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Umbra regarded Amberlynn with cold eyes and said nothing instead they just signed back "my little brother was deaf. I learned this language before he died. If you want to prove your strength wait till the others are gone and meet me here, if you can beat me in a training duel I'll apologise for what I said." They then turned to everyone else "you can take your money now or leave it with me to watch over. I want you to start getting to know each other too before you start training."
Augustus took the pouch of gold and weighed it in his hand completely disregarding his brother's pain "We can leave or do we have to stay within the halls?" He asked though surely they all knew he wasn't going to listen either way to the orders at hand. He looked back at the other girls with a confused expression "You want to be friends with..him? Surely you aren't just as crazy right?" The man questioned while his brother wanked his hand away from the girl "Unhand me you have no right to touch me. That was merely just a warning I was barely even trying I didn't want him to be unconscious." Reginald stated with dignity as he regained his voice much to his brother's dismay. Picking his own pouch and walking away from the group about to walk outside the guild wall only to get grabbed by the collar and pulled back "They truly are doomed without proper leadership there is already a revolt going on." He muttered to himself over exaggerating as he usually does "Shut it sunshine or I'll make sure you see where it ain't shining. We're both with you I got the perfect practice dummy right here." He said cracking his knuckles while the brother ignored the simple threat and fixed his collar. The older brother just rolled his eyes looking back at the blue eyed hyper girl "Ignore him he'll be bitter until the very end." Augustus stated mostly to himself "I suppose I'll have to thank you on his behalf yet again. So thanks to both of you I guess." The male stated still feeling the sandpaper on his throat as he tried the being nice thing. He noticed Natasha's expression change but decided not to mention it since if she was hiding it she had her own reasons and wasn't going to pry "So..I'm assuming we might as well get to know each other better minus Reggie no one wants to know him anymore than they gotta." He explained while keeping his eyes on the two new hot heads of the group waiting to see who would make the first move or who would back down. In his eyes this was a battle of dominance he seen it plenty of times living on the streets even doing it himself to keep control of course he doubted Umbra would give up leadership even if defeated but still there was plenty of pride on both side to lose and he was interested to see who would come out on top.
ruka sat up in a tree watching over the wall silently and curiously at the people there but didnt want to make contact quite yet just wanted to see what type of people they are
as he moved up the tree ruka slightly sliped falling out of the tree holding on to a branch from high up*" shit why do i gotta do this to myself" he says holding on trying to get back up into the tree before he is caught
Amberlynn smirked, signing a simple 'You're on.' before going over and grabbing two of the pouches. She handed one to Natasha, her confident expression evaporating into one of concern. 'Here Natasha...this one is yours...' She signed one handed, handing her the pouch.
Natasha could only smile, one that seemed fake to anyone skilled enough in observation. “Don’t make that face Amber! It’s alright! Besides,” Natasha quickly glanced at Umbra before turning her attention back to what she was signing. Knowing there was someone here who could understand wouldn’t make this conversation any easier. “I don’t want to bring it up here. The less people who know, the better.” She added simply, giving the girl a kind, understanding, but also somewhat pained smile. But just like before, it disappeared before anyone could really grasp it if they weren’t looking for it.
Natasha then looked around, smiling at the others before walking toward Reginald. “Oh, okay. Sorry for doubting you.” She said with a sheepish smile. “That’s definitely my bad. Oh, but to make up for it, you can have this!” Natasha held her pouch up in between the two. “I make my own money and don’t feel right taking it from others without having done anything to earn it, so you can have it if you want. She added with a renewed smile.
Amberlynn was flabbergasted at the action. She knew Natasha had a caring heart, but this was going too far! What if the brat expected it every time they got paid? The girl went to take the pouch away from the other, intending to keep it for safe keeping until the girl needed more financial support, but the look she got made her stop in her tracks. Guess she wasn’t going to take no for an answer... Amberlynn only sighed, hooking her pouch onto her weapon’s sheath where it would be guarded until she found a place for it.
