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Fantasy Derika: Land of the Gifted

Slasher999999999 said:
Name: Keon Jaeger
Nickname(s): The harbinger

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Gift: the ability to manipulate and conjure up fire.

Gift Classification: Unknown


(Regular form)


(Can sometimes go into his fire form)

(Flames can be either be normal fire or black fire and if in black fire then the eyes are crimson red)

Personality: Because of his past Keon Jaeger he does not understand many emotions such as love, regret, remorse or mercy. He is seen as stone cold and calculating, but on very rare occasions he shows a kind side. He also distances himself from people and tends to want to be alone. If you anger him enough he will kill you instantly without any hesitation.

History: Keon Jeager Never knew the love of parents and family, he only known pain and hatred, raised in the slums alone and homeless for 6 years until he was adopted family that enjoyed torturing him, the torte could range from starvation, to shoving knives into him and see how long it would take for him to black out from blood loss. Keon Jaeger had to join gangs and enter the drug business to make enough money to survive since his adopted dad was a drunk unemployed man and his adopted mom was a whore that would spread her legs for anyone. He had earned a nickname in the drug and gang business that was feared by every gang and drug sealer out their, they called him the "The Harbinger" a man that if you crossed him the next day the cops would find your body tortured, mutilated and your face stuck in extreme agony with a black wolf with crimson eyes branded onto your chest. One day though his mom decided that she should have some play time and attempted to rape him. But before she could take off his cloths (which where basically rags at that time) he snapped. He would wake up on the street. the house was ablaze with flames but these flames where no normal flames they where black as night and would not stop burning no matter how much water they would use. It would be 7 nights later when the flames finally died out.

Equipment: wears a black trench coat that goes down to his knees, he has a long sleeve muscle shirt on, black pants and black combat boots, he has a black sling backpack filled with 1,000 dollars, a black combat knife and some water and food.

Party Control: Yes/No. You may also list out certain terms or conditions. You can change this option later if you wish. Just make an OOC post notifying everyone of the change.

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes

Other: Has a large black Canadian Idaho wolf that has crimson eyes. Is the only gift he was given to his real parents that he does not know. the wolf is not a normal one.

(its fire form looks like this its flame can also change from normal to black)

I'm just going to list off some of the reasons this was denied, sorted in ascending severity. First, there were some things that didn't cause your app's denial, but I feel like I should point out rather than leave unsaid:

1. Shares a last name with the main character of Attack on Titan

2. When he turns into Cinder, where do his clothes go? When he turns back, his clothes and everything on him that isn't made with aetherite/antinite should burn up, right?

3. Textbook edgelord personality. "

4. "Because of his past Keon Jaeger he does not understand many emotions". That's cute, blaming shit on his past. I'm sorry, I may be out of line reading into this, but to me it comes off as an original Draco in Leather Pants.

Now onto things that actually need to be changed:

5. "THE HARBINGER". He got this nickname how? He's not "a man that if you crossed him blah blah...", he's a child in a gang. Why would anyone think he's special, much less a valued member of that gang? Even if he was skilled and reliable, he's more likely to be called something like "Squirt". Why would grown-ass men go out of their way to treat him like hot shit if he's surrounded by men much bigger, stronger, and more experienced in ruthlessness than him? Even if he had overwhelming talent, he'd draw scorn for showing them up, not respect. I see no reason his victims would want/care to aggrandize him, and if he made the name himself, as a child, wouldn't most people, especially those in his gang, just make fun of him? If he went around killing people in his own gang because they laughed at a title he made up himself, they would probably just kill him off, outliving his usefulness.

6. He got his nickname from his supposed reputation as "a man that if you crossed him the next day the cops would find your body tortured, mutilated and your face stuck in extreme agony with a black wolf with crimson eyes branded onto your chest", right? This doesn't make sense. If the cops are showing up, why hasn't he been caught and taken to jail? Why does he carry a brand with him everywhere? If he has such a reputation, wouldn't someone just come after him and kill him? For example, a relative of one of his victims. It wouldn't be hard to find his house and kill him in his sleep. It's impossible for a brand to have "crimson eyes". Brands are black because they cause burn marks. Where does he even heat up his brand anyway to mess with the dead bodies? Does he start a fire nearby? Wouldn't that be an obvious signal to everyone that he just killed someone? Why do the police literally only exist to show how useless they are? Shit, it shouldn't be hard to catch him if he acts like you describe, and it's not like his parents are covering for him.

7. His fiery color change is completely unnecessary and has no explanation.

Legitimate black fire is impossible, and if it were possible, it would be colder than normal fire, probably failing to burn.
Black fire doesn't need to be possible for you to use it, but to also have orange flames is inconsistent. Do his flames make sense or not? If you want black flames, why are they any different from orange flames?

