck before..." His skipping-the-party partner reached her hand out, introducing herself as Freya. Andri took the offered appendage, this time fighting down the heat before it reached his cheeks. He wasn't used to this much attention from anyone. "Andri," he replied. Feeling the warmth of his hand take her own cold petite one, it felt nice, sending a warm rush as she shook it with a bow of the head and courtesy, "Nice to meet you and make your acquaintance Andri." Freya was surely anti-social at points but her sudden bursts of outgoing energy did allow her to make the friends she has. Andri seemed to be willing in his own ways and Freya always welcomed a friendship.

He was a little surprised at the formality of her handshake, but he quickly reciprocated in kind, sweeping a bow over her hand. He could at least thank his training for that. "Likewise," was his simple reply. "Freya was a Norse goddess, right?" He mentally cringed. Couldn't his brain come up with something less strange than name origins? The strawberry blonde could not help but giggle at mentioning her origin to which she nodded, "Indeed! You do know your Norse Mythology I see! Goddess to many... though it is lacking the letter j so almost!" Freya wished she bit that last information. No one is interested in the nitty gritty's of such details, the fool she was. He felt the blush rise once again as she laughed at his comment about her name. He could tell it wasn't a mocking laugh, though, and this opinion was only strengthened as she shared her own fact. "I see I'm not the only one with knowledge of obscure facts on this boat," he said with a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Perhaps we could share what we know and then we could each have double the facts." Seeing him entertain her name fact she was quite taken aback, placing a hand on her chest baffled, "I might have met my competition then. Obscure facts are needed for details! It is rare to encounter a soul that entertains in the smallest detail of things for the fun of it. Maybe it is friendship at first sight after all!" she emphasised, especially after the fact how easily they got along after the mere minutes they conversed. An idle hand ran up to her scruffy braid, arranging it a bit before squealing with the same twinkle in her eyes. "Hundred percent agreed. We shall school the deck with our wisdom!"

As he reciprocated the kind gesture of common interest, she let herself stand before proceeding with the conversation, her eyes scanning for a familiar redhead that she was supposed to meet before the end of this festival. Especially after the tea she spilled about the chancellor's son falling on her lap out of nowhere. Andri watched as her eyes roamed the crowd. Waiting for someone, perhaps? He shouldn't keep her long if that was the case. Luckily, Freya said something about never seeing him before, and he happily latched onto that. "Yeah," he explained, "This is my first year on the Montunui. Maybe you could give me some survival tips?" Letting out a hum of thought, she let her freckled face feel the busking sun for a little bit, "Figured as much, you are going to love it here. Although, the atmosphere might shift a little with the new changes in broadening the horizons for other students now as well. I am intrigued to see where that leads. If you are one to stick to the sidelines, try to avoid the main deck and brace yourself for the team projects as well. Do you enjoy any particular hobbies? Clubs would be something worth investing in. I want to try something new myself if you want to join later?"

He was quiet for a few moments as she imparted her wisdom of the ways of the ship to him. The mention of team projects made him pale slightly, but he quickly wrestled his composure back in time to continue conversing. "I'd be interested in a writing club," he said, and then winced slightly. Had his tone been too exuberant? He didn't like sharing his interests with others, as he was usually the only one with a passion for it, and then he would feel ostracised. "Writing? It makes sense, you give me the vibe of expressing yourself well in any other means but conversing. Albeit ours right now!" she remarked before sharing a mutual smile. Andri tried to divert Freya's attention from his interest, he quickly asked a question of his own. "Do you know which clubs you're going to sign up for already?"

"I completely get it, trust me. I am the same when it comes to music. It's so much clearer when I can melody it out. That is a giver now, I shall definitely keep Music Club!". He was thankful when the subject of clubs was picked up. Although he wasn't so happy that his slip-up on the matter of his interests had been noticed. Except Freya seemed rather... supportive? He hid his puzzlement behind a compliment. "Oh yes, I can see you doing well in Music Club. You have a beautiful voice." Entertaining the club subject it seemed that both personas enjoyed different pass times but seemed to take interest in each other's hobbies, "Why to thank you. I wish my voice was beautiful as my harp notes, I will tell you that," her hands swayed slowly in front of her as if mimicking the strumming of a harp, "It is such an amazing feeling." Looking back towards his direction she bit her lower lip, "Though now I am intrigued to look at a few verses of your own during our endeavors." Andri reddened at her mention of wanting to read his writing. He had never shown it to anyone, even his parents, as no one had ever expressed an interest in it. He conceded with a murmered "Maybe someday. In exchange for getting to hear you perform a piece on the harp, perhaps."

"Deal, it seems like a fair trade." extending a hand for another handshake to seal the deal. Freya was not one to exhibit her musical talent. She only kept it within the music room back in Arendelle's castle with her beloved parents. The harp made quite the melody with her father's lute and her mother's blessed singing voice she so inherited by rarely uses to a shame. The fact her newly dark-haired companion proposed a trade for their fine interests was already giving her stomach a tryout for the gymnastics with all the summersaults it was doing, to begin with. Taking her hand once again in his, Andri gave it a firm shake to make the trade official. He wasn't exactly sure why he was agreeing to sharing his poetry, but something within him told him Freya wouldn't be judgmental of his skills.

It did not take much to divert Freya's attention, especially when she has one of a goldfish. It was something she never managed to get a hold of. "Hmm besides music, I was maybe thinking nature? I never tried it out and it seems a satisfactory result to manage to grow ad care for something so beautiful! But we'll have to see how that goes because I am definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to gardening either," she followed by a giggle at her own pun. Typical. When she mentioned a nature club, he struggled to hide his excitement, before realising it was alright as she was also expressing her own. "I didn't know there was a club for nature!"he exclaimed. "Do you know if it's just for gardening or if there might be some animals involved, too?" Noticing a slight jolt in his eyes and stature at the mention of nature club, she couldn't help but notice. "Me neither to be honest, I heard a couple talking about it on the way to the cabins," shaking her head with a sigh she placed her hands on her hips, "Am afraid not. I would assume so? Animals are considered to be a part of nature too, right?" a bed of curled braids tilted to the side in genuine questioning.

Recalling her earlier comment about not having much of a green thumb, he felt the natural urge to propose a solution. "If you did join nature club, I could help you with the gardening aspect. I have a bit of an affinity with plants. I guess it probably comes from my mum; spending such a long time in the dwarfs' forest turned into something of a lover of flora and fauna," he explained. "Although it could also just be one of the many facets of my charming personality." He was unable to resist adding the sarcastic joke to the end of his speech. What came out of his lips next, baffled her. As much as he did exhibit anxious traits in terms of socialising he was slowly opening up to her which couldn't help but cause her a plastered smile on her face that seemingly seemed to have frozen her facial muscles. "Really? I mean do make quite a dope apprentice if I do say so myself!" she kidded as her hands fluffed her skirt with the comment, casually accepting that proposal. He smiled as she accepted his proposal of coaching. That was something friends did, help each other, right?