Augustus looked at their interactions only to grow wide eyed when she was offering money to his brother. She was offering money to the stuck up brat did she seriously lose her marbles the man rolled his eyes before getting her a light tap on the head "Natasha he doesn't need the money trust me nor would he take it since 'peasant' hands touched it." The man told her while gently pushing the bag on money towards her "So keep it alright?" He said with a wary smile. He knew if his brother grew up anything like his parents he was money hungry and any grab for money he'd take it guessing Amberlynn thought the same thing or it was just her hatred for men tried preventing the girl from giving it up "You have no right to speak in my place you gorilla." Reginald stated with greed building in his eyes as he started reaching for her pouch of coins only to be stopped by his brother. Not with a first time much to his surprise but instead with his own pouch "Fine you money hungry opossum take mine instead and leave hers alone. Or I'll make sure you regret it understood?" He stated firmly not giving an inch as the fire grew in his eyes. Knowing what would come next if he declined the man simply scoffed in disappointment taking the bag and putting both his and Augustus' pouch on his belt "I am not money hungry I simply see wealth and profit more than you can say for yourself or anyone else here. Try being kinder about things like this..girl here." The younger brother spat forgetting Natasha's name completely before ignoring any thought of remembering his waved his hand dismissively and walked towards the kitchen to count his money. The eldest simply sighed while looking back at the kind girl "Don't try that again please? He's just gonna keep asking and asking than toss you aside like today's leftovers." He told while his voice pretending to be kind his eyes showed other side the darker one that proved he wasn't playing around with what he was saying he seen it all to often when he caught glimpses of his brother pushing aside "friends" he had once they no longer served use. Though she may be annoying he didn't want to see her efforts result in nothing like the rest did.
ruka gets back up into the tree climbing onto the roof climbing into a window looking around he picks up things examining it then setting it down slowly walking out the door and down the stairs sneaking around the corner seeing all the people in the room he moves and sneaks into the room sitting on a chair listening to people
Umbra watched the group and sighed "if you don't want it give it back here, Gods know that I don't make enough from being the leader to fund my descent into alcoholism" they grabbed a glass bottle from their desk and drank about half down before continuing "and if anyone genuinely wants to try being leader then by all means go ahead, you'll be responsible for meetings with the Duke, smuggling demons through a sewer tunnel into the Guild's basement, paying the staff, teaching the lessons meaning Demonology, Warding et cetera et cetera." they took another swig and sank into their chair with a sigh, massaging their temples, they could feel a migraine coming on
Ruka looked at the person drinking muttering about leaders he got up and stretched gently then sits back down curious about what he was drinking ruka spoke up" hey what is that" he asks pointing to the bottle and gets up walking closer to umbra
Natasha watched Augustus give his pouch to his brother and frowned. She didn’t care if Reginald would be using her, or however Augustus had meant that. If she got closer to him, she would use any means necessary. But, now seeing that Augustus was going to be getting in her way, she’d have to go behind his back. And she could do that! As long as Reginald wasn’t against it, she’d be happy to! But, just so he didn’t expect anything, Natasha smiled an almost seeming grateful smile. “Oh really? That’s too bad then. I’ll just try something else to get him to open up.” She said absentmindedly, almost to herself. Though she did make sure it was loud enough for Augustus to hear. “But you did give up your money, so here. You can have it instead.” She added with a laugh, holding her pouch out to Augustus. “And I promise that I won’t try it again. Amber will make sure of it!” She added, looking back at Amberlynn with a smile.
Amberlynn knew better than to cross Natasha when she was this determined, so she just nodded while standing a bit closer to her. While she did that, she had noticed movement. Her eyes quickly scanned the room, spotting the newcomer, but quickly passed him off as not a threat. It was a boy, after all, so what harm could he do? Her main focus was just to make sure Natasha didn’t try anything else outrageous that put her on someone’s toes and wits ends without her realizing it.
"I don't want the money either you deserve it. I'll earn my own once we start killing demons so just keep it for yourself who knows you may be able to afford a new bow or materials to craft your own maybe even your very own blacksmith shop." He said with a laugh not catching on to a single hint and being as oblivious as always. Popping his neck and back he looked around his eyes landing on the newcomer with a small grunt "You think he'll survive? Probably just run and hide while we fight I didn't even notice him come in that's the creepy part.." The man muttered out his thoughts while rubbing the back of his neck keeping his eyes on the new boy and sizing him up it didn't seem like he had any kind of fighting experience it may just be Umbra's ultimate test to make him physically strong but looks can be deceiving and Amberlynn is proof of that. He doubted anyone would suspect her to be so twisted and blood hungry especially for guys he shuttered at the thought of someone trying to hurt Natasha and then remembered back when he accidentally broke her wrist hoping she wouldn't find out about that he didn't wanna lose any essential parts. Eventually just pushing the thought out of his mind he looked back at the two girls "You guys wanna go get some food from the kitchen?" The guy asked not realizing the ways it could be taken and started scratching the inside of his ear with his pinky and yawning "Man I just want the training to start..not the learning just fighting I wanna beat my brother to a bloody pulp." Augustus stated "I mean have a nice fair sparring match with him..yep" He quickly added not wanting to get in any more trouble at least not today it was already draining enough for him to get up in the morning and come but having to deal with the pompous heir to Raqual's estate but also the oblivious Duke as well had him beat on interaction with higher ups.
