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Fantasy Derika: Land of the Gifted

DiShuRu said:

Sylvester McKane

"Some people say my gift is useless. Then I pressurized the oxygen in their lungs."

Nickname - Kane(
preferred), McKane

Age - 27

Gift - Controller of Gas and Smoke

Gift Classification - Elemental

Appearance - Long curly black hair, down to his nape. He has sharp green eyes and a semi athletic build. He stood st 6'4", weighing at 230 lbs. He had a fuzz for a beard, visible but thin.

Personality - He is a "Charge Forward!" and "Decieve" kind of guy st the same time. At times of heat (intense times), he tends to use his gift and strength in unison to kill the enemy as fast as possible. This of course can affect his team mates. However, whenever he can he choses to be more indirect, an assassin. When not in either of these situations, he is a serious, energetic, social guy. Whenever people insult him, he tends to get grumpy or offended easily. One case being him destroying the persons breathing process by pressurizing the oxygen in his lungs.

History - He was born as a standard male in the main city (FORGOT THE NAME BUT TO LAZY TO CHECK). He loved life with his family peacefullt at the family led cafe. Life was good. One day, Kane meets some stranger while working for his cafe. This stranger, seeming kind enough to a young boy, took him privately to the backroom. This is where he is taught sbout gifts and even a gift of his own, completely dormant. The stranger, being an old geezer who couldnt really handle power much more, had awakened McKane. Not listening to much on the "warnings" bit of this epic discovery, he tells his family about it. He is rejected shortly after. He had no Idea why, but his family rejected him... they were scared. He is given to the old man to be taken care of. The old msn would bring him to Derika, where he was trained and raised. He, at his current state, is in okay wealth. With 825 dollars he is living okay... for the most part.

Equipment - He has a brown leather trench coat, two .357 Revolvers thst double as 6 inch blades, a navy blue tee with a leather undershirt, work jeans, and work boots.

Party Control - If needed, yes. Other than that, no.

Other - He intends to join the Elemental Guild or atleast support himself.

Accepted! Welcome to Derika. :)
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Adrian Anderson






Adrian can manipulate and control diamond, and some other crystals to a lesser extent. He can form them into any shape he desires into something like a weapon. He can make a different variety of weapons. He can summon diamond swords, spears and shields. He controls individual summoned diamonds manually, if they were ever in a form that didn't need them to be held like a weapon.

Gift Classification:


Weaknesses and Limits:

Please PM


Stands at 5'6". His skin tone is Caucasian, has black hair, and brown eyes. He sports a Van Dyke beard and mustache. He has a muscular build and is slim. Has a thick amount of hair on his arms and legs. He is also covered in scratches and tiny scars.


He is a light-hearted man who always looks out for others. Nice and extroverted, he's easily called friendly by many people. Sometimes, Adrian can be quite stern and easily irritated. He is, when infuriated, a bit arrogant and stubborn. He is seen serious when situations are getting difficult. He's rarely sad because he he tries to be positive.


Born in an unknown town, Adrian spent his childhood living alone in an alley where he lives alone with neither parents nor a guardian. He lives through his life by stealing money, taking food, and stealing in small shops without being seen. One day, discovered that he can control diamonds and crystals, when he was almost got caught by the police and, with sheer faith that he'll still live with freedom, they appeared. Not only can he control them but Adrian can shift them to any form and shape. These powers increased the ante in his skills in stealing items from people. On the alley in where he lives, he was almost successfully kidnapped by an organized mafia group because of his unnatural Gift. He was imprisoned in a boat and was sent to a different country. With his abilities, he escaped the boat. The first place he happened upon was Derika on his small boat.


He wears a black vest, a dirty white t-shirt, cargo pants, and a pair of work boots. Other then that, he has no redeeming item.

Party Control:


Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs:



I like Undertale, CoD: MW2, and Insurgency. These totally pique my interest.)
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arialc said:

Name: Beatrice "La Croix" Laplace

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Gift: Enhanced metabolism/Asimilation: By eating chunks of her adversaries La Croix is able to mend her wounds and gain unholly strenght who adds to her already noticeable speed, sometimes asimilating qualities of her food for a limited time, proportional to the ammount of meat consumed, wether be something as simple as increasing the time she can hold her breath, enhance her senses, harden her skin or gain resistence to things like fire... however, this is not frequent, the chance increasing by consuming more.

Gift Classification: Physical

Apperance: White messy hair Pale skin, dim hazel eyes, her canine teeth grow longer when she uses her abilities, eyes having red motion blur. She stands at a 5'7", with a feminine muscular build. Her chest is inadequate, other feminine areas being somewhat moderate, but lacking in curves for the mostpart.