As he spoke a bit of his background, Freya couldn't help but notice. Nature, dwarves, forest, "I am guessing your mother is Snow White then? I cannot come close to imagining such greenery. The only living thing I can manage to take care of were reindeer and plants I form out of the snow." The strawberry-blonde could not help but let a small laugh escape her lips and shake her head at the sarcastic comment, "Ah, your humor is definitely something Andri, one might say indeed, charming." Freya mentally kicked herself in the head at reusing his own comment, realising only just as she spoke it out loud. At her guess of his parentage, he nodded. "Yeah, my mum's Snow White. And might I speculate that I am speaking to none other than the daughter of the great Queen Anna herself?" He had been suspicious, but the mentions of snow and reindeer pretty much confirmed it. Freya couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "Aa so you are aware of the North I see. Yes yes, you guessed right. That is she and my dad Kristoff. Though they may be long gone by now.". She was surprised he didn't comment on how cold her touch felt in general compared to his warm one.

Realising she was looking idle for too long she shook her head and focused solely on him, "I am sorry. My, that was so rude of me." She could not help but unintentionally reached her hands forth to him before realising. "It's just that my best friend promised she would meet me on deck after the chancellor street and well she is nowhere to be seen," muttered out, trying to justify her behavior, only with the truth. He was about to launch into a speech about all his pets back at home before he realised that this might bore his companion. Instead, he voiced his previous thought, noticing her gaze wandering once again. "If you want to go see other friends, please don't let me keep you." His heart sank a little at the thought of their conversation ending, but Freya was a senior, and it was only logical that she would have other friends from the year before that she would want to catch up with. Of course she would be looking for other friends. No matter how he wished against it, they couldn't keep talking like this for the rest of the party. He waved off her apology. "Don't worry about it. Just because you're my only friend here doesn't mean I'm yours." He mentally kicked himself at the slip of words. What was it about Freya that made him so defenseless? He would have to watch his words more carefully around her. Seeing him wave off her apology she almost pouted, "The fact I am a senior does shift our odds of friendships. I only have two I consider close but wise words of advice. Do keep your enemies closer." Her eyes showed sincere care for her companion as she gently placed a supporting hand on his forearm (which was where she could reach), "Don't cut yourself short though, I mean we made friends on the first couple of hours here! Can't imagine you still having one friend till the end of the year for sure!!" she practically squealed that out before retracting her hand to herself. She did think he had potential if he did try. He had such a charming personality with good puns and jokes. Not to mention she hasn't felt this comfortable talking to a not-so-stranger now in quite a while. He veritably glowed with pride at her laughter. Usually after he tried out a joke, it was met with awkward silence or forced laughter, or else ignored all together. However, he could tell that Freya's laughter was genuine. She voiced another comment, but his attention was lost as her hand came up to rest gently on his forearm. All the blood that wasn't heating his cheeks rushed to the point of contact, leaving him strangely light headed. "I wouldn't mind if you were my only friend." The words slipped out before his brain could filter them out. "I- I mean," he stuttered, "I mean you're really good for a first friend." He was sure his face had turned an ugly shade of beetroot. Forget a beacon, they could just use his glowing red face. "To tell you the truth, I was a little bit sad to board this boat. I'll definitely miss the natural aspect of being on land, but maybe Nature Club can make up for that," he explained. Her speech continued, and as she removed her hand, he slowly was able to tune in again to what she was saying. He smiled feebly at her encouragement, still trying to regain his composure. What was that?

"It is to be expected though if you want to know something and all the current news, that's Isla for you!" Freya's eyes shone at the mention of her close friend, "You are not keeping me. Not the slightest. I am actually glad we got to converse. Though if you see bright orange curls much like Merida's do let me know! You seem to have quite the vantage point up there!" He laughed at her gentle dig at his height. "Yes, it does help me easily locate all the people to avoid." He quickly scanned the crowd for another head of red hair, and within a few seconds, he spotted a likely candidate. "I think I see her. She's headed roughly in this direction, I can't tell if she has a set destination or not." Bowing her head ever so slightly at his returned compliment she was suddenly ever so grateful that Jonas pushed her towards this young prince. "Touche, touche. Mine only allows me to hide from those I want to avoid!" Seeing him actually scan the crowd for her friend she turned to also try a scan but nonetheless, no results from her end. As he locked a target she couldn't help but try to spot her only to see a few familiar curls running close to her direction, she must have been looking for her. The girls always kept their promise to one another.

He didn't like to make snap judgements of people, especially without meeting them first, but this Isla girl seemed like someone to avoid. He despised gossip of any sort. He supposed it was because of one too many negative stories with him in focus. Although, she couldn't help but be alright if she hung around Freya. There was an aura of goodness that permeated the air around his redheaded companion, and Andri could easily see how it would affect those with her. Facing her newest edition of a platonic soulmate she pointed towards her incoming friend, "I must thank you Andri. You located her quite a spot on. She must be actually looking for me." Before departing from him she assured him of one thing, "This shall not be our last conversation but merely the first of many. Be seeing you Andri, I might actually take up your offer of Nature Club after all."

He was equal parts glad and sad when she turned to go locate her friend. If she left, he could stop embarassing himself, but he was also losing a wonderful conversation companion. "It was nice talking to you, Freya," he said. "Hopefully we can do it again sometime soon?" Giving him a gentle nod to his question, "It would be my pleasure. Don't be a stragner!"

With that Freya slowly turned around, her flowing skirt following her as she started walking in Isla's direction, only to look back at him and wave before disappearing into the crowd. He raised his hand in a tiny half-wave, then watched her disappear into the crowd.

Location: Deck (by the railings) | Scenario: Making Friends | Outfits: Freya + Andri | Mentions: Isla & Jonas | Conversing with: Andri | Tags: too.matcha.a.good.thing too.matcha.a.good.thing , izayoiix izayoiix , nova.the.alien nova.the.alien

Coded by Invidia


a visit to waialiki isle ; obstacle course + sparring โ™ก


  • h

young dumb & broke




the waialiki isle scene will be separated into four parts, starting with the arrival scene. the boat has already been docked & students are ushered into dorm-like buildings to unload their belongings. once they have finished, they are free to roam the isle (while still being in sight of the staff) until 12:30PM -- where they are expected at the amphitheater where the obstacle course instructor will be. from there, the tree-top obstacle course scene will begin. following scenes: sparring field scene, waialiki bonfire.


Greetings, students! It has been a week since the Farewell Festival and you all have shown great responsibility and worth ethic during your short time here. I am excited to see what's in store for the future. Today, the S.S. Motunui will be making a two-day stop at Waialiki Isle, an extended part of the island used for extracurriculars. Staff aboard may have already told you, but pack the essentials and dress comfortably. The next event is going to be quite the experience. -- Signed, Moana.

Classes have been canceled today to prepare for the stop at Waialiki Isle. Students are buzzing with excitement and/or anxiety while getting ready for the cruise ship to dock and staff are planted in the lobby to address any questions or comments that may arise as the S.S. Motunui nears the island. All have been made aware of the extracurriculars that they will be participating in once they arrive; the tree-top obstacle course that will promote team-building skills & sparring. However, they aren't aware of how heavily they will be forced to rely on their partner's trust to complete the course until they arrive. Surprise!!