ruka turned looking at the man talking to him he looked at him up and down selently thinking before he spoke in a low tone much deeper then what people would think he would sound like*" yes i am a small person what of it you dont know me and non of you guys even saw me till now and ive been here for hours" ruka says playing with his sleaves as he does when hes nervous around people
Natasha only half heartedly glared at Augustus. “Gus, you gave up your own allowance so I wouldn’t have to deal with your brother. So it’s only fair you get it when I don’t want it. Or else it will go to Umbra, and I don’t think they should be drinking any more than they already are.” She stated, sounding like a disappointed mother when she looked over at Umbra with a mix of concern and disappointment. That couldn’t be healthy, especially the way they put it. “So either take it, or it does go to Reggie.” She added, looking in the direction that the younger went.
But, at the mere mention of food, Natasha’s stomach rumbled. She hadn’t really had a chance to eat before this all started and she was starved. “Or...I can think about that later....Food sounds like a God send right now....” She retracted her previous mood as Amberlynn gave a silent laugh. That was just like her.
‘Then let’s go get something to eat. The mongrel can even come.’ She signed, glaring at Augustus for a moment before patting Natasha’s head.
The girl beamed at Amberlynn’s attempt at being nice. She was making progress! And so, in the spirit of togetherness, she looked in the direction of the others. “Umbra, Paige, and new guy! Come on! We’ll all become friends over food!” She beamed, grabbing the new guy’s and Augustus’ arms before dragging them to the kitchen, not taking no for an answer. Amberlynn just followed with an amused look on her features. For once, it wasn’t her getting dragged around.
ruka gets dragged to the kitchen by some women" so whats your name lady" ruka asks as he gets dragged confused ad to where they are going and why hes being touched when most just avoid him since was the dirty Forrest kid most of his life
(Imma do a lil timey wimey skip soon, just to cover like the first week of training or so if that's okay with y'all)
(What about Umbra and Amberlynn’s fight?!?! What happens with that?!?!)

(I ain't gonna timeskip straight away since y'all got a little bit going on in the kitchen, once that and the lil fight are done we'll skip...again RPNation just deleted my post ffs)
(Oh! Then I guess I'll post xD I was waiting for the time skip my bad)
The man groaned while trying to pry his arm away from her "We aren't friends why do you keep saying that?" He asked while finally arriving at the kitchen which caused his brother to look up at the sudden noise of commoners grunting to himself and returning to counting the coins mumbling to himself about low lives and non important members the normal. What wasn't normal was that Augustus completely ignored him without a sarcastic comment or punching him which surprised Reginald not that he showed it of course. Not wanting to cause any more of a mess Augustus just stretched his arms a bit looking back at the girls and new guy "Alright what are we having? We should still have some food left before everything took place." The man stated referring to the sudden annoyance of his brother entering and having to meet with the duke. While waiting for any sort of reply he started filling up a cup with water and chugging it down which caused him to burp not just a normal one it was loud inhumanly loud which caused Reginald to just roll his eyes "Goes from gorilla to pig in matter of seconds..." The younger man muttered to himself while putting the rest of the coins in the bag and standing up connecting them to his belt loop.
Umbra walked into their room and reappeared minutes later with two wooden training swords. They then sat down at their table again and took another mouthful of alcohol from their bottle, they knew Amberlynn would be waiting for her moment to battle them and they were ready, they wouldn't hold back either. They had already promised to make sure everyone felt it the next few days if they had to break out the training swords and Umbra was infamous for sticking to their guns once they said something.
Natasha only giggled as they entered the kitchen with Augustus and the new guy in tow. "My name is Natasha, but you can call me whatever! And this grumpy Gus is Augustus, but I promise he isn't as bad as he'll try to make you believe. He's a real softy at heart!" She added, looking proud of the guarded man. "The one already sitting over there is Reginald, and he's Gus's younger brother. He's also super cute underneath all that ego. He's one of the newer members as well, so he just takes some getting used to." She giggled in enjoyment as she gave Reginald a quick hug from behind before heading to where she had been sitting before; her food untouched past what she had sparsely ate before the drama. "And then there is Paige, the other girl who was out in the hall with us, and, the best for last: Amberlynn!" The energetic girl took the other by the elbow with a bright smile. Amberlynn only smiled softly, patting the other's head as she took her seat next to Natasha, right where she had been before. "And I believe that's everyone..." She drifted off as she looked around, lost in thought before beaming at the new entry. "So, what's your name hun?" She asked, tilting her head with her question. "Or did you already say it and I missed it? Cause that happens quite a bit." She added, looking sheepish at her own confession.