Personality: Seemingly in an eternal bad mood, she revels in confrontationand fighting, She is rude, agressive, and always has some snide coment in her sleves or some joke to mock at the actual problem... However, the very few who have come to stablish friendship with her can say she is very caring and protective towards whoever she deems important enough for her, resuming all above, She is like a rose, You can see the good inside her once you've travers through the myriad of spikes outside... and survive...

History: Born as product of an incestuous rape betwen the members of a noble house, she was born on this workd to be the vessel of an ancient evil... Revered as a Goddes by the cult in which said noble house was involved, her unholly heritage slowly consumming her mind untill at the age of 18, the cult tried to make her eat her own mother, after that, she reached breaking point, killing everyone but her mom, who managed to get her under control, since then shes been fighting against the ravenous shadow that lingers inside her, walking her own path in search for peace

Equipment:She wears an overcoat, the sleves slightly longer than her arms, because of this only her fingers are visible, the over coat is black in contrast to her hair and skin, in the middle of the back lies a Cercent moon crossed by 3 lines colored Golden just as the buttoms of the coat, the symbol is enclosed in a circle and 3 lines run from it to the ends of her sleeves and neck, a peaked cap on her head with a Golden cercent moon on it... she wearsshorts and light footwear so she can run unencumbered. She has a rusty, lightweight longsword, similar to that of a claymore or katana, which has a very sharp edge. With enough force, it cuts through unprotected flesh with ease, as well as thick rope, bamboo, thin metal (aluminium cans, etc.), and such.

Party Control : No (? I assume its weither or not my character can be manipulated by other Roleplayers)


Themes -

Upon a Burning Body - Red Razor Wrists


Images for Appearance -


I like gaming for the mostpart, favorite one being Transistor

Sorry for any typos and mispellings, English is not my first language
That Gift is quite interesting, accepted. Welcome to Derika! :)
Name: Kris Calvero

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Gift: Can create and mentally communicate with "brain ghosts" inside of people's heads, as well as put his mind into a similar yet physical ghostly form while asleep or knocked unconscious.

Gift Classification: Mental

Weaknesses and Limits: Please PM me for this, as I cannot send one myself due to being new. Thank you!

Appearance: 5'10. Unkempt blonde hair, brown eyes, and overall a completely average appearance. Brain ghosts look exactly the same, except slightly transparent.

Personality: Kris isn't too bright and is a pretty awkward person. He tries to be nice to everyone he meets and loves joking about things, but has a bit of difficulty talking to people. Kris is also narcoleptic, and tends to fall asleep quite easily. He also is highly interested in bladed weapons and enjoys reading.

History: Kris had always lived an incredibly average life in a regular town. Nothing interesting happened to him until one day, he was told by a preacher on the street that he needed to "discover his inner self". These words echoed within his mind, and when he went to sleep that night, he indeed awoke his "inner self", otherwise known as his dream ghost. Although at first he thought this experience was merely a dream, he soon discovered that this new ability was in fact real. A few days after this, he noticed one of his brain ghosts walking around next to one of his friends. Naturally, he started to think of ways to initiate conversation with it, as any normal person would do when encountered with this situation. However, once he had thought up the perfect introduction in his head, the ghost mentally responded to him. After two months of discovering the possibilities with these ghosts, Kris decided that he would use these abilities to do something extraordinary, and left his home to go and do exactly that. Unfortunately, he did not in fact end up doing anything special until one of his brain ghosts told him about a conversation it had overheard about a place called Derika. After learning about this, Kris snuck onto a boat and arrived at Derika.

Equipment: Currently wearing: Blue t-shirt, jeans, high-collared purple cape, pointy anime sunglasses, duffel bag. In duffel bag: Three hoodies, another pair of pointy sunglasses, a decorative dirk, and $10 USD.

Party Control: Yes, but not for his brain ghosts.

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes

Other: I'm currently pretty interested in sketching, and my favorite game right now is Nuclear Throne.
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Ampurra said:
Name: Kris Calvero
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Gift: Can create and mentally communicate with "brain ghosts" inside of people's heads, as well as put his mind into a similar yet physical ghostly form while asleep or knocked unconscious.

Gift Classification: Mental

Weaknesses and Limits: Please PM me for this, as I cannot send one myself due to being new. Thank you!

Appearance: 5'10. Unkempt blonde hair, brown eyes, and overall a completely average appearance. Brain ghosts look exactly the same, except slightly transparent.

Personality: Kris isn't too bright and is a pretty awkward person. He tries to be nice to everyone he meets and loves joking about things, but has a bit of difficulty talking to people. Kris is also narcoleptic, and tends to fall asleep quite easily. He also is highly interested in bladed weapons and enjoys reading.