Partners for Tree-Top Course:
Evie [ temporarybliss temporarybliss ] x Andri [ too.matcha.a.good.thing too.matcha.a.good.thing ]
Malakai [ minajesty minajesty ] x Cecilia [ sunshineysoul sunshineysoul ]
Aria [ temporarybliss temporarybliss ] x Delora [ BOKEH. BOKEH. ]
Thea [ temporarybliss temporarybliss ] x Keanu [ izayoiix izayoiix ]
Asherah [ nova.the.alien nova.the.alien ] x Maya [ a z u l a a z u l a ]
Ruby [ sunshineysoul sunshineysoul ] x Elias [ revalia revalia ]
Arlo [ sunshineysoul sunshineysoul ] x Akira [ a z u l a a z u l a ]
Freya [ revalia revalia ] x Jaihid [ sunshineysoul sunshineysoul ]
Augustine [ finnly. finnly. ] x Blanche [ nova.the.alien nova.the.alien ]
Naomi [ minajesty minajesty ] x Ebonee [ izayoiix izayoiix ]
Jonas [ izayoiix izayoiix ] x Sadie [ revalia revalia ]

Partners for Sparring:
Asherah [ nova.the.alien nova.the.alien ] x Naomi [ minajesty minajesty ]
Akira [ a z u l a a z u l a ] x Freya [ revalia revalia ]
Malakai [ minajesty minajesty ] x Renata [ izayoiix izayoiix ]
Jean [ minajesty minajesty ] x Cecilia [ sunshineysoul sunshineysoul ]
Henri [ revalia revalia ] x Alexander [ finnly. finnly. ]
Ruby [ @sunshineysoul ] x Delora [ BOKEH. BOKEH. ]
Isla [ nova.the.alien nova.the.alien ] x Arlo [ sunshineysoul sunshineysoul ]
Ebonee [ izayoiix izayoiix ] x Damian [ a z u l a a z u l a ]
Jonas [ izayoiix izayoiix ] x Jaihid [ sunshineysoul sunshineysoul ]
[ revalia revalia ] x Blanche [ nova.the.alien nova.the.alien ]
Next Scene: Waialiki Sparring.
Following Scene: Waialiki Bonfire.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
malakai waialiki
  • MOOD: ecstatic & a tad bit nervous.
son of moana.

it had been a week since the farewell festival ended and students were made to say goodbye before they officially set sail. but for malakai, however, it was a long week. part of him had wished that he was one of the few students that had the chance to actually say goodbye to his parent and set sail alone, but you could never actually accomplish that with your mother being the chancellor. wherever the S.S. Motunui was, moana was the first passenger. and there was no way malakai could escape her overwhelming clutches until now. seven long days consisted of him being bombarded with the same repetitive rules presented by different teachers, and when he wasn't cursed with a full day of information overload, he was dodging moana. some days, he was successful but other days, he was trampled by an overbearing mother who didn't care to conceal her motherly love for him in the slightest. even in crowded spaces, he was greeted by them. part of him felt somewhat guilty for the growing annoyance but he wouldn't shame himself for wanting a bit of space to himself every now and then just like his peers.

so the fact that moana wasn't leaving the boat when they docked at waialiki isle seemed like a god-given grace. here he would bathe in the freedom he was finally given away from her, even if it was a school-related event.

the motunui was massive to him in the beginning, but waialiki isle seemed to stretch beyond his sight. first, his eyes fell upon the buildings he assumed they would all be staying in. then they naturally gravitated towards the green fields and walkways that led towards an amphitheater, which was lined with staff intent on keeping the grounds as peaceful as they could. the tension he didn't know he carried seemed to fall off his shoulders immediately when it occurred to him that he was finally off the suffocating boat. land was where he thrived and he could tell this island was right up his alley.

"i'd suggest picking out your room now, mr. waialiki. they tend to fill fast." a staff member chimed, quickly causing malakai to snap his head in the direction of the voice. he hadn't been aware of just how long he was standing in one spot, but clearly, it was enough to raise the attention of one of the staff members. he responded with a nod and a quick smile, however, before he found himself heading towards the nearest available dorm room.
code by valen t.
Last edited:

  • filler

Ash stood, his feet planted firmly on the shore. The warm tropic breeze kissed his face and toyed with his hair, making it decidedly more messy than it had previously been, wisps of obsidian torn from their settled home and swirled around in the air like some chaotic, yet gentle dance. His eyes were locked on the horizon, taking in the view of where the sky embraced the sea and the sun revealed the beauty of the ship on the ocean's surface.

It was a sight to see, that was for sure. Yet it hardly compared to the sights he would see from the glittering shores of Neverland, looking out upon the water to his father's boat. Seeing the Jolly Roger in all it's glory was breathtaking. Even though the current view couldn't hope to compare, in his opinion, it was still beautiful and he hoped that it might inspire some creativity in him. At least enough to write a poem, perhaps. He'd been on a bit of a dry-spell recently, with his writing. Too much to take in and so few words to describe it all. Maybe if he returned to his roots; sky, ship, and sea, he could become a bit more prolific.

"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me." His voice was quiet as his sang the lyrics, a twist of dry humor on his tongue as he did. Funny, when he was home his dreams were filled to the brim with a desire to be elsewhere. Now that he was away, he found his mind-- and his heart-- often wandered to home and he found himself missing the Neverland sky and the sound of the sea there.

Feeling as if he'd been staring across the water and lost in his thoughts for far too long, Ash tore his gaze away and took in his surroundings, as if to ground himself from the thoughts he'd flown away with. He ensured his privacy; he wanted his inner thoughts to be shared with the depths of the ocean only, and perhaps a bird or two should they find themselves near to him. He ran a hand through his hair, no point in trying to keep it neat at this point, the wind had already done it's job.

"There lies a secret,
between myself, and the Sea."

He mulled over the words again and again, loving the way they felt on his tongue and the music of them in his ear. He wasn't quite sure how to continue them, yet he clung to them in hopes that they'd grow into something more.

Toying with possibilities for the next line, Asherah finally brought himself to turn away from his Ocean View, and took in the island instead.

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed to be moving into the dorms on the island. Personally, he much preferred the swaying of the water to gently lull him to sleep. With resignation, he sighed and supposed that these dorms would serve him well enough. He gathered up the bag he had packed, he hadn't even bothered to join the rest of the students as they made their way to claim a room and settle in. He'd wanted a proper goodbye (no matter how momentary) when it came to his friend and closest confidant, the Sea. She deserved it.

Sand fell from his bad as he hoisted it up and began his trek to the rooms.

"Hmmm." He hummed, thinking again of his unfinished poem.

"There lies a secret;
between myself, and the Sea.
For I've never known anyone
I trust more than She. "

That was perfect for a second line-- now onto another verse.


Ash had gotten himself settled in, at least as much as he felt like. The idea of unpacking his belongings only to pack them back up in a few days seemed to only be a waste of time to him. Yet, he'd unpacked the essentials, placed his beloved letter tenderly below his pillow as it bad been on the ship, and a set out a few books on the nightstand to keep him entertained in whatever downtime he managed to find.

His fingers ran along the duvet, the quality was nice, of course. Much better than anything he'd had at home. He had mixed feelings about the quality. On one hand, it was almost nice to sink into the lap of luxury that wasn't pillaged or plundered for. On the other, he'd discovered that the finer linens seemed a bit too soft for him and and hindered his sleep more than it aided him. He sighed softly and rubbed the tips of his fingers together. HIs nose wrinkled, as if he could still feel a residual softness lingering upon them.

The wood in the room was immaculate though, and he found himself admiring that craftsmanship moreso than he did the fabric. Still, it was yet another thing that made him feel that much further from home.

He was procrastinating. He was procrastinating his poem, and he was certainly avoiding the mingling part of the day. There was so much of that here- mingling and interacting and talking. It was horrible. Could no one merely travel the world and merely sit with their thoughts before speaking them aloud?