8. If his father's the drunk, why is his mother, who already gets a lot of sex, the rapist? I can't call this anything short of the plothole it is.

9. On the subject of plotholes, if he's so poor he had to wear rags, where did he get the black trenchcoat and $1000?

10. Party Control is not specified. Your app is incomplete.

Now onto things that outright break the rules, some RPNation rules, some just rules of this RP:

11. "

" - Mind your wording. As it's written, this is powerplaying. It's both arrogant and rude to have that on your app. Your character isn't perfect. Your character will not necessarily win every battle. There are people stronger and smarter than your character. These are givens, and it's important you understand that when you make characters.
12. Your app is riddled with spelling and grammar errors. They get annoying/difficult to read, which is why this is a rule. (#4) You don't need to be perfect with it, but you need to put in more effort than this.

13. "Canadian Idaho" Wolves don't light on fire. That same image was previously used in the old RP bestiary as "Hellhound ?", so it wouldn't be hard to get it in the modern RP, but that means they wouldn't have come from his parents. They also make terrible pets, would take forever to tame, being unruly and causing a lot of damages he would have to pay, AND THEY WOULDN'T MAGICALLY TURN THEIR FLAMES BLACK FOR NO REASON. Also, the image itself clearly shows that they don't have "crimson" eyes. Not everything needs to have "crimson" eyes you know.

14. Rule #3. No OP Gifts. When he sets things on fire, they can't be put out for 7 days and 7 nights. Sounds pretty broken to me. He'll touch of death anyone and anything he can get his hands on. Perhaps the existing Gifts in the thread aren't good examples for what is and isn't balanced because of the concealment of their weaknesses/limits, but that's what Ice is here for. If you look back to the first page, you'll see Ice mentions I discussed my characters with her extensively before I actually posted them.

IceSolstice said:
those nights of sleep deprivation and nerfing your characters finally paid off. :P
15. You didn't read the rules at all.

If you want to redo your app, you will need to fix or otherwise address points 5-15. Ice can work with you on your character when she's free. You can PM her, contact her on the Discord, or message her over steam.
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Slasher999999999 said:
Name: Keon Jaeger
Nickname(s): The harbinger

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Gift: the ability to manipulate and conjure up fire.

Gift Classification: Unknown


(Regular form)


(Can sometimes go into his fire form)

(Flames can be either be normal fire or black fire and if in black fire then the eyes are crimson red)

Personality: Because of his past Keon Jaeger he does not understand many emotions such as love, regret, remorse or mercy. He is seen as stone cold and calculating, but on very rare occasions he shows a kind side. He also distances himself from people and tends to want to be alone. If you anger him enough he will kill you instantly without any hesitation.

History: Keon Jeager Never knew the love of parents and family, he only known pain and hatred, raised in the slums alone and homeless for 6 years until he was adopted family that enjoyed torturing him, the torte could range from starvation, to shoving knives into him and see how long it would take for him to black out from blood loss. Keon Jaeger had to join gangs and enter the drug business to make enough money to survive since his adopted dad was a drunk unemployed man and his adopted mom was a whore that would spread her legs for anyone. He had earned a nickname in the drug and gang business that was feared by every gang and drug sealer out their, they called him the "The Harbinger" a man that if you crossed him the next day the cops would find your body tortured, mutilated and your face stuck in extreme agony with a black wolf with crimson eyes branded onto your chest. One day though his mom decided that she should have some play time and attempted to rape him. But before she could take off his cloths (which where basically rags at that time) he snapped. He would wake up on the street. the house was ablaze with flames but these flames where no normal flames they where black as night and would not stop burning no matter how much water they would use. It would be 7 nights later when the flames finally died out.

Equipment: wears a black trench coat that goes down to his knees, he has a long sleeve muscle shirt on, black pants and black combat boots, he has a black sling backpack filled with 1,000 dollars, a black combat knife and some water and food.

Party Control: Yes/No. You may also list out certain terms or conditions. You can change this option later if you wish. Just make an OOC post notifying everyone of the change.

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes

Other: Has a large black Canadian Idaho wolf that has crimson eyes. Is the only gift he was given to his real parents that he does not know. the wolf is not a normal one.

(its fire form looks like this its flame can also change from normal to black)
Ryik said:
I'm just going to list off some of the reasons this was denied, sorted in ascending severity. First, there were some things that didn't cause your app's denial, but I feel like I should point out rather than leave unsaid:

1. Shares a last name with the main character of Attack on Titan

2. When he turns into Cinder, where do his clothes go? When he turns back, his clothes and everything on him that isn't made with aetherite/antinite should burn up, right?