History: Kris had always lived an incredibly average life in a regular town. Nothing interesting happened to him until one day, he was told by a preacher on the street that he needed to "discover his inner self". These words echoed within his mind, and when he went to sleep that night, he indeed awoke his "inner self", otherwise known as his dream ghost. Although at first he thought this experience was merely a dream, he soon discovered that this new ability was in fact real. A few days after this, he noticed one of his brain ghosts walking around next to one of his friends. Naturally, he started to think of ways to initiate conversation with it, as any normal person would do when encountered with this situation. However, once he had thought up the perfect introduction in his head, the ghost mentally responded to him. After two months of discovering the possibilities with these ghosts, Kris decided that he would use these abilities to do something extraordinary, and left his home to go and do exactly that. Unfortunately, he did not in fact end up doing anything special until one of his brain ghosts told him about a conversation it had overheard about a place called Derika. After learning about this, Kris snuck onto a boat and arrived at Derika.

Equipment: Currently wearing: Blue t-shirt, jeans, high-collared purple cape, pointy anime sunglasses, duffel bag. In duffel bag: Three hoodies, another pair of pointy sunglasses, a decorative dirk, and $10 USD.

Party Control: Yes, but not for his brain ghosts.

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes

Other: I'm currently pretty interested in sketching, and my favorite game right now is Nuclear Throne.
Accepted! Welcome to Derika. :)
[QUOTE="Vagabond Spectre]


Adrian Anderson






Adrian can manipulate and control diamond, and some other crystals to a lesser extent. He can form them into any shape he desires into something like a weapon. He can make a different variety of weapons. He can summon diamond swords, spears and shields. He controls individual summoned diamonds manually, if they were ever in a form that didn't need them to be held like a weapon.

Gift Classification:


Weaknesses and Limits:

Please PM


Stands at 5'6". His skin tone is Caucasian, has black hair, and brown eyes. He sports a Van Dyke beard and mustache. He has a muscular build and is slim. Has a thick amount of hair on his arms and legs. He is also covered in scratches and tiny scars.


He is a light-hearted man who always looks out for others. Nice and extroverted, he's easily called friendly by many people. Sometimes, Adrian can be quite stern and easily irritated. He is, when infuriated, a bit arrogant and stubborn. He is seen serious when situations are getting difficult. He's rarely sad because he he tries to be positive.


Born in an unknown town, Adrian spent his childhood living alone in an alley where he lives alone with neither parents nor a guardian. He lives through his life by stealing money, taking food, and stealing in small shops without being seen. One day, discovered that he can control diamonds and crystals, when he was almost got caught by the police and, with sheer faith that he'll still live with freedom, they appeared. Not only can he control them but Adrian can shift them to any form and shape. These powers increased the ante in his skills in stealing items from people. On the alley in where he lives, he was almost successfully kidnapped by an organized mafia group because of his unnatural Gift. He was imprisoned in a boat and was sent to a different country. With his abilities, he escaped the boat. The first place he happened upon was Derika on his small boat.


He wears a black vest, a dirty white t-shirt, cargo pants, and a pair of work boots. Other then that, he has no redeeming item.

Party Control:


Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs:



I like Undertale, CoD: MW2, and Insurgency. These totally pique my interest.)

Accepted! Welcome to Derika! :)
Name: Rallie Kinger

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Gift: Summons 1 duck sized giraffe, or 1 giraffe sized duck.

Gift Classification:

Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, 5'11, wears dresses with giraffes on them.

Personality: She absolutely despises any animal other than giraffes or ducks. She just wants to share her love of animals.

History: She lived in the UNITED STATES. Her family worked at pretty dank Zoo, and she was a volunteer for the giraffe exhibit! But everything changed when her Gift activated and she summoned a giraffe sized duck into the exhibit and SCARED people! Fearing for their child's safety, her parents contacted Rallie's COOL aunt, who was a Gifted. Rallie then moved to Brinkhaven, where her aunt owned a pet store.

Equipment: Duck sized giraffe plushie

Party Control: NO
Aerose said:
Name: Rallie Kinger
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Gift: Summons 1 duck sized giraffe, or 1 giraffe sized duck.

Gift Classification:

Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, 5'11, wears dresses with giraffes on them.

Personality: She absolutely despises any animal other than giraffes or ducks. She just wants to share her love of animals.

History: She lived in the UNITED STATES. Her family worked at pretty dank Zoo, and she was a volunteer for the giraffe exhibit! But everything changed when her Gift activated and she summoned a giraffe sized duck into the exhibit and SCARED people! Fearing for their child's safety, her parents contacted Rallie's COOL aunt, who was a Gifted. Rallie then moved to Brinkhaven, where her aunt owned a pet store.

Equipment: Duck sized giraffe plushie

Party Control: NO
Lol. Accepted. If anyone plays MtG, which is more terrifying: An Emrakul-sized duck or a duck-sized Emrakul?

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