Wishing to put the mingling part off for just a moment longer, he desperately went fishing for his journal in the depths of his bag. He'd left it in there, packing it purposefully in the bottom because he hadn't thought he'd find inspiration enough for it. He'd been hopeful enough to bring it along, however, and for that he was thankful. Once he'd retrieved it, he laid it open on his nightstand and knelt over it to scrawl in his messy scroll that he used when he was trying to get his thoughts down before he forgot them. Not that he was going to forget them seeing as they swirled around incessantly in his mind. The problem was his inability to form the next part of the poem.

There lies a secret;
between myself, and the Sea.
For I've never known anyone
I trust more than She.

"I'm writing a poem about the Sea being my only friend." He scoffed at himself. Unfortunately, Ash had been doing that lately, talking himself out of a poem for fear of sounding foolish. The intrusive thoughts certainly served their purpose, they had a perfect record of completely wrecking his inspiration. "Maybe the whole mingling thing has a point to it, hm? Like, maybe not talking to yourself...and a fucking Ocean!" He rose to his full height and peered at the open journal with disdain. Still, he left it open, as if some part of him had a desire to return to it later.

Finally, Ash left his room. Out of habit, he made himself unknown as he strolled through the hallways and right out the door. The outside air seemed to bring him some relief as his shoulders seemed to relax. If he was going to socialize, he'd have to do it out here. Being cooped up inside and feeling trapped in the conversation certainly wasn't going to help him get through it.

As if proving a point to himself, he scanned the area for someone-- anyone-- that he would want to talk to. Luckily, his gaze landed on Ebonee. He remembered her name, it was a very nice one, he remembered complimenting it when they'd first met. She hadn't seemed so bad either, when they met. Their interaction seemed to go rather well-- with her and her friend-- Edwin? Oh! No it was Elias. He shook his head at himself, disappointed he'd forgotten. He typically remembered names, finding them to a be a sort of poetry unique to the person they were attached to.

Better yet, Ebonee was the child of a villain too-- there were much less expectations to uphold. Ash had no interest in talking to any of the royals, he had no interest in admitting that they intimidated him either.

Holding his breath a bit, he approached Ebonee and sort of sat beside her, but with at least six feet of distance. He wasn't too good at sharing personal space just yet. "You sign up for any of the events today?" Jeez. He was awful at small talk... perhaps he should have said something else before diving right in... oh well. It was said and done. Hopefully she wouldn't just yawn in his face and take her leave.

ash hakeem

child of hook

with- ebonee; mentions- elias

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

  • filler

Beau was up before dawn, as stars still littered the sky above them and around them. While his environment might have changed, his habits certainly hadn't, and although he didn't have desserts and breads to bake, his eyes opened at the same time every morning. His hands missed having something to do, and his heart certainly missed the companionship he'd had at home.

Still, nothing quite beat lighting up a joint on the top deck and watching the sun rise. As long as he was quiet-- and careful-- he wouldn't be caught. Or at least, he hadn't been yet, and that had made him entirely too confident.

The sun hadn't quite peered over the edge of the horizon, and Beau stood with one foot on the bottom rung of the railing, his head tilted towards the sky as he watched the stars get plucked from it, almost one by one as light began to stretch across the earth. An almost-finished joint hung from between his middle and fore-finger, a trail of smoke pouring from it and dancing into the quiet early-morning air before disappearing entirely. It was so quiet out amongst the waves, gone were the sounds of the bustling city. It was rather nice, and for a moment he mourned that he hadn't experienced peace at this capacity for as long as he could remember.

"I thought you said you weren't going to smoke here." It was an accusation, and a correct one that darted out of Blanche and accosted Beau's peaceful silence out of nowhere. The sharp hiss sent him jumping-- what felt like six feet-- in the air. "And you're doing it so out in the open too? You're not even paying attention, dude. I'm right here and you didn't even notice me come up."

"Yeah but you have practice sneaking up on me and ruining my fun."
Beau stuck his tongue out at his sister, then took another puff off the joint and offered it out to her. "Come on Babs, you know you wanna take a hit." A sneaky smile spread across his face, but the giggle that burst out of him was enough to wreck his bold facade. Admittedly, he was nervous. Blanche's attitude had seemed dangerous since they'd come here. She had an appearance to uphold, and she'd likely toss Beau overboard if he did anything to hinder that. Apparently Stoner Barbie was not the Vibeโ„ข.

Blanche wrinkled her nose and turned her face away. "Come on, Beau. Cut it out and put it out. It stinks."

Beau rolled his eyes, but gave in and extinguished the joint on the bottom of his shoe. "What are you out here for, anyway? Aside from being the biggest Party Popper to roam the Earth?" He gave her a pointed look, but plopped himself down on one of the lounge chairs, prepared to listen if she needed to talk. The end of the joint he slid into a DoobTube, heavily intent on finishing it off later-- away from the eagle-eyes of his twin sister.

Blanche narrowed her eyes at him, as if she was unsure whether or not he was actually interested in hearing what she had to say. Beau waited patiently, and eventually she decided to respond. "I dunno. It's quiet out here, I guess." She gathered her robe around her-- the deck felt chilly to her when the sun wasn't out. She sat at the end of the lounger chair Beau was on, and allowed him to lay his legs over her lap when he made the move to do so. Feeling her close like this was comforting to him. They'd always been affectionate like puppies are; laying all over each other and play fighting and also sometimes, real fighting. He wouldn't have it any other way. "Having trouble sleeping lately. I sorta miss the sound of a city never sleeping. You know, in New Orleans there was always something to listen to."

"I miss the sound of Mom waking up the whole house with a song. I remember we used to get so annoyed when she did that. After a while it just became one of those sounds that makes you feel like you're home. Like the sound of Grandma sewing all hours of the night when she had a project she was working on."
Beau was glad that his sister seemed just as wistful for home as he had been. He sat up then, and pulled his sister into a tight hug.

"I know it's gonna take some getting used to, Babs, but we're here to celebrate you. Don't make me celebrate you by myself, okay?" He chuckled, knowing just how cheesy he sounded, and Blanche chuckled right along with him, but he felt her tears on his shirt and knew she was feeling all sorts of things in that moment. "We're in a place that's giving you the freedom to be as great as you want to be. So be great!! Conquer bigger demons than maybe just telling me to quit the ganja yeah? Majorrrr buzzkill, your powers are best suited elsewhere. Mhmm."

Blanche shoved him away, but was laughing despite herself. Beau was just glad he managed to bring a smile to her face. She pulled him back into a hug just as quick as she had shoved him away. "Thanks." She mumbled. "For always being around to make me feel better."

Beau squeezed her shoulder. "Yeah man, I've always got your back." He grinned and stood up from their hug, eager to start about his day. As he stretched, he shot her a playful wink and stuck his tongue out at her. "Lay off the ganja thing though, for real."


Beau was among the first to arrive at the new chateau, he and Blanche side by side. Blanche was always obsessed with arriving on time, and Beau, well Beau was just eager to get settled so he could find the time to finish off that joint he'd had to abandon because of Blanche earlier. And this seemed like the perfect place to do it. He'd selected his room, unpacked, then stealthed out of the building before Blanche could catch him.

He loved his twin but it was time for a smoke break, and then it would be time to mingle and make friends. Blanche didn't always have the best taste in friends, particularly when she felt she had something to prove, and Beau wasn't about to let her control who he surrounded himself with. Some of these people seemed entirely too stuffy for him.