3. Textbook edgelord personality. "

4. "Because of his past Keon Jaeger he does not understand many emotions". That's cute, blaming shit on his past. I'm sorry, I may be out of line reading into this, but to me it comes off as an original Draco in Leather Pants.

Now onto things that actually need to be changed:

5. "THE HARBINGER". He got this nickname how? He's not "a man that if you crossed him blah blah...", he's a child in a gang. Why would anyone think he's special, much less a valued member of that gang? Even if he was skilled and reliable, he's more likely to be called something like "Squirt". Why would grown-ass men go out of their way to treat him like hot shit if he's surrounded by men much bigger, stronger, and more experienced in ruthlessness than him? Even if he had overwhelming talent, he'd draw scorn for showing them up, not respect. I see no reason his victims would want/care to aggrandize him, and if he made the name himself, as a child, wouldn't most people, especially those in his gang, just make fun of him? If he went around killing people in his own gang because they laughed at a title he made up himself, they would probably just kill him off, outliving his usefulness.

6. He got his nickname from his supposed reputation as "a man that if you crossed him the next day the cops would find your body tortured, mutilated and your face stuck in extreme agony with a black wolf with crimson eyes branded onto your chest", right? This doesn't make sense. If the cops are showing up, why hasn't he been caught and taken to jail? Why does he carry a brand with him everywhere? If he has such a reputation, wouldn't someone just come after him and kill him? For example, a relative of one of his victims. It wouldn't be hard to find his house and kill him in his sleep. It's impossible for a brand to have "crimson eyes". Brands are black because they cause burn marks. Where does he even heat up his brand anyway to mess with the dead bodies? Does he start a fire nearby? Wouldn't that be an obvious signal to everyone that he just killed someone? Why do the police literally only exist to show how useless they are? Shit, it shouldn't be hard to catch him if he acts like you describe, and it's not like his parents are covering for him.

7. His fiery color change is completely unnecessary and has no explanation.

Legitimate black fire is impossible, and if it were possible, it would be colder than normal fire, probably failing to burn.
Black fire doesn't need to be possible for you to use it, but to also have orange flames is inconsistent. Do his flames make sense or not? If you want black flames, why are they any different from orange flames?

8. If his father's the drunk, why is his mother, who already gets a lot of sex, the rapist? I can't call this anything short of the plothole it is.

9. On the subject of plotholes, if he's so poor he had to wear rags, where did he get the black trenchcoat and $1000?

10. Party Control is not specified. Your app is incomplete.

Now onto things that outright break the rules, some RPNation rules, some just rules of this RP:

11. "

" - Mind your wording. As it's written, this is powerplaying. It's both arrogant and rude to have that on your app. Your character isn't perfect. Your character will not necessarily win every battle. There are people stronger and smarter than your character. These are givens, and it's important you understand that when you make characters.
12. Your app is riddled with spelling and grammar errors. They get annoying/difficult to read, which is why this is a rule. (#4) You don't need to be perfect with it, but you need to put in more effort than this.

13. Canadian Idaho Wolves don't light on fire. That same image was previously used in the old RP bestiary as "Hellhound ?", so it wouldn't be hard to get it in the modern RP, but that means they wouldn't have come from his parents. They also make terrible pets, would take forever to tame, being unruly and causing a lot of damages he would have to pay, AND THEY WOULDN'T MAGICALLY TURN THEIR FLAMES BLACK FOR NO REASON. Also, the image itself clearly shows that they don't have "crimson" eyes. Not everything needs to have "crimson" eyes you know.

14. Rule #3. No OP Gifts. When he sets things on fire, they can't be put out for 7 days and 7 nights. Sounds pretty broken to me. He'll touch of death anyone and anything he can get his hands on. Perhaps the existing Gifts in the thread aren't good examples for what is and isn't balanced because of the concealment of their weaknesses/limits, but that's what Ice is here for. If you look back to the first page, you'll see Ice mentions I discussed my characters with her extensively before I actually posted them.

15. You didn't read the rules at all.

If you want to redo your app, you will need to fix or otherwise address points 5-15. Ice can work with you on your character when she's free. You can PM her, contact her on the Discord, or message her over steam.
I second Ryik's denial.

Ryik has extensively pointed out the problems with this application. To summarize, basically your character needs to be more realistic, less extreme, and not a Mary Sue. While character creation should be a creative freedom that the roleplayer has, a line needs to be drawn for the extremes and edge case characters. Having a dark past is fine, but not to the point where he was tortured through being stabbed with knives until he blacked out. Nor is it realistic (and it's very much so Mary Sue) that he was somehow feared by all and somehow successfully killed all that offended him. If you think about your character's personality from a roleplaying standpoint, you would have issues interacting with other people's characters. Oh, and do keep in mind that one of the rules in this RP is that your character can be hurt or killed--which applies to your character as well. So be prepared for that. But I do frown upon roleplayers killing another person's character without a very good reason.

