[Department of Defense against the Supernatural]Out of Character

Sleipnir said:
Those are all actually fairly good ideas. Warehouse. Warehouse is perfect. When I'm on the computer or on the road today (going to a concert for my favorite band!!! Squeeee!!) I'll work on it.

As for ranks — there is more to the department than a linear system. We have scholars, secretaries, even weathermen working behind the scenes. As far as field agents go, you are currently either an intern or an agent, maybe a senior agent. Your experience defines you, but not necessarily in title.

Does that make sense?
This roleplay kinda seems to have died, which is quite a shame. We were so nicely tied with good characters and crap, it's a shame to see this go. As a shower tought, could it have been the move to a hosted project that made us lose people? I mean if you look back, most of them roleplayed and were active. When we made the jump to HP, sure we took some with us, but most of them didn't make the jump, and didn't join the RP again in the HP section. Could this have been the reason? Or am I just overthinking it,and this is just an ordinary fate, because eventually people get busy and drop Rp's or get caught with other things.

Sorry for my rant, Im just bored :) )


You're not alone in those thoughts. I've been thinking for the past few months that HP was the worst thing that happened to the RP.

It just sucks. Luke is definitely my all time favorite character that I've created. The story was phenomenal and everyone was actually contributing. The villains had people thinking, and it wasn't just mindless. I can't even tell you how many nights I've literally dreamed about how to take down Vortigas and Carnifex

No one was OP, God-modding, making walls of text. We had a good, dedicated group going here and everyone knew how to tell a good story

This was a great RP. Definitely my favorite in the year I've been here, but Hosted Project was this RPs downfall
I've been wondering that too. We were picking up a bit of steam a few weeks ago, then I went to some concerts and had some issues to deal with IRL.

But yeah, I do wonder. It seems like a good idea and all but I do wonder if the jump was not as beneficial as we anticipated. We assumed we would sort of be building a community within RPN where not everyone interacts with everyone, but it seems that breaking everything up just made things falter. We should brainstorm how to fix it because the Department isn't quite dead and I'm not ready to give it up just yet.
It's ok.

Wierd, I didn't get any notifications.

@Elias so you're actually alive!

@Kylesar1 I was thinking about that too. Somehow people lost their interest after this became a HP. I noticed that almost immidiately, but I thought it was just me overthinking it. At first a HP sounds like a great idea, but it's a great deal of pain as well, especially for GMs and STs.

I don't dislike the OP characters, although I belive it is my fault for setting up the Cosmic Being trend for this RP xD ... :( . Maybe if they were more like the Department, then it would be more interesting.

Damn...I even had plans for Oberon and Penumbra to return (through a major twist).
@Azure Sky OP is a relative term, so while our Cosmic characters are Gods, they being OP must be measured in terms of each other, and they don't seem to be

It's a break from the norm, which is always good for me. I like the thread

As for the HP, I believe it's because HP isn't as understood as the rest of the categories. I noticed it when I saw just how fast the Colosseum picked up steam, whereas how slow Nation Building picked up steam. Nation Building has been around for a while, yet only holds 125 threads, while the Colosseum just came into play and holds 94 threads.

Hosted Project in itself isn't a category and doesn't have an explanation for it's usage. Players tend to stay away from it because, simply put, they don't know what it's for............ and also, you can't just start a Hosted Project

On a side note: How many beings must Uther decapitate to get more attention from Agent-senpai? Find out next time on Department Ball Z!

Seriously, I can't wait for Uther to die...

Hey, for those of you who know the characters. Which of these ideas sounds (or maybe sounded) better:

  • Brining back Oberon and Penumbra as they were before, by using a plot device, and escaping.
  • Bringing back Oberon as a metahuman, instead of a lich, and using a trick to gain the darkness powers himself (somehow stealing them from Luke's brother), and escaping.



Rantos said:
Daaaaaaaaang! Thats a long time.
It was even before this RP became a Hosted Project ...ah those were the good days. Villains playing it smart, causing plagues, making people face their own nightmares, reviving the dead, burning Corin, causing explosions, poisoning people, releasing prisoners, opening portals to the Chaos Realm, burning Corin, decapitating hydras and cerberus, making fun of Piper (actually that wasn't a villain but whatever), sucking blood, summoning Infernals, beasts and warriors of legend, acting in the shadows, burning Corin Greyston etc.

Ahhhh *nostalgia intensifies*
Kibto needs to leave the meeting soon... He has to be cute! *Actually has a bit of charity work that innocent soul got tricked into doing*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/kk.jpg.2b1e35197c5c4a494087dd14de69aaf9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/kk.jpg.2b1e35197c5c4a494087dd14de69aaf9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • kk.jpg
    340.4 KB · Views: 19
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]That image...is adorable on a diabetees-inducing level.

I f-ing know!! I love this charrie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3

Rantos said:
*whispers to Peaceswore* Think you can find me a Christmas picture of Kano?
*Whispers to Rants* I'm on it~
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I don't know about Christmas, but for Akane , Halloween is perpetual xD

<Isn't this a smile you'd be willing to protect?
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I don't know about Christmas, but for Akane , Halloween is perpetual xD
<Isn't this a smile you'd be willing to protect?

If Kibto saw that.... Congratulations you gave a black dog a heart attack!!
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I don't know about Christmas, but for Akane , Halloween is perpetual xD
<Isn't this a smile you'd be willing to protect?

Not gonna lie... kinda turned on right now.

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