He'd just breached into some trees and leaned his weight against one of them before striking up his lighter and setting the tip of the joint ablaze. The flame grew a little bigger than anticipated, and Beau blew sharply at the end of it, gaining control of the flame to the point where it was merely a smolder. He inhaled, smoke filling his lungs. He held his breath as long as he could, and as he exhaled, a trail of smoke flitted in the air amongst the trees.

He was about three puffs in when he realized he hadn't quite been alone. Far enough to have missed, but close enough to smell the smoke and see what Beau was doing stood another student. Beau had remembered seeing him around, though wasn't quite sure if he remembered the guy's name or not. He did what any sane person would do in his situation-- or perhaps his reactions wasn't sane at all and he should have been more shameful. He raised a hand and waved a greeting. "Hullo there! Didn't realize someone else was over here or I woulda minded my manners a bit better and greeted ya sooner."

It was then that he realized the joint was still burning away in his hands, and he took another hit before offering it out to the other guy. "Er, don't suppose you wanna hit of this, do ya?"

beau rogers

child of tiana

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
naomi virana fang
daughter of chief namaari.
"so what exactly did the ol' lady have planned for us, do you know?" curiosity peaked at its highest level within her mind as she packed the last-minute essentials into her mahogany leather duffle bag. in truth, she had her things tucked away into the interior when the students had learned of their stop at waialiki isle. being that it wasn't her first time there didn't diminish the excitement she felt knowing she would be back there again. naomi was a land creature, thriving off the touch of the grass and the sounds of the leaves dancing as the wind combed through them. and while the motunui was nothing short of comfort, the swaying could make anyone queasy if they weren't exposed to it on a consistent basis. the isle was her home away from home.

the lack of response from her friend and staff member, simon, caused a cascade of waves to fly back as she lifted her head to meet his face. and the smirk he was brandishing told her everything she needed to know. it was a 'you'll find out for yourself' expression that made her mockingly stick her tongue out at him like some kind of child, immediately earning a laugh.

"be that way then," she jokingly pouted as she zipped the bag closed. clothes and hygiene products on top, and a little liquid courage for herself and isla on bottom. she was a veteran at the secrecy game, knowing that staff wouldn't dare to look under if she left a couple tampax products laying shamelessly on top. naomi quickly learned that nothing scared men quiet more than the topic of a woman's monthly. it made for a perfect distraction.

once all was put away and her room was organized orderly, fang followed simon as she closed her cozy dorm behind her and broke into a slight jog to catch up. their goodbye was swift as they parted in different directions, simon going to help a different student and naomi zooming to get off the cruise ship. a part of her wanted the same dorm room on land that she had last year and she made sure to get up and out as early as she could to make it happen. and fortunately for herself, the faint "NF" symbol that she had carved into the door just below the rim of the knob was still there. the room was available.

yes, she celebrated internally, pushing the surface of it open and taking another good look at the interior of it. not a spec of dust in sight but the room layout was arranged differently from the last time, the bed being under the window. she wasn't complaining, however: who would complain about a good view?

tossing the duffle bag on the surface of the cotton linens, naomi ruffled through until she found a decent pair of shorts and a white tank that was cropped to meet the top of her belly button. it was easy to throw on and she wanted to get out of the pants to let her skin breathe. the weather was perfect for the get-up she picked out and she was keen on taking advantage of it.

the speed at which she kicked out of her old clothes and put some fresh ones on was quick. fang didn't want to waste another moment being in her dorm room with her favorite girl stepping foot on the same island as she. isla artagan had lived rent-free on her mind all morning, since the day they started dating to be exact, and naomi wanted to spend every moment she could with her girlfriend. it was safe to say that fang was lovestruck. too lovestruck to realize just how much her neediness and want for a healthy relationship had pushed artagan away for some time. couples argued, and couples bounced back. that's what fang wanted. she couldn't see them parting any time soon and no part of her wanted to in the slightest. love was a strong word but naomi would unhesitantly use it when it came to the princess. her princess.

a bashful grin tugged at the corners of her glossed lips and a faint pink color grew on her cheeks. any time she thought of isla, her heart would flutter like a teen girl accidentally locking eyes with a crush. and a part of her was thankful that she was still shielded by her dorm room, out of sight from anyone who would dare see her whisked away in her daydream.

heaving a sigh, naomi brushed some loose wavy strands of hair out of her face as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. she watched as a few students started claiming their rooms, even throwing the occasional hand up in a wave to some. but saying hello was the last thing on her mind at the moment. her dark brown eyes were fixated on finding isla, scanning the crowd for a head of red hair that would shine and glow like an angel's halo thanks to the aid of the sun.
code by valen t.

  • filler

This shit was getting old. It was the fifth night in a row that Blanche hadn't managed to get more than three hours of sleep.

She'd gone to bed early the night before, did all that she could to create the perfect ambience for her to get the perfect sleep. Only to wake up at one in the morning and stare at the ceiling for the next several hours, splitting her time between the silence that surrounded her and the thoughts in her head that seemed to be riding a mental carousel that reached supersonic speeds.

She was probably too anxious. It was the new environment and all the expectations that came with it; some natural to the circumstance, some that were outlandish and enforced entirely by herself and no one else. She'd been trying her best to fit right in but none of it felt real. Sure some people seemed to like her well enough. Still, she found herself envying Beau. He seemed to make friends so easily, so quickly, and he always seemed to be his authentic self no matter how embarrassed she thought he ought to be.

She huffed loudly, and some curls that had slipped from her bonnet and laid on her forehead flew up in the air a little. She knew she had tossed and turned-- she didn't realized she'd moved around that much.

With an almost heavier sigh than the one before, she sat up on her bad and slid her legs off to the side before pulling her satin bonnet off her head and folding it neatly and setting it down on her bedside table. She turned on her lamp and risked a glance at her reflection. She instantly looked away. The bags under her eyes were heavy and the curls at the front of her head needed some refreshing. She'd deal with that later. "I need some air."

Pulling her hair into a loose ponytail, Blanche stood from her bed and wrapped her robe around herself. It was too early for anyone else to be up, unless they were particularly masochistic, the sun hadn't even risen on the horizon yet, though the sky seemed to be growing incrementally lighter.

She made her way to the deck. The crisp early morning air was just enough to wipe her mind for a brief moment. A couple minutes of bliss.

Until she smelled a sickly sweet smell, floral and fragrant, and horrendously stinky. A smell she knew all too well, and one she'd never admit she was fond of. It reminded her of home. Walking out on the balcony at night when she couldn't sleep, smelling it and knowing Beau was on the roof, smoking the night away. She would often join him, sometimes she wouldn't smoke, but most of the time she would. She'd just changed the rules since they came here. Here she played it safe.

She knew the smell belonged to her brother. Something told her that no one else would be so bold, although she surely wasn't aware of how wrong she could be. She hardly knew anyone else Still, she followed the scent and learned very quickly that her intuition was correct.

She gazed upon Beau for a moment, living in the grasp of her comfortable nostalgia. She wanted more than anything to join him, to smoke and talk as the sun rose in the sky.

Blanche didn't care so much what the other students thought, though she went ahead and let Beau believe that she did. It was more selfish than that. Blanche was so scared that Blanche would get caught and they would be sent back home and Blanche wouldn't be able to follow through with the very first thing she had done for herself. Or worse yet, only Beau would be sent home, leaving her to tackle the unknown by herself. That, she wouldn't stand for.