If you wish to use this character, please send a PM my way so we can adjust it to the point where it's acceptable. If you want to create another character instead, just keep in mind what was said by Ryik and I when doing so.
(ok thx i'm still new to this type of stuff I will tone him down and make him more friendly and I have no clue what or who merry sue and draco is and I sort of rushed this)
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Slasher999999999 said:
(ok thx i'm still new to this type of stuff I will tone him down and make him more friendly and I have no clue what or who merry sue and draco is and I sort of rushed this)
No problem. :) I'll be sending a PM your way so we can discuss things.
[QUOTE="Computing Magus]
Name: Sakura Akagi
Age: 10

Gender: Female

Gift: Sakura has an eternal watcher over her who goes by the nickname Umbra, playfully picked by Sakura. He follows her around all the time and is invisible to others unless Sakura lets that person see him through a smaller part of her gift that allows people to see Umbra for about a day or when she cancels the effect. But when Umbra has to go offensive, everyone can see him. She also summons an ethereal blazing red shield called "The Red Castle" written in gold characters behind the shield. It can withstand many attacks and a few heavy blows.

?Umbra?: This shadow figure is physical at all times even to the ones who can't see him, so people usually either brushes it off as something random or they get confused on what happened. Umbra can cast many forms of fire at his enemies, whether be it firestorms, fireballs, fire manipulation, and more. He is also a skilled swordsman along with his abilities. Whenever anything happens, Umbra is almost always there to protect Sakura through fending off enemies.


Gift Classification: (Not sure)

Weaknesses and Limits:
On its way.



She's a lighthearted young child who isn't exactly spoiled but, like many children, she'd rather not do anything not fun. She likes to talk to new people even if they are older than her. She's cheerful and likes to be carefree every once in a while. Sakura is an extrovert and likes travelling everywhere.

Umbra: Sakura's guardian, on the other hand, stays silent all the time but is friendly to anyone Sakura trusts. He follows Sakura everywhere she goes. He usually asks questions to Sakura on things he doesn't understand since he doesn't have a human mentality.

History: Sakura was the only daughter and child of a between a middle and high class family. She was loved and taken care of by her parents. Suddenly, a Gifted said he seeks for her father, who was once a great warrior, and commands him to go with him or his family will have to pay the consequences. He didn't listen and suddenly the home they were in erupted in flames and Sakura was knocked unconscious in her father's battle. When she woke up, almost nothing was left in her house but ashes galore. A man stood in the midst of the destruction and he went up to her, saying that he protected her from the stranger's wrath. Sakura believes him, for her very spirit feels that it was right to trust him. He also entrusts her a shield and said "Just in case I couldn't be there for you in time". They set out for a place to call home and found Brinkhaven through something her father told about once and said he wanted his family to move there one day. They snuck into a ship and away they went.

Equipment: Clothes and a phone.

Party Control: Yes, please use Umbra's abilities correctly and that you show correctly his protective behavior towards Sakura (If she is ever in trouble). (Check Marcus' Party Control too since I edited it too).

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes

Other: Theme:


Intial Money:


Accepted! Interesting Gift. The classification for it is also Unaligned. :)

Ryik said:
Name: Kitan Aruha
Age: 22

Gender: ?

Gift: "Reversal, the negation of physical and mental changes, including the erasing of memories and death."

Gift Classification: Dimensional


Personality: Usually quiet and stoic, keeping to himself. Obsessive-compulsive and generally neurotic, he exhibits death-seeker tendencies. Has a sense of humor that can trump his up-tight, reserved nature. Easily flustered. "Kill me" is his catch-phrase.

History: His parents were some hot shit. Big successes in their respective glamorous occupations, without being Gifted. He's yet to do anything special himself, so...

Decided to move out to Brinkhaven. If anything, it's easier to explain using his abilities on the job. Faction housing is pretty neat too.

Equipment: A suitcase full of essentials and a bit of money


Accepted! It's nice to see the other Factions filling out.
Name: Nathaniel O'Halloran.

Nickname: Nate.

Age: 24.

Gender: Male.

Gift: Manipulation of energy. Pretty much fire, lasers and stuff like that. Shoot them from his finger tips, throw fireballs. Standard stuff. He takes the energy from other people by contact. Kind of soul sucking, I guess.

Gift Classification: Elemental?

Weaknesses and Limits: PM me please.

Appearance: Tall and wiry, perhaps touching six six on a good day. Nate looks pretty skinny, but has enough strength in him to prove you wrong. His affection for extremely tight pants do not help his case.