'He didn't. You're safe.' Amberlynn signed before popping a piece of meat into her mouth. She would never admit it aloud, but she was famished after today's events and she would need to conserve as much strength for her fight with Umbra later. 'And you forgot to tell him that useless leader's name too.'
"Oh? Didn't Umbra introduce themselves earlier?" Natasha asked, swallowing the greenery that her salad was made up of. "Oh, no....no they didn't. Sorry Umbra!" Natasha had called to their leader, waving and smiling. "That over there is Umbra, the Leader of the Hunters! And they'll be fighting Amber later! I'm gonna go watch!"
'You will do no such thing. You will go straight to bed so that you are able to wake up tomorrow. If your sleeping habits are the same from when we were children, then you'll be a pain to get up.'
"Not true! I wasn't that bad! But, even if I was, I'm better at waking up now!" Natasha rambled, her face heating up in embarrassment. "So I'm watc-" She was interrupted by Amberlynn's spoon. She had forced Natasha to keep eating, causing the other girl to only grumble as she turned her attention to her food.
Umbra looked out of the window behind them and watched as the sun arced its way across the sky, clouds had set in now and the heat had dropped, they could tell rain was on the way and it looked like there was going to be a storm. They finished off their bottle and set it down carefully. Outside crowds had begun to disperse, seeking shelter from the coming downpour and for once the streets were quiet. Umbra massaged their temples and looked around before muttering "I should have disappeared into the wilds years ago. Can't be hated if you never existed" to themselves
ruka breathed a sigh of relief as they reached the kitchen wiggling free from te women and following her with the names of people amittingly have gotten lost on all the names then turned to her as she was asking his name" oh im ruka " he says simply then looked around at what food they had his eyes going wide he hasnt seen this much food in his life and couldnt choose what he wanted
"The witch is lying to you about me having a soft heart so don't get any ideas." He muttered while scratching his head and grabbing a bowl and piling food on sitting down at the table and started devouring it "The table isn't a place for dogs you mangy mutt..." Reginald stated before his eyes go wide from the sudden hug and his cheeks fiery up at the compliment. Don't get it wrong he despised being touched or getting any sort of compliment from anyone but that was because everyone at the parties he attended lied through their teeth and did it for connections yet he couldn't help but feel them being genuine when Natasha said them. Before letting them see anything he covered his face with his handkerchief as if pretending to clean his face "Despicable wretched thing unhanded me or I'll see you lose them." The younger brother threatened. Once finally free from not only the crazy girl but also his own embarrassment and sized up the newest boy and of course to him there wasn't anything of value and he would possibly wager him even below Augustus not that he would share that anytime soon simply shrugging away the newcomer as another piece of trash for the lot he made himself a small dish from vegetables and meat. Preferring to not eat the slop they call food and being a surprisingly good cook from his many lessons with the now subpar chef Reginald took his dish and sat back down in his spot looking at the utensils "You do not have the proper fork for eating this do you?..." He asked quizzically while examining a fork in his hand with disgust. These people truly were animals and he feared that if he wasn't careful they'd even try pissing on his belongs to mark them as their own which made him shutter at the very thought in order to counteract these putrid thoughts from his mind he decided he'd have fun and see how much they truly respected their white hair mongrel living with them "Natasha was it? How much of my..sibling here do you know about? Actually all of you how much do you know?" The young man asked with a questioning gaze landing on each of them even their leader which caused his eyes to linger on the wooden sword "Oh but of course you have that silly fight of yours to attend so I suppose the humi...reliving of his life will be on pause." He added catching his mistake and not paying it much mind since he believed everyone here below him on the sense of intelligence so they were possibly to dumb to notice it he knew his brother was. (This fight gonna be FUN to watch)
ruka grabbed his food quickly eating about everything on the plate then looking up at the man who stared at the moment then ignored him kinda annoyed ruka spoke up " guy with with veggie plate whats your deal dont like short people or what "* ruka says waving a chicken leg around while he was talking with a sight annoyence in his voice just really confused as to why non of them think his anything to be worried about or as a threat knowing well enough he could hold his own againts the man in any type of compition

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