"I thought you said you weren't going to smoke here?" Blanche tried not to laugh when Beau's body jolted in surprise-- it would totally ruin the serious vibe she was trying to give off. She barely succeeded. "And you're doing it so out in the open too? You're not even paying attention, dude. I'm right here and you didn't even notice me come up!" She winced a little at that. Lord, she sounded like a nag. Honestly, it was a wonder Beau put up with her like he did.

"Yeah but you have practice sneaking up on me and ruining my fun." Ouch, that one hurt a little more than she expected. She could be fun sometimes, and Beau knew that more than anyone. She probably deserved it lately, though. He surprised her a bit when he offered the joint out to her, a sneaky smile on his face and an annoying twinkle in his eyes. "Come on Babs, you know you wanna take a hit." Actually, yes, she did. And she was a little miffed that he seemed to know that.

She refused to give in however, and narrowed her eyes at him before turning her face away. "Come on, Beau. Cut it out and put it out. It stinks."

Beau obeyed and put it out, albeit on the bottom of his shoe of all places. You'd think if he didn't want to be caught he would have prepared a little better, maybe brought a bottle along to ash in. He likely hadn't even stopped to think about it, chalk it up to one of those times that Blanche felt like she took all but two braincells when they were in the womb together. "What are you out here for, anyway? Aside from being the biggest Party Pooper to roam the Earth." His tone was teasing, so Blanche seemed to relax just a little and found herself rolling her eyes fondly at his dramatics.

Still, she pondered his question before she answered it. She didn't know if she wanted to bother him with what was really going on with her. Sure, he'd come along on this journey for her but that didn't mean that he needed to spend every waking moment making sure that she was okay. She settled for answering his question, instead of launching into a an in depth-explanation of her feelings. She'd had enough conversations with him to know that was what he was after. "I dunno. It's quiet out here I guess." She wasn't wrong, but it was quiet in her room, too. Being out and about hardly made any difference.

She joined him on the lounge chair then, craving the sort of comforting closeness that only he could offer, and he happily obliged, laying his own legs over her lap. She was grateful for the warmth as well. "Having trouble sleeping lately." That was putting it lightly. She felt her feelings on the edge of her tongue, threatening to spill out in a confession. She bottled them away, deciding to tread safer waters, and hopefully the conversation would redirect to him. "I sorta miss the sound of a city never sleeping. You know, in New Orleans there was always something to listen to."

"I miss the sound of Mom waking up the whole house with a song. I remember we used to get so annoyed when she did that. After a while it just became one of those sounds that makes you feel like you're home."
Blanche hated when her mother did it. Since their father left and Tiana's voice sounded out without the accompanying guitar that Naveen had faithfully strummed along with her, the music had lost the love that Blanche had once felt. It didn't contain the same magic for her that Beau found himself missing. "Like the sound of Grandma sewing all hours of the night when she had a project she was working on."

It had worked, she had successfully steered the conversation in his direction. Focused in on his feelings so she could sit with hers alone for a moment. The home that he remembered so fondly wasn't the same home she felt she had. Things had always seemed to work just right for Beau, and Blanche had always felt cast off to the side, even after she began her studying with Mama Odie. She was powerful, and her parents should be proud of that! Their father cared more about his country and their mother just wished Blanche would enjoy working with her and Beau was happy to play right along in that fantasy but she was meant for so much more.

But she knew that this place wasn't for Beau. That he would find happiness here but that he would always desire to return home. Somewhere she'd never feel like she was home-- and wasn't it a sick joke that somewhere would only feel like home if Beau was right there along with her for the ride? She couldn't help herself, she started to cry, and when Beau only held her tighter, she cried more. "I know it's gonna take some getting used to, Babs, but we're here to celebrate you. Don't make me celebrate you by myself, okay?" It was as if he knew almost exactly what she'd been thinking. He seemed to always have a knack for that. "We're in a place that's giving you the freedom to be exactly as great as you want to be. So be great!! Conquer bigger demons than maybe just telling me to quit the ganja, yeah? Majorrr buzzkill, your powers are best suited elsewhere. Mhmm."

Blanche shoved him away, but found herself laughing. He was always a major goof, but she appreciated that about him. He kept her laughing. Kept her from giving in to her negative thoughts. From giving in to her darkness. She pulled him back into a hug, a bit tighter than the one before. "Thanks. For always being around to make me feel better." And she meant it.


Blanche had stewed in her thoughts some more when she'd transferred her things over with Beau earlier. Her new room was fine, she was glad to be there and everything, but she was in a funk and she just couldn't shake it. She'd done everything she could to try and push the thoughts away, distracting herself with organizing her room, choosing an outfit, doing her hair again even though she knew it was just going to get messy through the day-- the wind whipping her curls around certainly didn't help.

She'd run out of things to do, and the next logical step was to go out and maybe interact with some people. Which meant putting her best self forward, when she wasn't really feeling like her best self. Still, she knew it had to be done, so she held her chin high and strode out of her room with confidence. She had her gaze set on the doors leading outside, and found herself walking quickly as if she was scared that if she walked slower she'd turn right back around and go back to her bedroom and forget about socializing at all for the entire day. No, it must be done! So Blanche, with some forced pep in her step, flung the door open to let herself outside-- and right into the back of someone that she'd -- somehow -- failed to notice. "Oh! Oh Lord, I'm so sorry! I guess I was just too distracted and-- oh I really shouldn't be making excuses! Are you--"

She'd been about to ask her question when she fully noticed the man in front of her, the man she'd hit with the door. And Lord was he gorgeous. Her eyes widened a little, and she couldn't help but take in his appearance with some (subtle) appreciation. "Oh my, I--" She blushed then, embarrassed that she seemed a little tripped up. "Sorry, are you alright? Not that you don't look just fine but, I mean. I did just hit you with a door and everything."

blanche rogers

child of tiana

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
โ back on land where I belong โž

beach -> dorm -> beach


Andri sighed with relief as he once again felt firm ground under his feet. At first, living on a boat had seemed quite romantic, but he rapidly found out he preferred his feet on terra firma, please and thank you. The first week had been the roughest, as he had contracted a horrible case of sea sickness. Even after the illness had faded, he still found himself lacking โ€œsea legs.โ€ He supposed he would get used to life on the ship eventually, but right now he was grateful that he didn't have to deal with it again for some time.

Dropping his bag to the ground, he quickly untied his shoes and stepped out of them, relishing the feeling of the sand beneath his feet. Glancing around to make sure the beach was empty, he performed a tiny happy dance to celebrate his release off the boat.

He felt a small tremor go through his legs, still too used to the gentle rocking of the ship. Picking up his bag, he went to locate some place where he could collapse for a while. The expectation of socialising with his classmates was weighing heavily on his shoulders, but he figured he could rest alone in his dorm for a few minutes before subjecting himself to the terror.

He made his way down the hallway, rooms to either side of him. Suspecting that no one would bother to go all the way to the end he picked the last room on the left side. It's always good to avoid the potential awkwardness of walking into someone else's dorm.

Andri threw his bag into an unoccupied corner of the room, deciding to unpack later. He had just gotten a sudden inspiration, and he knew better than to put that on hold. Pulling out a battered and well loved notebook from where it rested right at the top of his things, he quickly located an empty page. A contented smile formed on his face as the familiar five-seven-five rhythm flowed onto the page, forming his favourite type of poetry, the haiku.