His hair is long and lank (like him), a tousled mop of whitish-blond. He has a sharp, angular face and a chin pointy enough to punch holes in paper. Large, pale eyes and a prominent nose are his most obvious features. He has a tight-lipped mouth that, at times, shows a dazzling white-toothed smile to charm the ladies (and sometimes the men as well).

When on business, his regular attire is a creased charcoal suit that looks expensive, but upon closer inspection actually probably originated in a bargain bin at a department store. Black formal shoes and a stripy tie complete his outfit. His casual clothes obviously range a fair amount, but skinny jeans, a plain shirt and a leather jacket is his normal wear.

Personality: Handsome, charming, and courteous would be some of the words used to describe Nate if you had to ask one of his 'friends.' And at times, he is. But when he needs to be, he can be utterly ruthless. Willing to throw a friend under the bus just to accomplish his objectives, he looks after number one at all times. A little arrogant at times, he often likes to make jokes at other people's expense.

History: Born in Ireland, Nate was raised in a large orphanage in Belfast after his single mother was killed by a drunk driver days after his birth. It was a rough place, with over three hundred orphan boys crammed into small rooms, fights were almost inevitable. Poor Nate was smashed as a little kid, but toughened up and established his spot as top dog by the time he was thirteen.

Nate could never really point at one incident where his Gift 'ignited.' It's almost like it's always been there with him. He didn't really show anyone his abilities, but sometimes used it for convenience or when fighting others. Perhaps this is why he hasn't yet experienced the ETG.

Around this time, Nate had caught the eye of one of his school teachers, Mr. Howell. In school, he taught algebra, but after hours it was well-known that he was an 'employee,' at the biggest illegal boxing club in the city. A shady little place, it was rife with fights, stabbings, murders, and that was just the boxers.

There, Nate learned to box and wrestle. He was also groomed to become Howell's successor, taking on starting roles in the organization, like smuggling drugs and collecting 'protection,' money. He soon rose through the ranks, until he was commanding several other gangsters at the tender age of nineteen.

One day, Howell was running a routine delivery. Three bags of drugs to a safe house four blocks over seemed easy enough. Howell's body was found two days later, stuffed in a dumpster in a side alley. He had been beaten to death, and the drugs were gone.

Another Belfast gang were blamed for the killing, and over this started a bitter gang war. Nate, now in Howell's old position, over viewed several operations of revenge for his mentor's murder. Car bombs, kidnappings, shootouts in the streets - the city had turned into a war zone.

It all came to a point one summer day. The boxing club, stronghold of Nate's gang, was stormed by their rivals and burnt to the ground with loss of over twenty-five lives, many of them young boxers and associates of the criminal side. The head boss of the gang was shot and killed in the attack, leaving several ambitious gangsters vying for pole position. At this time, Nate was out on a deal, running AK47s to some buyers in Dublin.

He had no wish to be embroiled in a dangerous title race. He finished the deal and left with $150,000 of profits, leaving the gang life behind. It was enough money to survive maybe a year. He had to find a long-term plan.

So Nate joined the Irish military, giving him both a job and a way of escaping the angry gangs back in Belfast. He was sent to the Middle East to train and fight, and spent four nondescript years there, never raising above the rank of Private, and rarely seeing any action. He was dishonorably discharged after 'accidental discharge of a weapon causing grievous injury to a fellow soldier.'

After his military career fell apart, Nate quickly fell back into his old ways in Ireland. He managed to get into contact with another Gifted through drug dealing, who taught him about Derika and Gifts and stuff. And more importantly... about Rapture. The purple drug that was said to be give users the greatest high, above all normal drugs.

Nate traveled to Derika (several months before this RP). Since then, he has set himself up as a Rapture dealer and grower. He is also a bartender and odd job worker at a shady little gambling den somewhere in Brinkhaven.

Equipment: Suit. Wooden baseball bat, well used. Key card for apartment. Concealed handgun. Several bags of assorted drugs, mainly Rapture. A couple thousand dollars. Crappy cellphone.

Party Control: Yes.

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes.

Other: Interests. Probably playing and listening to music would be my favorite. My favorite game is football. If you meant video game, probably Age of Empires or Civ. All about those strategy games <3.

New character. I'll rework Vilks' application soon and bring him in as well. Please say if there's anything silly or unrealistic in this app, it's been a while since I've RP'd and I'm a bit out of practice.
Cakey said:
Name: Nathaniel O'Halloran.
Nickname: Nate.

Age: 24.

Gender: Male.

Gift: Manipulation of energy. Pretty much fire, lasers and stuff like that. Shoot them from his finger tips, throw fireballs. Standard stuff. He takes the energy from other people by contact. Kind of soul sucking, I guess.

Gift Classification: Elemental?

Weaknesses and Limits: PM me please.