Back to solid ground
Green grass, grey rocks, smell of dirt
Sand between the toes

Gently he closed his notebook once again and replaced it in its place of honour. Then he made his way back down to the water's edge to watch the rest of the students slowly trickle off the boat. He hoped he could get a little more beach time before he was required to socialise and/or participate in the planned activities.
coded by reveriee.





sullen, quiet, tad homesick.



waialiki isle.



It had been an...interesting week, to say the least. After the incident at the farewell festival with Pepper, the good news was that Keanu was fairly certain he might have made at least two friends? He was hopeful. Both Delora and Sadie seemed nice enough and they had talked for a while even after they'd exchanged what he assumed to be basic pleasantries. When they ran into each other during the week, they'd said hello, and talked for a minute.

That's what friends did right? Gods above, he was definitely a fish out of water at this point.

Why had he gone to land school again? He didn't know how to talk to people and while he'd gotten used to walking with two legs, he missed the water. However, even though he was now on an isle, standing on a beach, he couldn't enter the water that was calling to him. The second he touched the saltwater, he'd be right back to his other form. The one so similar to his mother. One that would no doubt create unease and suspicion. Things he definitely didn't want to deal with, especially not so early in the year.

He'd already finished unpacking his few belongings in his temporary room in the dorm, and with no plans to meet anyone, he'd set off for the beach. What else did he have to do but stare longingly at the water?

Keanu almost wished he could go back home, but he doubted he'd be welcomed. His mother would probably kill him the second she got wind of him coming near her cave. He sighed, letting his head fall forward so his chin was resting against his chest. Crouching, he shifted so he could sit on the sand, a few feet away from the tide. As much as he'd love to get his feet wet, he'd rather not risk it. All that was left for him to do today was wait for whatever event was supposed to be going on in the next few hours.

"Here's hoping I don't ruin it with a storm."
he muttered to himself. Crossing his arms, resting them on his knees, he leaned forward so his chin was propped up. He'd always love the sea. At least the sea was constant. Whether above or below, she always looked beautiful.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








waialikie isle, dorms.


ash, elias.

Ebonee hated this. She hated having finally gotten somewhat settled, her and Elias having gotten their room and stash closet set up and perfect, only to be told a week later they're 'moving'. They're on an isle and 'live' on a boat, why did they need to pack up and move into dorms for a few days? What was the point?! It was a waste in her opinion. A waste of time, for sure.

She'd just gotten settled, sort of, and now she had to try and get used to a new room. One that she was only going to be using for a few days? Definitely not something she'd sign up for regularly. As long as no one tried to stop her and Elias from sharing a room at least, she'd survive. Things had been going surprisingly well the last week on this boat school, she'd hate for that to change now.

Thankfully, due to her minimalist nature, she'd only packed the bare essentials for this trip, managing to store everything she'd need in one small duffel bag. Of course, she didn't even bother to unpack, what was the point when she'd be leaving just as fast? Exactly, there wasn't one, so why bother.

She sighed, glancing up at the building beside her. She'd finished getting ready for the day first, having called out to Elias that she was heading out to get a good look of the area before they moved on to further exploration. So, she'd left their room, headed down to the lobby and out to the patio by the front doors. There were plenty of little tables and chairs scattered across the open area, giving her a perfect view of her fellow students and the beach laid out before them.

"Stupid boat school..."
she muttered, crossing her legs as she waited. She wasn't bitter, she promised. Despite all her moaning, she was actually pretty calm about everything.

She was now, at least.

Tilting her head back so she could get a look behind her as the dorm building's doors opened once more, she raised a brow at the sight of Asherah. Lifting her head back up, she raised a hand, brushing her wild hair out of her face. Hearing a chair shift nearby, she tilted her head, letting it fall against her shoulder so she could look over at her fellow villain's child.

Ebonee was sure she looked quite dramatic, legs crossed, hair wild around her face and shoulders, with her head hanging to the side, but she was nothing if not a performer.

At Ash's question, she sighed, raising her head after a moment, focusing her gaze back on the open beach before her.
"Not much for small talk...I get it."
she hummed, sending a small smirk his way.

"Signed up for both. You?"

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


hello !


waialiki shore



daughter of Raya

It had only been a few short days attending the Tefiti academy and Ruby had fallen in love with every little bit about it. The fact that her room was so close to Naomi's, the fact that she was constantly by water, and the fact that she was free of the constant expectations of her mother.

If you were to line up Ruby and her peers and ask them to bad mouth their parents, either publicly or privately, Ruby would never utter a negative word about her mother. Ruby knew better, she knew that no matter how annoyed she would get by her mother in little bouts of anger, it could never bring her to talk bad about her own mother. The mother who put a roof over her head and fed her and taught her everything she knew. Sure, there were a lot of times were Ruby felt her mother's pressure to be the next chief of heart, and yea there were some times where Raya had yelled at her daughter to be better that sent Ruby crying to her room, but to Ruby that was normal. Wasn't it?

Ruby wasn't about to find out. She loved her mother, and Sisu, but she soon realized she was so giddy away from them because she was free to be herself. Technically she was still tied to Raya's name, as everyone else was on the ship, but they weren't watching over her every move. She was free to laugh as loud as she wanted, to eat as many sweets as her teeth could handle, to sing into the late hours of the night if she felt like it, to explore the massive ship when everyone else was asleep. She was allowed to be an independent adult, and Ruby had never wanted anything more.

Back home, in Heart, Raya had a strict curfew for her daughter, at a certain time of the night, Ruby couldn't leave their estate, she couldn't be making loud noise and she certainly couldn't gorge herself on sweets. The more Ruby had lived free from her mother's constraints, the more Ruby didn't want to return home. But it was the beginning of the year, there was a long time before she was going back to Heart.


Ruby spent only a few moments in the hotel room, just to throw her bags in & check out the view. As soon as she saw how close she was to the ocean, she immediately got dressed for the day. She didn't know what the day was going to entail, but nothing was going to stop her from enjoying the beach. She fixed up her hair, brushing it out and running some hair oil through it to add to the shine, & threw it up into a claw-clip. Not bothering with makeup, she went straight for her clothes that were still in her bag. Pulling out one of her favorite white dresses, she held it up to her body in her mirror; was it too dressy for a beach day? Who cared, Ruby wanted to wear it. She had no idea what the plans were for that day, so just in case something happened, she made sure to throw on some biker shorts on under the dress.

After throwing her essentials into a tote bag, she slipped on a good pair of slippers & headed out of her room. Her head told her to take her time, admire the hotel and resort they were staying in; it wasn't every day that she got to stay on waialiki isle, let alone with the chief's own school! However, her heart was being called to by the water, so her feet carried her faster than she could appreciate.

As her arm threw the door open and Ruby stepped into the open air, she drew in a deep breathe as if she had spent years inside and this was her first time returning to the real world. Ruby stood outside, arms outstretched and head thrown back, a massive smile stretched on her face. But she didn't stay there long, soon she was walking to the shore.

The instant she walked onto the sand, her shoes were off. She had grown so used to walking around barefoot in nature back home, it felt unnatural to wear shoots anywhere other than the pavement. She placed her sandals in her tote and continued walking closer to the water. Everything else seemed to melt away, Ruby only walked to step into the water, but before she got too close, she saw who she assumed to be another student, sitting in the sand. She certainly wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but she couldn't help but hear him make a comment about ruining something with a storm.