Appearance: Tall and wiry, perhaps touching six six on a good day. Nate looks pretty skinny, but has enough strength in him to prove you wrong. His affection for extremely tight pants do not help his case.

His hair is long and lank (like him), a tousled mop of whitish-blond. He has a sharp, angular face and a chin pointy enough to punch holes in paper. Large, pale eyes and a prominent nose are his most obvious features. He has a tight-lipped mouth that, at times, shows a dazzling white-toothed smile to charm the ladies (and sometimes the men as well).

When on business, his regular attire is a creased charcoal suit that looks expensive, but upon closer inspection actually probably originated in a bargain bin at a department store. Black formal shoes and a stripy tie complete his outfit. His casual clothes obviously range a fair amount, but skinny jeans, a plain shirt and a leather jacket is his normal wear.

Personality: Handsome, charming, and courteous would be some of the words used to describe Nate if you had to ask one of his 'friends.' And at times, he is. But when he needs to be, he can be utterly ruthless. Willing to throw a friend under the bus just to accomplish his objectives, he looks after number one at all times. A little arrogant at times, he often likes to make jokes at other people's expense.

History: Born in Ireland, Nate was raised in a large orphanage in Belfast after his single mother was killed by a drunk driver days after his birth. It was a rough place, with over three hundred orphan boys crammed into small rooms, fights were almost inevitable. Poor Nate was smashed as a little kid, but toughened up and established his spot as top dog by the time he was thirteen.

Nate could never really point at one incident where his Gift 'ignited.' It's almost like it's always been there with him. He didn't really show anyone his abilities, but sometimes used it for convenience or when fighting others. Perhaps this is why he hasn't yet experienced the ETG.

Around this time, Nate had caught the eye of one of his school teachers, Mr. Howell. In school, he taught algebra, but after hours it was well-known that he was an 'employee,' at the biggest illegal boxing club in the city. A shady little place, it was rife with fights, stabbings, murders, and that was just the boxers.

There, Nate learned to box and wrestle. He was also groomed to become Howell's successor, taking on starting roles in the organization, like smuggling drugs and collecting 'protection,' money. He soon rose through the ranks, until he was commanding several other gangsters at the tender age of nineteen.

One day, Howell was running a routine delivery. Three bags of drugs to a safe house four blocks over seemed easy enough. Howell's body was found two days later, stuffed in a dumpster in a side alley. He had been beaten to death, and the drugs were gone.

Another Belfast gang were blamed for the killing, and over this started a bitter gang war. Nate, now in Howell's old position, over viewed several operations of revenge for his mentor's murder. Car bombs, kidnappings, shootouts in the streets - the city had turned into a war zone.

It all came to a point one summer day. The boxing club, stronghold of Nate's gang, was stormed by their rivals and burnt to the ground with loss of over twenty-five lives, many of them young boxers and associates of the criminal side. The head boss of the gang was shot and killed in the attack, leaving several ambitious gangsters vying for pole position. At this time, Nate was out on a deal, running AK47s to some buyers in Dublin.

He had no wish to be embroiled in a dangerous title race. He finished the deal and left with $150,000 of profits, leaving the gang life behind. It was enough money to survive maybe a year. He had to find a long-term plan.

So Nate joined the Irish military, giving him both a job and a way of escaping the angry gangs back in Belfast. He was sent to the Middle East to train and fight, and spent four nondescript years there, never raising above the rank of Private, and rarely seeing any action. He was dishonorably discharged after 'accidental discharge of a weapon causing grievous injury to a fellow soldier.'

After his military career fell apart, Nate quickly fell back into his old ways in Ireland. He managed to get into contact with another Gifted through drug dealing, who taught him about Derika and Gifts and stuff. And more importantly... about Rapture. The purple drug that was said to be give users the greatest high, above all normal drugs.

Nate traveled to Derika (several months before this RP). Since then, he has set himself up as a Rapture dealer and grower. He is also a bartender and odd job worker at a shady little gambling den somewhere in Brinkhaven.

Equipment: Suit. Wooden baseball bat, well used. Key card for apartment. Concealed handgun. Several bags of assorted drugs, mainly Rapture. A couple thousand dollars. Crappy cellphone.

Party Control: Yes.

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes.

Other: Interests. Probably playing and listening to music would be my favorite. My favorite game is football. If you meant video game, probably Age of Empires or Civ. All about those strategy games <3.

New character. I'll rework Vilks' application soon and bring him in as well. Please say if there's anything silly or unrealistic in this app, it's been a while since I've RP'd and I'm a bit out of practice.
Accepted! Welcome back to Derika. :)
(This application pains me more than anything but I'm too tired to feel the pain.)

Name: Vance Novick

Age: 17 He can look like a 12 year old school girl if he really wants to.

Gender: Male.

Appearance: (Insert the photo here, I'll find it in the morning and upload it.)

Power(s): Biokinesis

Personality: Vance is outgoing and eager to seek out others, purely to build up acquaintances to know. He's no longer the shy and angsty teenager he dreamed to be, after ETG shaped him up to be a functional citizen.

History in garbage form:

-Lived in a small, out of the way city. ETG found the smol eight year old with his Gift and decided to do the capture! Eight more years later, Vance learned how to use his powers in custody of the ETG. Yay. He escaped along with a bunch of other Gifted after some Gifted rescued that bunch of Gifted. Yay.

-City of the Gifted Events: Nothing happened. Pancakes were eaten or something, met up with some cool kids and got shipped off to Derika.

-Derika Events: Mingled with society in Brinkhaven and joined up with the factions. Messed up one day and got ETG after him. Eventually got captured by ETG and was implanted with a neural processor to be controlled as a soldier for ETG. More events occurred and several others who were implanted along with him against their will managed to rewrite their processors and escape. Magic stuff happened, we’re all surprised he made it out of there along with the other disasters that went along with that program.

-After ETG did stuff events: Vance had taken over a unused lab in the physical faction lower levels as his home and workspace. He modified the processor so that it would function with Brinkhaven's networks and could access the Z-watch systems. Then the processor got removed from his head because more ETG stuff happened and it’s just sitting there useless because it's damaged. Because it was hella op right.

-Current Events: His main line of work in the lab involved altering Derikan creatures on request to customers to form them to a more suitable role, such as removing the acid part from the acid hawk in order to bring it into a more family friendly environment. Production of Alots was a staple of his business.


-ETG suit

-Guns stolen from Liam Barker

-Rapture brownies (also stolen from Liam Barker)

-Alot plushie (custom-made)


-Extremely Talented Gifted brand shirt
Name: Vilks.

Age: 21-23ish. I can't really remember how old he was when he started and don't know how much time has passed since then.

Gender: Male.

Gift: Turn into a werewolf on command. Bit more buffed than just a normal wolf. Toughened bulletproof fur, really pointy claws and stuff.

Gift Classification: Physical.

Weaknesses and Limits: I'll PM you in previous convo, Ice.

Appearance: Tall and muscly, athletic looks. Vilks has a short cut of muddy brown hair, and is clean shaven in the beard department. Rather squarish face, with a large, defined jaw and prominent cheekbones. One ear is pierced with a tiny metal stud, for that authentic playa look. He has dark brown eyes, and a big nose and normal mouth.

His standard outfit is a plain shirt over jeans, sometimes capped off with aviator sunglasses. When at work, he wears a pink flowery floury apron. When he is a wolf, he looks like ... a wolf. His fur is the same colour as his human hair - muddy brown.

Personality: Friendly and open. He likes to make jokes, especially in tense situations. Quite solid and incurious. Hard to anger. Quite optimistic, he tries to look on the good side of things even when there isn't really one. Good at listening, but doesn't talk as much.

History: Link to wiki page with history - Ivan Vilks (Let's all forget that I named him Ivan, OK?)

Equipment: Kind of nothing. An apron. Small amount of cash. Muffins.

Party Control: Yes.

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes.

Other: See previous app.

Vilks is here to bake muffins and kick ass, and he's all out of muffin mix.
Cakey said:
Name: Vilks.
Age: 21-23ish. I can't really remember how old he was when he started and don't know how much time has passed since then.

Gender: Male.

Gift: Turn into a werewolf on command. Bit more buffed than just a normal wolf. Toughened bulletproof fur, really pointy claws and stuff.

Gift Classification: Physical.

Weaknesses and Limits: I'll PM you in previous convo, Ice.

Appearance: Tall and muscly, athletic looks. Vilks has a short cut of muddy brown hair, and is clean shaven in the beard department. Rather squarish face, with a large, defined jaw and prominent cheekbones. One ear is pierced with a tiny metal stud, for that authentic playa look. He has dark brown eyes, and a big nose and normal mouth.

His standard outfit is a plain shirt over jeans, sometimes capped off with aviator sunglasses. When at work, he wears a pink flowery floury apron. When he is a wolf, he looks like ... a wolf. His fur is the same colour as his human hair - muddy brown.

Personality: Friendly and open. He likes to make jokes, especially in tense situations. Quite solid and incurious. Hard to anger. Quite optimistic, he tries to look on the good side of things even when there isn't really one. Good at listening, but doesn't talk as much.

History: Link to wiki page with history - Ivan Vilks (Let's all forget that I named him Ivan, OK?)

Equipment: Kind of nothing. An apron. Small amount of cash. Muffins.

Party Control: Yes.

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes.

Other: See previous app.