"Bold to assume that a storm would ruin things," Not even thinking to ask to join him, Ruby sat in the sand next to him. "Hi! I'm Ruby!" She held her hand out to him as she introduced herself with a smile.

nine lives



daughter of the firebird

There were many people who saw the allure of tropical islands. The economy of several nations were predicated on those people. Lexi Zarova, though, was not one of those people. Sure, she could admit that there was some comfort to be had in relaxing on a sunny beach while trade winds massage your face and hair, but an island is defined by one irrefutable trait: being surrounded by water. And she was born and raised in fire. It was in her name; Zarova. Child of Fire. So Lexi had precious few reasons to ever entertain the idea of subjecting herself to the confines of an island, or anywhere close to the ocean, for that matter.

Unfortunately, a reason had arrived a few weeks ago.

That admission letter from TeFiti Academy had been all Lexi needed to push for a change in her admittedly pitiful life. No more squatting in condemned motels, no more stealing from supermarkets for clothes and food, no more being punching bags for drunk boxers at a pub for spare change. Now, she was going to be a student, studying in a bourgeois maritime school for descendants of important figures of the world.

Now, she would be sharing her life with the princes and princess who were the children of princes and princesses, fledgling villains living under the shadow of their parents' malevolence, and a smattering of others who had enough influence and/or money to be here. What, then, was the once-homeless street rat Lexi doing with that lot? Well, someone had evidently tracked her down and identified her as the offspring of the Firebirdโ€”Lexi's parent, if she could even call it that. The Firebird was an elemental and the embodiment of destruction, a scourging fire given life and wings, bringing doomsday to its realm every half-decade. Innocent sprites and forest fauna each met a painful and fiery end in an enforced vicious cycle.

And that was pretty damn villainous, Lexi had to agree with the Academy there.

Might be the only thing she had to agree on with them thus far, though, because she was already damn miserable on this island. For one, by the time Lexi finished her long trek from Prague to Waialiki Island, the very Academy was she was supposedly invited to attend was already a full week into the curriculum. This whole team-building debacle was going to be her first taste of the school proper, not even a single class! Guess that was one more thing people could brand her as aside from 'ugly Russian fire kid'. The latecomer. Did Lexi care? Not on principle, but that didn't mean she wanted to tolerate it either.

Ugh. Lexi gagged at her own tempestuous mind.
'This is too much thinking,'
the (literally) fiery redhead thought as she dumped her belongings onto an empty dorm-ish room. There wasn't much to dump to begin with; everything she owned fit into a single hiker's backpack and an old torn-up duffel bag. With a place claimed for her stay away from the Motunui, Lexi resolved to clear her head by taking a long walk on the beach. Because if there was one thing she liked about the ocean, it was the fresh open air. She replaced her combat boots for bright red sandals stolen from a Singapore tourist trap on her way to the Academy, and then she was off.

A quick glance as she made her walk proved that she would not be alone here, as expected. The beach was nice, and the wind was nice, of course people would go here. There were students sharing joints, conversing against the rolling water, and generally doing young people things under the long shadow of the S.S. Motunui. Compared to them, Lexi might have looked a little weird staying so far away from everyone else and also from the waves on a damn beach, but Lexi was already more than a little weird. She reserved the right to look a little weird.

Walking past the miscellany of TeFiti students, Lexi passed by a boy. Nothing remarkable by itself, and neither was the boy, if she was being honest. The redhead might have passed by him a million times and be none the wiser, but she happened to pass by him here. Where Lexi was, a ways out from the rest of the pack, half-absent eyes poised towards the long shadow of the S.S. Motunui. With a tired sigh and a mental 'fuck it', she took a seat on the sand next to him, dangerously close to the water. If the smell of her burning hair didn't give away her presence, this surely would have. Lexi's eyes were not at the boy, but they were where he was looking at. Sensing ice to be broken, she took the initiative.

"The boat giving you hell, too?"
Lexi asked. There was a noticeable accent when she spoke, vaguely Slavic in origin, accompanied by an equally noticeable smoker's rasp..

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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jean-legba facilier
son of dr. facilier.
jean watched as the smoke that escaped from his nose danced with the trade winds, his attention locked in as he dissociated within the company of the sea. he found tranquility in the scenery being away from all of his peers, and he hadn't realized how much of an annoyance it was being shoulder to shoulder with them until their presence was gone. and in actuality, he was currently preferring the sounds of the crashing waves over the neverending word vomit that seemed to spew from his classmates every second of the day. oh, was it a change he so desperately needed.

with the blunt still hanging from his mouth, he tilted his head back a little, face exposed to the rays of the sun and eyes instinctively closing at its glory. a small part of him was disappointed that his human nature would never allow him to stare at the sun's beauty. forever, it would always be shielded from him because of his sight's limitations to brightness. it earned a slight curse from jean, but the feeling of the warmth engulfing his skin made up for it. it felt like home.

until suddenly, the waves and the swaying leaves weren't the only things accompanying him as jean stole a glance from his side. moment over, he sighed to himself, watching as the beach, unfortunately, welcomed the others who were finding themselves off the boat. he was grateful for the few moments his early bird schedule gave him before they had all arrived, but facilier took the presence of people as his queue to leave.

slowly pulling the half-finished blunt from his mouth, jean flicked it into the ocean in front of him, watching as it bounced up and down gracefully with each wave before disappearing out of sight. "till next time," a hint of despondency lingering in his tone.

the sound of jean's shoes dragging against the pavement sounded as he made his way to his selected dorm room. he had made sure to be the first off the boat and the first to select his living quarters before anyone got the chance to ask too many questions or bombard him with whatever commentary they felt like throwing his way. he didn't want to even give anyone the chance to glance at him before he got his fix of his sativa strain, but now that it was snaking throughout his system welcomingly, he figured he had just enough energy to last him for whatever interaction came next.

he was wrong.

with what felt like the force of a semi, a heavy wooden door slammed into his back, causing him to nearly tumble forward. the shock coursed through, followed by a sudden soreness before he instinctively grabbed the back of his head. cushioned by his head of hair, his noggin was safe, but the impact knocked the high right out of his mouth.

the anger followed close behind as he slowly spun around to see who he would curse. a face full of irritability adorned his face before it softened into curiosity. his attacker was.. hot.

jean had been fixated on her appearance, taking in every inch of her presence and ignoring the rambling noises that was her attempt at an apology. she was less-than-gracefully stumbling over her words and by the time his eyes locked in on hers, he recognized the face of embarrassment right away. she was embarrassed.

silence from facilier occurred as he tried to gather his thoughts. his mind was previously dominated by the idea of verbally assaulting who had hit him, but his growing infatuation made him tongue-tied.

his smooth tone began to return back to normal as he was fixing his mouth to speak again. "no, it's uh.. it's fine. you're fine." he responded. being hit with a door wasn't fine at all but he didn't know exactly how to respond in this situation.

jean crossed his arms in front of his chest, using one of his fingers to stroke just above his elbow. internally, he was studying her. mind trying to piece together if he had met her before or not. surely, he would remember a face like that. right?

"i'd appreciate it if you didn't make it a habit though, seeing as we're neighbors it seems." his attention briefly glanced at her room next to his. a smirk decorated his face now, feeling his suave persona slowly return, as he extended his silver-accessory decorated hand out to her for a shake.

"i'm jean, and you are..?"
code by valen t.

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