Vilks is here to bake muffins and kick ass, and he's all out of muffin mix.
Accepted! I still need to add your first character to the compendium. Oops.
My next character will have a red crimson eyes, multi-colored hair and a swordgun. (Gun that fires swords)
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Sylvester McKane

"Some people say my gift is useless. Then I pressurized the oxygen in their lungs."

Nickname - Kane(
preferred), McKane

Age - 27

Gift - Controller of Gas and Smoke

Gift Classification - Elemental

Appearance - Long curly black hair, down to his nape. He has sharp green eyes and a semi athletic build. He stood st 6'4", weighing at 230 lbs. He had a fuzz for a beard, visible but thin.

Personality - He is a "Charge Forward!" and "Decieve" kind of guy st the same time. At times of heat (intense times), he tends to use his gift and strength in unison to kill the enemy as fast as possible. This of course can affect his team mates. However, whenever he can he choses to be more indirect, an assassin. When not in either of these situations, he is a serious, energetic, social guy. Whenever people insult him, he tends to get grumpy or offended easily. One case being him destroying the persons breathing process by pressurizing the oxygen in his lungs.

History - He was born as a standard male in the main city (FORGOT THE NAME BUT TO LAZY TO CHECK). He loved life with his family peacefullt at the family led cafe. Life was good. One day, Kane meets some stranger while working for his cafe. This stranger, seeming kind enough to a young boy, took him privately to the backroom. This is where he is taught sbout gifts and even a gift of his own, completely dormant. The stranger, being an old geezer who couldnt really handle power much more, had awakened McKane. Not listening to much on the "warnings" bit of this epic discovery, he tells his family about it. He is rejected shortly after. He had no Idea why, but his family rejected him... they were scared. He is given to the old man to be taken care of. The old msn would bring him to Derika, where he was trained and raised. He, at his current state, is in okay wealth. With 825 dollars he is living okay... for the most part.

Equipment - He has a brown leather trench coat, two .357 Revolvers thst double as 6 inch blades, a navy blue tee with a leather undershirt, work jeans, and work boots.

Party Control - If needed, yes. Other than that, no.

Other - He intends to join the Elemental Guild or atleast support himself.

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Name: Beatrice "La Croix" Laplace

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Gift: Enhanced metabolism/Asimilation: By eating chunks of her adversaries La Croix is able to mend her wounds and gain unholly strenght who adds to her already noticeable speed, sometimes asimilating qualities of her food for a limited time, proportional to the ammount of meat consumed, wether be something as simple as increasing the time she can hold her breath, enhance her senses, harden her skin or gain resistence to things like fire... however, this is not frequent, the chance increasing by consuming more.

Gift Classification: Physical

Apperance: White messy hair Pale skin, dim hazel eyes, her canine teeth grow longer when she uses her abilities, eyes having red motion blur. She stands at a 5'7", with a feminine muscular build. Her chest is inadequate, other feminine areas being somewhat moderate, but lacking in curves for the mostpart.

Personality: Seemingly in an eternal bad mood, she revels in confrontationand fighting, She is rude, agressive, and always has some snide coment in her sleves or some joke to mock at the actual problem... However, the very few who have come to stablish friendship with her can say she is very caring and protective towards whoever she deems important enough for her, resuming all above, She is like a rose, You can see the good inside her once you've travers through the myriad of spikes outside... and survive...

History: Born as product of an incestuous rape betwen the members of a noble house, she was born on this workd to be the vessel of an ancient evil... Revered as a Goddes by the cult in which said noble house was involved, her unholly heritage slowly consumming her mind untill at the age of 18, the cult tried to make her eat her own mother, after that, she reached breaking point, killing everyone but her mom, who managed to get her under control, since then shes been fighting against the ravenous shadow that lingers inside her, walking her own path in search for peace

Equipment:She wears an overcoat, the sleves slightly longer than her arms, because of this only her fingers are visible, the over coat is black in contrast to her hair and skin, in the middle of the back lies a Cercent moon crossed by 3 lines colored Golden just as the buttoms of the coat, the symbol is enclosed in a circle and 3 lines run from it to the ends of her sleeves and neck, a peaked cap on her head with a Golden cercent moon on it... she wearsshorts and light footwear so she can run unencumbered. She has a rusty, lightweight longsword, similar to that of a claymore or katana, which has a very sharp edge. With enough force, it cuts through unprotected flesh with ease, as well as thick rope, bamboo, thin metal (aluminium cans, etc.), and such.

Party Control : No (? I assume its weither or not my character can be manipulated by other Roleplayers)


Themes -

Upon a Burning Body - Red Razor Wrists


Images for Appearance -


I like gaming for the mostpart, favorite one being Transistor

Sorry for any typos and mispellings, English is not my first language
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